2021 Tesla Model S Refresh Reaction!
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Channel: Marques Brownlee
Views: 6,249,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tesla, Tesla Model S, range, Plaid, Plaid+, plaid plus, fastest car, autopilot, steering wheel, MKBHD, Roadster, Cybertruck
Id: DHvkyrey3JE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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I think MKBHD has played a pretty big role in people getting into Tesla, he accelerated brand awareness in a company that spends nothing on advertisement. Those early model s videos with millions of views inspired more people to look into company than people think.
I've always loved tech but I had no interest in something that should take you from point A to point B, I drove old Hondas my whole life and didn't care about cars. After I saw his initial video on his model s, I immediately test drove my own and just like many of you, that's all it took.
For me, it's the most expensive thing I own and I love it.
He made some insightful comments about the practicality of the wheel. And I also agree with his opinion about the future battery tech being reserved for plaid +, and the other announced 500+ range models, cybertruck and roadster.
Moderate to severe migraine accompanied by nausea?
"So I've been driving the Model S refresh for 2 weeks. Here are my thoughts."
So many concept cars have tried that stressing wheel design, and it's just bad.
There is quite literally no need for it. What benefit does it introduce, what negatives does it introduce?
Very bad choice, which I'd hope would not make it into the production car.
"am I buying it?" ~gasp~
Gonna flex on my ex in my new model S lol
we go on dates I send the Tesla out in the neighbourhoods, they never seen it That shit is dangerous, but it's so convenient I ainβt Lyin