21 Foods You Should Not Refrigerate

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When it comes to food, our first instinct  is usually to refrigerate it so it stays   fresh longer. But that isn't always the case. Hi  viewers and welcome back to another Bestie video.   In today’s times, refrigeration is a substantial  practice in every kitchen and household.   It goes a long way in preserving our  food and maintaining it s quality. But did you know, despite popular belief,  refrigerating certain foods can actually   change their flavour and not in a good way.  It can even reduce their nutritional quality,   or accelerate the spoiling  process. And in today’s video,   we will tell you about 18 such foods that  you should never refrigerate. From melons,   cakes, peanut butter, honey to bread and more,  watch till the end to learn about all of them. Tomato: The texture of tomatoes can be hit or  miss depending on how you store them. If you put   them in the fridge, they can become mealy and lose  their flavor. Instead, store them on the counter   at room temperature for 1-2 days, but keep them  out any longer than that and they might go bad. Are you a fan of tomatoes? What’s your favourite  way to eat them? Is it in the form of salsa,   pasta sauce or anything else? We would  love to know in the comments section below! Melons: Melons normally do best outside the  fridge. Once refrigerated, they tend to break   down and become powdery and grainy. So to keep  the flavour intact, they need to be stored at room   temperature. However, after cutting, you should  store them in the fridge for three to four days. Potatoes: Potatoes are a fan favorite because  of their versatility, but they should never be   placed in the fridge. Cold temperatures can break  down the starches in them, changing the taste   and texture. For optimal storage, place  in a cool, dry space to keep them fresh. Basil: Basil is a great herb  to have around the house.   Its unique taste makes for the perfect  cooking partner to spice up your kitchen.   Just remember: it should be kept at a  temperature of at least 40 degrees F. Anything less than this can cause  black marks to appear on the plant   and ruin their taste. Be sure to keep it  in a little bit of water and in the shade.   That way, the herb will last a lot  longer than if it was in the fridge. Bananas: Banana is a tropical fruit. So,  it’s safe to say that it doesn’t benefit   from the cooler climate of a fridge. The cold  temperature can actually have the reverse effect   by turning them black quicker.  When buying your bananas,   be sure to catch them before they’re ripe so they  can mature at room temperature in your kitchen. Onions: Onions don’t just rely  on warmer climates than fridge.   They actually depend on clear and open  air circulation to keep them fresh.   Whether they’re chopped or fried, you need to look  after them the same way you would any other food. Strangely, you should keep them  far away from your potatoes,   since they can speed up onions’ aging processes.  It’s safe to say these foods don’t get on. Make   sure they’re kept in different parts of  the kitchen – with neither in the fridge. Cucumbers: It's a common mistake,   but storing cucumbers in the fridge  will make them watery and pitted.   If you do choose to refrigerate them, it's best to  wrap them up in plastic to minimize the moisture. Butter: There’s nothing worse than trying to  spread rock hard butter. The good news is there’s   no need. Depending on temperatures, you can store  butter on the counter, covered, for a week or so.   The best plan is to refrigerate butter  and take it out one stick at a time.   If the weather is very hot, you  may opt for smaller quantities. Honey: Honey is a versatile natural sweetener,   with a seemingly never-ending shelf life. But  it should never be stored in the fridge. The   colder temperatures alter the chemical makeup  of it and cause it to crystallize and seize up. Mature White Wines: It’s widely accepted  that white wines are best served chilled.   However, storing bottles in the fridge  isn’t the best option for mature white wines   such as Chardonnay. While sparkling wines  and lighter white wines should be served at   colder temperatures, complex whites are better  appreciated at slightly warmer temperatures.   If you have one, a wine fridge set  at 50-55ºF is the most ideal option. Oils: Pretty much all oils are  safe to store at room temperature.   If the oil has a lower saturated-fat  content, such as safflower or sunflower,   it will benefit from being kept cool.  So store it in a dark cabinet or   the fridge door. The only ones that you  must refrigerate are nut-based oils. Garlic: If you want your garlic to sprout  early, then fridges will take care of   that for you. It will also attract mold on the  skin and within the inner layers of each bulb.   So really the choice is up to you. But we  would recommend keeping it somewhere dry   and warm. The best thing about accidentally  putting your garlic in the fridge   is that all the rotting occurs from inside  the cloves, so you won’t be able to see it. Peanut Butter: Whether you like crunchy  or smooth, we can all agree that peanut   butter is enjoyed best when you can actually  spread the darn thing. There’s nothing worse   than going to make a PB&J and having to wait  for it to warm up to stick your knife in. Keeping it in the fridge hardens the  spread and makes it hard to apply to bread.   Next time, keep it in the cupboard  and avoid this problem altogether.   No longer will the bread have to battle  between hard peanut butter and soft jelly. Hot Sauces: Most hot sauces contain vinegar  and certain preservatives that slow down   molding and bacteria from growing. Although  keeping your favorite condiments cold won’t   speed up the molding process, it  might just reduce their strength. You might think you have taste buds made of steel,   but it’s your fridge helping you. Next time,  keep your bottle of Tabasco on the kitchen   counter and see how impressive you can be  with it. We bet you’ll notice the difference. Chocolate: The fridge is the worst  place for your bar or box of chocolates.   The temperature and moisture of the fridge  can tamper with the taste, colour and texture.   Chocolate, specifically the cocoa butter  also absorbs the smell of surrounding food,   so it’s best kept away from other, odorous  ingredients. Instead, protect it in a cool,   dry place, in an airtight container  if you’ve already broken into it.  Chocolate, especially the dark ones  can be really good for your health.   To know how, watch this video titled “Eating  Dark Chocolate Does This To Your Body” Now back to foods you should not refrigerate. Peaches: Don’t be tempted to slip fresh peaches  in the fridge if they’re not yet ripe and   ready. Like many other stone fruits, cold  temperatures hinder the ripening process   meaning you’ll be left waiting longer to dig  in. They’re also at a higher risk of spoiling.   Store them on the countertop instead and only  chill if they’re about ready to tuck into. Aged Specialty Cheese: It may sound  counterintuitive to keep your cheese   out of the fridge because it is a dairy product.  But hard cheeses like Gouda and cheddar or fancy   cheeses like pecorino romano tend to retain  their flavor better without any refrigeration.   Though you should keep in mind that it doesn’t  apply to all kinds of hard cheese. Drier, more   aged sharp cheddars are ideal to be kept outside  but shredded cheddar should be refrigerated. To store sharp cheddar without refrigeration,   wipe the cut side of the cheese with  white vinegar and then gently dry it off.   Next, wrap the cheese inside a cheesecloth and  then wrap the block inside butcher’s paper,   parchment or wax paper. Keep it away from  warm surfaces and away from direct sunlight. Coffee Beans: Coffee beans have no place in  the fridge — unless you want to ruin your brew.   The humidity in the fridge can cause condensation  to form on the beans, which can put a damper on   the flavor of both ground and whole beans.  For the perfect cup of coffee at home,   store the beans in an airtight container  in the pantry or right on the counter. Bread: Bread, especially white must not be put  in the fridge. The reason being when not kept in   a cool, dry place, breads dry up very fast. The  best way to store it is to take out the amount   that you would be eating in the next four  days and then deep freeze the rest of it. Citrus fruits: Citrus favorites  like lemons, limes, oranges,   and grapefruits are all great examples of food  that doesn't need to be refrigerated. These juicy   fruits are best preserved in a countertop fruit  basket instead. If you don't think you'll get   around to eating your fruit for a few weeks,  carve out a cool, dry, well-ventilated place,   like your cupboard, for them to hang out  in until you're ready to gobble them up. Cake: While some cakes need to be stored in the  fridge, frosting-free cakes and those topped   with ganache or buttercream will be fine for up to  three days stored in an airtight container on the   counter. If you're worried that a whole  cake will spoil before you can eat it,   cut it into small slices and store them in the  freezer, where they will be less apt to dry out. Eating too much cake or sugar for that matter is  never a good idea. It is very bad for your body   and can lead to many health problems. It’s always  a good idea to know about your sugar levels,   so that you can control it at the right time  before it causes any harm. You can do this by: Getting to know the 8 Signs  Of High Blood Sugar Levels Recognizing the 8 Warning Signs  That You Are Eating Too Much Sugar These 2 videos will surely help you  know when your sugar levels are high,   so that you can keep it in check. Also, don’t forget to like and subscribe  to our channel. How many of these foods   are you guilty of refrigerating? Let  us know in the comments section below!
Channel: Bestie
Views: 1,793,728
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Keywords: Bestie, Bestie Videos, Bestie Health, Bestie Food & Nutrition, Fridge, Fruits, Vegetables, Bread, Coffee, Cheese, 21 Foods You Should Not Refrigerate, Food you should not refrigerate, Is refrigerated food bad for health, Kitchen tips and tricks, Cooking tips, Food tips, Healthy Food, Health, Foods That You Should Never Refrigerate, foods that should never be kept in the fridge, foods to never put in the refrigerator, Refrigerate
Id: 01TA5E_HubE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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