2029 Upgrading, Repairing And Replacing The Elegoo Neptune 3 Hot End

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[Music] hi everybody so I woke up this morning to a bit of a disaster I came down because I've got this habit of setting prints going overnight because I just rely on these printers but they don't always work and the disaster is this chewed up bit of plastic what it's done then is Clogg the nozzle and we've got this massive lump of plastic on the hot end here potentially ruining this printer but as everything is an opportunity to learn I thought what I do is take it apart and see if we can repair it when you've done that just remove them and it's now held on only by the belt to get the belt undone todle that till everything's nice and loose and you slide the belt off and it's got a little lug there that holds it on so slide it off there and off there there and there you go it's removed okay there it is and not to put too fine a point on it that's a real shame hey there's the big old lump of plastic that we've got there this is pla covering the nozzle and capturing some of the electronic wires here are the wires going to the thermal sensor in the the hot end of course what we've got to do is remove that and to remove that what I've got is a small screwdriver a box knife a pair of pliers and the thing that's going to be essential this it's a soldering iron this is quite a good soldering iron but we're going to use this soldering iron to help us remove that plastic and the way we do it is just turn the soldering iron on stick it in the plastic and the plastic will start to melt which is exactly what you want to do now if you're going to do this with something like ABS then you really need to be in a um well ventilated space you like the scab it's kind of satisfying when you peel a bit off there we go okay we're getting there now if you don't want to mess around getting all this bit out because it's all a bit tedious then these two screws here if you unscrew those that entire hot end comes out and you can just buy a replacement hot end this incidentally is also the same thing that you would do if you were replacing the tube in here because this this is where the feed tube is there it is that's the bit that's still stuck in there we see that tube's actually a bit burnt on the end which is no surprise we remove that tube then we can put a new tube in there let's guarantee that that thing is ruined it's just like a nut it just unscrews and then we've got a little baggie with some spares that came with the machine cuz this is the first time I've ever had to repair this and then we put the new nozzle in and there's a PTFE there that slides in there and then that thing just goes back in there like that now bear in mind this entire assembly is only £23 from 3D Jack there's a limit to how much trouble you might want to take with this but we've got the spares it's the first time I've ever had to do anything like this so why not there are of course two ways that that can fit on it can fit on that way or the reverse way you fit it on that way and you'll notice right there it's got a hex so the hex faces towards the body of the uh motor here then we took this fan off because it had a lump of plastic in it the fan goes back on there like that and then these screws here here here and here screw on with these four short screws that we've got right there once we've got the fan back on on we can put the main board back on the main board goes there like that now I keep track of the screws by leaving them with the bit that they go to making it all very much easier and this entire job was done with the tools that eligo supplied and of course this is the only problem I've had in about 8 n months so it took a little bit of finding but if you keep the tool somewhere handy you don't need anything else above what you came with the actual printer and that screws back on there like that when it comes to putting back the wires on the motherboard of course people worry but there's a couple of Clues one is the wires tend to be bent and only fit in One Direction two the sockets are only a certain size so half of them will only go in one place so that clearly only fits in there and nowhere else this one which is the heater that's a big old chunky piece cuz it's supposed to take a lot of power and it will only go in here leaving as these two this one looks like it goes in there and this one looks like it goes in there and hopefully enough on the motherboard it says fan and thermal sensor actually it says th1 so we know that that thermal sensor goes right in there and that fan goes right in there leaving us these two spare that's for the case fan and for the sensor that went down here so that's the optical sensor I was on about it goes in there because it's the only one that will fit in and it also says sensor and then it screws on there like that and once we've done that we can slide the case back on and it just slides back in there watching out for the wires and of course we've got two things ready to take the fans one fan goes there one fan goes there now we took this off we removed the carriage and there it is and the carriage goes right on there like that there's three drill three screw holes one two at the top and one at the bottom it goes into the bottom one right there because those top two they take this one which goes into those top two like the that and that's obviously the cable lead so let's screw those together okay that's it cleaned up repaired and back ready to go back on just put the rubber shoe back on there there we go and we can remount it now I removed the two wheels here to remount it and these slots are the the ones that take the actual belt so let's go and remount that so there you go all back together now it wasn't that hard in fact was pretty easy to do the hardest thing was removing the plastic and the key to that is that soldering iron trick that we did that made it actually pretty easy to do and of course what we've learned now if you want to upgrade this so say we want to do an abrasive material like glass fiber reinforced or carbon reinforced resins we know how to change the hot end now so we can change that nozzle and we're able to print with different materials or if we want to take the temperature up then that PTFE blue tube that I put in there we replace that with a brass tube that they sell as a kit we could print hotter materials like nylon for instance now because I've done this of course I've altered the bed height so I've recalibrated the bed plate now I've done a video on how to calibrate the bed plate but to be honest if you're having this problem you already know how to do that so I've recalibrated the bed plate because of course I've put a different nozzle in a slightly different height the only thing we need to do now is check that it prints there you go good as new printing like a Gooden will I not print over well probably not because it doesn't really fease me much doing these kind of things cuz you know it's not really a problem it's just a solution waiting to happen and with a pocket full of dreams and a handful of Hope and a get up and go attitude it's not that difficult to fix anything you want to fix so I hope the video helped hope you enjoyed watching it thank you very much and please do remember to like And subscribe
Channel: Robert Murray-Smith
Views: 19,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: neptune, pro, elegoo, 3d, filament, fdm, prnter, robert, fwg, tnt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2023
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