2021 Ferrari SF90 - Jay Leno's Garage

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we are truly living in the golden age of the supercar or the hyper car you should call it now i mean a thousand horsepower that sounds ridiculous it sounds almost untamable like you couldn't tame it but with all the electronics we have now stability control traction control it's not a problem you just touch the throttle yo it almost feels like all four tires are breaking loose welcome episode of jay leno's garage once again we are visited by automotive royalty this is the 2021 ferrari sf-90 900 horsepower a thousand horsepowers fair to say technological tour de force eight-speed transmission twin-turbo v8 uh this belongs to our good friend david lee david is one of the uh big ferrari collectors and uh he always seems to have the latest and the greatest and this this one is fascinating to me for a couple of reasons the main one which i'm impressed is the fact that even though this is the fastest most powerful road-going ferrari you can get it is hundreds of thousands of dollars less than the laferrari or the enzo was in its day this shows you the efficiency of manufacturing and packaging uh you know i think that's i look it's a tremendous amount of money i know that it's a huge it's a ridiculous amount of money but it's it's progress i love the fact that it's cheaper than the cars that came before it and it's faster and it's better so that's to me that's that's always progress let's bring david in to uh tell us about david come on in david lee hey jay how you doing how many ferraris is this now how many you got oh like 30 i guess yeah you got it you got a whole bunch i imagine even you are impressed with this one aren't you i i really am you know because all the other ones when you know they come out it's faster you get in there you need no tutorial you just go and you just drive right right this one is like a new iphone new generation iphone wow there's all these things that you got to start to look at all the different screens it's all digital inside you'll see and it's i think it's the well it's not the first ferrari to have four-wheel drive no but certainly first performance yeah ferrari to have four-wheel drive yes and i'm told although i haven't driven it yet but i will that the steering is just amazing that was always the thing that put me off to a lot of four-wheel drive it just you know i've always been impressed with every modern ferrari i've driven and they they're just amazing amazing vehicles those brakes are massive oh my god look at that look at the size it's literally the size of the wheel and those are carbon composites is that yeah yeah yeah yeah and again eight speed transmission dual clutch of course right and this one has the extra racing patch package yes this is all carbon fiber not standard on right yeah right right you got the uh the racing stripes called cento ferriano right so a lot of use of carbon fiber than inside and outside but the amazing thing is this hybrid it's a real hybrid you know the lav ferrari that you drove before mainly still a lot of engine right a little bit the electric motor kind of assisting it right not really driving in a full uh electric mode right this one you actually have you can drive about 16 miles on full electric if you want right and on the hybrid mode you're going to find that the electric part kicks in a lot and you got a quiet ferrari and it plugs in as well plugs in got one side and you got the gas on the other side right right interesting the thing that amazed me and we'll get a shot of this a little later is how low that engine i mean that is way way down there yeah yeah exactly that that's the first thing i noticed is way down there and then you got also the three electric um uh uh motors with all the batteries and it just makes the car really uh where are the three do you have one so there's two uh that are in front of the the front wheel and then one in the center like this okay and that that spins the transmission yeah yeah okay so like the p1 mclaren that type of thing yeah that's right and a good looking car i i you know i i'm not a big fan of the atomic insect look that a lot of italian cars have now right right right right i like i like curves i like this you know i mean there's not a straight line on this thing every part of it just curves it it's very and and it's a it's a kind of car that you can cut it'll look new for a long long time you know when you look at a countach it looks like the mid 80s and it'll always look like it'll always be the mid-80s whereas this again i'll sneak the f1 in here the f1 looks timeless and this i i like i i don't like that like a lot of people thought no not crazy but i like the style of it i like it it just it's a fun car to wash right you take that sponge move it over all the curves yeah yeah it's really quite quite attractive it's a attractive car for sure i really like it it seems smaller than the la ferrari in the end it is is it smaller actually the smaller yeah 3 500 pounds um but it's it's smaller and it's tight it feels like you're you're really tight in there not typing that it's small in space but like you feel the drive experience is really tight well i mean 3 500 pounds for a hybrid it's light yeah i mean most tender like mike countach obviously 1986. it has no turbos no electric motor it's 4 000 pounds you know so and this has more than double the horsepower and quadruple the technology and it weighs less i mean yeah you're right and also with this the sf 90s dolly there's the regular one and then there's this race package one a santo fiorano which is 90 pounds lighter but like you said if you have a big lunch a couple lunches you driving instead of me driving but i like that ferrari doesn't rest on their laurels they they always come up with new and better and faster which is sort of their ethos i guess right you know i mean it's really it's really exciting that they've gone to this hybrid four-wheel drive because you know it seems like porsche is kind of stuck in the 911 it has to be a 911 right that's what it is yeah where they're not afraid to take a chance and hey we're going to go to four-wheel drive okay you know i mean it doesn't seem ferrari's four-wheel drive right but i'm told the steering is so light and so good you don't even notice it yep yep yeah i mean they're saying that zero to 60 2.5 seconds i mean that that's incredible numbers yeah yeah i mean i mean that's truly faster than well certainly faster than racing cars even 20 years ago very nice let's let's let's open the door here and of course that classic ferrari interior i love this look with these seats this harkens back to the daytona from the early 70s the sort of the pattern in here that the daytona seats yeah yeah and then what they carbon you like the carbon fiber kind of tub it's a new it's a new seat so it it because because the other ones are behind it you can't see it the carbon fiber seats but these now extrude out outside a little bit you can really see the carbon fiber i kind of like it i kind of like that you can see i like that the steering wheel has gotten less busy i remember some of the earlier models it just it's like there's so many switches and controls oh yeah whereas this looks a little simpler that way well there's a lot of digi so this is the whole digital platform that that's going to be a big departure you're going to see there's no like they said levers or anything barely any and everything is going to be digital a lot of carbon fiber but a lot of aluminum too is what what keeps the cost down because you know in the normal ferrari trajectory oh this would be 1 8 1.8 million and if it was they probably could get it because it is the fastest road going for all you get but they don't they lower the price down i i mean i think the base is what five and a half five and a half six hundred thousand and of course it's crazy it's crazy i know but but the idea that it's not just arab shakes and uh you know it's right well not that that makes it attainable but it makes it more i mean it's moving in the right direction i mean i appreciate the fact that they built a car this quality this speed this technology for a lesser price than the last time that they did yeah and i i think that's that shows that they they want customers they want to sell cars it's not just going to the select few you know right right although that's still the select few sure sure but you know what i mean yeah yeah yeah no no they they i'm surprised they they priced it this way because it is much i mean it's like half of what it would have been right exactly exactly let's come around to the back let's show them what we're talking about does this open up can we see the engine yeah sure seal sure let me go ahead and do that and then there's like a little lever that very high tech there you go well look how low that engine is you know this is real engineering i get annoyed a lot of times when i see modern supercars that are just old-fashioned they look great on the outside you know style-wise and all that but they have you know you have dual clutch transmissions and they got big v12s or something you know whereas this this is such an engineering tool for i mean there's real science here that really makes it exciting to drive and to look at look how low that is my god it looks like a formula one card right right we have a tool for working on duesenberg's it looks like a lounge chair but it slides under the car and if you so you simply you you lie on it then you work on it like this good boy that is that is tricky to get to and of course the old-fashioned you know you can't beat the stick it's just the stick there's not two gas struts or any of that nonsense boy yeah this is really really brilliant and you know impressive right it's very impressive yeah it's just each one is so different than the one that came before it and it's such an improvement you know ferrari's never been one to do just a wheel and stripe pack oh this is the new mop and they stripe it or they do something i mean this is so different from la ferrari lafry from enzo you know the new roma i mean they're really just doing amazing amazing work an amazing engineering and staying at the top of their game this is this is one of the most impressive cars i've seen in a long time because i just expected it to be two million dollars i'm gonna say you know i mean it's still crazy money i know that people do i know but i'm just saying the fact that they can they can sell it for less than what they should charge is a testament that they want to get them out there into people's hands and i think that's that's really very cool well jay what do you you know i was always thinking how are they going to get more power you know so it's a four liter v8 twin turbo a three electric motor so so it seemed like wow they're adding on more layers and layers of of how that all how complicated those components are to make this car go as fast as it goes but what how's your feelings about all that well i mean you know as you move into this new era of stricter and stricter emissions you know you can only lean out gasoline and earth so much you've got to come up with other ways of propulsion so uh you know the internal combustion engine is not the end of its life but it's past the halfway point and we're just at the beginning of exploring what we can do with electricity bigger faster whatever you know when you look at the electrical motor in my 1909 baker electric it's just about the same size as the modern tesla or any of this other so now they're learning to make them smaller and more efficient and i'm sure there'll be a point where there'll be an electric car with this kind of hybrid techno under 3000 pounds or maybe even under 2 500 pounds so it's good to see the ferrari is keeping the old school you know the noise the engine whatever right because you know a lot of european cities you can't even have a gas car in the city you know they want to have electric only so you just throw the switch and you drive through town in your ferrari not annoying anybody and making noise i mean i have to admit even i get annoyed when i go to some of these supercars sundays and guys come in and the lambos are like open pipes and you know neighbors are yellow and they want to cancel the car you know so it's it's it's good and this is yeah this is really impressive right i would really like to see a whole this so you could do a book about the engineering on this car it's really something well the wives really like it because you can pull out of the garage early in the morning for your car show on the electric mode and it doesn't you know it doesn't wake it up the neighbors right right and also the the husband doesn't hear you sneaking out right that way it's good [Laughter] no it's it's really uh now you have yeah and you have your own youtube youtube channel so people want to see all your ferraris yeah what is the name so you know it's it's it's ferrari collector david lee right um channel youtube channel and ferrari collector david lee how did you come up with that name that's i don't know this is and it's a very impressive collection and and and it's a smart collection you have all the good ones and the cool ones and some of the older ones i mean it's well thought out because you like to drive and you like to use them and you and you let me drive it which is it's amazing to me so it's not you're not just a guy who's collects them in piles and around the corner you drive them all i want you know jay for my for my channel i want to share my that's the owner of the driver experience that's more than a lot of times you know the influencers they when they when the car companies give them the cars to review they don't really know how the car drives or how it reacts and how it compares to the prior model so i'm hoping to bring that perspective yeah i think that's great i think that's great actual owner perspective so yeah well very cool show anything on the interior let's take a look at that again and then there's the also the trunk which i can a truck i can't imagine now you want to see how that is okay so that's in the front okay so they give you a little bit of a give you a little space here for us oh yeah there you go if you want to bring like a thing a tic tac yeah you could just put it right right there yeah that's about that's about it that's about it and these are your charge plugs there yeah and and this car really needs to be charged uh because you know these new this new technology if you don't have charge then the car is stuck so right really needs speed now uh do you plug it in do you leave it on every night you plug it in every day yeah it's got to be yeah this is i've discovered you have to be every day you got to plug that in yeah just like leave it on the charger all the time right right now if you use uh obviously it'll it'll it has regen right yeah so if you if you there's a regen like if you the motor uh part of it the combustion part of it if that motor is on it will charge right right okay yeah yeah can you use once you use up all 16 miles right you don't lose that amount of electricity horsepower wise right it's not deducted from a thousand until it builds it back up again it when you're driving it it remains constant well so it depends you know there's four modes in there there's the all electric mode which if you do that you'll use up all of that sure and then there's the hybrid which the computer decide decides how it's using but it does it seems like from my experience it uses a lot of electricity uh mode and then there's the the the more power mode and the the extra power mode right but but like you said jay if if for my experience if it does uses up all the electricity and there's no electricity uh part of it in there anymore range then you won't get the electric boost right okay so ideally it's fully charged and then and then if you use it on the performance mode then it will kick in with it so if you leave your house fully charged and you drive around you get on it you get off you can get off it you still have almost it it'll it'll recycle normally that way unless you're just doing power runs all day right right right right all right you like anything else sure i get a very cool yeah so that's the storage they gave you and what is this piece here this is well this is the yeah that's part of the charger so there's the two lights oh oh i see and it's a lot smaller too remember the lava ferrari one is bigger yeah a lot bigger just so now they've condensed and made it smaller that's amazing because i have a p1 but it has that yeah yeah that's what i'm saying that big unit right so now it's smaller that's that's unbelievable this is 110 you do or you one time okay so far they only have the 110. oh only one yeah that's interesting yeah and and also very important that i hope that people when they watch this video they know because it's been an issue that a lot of people didn't know and the car's so new you cannot use the extension cord to plug that into if you do it it doesn't um it doesn't recharge yeah and then the car would die and then that's a problem right because yeah these are thick wires right so you need that much you have a thin wire it's like trying to put you know fill up a something using this right it just doesn't work yeah okay and what is this here so so there's um the for the flat tire oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that's that and then the fuse and the and the kind of the gear here yeah boy this is incredibly light look at that yeah it's all carbon fiber and with the chatify yeah there you go yeah well let's take it for a spin yeah that's the quietest i've ever been in a ferrari david i'll see you in a few days thanks it's very fast [Music] well the steering is very nice i mean it's uh this is what ferrari does best steering road feel i mean it's impressive wow makes you smile and great steering wheel great feel and you've got a red line in the top of the wheel here which is kind of cool looks like the red line's about 8 300 which is impressive it's amazing how fast this technology is moving you know i just i know if it mentions before i was looking at that charging unit it's this big now my mclaren it's what five six years old now and the charge is this big just enormous thing so it's happening pretty fast well and that's you know that's that's 3000 rpm there's nowhere near what this thing is capable 0 to 60 and 2.5 it's unbelievable i mean a thousand horsepower that well 986 that's everyone which is just unbelievable i mean i remember even drag cars barely at that i would not know that these front wheels were being engine uh i mean it's that good you know i like extremes i like either old school or this where it's as high-tech and every electronic thing is possible you drive just flick those pedals it is so easy to drive fast you know this thing is like being the fastest gun in the west everybody everybody's gunning for you it's amazing how seamlessly all this technology blends together you know this is what i love about modern supercars like this like the p1 mclaren you know a lot of cars can be brutish and have horsepower and you know but this does it so seamlessly the science is so nicely integrated it shifts back bang bang just like that it's just fantastic i mean it feels like it's hardly working at all oh i hate to give this back to david but i suppose i have to i certainly appreciate letting him drive and that's what's great about david he's he's a collector who likes to share he loves the stuff he likes to let other people experience looks what i like to do you know if i go to car shows and stuff i always let the kids sit in my cars the countach or the corvettes or whatever it might be although i noticed something really strange now i know there's a lot of young kids oh they don't want us to be scared to sit in the car when i was seven eight nine years old or somebody let me sit in this ferrari or in my case with a jaguar except 120. i was like oh my god it's the greatest thing i've ever heard i see kids go now i don't know you know i don't know it's like kids are afraid of their own shadows now you know they're not they're not invincible like we thought we were i don't know maybe it's just getting old maybe just an old guy complaining but i see that well you know i was at a car show last week oh i had my 63 stingray and this kid's going out loud and i said you want to sit he goes no no no no i said you can no no no he just didn't want to do it yeah i thought really okay i mean his dad was there and everything you know i was like all right the ride is fantastic suspension is nice and i'm in sport mode it's not beating me up at all we are truly living in the golden age of the supercar or the hyper car i guess they call it now i mean a thousand horsepower that sounds ridiculous it sounds almost untamable not unattainable untameable like you couldn't tame it but with all the electronics we have now stability control traction control it's not a problem and you don't obviously get a lot of wheel spin with this thing because all four wheels are grabbing so it just it launches it's just amazing you just touch the throttle yo it almost feels like all four tires are breaking loose the controls are nice i love you know my uh ford gt i always have to look to at the steering wheel to find a button with this i just move my thumb to change direction like that again i want to thank david lee for this opportunity check out his new uh youtube channel he's just putting it together so give it a shot see what you think he's got a lot of cool stuff david thank you my friend i appreciate it i can even forgive him for not wearing [Music] uh
Channel: Jay Leno's Garage
Views: 698,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jay Leno, Jay Leno's Garage, car reviews, compares cars, classic cars, vintage cars, sports cars, super cars, cars, car gear, jay leno garage, jay lenos garage, car collection, cnbc, motorcycle, ford, corvette, tour, dodge, lexus, Ferrari, SF90, David Lee, Ferrari collector, hybrid, supercar, hypercar, Stradale, assetto fiorano, V8, Italian cars, Enzo Ferrari, car porn, car nerd, gearhead, rare cars, cars and coffee, fast lane, 2021 Ferrari, sf90 stradale ferrari, 2021 ferrari sf90
Id: titLI7zv9EE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 9sec (1509 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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