Introduction to Research

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[Music] foreign I am glad to have you join me as we go over today's topic on Research I am thrilled to help you through this interesting topic that when mastered a writer becomes Unstoppable research is instrumental for any writer as it gives us the chance to understand the world from different perspectives by conducting a systematic investigation I will be taking you through this class my name is Anne whenever I think of research Google Scholar comes to mind I think about the fact that research is both a science and an art that requires careful inquiry into a topic additionally research involves a planned collection analysis and interpretation of data I hope you learn new things with us [Music] in this course our objectives will include one to understand research two to learn how we conduct research when writing academic papers or assignments three to understand the research process which will include a demonstration of how to use Google Scholar four to explore the best platforms to find peer-reviewed journals and articles finally to learn how to avoid common mistakes that people make in research in my writing career I have found that research can be both interesting and frustrating a contrast that is defined by a thin line you could either have too much information you aren't sure what to use and what to leave or you could altogether lack enough words to meet the needed word count and notebook with you we start by appreciating that any time we intend to develop any academic paper we ask ourselves the following questions do I understand the question and the assignment type that is is it an essay a white paper an admission essay a research paper or a discussion board post you should appreciate that different assignment types have different structures use different tones and have different purposes when doing this we move from General to specific for instance if you are writing a white paper start by learning the meaning look for some tips especially from the University website I have found that most universities offer resources and guidelines that are helpful be resourceful if you open your browser in my case I will use Chrome you begin an exciting journey of learning new things [Music] any search gets millions or billions of results very fast [Music] Tire library at your disposal you are milliseconds away from finding out what experts say about any topic from animations to rocket science from love to war-torn countries statistics about different countries diseases populations and cultures history and upcoming events Etc thank you so when starting out rely majorly on University websites to understand different assignment types formats used in writing and Concepts like plagiarism [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] it is easy to get caught up and waste hours of precious time trying to find relevant info therefore it is significant that we understand exactly what we are looking for in our research we must narrow it down to specifics for example I will use three analogies to explain comprehension getting something and taking it in one comprehension a child can read a story but not comprehend it two getting it you could tell a school kid that they need to stay home and finish their homework and wonder if they get it finally you might need to read a letter or notice twice just to take it all in always remember to comprehend get and take it all in finding direction is significant [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] a simple research paper is a piece of writing that requires Gathering and systemizing data concerning a specific subject it does not require conducting research other than reading primary and secondary sources an extended research paper is a piece of writing that requires researching what others think about a topic analyze primary and secondary sources and based on the information found offers a unique perspective when Gathering data that you will analyze it is important that you can get the best results from your search engines some common Google search tips include using quotes to get something specific using a hyphen to exclude words using the or operator using a colon to search specific sites Etc I will demonstrate some sites you can use by now you must have found numerous sources of data exploring the concepts you intend to write about always keep in mind that all your sources should be reliable and credible Publications and peer-reviewed journals and articles I know you are probably wondering now how do I choose the sources to use which criteria will I use to ensure I only get info from credible sources well first ensure the source give you relevant information second look at the reliability of the author and question whether based on their education and position they have a mandate to deliver factual info for instance are they experts in this field Additionally you can use Publications from non-biased ngos or better even use government Publications by the relevant government body you will have to be very intentional When selecting a source to use John Doe and other fake names obviously do not qualify as identifiable ideally you should be able to check the author's credentials and see if he she is competent use non-biased sources take the sensitive topic of marijuana as an example a website that has a clear purpose of advocating for cannabis legalization is not a good source to cite an objective research on the effects of marijuana however if you are writing an essay that discusses legalization slash prohibition movements it is a different story always ensure that links to all factual and statistical information are given use logic and reason and think of the incentives of authors and how that could affect how they present certain facts [Music] foreign [Music] moreover you cannot assume that because they have written a book an author is automatically credible even if a book has an ISBN and it is sold on Amazon it is still not credible if it is written by say Flat Earth Society members the same goes for academic journals check if the journal publishes articles with grammar mistakes and improving claims the presence of a DOT DOI does not mean that the article is 100 credible note history and some other disciplines usually allow old sources but think of the relevance of information logically a 2015 market report is not usable in the analysis of the performance of a company in 2020 theories factual data sociological opinions political situations and tons of other factors can change and compromise the currency of the information for example when writing about infectious diseases you can statistics and facts from CDC third check the year of publication most universities and academic materials do not accept sources from more than five years back fourth a good source has credibility credibility is a trait that explains the degree to which the source can be trusted all credible sources cite information from other authors finally always ensure your source does not have grammatical or stylistic errors [Music] it has been my pleasure taking you through introductions to research part a watch Part B on the research process and how to use Google Scholar remember to like And subscribe to our Channel keep in mind that a good reader is a good writer and an even better speaker therefore read widely
Channel: Valdatech Online Hub
Views: 954
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Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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