2024 Mercedes-AMG C63 S Review // We Drove It Over 1,000 Miles And Um, Yeah.

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so why are we doing this again because Mercedes didn't listen still we protested the C63 having a plug-in hybrid three years ago I know and now it's actually happened yeah yeah did we really did we have to you know go the extra mile yes because they didn't listen this is gonna work I'm taking a break I kind of like it white pants were the wrong choice there yes plugs are for butts [Music] currently the knee-jerk reaction by everyone is they ruined it blah so we decided to do the opposite of a knee-jerk reaction which is a slow leg movement anyway I'm gonna do a bit of a road trip with this car to try and understand it I'm starting here in the north of Italy the Italian lakes and I'm gonna drive this thing all the way to the south of France where I'm going to meet James to test a certain Aston Martin and then I'm going to drive all the way back into Italy to test a certain Ferrari it's going to be miserable but we do it for you I felt that I used my week before James arrived in Europe wisely I spent some quality time moseying around Northern Italy and experienced not only the sights and sounds but also the culture I even had some time for some quiet reflection I don't like sand cause rough irritating and it gets everywhere but I put my disdain for sand aside and I ventured South towards the French Riviera to meet James and I started to get the hand hang of the C63 if I didn't fully understand it yet because if you missed the memo the new C63 a vehicle that has had a V8 under the hood for well over a decade now has a four-cylinder hybrid yes we hear your booze because we added that sound effect in post but I say to you it is at least a rather potent one with the help of its hybrid system it puts out a whopping 671 horsepower and 752 pound-feet of torque making it the most powerful production four-cylinder in the world the sexiness of those numbers is more than a little threatened by this compact sedans 4600 plus pound curb weight about the same as a V8 F-150 SuperCrew or in car terms it's within a hundred pounds of a new full-size S-Class but Mercedes claims a 3 3.3 second 0 to 60 time which is not too shabby and not too shabby is the least we should expect for the almost six-figure estimated price the AMG C63 e performance commands and if you're new to throttled house [Applause] we do car reviews track tests and quite a lot of messing about so subscribe hit the Bell [Music] as I sped down the Italian autostrata and the Miles whisked by I developed a few issues with the C63 but because of the fact that the highway speeds in Italy seem to be about a million before I had a chance to draw any final conclusions I found myself in Monaco where I met up with James together after a day or so with another AMG engine car we hopped in the C63 and headed back into the heart of Continental Europe over the next few days we each spend time in the driver's seat in every different type of driving that Italy Switzerland and France had to offer Highway polls traffic jams tight roads endless tunnels famous doorways you name it and eventually we decided to find a bit of a back road to push the C63 even more and more importantly to find out if everyone's opinion that it's been ruined is correct okay a back road and a chance to experience the AMG c63se formatic plus all-wheel drive did I get everything exactly yeah the thing is that now you say AMG it does we've had a lot of time on the highway in this car yeah and it pulls I know it's quick yeah I mean 671 horsepower is real quick nothing to sniff if I slink this over into race mode it uses oh I got a corner here and that's happened already this is where it actually excels yeah flat smooth roads foot down that is very quick absolutely RS5 M3 quick oh no question all right watch actually if I pull over and I do a launch I can click this boost button here got the Boost race start [Music] oh my God it is properly quick offline seriously so that's in race mode right so there's the different modes there yes that's in race mode there's Sport Plus mode and all of these modes as you'd expect use the battery differently right they give you a certain amount of it yeah it increases obviously as you get towards Raceway right and they stiffen the dampers and yes in the steering and all of that stuff but then if you are in any mode and you push your foot down all the way and click the pedal it gives you full Boost yeah yeah it's quite a bit of black so much turbo lag yeah the transmission is good when you're flat out and it makes like a on the up shift which I do like I I have to be honest okay so the big a small elephant in the room there's the four cylinder oh and as a four-cylinder yes it sounds pretty good uh sure well they've done lots of stuff to make it sound good right but no one asked for a phone no they did not and they and I know it's electrified and hybridized and all the stuff and I know that it's inspired by and born from F1 technology it's trickle down from the F1 program yes it has but no one asked for that and you know if all the things you can get from F1 take away my cylinders isn't one of them it's like saying this is from the space program but then giving you some throw you know dried freeze-dried ice cream oh yeah or like a tube of broccoli which exactly it's not it's not the bit from the F1 program that anyone was like yes this isn't the cool tiles on the outside of the Space Shuttle for heat disability no this is not that this is the bit that we didn't want and there are those that would say that this has ruined the C63 and you can consider potentially we are we might be some of them this is not what a C63 should be it's not and it didn't take long for us to figure this out did it um well I mean it certainly helped that you arrived hopped in the car and I looked at you and said this is not the C63 we were looking for we wanted we wanted to to have this sort of redemption story for this car we wanted to be like everyone's wrong because in previously we've experienced how good a hybridized engine can be admittedly it was a V6 in the 296 Ferrari yes but that was incredible it barked it was fast the car stayed pretty light this thing weighs as much as three mammoths it's and honestly the thing is that's interesting and I feel like a lot of people won't agree with me the four-cylinder and the sound and the feeling of acceleration when you are flat out in race mode I don't actually mind it it's not it's not it doesn't end this this car for me what ends this car for me is well it's twofold one it's the chassis yeah get to that in a second and two it's just how friggin complicated every part of this car is this is not new stuff in here we've reviewed this before but it's it's so discombobulated then you add the extra layer of EV and in livability it's horrible yeah it doesn't have any of the benefits that we're used to from an electric motor yeah you know that it provides instant torque as you put your foot on the gas but it doesn't do it for long it kind of does a a jump yes as almost as if you're in like an Accord Hybrid because even though it is a 200 horsepower electric motor it's pushing 4 700 pounds so it's not much and then there's a gap big gap big old Gap even in even in race mode yep and then there's turbo lag and then it kicks in yes none of it is inspiring none of is it it is it is satisfying you know you compare that to the twin turbo of the w205 generation or the previous generation or the naturally aspirated V8 or the generation before that w204 which was just a a who look at I loved that car this has just become so clinical and complicated and and I you know they obviously did everything they could to try and make it exciting like they literally have recorded a version of the engine and then piped it through speakers and synthesized it there's speakers on the outside of the car to try and make it exciting but all of that just sounds like the German Engineers have tried to engineer fun instead of just let the car be fun by making it an exciting design engineered German fund is a thing at the moment howdy are doing drift mode it can work it can work drift mode is a fun technology right taken away cylinders and making it a four-cylinder is not and the other problem you mentioned was the chassis because yeah well hold on before we even get to it I I want to reiterate we've just complained a lot about the engine yes the problem is is that I could live with it if if the chassis was good but it isn't it's so so all over the place to a degree I don't think I've ever seen in Comfort mode there isn't enough rebound damping so the car Jiggles and Shakes and goes well all over the place and the sway bars are obviously so stiff to try and deal with the mass in the corners unless the road is perfectly smooth like this corner right here great little corner the cars all over the place and somehow stiff very stiff very rough and we you know this this particular trip this road trip we've done long days and and at the end of a long day getting into this going over any road that's not this smooth is just it gives you a headache it's it's just rough and we've checked tire pressures we have it's not the tire pressure this is this huge amount we've seen this in cars that are overly heavy before there's this huge amount of bass that gets pumped into your brain which is good at least because the stereo has none yeah well it has a four-cylinder sound coming through the the car is deeply flawed and it's it's one of those things and the reason you're hearing us vent is because it's flawed in a way that it wasn't trying to chase great it wasn't something that could have been great and doesn't quite hit it it just it's just not good like the on paper the things they've done to it just stopped it being a color that enthusiasts one and it's it's massively propelled the new M3 competition to the top easily of the exciting of you know the three cars and then the Audi RS5 is a much better Cruiser this doesn't do anything better maybe the steering's actually pretty good oh yeah to be fair to the car there are some good points about it it is very powerful it is very fuel efficient it is very few well if only you say that because we've actually uh we've had such a great time with this car and that's all because of the Eco display oh my little ecoball there's an Eco ball that flies forward and aft as you apply throttle on it and he goes dark red and gets very upset because very so if you're not driving economically but it it has become a little mini game oh he's so angry right now and then I break and he's like happy regeneration and weirdly that's become the most it's the most fun part of the car yeah that's how we've enjoyed the c63s Eco display more than anything else so when it's not punishing you with suspension that's too stiff because of the mass which is why we went on our entire journey to Enlightenment yes and when it's not sounding like a C300 it has fun screens it I don't like them anyway um what was the thing James we said we were gonna not do when we turned the camera on it was don't rant and what did we just do for it's hard not to it's hard I know how good a C63 can be yes it's a legendary car it's the C63 anyway um it looks good it looks great why don't we talk about that okay after our rant uh driving Impressions were over we stopped back at our Airbnb in the heart of Northern Italian wine country to discuss yeah it's good at hustling it's good on those Corners it is yes despite its wet and it gets you to places like this I guess this is beautiful oh yeah Italy Italian wine country that's uh you can hear you that's probably a Lamborghini tractor oh yeah is the right colors we saw a few of those on the way that's cool are they expensive is that like a Lamborghini pricing tractor I mean I think all farm equipment is expensive so it just defaults to the yes that is the answer speaking of farm equipment this makes it nice makes it makes a bit of attractive sound it does actually make a bit of a tractor sound okay that was a bit of a rant and I think the problem is is this doesn't do any of the things on the list very well the electric side of it not that good no well even though the the EV has a two-speed gearbox yeah right I think that's an extra speed we just don't need because there's just so many gear changes there's lots of this and there's not it doesn't fit in the gaps the rear wheel steer is 2.5 degrees so it's barely there I didn't even notice that it existed it doesn't feel like it could turn on a dime like the uh eqs that's not a bad thing though because the eqs was just all over the map with how the rear it was but it can be all right fine the S-Class I think that the base like number is 4.5 degrees so let's just settle for that just as a middle sure and then you know all-wheel drive you could well it wasn't the c63s mo it's just it's just a bit strange no I know however as we said it really still looks the part they've made a few subtle changes yeah first of all we've got a reverse facing um hood scoop Hood evacuation duct yes which I think adds a little bit of flair yeah um they've reversed the AMG Grille it is now sad face instead of happy face oh right it goes yes but the whole thing kind of looks like it looks a bit melty but overall it's all melted I still really like the look of it though I think it's like the design Department's way instead of leaving a review on Glassdoor right yeah since they're like cry for help but we've got these this these uh air vents on the side which they're a bit plastic yeah that could have been a bit fancier yeah just I mean they they're they've filled the entire interior with piano black so why not put it there because I'm not going to touch that no and leave fingerprints listen the thing is about this is that BMW has I'm trying to think of something that's not going to get me in more trouble well if that's a sad face they've had relations with the canine yeah if that's if that's a sad face then the M3 design development's going [Laughter] oh look this is fancy we normally Drive these sort of cars around Toronto or La where they kind of blend in yeah but we've been driving this around like provincial Italy is that a thing provincial Italy yes small towns small towns people look at you they look at you yeah they you know sometimes also because like when you open the door at night there's a giant Mercedes logo on the front and then the headlights when you turn the car on they like go dude this thing shoots light onto the floor to tell you there's a while you're driving to tell you there's like a a roadwork yeah and well yeah the whole car this is this is the way I described the experience of driving and living with this cars I've lived with this for two weeks yeah right it gatekeeps the way that you should operate a vehicle so like to the point where if you're not doing it exactly they're German specified way you get beeped at yelled at shouted at like it there is so it's an insane amount of technology in this car and like obviously the interior that's not new to this particular regular car no but as I said you combine that with all the EV stuff and all of the latest version of everything and it's like trying to operate the Enterprise it's outrageous you need a team of people can you explain this Thomas and that's for a different video that's very different that's coming yeah okay no I listen I really like the way this looks I really like how rapid it is yeah I don't even I don't even mind the four-cylinder noise I really don't I think that if this idea had been executed a little bit better I'm not sure that I have nearly as much of a problem with it if they'd found a way to save weight a lot of weight a lot of like a lot a lot a lot a lot of weight then I don't think it would have been that bad well maybe our opinion will change let's let's drive it to Germany okay sure let's return it to them they're happy people no the sad people they're they're sadders and maybe we'll cheer them up to have it returned okay so in driving almost 2 000 kilometers through Europe we successfully overcame the knee-jerk reaction and had some well-informed final thoughts and by the time we got to Germany our opinion remained unchanged somehow the best way to enjoy the new C63 is to ignore the harsh ride compromise trunk space and lack of engine theater and to try to keep the ecoball Happy on the dashboard that is to really lean into the fact that it's a hybrid enjoy the amount of performance you get for how much fuel you burn for a car with almost 700 horsepower and the weight of an elephant we averaged just under 10 liters per hundred kilometers not half bad that and we did have fun trying to decide on our favorite shape of a boob so perhaps the Adolescent tomfoolery that has always been the c63's namesake is still there but now it comes from the lumbar menu instead of the throttle pedal that makes the new C63 a slightly awkward proposition if Mercedes were targeting a new type of buyer with these changes then we've yet to meet one of them the good news is the interior and exterior hasn't changed that much since the previous generation and that w205 has all the V8 goodness that many think including us a C63 deserves thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Throttle House
Views: 1,904,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2024 mercedes c63 amg s review, c63 amg s, c63 hybrid, c63 4 cylinder, c63 vs rs5, c63 amg exhaust, c63 amg launch, c63 amg sound, c63 amg pov, c63 amg acceleration, c63 drag race, c63 drift, c63 vs e63, c63 vs mustang gt, c63 build, mercedes vs bmw, mercedes vs audi, c63 vs c43, amg c63 w204, amg c63 coupe, new amg, c63 review, 2024 amg, 2024 mercedes, 2023 mercedes amg, amg vs tesla, amg vs porsche, hybrid mercedes, most powerful 4 cylinder, fastest mercedes
Id: qrfnL4K5NMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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