【選購指南】2023 iPhone 選購指南「終極版」:一次性徹底治好你的選擇困難症!#彼得森 #選購指南 #apple #iphone15pro #iphone15
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Channel: 彼得森
Views: 85,443
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Keywords: 蘋果, 科技, apple, 彼得森, 選購指南, iPhone15, iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 ultra, iphone 14, iphone 14 pro, iphone 14 pro max, iphone 14 plus, watchos 9, ipad 10, ipad air 5, apple watch pro, apple watch series 8, always on display, a16, iphone 14 max, apple a16, iphone14 發布, iphone 散熱, ipados16, 懶人包, 手機, 電腦, 開箱, iphone14, iphone14promax, airpods pro 2, a15, 中文, iphone, iPhone 14, iPhone 14 pro, iPhone 14 pro max, iPhone 14 價格, Apple watch, iPad, Apple, 動態島, 深紫色, 衛星sos, iPhone 13, iPhone 12, iPhone選購指南
Id: _hhicNjIPxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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