20210828 | Prophetic Panorama | Ryan Day

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well my friends happy sabbath it's always a blessing to be here at my home church of thompsonville thompsonville seventh day adventist church and we also are welcoming all who are watching us at home or around the world wherever you are praise the lord we are going to take a journey through scripture this morning and uh it's good to be back here to be able to preach and to speak to you this morning i've been i've been on the road quite a bit uh the lord has been leading me and taking me to different places where i've been able to uh preach evangelistically and and conduct concerts and uh just came back from a three-week evangelistic series in phoenix city alabama and so it's it's hot down there it's hot here and it's hot there but the humidity there is out of this world uh but it was a great series i enjoyed my time there and uh it's a blessing to be back home here in thompsonville today's message as you can see is entitled prophetic panorama in case you don't know what a panorama is let me just put it in this perspective if you have a smartphone most modern smartphones in the in the uh the picture app of your phone where you can take a picture has an option most of them have an option for what's called a panoramic picture where you can start from one side and slowly glide to the other side and it will you will basically take in everything in a big picture perspective so in other words if i was going to take a picture to this side i would only be able to capture this side in just one clip but if i took a panoramic picture it would take in everything and compile it nicely together where you can see from start to finish the broader picture well today we're going to be looking at what's called the prophetic panorama i have been looking on my facebook recently i'm not a big social media person but i a lot of my sermon ideas come from seeing the attitude and the knowledge that is being shared through social media i have many many many friends on my social media platforms and to see what many of them are talking about some of sharing some of their thoughts and ideas about the end times about the times that we're living in a lot of times i will see that there's a general attitude about certain topics and certain things as if did anybody watch this past thursday night's live the three being thursday night live we we did a thursday night live topic on the mark of the beast and if the vaccine fits in how the vaccine fits into the mark of the beast and so a lot of people are saying hey the vaccine is the mark of the beast how many have seen that on social media or you've heard someone say that oh i believe that this vaccine is the mark of the beast and while i believe that what we're seeing happening among us is very much conditioning us and i'm going to use i'm going to take that phrase and that word from our from brother joe o'brien he shared that with me it is very much conditioning us and setting us up for what is to come which is this mark of the beast issue this mark of the beast situation the vaccine's not the mark of the beast uh we so if you haven't if you don't know what that is if you're watching at home right now and you're wondering what is the mark of the beast or who is this beast of revelation go go to youtube go to 3abn plus find that that video that two hour live that shelly and myself did on that but anyways i'm getting all of these concepts these ideas of you know what to teach on what to preach about based on all of the different misconceptions and mis ideas and you know misinformation that many people are given or they're sharing and you know what i decided today as i was as i was preparing this week for this presentation i thought you know i want to show from a scriptural perspective as well as from a spirit of prophecy perspective what we can expect to happen from now to the second coming of jesus many people again they have their in their mind a certain series of events that is supposed to happen between now and the second coming of jesus we're going to put it into more of a detailed perspective kind of a timeline perspective and um i just want to kind of give a disclaimer here normally i always present my my presentations or my sermons are usually about 98 to 99 scripture and then at the very end usually i'll tag on some spirit of prophecy quotes uh just to kind of supplement what i've been preaching but today we're because this these subjects and these different events are so in-depth and there's so much to know about them i'm basically amalgamating the two we're bringing a mixture of scripture and a mixture of spirit of prophecy together i want you to see this picture this panoramic view of prophecy the end times prior to the second coming of jesus how it unfolds and what it looks like so uh before we dive into that topic though let us go right to the word or to the lord in prayer let's pray father in heaven lord we certainly need your guidance right now um lord we want to set the record straight this morning we want to inform and be informed and be knowledgeable and in wise lord about the coming events that are fast approaching us we want to be prepared for the great coming the return of jesus christ and lord there are so many people out there that have so many different random ideas and we know that the enemy is sowing deceits and confusion in this world like no other time before but lord we don't want confusion this morning we want the straight testimony of your word we want to understand what is ahead of us so that we can be prepared and to know how to meet the times that are fast approaching so father we're asking for the holy spirit right now god i'm asking that you lead and guide me to only speak your word this morning and help me to properly communicate this subject as it pertains to these last day events to our salvation in our relationship and with jesus christ and our will from god for our lives lord we thank you so much for all that you've done and who you are and we ask this in jesus holy name amen amen amen the bible tells us in 1 thessalonians chapter 5 verses 1 through 3. this is paul writing and he says but concerning the times and the seasons brethren you have no need that i should write to you for you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the lord so comes as a thief in the night for when they say peace and safety then sudden destruction comes upon them as labor pains upon a pregnant woman and they shall not escape they shall not escape this is one of the most central passages in all of the prophetic writings because paul is trying to communicate the sense of urgency of how we need to be prepared for the soon return of jesus and i love how he starts this out because he's addressing the church he's writing to the church at thessalonica those whom have heard his presentations they've heard his sermons they've heard his teachings and so now he's writing to them and he's saying look concerning the times and the seasons and all that is ahead brethren he says there is no need that i should even have to write these things to you because you know as i have already communicated that the day of the lord is going to appear it's going to come as a thief in the night for many and then he describes this one group of people for when they see there's two groups that he mentions in this passage here there's they and then there's you they are those who will not be ready when jesus comes you you are the church you are those people that are the church that will be prepared when jesus returns so in this particular portion here he says and when they say peace and safety then sudden destruction comes upon them as labor pains upon a pregnant woman and they shall and in the original greek there there's actually a double negative oh may which means they shall know not escape there's a sense of urgency and importance that paul is communicating he's saying brethren be aware that life may just be going on as normal for a lot of people but if you're not prepared if you're not watching if you're not sober if you're not spiritually awakened these times will come up on you as labor pains upon a pregnant woman and they shall no not escape of course we know that these signs and these seasons that he's referring to prior to the unfolding of the very final events of bible prophecy the very final events of this earth's history is none other than what we call the signs of the times they're indications that god gave us that jesus christ himself spoke of in many different passages the signs of the times signs that we need to be aware of indications that jesus christ is coming soon in fact after jesus lists a few of these signs of the times in matthew 24 that there would be you know there would be famines and pestilences and wars and rumors of wars and earthquakes in various places and he's listing all these signs in verse 8 of matthew 24 he says these words he says and all these are the beginning of sorrows and it's interesting there because the word for sorrows there in the original greek is literally translated birth pains same word in the greek that paul uses in the previous passage we just read from in first thessalonians chapter five when he says and and and they and they will come upon you as labor pains upon a pregnant woman same greek word used here that christ is using here for the word sorrows they all of these are the beginning of sorrows at the beginning of birth pains how many mamas do we have in here all right you know what them birth pains are like you know when when when you know when the water breaks it's like the flood gates open right and here and it's it's giving you an indication that baby is on their way right but it's interesting that these birth pains that follow that event the first one may come and it may be it's probably listen to me up here talking about it like i know what i'm talking about right [Laughter] all the every one of these women in here going like he really knows i've read things and i have women in my family who have experienced this so i i may not have experienced it myself but i know a little bit about how it goes and you can correct me if i'm wrong on this but there comes that first birth pain that first contraction and it's sharp it's quick it oh it almost takes your breath and then and then it's like oh that wasn't too bad and then there'll be a duration of time to pass and then here comes the second birth pain and then it woo oh almo and then and then it stops it's like oh that that wasn't too bad and then you go on to the third one and then the fourth one but you start to notice ladies tell me if i'm correct on this there's a certain theme happening because the duration of time between these birth pains what happens to them it may start out i don't know every so many minutes and then it becomes ever so many so many seconds and then it becomes every second before you know it it's like whoa and then and then the more you go along in these birth pangs what happens they become more and more intense jesus described these signs of the times the signs that give us indication that something big is about to happen that jesus christ himself is coming he's on his way these jesus described them paul described them as birth pains you say but ryan we've always had storms and we've always had fires and we've always had floods and we've always had these different things to to you know these earthquake there's always been these things yes but as we get closer to the second coming of jesus the duration of these major events are closer and closer and closer and they're more intense and more intense as we pass and get closer to the second coming of jesus we've seen this have we not we have witnessed these things you can read about it in the great olivet discourse of matthew chapter 24 you can also read some of the details in mark 13 luke 17 luke 21 jesus the authors repeat this where jesus gives all of these signs very very clear but i'll tell you my friends not all of the signs of the times are necessarily you know in the in the atmosphere and in in the uh you know in the heavenly bodies and with the weather and all the things that we're seeing of course those are all signs that jesus is coming soon but i'll tell you there's also other signs that is given to us in scripture i'll give you one right now pertaining to the church it's a passage we've read many times second timothy chapter four paul writes he says preach the preach the word be instant in season and out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all along suffering and doctrine why paul why in the world should we do this he tells us for the time will come when they shall not endure sound doctrine but after their own lust shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and they shall turn away their ears from the what from the truth and shall be turned into fables have we seen a little bit of that happening are we seeing this unfold before our eyes across even the christian world this is another sign another indication that jesus is coming soon so let's put this in a kind of a panoramic timetable or or chart kind of view timeline view we're going to start with the signs this is where we are we're among these signs that are happening we've been among them for a long time we have seen over the decades and over the past couple of centuries few centuries that the signs of the times are indeed telling the story that jesus is coming soon amen are we together my friends all right that being said all right i want to say this up front as we go through these different time we're going to put different points on this timeline here that's going to kind of give us a sense of chronology on how we can expect these particular events to unfold however i do want to say that neither the bible nor the spirit of prophecy confirms a few of these points to be in a particular order so what i'm saying is we're going to put a general a panoramic view out there as to what we can expect because some of these events very much much they very much might overlap each other many of them will occur around the same time let me give you one for example this this next one because we're living in the signs of the times because it's telling us that jesus is coming soon we are told that soon and very soon that there's going to be a shaking in fact i'm going to submit to you that that shaking has already occurred and is still occurring we are living in a shaking time period my friend does it seem like the church has been rumbling a little bit lately does it seem like we're all on the same page does it seem like there's some division some shaking some cracks in the foundation of the church oh my friends understand the bible as well as the spirit of prophecy makes it clear that we are living and are going to continue to live in this shaking time period until the next major event occurs i believe we are living in that shaking time period notice what revelation chapter 3 verses 9 and 10 tells us god himself is speaking he says indeed i will make those of the synagogue of satan who say they are jews and are not but what do they do they lie indeed i will make them come and worship before your feet and know that i have loved you because you have kept my command to preserve notice because you have excuse me you have kept my command to persevere i also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole earth to test those who dwell on the earth this is talking about a shaking god making a distinguishing difference between those who are his genuine followers and those who are not his genuine followers those who are of the synagogue of satan but yet they tell others i'm a jew and what this is meaning this is a spiritual language for this is this where galatians 3 comes in galatians 3 29 remember that we are all spiritual jews we are all seeds of abraham and heirs according to the promise if we are in christ that's what the bible teaches us in other words what this language is is telling us here is that there are those out there that say i'm of christ i am in christ christ is in me i am a christian in fact many of them may be saying i am a seventh-day adventist christian but jesus knows the heart jesus knows the heart he knows who his genuine followers are and those who again they lie they are of the synagogue of satan there's a shaking going to occur in fact notice what the spirit of prophecy tells us about the shaking testimonies for the church volume 1 page 181 it says i asked the meaning of the shaking i had seen and which shown that it would be caused by the straight testimony called forth by the counsel of the true witness to the laodiceans are we living in laodicea so this message is to the laodiceans this will have its effect upon the heart of the receiver and will lead him to exalt the standard and pour forth the straight truth but because of this straight truth it goes on to say some will not bear this straight testimony they will rise up against it and this will cause a shaking among god's people are we understanding this my friends we are living in a shaking time period and the question is which part of the shaking are you going to be on which side are you going to be on are you going to be found a part of the sheep or a part of the goats are you going to be found a part of god's whole wheat church are you going to be found a part of the tares god knows who his people are and you know even she goes on to say that the church this is coming from selected messages volume 2 page 380. she says the church may even appear as if it's about to fall but it does not there's some sleeping folk in here today let's try that one more time the church may appear as though it about to fall but it does not fall does god have his people yes he has a people it remains while the sinners in zion will be what shifted notice notice where these sinners are where are they in zion they're in the church but it says the chaff separated from the precious wheat this is a terrible notice ordeal but nonetheless it must take place my friends i believe again we are living in that shaking time jesus gives us plenty of indication that there's going to be a shaking we even see it in the parable of the ten virgins remember there's five wise and there's five foolish the five foolish say to the vive wise give us of your oil they don't have enough oil they don't have the holy spirit in their life because they are not obedient to god by love their relationship with christ is not based on love in fact i would say that they don't even have a relationship with jesus all the while believing that they do and then they have to hear those haunting words i'm sorry i don't know you depart from me god speaks of these people who are of the synagogue of satan who might be considered a part of the foolish believing 100 percent that they are in christ when in reality they are not he describes them again this is second timothy 3 5 of having a form of godliness but denying what denying the power what power is it they're denying it's the holy spirit acts chapter 1 verse 8 and when the holy spirit comes upon you you shall receive power my friends is the power of god in your life are you responding positively to the leading guiding power of the holy spirit in your life today are you following after the commands of god because you have the holy spirit in you do you have the spiritual discernment to be able to see this the ti the times that we're living in to discern the times that we're living in to know that jesus christ is coming soon do you do you sense uh there is there a sense of urgency in your life to live today as if we have no tomorrow as if jesus christ is coming back tomorrow only a person led by the spirit of god will live in those ways all of these signs all of the indications are clear jesus is indeed coming soon in fact testimonies to the church volume 9 page 11 we've read this one many times but notice what it says it says the calamities by land and sea the unsettled state of society the alarms of war are pretentious they forecast approaching events of the greatest magnitude what are they telling us something's coming much bigger i've even heard people say oh we're living in the great time of trouble because of this covet you ain't seen nothing yet this is just this is just a little tiny sign an indication that there's something much greater in her words of greatest magnitude that is still yet to come my question is are you prepared for that time my friends we are fast approaching it it goes on to say the agencies of evil are combining their forces and consolidating are we seeing some consolidation of what appears to be forces of evil in this time of course we are they are strengthening for the last great crisis great changes are soon to take place in our world and then notice what she says here and the final movements will be what my friends if you don't get anything else get this right here everything that we're about to go go we're about to go over from this point moving forward in this presentation i want you to understand very clearly these final movements they're not just rapid they're more rapid than what you think you see we're living life and life passes us with each passing day and we hear the brethren we hear ourselves we hear the preachers say jesus is coming jesus is coming jesus is coming jesus is coming and then we blink and it's 10 years oh well they said that 10 years ago jesus is coming jesus is coming jesus is coming and then we blink and now it's 20 years well they said that 20 years ago life just seems to be creeping right on by life just seems to be cree and people are falling more and more into a complacent state because they've been hearing the same message it seems like forever but jesus hasn't come yet i could imagine moses preaching the same message for 120 years probably by year 20 or year 30 they thought oh this this what did i say moses i always always get them backwards for some reason moses and noah noah we're talking about noah here could you imagine noah preaching for 100 the same message for 120 years you could imagine that after 10 years most the people had said oh he said that 10 years ago look he's been building this boat this guy's then lost his mind 30 years later this guy look at him he's still deranged 50 years later you see the state of complacency gets thicker and thicker and bigger and bigger until by the time the judgment arrives these individuals are in complete disbelief they've lost heart their fire has burned out they're going through the motions but inside their life is a valley of dry bones there's a reason why these words exist that the final movements will be rapid ones has anyone ever written in a tesla tesla i almost said tesla tesla a tesla car all right it's the most incredible thing i've ever experienced this thing can go from like zero to 60 in like two and a half three seconds but you could be creeping along in the car at 20 or 30 miles per hour and it's just like you know oh this is nice and then the person driving were to put that pedal all the way to the floor it felt like your organs was going to come out your spine i rode in one we were in australia with uh three abn team jason you weren't you weren't there when that trip were you okay brother that came to our camp meeting invited us to come out and take a ride in his tesla so he gets in the vehicle and we all pack in i'm sitting in the front seat i think pastor loma king was in there with me and greg and jill marconi were there is greg and joe here today i don't know if they were here i was going to have them attest to it if they were they're probably watching at home but uh oh man if greg and joe were here jill can tell you just how how some people would be frightening to me it wasn't really frightening but it was certainly just it was it was the experience like no other in a car a car so we're driving along this little street you know 20 miles per hour you know just just you know cruising along and then finally we come to a stop in the road and in the middle of the road because the guy you look behind and look for there's no one there he wanted to show us just how powerful this car was and he puts that pedal all the way down and i literally felt my eyes rolling i had no control i had no control of my like my my blood it seemed like all of my blood went to my back it was just like oh it just went so swift so quick so fast in a moment that it was just like it totally took my breath and i felt like my lungs could not expand and then finally when he got up to speed and kind of and my blood flow is coming back my hands are tingling and my face feels like it's like you know around the back of my head i'm just like whoa i was just overwhelmed at how powerful this car can accelerate on on a dime and then he would slow down to about 20 miles per hour and then he would again and he would just whoa just throw me back into the chair and i couldn't even pull forward to touch the dashboard i mean that's how fast and powerful this car is my friends i give you that illustration because in an illustrative way that's exactly how the final events will be we're just cruising along it seems like and people are comfortable at 20 30 miles per hour but then when a certain event comes you better believe that the last events of this earth's history is going to go from 30 to 70 just like that what event is going to launch us into these final events right now we're going through the signs we're experiencing the shaking let me tell you what the next major event is going to be in the very near future that we need to be prepared for my friends you know the world scoffs and laughs at this sunday law these adventists these these in fact i've heard seven day adventist scoff and laugh at this oh ryan you know they've been teaching that for years you know sunday law and yeah and i've even have you i just don't believe that that's what's gonna happen so here we go let's put it on our timeline we're living through the signs we're living through the shaking but the next thing to happen my friends very quickly i believe in the near future is going to be that sunday law notice closed on sunday you're going to see a lot of these get ready for it get ready you ain't having you haven't seen it yet but it's going to happen notice what revelation 13 tells us in predicting this this this this forced observance of sunday this forced worship it says and he deceived speaking of the second beast that united states of america that protestant america here it is and he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he had granted to do in the sight of the beast telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and live you know what this is telling us that the united states this protestant america is going to create a powerful relational alliance with the first beast of revelation 13. and that first beast of revelation 13 guess what i'm not gonna i'm not gonna beat around the bush about it it's the roman papal church state the roman catholic church system does that mean that everyone in the roman catholic church is bad no does god have good people that are being led by the holy spirit that are in the catholic church yes he does in fact we see it in revelation 18 4 come out of her my people so this isn't a message to throw catholic people under the bus or to beat down catholic people in their faith we're talking about a false system of worship and the bible predicts that the second beast this united states protestant beast will unite with the first beast the papal beast and they will create an image the united states will be formulated into an image a direct image as likened to that papal beast an amalgamation of church and state ready full force to bring about a forced worship in this world that's not in harmony with god's word it goes on to say he was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both what speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be to be killed my friends so we know that this image is being set up right now right before us it's being set up in fact if you want to see a good glimpse of it just go to washington dc we took the we took stephanie's class uh her class to washington dc a couple of years ago before this pandemic exploded and i was just amazed because that was the first time i'd ever been to washington dc you don't feel like you're in america when you're in that city every single architecture and building of all kinds down every single street you feel like you're in a roman city and he goes on to say and he the united states causes all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a what a mark in the right hand or in their foreheads and that no one may buy or sell except the one who has the mark of the or the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name what is this telling us my friends bible prophecy is predicting that very soon this world is going to be turned upside down marking the beginning of this will be an enforced international day of worship sunday will be called the lord's day sunday will be made the day of rest and every other day you must work or you won't be able to buy or sell to provide for your family sunday laws notice what this quote says paul seventh seventh volume of the bible commentary page seven or nine seventy six it says the lord has shown me clearly that the image of the beast will be formed before probation closes for it is the witness to be the greatest test for the people of god by which their eternal destiny will be decided did you hear that my friends this event will mark about a decision that you have to make in which your eternal destiny as a as a as a sanctified church member one who is informed one who has heard this message you make the decision on which side you're on and your eternal destiny will be decided come to sunday law fact it goes on to say this this is the seventh same volume of the bible commentary this is the test that the people of god must have before they are sealed all who proved their loyalty to god by observing his law and refusing to accept a spurious sabbath will rank under the banner of the lord god jehovah and will receive the seal of the living god those who yield the truth of heavenly origin and accept notice the sunday sabbath will receive the mark of the beast my friends this issue is closer to us than what we think the question is are you ready are you ready we've been hearing it for decades we've been hearing it for centuries but it's made clear that sooner or later sunday laws will be passed not might not could it makes it clear sunday laws will be passed manuscript release volume 4 page 278 soon the sunday laws will be enforced and men in positions of trust will be embittered against the little handful of god's commandment keeping people did you hear that they will be bittered in their heart who are these people who don't want to fall in line with the lord's day sunday who are these people a thorn in the world's flesh because they have to keep some seventh-day saturday sabbath and when this attitude begins to flood the hearts of protestants and papists around the world the message goes out very clear that it's now time to get if you haven't left already you better get out of the cities my friends because what's about to happen after this you do not want to be in a city on what's about to unfold into this planet so the next thing on our little timeline here is that in accordance with this sunday law event we want to be out of the city let me tell you something my friends i've even heard people say this and i want to address this really quickly i've heard seventh-day adventist pastors say this well it ain't gonna matter if you're in the city or you're out of the city because if the spirit of the lord is in you then you can be in that city and you'll still be protected let me make it clear we have been counseled already by the spirit of the lord to prepare to leave the cities and i'm just telling you straight up people with that mentality and that attitude who rebelliously decide i'm not leaving the city i'm not making preparation i'm not gonna you know i'm not gonna flee as i'm supposed to i'm gonna stay right here in this city i think you've got a a a sorrowful time coming up on you that you're not prepared for because the spirit of the enemy is going to flood those cities like no other get out of the cities that's why bible in revelation chapter 12 verse 6 tells us and the woman fled into the into the wilderness where notice she had a place prepared that she prepared on her own who prepared this place for her so is god behind his church fleeing when it's time absolutely my friends that's why even jesus told his disciples in wake of this 7080 destruction of jerusalem he told them pray ye that your flight be not in the winter neither on the sabbath day their flight because what rome was about to bring up on the city of jerusalem he said you don't want to be in that rat hole get out and they did in fact a great controversy makes it clear that not one soul not one soul who who had the spirit of god in them who were of the true church who truly followed jesus not one of them perished because they followed the leading guiding power of the spirit when it said get out of dodge my friends we need to be ready that's why testimony to the church volume 5 464 tells us the time is not far distant when like the earthly disciples notice the early disciples we shall be forced to seek a refuge in desolate and solitary places as the siege of jerusalem by the roman armies was the signal for the flight to the judean christians so the assumption of power on the part of our nation in the decree enforcing the papal sabbath will be a warning to us did you hear that when we start to see these things unfold where we start to see the signs the indications that this sunday law is drastically forming in front of our faces what are we supposed to do get out of dodge that's why it says here it will then be the time to leave the large cities preparatory to leaving the smaller ones for retired homes and secluded places among the mountains now why why are we why are we counseled to get out of the cities because soon after that sunday law is passed and i believe very swiftly we are going to be launched into what is known as the little time of trouble the little this is the time of trouble that proceeds just before the greater time of trouble the little time of trouble so here we are we have now arrived to the little time of trouble notice what revelation 13 15 says he was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be what does that sound like a time of trouble you see if you refuse to worship the beast and receive the mark and you choose to make god your savior your lord and you choose to obey the bible commandments and the bible sabbath you will be seen as an enemy you will be seen as a threat to the enemy's agenda and let me tell you something many people will probably have to give up their life for their faith let me tell you let me tell you something my friends it's not going to be pretty i think we are seeing a smaller precursor of it when we're looking into what's happening in the events currently right now in afghanistan people giving up their lives because they believe that jesus is lord and they're willing to die for it rather than turn their back on their savior will you be ready for that time will you be sealed with the seal of god or will you be marked by the enemy by the power of the beast all who will not bow to the decree of the national councils and obey the national laws to exalt the sabbath instituted by man of sin by the men of sin to the disregard of god's holy day will fill not only the oppressive power of poultry alone but of the protestant world the image of the beast i selected messages volume 2 page 380. notice what manuscripts release says those religious bodies who refuse to hear god's message of warning will be under strong deception and will unite with the civil power to persecute who this is that little time of trouble the protestant churches will unite with the papal power and persecuting the commandment-keeping people of god this lamb-like power unites with the dragon and making war upon those who keep the commandments of god and have the testimony of jesus christ my friends are you wrapping your mind around all of this we cannot walk out of here today those watching at home we cannot leave and just go back into our regular lives as if we have not heard this truth today we cannot arrive at this time and then look up to the heavens and say oh god i just didn't really know just how bad it was going to be i just didn't really know what was to come my friends the word of god and his prophet has spoken great controversy 607 says the church appeals to the strong arm of the civil power and in this work papist and protestants unite are we seeing this i think we're already seeing the stage setting up and during this time as the mark of the beast is being enforced as thousands and thousands are giving up their life for christ and those others have fled into the mountains to sub to to to get away from this persecution you see the devil setting back and he says ah i've got one last opportunity to deceive in such a powerful mighty way like no other before and so satan's final deception takes place during this little time of trouble what is his what is his uh his ultimate final deception here it is excuse me let me go back here satan impersonates christ second corinthians 11 verse 14 what does it tell us satan himself transforms himself into an angel of of light we know that he transforms himself to look like jesus christ in the near future notice what selected messages volume 2 page 296 says the enemy is preparing to deceive the whole world by his miracle working power he will assume to personate the angels of light notice to personate jesus christ what did i say 296 excuse me volume 2 page 96 i'm on a roll today if i miss if i mess up just just scream it out we want to make sure we're right my i'm about 25 steps ahead of my myself right here selected messages volume 2 page 394. notice what is said here if men are so easily misled now how will they stand when satan shall personate christ and work what wait the devil can't work miracles no he can't work miracles ganny my friends what miracles do you think the devil is gonna work what i was thinking but i was talking about this with one of my friends in alabama when i was doing a series there you know jesus worked many miracles and i believe that the devil will work and to impersonate christ he will work many false miracles but i'll tell you the one that's probably going to deceive the world more than anything and i can back this up by the fact that it says to us that the the the united states protestantism will reach across the abyss and it will clasp hands with the papacy the papal system and spiritualism the greatest miracle that jesus worked when he was alive was the greatest enemy of this world what did paul say oh grave oh death where is your sting o grave where is your victory the greatest miracle jesus was able to work when he was alive here on this earth was resurrecting the dead i could imagine millions and millions and millions of people when jesus miraculously shows up in person and of course we know it's not jesus it's going to be the devil and he's gonna start turning thing water into white who knows it might be something else it might be like water into dr pepper or water into pepsi or coke or or who knows or water into bourbon or who knows people who are sick in the hospital could you imagine someone has coronavirus and then jesus comes and they don't have it anymore this must really be jesus but the greatest deception of all is when people start seeing their dead loved ones coming and visiting them you say but ryan the bible says only god has the keys to the grave and to death that's true but does that mean the devil oops what happened oh my something happened i think this part popped off excuse me my friends here my fault i don't know what's going on here can we switch to the podium mic okay let's go to the podium line and i'll turn this one huh he's got he's gonna fix it i'm gonna keep preaching could you imagine people seeing their dead loved ones coming out of the graves or appearing to them at home you can't imagine that right but yet the bible says he's going to work miracles thank you my brother he's going to work miracles and then notice what the quote says who will be unmoved by his misrepresentations then professing to be christ when it is only satan assuming the person of christ and apparently working the works of christ who will be unmoved i can imagine in fact notice what the bible says this is what jesus himself said in matthew 24 he said then if anyone says to you look here is the christ or there do not believe it for false christ and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders to deceive if possible even the elect are we seeing this my friends are we seeing this clearly he says see i have told you beforehand therefore if i say to you look he is in the desert do not go out or look he is in the inner room do not believe it jesus says look i'm warning you i've told you this beforehand there's going to be some massive deception even possible the very elect and i've had someone challenge me on that i said well ryan it says if possible it's really because it's not possible for the elect to be deceived if it wasn't possible for the professed christians of the lord those who are in the church to be deceived then why are there so many warnings to the church from paul from christ from peter from john all of them saying do not be deceived i can imagine that there's going to be seventh-day adventist christians who were raised to believe that when a person dies they sleep into the grave until jesus christ returns to resurrect them there's going to be 70 adventist christians who have lost their loved ones that they dearly love and the devil is going to show up looking like jesus sounding like jesus acting like jesus and he's even going to start working miracles like jesus and there's going to be seventh-day adventist christians that who do not have their their heart and their their minds made and planted on the gospel of jesus christ they're going to be deceived at the last moment because they're going to question everything they've ever been taught and everything they've ever believed in that's some scary stuff my friends but make no mistake about it even though the devil may have his rendezvous to due time of deceiving who knows billions of people god will not end this earth until he has had one last opportunity to preach the truth so powerfully that people have one last opportunity to make a decision for him so what happens next we know that within the the context of this little time of trouble the latter rain will be poured out and those individuals who are still alive who are sealed with the seal of god they're going to receive the latter rain what is the latter rain well let's let the bible and spirit of prophecy tell us james chapter 5 verses 7 and 8 it says therefore be patient brethren until the coming of our lord see how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth wait patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain you also be patient establish your hearts for the coming of the lord is at hand so the farmer waits for the early rain after the sea disowned the early rain comes and it helps it to sprout it helps it to begin its growth process but when that plant is fully grown right before its full ripen process god is gonna send another rain of course we're speaking spiritually here there's going to be a rain to come it's the outpouring of the holy spirit like no other time before we saw a great outpouring of the holy spirit on the day of pentecost my friends that was just in jerusalem but the latter rain will be so great and so powerful it's going to be a global outpouring where god's sealed people who are still alive and left on this planet they're going to receive such an empowerful powerful outpouring of god's spirit that they're going to stand up and proclaim boldly the three angels messages the everlasting gospel and everyone around the world will get the last their last opportunity to make their decision for christ notice fifth volume of the testimonies page 214. now notice it says not one of us will ever receive the sill of god while our characters have one spot or stain upon them it is left with us to remedy the effects of our characters to cleanse the soul temple of every defilement then the latter rain will fall upon us as the early rain fell upon the disciples on the day of pentecost for the sake of time i'm going to skip through these next ones i'm going to get to this next major moment because the latter rain brings about the loud cry when god pours out his spirit in a mighty way into the hearts and minds of his people he's going to give them the boldness to preach the word of god just like on the day of pentecost thousands and thousands and thousands will hear this truth and of course we know what this loud cry is the loud cry of course is in connection with the three angels messages more specifically the second and third angels message notice it's coming from revelation chapter 18 verses 1 through five this is god's last final conclusive message it says after these things i saw another angel coming down from heaven having great authority and the earth was illuminated with his glory and he cried mightily with a loud voice saying babylon the great is fallen is fallen and has become a dwelling place of demons a prison for every foul spirit and a cage for every unclean and hated bird and because of it god sends this message for all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury and then verse 4 and i heard another voice from heaven saying come out of her my people lest you share in her sins unless you receive of her plagues for her sins have reached to heaven and god has remembered her iniquities god's last message to the earth jesus is coming soon the wrath of god is about to be poured out upon this planet and those of you who were in the valley of decision as to whether you should follow this beast and those of you who have up to this point made the decision to follow this papal system god is calling you out he says come out of her my people don't find yourself among that camp when the plagues of the wrath of god are poured out upon this planet god lovingly warns them one last time and of course the last issue that these people have to decide over is the same issue the people in the beginning of this sunday law had to decide over are you going to receive the seal of god and be protected by god are you going to follow the beast and receive his mark and receive of her plagues you see this will bring about the great final event before the second coming of jesus there will be a moment when god will draw the line or draw a line in the sand and he will say that's it times up and we reach the close of probation for all mankind so here we are my friends the great tribulation time period will come up on this planet how will it begin daniel 12 tells us in verse 1 and at that time shall michael stand up the great prince which standeth for the children of his people who is this michael it's jesus christ it's another name for jesus michael the archangel the chief of the angels one who is like god jesus christ the son of god he will stand up and then it says and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time and at that time thy people shall be delivered every one that shall be found written in the book at this moment jesus is going to stand up because he's had his priestly garments on these last few hundred years a couple of thousand years almost he's going to stand up and he's going to change his garments and he's going to say these words he who is unjust let him be unjust still he who is filthy let him be filthy still he who is righteous let him be righteous still and he who is holy let him be holy still you know what that is that's a sealing of the judgment and that's why in revelation 15 we read this this is after these things i looked and behold the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened and out of the temple came the seven angels having the seven plagues clothed with pure bright linen and having their chest girded with golden bands see they've all been wearing their sanctuary garb but now things are about to change verse 7 it says then one of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls full of the wrath of god who lives forever and ever the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of god and from his power and no one was able to enter the temple till the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed no one was able to have access to their mediator their intercessor because he is about to exit the temple that's why we find these words it was impossible for the pledge to be poured out while jesus officiated in the sanctuary but as his work there is finished and his intercession closes there is nothing to stay the wrath of god and it breaks with fury upon the shelterless head of the guilty sinner who has slighted salvation and hated reproof lord i'm fine just like i am i don't need correction i don't need change i don't need fixing lord i'm fine just the way i am i don't need to change my lifestyle i don't need a change of heart but i'll still be saved because they manipulate the message of grace right jesus still loves me just as i am and i say to a person that says those words yes he sure does we serve a god who loves you more than you could ever begin to fathom but god did indeed accept you just as you are but the bible makes it very clear that he does not want to leave you as you are you see our god is in a transforming work he's in the business of taking the old man and making him a new man he's in the business of taking that old creature and creating within him a new creature in christ jesus but these people these individuals who receive who do not receive reproof they don't allow jesus to transform them they don't have the relationship with christ and so it goes on to say jesus carried a moment in the outer apartment of the heavenly sanctuary excuse me let me go back in that fearful time after the close of jesus mediation the saints were living in the sight of a holy god without an intercessor every case was decided every jewel numbered jesus tarried a moment in the outer apartment of the heavenly sanctuary and the sins which had been confessed while he was in the most holy place were placed upon satan the originator of sin who must suffer their furnace punishment you see those seven angels that are given the seven vials of seven bowls of the wrath of god one by one they begin to pour it upon this planet because probation has closed this is the seven last plagues the great tribulation also known as the time of trouble you say ryan how is god people going to live through such an event you go read revelation 16 go read and study revelation 16 each one of those plagues have you seen them lately have you read that chapter lately let me just give you a sense here the first bowl loathem sores soars all over your body the second bowl the sea turns to blood shuts down all the economy of the world the third bowl the waters turn to blood god says you want to shed the blood of my saints you want to murder my people you see all those people that gave up their life in afghanistan we when i i someone sent me a video horrible video i kind of fell into it happened to watch it absolute most horrific video i've ever seen in my life people being murdered right there you see god says to these men who take the lives of his people he says you want to shed blood you want to shed my people's blood you want to make the enemy your king i'll give you blood to drink all the fresh waters of the world are turned to blood the fourth bowl men are scorched with fire the fifth bowl darkness and pain this whole world it's launched into darkness the sixth bowl of course this is where satan launches his absolute last effort to try to take this world the spirits of demons go out to make sure that all these people are under the corruption and the deception of satan but during this time the world is starting to realize that the beast of which whose mark they've received well they're on all cracked up to what they say they are the bible says the river euphrates dries up a river euphrates is a representation of the masses of people who have given their support to that beast but at the last moment they turn on the beast but it's too late it's too late and through all of these plagues that are falling i know we haven't haven't mentioned number seven yet i'm gonna read number seven in just a moment but god's people are not evacuated from this planet during this time they're still in the rocks they're still in the mountains but notice what the bible says it's a beautiful promise we've got the promise isaiah 33 16 he shall dwell on high his place of defense shall be the munition of rocks bread shall be given him his waters shall be sure there's only one group of people on this planet my friends that will be drinking clean water during this time and it's god's people those who are sealed by the seal of god psalm 91 gives us the beautiful promise only with thine eyes shalt thou behold the the and see the reward of the wicked it says because thou has made the lord which is my refuge even the most high thy habitation there shall no evil befall thee neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling did you hear that god is going to protect his people for he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways amen god is going to protect us my friends but you have to have you have to have the seal of god you have to give your heart to him you have to be wrapped up in jesus christ the seventh plague oh notice what happens in the seventh plague it says in the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven from the throne of god saying it is done there were voices and thunders and lightnings and there was a great earthquake such as was not since men were upon the earth so mighty an earthquake and so great this is the final plague it says in the great city was divided into three parts and the cities of the nations did what where do you want to be in these cities when god comes back no you don't because the cities fall it goes on to say in great babylon came in remembrance before god to give her into the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath and every island fled away and the mountains were not found and there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven every stone about the weight of a talent it has been estimated that this talent is somewhere between 70 and 85 pounds one piece of hail we we see hail here every once in a while right it happens it falls and you go out there and pick these little pea-sized or dime-sized little pieces of ice off the ground but i'll tell you these these pieces of hail that are falling out of the sky my friends on the day that jesus returns is not little pea-sized pieces of hail somewhere between 70 and 85 pounds per piece per piece of hail it says and men blasphemed god because of the plague of the hail for the plague thereof was exceeding great you see ryan how in the world is god's people going to live through that well you see within the context of this seventh plague jesus comes back jesus is seen coming back notice this is revelation 19 11 now i saw heaven open and behold a white horse and he who sat on him was called faithful and true and in righteousness he judges and makes war jesus is seen coming back on a white horse this my friends is his second coming you see the the close of probation happens and one by one all of these plagues start to fall the wrath of god upon those who refuse to receive god as savior but in the context of that seventh and final plague jesus comes back the sky recedes like a scroll and jesus is seen wide riding on top of a white horse [Music] he's returned he's returned to get his people but he's not going to let one piece of hail fall upon this earth without he first gathering his people that's why first thessalonians chapter 4 verse 16 says for the lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout the voice of the archangel and with the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds of heaven to meet the lord in the air and thus we shall always be with the lord my friends are you a part of that holy church have you made your decision to stand on the side of the king of heaven now because today has been a message to give you a panoramic view of what lies ahead in your near future some people are going to hear all of what i preach today and it's a myth to them it's just words in a book [Music] it's just another preacher preaching another sermon many will hear this message they'll leave this church today and they'll return right back to their complacent lives and then one day [Music] this world will be launched into complete havoc and many people because they refuse to make jesus their lord today will be overcome by the spirit of demons my friends this isn't a message to scare you to jesus this is not a tactic to use to cause you to somehow run to jesus and say oh jesus i don't i don't want to die or i don't want to experi this is a message to draw you to your loving savior while you still have time there's still time but right now we're cruising at about 30 miles per hour but one day very soon as you can clearly see all the events that are happening around us it don't take a rocket scientist to figure out that something big is coming this world cannot continue in the path and in the direction it's going without something big coming some people will perceive these signs they will put aside on important things in their life and they will give their heart to jesus praise god for those people and others will return to their complacent lives and live each passing day as if there is no god only to hear the most haunting words they've ever heard in their life depart from me you who practice lawlessness i don't know you oh god have mercy [Music] you see god has a people and each and every one of you watching at home wherever you are around the world and those here today you have a choice to be a part of god's people his church you see god has a distinct people a church on earth second to none but superior to all in their facilities to teach the truth to vindicate the law of god god has divinely appointed agencies men whom he is leading whom have borne the heat and burden of the day who are cooperating with heavenly instrumentalities to advance the kingdom of christ in our world let all what unite let's say that together let all oh you said that like you're about to fall asleep come on laodicea let all unite with these chosen agents and be found at last among those who have the patience of the saints who keep the commandments of god and have the faith of jesus you see we need to be united but our church is more divided than ever because the enemy is at war with these people who keep the commandments of god and have the testimony of jesus christ people bickering and griping with each other arguing over a vaccine over pity little subjects that is not going to save your soul because only jesus christ can save your soul now please don't take what i just said and run with that and say oh ryan day said that the vaccine doesn't matter and that you know the subject of that doesn't matter please don't take my words in and you have absolute 100 choice to choose to whether you want to take that vaccine or not what i'm saying is it's not an issue that should divide god's people whether you want to choose to get that vaccine or whether you choose not to get that vaccine that's between you and the lord but it shouldn't divide god's people and it's not just the vaccine other little petty issues that have our own people conspiring against each other god have mercy on us because of pride because of selfishness because they have more of the spirit of the devil in them than they have the spirit of god [Music] that's the times we're living in but it's not too late it's not too late to say god have mercy on my soul god cleanse me create in me a clean heart oh god and renew a right spirit within me jesus is coming soon there's your timeline of events right there that's what's coming ahead we're living in the signs and in the shaking but soon that sunday law is gonna break forth and it's gonna break loose and it's gonna launch us into the swiftest end time events that you've ever seen in your life we better make sure that we're out of the cities because that little time of trouble is going to be rough it's not going to be easy satan himself is going to show himself and he's going to impersonate jesus and deceive billions but god's going to pour out his spirit in that latter rain like he's never done before and his people are going to give the loud cry the everlasting gospel and this gospel will once and for once and for all be heard by every person living on this planet just like jesus said when this gospel goes to all the world then the end shall come [Music] and after that loud cry is given god will know who is his sealed and who is not he will know who his sheeps are and who his goats are he will know who the wheat are and who the tares are he will know who the genuine and who the non-genuine are he's gonna know and at that moment the most horrific time that's ever hit this planet is going to unleash and i pray that each and every one of us find ourselves being protected by those angels being taken care of by god oh that's my prayer but concerning the times and seasons brethren you have no knee that i should write to you for you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the lord so comes as a thief in the night when they say peace and safety and sudden destruction comes upon them as labor pains upon a pregnant woman and they shall know not escape but i want to end with these words but you brethren but you brethren are not in darkness so that this day should overtake you as a thief you are all sons of light and sons of the day we are not of the night nor of darkness therefore let us not sleep as others do but let us watch and be sober i want to ask you to stand with me today as we dismiss we prepare to dismiss i want to ask clearly right here today in closing are you watching are you spiritually sober during the times that we're living in if that's the case by a show of hands today for jesus christ how many today make the decision and say lord create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit in me that i may stand boldly and stand with confidence that you are appearing when you come jesus is coming soon are you ready there's a song that i like to sing it's a song we sing at afco when i was at afco it's uh called oh when shall i say you've got to come up here and help me sing it oh when shall i see jesus i love this song it almost has a like a like you're marching to a battle are we in a battle we're in spiritual warfare oh come on up here come on up here we got to sing this together in closing sing it with us come on [Music] here we go [Music] and from the flowing fountain drink everlasting love and shall hear the trumpet sound for i shall mount above the skies when i hear the trumpet sound [Music] of faith and hope and love and you hear the trumpet sound [Music] [Applause] [Music] in that morning oh shout glory for i shall mount above the skies when i hear the trumpets [Music] so shall chant the glories of our immortal king and shall hear the trumpet [Music] above the skies when i hear the trumpets [Music] father in heaven [Music] oh how we look forward to seeing you very soon [Music] i will look forward to seeing jesus christ coming back in the right hand of power to get his people [Music] lord we're tired of this world we're weary in this sinful world we do groan in this earthly tent and we look forward to a time in which you make all things new [Music] father there's someone here today or someone at home that has heard this message and they're in the valley of decision they haven't quite made that decision for you yet lord i pray in jesus name that you will send such a strong influence of your spirit upon their hearts that you will draw them to make a decision for you lord in these crazy times we're living as we can't seem to see two feet in front of us it seems like this world has erupted into chaos lord we know that you still have a plan keep us on the right path lord on the straight and narrow protect your people oh god creating us a clean heart of god and renew a right spirit within us we thank you lord for this time that we could worship together this morning we thank you for your never-ending love that you bestow upon us every day take us away here safely today and bring us back again safely we ask in jesus holy name amen you
Channel: Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church
Views: 11,884
Rating: 4.8699188 out of 5
Id: TdweTBLMpPk
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Length: 84min 53sec (5093 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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