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Hello everyone, I am a sweeping monk! We all know usury is very profitable, right? But how exactly does it make money? I know a brother friend who was imprisoned before. He told me that many companies need cash for turnover because their capital chain is broken, but the bank is unwilling to lend him money because the risk is too high! Then he bribed the people in the bank and asked them to refer these bosses who were waiting to use the money but couldn't borrow money to him , and then he would lend to these bosses at high interest! And you know what? The money he borrowed was actually borrowed from the bank! He mortgaged his house to the bank and obtained a sum of money, and he had to pay back the bank's 3% interest every month ! And he lends this money to the boss who is short of money, and the interest he gets back every month is 15%! Then as soon as he makes money, he will buy a house. After buying the house, when the house price rises, he will mortgage it to the bank again, and then lend usury! Then this behavior is not only illegal, but also extremely risky , because those whose capital chain is broken may not be paid! So generally only the big brothers who are in the rivers and lakes dare to do it, everyone should not learn from it! But what I want to say is that this money is also loaned by the bank . Why is the bank willing to lend money to a gangster at a very low interest rate, but not to a business owner? Very realistic! The bank doesn't care who you are and what you do, you just need to mortgage your property with him! In other words, in the eyes of banks, real estate is the most reliable asset! So if there is a business that is legal and profitable like loan sharking, would you want to do it? After you establish this business, you basically don’t need to operate it . Even if one day you completely give up your hard work and choose to lie flat, take a vacation, travel around the world, or retire , this business will not stop self-evolution! And this business Li Ka-shing is doing, even I am doing it, we are willing to spend our whole life doing it , and we can use very low interest to borrow money from the bank to make money. Smart people should have thought of it, that is, to be a charterer! Every ordinary person can discuss real estate for half a day at the dinner table. Everyone can be a real estate expert, so you must recognize who is your real partner! It is very realistic that the opinions of the general public have no reference value at all. Real estate has always been a stage for powerful talents to speak . The saddest thing in this world is those who think they are the proud of heaven. In fact, they can’t even get one or two million dollars. people! It's like when I was recruiting recently, a person who just graduated actually taught me how to do business during the interview! He has never touched the ball on the court, how can he have the qualifications to teach you how to play football? So we must be directly linked to the results! Only those who own five houses in a big city have the ability to analyze plots and regions with you! Only people who own ten houses in three or four cities have the ability to analyze urban areas with you . The groups that determine the real estate market have always been business owners, investors, and upper-level political elites! If you tell us not to buy a house or change to a better living environment, we will find it incredible! Adam Smith, the father of economics, said that our innate desire to pursue a better life will not change until we die! If you are a fellow traveler with us who pursue not only wealth, but more freedom , you may review and review this video every year because it represents our original intention, mind, and method of investing in real estate! So be sure to give this video a thumbs up and it will automatically be bookmarked! When your wealth has increased to a certain level, you can look at your former self! And this channel is dedicated to cultivating bosses, investors, and rich people. If you don't want to miss the information that really allows you to get results , you can subscribe to my channel for free like other more than half a million brothers and sisters , and then turn on the little bell! First, why would you choose to save money when the Fed keeps printing money? Prepare for a rainy day, accumulate grain to prevent hunger! right! Wealth needs to be protected , but if wealth exists in the form of cash , you don’t have to do anything, the Federal Reserve turns on the money printing machine, and your children and grandchildren will directly change from the second generation of rich to the second generation of poor! Cruel but realistic, how are classes distinguished? For most people, the biggest expense in life is paying rent or repaying the mortgage! Suppose I chose to buy a house 10 years ago, then struggled for the house, and then had to pay the monthly payment every month. The monthly payment at that time must have been very, very difficult for my income at that time, so I worked hard to be able to pay house! And you chose to rent instead of buying a house, and you work hard just to earn more money! It seems that I am a house slave, but you are a chic person! Eh! Many people will debate whether house prices will rise or fall in the future , but few people will dispute whether rents will rise or fall in the future, right? Because most people agree that the rent will only rise higher and higher with inflation! But many people don't know that the monthly repayment is less and less. You will pay more interest at the beginning, but gradually your repayment will become more principal and less interest! And a large part of the monthly payment is the principal. When you sell the house, the principal can be withdrawn! So after 10 years, you will find that renting a house is still pure consumption for you , that is, if you spend the money, you spend it and you can’t get it back! However, the rent will continue to rise as the area becomes more mature. If your salary cannot keep up with this increase , until one day the rent is greater than your income, you will be forced to move to the next inconvenient place. After that inconvenient place becomes more convenient , you have to move to an even more inconvenient place, and you are constantly reincarnated on the way of moving and commuting! Then you may be concerned about your children's schooling , or because you are old and don't want to keep running around , so you took a fancy to the house I bought at the beginning! I bought that house for hundreds of thousands of dollars, and now I sell it to you for several million dollars. In fact, I have transferred your wealth in the past ten years, or even your family’s past and future decades, because you may be The whole family raised money to buy it! This is the cold transfer of wealth! Did you discover it? You start out debt-free, and I carry a 30-year mortgage , but I may only repay the 30-year mortgage for ten years . Even when the market is good, I will sell the house in five or three years! I don't need to pay back the money for 30 years at all! I ask you! The housing price has risen from 500,000 US dollars to 1 million US dollars in 10 years. Is this a common situation? What you see may be a return of only 10% per year! But for this 500,000 house, I may only pay 100,000 as a down payment , and then I may only pay 100,000 in interest . My total cost in ten years is 200,000 , but now the house is worth 1 million US dollars, so how much do I earn? ? 5 times, right? The most important thing is that I will not sell the house yet, because if I mortgage the house worth $1 million to the bank, I can get 300,000 to 400,000 in cash. I can use this money to buy another house , so I The suite I bought 10 years ago is like a chicken that lays eggs! For details, you can watch my previous video! What I want to say is that if you choose to rent a house in the early stage, you can rent a house in the egg yolk district to live in! And I chose to buy a house in the egg yolk area, but if I rent the house to you, I will rent the house in the more remote protein area, or the eggshell area , where the rent is cheaper! Yes! You had a better life than me in the early stage, but my house is more and more advanced . I keep selling it for a new one, and selling it for a better one! And the place where you live is moving farther and farther! All your expenses will not bring you any assets , and I may already have several houses . In contrast, even if the house price falls in a bad economic cycle, I will earn a little less at most. What about you? Still have nothing , even when the economy is poor and everyone is unemployed, I still have a few houses to live in , but what about you? There is no place to live! So what game are we playing? Many people say that even if I rent out the house , the income from the rent is not enough to pay the monthly payment! For example, if you pay back 3,000 dollars to the bank every month, but you can only get back 2,000 dollars in rent, then I bought a house, and I have to pay 1,000 dollars every month, right? As I said just now, half of the 3,000 dollars you paid back may be your principal, that is, 1,500 dollars . In fact, the interest you paid to the bank was only 1,500 dollars , but you got back 2,000 in rent, so you still made money. five hundred! If you still feel unreasonable on this point, then let me tell you! The rent of 2,000 is the current rental income. After 5 or 10 years, the supporting facilities and resources around your house will start to materialize, and when it becomes more and more mature , your rent will continue to rise! When the rent rises to 3,000, you don't need to pay extra . When it rises to 4,000, you start to have 1,000 passive income! And your monthly payment will gradually decrease from 3,000 to 2,000, 1,000, and even if the Fed starts to cut interest rates, your monthly payment will fall even faster! Then congratulations, at this time, the tenant starts to support the homeowner and there is no chance of reversal! Because the rent income is the same as usury, showing a compound interest growth! This year's rent is 2,000, and next year I will increase it by 10%, which will be 2,200! In another year, it will increase by 10% from 2200, which is 2420! And so on! Each year's increase is based on the rent after the previous year's increase has been completed, and then increases! Then you might say, I can’t even afford a house in the Eggshell District , so does all this have nothing to do with me? Then let me ask you, why can't you afford it? Not trying hard enough? Is life bad? These are all excuses to comfort the losers! The real reason is that you have always been a consumer! How many have you heard of e-commerce, live streaming, self-media, and short videos? You've probably heard it all, and maybe even participated in it as a consumer, not a businessman! Every time a trend comes, you don’t grasp it but make others rich, then you can only participate in the game of being plundered and exploited! I tell you! Now whether you are starting a business or working part-time, if you want to make more money, you must devote yourself to the Internet and the self-media industry! Because the number of netizens will only increase, traditional enterprises must rely on the Internet to attract traffic if they want to develop , but there are no talents now! So what they can only do is to hire employees in this area with high salaries or invest a large amount of advertising expenses and industry allocation funds to the self-media brands that have already been established! It is no exaggeration to say that there are 2.5 billion people on Youtube. If each of you buys your product, you will have 2.5 billion! My real disciple has 100,000 users, if each person gives him 10 yuan, he will have 1 million! And it's an instant thing! how to do it I tell you! The threshold for actual operation is lower than you think , because I have fully summarized my experience and methods with results into a system and a framework. You only need to follow this method and copy it to yourself! And I will disclose this system in a brand new training camp in 2023. The price is 300 US dollars! But if you subscribe to me today, that's OK! I make you this friend! No need for 300, 200, not even 1 dollar! Directly to you for free! If you are not willing to invest in your own brain If you think these few hours of study will affect your life, then you do not sign up! Because our places are limited! Take it off the shelf if it explodes! But if you want to learn one more skill, even become my apprentice, become a boss, and then use money to make money , then the first link on the video description column is the way to sign up! Hurry up and click in to get a seat! So for the same reason, not buying a house is a kind of wealth transfer just like buying the wrong house! Today you fancy a house in the eggshell district, and it costs 1 million US dollars! And what I fancy is in the egg yolk area! It costs 1.5 million dollars! Not only is your house 500,000 dollars cheaper than mine, but it's also bigger than mine! You will laugh at the small and expensive one I bought! But five or ten years later, your house will rise to 2 million and mine will rise to 5 million. At this time, the gap between me and you will widen! The gap between me and you will change from 500,000 to 3 million! Although you have made money, but because my egg yolk district develops faster, with more resources and supporting facilities , if you want to move to my side and have a better life , you have to buy my house and you have to pay more Money , then this is also a cold transfer of your assets, do you understand? So from the very beginning, it is very important to choose a correct house , because our society is redistributing resources through houses! We say that social resources and wealth are difficult to distribute evenly. It needs a medium, and this medium is real estate! Maybe now you and your friends are on the same starting line. Everyone doesn’t feel much difference between rich and poor . But today you saw this video. Five or ten years later, whether it’s a party chat, or a blind date for your children and offspring. Well, in fact , you don’t need to ask a lot to find out about your situation . Just a word, where do you live? It represents a lot of things, right? Now many people, even my disciples , bought cars, Porsches, and Mavericks before they started their own businesses and assets , because they thought they would have girlfriends! In fact, this is of no use to the promotion of their social status! And I think it's quite disgusting that you drive a Porsche into the slums of your family. In the old house , you will only make people think that you are showing off and have no connotation! But on the other hand, you hold a key and live in a good house in a local area that everyone recognizes as a good location . Even if you don’t have a car, others will envy you and think you are a low-key person! So it's cruel to say that people get housing! Rich people, top people live in the same circle, and poor people live in the same circle. The resources, connections, and thinking that their children and descendants come into contact with are different! Also New York, right? Manhattan and the Bronx have completely different circles! So we are not only for ourselves but also for our offspring, the whole family can stand at a higher level! When you hear this, you may ask, New York is also a big city. Why is there such a huge difference in housing prices between the rich and the poor? I have said so much, many people do not believe that the future is still like this! Because the birth rate has already appeared! The population is getting smaller and smaller. When everyone has a house to live in, you will have a surplus of houses. At this time, the supply exceeds demand, and housing prices will collapse! is it really like this? What can you see in this picture? In this world, how many places are lit? Or are there many dark places? Everyone, the biggest lie in this world is that land is scarce! In the picture you see, the lights have actually been magnified many times. According to the real situation, most of the land has no lights! It's all black! In other words, the supply of land in this world exceeds demand! Then why are some lands valuable and some lands worthless? Everyone, there is a place in the United States called Detroit, and their city government went bankrupt! Why? If you can understand this matter, you will instantly understand the future housing price trend! At that time, New York was developing very fast, and many aborigines in Detroit saw that New York had a lot of opportunities to make money, so they chose to work in New York! So the population of Detroit is directly sucked away by New York , and the rest are old people with low productivity! Then the government's tax revenue will be reduced, resulting in insolvency and need to go bankrupt! Because of this, Detroit's real estate market crashed! However, housing prices in New York have risen unbelievably! Understand? Does it mean that anyone who has bought a house in the past few decades is a winner? I tell you, it is not! In the past, my grandfather, my grandfather's grandfather lived in the countryside until my dad moved to the city to work! And you will find that our ancestral home is worthless! When urban people are enjoying the dividends brought about by urban development , the assets left to us by our ancestors have dropped to zero! To put it bluntly, even if you give it to you for free, you won’t live there! But these ancestral houses used to be big families! In the past, it took a lot of resources to exchange for it to be able to buy it! But they don't understand the underlying logic of real estate. They didn't sell the house, and then went to a big city with development to buy a house , so they were eliminated by the times! Then I am a businessman and an investor. When I sincerely appeal to everyone to buy a house , someone will definitely find a lot of information about the price of the house to refute me! But smart people will understand that if the assets held by each of the 6 billion people in the world are constantly rising, no one will work in this world. When some people are going up in this world, some people are going down Only when there is competition, will there be a steady stream of motivation for people to move forward and promote the progress of this society . If everyone can make money by lying flat, then the world will be over! So how will the declining birth rate affect you? Everyone will use Japan's housing prices to sing about the empty housing market , but why don't they mention Tokyo's housing prices? When a country or region develops to the end, it will be like Detroit and Japan, and its population will flow into big cities, egg yolk districts! And the housing prices in the eggshell area, or even the protein area, will fall without support! What is the yolk region? It is the area where social resources are concentrated, around rights, reputation, and money! What these cities can provide you is not only a better career, opportunities, and more convenient living facilities , but also everything you can hope for hidden under the bustling city lights Let’s not talk about connections, resources, funds, platforms, and contacts. Let’s just say that Hong Kong people have the longest life expectancy in the world! Then would you want to have the medical resources in Hong Kong? Hong Kong's academic qualifications are generally recognized internationally, so would you want your child to study at a Hong Kong University? Remember! Buying a house is an investment, not a consumption! What you own is a share of a city! What real investors look at is the plan, what should I do if the house price falls? What should I do if the house price has risen? How should I use my house to make money? What we think about is definitely not whether the usable space of the house is worth the price , but that if I buy a house today, I own part of the area of ​​the city . I own the shares of the city, so what should its market value be? How much more room does the city have for development? How many people can its industrial development attract? Is the current market price higher or lower than other cities of the same level? People who live in this city in the future and are willing to take over from me, are they rich or poor? Many people say that the population of egg yolk districts in some places is flowing out, such as Taipei! Yes, digitally, it is outflow, but why are the people outflowing? It's because they can't afford a house in Taipei, so they live in other places in the protein district! But if they could afford it, would they still go? Then these people would not buy a house in the first place , so if they move to other places, will it affect the house price? Another example is Hong Kong. There was a wave of immigration before, and the population lost a lot! But you will find that the local government encourages mainland talents to immigrate to Hong Kong and gives a lot of benefits! And it is those people with an annual salary of millions of RMB , so why are these people willing to come to Hong Kong? Of course, what they value is Hong Kong's system and resources! So I want to ask, are these people rich or not? Will they buy a house? Where did you buy the lot? I was researching houses all over the world. When I was 21 years old, I found that only Hong Kong had an undeveloped piece of land in the egg yolk district, which was vacated! All commercial resources and supporting facilities will revolve around that place. I think the audience in Hong Kong will know that it is Kai Tak! So I bought a house there in the name of my parents! Last year, I bought another set in another place in Hong Kong that I think has a bright future! But I am not currently working in Hong Kong. When the time comes, I will go there, and I will open the box to show you the house I invested in! By the way, let me talk about my investment ideas in detail! And I'm all researching Japanese houses right now! Which topic are you interested in? Leave a message to express it! I decided to take the time to shoot based on the reaction rate! So when you have nothing, what you should learn is not investing , but how to jump out of the endless loop of being an employee to make money for the boss, not for yourself! The Internet has completely changed our way of life and consumption. In the future , if you don’t know how to make money on your mobile phone, you will become an illiterate in the new century . Did you suddenly find out? More and more people may still be working on the surface , but they are already their own bosses in private . More and more people have realized the annual turnover of other people’s company in a year through Youtube, and completed the wealth of other people’s life accumulation? Why are countless amateurs able to make a fortune by selling NFT before? Why do some celebrities work quietly in the entertainment industry, and in the end , the money they earn on the Internet is hundreds of times more than what they made before? For example, Liu Genghong and Chen Yiru, why do they all do self-media? Why are countless young children earning over 100 million U.S. dollars a year just by filming the process of playing games and playing toys ? In the past, if you were selling lipstick, how much money could you make? But there is a man named Li Jiaqi who sells it online, and he sold it for 10 billion a day! The Internet is fair to everyone. Turning on a mobile phone is an opportunity to start a business. So don’t complain about being born at the wrong time. Life is not aspirational. Without Bole , don’t think so hard. Don’t say it’s because others are lucky. Have you ever thought about why you are so unlucky? It's because people have caught the trend of self-media, and you are still on the ground! It's not that you don't believe that this can make money, because countless people have already made money. In the final analysis , you just don't believe that you can make money with this! Because you feel that you don’t know how to start a business, marketing, attract fans, etc., and you don’t have any fans, any interests, any skills , you are not handsome or beautiful, you don’t even have money, and you don’t have any ideas, so you deny yourself! But I tell you! All just practice makes perfect! You are afraid that self-media business will fail, do you think you will succeed in physical business? Self-media does not require you to be rich or well- connected, let alone recruit employees or rent a store . Basically, your biggest cost is your computer and your time! But as long as you, like me and my other disciples, work hard to build an automatic money-making machine in the early stage, the lazier we are, the more profitable we will be in the later stage! So if you want to have an Internet boss who really has results, take you! There is an entrepreneurial system and method that allows you to copy scientifically. You don’t need to have any experience in marketing, entrepreneurship, monetization, or products . You don’t need to understand the complex principles behind SEO, editing, design, and copywriting. You just need to be obedient , follow it to death, you can do the same as my other disciples to build an automatic money-making brand that makes customers chase you! I will tell you all my ideas about starting a business, and some other methods , including how to attract traffic, SEO, turn traffic into money, etc. , and tell you completely in the business school, and lead you to start a business forever! In terms of improving your entrepreneurial quality, if you join now, I will give you a permanent membership of the Fortune Free Book Club as a personal gift . You don’t need to read any more books, you can just listen to our team dismantling the essence of one hundred books for you. Go and listen to my wealth free courses on emperor art and sales that I update from time to time! In addition, we have an elite group of thousands of students who share the first-hand information about making money from all walks of life. They may become your partners or even soul mates! The good news is that if you join now, there will be a very big discount in the early stage! And the bad news is that this promotion is about to be canceled by my team because we will only keep increasing the price as the content is updated! So don't say anything, anyone who is interested in becoming my disciple must hurry up and join in the link on the video description column! Remember! You must learn to buy houses against the cycle, and don’t chase the ups and downs . To buy a house, you must learn to operate against the cycle. Buy a house at a low tide and sell a house at a high tide. People who ask people to buy houses when house prices are falling and people who ask people to sell houses when house prices are falling will really bankrupt you! Only real estate agents will analyze with you whether the housing price is rising or falling , because they want to earn your money! People who focus on the rise and fall of housing prices usually lose money when buying a house! And if you lose money, these realtors do not need to be responsible for you! Remember! Buying a house is against human nature, but most people buy up and not down. During the adjustment period of the property market, they are afraid that they will buy too expensive, and become a taker . They are looking forward to a little lower price, wishing that they can get the lowest price. But in fact , In the end, not only can you not get the lowest price , but you also follow the trend and enter the market in a panic at a high level. The property market has picked up, and you haven’t realized it. You don’t feel reconciled to the 10% increase. You didn’t buy it when it fell by 20%. Why did I buy it when it rose? I wondered if I should wait for it to finish its rise and pull back before buying again. As a result , it has risen for two months, 20%, but it still hasn’t fallen. I feel panicked. Forced to get on the bus, some people may still be unwilling to wait, and then wait until the price rises by 30% and panic . There is no way to get on the bus. Who told me to hesitate at the beginning ? After a few years, I have done it for nothing . This is the growth process of leeks I originally thought about whether I could wait for adjustments to reap the market, but in the end I always get cut by others. When the market is dominated by pessimism . If you are an owner, you must be calm and don’t leave the market. Have the courage to buy bottoms, and don’t be afraid of losing money. You have to think about what else you dare not buy when others are standing on the top of the mountain and now they are falling down. In fact, for so many years, as long as we bought during the falling period, even if we didn’t buy at the lowest point, it was right in retrospect because basically it will rise back later. How to grasp the counter-cycle? You are greedy when others are fearful, you are fearful when others are greedy , and you are generally right to buy when others are afraid to buy. When others are crazy, you have to calm down. In addition , don’t think too long-term when buying a house! Some people always think when they buy a house for the first time, I will live there for ten or eight years, how many people will live in my family , and how big a house is enough to live in? Do you want to consider the child's schooling, and the company should not be too far away? The commuting time is too long, the road is too tired, etc., you really think too much! In fact, many people change houses after they can’t live there for that long , and it is very likely that you will change jobs after two years, and the plan often cannot keep up with the changes . For those who are buying a house for the first time, the only thing you have to consider is where the value of the house will increase. Large space, easy to let go later? For houses with the same total price, it is better to buy a high-quality small house in the egg yolk district than a big house in the eggshell district, because there are very few buyers! Anyway, I will change the house in three to five years , so if you buy it before marriage, you don’t have to worry about children’s schooling. Well, if you have any questions, please leave me a message! As long as you can find a sentence or two in what I said today that is useful and can help your life to live better, I will be satisfied~ Then, I will continue to share about the next Thursday at 8:30 Become a rich man, an entrepreneur, an investor, free information on achieving financial freedom If you don't want to miss it, I still appeal to you to subscribe to my channel, and then turn on the little bell! Then selflessly share the video! I sincerely wish the brothers and sisters who liked this video to achieve wealth and freedom as soon as possible! Well, we will see you next week, Bye!
Channel: 90後創業家掃地僧
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Keywords: 掃地僧, 買房, 房地產, 少子化買房, 少子化, 房貸, 買房vs租房, 韭菜買房會有什麼下場, 少子化將會讓房價崩盤, 為什麼富人區和貧民區房價相差這麼遠, 富人vs窮人買房, 人以房分, 階層是如何形成的, 財富為什麼會無形被轉移, 原來包租公比高利貸更黑, 2023買房真的可以賺錢嗎, 租房會有什麼下場, 買房會有什麼下場, 租房幫買房人打工, 買房2023, 投資房地產, 投資理財, 為什麼國家不會讓房價下跌, 抄底買房, 房價漲賣房, 買房vs賣房, 要不要買房, 不敢買房, 房價下跌, 升息買房, 通脹貶值買房, 如何在房價下跌買房, 房價下跌如何買房, 房價下跌怎麼辦, 如何買房, 買房教學, 投資教學, 買房賺錢方法, 買房賺錢套路, 買房時機, 怎麼買房, 買房要算賬, 如何一買房就賺錢, 房價下跌也賺錢, 買房賺錢, 不要賣房, 抵押房子換現金, 買房子, 買房投資, 買房還是租房, 買房出租, 買房首購專家, 買房投資 出租, 買房 vs 租房, 買房 租房, 買房 租房 比較, 買房 投資, 投資房產 賺錢, 少子化 房价, 2023 買房時機, 2023房市, 买房 vs 租房, 2023 房价, 買房 2023, 房地產大亨, 包租公, 賺錢
Id: UaV-Y9fSpX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 12sec (1632 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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