2023年最新iPhone 選購指南:iPhone 13、iPhone 14、iPhone 15到底怎麼選?要不要買iPhone 15 Pro?
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Channel: 彼得森
Views: 85,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 彼得, 彼得森, PeterSun, petersun, peterson, Peterson, iphone 散熱, 懶人包, 手機, 電腦, 科技, 開箱, a15, 苹果发布会, 中文, iphone, apple, 苹果秋季发布会, Apple, 動態島, 衛星sos, iPhone 13, iPhone 12, 選購指南, iPhone選購指南, iphone 14 pro max, iphone 14 plus, iphone 14, iphone 14 pro, watchos 9, ipad 10, ipad air 5, a16, iphone 14 max, apple a16, 蘋果發布會, iPhone 15, iOS 17, iPhone 15 Pro Max, A17, A17 Pro, iPhone 15 Plus, iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 14, iPhone 15 價格
Id: JSL1eAGnxm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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