#21, PREVIEW 1: How to measure the impact of your designs

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so outside of taking a step back and problem finding yeah what are some other roles or responsibilities you you see designers overlooking today that might be costing them credibility cutting credibility and like internally at the Rivoli of their own company yeah and just within the industry one of the big difficulties I think designers and it's not an easy solve but you know engineering it's very easy to have engineering show up in the metrics right so a lot of companies in the value they use metrics like engagement or growth and those are very easy to show like hey we made something faster more people use it so that was like a good you know we get good here which design sometimes it's second and third order effects I'll give you a good example at Facebook on the communication design team a lot of our products that were meant to delight and inspire and make people kind of feel good about using Facebook you don't necessarily see that in the usage right away and so if that is the space that is that it's that's the only data that you're looking at it's very easy to come with a conclusion that says okay well like this isn't moving the needle and like forget it eventually we said well wait a second let's start measuring Net Promoter Score and that actually you know Net Promoter Score is is the question would you recommend Facebook to like a family member a friend and it turns out that over over time those things that the communication design team will focus on things like you know hey a year ago today like this happens or you know it's Mother's Day today like reach out to your mom those kind of things that were more touchy-feely those were the things that really moved and nice the needle on NPS and so sometimes it's understanding like what metrics are we trying to move and making sure that you're actually like monitoring most things so that's one way to do it but sometimes you really need someone to buy into bind to design and believe that it's important and because it might not show up in those metrics and I'll give you another Facebook examples like when you'll be built like in what we call the analog research lab which was like a lab that creates a bunch of posters and beautiful designs posters ephemera whatever first a Facebook and it became a real amplifier of Ducks message to the company and so how do you measure that like how do you measure the fact that like that goes is that something and then all of a sudden you know a couple days later it's reflected all over the space it's kind of hard you can kind of start seeing people inserting and we started seeing people like we put a what would you do if you weren't afraid poster and then a couple days later all sudden people started to say they put sticky notes and say oh I would do this or I would like switch teams and some people like I would leave here but I'm more like oh dang like like okay it's starting to get me out those feels and then some of them got really real and intense right and so you knew that it was resonating and it was an amplifier of what Mark wanted to do and so over time he really started weaning you things I can't he'd pull and Ben Barry was the designer and him and Everett Kelly back he'd pull them in and say look I need you I need your help here here's what so all when you start seeing the CEO you know kind of pull you into things that's another good sign that it's working and that it's valuable but it might not show up in these like quantitative metrics maybe down the line it'll show up and go out you know Glassdoor ratings or like employee retention but you have to believe that that will happen because you might not see it in the short-term [Music] you
Channel: High Resolution
Views: 1,442
Rating: 4.7142859 out of 5
Keywords: Ben Blumenfeld, facebook, designer fund, bridge, founders, entrepreneurship, design, design thinking, process, strategy, leadership, ui, ux, business, high resolution, podcast, education, startup, startups, university, design school, bobby ghoshal, jared erondu
Id: tSIRQa5MWrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 7sec (247 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2017
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