2022 Porsche Cayman GT4 RS Review // LOUD NOISES

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My first impressions after driving one for 2 days at Spa are pretty much in line with their statements. I can agree with the tendency to understeer while pushing it on track - so does a GT4 with the standard setup. It doesn't matter though because the right suspension setting fixes this problem.

Overall a pretty good conclusion. Finally someone that acknowledges the GT4RS as a completely different car to the GT3 instead of drawing nonsense comparisons that do not matter at all for those who really want to buy one or the other. But hey nonsense comparisons are fun so here is my take: If you ask me the GT4RS has at least one major flaw as a track tool (at that price point) and anyone who has driven a GT4 on track already knows what I'm talking about.

The 718 rear suspension design has its flaws and a pretty noticeably impact on driving behavior at the limit. Tail wag is just one of the results worth mentioning. Guess what, the GT4RS does exactly the same. Some of these things can be improved - for instance the aftermarket has developed a complete multi link rear suspension kit.

It's worth mentioning though that some of the fancy suspension/ chassis stuff that makes a modern 911 faster on track compared to its respective predecessor doesn't even fit into the current 718. The 911 has multi link rear suspension, wider tires, shorter wheel base, rear wheel steering and double wishbones. The 718 would need a complete makeover to fit some of the mentioned stuff into it. And the reality is that you would then end up with a 718 noticeably bigger and wider than the current one. I wouldn't want that to archive an equally fast lap time as the GT3 (under the same conditions, only in theory of course). Why? Lap times aren't that important, especially when the difference is so small.

Does of all this mean I didn't like the GT4RS? Of course not, I loved it. As I said in the beginning: two completely different cars. The 4RS tries to be the more silly car, while the GT3 tries to be the more serious on track.

BTW: Do you guys get angry if I tell you that we get ~3-5% discount on our GT4RS orders over here instead of paying $150k ADM?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 291 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HackeSpitze πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 13 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Did they permanently move to California, or what?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 86 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Impossible-Sand-5849 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 13 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

James scolding Chris Harris was fantastic.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 112 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mr_duong567 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 13 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Last year I got about 2 hours behind the wheel of a GT3RS, and it was one of the craziest experiences of my life. The sounds that power train makes are other worldly. I can only imagine those sounds are amplified in the GT4 given that there is no divider between the driver and the engine.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DavidAg02 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 13 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

That fucking intro was gold. I want a compilation of every intro they have ever done rated from worst to best.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 48 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/madevilfish πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 13 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'd love to see Chris tackle Silverstone in this car someday.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Soundjammer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 13 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

My three favourite car reviewers and my dream car in the same video. That's awesome.

Too bad Chris has a broken foot, I'd love to see the three of them race. That would be prime Top Gear material.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 57 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/reward72 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 13 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Their videography has been nipping at the heels of top gear and grand tour and with this video I think they might have reached that level. You're definitely at least on par with carfection which is something to be proud of.

Keep up the fantastic work, and nice Chris Harris spotting.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 45 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/clingbat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 13 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Even among people who can afford this car, it's essentially vaporware. A friend who has bought 3 Porsches in the last decade was told by his dealer that he wouldn't be able to get one.

Obviously reviewers gonna review, but I really wish there was more pushback against manufacturers advertising unobtainium.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/phr3dly πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 13 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
you're watching throttle house i'm thomas and i'm james and that is out of focus again what is he doing i just moved it again what are you doing is that out of focus well i'm trying to yes it is i'm trying to manual focus i don't care oh it's got auto focus yes it does you're here for one job yeah but i can't drive because i've broken my foot but i'm multitasking great i don't care you're not here for driving you you should be happy for the work try my hard listen i used to be where you were right now all right collecting cars auction site hopefully it will do well one day yeah okay that in the other video games whatever you want to do i don't care what you do in your off time okay okay i'm trying this is important i know i know he's no he's still going on i know last chance i don't know where you found this guy this is the last time i used craigslist [Music] um [Music] you're watching throttle house i'm thomas and that's james probably shouting and making funny noises and this is the gt4 rs [Music] rs meaning rinse bolt which turns the 718 gt4 into a motor racing derived street legal weapon which by the way kinda already was without the rs but the team at porsche gt took it a step further and tweaked it molded it transformed it shoved in a familiar engine that is already legend and with some clever engineering have optimized it for our oral pleasure i don't think you can say that on youtube no can you no no no no james like like oral for sound like a u r oh yeah yeah it does feel good anyway with great engine and performance and the porsche options list comes great price the gt4 rs starts at 166 000 canadian chuck on the vaisakh package and even a casual personalized spec takes you well into the 200 thousands that's actual gt3 money and a well-spent one at that so does it earn the right to cost that much let's find out if you're new to farmhouse we do car reviews track tests and quite a lot of messing around so subscribe and hit the bell [Music] alright gt4 rs like the gt4 except now we have the gt3 engine which means not only do we get more power and more torque we're also gifted with something quite special and that's the red line because whilst a normal gt4 can rev to 8000 rpm the gt4 rs can rev [Music] and it does wow wow it does three and a half seconds to 60. big whoop the speed doesn't interest me nearly as much as the sound and yeah i'm sure that sounds good from the outside but that's not where the experience of this car is [Applause] since this is the gt3 engine this air intake which you and i are so used to seeing on a cayman isn't enough so they've added this air intake which happens to be covered in carbon fiber reinforced plastic because this is the vise package we'll talk about that more in a minute but that feeds air into the air box which is right inside the cabin and that means that the sound is in the cabin as well [Music] that last few thousand rpm is just sex i mean there's no partition there's no glass there's no blanket over the air box it is right in there with me right behind my ear so i can throw through all seven gears [Music] and just hear it wailing it sounds [Music] so mechanical this thing turns me into a baby owl i've either really hurt my knee or i'm a baby owl because i don't know what that sound is but for some reason that's the thing that this car elicits and different to the normal gt4 [Music] the pdk in this addresses one of our only concerns it has shorter gearing which means i can experience at least two gears before i'm hitting the speed limit top of second gear feels like it's about 70 miles an hour which is still quick and yet i don't actually feel the need to use the paddles this pdk is so good and knowing what i want to do that top of fourth gear on the straight is so brilliant this is a caiman this is a caiman making these sounds it's a religious experience [Music] just this is proof that santa exists it's like christmas morning every day it doesn't matter if it's christmas morning or if it's halloween or if it's easter you're not going to get one because the dealer markups allocation problems the whole thing you have to be a vip how many porsches do you own zero but how many do you own shut up [Music] all right maybe you can buy one maybe you can't i don't know all i know is that this is one of the most sensational cars i've driven on a racetrack my good god it's just it's just a work of art but you know what it's a mechanical work of art as is the whole car the nature of this thing is so serious okay so this has the y stock package with those really crazy extra ultra lightweight wheels and i have driven the non-white sock package and the difference is honestly noticeable it really is the steering is lighter in this but the front end you know obviously it's mid-engine so it's so delicate and if i'm being honest i'm getting quite a lot of understeer but you know what that doesn't matter because a i'm getting so much communication that i can fix it using steering or throttle inputs and it is a real real track car which means that the alignment is completely adjustable camber caster tow whatever you want the ride height is adjustable everything can be tweaked this is honestly [Music] a lovely car to drive but my biggest concern and it's always my biggest concern when it comes to porsches is are they a little bit too serious to your liking oh it'll have a bit of fun it'll have a bit of fun on the throttle the rear goes i can use the throttle to rotate the car or i can use the engine to rotate the car the choice is yours down the hill up and forth 100 miles an hour flat on this okay have a good time no i hate being out here with rs porsches on an open race track in california it's my least favorite thing the forces turned you serious yeah i'm generally a very silly guy but if i get serious it's for rs porsches because that's what they are it is very serious because okay we can agree that it looks crazy right it's got the it's got the swan neck wing and it's got there's like air intakes everywhere the ducts on the hood lots of arrow going on none of these things though are here because they wanted to make it look cool it just had to be there it had to be there you needed the different downforce for cooling yeah right so the things that distinguish the gt4 from a normal cayman are things like the uh the the side intakes come out a bit and there's a spoiler and then there's this kind of vent here and that's basically all you get on the track maybe a lower ride height as well right so not only do we now have front axle lift which is the thing you can't see which is a must it's absolutely imperative we now get carbon fiber reinforced plastic everywhere so this hood it's currently uh visible carbon fiber because of the wi-fi cartridge but i can't say why suck because the germans say vice act because i was saying versace why sachi yeah is that it um yeah i wasn't saying yeah it's visible because of that but this would also be carbon fiber the wing mirrors are carbon fiber yes bunch of carbon fiber going on okay wheels now okay so this is the device package the you if you want the magnesium wheels yes you have to have options you have to have a livestock package and how much are they they're cheap they were it was like it was like 50 bucks a wheel yeah yeah so it's 15 000 i think 15 000. no no for the vital package oh okay yeah and then the wheels on top of that they come with the vise lock pack no you have to get the voice out package if you want the magnesium wheels which is where a lot of the weight savings is against the normal gt4 yeah uh and they are 17 800 and something dollars that's a steel yeah so all together you're paying about 40 grand or almost 40 grand more for both the things but you save some pounds you save some you save some pounds you also save pounds by getting the carbon fiber bucket seats and yes the bucket seats save some way interestingly though this isn't that it's not that different in weight to the normal gt4 no because they've there's weight has been added yes because of rs parts and engine and yeah so basically you're you're kind of you're trading the extra performance from the downforce and the cooling for a little bit of weight right you are but like look that's a sticker that's a stick i think it's actually a decal same thing what's the difference decals are stickers i don't understand all cats are animals but not all animals are cats yes yes but yeah i think i think it looks monstrous no it looks amazing i think i think i would be compelled if i was specking this out that's just me to go for the vice package to go for the full well yeah because like this is the ultimateest of all caymans ever made and like it's like that's like getting 99 of the way to the top of the mountain and going now right like unless it affects your ability to get an allocation or like yeah we can't get you right yeah exactly if you can get one that isn't then yeah do it no i think it looks fantastic i've always loved the shape of the cayman over the 911. that's actually not a very controversial opinion you're going to have quite a few people in your account really okay i like the look of this i i've always loved the styling of the cayman i think that even though it is styled by engineering it works perfectly in this car i think it just looks absolutely badass look at the inside yeah okay okay oh carbon buckets they're actually quite comfortable so so these are standard for this that's the difference that's right you have to option them in a gt4 whereas for this you can option 18 ways for no cost right if you want to be more comfortable which i think is a weird decision for this maybe i don't know no no you're right no it is we can make that call this is a track car yes these make these make sense these seats so seeing in here roll bar roll bar yeah you like the rubber i do very much i believe you can't get that and i think it's a european thing see i can't 100 confirm that which is a shame because i mean it's nice to have it's nice it's not as cool as that air box right there though is this sony looking at i can see the carbon fiber coming in from the outsides great if you don't want to have a conversation with your passenger yeah exactly uh and then the other big difference in here you know there's race text going on i think you can option that on the gt4 but even if you can't this is racetext not alcantaras they're lightweight stuff oh that's special and this even though it looks like a manual shifter gt3 yeah it's pretending to be something else a bit like that cameraman this morning that i had to deal with oh yeah what was his name it was like it was something malcolm neville nope uh jeremy chris chris yeah chris chris chris harris chris howard oh that name brings us all right yeah i think we hide him for the wrong thing uh he's a legend thank you big thank you for chris yeah very much appreciated and his and his collecting cars venture um now this is very much just the same as the regular gt4 except it says rs in there and it says vice chakra you can't get advice sockets e4 i feel like you're now starting to have fun saying that [Laughter] if i suck you in the balls if you don't um yeah there's a lot of we've got a vice arc here yeah and fabric door pulls that's super cool that's normal yeah gotta have it this is really nicely specced we've got the blue inserts on the seats here the blue here and it matches the magnesium wheels which you've spent seventeen eighteen thousand dollars on this this is a nice speck i really like this and my favorite part always has been about the cayman is that the steering wheel is on the gt steering wheel yeah sorry the gd4 specifically yeah so thomas and i did an extra throttle house video recently where we designed our perfect sports car and we chose different components from different cars yeah and the steering wheel was from the gt4s this one so really can't that's i think we can't say anything more complimentary yeah this is of all steering wheels i think on the market right now this is the choice but of all sports cars on the market right now this is the choice is this the choice i don't know i don't know should we do a conclusion yeah okay spend half the money of the gt4 rs and you can get amazing cars that take life less seriously and you could probably get into something that's almost as quick around the nurburgring too but if what you're looking for is the final word in german precision then as much as we hate to admit it portia are right there is no substitute so is the gt4rs a cut price gt3 no it's not even cut price with the goodies it's the same price but to be fair to it it's its own car from its smaller proportions to its mid-engine driving dynamics it exists in its own space and no question this is a caiman in its ultimate form the in-cabin sound alone graduates the gt4 rs into the realms of porsche legend in those hallowed halls are not easily entered thanks for watching [Music] yeah we're on the clock i know i know he's no he's still going on i know i'm still good i'm still quicker than you were one foot though you can't reach me at the end you
Channel: Throttle House
Views: 677,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2022 porsche 718 cayman gt4 rs review, 2022 gt4, 2022 cayman, 2022 porsche review, 2022 gt4 rs exhaust, 2022 gt4 rs sound, 2022 gt4 rs launch, porsche launch control, porsche cayman 0-60, gt4 rs 0-60, gt4 rs pov, gt4 rs drift, gt4 rs vs gt3, gt4 rs vs 911 turbo s, gt4 rs vs z06, 718 gt4 rs top speed, porsche top speed, 718 weissach, porsche pdk, gt4 rs interior, porsche interior, gt4 rs track test, gt4 rs drag race, porsche drag race, throttle house porsche
Id: j8vUSopSaOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 13 2022
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