2025 The Second Falklands War: Who Would Win? (WarGames 70) | DCS

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[Music] hello valued viewers i hope you're all doing very well over the last couple of years we've done a whole series of 1982 falklands war reenactments as you can see here but today you guys have asked us what if there was a second falklands war how would that look and who would win it well we can't do it now in 2022 and we'll explain why shortly so we're going to do a future battle in year 2025 so the year is 2025 the argentinians have invaded the falkland islands and renamed it the malvinas they've placed 10 000 soldiers on the east island they've taken port stanley they've taken mount pleasant they've taken the san carlos area and a whole series of other outposts pebble island goose green and so on the british they've sent out a task force this consists of one queen elizabeth class aircraft carrier plus four of the six british type 45 super modern destroyers plus 20 auxiliary vessels including 26 000 soldiers that's two divisions the argentinians have landed one division on the island the british are coming with two divisions before we continue very quickly we've been having a lot of troubles with the youtube lately it would be really appreciated if you subscribe to the channel which i'm gonna do now ping you click on the bell here you change it from personalize which is the default to all that will hopefully bypass most of the problems we're having with the new algorithm thank you very much before we look at the finer detail of the battle we need to understand why we're doing this in the future 2025 instead of 2022 we need to look a bit about the history of the argentine air force i've got here the basic wiki document and it's actually a really good concise read if you get time summarized in the 60s and 70s had a modernization program and procured f-86f sabres a4 skyhawks mirage 3s and daggers essentially mirage fives as well as logistic and refueling c-130 hercules and an indigenous counter-insurgency aircraft the purgator which out of interest is one of my favorite aircraft of all time then 1982 the falklands war over the month or so war especially over the five days of the battle of san carlos the argentinians had huge losses of their air force 19 skyhawks shot down two mirage three interceptors 11 daggers two canberras 24 pakoras on the island one herc a leo jet and two helicopters post war starting 1983 they had to start re-equipping the main procurement were 36 modernized fighting hawks from america these are modernized a4s also some ov ones some more daggers two more hercs and an l100 also they started more indigenous programs the pampa an indigenous trainer the psy 90 which is really interesting and a ballistic missile the missile was cancelled the psalm 90 was cancelled the pamper did make it into production next into the 21st century in terms of combat aircraft they tried to procure f1s also block 60k fears and saab gripens all of these deals fell through next they tried to work with china to re-equip with modern jf-17 block ones and chendu j-10s both medium fighters this unfortunately fell through as well then medium supersonic bombers su-24 this also fell through next 2019 the f-50s from south korea this also did not materialize again they tried with the saab gripen vetoed by uk and cancelled finally back to russia in the 2020s with mig-35 for equipment again did not materialize because of all these failed procurements at today's date 2022 the only combat aircraft argentina has are seven pampers the indigenous training aircraft which is obviously of no use today and her 23 fighting hawks now unfortunately if you read the text above although she does have 23 fighting hawks none of them are in serviceable condition for battle so essentially argentina at this point in time does not have a single combat aircraft but the reason we're doing this simulation and i must say i'm very lucky to be in gr because i get to speak to pilots and just plain enthusiasts all over the world two of them argentinian themselves tell me that latest talks are going ahead with a very possible procurement from china of 12 jf-17 thunders block ones as well as 12 j-10 medium fighters if it did happen they would have 24 medium fighters from china hence why we're doing this in 2025 assuming the deal would go ahead and that brings us to the battle taking off from rio galagas and rio grande are 24 brand new argentinian fighters we've got 12 jf-17s each carrying two c82 ak radar-guided anti-ship missiles long range fuel tank and two self defense pl5s think aim 9 sidewinders also split between the two bases 12 firebirds the j10c sorry we do not have any rg colors for them they are the escort with four sd10s two pl8s very similar to the missiles in the other aircraft and a fuel tank fuel tank very important today because in 2025 argentina is predicted to have no serviceable refueling aircraft so these aircraft have to make the 400 plus mile journey without refueling they can do that but it's expected with combat fuel that they're not going to make it back so this from argentina essentially is a one-way mission unless they managed to land at port stanley or mount pleasant which have been taken but it's unlikely with the british task force defending so that's the first thing to take note of next the tactics i will talk to you about the tactics in more detail without the boys listening i should say hello boys simba push and grump hello already next the british the task force has queen elizabeth carrier our brand new carrier or one of two i should say and four type 45 destroyers a brand new destroyer very capable ship set out pretty much as they were in 1982 with the carrier and her protection here so that's the carrier two type 45 destroyers and two auxiliary vessels the british have decided to land at san carlos area so her ships are in the falkland sound here again two type 45 destroyers here and five auxiliary landing vessels here they're starting to land the troops at san carlos fob which is being created as we speak aircraft 24 f-35s are being carried aboard the queen elizabeth first are the gr guys again those three boys we talked about before and anyone else that's going to turn up in time f-35b lightnings these are equipped with nine aim 120 ds these are our analog for the long range meteor missile so these here are the f-35bs that are being converted to fire the meteor while the a120ds well we're trying to get the meteors to work with these we haven't quite managed to get them working yet so instead we've substituted them for long-range a120ds with a range of about 120 miles everything's not fully working at the moment as you can see the pylons aren't working and so on but they are actionable also very excitingly we finally got the aesa substitute radar working in the f-35 it's not a proper aesthetic it's actually a motorized radar from an f-15 but we've buffed it such that we expect it to operate similar to a real aesa radar being able to lock targets at over 90 miles just got it working and tested and so it should make a massive difference in the fights that we're starting to do moving on again thanks to vsn for helping us out for that our three humans will be supplemented by 21 a.i again f-35 617 squadron now we haven't got the long-range missiles working with these f-35s yet so they are on the legacy aim 120 c5s and they've got aimline x's again a few bugs of parliament and stuff but it's just not a priority at the moment but the humans will have the experimental fitted meteor analogues in terms of orders and what's going on the blues are just going to take off and i've just programmed the ai at maximum skill level to search out whatever's the priority threat and the humans will do whatever the humans do boys traditionally at this point we like to do predictions so you're fighting 24 medium fighters you guys have got 24 extremely potent fifth gen fighters they're all set up with stealth by the way you've also got four super modern destroyers predictions i think we have this yeah it's gonna be one-sided i mean stealth versus not stealth yeah and you've got yeah easter radars now they those other fighters got crappy old mechanical radars basically a rerun of the first falcons war what do we have for airborne early warning aha there is a big question push in the original falklands war you did not have any aew you had the radars on the ships here's the problem again this task force does not contain much aew in 2025 the uk will have wedge tails they're a bit like a small e3 century as you can call them but they're not naval so they won't be here they can't operate from here the airfields have been taken we probably will still have some legacy helicopter aew but it's not as good as a wedge tail or a proper air wax you know it's it's much smaller so we're mainly relying today on the ship's sensors and that's actually starting to dig into the argentinian tactics today which i'm not gonna tell you that's out of your remit and three two one go we have the start of the second falklands war the date is the ninth of january 2025 it's 100 hours and off we go there's not much is going to happen for the british for the time being let's go and have a look at the argentinians we've got taxing already the anti-ship jeffs with their lovely argentinian paint scheme actually looks nice i like that scheme it does look nice doesn't it we also have there very unfortunately painted shenduj-10s unfortunately these firebirds have just arrived from china and they haven't have time to repaint them yet which is a unfortunate time to go to war but that's the way it goes they are obviously gonna take off hopefully i'm run by two five that would indeed be a two and or five on there there he goes everything's working it's a very strange day in gr when everything works perfectly i'm sure something will go wrong off they go brand new acquired jf-17 block one thunders from china and uh we've got the firebirds at this space here guys at this point is where i cut you guys off for a little bit okay valid viewers it's just me and you now i've cut the boys off which is very unusual but there's a good reason for that i've spent hours and hours and hours trying to get this war games set up whenever i do these war games i don't just like set one side against another side and then just press fight you know i've got to try and make it a balanced fight otherwise they would just last five minutes and it would just be a complete walkover so i've got fine ways of making a balanced fight now here's the problem we've got some relatively decent medium fighters 4th gen versus a huge naval task force now i can't just add more fighters to the argentine side or add different fighters because this is apparently what they're getting so i had to find a way of these guys taking on this massive fleet now the problem with this massive fleet is modern naval vessels are so good that they're almost impossible to attack i spent hours and hours trying to find a way of these 24 fighters doing some damage somewhere on the san carlos landings on the carrier anywhere i tried high i tried low tried north i tried south i tried pins i tried together i tried cheeky little maneuvers programming to each individual fighter to take individual little streams five feet off the ground to avoid the radar to do pop-up attacks here on this area here and none of it worked because like i said modern naval vessels are just so freaking good you can't freaking beat them it's a nightmare unless i'm going to have hundreds of argentinian air force which i don't have so i found one way of doing it the only way i found of doing some damage to the british is to have a mass deception when you saw the waypoints and if you see them now no you can't i squiggled all the way points up and that's a deception plan so the british the boys which who can't hear by the way what i'm talking about won't know what's going on so what we're going to have very simply is the north attack force mass time on target southern force is going to be the deception these guys are going to come down to the south and attack from the south they're going to be time on target minus seven the british will see these guys first as we'll see with our eyes when i joined the blue side again so these guys distract the british these guys all then come in as a block and just launch anti-ship missiles as many as they can against the carrier task force and hope it's going to work don't worry too much about british guys in the air already now because they don't have any air-to-air refuellers with them they can't keep f-35s up all the time i'm going to turn the video off now and come back in about an hour's time standby welcome back value viewers local time is now 10 40. the argentinian aircraft are now well underway uh nearing the island i'm now a tactical command on the blue side i can now see what the blue coalition data link can see so true this is your data link screen same with you boys press f10 and you'll see what your blue coalition centers say okay other than that guys we are just waiting until one of those objects comes on the screen remember no airborne aew here just ships and ship centers powerful as they are can only see so far due to the you know the problem with earth's curvature and these guys being so low two type 45s here we've got auxiliary vessels here in san carlos bay landing the two divisions of troops and assortment of items we've got the carrier task force here the boys are busy turning around there are three of them on the deck and there are 21 ai in the belly of the aircraft which will come up on the twin ramps you can see in the distance we've got the type 45 there and type 45 there if you think it's easy getting these mods to work in game it's not it's taken us hours and hours and hours but we are just about here and we are getting quite good at lure editing not much to say really we are just waiting for the uh oh literally just as i said it guys first firebirds uh here at a heading of two two zero for two hundred miles uh scramble and do anything make it sexy then we're rolling go simba wimba blimba mimba with your nine meteors which are actually aim 120 deltas best we can do at the moment next go on push 40 000 pounds of thrust watching going grumptastic don't you miss that ski ramp don't you miss that ski ramp right if my programming works now these ais should start coming up from the hull of the ship and they should start launching at a frequency of one every 45 seconds what is the real launch frequency of the carrier i have no idea i've guessed every 45 seconds because there's only a ski ramp right reminder i uh can see whatever our coalition centers can see so guys uh you've got 185 miles to go you choose euro confirmed yes correct uh sorry about the pylons how to do it we haven't figured out how to get that working yet a little bit of time a little bit of time reminder we've got our analog aesthetic radars working for the first time in dcs and they can see 150 miles and they can lock targets at 90 miles which is our guess at what real lazy radars can do wow simba's been overtaken who's that speedy boots in terms of the argentinian anti-ship missiles the 802s they have a range of 120 miles shouldn't be too long now before the first ai start coming in and not on the deck yet december probably super cruising no maybe not no it's the problem with having the pylons on the uh yes simba can i help you you say it pushes out you up there conning oh that would be great uh i'm up conning it's i'm i'm only at 25.5 and it's apparently really cold up here yeah welcome to watching scene by the way let's go back to like florida or something although there are no problems we've set the radar cross section of the jet so that it would be as if it has pylons on so it's not in full stealth mode as i read our cross section of like this is ah i kind of remember zero point two or something the chinese radars will still have problems seeing them it's all proportional ah the firebirds are going to attack formation now as you can see they're changing their formation they're going higher they've probably got the burners on yeah here they come they're attacking you guys it's a fight argentina versus britain take two last time it was mirage three interceptors it was daggers bombing it was skyhawks bombing now it's j-10s and 17s distance between 140 nautical miles 160 statute miles my boys conning who's going faster uh blues are going 580 knots red 600 wow the firebirds are beating you guys in terms of speed i do have a secret hard-on for the firebirds i think they're just kind of cool little supersonic medium fighters seeing a euro fighter and an f-16 have a love child that's what's going on j-10 looks like ah new incursion pop-up ai is taking off standby okay our ai's spawned in and they're just going balls the ball okay guys new incursion to the west however it looks like the ai is going for them so it's up to you but i suggest you probably keep going for the uh firebird two ao3 ai airborne now ai is pulled to the wall remember the ai does not have the azure radar and it does not have the a120d we just haven't had time to get that fully working with ai yet although we will be greater contacts now 111 220 111 if you remember we did the pelosi intercept we didn't have the ac analog radar working at the time so we could only see them at 45 miles which is so frustrating now we've got this the boys can see them over 100 miles so i'd love to have another pop-up that pelosi mission guys right we have jeffrey's similar is going to stand in reserve um weirdly the skins for the uh thunders have stopped working the only problem with messing around with the game and adding all these weird additions is that stuff just goes wrong all of a sudden the jeffs have just stopped working their skins but welcome to modifying dcs i suppose guys you are 85 nautical miles from south incursion you are 121 nautical miles from west incursion there are four ai f35 bravo's out of 617 squadron can i get a vector to western incursion yep stand by begin engaging uh where are you simba west incursion is 280 for 120 nautical miles wow missiles out at 76 miles now that sir is the uh meteor or the closest we can get to it at the moment dropbox three times three and we've had some problems getting these these working uh the problem we can't get over at the moment if anyone's interested is the sensor the proxy fuse sensor is so big for some reason that if they go anywhere near another one a120d they blow up including even on your own rails and blow yourself up we haven't found a solution for that right simba is heading for uh west incursion grump is heading for south incursion and look at the speed of those missiles is it realistic they go that fast actually it's not to be honest but it's the only way that we could get them to travel as far as a real n120d world it's the best we can do at the moment okay i'll just uh simple rules of engagement are up to you guys you fight whatever you want those missiles are gonna put purple by the way five birds about to get smacked in the face firebird down grump splash one second firebird notching boof wow smack flash two eastern radar working aim 120d finally working work was worth it boys simba is spamming those [Music] three times three wow the power and this is a really good representation of how good the brits will be in a few years once they've got their everything working in their lightnings they've got their meteors firing and everything like that this is what we can do firing at 84 miles imagine facing that with a stealth plane that you can't even see as you know by naval views i'm not a massive fan of fat amy but to be able to do that is basically unbeatable loads of ai out oh i need a sip of tea guys and now pooch is boxing at not sure which one he's going for but it looks like he's going for these ones pushes fox at 70 miles yep 70 miles 80 miles the absolute touching power of these birds is ridiculous symbols three times to you oh it's great to see it all working finally guys uh we use these for the first time in the pelosi mission that we did but we're teething issues so fuses were not working that's you know it's just something this was going on one j10 down one on boys also radar wasn't working so well oh and the radar wasn't working either yes it's great to see everything finally getting in i can't wait to do some kind of bvr fights uh if you're wondering why these who have gone rogue it's because the target they were shot at is dead and they can't reacquire can they rear acquire in real life i don't know i don't know if anyone in the private sector you know public sector knows i don't know oh you guys are smashing it guys every almost everyone's hit so far how effective would a120 be these be in real life because again they've shot them against a couple of uh drones but they've never been using combat it's a completely new concept of missile firing same with meteors you just wiped those guys out a hundred miles grump well done right head uh three two one right through hamstring go on simba ai is still going ai's at 900 knots ai is not messing around wow watch simba in real life i'm pretty sure these have ram jets but we've had to put a solid rocket booster that's just sustained for ages i say we we didn't actually oh i don't know it's such a mismatch of mods now to be honest i don't even know who to thank and who's responsible i apologize for that it's just right it's just a big mismatch of stuff i think you might have ever shut your targets no scratch it push fox three times four yeah we gotta miss we're gonna miss their sim but don't know why they've yep they're turning cold bottoms tracking somebody you got one that's gonna intercept you to the west box three on him again the core game is not designed to work like this these long range radars are not designed into the games long-range missiles are not designed into the game dictate simba i'll nail them you wanted me you want me to take him i got him i got him he's got i got a missile out on him already well done guys a120d smacking in 20 miles until the anti-shippers are within range i don't really know what to look at now we'll just lose the lightning no i don't think so i'll be surprised if we lose any lightnings today simba fox3 m120c legacy missile it's a funny day when you're saying the aim of a120 is a legacy missiles first missiles gonna hit the um anti-shippers jesus miss shir that was like a 130 more shot simba you miss i was still going well done well done down anti-ship is getting hit now oh there's a whole spam array here on the anti-shippers some of that missile missed uh two six six for no j-10 inbound about to about to merge andy shippers is going down now at a rate of knots look at that the power of the amram guys then we're going call whole bunch of thunders shot down that's a flight of that's a flight of thunders down going for the thunders wow okay it's just the thunder's up god you guys are effective simba merged him with merged dogfight he might see through your stealth now so be careful anti-ship missiles out anti-ship missiles are out man the timing and ship missiles are out on the fleet guys i this could not work better right guys you've got to find those anti-ship missiles now and hunt them down because they have the capacity to sink the fleet more anti-ship missiles out three times four you've killed the thunders now you've got to kill the um let me down are you down timber yep yeah you got too close nevermind you've done your you've done your damage now help the guys find those missiles look at that valley viewers that's what we call a modern verbal the argentines know that this is a suicide mission they knew those are the missiles by the way they knew they couldn't get back home they don't have the capability to refuel these fighters from fox 3. so they were never planning to make it back shot one missile destroyed four more missiles to kill guys we i'm not cheating we would see these on our radar by the way as they did in real life they did see the missiles in 1982 um we did see the missiles with our radar forgot what the radar was called but they tracked the missiles as they came in really interesting watching that guys all argentine fighters down for the loss of one lightning shows the power of our new creation be careful there are lots of fox 3's in the area still and they're all very dangerous but now you've got to find the missiles i will help you to do that drop ready for testing push 1 0 0 for 20 miles cold grump sending on intercept course predicting zero three zero four forty miles zero three zero four forty they're paid they appear to be scrapped they appear to be cruising at uh five thousand actually five thousand you should pick them up on your iec radar happy whoa that was such a good fight uh suggest buster that's buster that's buster ai can't go for these they're just not programmed to shoot missiles down so they don't know how to unfortunately so it's just my boys now reptilian missiles oh can you see them on your radar april i would say it's up to you but i would suggest getting closer i'm not that confident about i'm shooting them down at 30 miles even with our new amrams they won't work anyway they are wow they're transonic 620 knots really china really all right yep they also they fired 111 nautical miles there about 130 statute miles if that's real then that makes them incredibly dangerous weapons they do leave a kerosene trail now so i'm not going to do a smoke trail so we'll be able to visualize them at some point speed the speed's the problem the boys for amy's i mean she's not that fast i suppose i prefer a tomcat at this point but without out of here okay we've just lost the light i mean this is a this is a problem right we may guys have to uh hope the duncans will shoot them i still don't see them on my radar no i still don't see them they're just slightly too far guys uh there are 11 it's because you're you've got the doppler effect you've got exactly the same speed of them so they're in the notch filter surprisingly no mad dog oh jesus christ it's up to you guys i don't want to be i can see him visually i just can't get him on the radar i'm going to leave it to you up to you whether you want a mag dog or not guys if you do add a good aspect you should grab you should see them now you're out of the notch filter okay we've got some mad dogs going in this when you fire a missile without a lock right let's see if this locks may or may not i doubt they'll be friendly far because the chance of this looking onto a still relatively low it doesn't look like it's tracking it's going to blow right through isn't it yeah bad luck push went for that massive gap right between them all the chances all right that's gonna end up hitting our carry on someone can guarantee it uh grump is 12 months gonna maintain lock yep i see them with my eyes now and right on another missile down that's my boys nice unfortunately i am winchester now all right right uh can you float back to the carrier are you too far out yep i'm down to 9.6 right i get the feeling push isn't getting back push is not getting back uh get as low as low and slow as you can and eject and uh i'll send caesar out for you okay it was worth it it was worth the expenditure of the airframe guys i value viewers uh all that we see fit to do is now wait for the oh here we go sm-2 in real life the type 45 does not use the sm-2 again we just haven't had time to fully get it working so we've just gone with the basic sm2 as per the default mod again i should reiterate that all of these mods are not made by us we just edit them and try and get them working for our purposes so we can't take credit for the mods you'll 500. come and land trump i missed okay first have some two have missed how are you doing grumptastic okay he's got eighteen thousand feet i reckon you're gliding back even with a fat amy uh i wouldn't know what the water feels like i'm dead oh geez unfortunately once you get in a dogfight even with a fourth gem plane it's you know it's 50 50 at that point in fact i'll probably go for the um i'll probably go for the firebird over the f-35 to be honest okay two missiles left and they're about to be smashed down uh which pretty much concludes the simulation guys i thought that was brilliant you guys all did really well excellent work of you with your new radar excellent work with your missiles i tried so hard so hard getting the argent times to to win uh but with the brief of what i got of the the weapons they've got it was almost impossible so to be honest i'm actually quite happy with myself just to get a few missiles through on target i did the best misdirection i could oh maybe one missile will get through maybe one's getting through guys don't know what it's locked on to has his own radar on board and it will lock on to whatever it sees as as a priority chip oh is it dead it's dead yes that's dead why guys the british are just too powerful with the lightning with the ships there is no way i've tried everything i can think of let me know if you think of everything i've tried time on target attacks around here around here around here attacking from different angles you just cannot get through these defenses all right let's see if grump can land and then we'll wrap it up that is in theory what would happen in the second fourth of war valley chief viewers which am i writing saying is pretty much the same as what happened on the real one no the real one uh british ships got sunk in the real one in 1982 the planes were still third fourth gen planes but the ships were terrible especially british ships back to them weren't very good you know they had a firing range of i'm not sure about 15 miles or something the radars were okay but the fcs just weren't as good in fact a lot of the fire control for the missiles were actually sack loss compared to what we've got on a type 45 these huge vls systems of long range you know they'll shoot you down at 70 miles it's so different and so much harder for a non-stealth aircraft if argentina had stealth aircraft which they'll probably never have if they bought the lightning or no what should i say the j20 they bought the j20 from china it would be a different matter because those stealth aircraft could get right up and personal at that point and launch anti-ship missiles even though i'm not sure i can carry them if i'm 99 sure they can't carry them so i don't know what they would do but they could get close and personal against the lightning certainly uh let me know your thoughts any other way you think the rg's could have uh done it right uh we're in your hands um do a thing about the argentinian air forces back in the early 80s they had a different ethos they were all britain american trained so they had a war fighting sensibility i don't think they would have taken a while to develop that now roger and that's actually one really interesting point one of the reasons why i like doing and i've got more a lot more more panda these falklands things i have massive respect for the argentine pilots you know the british won the war in en but the argentine pilots were excellent and they were massively skilled and uh massively courageous now would their pilots be like that now probably not well therefore they haven't even got any combat planes to fly haven't had any combat planes to fly in ages got the pampers but there's like seven of them would they be good pilots right graham i don't want to push you but i do need you to land which means i am pushing you i'm aware of that oh there you go do you realize how much that canopy of that lightning cost to the british taxpayer uh what about the ones that we lost in combat uh you can just recover one out of the ocean i think there was there's one down there yep we're gonna reuse that snap some sloppy stealth coating on it i think you have uh well here's the thing because in real life they would have um beethoven they would come and land vertically you don't have that yet so do a thing right ladies and gentlemen i give you grump uh guys i found that thoroughly excellent it was worth all the work and all the stress and all the getting all the code working and stuff so well done everyone what a simple putting how many hours you bittered oh that is falco's war two guys any clues in comments yeah roger is it exactly guys it's just as you planned it such a such a difference in the power of forces it's always going to be that way simba this is how you america wins the falcons of war um i hope you enjoyed that and bye bye the main grim reaper's videos are now being split between this youtube channel and the grim reaper's two youtube channel so if you want to see all of the grim reaper's videos please consider subscribing to both channels and thank you for watching
Channel: Grim Reapers
Views: 249,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DCS, DCS World, IL-2, Sturmovik, Arma 3, GR
Id: J1qMladHJUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 25sec (2245 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2022
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