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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] la [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] sh so [Music] charic [Music] [Music] [Music] 3650 you're slowing up kid you do realize you're going to kill yourself if you keep that up helps me relax never seen a man so relaxed I'm going to hit the showers hey uh how about a drink later depends on what time I can get the realignment [Music] on [Music] well it's about time have a nice shower if you cared as much about your job as you do about your running maybe we could all go home early don't panic Ken I'm on to it it's coming through now it's not bad Jace but still not good [Music] jry Jerry what it's your wife can't you tell him a bit busy hello it's me listen I've got a meeting tonight can you look after Maddie I thought I was picking her up on Saturday morning I know I just found out about this it's a last minute thing thank you I'm really busy man well so am I Jerry otherwise I wouldn't ask I suppose you have more press engagements oh well she can stay at Sophie's Place then no I'll take her no don't do it if you don't want to no I do want to I just need a little bit more notice next time okay we'll be there in 20 minutes and you'll take her to school in the morning yes 8:30 and no later yes fine Gerald we have come to the end of another totally unproductive day and I I think it's time for some heavy drinking I can't Paul I haven't finished the alignment hey I can wait s favored and Maddie's coming Margaret changed the schedule on me yet again wives huh well Ex-Wives either way you can't live with them you can't shoot them catch you tomorrow then [Music] sure and how you doing little missy fine hey what's this when you look at that I always knew you were a little sweetie there you go thank you you'll spoil her oh you can't love kids too much love won't fix cavities George right there oh hi sweetie hi Daddy look Jerry sorry about this oh I love getting Maddy I just need more than 20 minutes notice we'll work on that all right and you I'll pick you up after school okay have a good night darling I love you Mommy I love you [Music] Mommy I made to see you today hi Maddie hi hi Stephanie this is a beautiful horse a giraffe look at the spots it's a great giraffe do you like my new signature signature yeah look see it's an m and then two A's Matilda Ash Anderson m a he hey that's very clever that's actually what they call a monogram what's that that's that listen I got some work to do so why don't you draw me a picture till I'm finished okay Daddy your promise remember H did I remember let's see where's that I don't know is that it I'll see if I can get a little closer that's my school wow that's me that is so cool like to lights down my friends uh uhuh remember the deal top secret a right I got to go finish my work be good okay [Music] monogram daddy you've got [Music] [Music] [Music] mail Daddy hey Jay right in Daddy can you give me coordinates 00345 by 44225 no worries just stand by Daddy hey honey my picture won't print I'll be there in a minute I'm almost finished okay [Music] oh no [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] how's it going good see my picture it's a great giraffe it's a horse I knew that come on let's go home get your [Music] B can we get pizza Saturday night is pizza night you know that can we get a horse to eat oh to [Music] nice i' look after it I treat it every day I don't think I've got room for a horse the better rabbit take a look at them Stars will you everyone in that building is staring at colored pictures of the world that looks like a bucket of oil being pulled into a creek but out here you got the full Glory of [Music] nature night George night Mr Anderson night pin [Music] bye 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ready or not here I come I wonder if she's gone she's not up here so I guess that means she's somewhere around [Music] here aha she must be in my office H can't seem to see her I wonder [Music] if you got to remember not to leave your foot sticking out off the [Music] bed [Music] [Music] he [Music] come in control come in damn it they'll have to rob the [Music] [Music] place and the boy turned around and saw a wolf this time a real Wolf coming out of the forest wolf he cried wolf but the people in the village just said oh no we're not going to be fooled again they went back to work and the wolf ate the boy all [Music] up that's sad yeah but it was his own fault if you tell lies people stop believing you and then when you really want them to believe you they won't well I think they should up well maybe they should sweet dreams I love you I love you too [Music] Daddy [Music] daddy when are we all going to live in the same house again I don't know sweetie I don't know night night night night [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm thirsty you're going to make your old man old before his [Music] time better off the bed [Music] what [Music] [Music] is [Music] what the hell are you [Music] doing [Music] Daddy Daddy what just that [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] okay [Music] right shh come [Music] on don't [Music] look put your seats on [Music] come on come on get down [Music] a all right all right my God Jerry what's going on I need your help yeah come on in go upstairs there you go honey I'll have to sleep are we all right of course we are snugs a bug in a rug don't go to sleep [Music] [Music] baby I might have killed one of them I mean he I I tripped and he tripped and he fell down the stairs and cracked his head open there was a guy with a switchblade ran over the car I I I didn't mean to but the police will be there soon now Helen can look after Maddie but I think you and I should get going I'll just uh get changed yeah there's a third guy a guy in the van it's going to be all [Music] right no where I hit him roll over the car in well he's not here but uh there's a dead guy inside come [Music] on the body was right here let's gone [Music] it's Mr Anderson please [Music] exit look Mr Anderson we can't find any s ever break it everything looks pretty normal Upstairs Downstairs no this is not normal my my place is never this clean there were Intruders at least two of them they were searching my office it was trash my officers found nothing to indicate there look when I caught them they attacked me one guy tripped fell down the stairs cracked his head and blood was everywhere the other one must have cleaned up [Music] afterwards had never seen these men before no you think they were looking for something I told you they were searching my files what sort of job are you in Mr Anderson I'm a geologist satellite observation listen we'll send a forensic team around and see if we can find anything to support your story story what do you mean story don't mean anything I'm just saying we'll send a team in to try and cooperate with what youve told us we talk to my daughter she was [Music] there sorry we're late it's okay Daddy will the police find them yes and then they'll lock them up and throw away the key it's for your work it's beautiful is it a horse Daddy give me a kiss I'll call you later stay away from [Music] boys [Music] [Music] [Music] Picasso hey D what's going on you weren't the only Breakin last night somebody killed old George it was a robbery not much three computers looks like he Disturbed them how they killed him for three [Music] computers okay sorry folks we have to clear this area okay all Personnel head outside we'll take it from there Mr Anderson did you wait back a moment please jery sure I'll catch up with you in a minute you're [Music] okay Mr Anderson small world how are you feeling well a bit shaking but at least you're in better shape than that poor bugger out [Music] there Mr Anderson what time did you finished work last night about 7:30 7:45 anybody else in the building when you left last person we saw was George we well I had my daughter with me you didn't come come back later no this was the instrument used to kill the guard the handle's been wiped clean could you identify it for us Mr Anderson sure it looks like one of mine look the break in here and and the one at my house they've got to be connected had Ur to me Jerry is it possible that during the the night you came back here and uh something happened something maybe you didn't mean to happen but it happened and so you came up with this story about a Breakin at your house that what I'm saying Jerry is uh maybe you'd like to change your story are you suggesting that I broke in here stole three computers and in the process murdered a security guard what I just made up that story about the breaking in my house crazy you accusing me of murder we're not accusing anyone of anything yet Jerry I hope eventually we will be right now we're just following up leads well what about following up the leads on the attack on me in my house did you talk to my daughter yes we have but she didn't see enough to corroborate your story we'll let you know if anything turns [Music] up hey you all right no one far from all right first they don't believe me about to break it into my place and now they want to connect me to the murder and break in here oh that is crazy that's what I [Music] said Jerry Anderson why didn't you call me and tell me what happened I have to hear it from Maddie and the police I didn't want to upset you you didn't want to upset me what were you thinking I Jerry they're investigating the murder of a security guard what the hell are you involved in I'm not involved in anything this has nothing to do with me well let me tell you this MADD is not staying at your place until all of this is sorted out I can't talk right now late for an appointment [Music] [ __ ] have to go for a [Music] while [Music] J oh Christ me I got to talk to you I'm in the middle of a meeting the hell with your meetings this is more important in your meetings I can't talk about this here I would never put you or Maddie at risk Jerry this is not about blame this is about common sense I have to put our safety first of course you do but that doesn't mean that what is going on I don't know I mean with you with me Jesus the police were asking me about your financial situation about drugs drugs I don't do drugs you know I don't do drugs they wanted to know whether you had a history of mental illness mental illness what'd you say I said no of course do you think that I'm an innocent victim in this Meg this is me Jerry your husband obsessed with land patterns geological anomalies I turned my back on Los Angeles so that I could be here with you and Maddie sit on the beach Lo with the [Music] locals I can't talk about this here I'm with someone your client can wait for a few moments it's not a client oh I see [Music] is that your type does he know you're married he's a colleague dipping his pen in the company ink well Jerry Melvin is Melvin at least he shows up on time and he's got charm oh I can see the charm I thought we were supposed to be working on our marriage are you [Music] someone I I really should get back Jing take care of yourself where'd you get the suit Melvin what Melvin it's just so hard to find A's retro these days listen pal I'm not some idiot well your secret's safe with me [Music] [Music] [Music] t [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] Jerry I'm so sorry about Jerry would you uh like to come back to my place um I don't think it's a good idea I have to pick up Maddie soon and um we're going to go away for a while and you've just seen Jerry well maybe I'm sorry Mel is this seat taken help yourself Al on here on business with a few colleagues the kind you don't want to socialize with I I understand I I travel mostly with colleagues plenty of company too much company a couple months ago we were in Moscow and I just got sick of everyone Sonia Hagen Jerry Anderson I work in Moscow but you're not Russian no English but I've worked there for the past few [Music] years so how did you enjoy Moscow you want the truth please the place I stayed was a cross between a Playboy casino and a two- bit store they're trying their best to look like Los Angeles so where did you say the Manhattan Lounge strippers on the top floor hookers in the foyer and those sad little men selling medals from the Great Patriotic War and hits from the bees the Iron Curtain came down and they're selling everything off for scrap can I get you a drink just as long as it's not [Music] vodka two [Music] beers now let me guess married with one child separated separated devoted to your your daughter yeah I would have got the separated part right to if you weren't wearing your wedding ring it's a fairly recent thing but you're right about my daughter oh my [Music] god look Jerry there's a quiet Garden bar just up the road not so noisy sounds great this is perhaps I should drive very responsible [Music] oh [ __ ] five what the hell is going on Jerry it's a long story why don't you try me I'm telling you it's the same guy that broke into my house I barely escaped with my daughter I thought I ran the guy over with my car you planning on doing business I'm just a little nervous you don't believe me it was probably just a burglary why would these people we after you I've been trying to figure that out myself maybe we photograph something off of a satellite you think that's what they [Music] want it's [Music] possible I'll be right back [Music] so who's we you're the first person to say that I really really [Music] grateful [Music] so my paper's in order sorry about that I uh I wasn't sure if you were who you said you were the gun I see so you think I'm some sort of spy look I'm sorry I I should go where can you [Music] go perhaps you're a spy me perhaps you're not who you say you are perhaps I should go through your wallet I'm afraid there's nothing more to me than you it's yeah oh I don't think so you know it is very sexy when a [Music] man it's a woman take the [Music] initiative now this will help you speak the truth it's all very simple Jerry but it's very serious where is the file that was sent to you from mosow last night I am you got to tell me where the file is Jerry did you copy it did you print it where is the file Jerry I had a lot of files I I Haven open any F yeah such pretty eyes [Applause] typical [Music] okay Mr Anderson let's see if your little pride and joy can save your [Music] skin [Music] [Music] Maddie oh my God who's there [Music] hello Mommy it's nothing darling it's all [Music] right hello oh my God [Music] [Music] is I got it got what Jerry what if we photographed something off a satellite we weren't supposed to see Ken I was shot at last night and then this girl drugged me and went through my briefcase they think I got something and they want to get rid of it Jerry the break in here was a burglary computers were stolen no that's what it was made to look like but it wasn't why do you think they robbed my house we've been talking maybe it's time you took a break you've been through a fair bit in the last 24 hours Jerry I'm okay just let me look at every photograph we've taken in the last month no I want you to leave Ken I want to get to the bottom of this you're not well I'm okay Jerry I'm officially asking you to leave the premises take a few days off but am I being suspended no of course not all I'm saying is go home have a rest go for a ride run trust me buddy this is for the best I'll take care of this [Music] [Music] [Music] lead who is it Jerry it's me Helen Hi how are you uh not too good come on [Music] in but Helen why in God's name would I why would I break into Meg's apartment she thinks you're going through some sort of Crisis so I just break into her place she's really worried Jerry she's worried what about me I can't even go to the police you believe me of course do you think I broke into mags no but she scared Jerry Paul's going to take Margaret and mdy away for a while we bought this new beach house at py Beach and Paul thought maybe the girls could get away for a few days get away from me get away from whatever is going on Jerry I don't have to go with them I could stay here with [Music] you h no things have changed I can't do this anymore [Music] Maddie gave me this for [Music] you [Music] hel [Music] okay [Music] hi Daddy hi honey I drew a story for you today I know I'm looking at it right now it's really really good it's not real or anything it's just a story I know Mommy says I can't come over this weekend she says you're sick yeah yeah I I've got the flu I don't want you to go getting it I don't care I want to come no sweetie not this weekend anyway you guys are going up to the beach and that's going to be a lot of fun I don't want to go I want to stay with you I want to have pizza on Saturday night Mom will buy your pizza she'll getet an chies I hate an chies yeah I'm sorry about that but I'll be seeing you soon really soon I promise okay okay I love you I love you too bye bye have a nice nice trip hey Maddie you ready for the [Music] trip [Music] oh my God [ __ ] [Music] come on pick it up pick it up leave it we are on holiday [Music] [ __ ] Mr Anderson going somewhere [Music] Jerry what do you want more precisely who unfortunately she's not here but her heart- ring little comic book is all six pages of it you one of them sadly Sonia is not one of us watch them Le speaking mhm I'm sorry you've been dragged into this Jerry it's a DNA code isn't it a mutated version of small pox to bio terrorism this is a Holy Grail we're talking plagues of biblical proportions you think I'm involved in this someone set you up someone who knows the mafia can and will sell anything the Mafia the Russian Mafia These Guys they're just rental Zs think Jerry who did this someone clever someone close to you if these men find MADD oh dear we better call the police you have another body on the floor yeah I think we'll leave this one here hey you got a Ving [Music] cleaner always remember to Backle up just relaxing breathe I'll leave him for 10 minutes and and strap the [Music] body [Music] m [Music] she look like a stunt man from a road movie no let's [Music] go hey wouldn't read about it [Applause] mate [Applause] Welcome to our humble home I like your style thanks you know I was kind of after a a global welcome got the Italian marble got the Japanese vase this table this antique Irish Pine and the mirror the mirror is French 18th century nice come on I'll show you where you're going to [Music] sleep all right now you two can bunk down here that's lovely yeah I'm glad you like it hell I I'll just be down the hall but um why don't I show you the view Paul Maddy's in real danger I don't know where you guys are but as soon as you get this message you have got to call me on my cell [Music] phone wow this is beautiful well I decided to live the rest of my life as a Renaissance Prince and this is the Michi Palace this is what I want someday who says that money can't buy happiness [Music] I'm trying to track down a business partner of mine yeah he just bought a place up around Parker Beach Paul Burton Paul and Helen Burton no okay hello yeah I'm uh trying to track down an address for a friend of [Music] mine what's the matter Maddie if daddy's sick we should be looking after him oh [Music] sweetie let's go home soon we will darling we will come down to the beach see if you can find some treasure all right no no no I tried them no I've tried them too no I've tried everyone thank you no thank you very much damn it [Music] Maddy's upset she feels like we've deserted Jerry would you ever leave Paul only if I met someone [Music] else twinkle little how I wonder what you are the the world so high like a diamond in the [Music] sky [Music] [Applause] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] Ken Canen this is security [Music] I [Music] am jce Jerry Anderson Jerry they tell me you're on late I was but they said they were short staff so what could I do well for St you could tell them to shove it up they collect with us yeah I should have done that listen I need you to dial me up some coordinates yeah hold on a okay stand by I need 01 21553 and 44.8 here it comes thanks Jace you're welcome [Music] [Music] m [Music] look what you've done hey buddy you busy be that's great come on sweetie we're going to go back up to the house [Laughter] [Music] [Music] sh CL [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] girl Jerry what the hell are you doing here here Ken I have to tell you I quit hey well do something front gate from Delta 1 cold red I repeat cold red can't sake I'll catch him [Music] myself come on [Music] you know what I'm going to go into town and get some supplies can madny or I help no you stay here and relax I got a few things to do I'll come sure see you soon oh man I've been sleeping with Jerry [Music] Anderson I know [Music] B rep is it good tank you guess be wor more than your car Mis just fill her [Music] up bloody Americans man haed in connection with the murder of the British tourist the murder was reported earlier today police are looking for this man Gerard rodick Anderson age 37 Anderson was last [Music] seen [Music] w [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] what excuse me turn around get out of here I said turn [Music] around oh God what do you [Music] want run B run ready ready it's all right there's nothing to be afraid [Music] on mie M it's just a game it's your turn come out come out wherever you [Music] [Music] are [Music] game's up sweetie yes come here ready come back Maddie are you right are all right where is Happ him in the closet come [Music] on okay okay okay Fun's [Music] [Music] over [Music] stay calm mie don't you hurt her they'll be plenty of time for that later it's Leon I've got it the whole thing 60 Pages they're uh under control I [Music] [Music] understand [Music] f [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] on [Music] he hey [Music] [ __ ] un first [Music] [Music] d Paul thank God that's what friends are for Jerry daddy dadd like I said Jerry I'd take care of this you know none of this would have happened if you and Maddie hadn't been hanging around the station that night you and your damn jogging what oh hell Jerry every man has his price the world is is full of willing little bio terrorists with big checkbooks Moscow it meant more to me than VOD Cur and satellites you well at least I won't have to pay these guys too bad about that Sonia she was cute but problematic how do you think you're going to get away with all of this well you know you taken good care of that buddy and I thank you turning up here that was the master stroke it's perfect you see I knew that you were going crazy I tried to keep Maddie and Margaret away from you I brought them up here to protect them didn't I but sadly I couldn't stop your Rampage you shot them both before I could cut you down it's better than perfect EST stranged husband kills wife and daughter it happens every day but no it gets even better the ultimate poetic Brilliance of the whole thing I get to kill the bastard who's been [ __ ] my [Music] wife oh yeah oh yeah Hell hath no fury [Music] Jerry [Applause] [Music] you ever said anything about [Music] shoting never said anything about that it's [Music] [Music] [Music] over Jerry I'm sorry you had to go through this well I suppose it was a tough one we don't always get it right every now and then would be nice we'll need a statement Monday I'll come in Monday right now I'm going to take my daughter home [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] that's how I found you guys your signature Daddy it's a monogram I stand corrected I I believe it's my weekend bye darling bye Mommy Daddy can we get pizza well it's Saturday night and Saturday night is pizza night can we invite Mom for pizza Meg you want to join us for a [Music] pizza we can get [Music] anies well how can I refuse come on come on getting [Music] cold [Music] [Music] [Music] that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e
Channel: USA Movies
Views: 550,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollywood movie in english, hollywood english movie, action movie, action movies 2021 full movie english, best action movies, action movies, action movies 2020 full movie english, best action movies all time, best action movies 2023, USA Hollywood Full English Movie, DANGER OFFICER | USA Hollywood Full English Movie | Jason Statham Full Movie 1080p | English Movie, rock movies, dwayne johnson, the rock, dwayne johnson movies, watch film 2022, new films, full movie 2022
Id: Wsv2kNSO0AI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 30sec (6570 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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