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So, did you just assemble it? Or did you use it? I think you've been using it for about 2 years. Did you use it for about 2 years without suddenly failing? yes No power cable required Now I'm going to turn this on. Does it turn on? But the bios... the signal doesn't drop to the monitor... the power is turned on, but the screen doesn't come on. I need to do some cleaning Since this guy doesn't even have Easy Debug, there's no comment to tell you, and the buzzer speaker is attached. But there is no beep from the speaker. uh. Yes, it originally happened, but it didn't. / Yes, if the system is normal, there should be a beep sound. yes, it was originally It's the same except for the memory. First of all, the power isn't good either. Now I'm bitten in the middle of the power tester. You see it here? If we apply power while the tester is bitten, if we turn the power on or off, it should turn on anyway. won't turn on It turned on once or twice before, but it won't turn on after that. If I unplug this product again and plug it in later, it will pop up again. It should turn on anyway I can't now I'll clean it up once the test is done. Didn't you build the graphics card support? The original case basically had a graphics card support, but don't you know about this case? The graphics card is heavy, so it's a bit heavy. This is the DLX21 case. It's the original model with the basic support. Maybe you took out the support. The bios doesn't float and the parts seem strange That's right, first of all, since it doesn't work, the board should react now, but since it can't react, take out the M.2 for now. Take out the battery and try it later. It's only been 2 years? Is the board a B450 board? Did you buy it at the end near the end? Tough Gaming B450M Pro 550 I was looking for / I didn't have your board Oh did you? Yes, the battery is also discharged. I need to replace the battery The battery is also a problem Power is also a little questionable Yes, the battery is consumable, so you can change it, but where does the battery go? Because of this battery on the main board, the BIOS environment values are stored on the board, and the date is stored in an easy way. If you subtract this, the date will be released when it is discharged. The date keeps getting wrong and I set the boot priority like this Then it keeps coming loose and that's it Hopefully replacing the battery will fix it. Oh, you haven't used it in months. Yes, in the middle.. I still use electronic products a little bit often. Right now, we plugged in our power, our memory, and our graphics card and turned it on. Then, the only thing left is the customer's motherboard and customer's CPU, right? everything else is ours uh? came up Oh.. good news. It's up, right? Then, if you guess, it may be because of the battery related to the main board, or it may be because the environment value set on the main board has caused some trouble. Works fine after replacing the battery What should I do with the power? It's not a good symptom, but it's my position to guide you that it's normal by testing it. Have the customer turn it off and on again Turn it off, then turn it on after a while won't come First of all, please refer to this. I'm giving you a guide whether you should send some power AS or take some action. I think the PC is harder to manage than I thought. Yes, I think it is because several parts are combined. Now, finally, I will insert the graphics card here and see if it works. I'm glad but really It just looks like a bad board. yes If this is wrong, the board is defective. I think I need to build a graphics card support. Do you have a graphics card support? I think I was at home I'll tell you how to set it up a little later. It's too heavy. My hips sag. If it continues to sag like this once, the back plate of this PCB board will bend. Then it can't go back to its original position. It bends, so you need to give some support to prevent that It's too heavy. Now, if you plug in the customer's power and turn it on, it will work. I think you should think about it a bit Once it works, I'll take it and use it some more and think about it. Or you can say, "Please get AS for the power supply now." Does booting go well? Can power get any better here? no it can't get better I'm just writing it like that Even if it's a little awkward, it just works, so there are people who use it like this. will turn on It turns on, but first of all, I tested it, so from the test point, the cause is solved. First, I clean the inside. (After cleaning) The dust cleaning is so poor. I think you can think of cleaning it once a year or once a year and a half. After thinking about this product for a while, the customer decided to send a power supply AS. You're embarrassed again I'm embarrassed again because you saw the malfunctioning symptoms, not the normal ones. And when you come, you have to process it at once and go, in terms of time and cost, and it's over at once, so even if it takes a little time, I'll send you the AS. I have one thing to worry about now In this way, when the tester bites and abnormal symptoms come out, the power supply center may contact you. There is no problem with the product. It is normal. Because there are cases where you say things like this, there are times when I'm afraid you'll say that there's nothing wrong. In the test, it obviously malfunctions, but I believed it and sent it to the center, but there is no problem at the center. (Is the tester weird?) Our product is normal. This case is the most embarrassing and Class 2 is a 700W bronze product with a power of 2 years. Am I right? bronze? yes. It's a computer. What is it at 11 o'clock? Reservation for 11 o'clock? Did you inquire on the website? It doesn't matter. It's okay if you come a little late, but you have to leave the AS that shows symptoms. I don't think it's a problem that can be solved right away. This PC can be worn with a video that does not appear on the screen, but it works well. Sometimes it's like this It is said that it does not work, so it is worn, but if you actually operate it, it works well. What about customers? If I take it again, it may not work again, so the customer asked me to test it for a day or so. I'm still testing it today and there's nothing wrong with it. I also tried the memory test once, but there is no problem with the memory and it works fine. The Ryzen 3600 memory is 8 GB and 2 G.Skill memories. In this case, it should be considered fortunate. I thought it might be a temporary malfunction, and yes, hello, it's a computer. yes i tested it it's ok it works Just in case, I did a memory test, but there is nothing wrong with the memory. it goes well I think you should come and find it thank you Once you brought it, you say that it went well at first. When I saw it, once I saw it with the naked eye, there was a problem with assembly. Now you've attached it to the side of the watercooler. But how did you attach the pen now? Should I say inhalation? The reason why there is a fan is that it has a fan to cool the heat by blowing air from this radiator. Since the radiator is standing on its side, this fan should blow the radiator. Ah~~ I need to cool off the heat In the case of the lower part, it's okay if you did it as an intake. Why didn't you put it on the top and why did you put it on the side? The case is also large, so this water cooling can be mounted on top of it. Why do you have this? If you connect it, it will spin. It seems like you put it in because it was left after assembling it. oh just? yes this is not fixed This... it's intrusive and connected, so I put it here like this Why did I have to do this? Since there is an intake at the bottom anyway, does it turn off from the start of the game, or does it turn off during the process or turn on at all? is it turning off? It turns on, or it turns on and off, and then it floats like a blue screen, and a blue screen appears, and I'll take some notes. There are so many reasons to break down There is no end to doubt As far as I can see, there is a problem with the appearance. First of all, the cpu is an i7 i7-10700K hello? hello? yes hello computer That graphic card 3080 I keep checking it. The temperature is normal. I don't know how to send this to the center. Yes, everything is normal. I ran 3DMark and everything is normal. Well, even if I turn on something like a converter now, it seems that it was less than 80 degrees when I turned 3DMark Fire Strike and 76 degrees. From what I've seen, it seems to be normal even if I send this to the AS center.... It doesn't rise above 80 degrees. If you said the computer keeps turning off, I would look at the other side after checking the CPU temperature on the other side, but now the customer has just taken the target and came. So since I've seen that, I'll take a look at the other side. Even if I keep turning it, the 3080 is normal. Right now, the converter 76 is also coming out. I'll look at the CPU or something else. Yes That's right. If you do it with a new product that came out these days, then you have to change the cpu again, so there is no end. Just from my point of view, you said that the most ideal thing right now is to send it back to the same used company you bought it from, change the problematic parts again, or change it to another used computer once. Just like that, just replace it with another PC, or used companies usually do that a lot. You have to change it like this If we touch this, it is cost-effective and endless. Yes Yes, tell your father and go get this. Now, we told you that this PC cannot be repaired and cannot be repaired. I think you bought a used PC, but the case is Samsung and the motherboard is also Samsung. The rest is not. The user said that if it doesn't work, remove the memory, insert it, insert one of the two, and it will work again. But it didn't work again, so I brought it, but there's a place to buy it. The company I bought used from, but I sent an AS from there, and they said they changed it to another product. They changed the computer altogether. This computer goes back to the company and seems to have the biggest problem with the main part of the main board. I think you will have to change it back to a used one on the main board side, or exchange it for another computer like you did before, or do that. I don't think it will work on our side If you touch me, there is no end I want to fix it once and use it without any glitches. right? That's what you called me even now. Even if we change the main board, it may break down due to memory, power, or other problems. Because they are all used, new products can also break down, but you never know when a used one will break down. It's because we bought a used PC from another place and brought it, but it's good if there is nothing wrong with the board changed to AS, but it didn't work, and after 6 or 3 months, another place broke down again. Then I see a lot of people like that. Oh, if I knew it would break again, I would just not fix it, but there are many people who say this. That means I can't put my hands on it Since you keep asking if it will break down again, I can't answer that. Customers who purchased used PCs How often will breakdowns happen from now on? If you keep talking, I can't answer you. Because I can't fix it I'll try to pack the power to send AS. In the case of that used PC, you called me again, but you called me to fix it if possible. But now you called because you wanted to fix it, and now it's your father, the user, and your son too. I hope it doesn't break while using it. How do I vouch for it can't fail It will break down, but since these are used PCs, this fixed A, but B may break down while using it. I can't take responsibility for that, so go to the place of purchase and we're saying no. When we send AS Enter the serial number and send it Write it like this and send it along with the product. There is a symptom of no power when connecting the power tester Then, I have one copy of the serial number and our contact information, and these are all sent by AS. This computer is not a computer, it should be called a part. This part came by courier. I think they sent it by courier to ask for inspection. It's not common to send it by courier like this. Because I don't deal with courier, I don't ship computers by courier, so it doesn't come so well by courier, so I guess you were in a hurry. I'm from Busan Geumjeong-gu, Busan Metropolitan City First of all, there is a contact on this side, so cover this and ask if the CPU is broken or the motherboard is broken, should I throw it away? That's right, Biostar H61 board SSD is HIKVISION 120GB Why is this thermal color like this? Now, let's look at the CPU first. How many? Oh, by the way, those who sent parts like this called our store in advance and consulted with me before sending them. You can't just send it As much as possible, it is difficult to use only parts because you have to receive and bring the complete body of the finished product to test it. If possible, it should be worn as a finished product. In the case of memory, Samsung memory and ComEZ memory are mixed and used, but if you mix them, it becomes a problem. I'll see if I can plug in only the Samsung memory. But can you fix it and use it? I passed it with the customer now, but the customer said that they changed the main board and it was the same. So, fortunately, we have the H61 motherboard. So I consulted until I changed the board and plugged in the CPU and memory to check it out. But I can't see how many CPUs, the text is too small, and I don't know how many because it's too blurry. The CPU is... uh, blurry I3-2100? 2180? Is the CPU bad? The CPU is bad right now. I removed the customer's CPU I3-2180 and plugged in our test CPU I5-2500, and our board works well. The CPU is defective. It wasn't a bad board, it was a bad CPU. 2GB of memory is recognized, and it does not respond because it is definitely inserted with a foreign memory. Shall we plug in the foreign memory alone? Because this could be bad Yes, it's coming up. I can't because I plug in both of them at the same time. Does the window come up? Say hello uh all of a sudden? Hello family, this is GBPC. Nice to meet you. The CEO of GBPC is here for a while. I'm going to go have a cup of coffee and talk Oh, the chair is too narrow. I'm going to buy this chair. I want to buy it from Carrot, but I can't find it again. I can't choose. I want to buy a chair from Carrot. going well What's going on? It's an assembly agent. Are you an agent? Yes. why? It's the first time I've seen someone post a defense board like this. Sometimes there are people like that. Are you attaching this to the back of the body? If you attach this to the top of the graphic card, there are few customers who call because of the monitor. I have a graphics card I'm pasting it like this If you do it like this, then people with sense will look at this and say that you are plugging in the monitor here. But if you don't have this, you can plug it in here. Paste it here like this Now, in the case of this product, foreign 8GB memory is also defective. I think the customer should plug in the CPU right away and use it. So, there is only one CPU I5-2500 for our test, and I decided to give you this. Of course, I decided to give it at the Yongsan used purchase price. And the memory is bad, so it's down because I plugged it in. Now, this time the Ryzen 7600X and the board went to the MSI Pro B650M-A WiFi CPU Motherboard Center and I didn't have it and it was shipped by courier. The main board was replaced with a refurbished one, but the CPU was said to be normal, so I just returned it. I'm going to install it on the 7600X motherboard and test it again. Oh, it should be fine, but obviously there is one or two problems, but one of them keeps saying that there is no problem, and he also replaced it with a ripper, but it wasn't because there was a problem. will Well, I hope it works out this time The thermal I am applying now is a domestic AMEC thermal. Oh, I hope it goes well, but these days, especially, Intel is the same, but why are there symptoms of rebooting systems configured with Ryzen? I get a lot more stuff like that than I thought. The MSI Corps visited the store. Oh and one more thing then MSI doesn't produce its own pump? Power is also sourced from CWT. Power seems to be okay, but CWT is a power company that went public in Taiwan, and CWT makes whatever you ask for it to be made. I think the power came out good because I couldn't eat a lot of maji and just put everything in properly. Actually, the boss and I... are the same. This heart is the same In the case of Asetec, there is a contract like this, so they don't supply it easily. At that time, I think something that was gathered all at once exploded. Originally, this cooler domestic market increased from 5,000 units to 7,000, and the water cooler market increased to 30,000 units. If you turn around, come back~ That.. That.. Factory How do you say it? there are two factories We are a high-en factory Ah.. The general brand is just a different factory, so they only sell power manic. I don't sell MSI stuff. How should I do that? Oh, it's a doryongryong! That's an NDA What is an NDA? Until then, let's not expose ourselves. They say embargo. Yes, that's right. Our MSI officials also came to our store. please help me a lot Shouldn't all of this be exposed? The Taiwanese manager was cautious about the NDA (embargo), so this is the water cooling of the E series. coming out this time? Yes, this will probably be released in Korea. It looks like this. So this... 240? 240 degrees and 360 degrees White and white white white and so FDB, pairing, fan, this design, yes, like this? can rotate Do you have a rotation? yes yes Aren't there many features like this? yes it is i have a question Yes, is it possible to install AMD at 6 o'clock? 6C direction? Hose AM5 socket Oh, I don't know To be honest, I don't know 3 o'clock by default? 3 o'clock by default? In the case of AMD, usually in the case of Asetec, the bracket is removed and turned. In the case of AMD, if it interferes, there are usually a lot of kids who don't have the 6 o'clock hose direction. No, Kraken, 360 is all 6 o'clock right now But now less? The brackets that need to be tightened with those screws can't be installed at the AMD 6 o'clock position at all. First of all, let's check compatibility with AMD AM5 motherboard. Yes, the hose line is attached, I'll check it i9? Yes, there is an i9, there is an i7, and the font is so small. yes yes Like this, it comes out good now Intel will do my thing You guys do your own thing / That's right, all boards are tested with MSI boards, right? yes that's right this is the first second yes that's right that's right How do you know? Oh, because there are only two representative companies. that's right that's right that's correct That's right, is it true in the community that the default is 6 o'clock or 3 o'clock to expand the area? it's hot Aren't all the people here technical? Yes, we are not in charge of technology. If you ask about marketing, you can hear it clearly, but we heard it through everything, so how much is a cooler? you have to ask Did you just assemble it? Or else.. Hanji has been around for a month or so. I did It worked fine until this morning After lunch, I'm trying to turn it back on from sleep mode, but the computer won't turn on with a loud bang. Did it make a popping sound? Yes, I have to use it every day. Yes, it doesn't come in. I have to use it every day, so if there is a problem, I think I should leave it quickly There was a popping sound. I tried to buy the original graphics card, but I didn't need a good graphics card right away. power is out Is it true that the power went out? your power is out No power. The power went out. Is this power 1000W right now? Yes, I don't even need 1000W because my graphics card is old. Originally, I was going to buy it right away when I did it, but I ran some AI when I ran your program, so I needed a lot of GPU, so the 4090 seems too expensive, so I waited and waited. So what do we do? Can't you check if there's anything else wrong with the power now? It's been a while since I bought this, so I'm thinking about whether it's AS or not, and I'll pass on our power. Well, first of all, we need to get our power back. In fact, I originally asked the boss over the phone to come and assemble it for him. Also, I suddenly had an urgent class, so I slowly assembled it for 2-3 days on the weekend. But, if you use it for about a month, then what.. Well, first of all, our power is gone let's make it work Since you say it's urgent right now, I have nothing to say. Still, you must have had a hard time assembling it. You changed all the case fans. You must have had a hard time. Attach this sandwich, attach 4 side fans, attach another 3 front and attach one back, 3 days? uh And this case hub can be plugged into 4 times 4 times on this side. Is the adjustment automatic? Yes When I do this, I look up all the YouTube videos. Yes, I was watching the manufacturer's installation video, and I need to install this. I installed the application and am using it now. He must be laid And the RPM is a bit strong Did you adjust the case now? I just had to balance it out. Not Corsair, I don't know if I'll touch anything else Wait a minute, let's see how you connected it. Then the customer made some wrong connections. Since these are Corsair controllers, it is correct to wear them mainly with Corsair fans. Do you have a system fan? Earlier, I inserted the system pen at number 4. That's the hub. I have to plug it in here That's why they run hard Noisily, where did they all go? We have to move them all. Here's the back, right? yes that's right It's the back here, so clean it up later I see what you mean Just plug in the all-in-one water-cooler here, right? Leave the rest here Yes, yes, that's what I remember. Did I plug in the system fan at number 4 earlier? Yes, number 4 here is number 4 DC. I'm spinning hard System fan 4 was RPM 0 earlier. Why is it 0? 1, 2, 3, 4 (hub port order) I couldn't detect it because it wasn't plugged in as 1, 2, 3, 4. I sense it now, feel the wind now Be careful with your hands. But I changed this to PWM. Try it. It's quiet, right? Are you weak? If you set it to smart fan mode here, it will drop more, but this will drop more depending on the temperature. It changes. If you do this, then, depending on the temperature, it's going to spin hard or soft. It's a lot quieter this way. Actually, I didn't know how to do this, so Corsair had it. Depending on the temperature, I left it alone and actually used it. I tried to do this once, and you can do it like this So it's a lot quieter now So, the only thing that can be adjusted in Corsair is water cooling, 6 water cooling fans, 6 sandwiches, and a pump, and you just need to adjust that. I think you can just check the CPU temperature and finish it Either the place of purchase or go directly to the center, or you have to do it as soon as possible, since you are actually studying, then tomorrow you can take off the power and go to the center right away. It's because the sound of exploding is not good. The temperature is okay. It's good. I'm holding it well. That's why the temperature is so low. If it's too low, it won't score Since the performance temperature is 13700K and it has water cooling, you can raise it from the late 80s to the early 90s. 13700K has a multi score of about 30,000? If it comes out well, it is better to adjust it to the maximum so that the score can be multiplied by 30,000 points. If it's too low, you should get 30,000 points. If it's 26,000 or 24,000, Yes, I think you just need to adjust it a little. If you make a reservation, how will we match the reservation time slot? Actually, as soon as it exploded, in fact, I couldn't think of any other repair shop anymore, only the boss. I learned a lot by watching YouTube. I brought the setting up, but it's fortunate that we were in a meeting and we were able to check whether there was anything wrong with it. For those who came earlier, MSI Korea officials and MSI head office staff in Taiwan came to talk about MSI products and guide them about new products. Also, for a small store like ours, MSI is a big company in the computer IT industry. I think it was a good time for you to come to our Dailycom and give us a detailed explanation. He came and gave me a gift. hmm.. is it a cookie? hehe It's like a biscuit. I'll eat it well. Thank you for not forgetting our Dailycom and visiting us. If you have any other good information next time, please come anytime and I will serve you a cup of hot tea. Today I got coffee I have installed the 7600X and MSI B650M-A Wi-Fi that arrived from the service center earlier, and I am working on the final test now. Even if reboot symptoms appear, this product is now difficult to check here anymore. I tested it several times and sent the CPU twice to the center, but it was said to be normal, and I attached only two mainboard CPUs and tested it by changing all other products, but it rebooted. Then either the CPU or the board is one of these two things, uh... I can't solve it. We will test and finalize this product by this evening. This product has been received with a stop reboot symptom, but I have been testing it for about 4 days now, but the symptoms do not come out. The problem that was identified once is the I7-12700, but the CPU temperature rises to 103 degrees and 104 degrees So I think it would be okay to use it with a tower-type dual air cooler. Sometimes these products are Well, what's wrong with the product? Even if something doesn't work, the symptoms don't come out. But if you're going to use an average I7 of about 12700, there's a way to attach a cheap cooler, but I don't know why they didn't. The CPU was bulky. You can see the seal here CZ10 in red Usually, bulk CPUs have distributors displaying their own display method like this. AG620 dual air cooling today Cooler transformation complete. I replaced the basic bundle cooler with a dual tower air cooler. When I did a Cinebench cpu temperature test, the maximum temperature has improved a lot by 72 degrees. I think it's time to stop testing and release it. The graphics card temperature is too high. When I play games, it rises to 95 degrees. I tested the system that was worn like this several times, and the maximum temperature of the RTX 3080 was less than 80 degrees. It wasn't a graphics card problem. So I installed it again, and I thought that maybe you were confused with the CPU, so I am currently testing it one by one from Cinebench with the lid closed. First of all, the CPU temperature is okay even if you run Cinebench. In this state, business hours are almost over today, so run it a little more until tomorrow morning and check where the CPU or GPU is the problem and where you say that it has risen to 95 degrees. I'll let you He's going to keep turning around now If one of the two temperatures is correct, I will look at the possibility of the CPU temperature as well, because it may be a prejudice, but because it is Galahad water cooling, I will look at it because I wore a computer during the day as a quickie. I can't test It's too late, so I'll open it up and see what's going wrong. There's probably a note about the symptom that's not working. You've prepared all the power cables like this. You put it safely inside with bubble wrap like this, oops The symptoms are also written in detail. It seems to be Ryzen, but the main symptom is Internet disconnection while playing games. And there is no internet connection until rebooting. There have been times when the game has been disconnected while downloading, and the internet is disconnected once the week is over. And sometimes the computer won't boot when turned on immediately after shutting down. internet is cut off I'll have to watch it, but I think it's a bit difficult to watch today due to time constraints (see you later in a separate video) I turned on the system once. CPU is Ryzen 7 7800X3D There are a lot of Ryzen product AS these days I think you did a good job installing the Realtek Gaming 2.5GB family controller driver for the network adapter, but you have to play a bit to see if the Internet is really disconnected or not. Usually, when the Internet is cut off during use, of course, there are cases where there is a problem with the controller, but there are also cases in which the modem and characteristics are riding. They say it cuts off while downloading a file, so I think I'll have to turn on a YouTube video as a test today and try to get home from work. I have only one hardware monitor open and Chrome itself takes up some CPU. First of all, I'll play it from Chrome to YouTube until I go to work tomorrow morning. Test it for a day or two and you'll know. Right now, the Internet coming into our LAN is not a router, because it is a SK Broadband exclusive line. This is the signal from the modem. Let's see. These days it reboots especially during games or while in use There are quite a lot of cases that are stocked with rebooting videos. There are more than I thought One thing that is rebooting now is already in stock Rebooting symptoms here, case replacement, two rebooting here as well, three rebooting symptoms, 4 PCs are now in. These days my computer reboots more than anything else. It turns off and on irregularly. This is scary. It's so hard to find the cause It's almost time to get off work now It's 7:48, and I'll be there until 9 today. For 1 hour and 10 minutes, um... I'm running a burning test to see if the CPU temperature, GPU temperature is high or not high, and if the motherboard ripper and CPU can be rebooted. I'll look at this to see if there is an internet disconnection and try to assemble Ryzen for a while. Now, this product is Ryzen. It is a Ryzen 7800X3D assembly service. I don't think I will be able to assemble it today. First, the motherboard, CPU, and SSD. and CPU cooler I'll just do half assembly work and go home. I'll do the rest tomorrow. I have three M.2's. One 970 EVO Plus, both of which are 2TB. I also have three hard drives. 12TB, 14TB. The capacity is huge The board will be assembled based on the main board of Rogue Strix B650E-E GAMING WIFI. But where did the memory go? are you in this? no memory oh here it is Let's see where the memory is stacked with silver foil. It looks like Samsung memory. I can feel Samsung. It's Samsung. Well... it looks like 4800. 16 GB looks like 4800. Right? I think you slightly avoided the 5600. As I said, this PC is an assembly service, and the customer will install Windows. I think it will be fine if I do a neat assembly job. These days, there are a lot of Ryzen assemblies. This motherboard can install up to 4 M.2s. 1, 2, 3 Up to 4 can be installed here. Shall we try some thermal application? The customer brought it. This is a domestic thermal Amec product. I have reviewed it once before. This is the product I continue to use today. This product should be applied primarily with thermal paste. The manufacturer also recommends that Now, the installation of the dual-tower air-cooled cooler is complete. Today, due to time constraints, I will work on the rest tomorrow. Well, today's video is here. You had a lot of trouble being with us today, and it seems that my family likes vlog-style videos more than I thought, so I briefly tried it together today. See you next time in another video
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Keywords: 컴퓨터 점검, 컴퓨터수리, 조립컴퓨터 수리, 컴퓨터 수리 데일리컴, 컴퓨터 수리점 Vlog, 수리점 일상, 데일리컴 vlog, 컴퓨터 수리, 컴퓨터 수리점, 컴퓨터, 허수아비, 조립 컴퓨터, 조립 컴퓨터 AS, 에너맥스 수냉쿨러 고장, 컴퓨터 수리 유튜버, ㄷㅇㄹㅋ, 컴퓨터 수리점 일상, 컴퓨터 매장 일상, 컴퓨터 수리전문, 컴퓨터 수리점 추천, CPU 불량, MSI 코리아, MSI 대만, MSI 타이페이, RTX 3080 온도, 컴퓨터 화면이 안 나와요
Id: dxuzkAWxrms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 45sec (2505 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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