FAST and FREE certification for bookkeepers (Quickbooks Online ProAdvisor training)

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this is a question i get all the time because i mentioned the free bookkeeper certification and people go to look for it on the quickbooks website and it's really strangely hard to find so i'm here to tell you today step by step about where to find that certification i'm morgan from and i do tons of videos to help out bookkeepers who are starting out in their business definitely hit the subscribe button down below hit the notification bell to get a video from me every week leave me a comment down below that's a clapping emoji if you've been trying to find this for a while or if you didn't know existed and you are happy that you know where it is hey so it's a different day but i'm gonna hop on my computer now and show you guys exactly how to sign up to be a quickbooks pro advisor okay so the first thing you want to do is go find the right website so i just google quickbooks online accountant and then it comes up in a google search and this is the website that you want to use i will leave this website linked down below as well and then there's tons of different options as you can see and lots of different trainings and i don't know so it gets overwhelming but where you want to go is sign up and you are going to make an account in quickbooks online accountant and this is designed so that you as a bookkeeper can manage multiple clients within my online accountant login i have all my clients in there and then i also have my own practice books in there as well there's kind of two sections i think i can show you okay so once you log into your quickbooks account your quickbooks accountant online account this is what it's going to look like so you can see different things on the side here so clients is where i would go to find all my clients and then i want you to go to this pro advisor tab right here and then there's benefits that i'll talk about all the different benefits you know you get discounts for your clients you get support from quickbooks or from intuit you get all the training courses which is the main thing i'm came here to show you you get you know payroll etc so then if you go to training these are kind of like the three first things i want you to look at so this is just an introduction so it just takes two hours and there's like i can't remember if there was i don't even think there was a quiz about that um it's like super basic getting started um navigating your clients books sales expenses and then just how to sign up people on quickbooks online and then this right here is the quickbooks online certification so this is the money thing that you want to find this is how you become a proadvisor so you can see right here there's eight modules and they estimate that's going to take you about seven and a half hours to complete so and you can do it different ways you can do it self-paced which is what i did you can do a webinar so it has different options here for webinars or you can do a classroom training so i think in these there was nothing nearby me so these are in um texas you just want to take a whole day and just go on like a saturday and learn it all that would actually probably be something that i would be interested in but um they didn't have it near me so i just did the self-paced training you can see when you get into these different things okay so it's solutions for client clients onboarding um special client onboarding tasks reporting banking tools etc and you can see each one of these it tells you each one how long it's going to take so let's see for example reporting and then within here there's different options so basic reports the value reports creating con creating reports to answer common business questions each one how long it's going to take so let's see for example reporting and then within here there's different options so basic reports the value reports creating con creating reports to answer common business questions and then on each of these it's a pretty good program it's pretty intuitive and they really tell you at each point where you're at and how long it should take and kind of where you have to go from there so then you can click on different areas and it does remember where you are so if you've done if you do only half a training one time and you come back to it it'll remember where you are which is very helpful you can go to different parts i already took the test on this but if i hadn't taken it it would have a little green box here again that says take exam but now for me it says certified so i'm certified in quickbooks online and you i'll show you the certification little certificate that they give you it's not that exciting this is the certificate and i work so hard to oh to get and then you do get this little badge so you can include this badge on your website to show people that you are quickbooks a quickbooks pro advisor and for some reason the resolution on this is really small on mine leave a comment down below if you're a pro advisor and figure out how to get the badge in a better um better resolution all right and i think i mentioned in a different video that i ended up not actually going through this eight hours with seven and a half hours of training so because i've been a bookkeeper for six years i really knew a lot of this stuff some of it is specific to quickbooks online which i i wasn't as familiar i haven't been using quickbooks online my whole career as a bookkeeper but a lot of it i did already know so what i ended up doing was i kind of just skimmed through these in probably about like two hours and then i went ahead and took the test and when you take the test you can look in quickbooks so i had like a window of quickbooks open and then i was taking the test so test so if it said you know where do you find um how to make an invoice i could you know go and look where to make an invoice or you know maybe ones that were harder than that and i found the test to be about as hard as i expected it wasn't super hard and unreasonable but you did have to know enough about bookkeeping and you did have to you know a lot of the answers i did have to look around for or figure out if i had done all the training as i was supposed to i probably wouldn't have had to look up all these different things and some of the questions were like about how to sign up clients for quickbooks online so that was actually very helpful but it wasn't stuff that i had in my mind all right and then it also has this quickbooks advanced certification so again this will take eight hours there is all these different things so special transaction advanced banking different currencies advanced reports um sales tax and things like that so i have heard from my bookkeeper forums that this the advanced certification is fairly challenging so that's kind of next on my list it's hard um as i'm running my business and working with clients and doing youtube to kind of be motivated to go back to like the schoolwork part of it but eventually i would like to just sharpen those skills um and take this advanced certification but it's not necessarily on the top of my to-do list and then they do have a couple specialty courses for quickbooks self-employed and then t-sheets which i don't i haven't really used t-sheets that much i know intuit promotes it a lot and there's a lot of um things about it but i'll have to do some more research and figure out exactly if that would be useful for my business or not but let me know in the comments what other questions you have about the test i can do another video about the test and how hard it was and what type of questions were on there so yeah definitely let me know anything you are wondering about the quickbooks pro advisor certification test
Channel: FinePoints
Views: 222,545
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Keywords: Quickbooks Online ProAdvisor, ProAdvisor, how to be a quickbooks proadvisor, how to find the bookkeeper certification, free training for bookkeepers, how to be certified bookkeeper, fast and free certification for bookkeepers, free bookkeeper certification, how to be a proadvisor, bookkeeper, bookkeeping, finepoints, finepointsbookkeeping, FAST and FREE certification for bookkeepers, FAST and FREE certification for bookkeepers (Quickbooks Online ProAdvisor training), quickbooks online, qbo
Id: H90PyiBJ8Kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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