2024 Twelve Best FREE AI tools for Academic Research and Researchers

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we're at that stage with a itol where they want your money they are mature enough to suck in those subscriptions they want to get as rich as possible but the good thing is is there are free tools that are available that are super powerful and this list contains those tools as well as ones that have really generous free plans the first one you should know about is herisa or urisa and the one thing I love about this is that it's AI driven and it just gives you the ability to mind map a whole kind of research field now what we can do I've put in here organic photo voltaic and you can see I've got what the cons and pros and I've also got examples down here the way this works is that when you first log in you put in what you want to put in this middle bit and then you can ask for elaborate you've got all of these down the side that you can put in so I can put in how if I click here and I click how then it adds here organic Vol Tes work by converting sunlight into electricity and I can add it to my exploration and you can see here that I can add as many mind maps as possible and I can click here and I want to know the concepts related to a specific input so here I want solar cells AR renewable energy ien semiconductor it I want it all oh don't lie beep that out and then we've got all of these Concepts that come off it and it's just so so good and then I can say okay well actually I want to know about energy conversion so what is energy conversion and then I got AI generating this response and I can add it in here and this is a mind map that can just get massive it's completely free a really great way to start your literature review if you don't know where you want to start it's really powerful and I think this is something that everyone should start with if they're sort of like first into a research field check it out the second one you should know about is open read open read has pricing plans for all your needs but this is the one we're interested in we get five paper espressos we get five paper Q&A we get F five chat with oat we get AI summary times five a month so this is actually quite generous considering how powerful this is if I go in and I look for all of my uh files so I can upload here a PDF document and all I have to do here is say okay well what PDF document do I want what PDF document do I want I'm going to drag and drop one of my papers right here you can see that it's uploaded and it's got all of the things I want to know about so it's got B basic information it's kind of given me not only just like a little uh summary of the thing but I've also got the DOI and other basic information if I want to know more about this I can ask more questions about it this is the uh like little chat bot up here hi I'm oat and you can ask o anything um and if I want to know more about this where do I go I can go up here and ask for a paper espresso and I love this paper espresso because what it gives you is all of the bite-sized chunks for reading about this paper please allow 10 to 20 seconds brilliant it took less than that I love it we've got the achievements and significant we've got the background and context we've got discussions interpretation we get five of these a month but if you just sort of like use this on the papers that are big that are chunky or when you're just tired and you don't want to read it that's also completely okay up here we can also ask paper Q&A which is brilliant we get five questions that we can ask about this paper who is the best author on this paper is it Andy stapon or is it an any Stapleton there we are oh it doesn't say I'm the best but I am the best the third one you should know about is explain paper I absolutely love this it's completely free I'm amazed that it's still completely free but essentially you upload a paper to it which is brilliant and then you just select text that you want explained so here if I want this stuff I just simply select it all then it pops up here and I can explain this as a middle schooler as a 5-year-old um to a high schooler let's say middle schooler I click explain and uh ultimately here we've got a little kind of undergrad explanation of all of the things we can ask as many follow-up questions as we want it's even got related resources that you may want to know about as well really fantastic completely free love it explain paper.com another tool that you should know about to help you read papers is paper brain paper brain is really Fant fantastic all we have to do is upload a um paper this is one of mine accurate thickness measurement of graphine this is run by Dr Cameron sheer fantastic scientist love you Cameron um and here at s just asked it what is this paper about and it's just given me a little simple like uh AI generated response a great tool for asking questions about specific papers and receiving AI generated answers back I'm going to ask this one who is the best author on this please let it be me please please let it be me please let it be me damn it Cameron Shir is the best author on this paper Cameron I'm coming for you the fifth tool that you should know about is einblick einblick doai and it's chart generation AI three simple steps upload your data set describe what chart you want and then generate a chart so it's simple I've clicked here try random example because I can't be asked uploading my own spreadsheet but here you can see it's all you have to do is put in a link to your spreadsheet or you can upload a file it creates a little sort of like table here of all the information you put in then you say what chart you want to generate you want in this case they wanted a scatterplot of n2o versus CH4 Admissions and this is what they've ended up with brilliant a really great way of just getting those simple first draft charts of your data that you can put in any sort of like supervisor meetings or that sort of stuff really powerful really free check it out really free more free than free the sixth tool you should know about is tavali tavali AI or t.com here we've got an overview but this is what I'm interested in the research assistant I'm going to click here and then it's asking me what should I research for you so polite these AI tools so I want to know about organic photovoltaic devices and what this does which is super powerful is it creates an agent based on your search question and it sends it off to the internet to get information for you this is all about making sure that AI doesn't hallucinate and come up with random that doesn't actually exist in the world so you can see it initiated a custom research agent um then it was looking for online sources then it found these things and then it comes up with this at the bottom it gives you a nice kind of overview of the research you've wanted and I found that if I ask specific questions it does give me specific answers with um AI generated text that was researched properly it gives links to all of the stuff you want to know about and it was really fun um I've tried this one uh the best organic photovoltaic devices in the current market which is something like I need to know about if I'm in that research field and you can see that it gave me all of this stuff saying that uh these guys were the best ones at the moment uh where are they they are Dracula Technologies and so if I click here it will open up where they found this information you can see it's super relevant and recent information and this is the sort of stuff I want to know about if I'm in a particular research it searches the online web space it doesn't do scholarly stuff as far as I know at the moment but that's still super powerful for free go check it out the seventh one you should know about is power drill power drill has got an upgrade option but it's really powerful in this uh simple format down here we've got chat but this is really easy what you have to do is upload data sets if I've got my research all I need to do is go in here and upload data sources these can be uh text web pages or files so I'm going to put in my own research and here we are it says need larger storage size your current upload is 2 megabytes larger than data limit that's right I don't want to do that upload that there we I'm going to upload as much as I can for this data set for free and once it's uploaded I can go in and ask questions um about all of that data set which is super powerful and something that quite often you have to spend a lot of money to get to make the most of this small amount of space you want to put in review papers that contain a lot of information and that will help you sort of like use this to its strongest uh ability and power so once all our data is up there all we need to do is go to simple chat then we click new chat talk to GPT click on this one and say no I want to talk to Andy's research and then we can ask anything about the research who is the best author on these papers don't let it be Cameron don't let it be Cameron Be Me Be Me Be Me Oh it hasn't given me an answer what a cop out size space size space I absolutely love do hours worth of reading in minutes it's brilliant you can upload papers you can do a literature review from SI space papers or my library you can extract data from PDFs you can read with AI copilot there's all limits on this but it's all quite generous but if I go to my library the one thing I love about this is when you upload PDFs it gives you a too long didn't read gives you conclusions it gives you all of these different things that you know would take you hours to extract manually from these papers by just reading them but it's a great way to get this massive table of too long didn't read all of the conclusions all of the stuff together simple easy and look all you need to do here is open CoPilot you can ask questions it's so easy uh I can't believe it's free and uh yeah check it outpace but strangely their URL is typeset doio the next one you should know about is next net next net is fantastic if you're in the drug and health space so here all I need to do is click on Discover type in new drugs for example I don't know what I'm doing this is well outside of my comfort zone but it's completely free um it will go away and search for all of the recent literature and uh stuff on like Gene expressions and drugs and all that sort of stuff but next net um is a fantastic tool if you're in this research space I just wish that it would uh you know have something similar in a different research space so here we are this tells you everything new drugs then it's got National Drug law anti-tumor effects isolates unsafe you know clearly if you know what you're doing and you know the field you can put in something to search much better ultimately it gives you this super searchable graph on a research set based on your query brilliant go check it out getnext net.com Boom the last ones that I want you to know about are all linked together and it's just the old school General AI chat that I've been using for uh I was going to say years now but for like a year since it came out but these are chat GPT the OG the OG of AI as well as perplexity as well as Bing I use these all of the time if we go to Bing chat I use these all of the time as my like goto place they are free they are super powerful and you can ask it almost anything the problem with using these overlight something that's specifically for research is sometimes it can hallucinate sometimes it can give you too broader of a response sometimes it's not like academic enough but these are all overcomable by chatting with it asking for it um to change its response or for like asking it more detailed knowledge about a certain thing or just telling it's wrong you say like no I actually don't want that I want you to do it in these ways these three tools have changed the world and they have changed research forever so chat GPT I love that is my go-to for every day perplexity I go there if I want it to give me references that I can sort of like do further information and I go to Bing if I really want sort of like more uh control over the sorts of response it gives me I can ask for more creative I can give balance I can ask for more precise stuff and uh there are really sort of like a great number of ways you can manipulate the chat before asking the question in bing I love it so those three tools are where I go all of the time they're completely free I love them they've changed the world they've changed research forever let me know in the comments which one you prefer chat GPT perplexity or Bing so there we have it there are the 12 free AI tools that are the best for 2024 let me know in the comments if there's any I've missed or ones that you prefer I love to know about them and also if you love this video go check out this one where I've put all of the five mindblowing AI tools that you should be using for research that you probably don't know about go check it out
Channel: Andy Stapleton
Views: 155,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qB4HGMvrhwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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