배그 게임 하다가 크레쉬 현상 | 라이젠 5950X 불량 | AMD 보드 소켓 핀 부러짐 | 소켓 파손 불량 | 초기불량으로 CPU 소켓 핀이 휨? | 컴퓨터 수리 매장 일상

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There are two of them now. Yes, I turned this on and this on last night and I left work. I've been running it all night and the store is buzzing to see if anything has rebooted or turned off. Haha, since PCs generate so much heat, I don't think there will be a need for a stove if you turn it like that. I rebooted while playing a PUBG game. no. crash phenomenon It wasn't a reboot, it just crashed~ And when I turned it off and on, it didn't turn on again. The screen didn't come up reinstall the memory It pops up when I exchange locations. And when I ran OCCT, an error occurred. Let’s take a look at OCCT first. Will the error still occur? I watched it again last night After 15 minutes, an error started appearing. Do I have to play PUBG for 30 minutes? It takes about 30 to 40 minutes Can I go to the training ground? I don't think it would be a good idea to do it at the training ground. Usually, when I log in to PUBG, I usually log in again to the training area. I couldn't sit down and play PUBG for 30-40 minutes, so I took it to the training ground and tested it, but it didn't seem to be a temperature issue with the Ryzen 5950X. You also installed Kraken Cam. where is the memory Is it Samsung? It's DDR4. / Yes, when did you install Windows? It's been a while. It's been a while. Try installing Windows for about a year. The most basic way to avoid crashing in PUBG or something like that is to reinstall Windows OS. Wouldn't it have been better to clean up Windows first, reinstall it, and then test it? What about something other than PUBG? Other things also cause errors. There is a game that I play at night while I sleep, but it suddenly stops with a graphics error. Have you taken any photos? It's not really common to see something like that, so it's a good idea to take a picture. Oh, I guess I'll have to take a look I can't really say anything about this, please leave it to me. I'll give it a try. the 3rd slot It seems like the 3rd RAM slot is not recognized. Second, if you plug it in 2 or 4 times, it won't be recognized. Yes, I'm not sure if it's because I plugged it in wrong, but I tried several times. It's currently plugged in at numbers 1 and 3. If I take it out and move it to numbers 2 and 4, it won't work at number 2. I'll check if it's recognized. I got an error It's been about 9 minutes since I ran it. A cpu error appears. I get an error There is no problem with the temperature, but the error keeps showing up to 66 degrees. Hello, nice to meet you. This is Dailycom. I started today with this greeting. This PC was delivered with symptoms of crashing while playing games, especially when playing PUBG games, and a crash message appeared. The customer tested various things. There seem to be multiple symptoms. In the case of memory, 1 and 3 are currently plugged in, but when I try 2 and 4, 2 is not recognized. And when I ran the occt test program, a CPU error popped up just like before, so I got this impression. I'll have to test it once, but it's the same 5950X Currently, this system is a 5950X system. I will replace the same 5950X CPU and see if the message appears due to a simple program error or because of the CPU. Let's start today Now, let's remove the Ryzen 5950X CPU and install another identical Ryzen 5950X to play. About 26 minutes have passed now. Earlier, after about 9 minutes, an error message popped up. Now, when I replace the same Ryzen 5950X CPU, about 26 minutes have passed and there is no error. Oh, it really can't be detected. I think it might be a defective CPU. When testing with the same CPU installed in the same system, some errors occur and some do not. Oh, that's interesting. Then, the customer said that when he moved memory number 2 and 4, it was not recognized in number 2. I'll try moving the memory. Oh, there's no error. Now I have changed the memory RAM bank location from memory 1 and 3 to memory 2 and 4. Let's turn it on Uh... it's not working. Try reinstalling it again. Oh, it has uploaded two 32 GB memory and 64 GB memory has been uploaded. Memory 2 and 4 are recognized. First of all, I think there will be some problems with this product after testing the CPU 5950X more. What should I watch first? Of course, the water cooling is now Galahad, so it looks like there might be a problem with Galahad. Is the temperature high? Yes, how high is it? If I just run the game it crashes Oh yes, I found out that it was a recalled product. Ah... then how do you plan to proceed now? You need to get after-sales service and the power is NZXT 1200. For our system, we will install another Ryzen 5950X and run it for an hour while changing the memory settings to 2 and 4. And in the meantime, I will dismantle the Lian Li Galahad 360 that I just received and proceed with sending it to after-sales service. I will be working on two PCs, so I cannot work today. I have about a week to get the Lian Li Galahad AS recall replaced, change the graphics card, and nzxt H7. FLOW I'm going to assemble one of those and then work on two. First, let's dismantle Lian Li's Galahad 360. I need to recall it Assembling this I think they said on the hidden website that a student had assembled it. These days, it seems like there are private people who go into hiding on these sites, pay a certain fee, and then assemble it for a certain fee. As far as I know, not only individuals but also companies like us are active in the hidden site. And when the customer was talking earlier, the student said that the temperature was high when assembling, so he turned off the pump and the protective film on the header did not come off. They said But the customer said he reinstalled it and this is not an Evo case. Is it a dynamic case? When connecting a water cooling pump, the pump terminal is usually either a CPU opt or CPU fan or an AIO pump or general pump terminal. It is best to connect it to the pump terminal. As for where it is located, it is located on the system fan at the bottom. If the system is on, the pump cannot actually function properly. When assembling, connect the pump to the pump terminal if possible, or be sure to plug it into the system terminal. In that case, you need to go into BIOS settings and change the system fan to full load. Otherwise the pump will not function properly. I think it would be good to know for reference. Now, in this way, I will complete the removal of the fan subject to the Lian Li Galahad 360 White recall and send it to after-sales service. I bought a used CPU because of used CPU AS. I never thought I would buy a used CPU again. The CPU is I3 and I3-3220. I know an existing customer, but I think the factory should use the system on the XP operating system in the office. My PC is broken, so I asked them to make a used system that can use Windows XP and do something about it, so I bought a CPU. The I3-3220 CPU will work well. Do you know how much I bought this CPU for? I really have no reason to buy used, but in fact, I bought it once this time and I bought an example I3-3220 for 4,400 won. Including the delivery fee, it's amazing. It's 4,400 won including the delivery fee, and I think it came after AS. These days, service centers also seem to do a really good job of packaging things neatly. I sent it to Ibora and it arrived after A/S. They call it an air cap with a cushion like this, right? They sent it in packaging like this. Ivora sent it to me, and CS Innovation also packaged it and sent it in this way. It seems like a lot of people are using air cap packaging with an air cap cushion rather than bubble wrap like in the past. This product was exchanged after A/S and the socket was probably replaced. If you look at it from an angle like this, you can see the pins inside. Can you see it now, shining brightly? This is damaged I didn't know that, but the center took a picture and sent it to me. I took a picture somewhere, and it was a paid repair service, and the picture was sent to me by the center. If you look here, there are a lot of pins, but look here, there are no pins at the top at 10 o'clock. The pins are empty It's broken I don't know if you can see it on the camera, but you can see it clearly. This is broken I did a paid repair to replace the socket AS, and maybe because of this socket, the memory wasn't recognized properly, XMP wasn't used well, and errors were common, especially the second M.2 socket. I think it was probably because there was a problem with this part. After replacing it, the center conducted an overall test and confirmed that there was no problem. They also sent me a picture, but I couldn't find the picture anywhere, so it will work fine if I install it. I think it will turn out well. Like this, proceed with after-sales service, purchase a used CPU, and have a cup of coffee. A part-time worker was supposed to come, but he didn't come. I have to assemble 10 office PCs today. i3-12100 H610M-A D4 There is only one reason to use this board I'm going to use the built-in graphics, so there are a variety of ports. There are three ports: RGB, HDMI, and DP. It is more convenient for users to connect to dual monitors. I am choosing the product because all three are available. Now, one hour is over. It's just about time Now 59 minutes 38 seconds 39 seconds 40 seconds 1 hour is over. It's clean with no errors. Are you the person who made a reservation for 1:30? wait a minute This is because the graphics card is not recognized. The graphics card is not recognized. The bios has also been updated now. I installed the existing Ryzen 5950X CPU as before. Memory numbers 2 and 4 are working well. They are recognized well and I am now visually checking to see if the pump or other fan is properly installed. First of all, this product may have some problems with the CPU. We will conduct an inspection based on this and finalize it. Now, let’s take a look at the next PC. There is another PC that you just brought in. I will take a look at it next. It looks like a case called 3Rsys Gout, but it is an Epco product. What is the cooler again? The cooler appears to be a G400 Spider fan from Abco products. This case's app nose is not 3RSYS, it looks almost similar to the gout one. It's not ventilation. It's an Abco case. I had a case like this. The fan is a Spider fan. Oh, it's okay. This is good for organizing the lines. I think it's better than gout. This is 3Rsys gout. That Abco product is much wider. I brought this product because the graphics card was not recognized. What have you tried? Basically what I did was Plug in your RAM and take it out. I tried unplugging and plugging in the graphics card. After that, I also uninstalled and reinstalled Windows. How do I uninstall Windows? Ah... with built-in graphics ah... Let's turn it on What terminal did you connect? Did you try HDMI or DP? How did you choose this? Overall, it wasn't my choice, but I bought it used as a carrot. Oh, you bought this used. I bought the whole thing, but after I bought it, more and more things didn't work, so I started replacing the parts one by one, and oh, that's right. I'm taking a lot of damage, of course. Now, finally, you asked a repair shop to fix it like this and now, and you went to the repair shop? I called once for a business trip and went to the repair shop twice, but nothing was resolved. I said I went to the repair shop. Couldn't it be resolved there? They said they couldn't do it. In both places / Yes, I said it will be done with built-in graphics. Then, I will take out the graphics card. The boot time has become longer after the update. 5 to 10 minutes He probably sells it used for some reason. It's coming up. It's not 5 minutes, but this is okay. It's Ryzen 7600. I bought it at 5200Mhz. The CPU and graphics card on the motherboard were all used by the previous owner. The only two things used by the previous owner were the CPU and graphics card. I replaced almost everything else. My current graphics card is 1050. It's up. Then, I'll try plugging in our 3060 graphics card. I'm a little embarrassed because 4060 I tried putting it on, but it didn't work. 4060? / Yes, the driver was found after the update, but if I turn it off and on again, it doesn't work and it shows 3060. I have to plug it in and see Windows, but the driver is not found. First of all, it also has a 3060 graphics card. Then wait a minute. Is there a graphics card similar to the 3070 ti? This is a 3070 ti. This is a 3070. I will change it from 3060 to 3070. Now I installed 3070 The terminal will be plugged into HDMI. I sent it to the service center once to see if it wouldn't come up or if the graphics card was like this. Oh, you're back, Galaxy. I got a call and they said there was no problem at all. No, it’s not coming up. I'll try changing the memory. It's a Patriot 5600. I'll remove the Patriot 5600 memory and put in a 5200 memory. I replaced the memory. Patriot memory is also said to be good value for money, but I initially bought the Samsung one, but it seems to be in bad condition. There may be a memory problem, so it doesn't load. This goes back and forth It's been almost a month since I've been struggling with this. I don't think I can sleep / Ouch I can't test the CPU itself. I'm just checking to see if there's anything wrong with the socket. The socket is clean, but it's not a socket problem. I'm sending a clip-type cooler after a long time. I used it only in the screw type. Let's turn it on I need to install a buzzer speaker. Is it better to leave this on? We always have a buzzer speaker. I showed it to you once. There are cases where I don't show it and just move on, but when I assemble, do agency work, or perform after-sales service, if there is no buzzer speaker, I always install it. We buy 50 or 100 of them because we hear the sound coming from the motherboard. Since you have to hear the beep sound, there is no beep sound even in this case. We judge by listening to this sound. The beep sound is different for each motherboard. We always hear the beep sound. I don't think it's because of the CPU. It's been less than a month since we bought a new board. But can problems arise right away? Even new products break down. There were cases where the graphics card was not recognized due to a defective CPU. If I turn it on again the next day, it happens again. Yes, it worked, but now it doesn't happen for a moment, it happens in a day or two. Yes, then how should I proceed with A/S? I think I'll probably have to leave this here and have the mask done by an agent. If we do it for you, we don't send it to the retailer, but to the service center. Oh yes, why not? Then leave it to me anyway. I think that would be better I think you can try plugging the customer's CPU and graphics card into our test board and giving it a spin. Now, there's a beeping sound, but the screen doesn't come up. Oh yeah, this is normal for me, but the graphics card is not recognized. Yes, they suddenly said they wouldn't be able to do it the next day or the next day, so leave it to me for now. We'll do some testing. We'll run it for a day or two and see if there are any problems. We'll see later. Exceeding the frequency range you are talking about is also related to monitoring. You have to reproduce the symptoms. Yes, if you can't reproduce it, you can't just say it's a graphics card or a monitor. But anyway, the monitor is included. If the symptom is playing a game, yes When you put a load on the graphics card, If you go to the desktop, quit the game and go to the desktop. When a blackout occurs, sometimes it comes back after about 30 seconds to a minute, or sometimes it reboots completely and the screen goes blank. There were times when it would completely reboot, so we had the graphics card refurbished and exchanged. And again, even after that, the problem continues. CPU and where does this noise come from? Oh, it's from water cooling. I also had the CPU replaced, and the CPU was replaced? / They said there was nothing wrong with your board. But even then, you keep saying, isn't 13900K memory 32G noisy? How do you use this? It's noisy, so it goes away after a while.. / Oh, that's right. That's because there are a lot of defects in the water cooling that Anamax is currently using. Ah... that's why I'm asking. First, I will try to load the GPU and run it for about 3 minutes. red, blue, green It's a monitor. It's a monitor. Our monitor also does this sometimes (one of the symptoms of a defect). What should I do in that case? Turn the monitor off and on. Not on the graphics card. But even though I changed the monitor, the same red, blue, and yellow colors appear again. That doesn't show up. As your father said, the reason the entire screen changed to yellow, red, and blue is the monitor. There is a problem with the monitor. What your father said, try changing the monitor first. I heard there is another monitor. Something that can control the temperature, Kraken, etc. I think these guys are okay with it. Please do that one thing. This symptom appears. When you quit the game That's right. It comes out a little later. It says it's turned off. First of all, the CPU was replaced, the graphics card was replaced, and the board said there was no problem. Well, hello, I have a 3 o'clock reservation.... Please stay a little while. I'll try changing the graphics card. When I looked at it, I was suspicious of the graphics card, but since they said they changed it, I changed the graphics card and ran it one more time. But the important thing is that you have checked all the tests, so the board, graphics card, and CPU that could be problematic are all fine. I have nothing to say about it being exchanged. I tried reinstalling Windows and the graphics card is 3080. When it reboots, please run the game. I'll see if you can run Cyberpunk later and see if you can access it. I'll have to try running it the same way. You didn't say earlier that you want to expand it to the maximum screen. It's over Get out of here now You're not going out? Try displaying the largest screen again. Big screen Big screen The temperature has now reached 81 degrees. Please increase the screen to the maximum screen around 81 degrees. And now I'm going to do this and see if it goes out or not. If it's okay to do it here, then I think it's a graphics card. That's right, it's done. Would you like to go out and see what the symptoms are? Just go to the main menu here. It comes out well. After a while Please stay a while I can't say much, I'll give you about 5 minutes. I changed the graphics card now because the next person has to do it again. From the first time the customer came, he only talked about various things related to the monitor and graphics card. I wonder what the GPU temperature is. The CPU temperature went up to 80 to 81 degrees, and the GPU went up to 64 degrees. It's normal. Then it floats right away What do you think, Dad? I look at it as a graphics card. I think so Go to the center and get it checked again, and the graphics card is giving you an octopus. Yes, it could be defective. If all 4 are not used due to poor contact or a problem, it could be a problem if the graphics card is low on power. This is provided by the graphics card, and the customer just said how many watts of power it has. 1300W I don't know what kind of product it is, but there is no 12VHPWR direct cable. If you have a direct cable, don't use an octopus (distribution cable), but use a direct cable. I think 1300W will definitely give you more power. You know what I mean. It's 12VHPWR on both sides, so you plug in the power, and if you use it like this with 4 strands and don't use the distribution line, there's a high chance of a bad contact. Also, since there are 4 strands, it's very messy. If you only have 12VHPWR, you'll end up with just one strand. If it's just 1300W power, it's 12VHPWR on both sides. I'm sure there will be You can apply for it separately, or it is included, or you can find it by looking for the power box. This does not have a single 12VHPWR terminal, and there must be an 8+8 to 12VHPWR cable like this on the power side, as it is provided by the graphics card company. The power isn't turning on. Yes, why are you not coming in? Or at first, the graphics card started to load once and then crashed, so I took it out and plugged it in to try to change the location of the graphics card. Then it came on and went out and didn't come back on. Let's just change the motherboard. I tried changing only the motherboard, but the power just didn't turn on. Oh, that's why I replaced the motherboard. Oh, it's a bit tight. The memory inside is usually mixed like this. Yes, it's the same memory as the one I bought later? I don't think it's the same thing I don't really recommend mixing memories. Once I turned the power on I'm not eating. It's really not working. It doesn't turn on Judging by the fact that the graphics card has a 12VHPWR cable plugged in, the power is out right now. I can't come in If I just change the power, I'll try our power first. First of all, the power is defective. I'll try 850W with our 750W power. The power is turned on. The screen doesn't come on. What is the cpu? 5600X 5600X First, I'll remove one memory. I don't like mixing memories like this, so even if you used it well before, the board will change. Why doesn't it work? I connected it wrong. The CPU auxiliary power did not turn on. That's why it didn't work out Put the memory back in place okay 5600X comes up well. How can I replace a power failure? Yes, it is possible. There is no 750W right now. We currently have 700W, 800W, and 12VHPWR models with a single cable. (power replacement work) Still, it will be much better because the graphics card line is now one line from the distribution line. It's not even more messy. We will replace the defective motherboard. As for the case, we say things like Gundam-headed Gundam. The concept of the CPU is that the Ryzen 5950X CPU socket is broken, and the customer doesn't know why at all. They say there are some people who don't install the hexagon. Now, there will be no symptoms such as whether M.2 is recognized or not. Before sending the motherboard, it worked fine when two devices were plugged in, but when two devices were plugged in, an error occurred in TM5. So I marked it as defective, but since it's because of the board, it seems to be fine even if the full bank is filled. Later, we will fill the full bank, test it, and ship it. You have to put it in a case. Now reassembly is complete. I think I'll have to give it a try now. Where and what else is happening? Ah, the graphics card support is touching. Why isn’t this RGB? hello The power may not be turned on or the power cable may be disconnected. So let's end it like this. Booting works well too. The customer said that when the CPU load is a bit heavy, the pump or LED does not come on normally and breaks or something like that, but when I tested it, there was no such symptom as the LED breaking or malfunctioning. Well done Completed with motherboard AS work When I turn on the computer, the monitor shows no signal. Did you use it or did you assemble it? It's new. It arrived yesterday and I assembled it. what is cpu What you mean is that the Ryzen 7500F 7500F screen does not appear. Yes, are you able to assemble everything well? I'm worried about that, so if you bring each part like this, I can assemble it. I can do that I'm sure I plugged it all in. I plugged in all the 24 pins of the power cable, CPU, graphics card, motherboard, and everything else, but it doesn't work. It's not that it doesn't turn on, it's that the screen doesn't come on. It's called La La Land. I wrote this before. It was said that the 7500F has good cost-effectiveness in Ryzen. Since I don't play games on the graphics card anyway, I don't really care about frame rates. I'll give it a try. It opens a little slowly at first. It might pop up late, but there's no response. How much is the memory from ADATA? It's 5600. I'll try replacing it with ours. Should I try updating the bios? I think I will have to force the B660M-K bios update. What have you tried? Did you check to see if you had applied thermal paste and try again? Was there anything wrong with the socket? / Yes. I was wondering if there was a problem with the power. This is the same 600 watt one I used before. The previous one didn't work the same way. Yes, there isn't one nearby. There's no way there's a computer store that repairs it. There are a lot of computer stores. They only go on business trips and don't do anything like this. There's no reaction Lastly, I will try replacing the motherboard. I am suspicious of the board. When I saw it There is a pin There seems to be a problem with the bottom of the pin. There are some dents in 3 places. You can see it better this way. When I saw him, he was assembling something. The pin was damaged because something was dropped or hit. It's like a board I'll try replacing the board first. I don't think this will work at the place of purchase, so I guess you'll have to go to the center to take care of it. It's probably paid. / Yes, but sometimes it's provided for free. Even if you pay for the CPU socket, it's not expensive. It's about 30,000 to 40,000 won. If you look at our test board, it's a lot different from before. It's clean When you get it from a motherboard company or a center, the first thing you look at is the CPU socket pins. We'll check first to see if it's clean and if there are any problems. We'll install our own CPU cooler. Customer 7500F Customer, 2 graphics cards with 16GB of memory, power is like this. I will try to turn it on. But the answer will come out and everything will be fine. Okay, the graphics card is now recognized. It rises... There has already been an answer to the problem of board defects due to damaged pins. Is there a possibility that this is an initial defect? yes When I've looked at motherboard parts so far, I've never seen one with bent pins. All of them were bent by customers dropping something, hitting something, or making a mistake. I've never seen one that came out of the factory bent. It cannot be an initial defect. Where did this go wrong? Like I said earlier, I must have touched the CPU incorrectly by plugging or unplugging it or something. Otherwise, I have never had a pin bend due to a defect in the product itself rather than the user's negligence. I've been in business at this computer store for 23 years, and in 23 years, I've never once brought in a bent pin. For me and the user, it was bent because the user made a mistake. It never happened because it was done that way at the factory. First of all, the 7500F is recognized well and the 16GB of memory is recognized well. How many days does it usually take to send this? I don't know what will happen. Will they replace it right away? Will they proceed with repairs? I spent a lot of money to upgrade it.... Please contact the seller. We are working on the main board and assembling 10 units. They say it's a migration job, but migration work is also possible. But it's better to clean it off as much as possible and then go again. But if you say you can't install it again, we do migration work. Are you talking about labor costs or are you talking about purchasing an SSD? It depends on the type. Are you talking about M.2 or 2.5 inch SSD? And M.2 also has NVMe and SATA, so I don't know what you're talking about. What type is it now? NVME. It only costs 50,000 won? 1T? Probably not Hynix When you say Hynix ramen, are you talking about SK Hynix? SK Hynix GOLD P31? That doesn't cost 50,000 won, it costs 1T. If you go there, there will probably be an option. The price is rising now, so it will rise again. It keeps going up Yes, the hard work of assembling the PC has now begun. I have installed the CPU memory on the motherboard. Now all I have to do is put it in the case, install the power, and finish the work. It's starting now. I'll end my day's work here and see you next time while shooting a different video. Even now, I keep posting on KakaoTalk. I have to answer again, so I'll end here today.
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Keywords: 컴퓨터 점검, 컴퓨터수리, 조립컴퓨터 수리, 컴퓨터 수리 데일리컴, 컴퓨터 수리점 Vlog, 수리점 일상, 데일리컴 vlog, 컴퓨터 수리, 컴퓨터 수리점, 컴퓨터, 허수아비, 조립 컴퓨터, 조립 컴퓨터 AS, 컴퓨터 수리 유튜버, ㄷㅇㄹㅋ, 컴퓨터 수리점 일상, 컴퓨터 매장 일상, 컴퓨터 수리전문, 컴퓨터 수리점 추천, 컴퓨터 AS 대행, 컴퓨터 점검 업체, 컴퓨터 조립대행, 데일리컴, IT 리뷰, 수냉 신제품, 컴퓨터 수리점 vlog, 라이젠 5950X, CPU불량, 배그 게임 크레쉬, CPU 테스트, 그래픽카드 불량증상, CPU 소켓 불량, CPU 소켓 파손
Id: gGvYYHwudLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 17sec (2297 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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