21 Bottom DMI 9021 Hydra-Wide Plow

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IG Char power fans this video comes to you from a field located in northwest Ohio where a DMI 9021 Hydra wide plow that has a 40t wide cut and is 77 ft in length is working with a 650 engine horsepower big bud 65050 articulated four-wheel drive tractor in this video we'll visit with Darren Meyer the owner of this massive moldboard plow to talk about its production history specifications and original price tag but first first let's head out to the field so that you can see and hear this big tillage team at [Music] work man Bill Dietrich a farmer from Goodfield Illinois founded detri Manufacturing Incorporated in 1961 initially producing hog crates Waters and fertilizer equipment Bill Dietrich is friends with John kinen Ball the owner of Kinsey manufacturing well known for its top selling corn planters and grain cards in 1971 John developed a variable width plow and demonstrated it under under the Kinsey brand and then licensed it to his friend bill which manufactured and marketed the plows under the DMI name DMI manufactured mboard plows through the 1970s and 1980s under the slogan of designed and manufactured with Integrity in the 1980s DMI expanded its tillage line Beyond mboard plows to include culture chisel for conservation tillage by the 1990s the company was well known for its heavyduty disc grippers and fertilizer application equipment like the neutr Placer for applying and hydros ammonia by 1997 DMI was generating $77 million in sales in 1998 kih the full line farm equipment manufacturer acquired DMI and continues today to build their heavy duty disc grippers as the cas IH 875 now that you know a little bit more about Bill Dietrich and the company that he founded we're going to talk with Darren Meyer the farmer that owns the 21 bottom DMI 9021 mboard plow and talk to him about its design and history so we have a 65050 and this is a pretty rare big bud it's uh neat to see it here at the show and it hook up to the 21 bottom plow which we'll take a look at here in a few minutes so can you tell me just a little bit about the 65050 and who owns it and yeah the owner is Larry Adelman from North Michigan I actually owns I believe five or six big buds I purchased my 52550 from Larry he owns the 65050 it was originally to be sold to Australia that's why it has the yellow uh decals on it um it has the robs cab where if you see the there's two other uh big bud 65050 agricultural models one in Canada I believe in one in Australia and uh those have the cruiser cab where his is I think it's the only one with the robs cab and uh it has a 12 v92 Detroit I believe he told me he had the bigger injectors in it to where I don't know what the horsepower but it it pulls this 21 bottom with no problem here we can see the full length of the 21 bottom DMI Hydro wide and uh just impressive to see 77 ft of moldboard plow yeah yeah it's it gets around pretty good though so right now it's hooked up to the big bud 65050 and you pull it with your 52550 Out imagine the tractor knows it's back there when you're when you're running good it does it it does a nice job pulling it this plow the first owners like I said The Versatile Big Roy pulled it for the first fall and then they purchased a 52550 big bud and pulled it with that the next person that bought it had a stiger tiger but he never pulled it uh he got killed in a farm accident and then the next owner had a 52550 with triples which is right over there and it was behind that big bud and then I purchased the plow in the big bud so it this plow has always been pulled basically with uh 52550 big butt well very interesting and it certainly would have been something to see the Big Roy pulling this cuz unfortunately that tractor has had a little field time in the past 45 years or so y but uh what was the drawback uh in using the Big Roy with this plow uh the fow told me that if they got any kind of soft conditions that the tires all in a row all eight tires four on each side would cut a trench and it it did not perform well at all especially in soft ground even in and they were in the Red River Valley near Fargo and even in normal ground it still cut a trench and so that's why they went with the 52550 and it had 30.5 32 with duels and they had filled all eight tires with uh fluid and that's what they plowed with for a number of years I imagine the way you have it set up with the triples that even gives you a little more traction and flotation to seems to work okay I don't plow a lot with it like at these plow days but it it does well with it it it does very well with it 1978 Bill dri during the Blizzard of 78 his employees couldn't come to work so he went to his basement and and kind of Drew up the entire framework for this plow in one day that's what he told me uh during the blizzard and then it was at the farm progress show uh Taylorville Illinois in 1978 behind a stiger tiger that was uh I guess it would be Warner turbo uh had one they were a turbo shop and a stiger dealer and they turned up a stiger tiger to the Max where they uh seized the cylinder while they were testing it on this plow uh but they got it going and they filled all eight tires with fluid they said it was such a heavy fluid they burnt three fluid pumps up pumping it in the tires but they had that stiger tiger it had a kta 1150 C in it like the big buds and they had it really jacked up horsepower WIS this what Terry Warner told me and that's what pulled the plow in Taylorville in 1978 what kind of price tag was on a plow like this I believe Bill told me that was 38,000 new in 1978 it' be a steal of a deal today for they were still making them so we're going to take a look at the hitch on the DMI 900 with a 21 bottom so this has a lot of different features to allow it to adjust in the field and uh give you the either the most narrow or widest cut so how does this work you have your hydraulic cylinder that moves the hitch back and forth it pivots back there this is your linkage arm that comes acrossed over to that one bottom and then that links to all the other bottoms all the way through the plow so when this plow pitch moves it moves that bottom which moves all of of them and it changes the draft of the plow over here we have the serial plate and the gauge that shows how the plow is set we'll take a look at the serial plate so what does this um indicate as far as the production of the machine it is a 900 series DMI plow and it is a 21 bottom so for instance if it was a 9012 it would be a 12 bottom this is 90 21 being the 21 bottom and below that the serial number you can see is 01 meaning it's the first and it's the only one made I talked to Bill dietr who built the plow and he said it is the only one that was ever made oh it's an impressive impressive plow and we can look here at the Hydra wide gauge uh can you tell tell me a little bit about the the hydroid as far as what that allows it to do yeah it's if you look it's just linked to that first bottom right there with this little rod and when it's all the way over to 12 it's only cutting a 12in cut but when you adjust that hydraulic cylinder and the plow widens out it can go up to 22 in cut on every bottom so when you're running at 22 how wide of a swath are you making in one pass well at 22 it would be 30 8 1/2 ft wide but Bill actually made it it'll go 23 and 1/2 and it'll make a 40t cut that's the way he designed it he wanted the plow to make a 40ft pass and if we look um just on the other side of the gauge we can see Bill autographed the plow which is pretty cool that was at the last plow day we had when we were plowing with it he came in 2018 yes it's 77 ft long that must be a little bit of a a challenge when you're going down the road it is but uh the plow steers with this large white pipe you can see there's a hydraulic cylinder back there on that first post and when you steer the plow it will almost like crab steer so you can go right around a corner uh very good design it it's actually pretty nice to get around with well it looks like a very sturdy and simple design which makes it for U keeping it up and uh servicing it and making sure it does what it's supposed to in the field [Music] yes [Music] all [Music] I hope you've enjoyed spending some time out in the field with this big bud 65050 tractor operating the 21 bottom DMI 9021 Hydra wide plow I would like to hear in the comment section below the video If You plow on your farm tell me about the tractor or mboard plow that you operate or share some great plowing memories from the past if you have appreciated this presentation I hope that you'll consider subscribing to big tractor power YouTube where there's over 2,000 videos of farm machines in action if you would like to see additional content featuring big tractors mboard plowing continue to watch for a few more seconds to the end screen for a direct link to two more big tractor power YouTube videos as always thank you for [Music] watching [Music] [Music] he
Channel: bigtractorpower
Views: 1,273,208
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Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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