2021 Coachmen Beyond 22RB AWD Full Detail Walk-Through

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all right let's go okay guys welcome back to the channel i'm hank strange make sure you guys subscribe to stranger palooza here um this is going to be something new we've done military vehicles we've done all kinds of different things here rvs this is my new 2021 coachman beyond which is built on a ford transit a 2024 transit uh uh what is this like it's a ford transit just for transit i think this is like the high roof the xlt and it has the 350 um 350 hd this is the echo boost twin turbo engine on it so i'm i'm just picking this up now this is actually going to be my office i'll be able to get on the road go out go to shows and different things like that but i don't know anything about this so we've got kyle and we're obviously at sunshine state rv kyle's going to give me the whole run through here and i'm gonna put it on record here for you guys so you could use it but mostly so i could refer back to this um kyle where should we start all right so this is the 3.5 liter ecoboost twin turbocharged motor like i said before the boost kicks on nice and early on this you feel it now you've test driven this vehicle so you know that as soon as you step on it you feel that boost pressure kick in the torque kicks in yeah you know it i really like these motors um there is a maintenance schedule for this vehicle during the duration you have this under warranty this must go to a ford dealer um if you do take it anywhere else you could potentially void the warranty on it okay um after that time is up um you can continue taking forward which is what i recommend but if you have a mechanic you know and trust you can't take it to him as well okay how often does this go every ten thousand miles so ten thousand miles on oil will change it does take full synthetic oil after about eight thousand miles of dummy light pops up on the dash it will tell you hey you need to go ahead and change me about fifty percent life left okay after about that time between eight and ten thousand you wanna go ahead and change it okay and i think we've got maybe 41 or something with me doing i believe so yeah doing the test drive on it so really good engine i did drive it lots of pickup with everything in there obviously i'm gonna add a couple some weight to that i'm not sure what weight we can add in terms of everything in there but we'll figure all of that out in here so we're starting from the outside and going around yep okay you are in charge kyle i'm just following you and i might ask some questions all right so you will be driving this vehicle a lot um there are a couple things you want to pay attention to so typically when you go on a long distance road trip you pop your hood you check your fluid stuff like that do the same thing for this okay so this is your engine coolant level right here you have a minimum and maximum line you can see it right there check this when the engine is cold okay when the engine is hot that level could be anywhere that's okay but check this when it's cold and it needs to be pretty much where it is right now okay so this is for the most part a sealed system there is a little check spring inside here that will open up the vent off pressure if it needs to if it's running hot but for the most part sealed system you should not be losing coolant if you come out here and you pop this hood and this thing's completely empty you've got an issue don't even turn that key on okay fastest way to break something is to run the engine of no coolant in it all right so very important uh before i go out on a long trip or something like that you're saying right okay all right you can check your oil right here this yellow dipstick is your engine oil what you want to do is pull it out completely take a good clean rag make sure it's clean because you don't want to introduce dirt to the motor wipe that dipstick off stick it back inside the engine pull it out again and then you get a good accurate reading on your engine oil level again check this when it's cold when it's cold okay there you go this is the recommended oil 5w30 again it is full synthetic okay now once you take it in for your regular maintenance schedule they'll tell you hey look it's time to change your oil or we're coming up to that point and they will say go ahead and change your oil be proactive on the maintenance of an rv okay you do not want to be broke down in the middle of bfe just because hey i didn't change the hose i didn't change a belt and change fluid stuff like that be proactive on the maintenance on this okay absolutely windshield washer fluid goes in right here there's some in there now but you can always top it off your max level is right there yeah okay engine air filters inside this compartment okay this pickup right here is not for the engine this is actually for the ac so if you're on research then you're picking up the cabin air and you're filtering it that way if you're not on recirc it's actually picking up from the cowl behind the hood and then plums it in through here and through your cabin air filter which is behind your glove box all right this is brake fluid you are not going to mess with this let the dealership handle that absolutely now if you notice there's no engine battery inside this engine compartment right the battery is actually in front of the driver's seat and the floorboards where you put your feet it's not easy to get to okay all right if you ever need to jump start this vehicle this is how you do it see this little red cap right here with the positive symbol yes you're gonna open this cap up right there exposes that stud right there that stud is live does go to the battery take your red alligator clamp and clamp it down right there the black is not really well marked you can see a little symbol right here okay what you want to do is go to this stud right here um okay i see it black alligator clamp and clamp it down right there so that okay so that's like the ground yep so hot here ground here you must ground here nothing else inside this engine is going to work okay and i'm assuming this is the fuse box right here i guess yep i don't know if we can go in yeah so let's see this one you open up this this way okay like that all right there we go so should i really have to mess with these right no okay it's very rare you're gonna have an engine fuse pop um you do have ato 12 volt fuses in the coach side of the vehicle okay it's more likely for those to pop typically it's because someone overloads a circuit once we go to the uh interior and i can show you where those fuses panels are go over that a little bit more okay cool all right do you have any questions on the engine bay powertrain stuff like that no i think that's pretty good okay um just a couple other maintenance things uh keep this clean of debris right here so leaves like to build up especially if you park this outside right make sure you clean this out if you do get a lot of leaf and tree debris inside here eventually that stuff rots it can actually rot away the seal right here oh okay yep okay so very important to keep the leaves off of that so anything having to do with maintenance of the engine the powertrain the transmission the undercarriage suspension wheels stuff like that you're going to want to take it to ford and let them take care of that anything having to do with the house side bring it to us okay you've got the house side under warranty as well we'll take care of that so let me ask a quick question a couple actually so gasoline that goes in this just regular so we have 87 in these my personal preference is to run 93 octane minimum in a turbocharged vehicle okay the higher the octane the less likely to cause detonation inside the motor um i would run 93 but we've run 87 in these all day no issues okay no issues and then what about warm-up so let's say i'm going in here do i need to warm the engine up for something yes yes always warm it up um they tell you on the older turbocharged engines that you actually want to actually once you stop driving let it run for a little bit let the turbos themselves cool down if you immediately let's say you're running it hard you've been hill climbing you've been towing something and you come in you immediately shut that thing off you can cause what's called oil coking inside the turbo the turbos get so hot it actually breaks down that oil and turns into sludge very fast it decreases your oil life okay so the turbos are there you can see the wastegate right there that little silver diaphragm looking piece right there okay i'll move my hand out of the way so you can see it yeah let's see if we can get it in there might be easier to see so there's one on that side and if you come over here to this side you can see the compressor housing of the turbo right here yeah okay so on either side all right very cool yeah looks great in there okay yep any other questions on the front i'm good for now okay you do have a front-facing camera right here yep uh that's cool yeah so that helps since it's but you know it's not that easy to see in front of you no when you're kind of like a short nose correct when you're looking over the front of this you can't see what's directly in front of you so this helps you if you're getting very close to something yeah and i think there's a button inside that will probably go over that you could press absolutely okay very cool and do we have fog lights out here i think and then these right here are the radar sensors so you actually have sensors inside the vehicle that talk to the computer it will tell you if you're getting too close to something and it will show you the distance that you have to that okay cool and so i'm guessing it has adaptive cruise control yes etcetera if you look right here into the front windscreen there's a camera right there up front yeah that's that is your adaptive cruise control that's what control is that that's what the sensor's looking for the vehicle in front of you and it's looking for the lanes right okay nice all right that pretty much covers the front do you have any other questions on this no okay thanks all right we can go and come over to the side okay so this is your fuel door right here i'm gonna go ahead and open this driver side door to access it okay pull this little tab right here opens this up you do not have a gas cap this is the newer ford design gm is going to this dodge is going to this as well you don't have gas caps take your gas uh your fill handle come in here and stick it downside here it will push both flapper valves open and let it take gas now your standard gas can let's say you're driving on the road you run out of gas for whatever reason you have a gas can with you a jerry can most of those will not push the second flapper valve open okay okay if you look inside the glove box in there once we get inside okay there's a white funnel inside there you must stick that funnel down inside here we're pouring in emergency okay it will push both flapper valves open then you can take your gas can and pour it through that funnel okay so if you stand here with a like a gas can jerry can you go to add gas to this it's actually gonna start spilling everywhere okay cool all right good to know this is kind of like the european style of uh i've had this on like german cars yeah a lot of the american manufacturers are going to this right now yeah yeah there's a lot in this that's more competitive i think with like the sprinter the mercedes vans yeah the mercedes are very nice vehicles um this newer 2021 uh so it's a 2020 chassis the 2021 coachman beyond very comfortable i really like it i absolutely agree with that that's why i'm doing it and more affordable yeah so it's good in here okay this is to release your hood okay my fingers there you go okay so we'll go and close this up for now okay we'll come back to this once we do the interior this right here this is your sewer connection so if you look down here you have a three inch cap right here and then you have two blade valves you have a gray i believe no black right there so you have one connection right there um what you do once you go to dump your tanks let's say you're black in your gray tank you spin this cap off obviously you drive up to your dump station spin this cap off this is a ten foot three inch wide sewer hose this is not yours this is just my demo model okay um come over here and you spin this on you can see it's got the teeth right here that connect the same way that that valve does or that blade okay does one of those come with this vehicle yep you actually i believe get two if i remember correctly in this vehicle you get one that's already stored inside the compartment over there and then we give you one in our starter kit oh sweet because vehicle so you actually have two okay so this is this is the sewer pipe yep okay so come over here you spin lock this on right take this hose and stretch this out and put it down into your dump station okay once you do that you come over here and you dump your valves and i believe this one is just black because i don't think there's a gray one on this one yeah i think this is just black right here okay because i think your gray is further in the rear on this okay in this model so pull your black valve let everything run out um a lot of people like to buy the either an adapter piece right here that extends out so you can see what's running through that pipe or they'll get a different hose that's got a connection piece like this on the end and you can put an elbow on here and stick that inside your dump station so you can visually see hey i've got nothing else running out of this okay right okay because i think you want to clean this out afterwards correct that's what the spray hose is going to help us with oh but okay so what we want to do is go ahead dump everything out once it's done come back over here close up my black valve right here now this one has gray and black tank don't i'm sorry just a black tank flush on this one because so this connection right here you do want to have two separate water hoses for this vehicle we give you one inside the starter kit it's a 25 foot water hose use that one for your fresh connections your fresh or your city connection okay keep a second one with you just to fill up the black tank now there is a valve inside here this can prevent the water from coming back i just wouldn't trust a hundred percent okay so you're you're worried about back wash there when you're filling up you don't want to whatever your clean water is putting in you don't want to get that dirty you damn sure don't put the black going into that okay okay and then so all the tanks get filled up separately yep so you have a fresh water tank right here okay yep this is your city connection i'll cover this in a second yeah so separate hoses for everything yep but make sure you know which ones for the exactly the black so your black tank what you want to do is come back over here and fill this up um you'll know you're full you can have if you have two people with you one person could be inside monitoring the screen if you have the app on your phone you can sit here and look at your phone and see when your tank is full okay go ahead and shut your water off come back over here to this and pull that valve again and flush everything out of your black tank i highly recommend you do this every time you dump your tanks okay dump out your black tank again um this one has the newer style sensors in it it's a float system instead of a induction current going through it so the old style you had a ground sensor at different levels of the tank and once the water level got up to it it would send a ground signal through that tell the computer hey this is your level right now okay so just so i understand when you're doing the black tank you want to fill it flush it all and then fill it again correct okay so you're gonna fill it while using it okay so anything that goes through the toilet system's gonna go into your black holding tank right okay you've gotta dump that once you've dumped your waste out of there add water to it fill it back up flush it out again it just prolongs the life of the tank the sensors and all the about so every time you go to a dump station do that okay yep all right cool try not to let the stuff sit in there for a long period of time okay if you get a chance to go to like a truck stop or a um rv park or something like that go ahead and dump it okay so let me like for me how i'm using this as an office i'll probably be using bathrooms elsewhere so let's say i'm not using it a lot how often do i do that so again don't let the stuff sit inside there okay um if it's been a couple weeks or something yeah it's been situated okay so at least like once a month yes do it okay we give you inside our starter kit black tank chemical treatment it's an enzyme that you flush down the toilet it's a little baggy flush down the toilet okay it's going to break down the waste material inside here um it's gonna help it flush out of here okay um after you've dumped your tanks you must add another one of those tablets inside there now you don't have to use what we give you you can go to amazon and there's like a million different options out there stuff you can buy okay just find something you like use that yeah i'm trying not to make this video long but i do want to because i am a little intimidated by this because i've seen the movie rv yes so don't do that definitely don't you i want to be that dude yeah yeah okay actually fine for that so don't do that oh you can oh yeah okay yep all right okay so keep going sir all right so once we're done with that we can take our spray hose right here so this is a push lock fitting like you'd find on an air chuck okay so i've already got it pushed in there i've got the water pump turned on we have water pressure i can take this over here come over here spray out my hose okay clean this all off you will want to carry gloves with you it just helps keep this a little bit more sanitary okay and then so with this should this be just a black tank hose or this one right here no oh this is just a general spraying off hose okay now i want to show you a trick to disconnecting this with water pressure on it that no one knows about oh oh so if i if you want to step back real quick oh i'm going to show you what this looks like so i got water pressure on it right now if i disconnect this it's going to spray me like that right so if i push lock this on there in order to stop it from doing that come over here and open this valve and then push in and pull out okay hold on yeah let me see that do that again so push lock in right now i have water pressure on this right now you want to put this on yeah so i'm going to squeeze this push in on the collar and then pull out oh so no water comes at you cool okay now there's still water inside this hose see how there's nothing coming out yeah let this slinky let it hang open this valve right here dump all that water out that way when you store this inside you're not getting a water puddle inside the coach right okay so i'm gonna let this fully drain cool just like that all right i'm gonna set this right here we'll come back to that yeah this is cold water only mainly this is right here just so you can clean out your um your septic system stuff like that your hose you have another one in the back over here if you want to look at that real quick okay so this is your gray tank okay so again same exact thing you got a cap right here you got a blade valve right here that's gonna dump your grate tank okay so these are the dumps yep okay we have one here and one here in here okay now if you pull up to a dump station it's pretty much just a hole in the ground it's connected to a sewer system um you are going to want to pull up and get kind of close over here so dump this one and then once you do that drive a little bit forward and dump that one yep okay dump the forward one first then the rear okay don't forget to use your black tank flush and flush out your black tank okay after you've done that you can hop back inside your coach ready to use it take one of those tablets out of the bag put it in the toilet flush the toilet you're good to go okay all right so when you flush and put it in the toilet flush it and that's good right okay yep you got it okay this right here is a solar power connection so you have solar panels on the roof uh off hand i want to say it's 220 watts okay um if you want to add like another briefcase fold up solar panel right that's your connection point right there oh cool okay so you so you can have something like the fold up or whatever it is in the vehicle you take it out you plug it in and put it in the side i've got one around here somewhere i'll show you later where that looks all right cool yeah um so yeah you can add that this is just to trickle charge the battery okay that's the same thing the solar on the roof is going to do it's going to trickle charge your battery okay don't expect to run too much off the solar there's a lot of people who think you can run everything inside the coach off solar there's a lot of people that advertise that that's not true at all okay okay this model is not just solar because i think you guys have a model that's like just purely solar panels right and batteries well is that what the lithium one is because i think this has a generator on it yes this will have a uh this one's gas or lp gas generator on this one i believe um and then you have a lithium package as well so the lithium yes the solar will charge up the lithium batteries and then the lithium will run everything inside right but that's not what we're doing correct this one's just a generator okay cool this is our shore power connection this is a 30 amp 110 volt connection okay um i do have a couple of adapters out here i'm going to show you guys two yeah when you connect this up at an rv park you're gonna have two options either 30 amp or a 50 amp connection okay 30 amp is your round plug this is a 50 amp connection so this is called a dog bone slang term is a dog i think i have one of these in my tesla good something else yes so if you have the tesla then you have the adapter for this yeah um so what you do is you plug this into a 50 amp connection and it converts it into the router so you want to have i don't know if this comes with it but i would want to get this one okay yeah yeah all right where did i get these from uh ace hardware has them uh there's a rural king down 441 you can go there they have them okay cool all right this right here is another power adapter so this goes from a 30 amp uh male plugged down to a what they call a 15 amp male plug but i'll tell you right now please do not plug this into 15 amps okay i've seen it cause issues before a minimum 20 amp connection on this one okay okay so if you go to a friend's house or something and you need to charge your batteries up but you can't run your generators it's late at night hey i need to plug into one of your outside wall outlets you can use this power adapter we give you one inside the starter kit so you've got one um try and plug into at least a 20 amp though make sure it's a 20. i do actually have a plug like that next to my tesla uh you have the 30 amp yes okay like yeah i think i've got that one so i can plug this directly to that right yep so you can plug this in there just 100 make sure it's 110 volts okay 110 120 volt okay um i've i don't think it's even possible to plug into a 220 but if you plug into a 220 you're gonna know instantly because it's gonna pop every single bit of electronics inside here inside of the vehicle okay yeah okay are they going to be burned or yes they will have to be replaced oh yeah okay so make sure it's all running fast yeah okay make sure it's a 110 and not a 220. i think my setup is for like a welder or something like that so it could be 110 it could be 220. okay i'll make sure you have to look at it and see yeah now i do or i'll edit out that part of this video and pretend you didn't tell me please don't no i won't do that too all right so i do highly recommend you buy what's called a search protector for this i don't have one here to show you it's a box about yay big and it's got a cord that sticks off of it looks like this okay that plugs into the wall and then your shore cord plugs into that this is not your short board this is a shop cord you have a brand new one in the back of the coach okay how long is that usually 15 feet 15 okay cool and then you can buy what's called a drop cord for it which is another 15 feet you get out onto okay but don't keep adding cords to it only add one extension okay yeah buy the surge protector it will perfect protect feedback from coming down the line like a lightning strike or something like that and protect your electronics inside here okay you can spend as little as 40 bucks on one and yes they do work for even that cheap you can spin upwards of 400 on one if you want all the bells and whistles what's the name of a good one off off the top of your head okay yeah okay what should i look for on it do you know um any surge protector is pretty much gonna work just a rv surge protector like i said ace hardware has them okay lowe's and home depot used to have a rv section i think they've gotten rid of them and they're online only now okay so ace hardware ace would be your best bet okay all right cool all right okay now uh something i want to cover real quick um you can leave this plugged in and let it charge up you're good to go once you plug this in your inverter defaults in the on position and start charging your battery we'll cover that more once we go inside okay um if you're at our rv park you can leave this plugged in um every now and then you will want to just plug in to charge your batteries up overnight put a good deep cycle charge on it um at least once a month once but if i'm driving it every day does the vehicle charge it the vehicle will yes okay so long as you have your disconnect in the on position and again i'll cover that okay inside all right yep this is your cable connection so if you go to rv park they offer you tv you can connect your coax right there yes sweet so this is your input okay we covered the black tank right here this is city water connection this is fresh water connection so fresh water is gonna fill up my potable water tank that i carry around with me okay so if i'm boondocking i'm not permanently connected somewhere at an rv park or at home or something like that if i'm boondocking this is how i have water inside the coach okay again you can use the app on your phone you can view the tank levels so you can stand here with the water hose and fill it up that way if you over fill it there is a check valve that will open on the tank and start spitting out the bottom oh okay so that's how you know just real quick i've heard boondocking what's the quick definition of that is you are out in the boonies and you are using everything you're carrying with you okay so you're not connected to like an rv park setup anything that's okay cool yep all right so fresh water connection this is your city water connection so if i can leave this hooked up to a water hose i would connect it right here this is going to bypass my freshwater tank and plumb everything inside the coach so that i have water inside here now something to remember if i'm using the freshwater tank water pump must be on because i got to pressurize the system okay if i'm using the city water connection water pump must be off because you're using the spigot pressure that's coming inside okay okay now uh we give you a pressure reducer inside the starter kit it's just a little plastic one to get you down the road there are higher quality uh brass or metal ones that you can buy which i do recommend because they last longer okay make sure you connect the pressure reducer to the end of your water hose and then connect it right here yeah okay most spigot pressures like 50 to 80 psi you do you really don't want to push it past 45 psi on this coach okay so the pressure reducer will step it down um and make it last a lot longer you have pex plumbing inside this i mean it can handle a load but you just don't want to induce a load onto it and it has a leak all right if you do have the uh water pump on and you're connected to city water pressure you will cause a leak inside here because you will you're going to pressure it okay you got to really make sure if you're connecting this so if you're connecting anything you should just take that off right yep okay all right all right okay cool this down here is a propane connection so there's a couple things i want you to pay attention to this is for you right here this is an on off switch okay um a lot of people like to shut their lp off if they're not using it um i'm gonna tell you right now it's up to you legally if you are driving over a bridge or through a tunnel you must shut your lp off okay so certain states will find you for it like california new york new jersey i know that they will okay so just once again if you're going over a bridge or into a tunnel that has to be off lp has to be off okay you're only off switch i believe in this coach is down here down here yes some of these models they have one inside too i think yours is only out here so it's a safe rule of thumb just keep that off unless you're getting much pretty much now there's a downside to keeping it off like that i've seen where air gets inside the uh truma feed line and then you have to burp the uh trim of feed line in order to get it actually kick on okay until then it'll constantly throw an error code saying hey i'm not protecting gas okay yeah all right so how do you burp that pretty much turn it on and off on and off okay every time you do that it will it will try and pick up lp through the system and try and kick on okay if there's no gas if there's an error code it's usually a error two one two okay it will pop up on the screen and then if that happens shut it down turn it back on okay um i have seen in cold climates where you have to do that a couple of times um but i'll tell you right now every rv we have out here everything is turned on we need cars turned on um i do know that there is some legality when it comes to that because if you get into a wreck and you have your lp system on there's a potential explosion hazard okay so just keep that in mind okay yeah all right right here good go ahead this right here is a quick disconnect fitting so if you want to carry around a propane grille with you you obviously don't want to store the tanks inside the coach because that's dangerous you can use the 12 gallon tank that you have with the coach yeah you're gonna buy a quick disconnect fitting again i think ace hardware has them um connect it right here just a push lock okay this is your on off valve so that's off and then that's on that pressurizes the line so you can hook up a little barbecue grill out here okay so just buy the grill run off of that correct okay and but get the adapter yeah okay these two right here you are not going to touch okay this is your fill so the lp tech when he comes over here to fill this he's going to spin this cap off that's where he's going can connect this hose this is the vent off fumes right here um that way it actually takes the lp okay these two you're not gonna touch if you loosen this and don't forget to tighten it all the way you'll actually lose all your lv okay so two questions i have here how do how do you keep this closed up or whatever so there's a cover right here okay pull this cover up there's a little bolt attached to a piece of wire right here so pick this cover up take this bolt and thread it into the hole right there and that will cover this connection right here okay like that all right cool and uh and so where do you go to get that filled uh here in town u-haul is normally the easiest sometimes you gotta wait in line though yeah okay right there eighth and then i'm guessing like walmarts and stuff like that david no not really no okay uh they will fill the little portable propane tanks like your gas grill they will do that yeah okay hardware will not do it um we have a davis gas right over here it's a little mom-and-pop shop if you catch them with one of their texts there they'll do it for you it's actually very easy to do it there as opposed to u-haul it's faster if not u-haul is a good place to go some truck stops will have fills as well okay or if you're living like i live out in the country just look for a propane place and go so you can call around the people that deliver to homes will sometimes come and drive their truck up and delivery cool all right that works yep all right and what does the propane power on this this one uh does truma only so trim is your heat that's your hot water heater and your furnace that's how you're gonna make heat inside okay so heat and furnace and if i wanted to use it to grill or something i could connect it to that okay this right here is your storage too for your septic hose obviously you don't want to keep this inside the coach because it does get pretty nasty and yeah it does start to smell so you have to store our container okay so i'm going to pull this out of the way and then open this up and okay so you don't have one inside here so you need to get one with the coats right so we'll put that in there and that's where it gets stored yep okay cool again you're gonna wanna wear gloves when you do this yeah absolutely and if anyone's noticing this is a dually we got two two tires back there which is awesome yep so the good thing about it is it's easier to tow with a dually yeah yeah yep okay all right this is generator exhaust right here so when you run the generator that's where the fumes are gonna come out right yeah i think i heard it when they were testing generator so it so it's up on the roof right no the generator is underneath oh the generator's underneath if you look underneath right here follow the exhaust back see the green cover where it says oh yeah that's your girl cool awesome yeah it's quiet very quiet now you can run the generator going down the road you can so if you have people with you i try actually i want to give you the correct information this one you don't have the rear seats in this um there are seats back there i was going to ask you if there's seat belts because i think i saw a thing saying no one's supposed to be sitting back there i guess when you're not on that side let me double check once we get inside here i think this one might have seat belts so if you're traveling passengers but more importantly you're traveling with pets you want to keep them cool inside the ac in this particular vehicle on the transits will freeze you okay let me tell you right now um but if you have people or pets or something back here and you want to keep them cool you can run the roof ac and run your generators you're driving down the road oh cool awesome that's sweet and the generator feeds off of the tank on this right this is the gas tank let me double check real quick because there are different models this one is gas so the gas tank feeds the lp i'm sorry the generator the gasoline generator once you get down to a quarter tank it's not going to draw any more gas or your gas tank it will not pull everything out of your gas tank it lets you get down the road to the gas station and fill it up yeah so it'll save the gas tank and this is probably somewhere is it 25 or 30 gallons 25 25 okay real quick something i didn't cover over here so you have shore power and you have generator both are going to make 110 power inside the coach and charge your batteries up and run your appliances inside the coach stuff like that you cannot use both at the same time you can physically turn on the generator at the same time the short power is on there is an automatic transfer switch inside here that's going to um default over to shore power if it sees a short power come on okay i will tell you right now i've had to replace i don't know how many of those because they they fail do not rely on that okay okay unplug one of the correct okay so either on the generator or run the short power okay never do both of those never do both okay all right all right if that's plug if that plugged in don't run the generator yep so let's say you're driving down the road you've got the ac on and you're running the generator obviously to run the ac um you pull up to your campsite and you're ready to start setting up camp shut down your ac which is your high amp draw okay shut down your generator plug into shore power and then turn your ac back on okay i got it okay cool uh there are magnets on these doors right here this door is the only one that opens all the way okay so if we come around to the other side okay you'll see there's a latch right here oh okay so i'm gonna unlock that and then this door will open all the way okay and that goes to the side so that magnets could prevent a gust of air from coming and slamming this door so this one doesn't open like that this one does not because you have the bike rack option oh right because it would yeah oh so you've got that uh locked off yep another thing with this so yes you can take that bike rack off if you don't want to use it and i'll show you that in a second and you can take this screw out if you want to open that door all the way it will hit the awning though oh okay so also because of the awning you don't want to mess with that correct okay this is a note to my future self yeah don't force that door open back up camera is right there in the middle right okay all right trailer hitch is down here okay uh there is a tow hitch attached to this you do have the four pin connection and a seven pin connection right there cool all right how much what weight can i tell with this this one i believe is 5500 pound tone capacity 550 pound tongue weight okay so the downside to a class b is you get less storage than you get on like a class c or class a you don't have the outside storage compartments a lot of people like to buy a basket back here or what's called a turtle shell yeah which is the box that goes on the back um so you can attach that right there just remember 550 pounds is your as your weight limit including the weight of the basket oh okay so you have to con so wait that's for everything that's in this vehicle just just just hanging off that's 550. okay now you can tow a small vehicle with this we've towed a we got a honda crv that we use as a tow vehicle we've got a honda fit and a jeep wrangler so if we send a driver to go deliver on these vehicles he'll tow a vehicle that way he can drive back okay so a vehicle like 3 500 pounds something like that is good yeah okay cool yeah i might tell my art my r8 i did see pull up in the r8 yeah you saw that yeah yeah you were you were behind me in traffic last week yeah because i saw your headlights and i was like what is that boom yeah i was like okay that's nice apologies yeah yeah i enjoy it man i'm a car guy oh really yeah okay yeah but you have a drone already i have not you're gonna have to make that happen that would be amazing yeah we'll make that happen sign a waiver before okay cool so i could tell that if i wanted to on this yes okay yep all right real quick up top right here are your privacy shades so i'm gonna stand on this i'm gonna grab one of these down oh okay and these that's what those are just a storage compartment for it i'm going to open it close this door okay this is spring loaded so it's going to split so that just clicks back in like that you go and now it won't open any further until i unlock it again okay these just velcro into place so hold that you are actually oh yeah one of them's missing okay let me let me get that for you before you take the vehicle yeah um but you would velcro that in place right and then velcro down here and that's your privacy shade for the rear oh cool you have one in that compartment for this and this one oh okay and so it's cut for each window they're the same clothes the same okay cool awesome so that's what gets stored up there i guess there's a bunch of space to put other stuff in there with that no no pretty much it fits this and that's it that's what it's for okay um i do recommend once you go to start using this you need to use your privacy shades just take them down from there it's kind of it's a pain in the butt constantly yeah get them yeah um you do have a little bit of storage back here this is an elbow that you can use over your um your dump right there some places require that you actually drive up to the dump station like that and dump it okay so that's what that's for okay um carpet for your front your table leg for your front your brand new short cords right there oh cool okay all right uh you do have the screen back here this is spring loaded just pull it down down you got two little tabs right here that this is gonna meet too okay pull it down past that and lock it underneath it like that okay and just catches it to release this you're going to push down and tilt backwards away from you so push tilt back and then release it okay again spring-loaded don't just let it go because you can break the mechanism okay so hold it back yep okay and if you do find yourself going in and out back here and this thing's in the way you can actually slide that out of the way oh okay cool yeah that's nice so if you have this open if you're in shade like we are now you can have this open back here but keep bugs and stuff from flying correct okay nice you do have two speakers right here these speakers are connected to the dash radio okay and then you probably noticed on the inside that there's four speakers total in the back half of this vehicle uh the front two actually go to the jensen which is your home entertainment system inside here the rear two on those are connected to the dash radio okay uh that's interesting i i guess you can hear it all the way back here or it gives you bass or something maybe it's not much base um all right it's all good something i've told people in the past because i've had a lot of questions about hey why can't i just make the surround sound the jetson itself is wired up for surround sound but the wires for these these speakers are ran to the jensen later on down the road if you're like hey man i really want surround sound inside here you can take it to an audio shop and they set the tee into those wires or eliminate them from the front dash and then wire them to the speakers okay um there is wiring behind the jensen that you can actually make that happen with oh cool all right yep yeah we'll take a look at the jensen here in a second all right nice i like this uh setup back here this is one of the reasons why i got it because you've got the stand-up shower here which is pretty tough um and gives me a lot of room and then i guess there's you know there's the bathroom there's a toilet in there and then a sink that folds up which we'll show you guys here in a second okay real quick this is the starter kit we give you oh nice okay that comes with the vehicle four rolls of single ply marine paper now you do not have a macerator which is nice because this is more stuff that can fail okay um but even so only use the single ply paper in your system so no two gly no baby wipes no wet wipes it's got to be single ply okay cannot go into the system correct you can gum up those blade valves those valves i showed you that you opened a dump i've seen before where those get gummed up with stuff and then they fail and they have to be replaced okay so if you do any of that it's got to go in a separate garbage that doesn't go through the system correct okay 25 foot water hose that's your pressure reducer okay that's the plastic one is telling you about like i said you will want to upgrade to a nicer brass one or just some other metal one down the road okay black tank chemical treatment open this bag up there's little tiny baggies of chemical inside there just drop it into your uh toilet and flush it okay 10 foot sewer hose so this is yours that comes with the coach and that's your power adapter okay there's the adapter all right very cool all right um the macerator what is that so you don't have a macerator a macerator is a poop grinder so it takes everything out of your black tank and your gray tank it's got blades inside of it it looks like a garbage disposal almost oh okay and it grinds that up and then pumps it through a smaller hose into the actual dump station okay um i don't have one around here i can show you but there isn't one in this no which you said is a good thing because i'm guessing that's a failure yes they fail all the time so i tell people all the time please only use single ply they don't listen to me oh and then they put two ply in there um i've pulled a diaper out of one before the guy was traveling with kids and their kids flushed a diaper down into it yeah so yeah so i mean it's the same stuff that you would use if you have a like we have a septic or is it different from the septic stuff different from septic different from the septic stuff okay so specific single ply marine paper it'll be it'll be sold as rv and marine toilet okay and you can get that rv supply place so yeah okay so rv supply we give you four rolls in there just to get you down the road that way you have something cool that's expensive stuff nowadays well i don't know yeah it still is yeah it still is my wife had to go find some the other day oh yeah all right cool so that pretty much covers the back half i'm gonna go and close this up close your driver's side door first your passenger side door latches onto the driver's side oh okay you do have another release right here so you can open that door from the inside oh okay see that so if you're coming out and there you go all-wheel drive ecoboost guys transit 350 hd there you go so this is your bike rack you can't store two bicycles on here you are limited to 100 pound carrying capacity on this okay so two regular road bikes something like that you won't even get close to that but if you're like on electricity let me flip around this way sorry if you have like an electric bike or something like that those weigh 60 70 80 pounds depending on the model yeah um you cannot put two of those on here okay so if you have electric just one correct if you have a standard road bike mountain bike something like that you can easily put two on here and some a little bit extra gear okay and you're okay okay so um this is removable you said is it easily so is it easily removable or someone could take this and take my bikes yes okay yes it is unfortunately yeah so spin these two knobs off spin these two knobs off and it's good to go okay but so you don't want to put really expensive bikes i would not leave them on there okay yeah if you're walking away from this for some time and you have those like i've got something really yeah i've got some expensive bikes i'll probably get some bikes from walmart yeah there you go because much this is my office i'll carry a bike on here okay and then sometimes like you know like every morning i'll go ride the bike and get some exercise so yeah uh but yeah you probably don't want to leave an expensive one on here i would not because it could be easily stolen yeah so all right so those just unscrew and um i guess there's no way to lock them no not really they don't give you a lot of hardware of that so how do these come out so this one when this comes from the factory they actually store this underneath so that it can't flop around okay so i just undid it and i brought it out that way we can bring this arm out you can bring this arm out this is for your inside bike this is where you're outside okay so to release this you have two tabs right here two locking tabs pull this outwards okay these are going to break on you tony right now they are going to break okay do you call me i'll get you some more okay so i'm going to flip these up out of the way and then pull this down oh cool i see how it goes okay yeah just like that so then you would put the um tires in here so these two knobs right here i'm gonna loosen this one and then slide this forward oh i see and then you strap your rear wheel right here your front wheel right here okay cool and then for the other side you can reverse that your front facing that way okay so i'm gonna loosen this one have this slide forward and then like i said this armature is gonna go to your inside bike this one's gonna go to your outside bike and then just stretch and these just ratchet lock down okay oh okay cool all right very cool it's pretty simple yeah i'm definitely gonna use that yeah they're nice you know we've had a lot of people that have bought these rv's custom ordered them but never got the bike rack and then they'll look online like oh man i want that bike rack and we've installed them here so we can bike rack separate install that oh is there an upgrade to this to the bike rack or no this okay no okay but if i don't want this here specifically i could just take it off correct the vehicle or if you're on the road you're like i know i'm not gonna be using my bikes i don't want to leave anything on on here you can actually take this off like i said these four knobs right here spin those off you can pull the entire bike rack off and leave it at home okay now a word of advice from what i've seen in the past is no matter how much you tighten these things down this is going to flop around okay once you tighten it to the bike it's okay yeah but if you don't have a bike attached you just let it hang right here this is going to move around on you i recommend you get a small little bungee cord and bunch of cordless down okay all right i'm going to keep some bungees in there yeah that's good to have and so then these so this kind of just goes back up like that or something you got it let me see you find it is that it there you go all right cool you got it so again you do have the magnets on this door like i said i would not open this door all the way especially if you're going to use anything right okay um i've seen some people remove the awning why do they do that they just don't use them okay we've had people custom order these vehicles and not get an awning at all because they know hey i'm never going to use this okay i know the wife says she's using it does that mess up aerodynamics this awning or no no okay it's not gonna affect it that much okay you do have your engine exhaust right here okay this is the exhaust this black piece you see right here that's your actual house battery inside there oh okay oh wow okay let's get look at that so that's uh how big is that battery physically or power power uh off hand i don't know okay i have to look up specs on that one okay i know lithiums are about 200 amp hour but i don't recall what this one is okay two 110 outlets right there with gfi protection right so if you if you're sitting outside here you plug something in exactly okay this is your truma exhaust uh this does get very hot when you're running it it's the heater yep so if you're burning lp to make uh heat your fumes gonna come out right here okay um if you're on electric um some of the excess heat's gonna come out right here okay if you overheat the truma it will actually shut itself down put it into itself into a protection mode and it will vent all the heat out of it to cool itself off okay cool can so at any time can i plug into that or is there a switch that stops that so like can someone just come and plug into my thing and charge that phone up yep so if you are plugged into short power like we are right now we have 110 going to this if i turn the generator on then we have 110 going to this or if i'm boondocking and i just turn the inverter on um it will send power to this as well okay but if i shut the whole vehicle down there's no power correct okay cool yep i just want to make sure no one's charging their iphone if you leave the system on yes they can okay yep all right cool so let me open this awning up real quick sure yeah yeah i don't want someone driving their tesla up next to my thing and then plug it in well you can't do that to it there's no way you can draw that much power yeah i wonder if i could plug the tesla up and charge it [Applause] that's cool that's nice i like that it's one button to push it to have it come out one people don't use this this is cool man there's a lot of people that don't a lot of people that don't want to use them yeah i like this yeah i personally like it especially if you're sitting on camp yeah you can plug in right here you got a tv getting off of this right here yeah i can see myself working under this somewhere it's very nice yeah actually more different climate or a day in florida like this yeah really nice out yeah absolutely and the winter months like this is great to work outside you do have the built-in wind sensor on this okay so if a gust of wind comes and shakes this awning it does have to be pretty substantial it's going to auto retract and or protect itself okay now word of advice if you have the key in the ignition um it kills all power to this awning it doesn't matter if it's extended or retracted there's no power going to that awning it's a safety mechanism so if you're driving down the road it's not going to accidentally extend on you okay oh i see okay that's to keep this from opening yeah carefully had an issue with them in the past so they've since gone through and done two wiring updates and the software update that's now killed all power to it the ignition zone okay um so you don't want to leave the keys in there with this open because it won't retract correct okay yeah so let's say i have it extended and i have the engine on because i'm breaking down camp and augusta wind comes and shakes this it's not going to auto retract or protect itself yeah you also do not want to rely on this as the end-all be-all safety mechanism for this um be proactive if it's windy out go ahead and retract this awning um i've seen you saw how slowly it comes out and it retracts just as slowly i've seen augusta wind come and pick the audience yeah okay yeah but this will be great though i can see situations where i need some shade absolutely maybe i'm going prone over here or something there you go get some august shooting yeah exactly this would be great okay cool all right so i'm gonna go and retract this yep so that button is where in here sits on the firefly screen okay so you see where it says awning extend or retract if you want to go ahead and touch retract okay let's do this one what oh there it goes it's coming in okay cool so i'm gonna shut down the lights on it real quick [Music] like the home screen so we're going to go to the interior now with kyle right so the setup here kyle i think you um you shut everything down yes everything's turned off right now we're gonna treat this as if we've been storing the vehicle now we're ready to use the vehicle and take it on a trip so it's turned off i'm gonna show you how you go inside how you turn it on in what order um and how you get everything ready to use the vehicle okay cool let's do it so open up the side sliding door pull this all the way back you're gonna feel it catch right there right there and it's locked in place if you're parked on a hill and you're not fully engaged yeah and i know that um so this door is tough to pull from the inside you do have to put some effort into it okay same thing when you're closing you've got to make sure it's completely closed if you don't close it all the way it's going to let you know in the dash hey your slide doors yeah yeah i would maybe put a grab something to grab there to help give you some leverage to pull it so right here what i do is when we take the handle like that just slam it okay yeah yeah i think it's easy from outside not so easy more difficult yeah you do have um this handle right here i usually put my fingers right here catch it right there and just gotta get a good grip on it okay so it does lock in down here right yep okay catches right here okay you do have the two handle bars right here to help you pull up um you do have the screen door right here and you do want to lift it and set it on top of this j hook right here okay hold on see that hook okay all right so you're going to lift up set it onto it if i can do it like that there you go so it stays in place so now you can leave that door open circulate air through the coach not get bugs inside now when you release this same thing as the screen in the rear control it as it goes back because it is spring loaded so i'm going to lift up and then release it okay okay so you want to hold it as it goes back yep okay cool you do have an outside light right here so if you're turning you're coming up to this thing can't really see because at night you can turn that light on the key does need to be in the on position on this one okay um you do have a fire extinguisher right here all right so i'm going to walk inside okay right behind you you want to follow me in this cabinet door right here i'm going to lift this up inside here i see a battery disconnect switch i have two positions i have used and i have store rock it down for store because i'm storing the vehicle or rock it up and to use because i'm using the vehicle so i'm gonna i'm ready to use this vehicle i'm gonna turn it on i'm gonna rock it to use okay it's gonna provide power to the firefly multiplex right here this is your five inch screen you do have a larger seven inch screen back there above that bed okay hold on but i'm gonna show you this one for now okay so this powers up the firefly multiplex right here you do have five screen options right here to choose from this is home this is our home screen right here starting from the top left see where it says light master this is the master controller for all of the interior lights i can either turn them all on or all off okay or i can come in here to the little light bulb i can touch that i can individually turn on a different system off okay oh cool and if i remember this one will remember the position the setup that you like okay the ones that have the up and down arrows on them are dimmable so this is this one i'm gonna hold this down and you can see it dimming the light now above me oh okay and you just release it wherever you want to leave it i'm gonna bring it back up to full brightness like that and just like it's nice okay go back to the home screen awning controls right here so again extend we can hear the awning extending right now i can stop it partially if i wanted to and then retract now with the key on in the ignition there's gonna be a red bar that comes over this with a little lock symbol on it saying awning lock by ignition you cannot control the awning if that ignition is on okay all right this down here is temperature control this is ambient inside the coach which is 72 degrees and my set point which is 71 degrees now right now the ac is not on the heat's not on i can come down here to the thermometer i can touch that and if i want to turn the ac on i would touch cool right here blue is on gray is off fan speed is set to auto i can also turn the fan speed on low or high if i wanted to this works just like your thermostat at home though okay um we're pretty close to our ambient so it's not going to kick on so i'm going to turn this down now you see the little frost symbol right there tells me that the compressor is on right and then you saw it go from l to h that was from low speed to high speed right the closer you get to your ambient um within about three or four degrees it's going to go to low speed and then once you get up to your temperature it's going to shut down okay cool yeah and that fan fan's going you can see it's kind of loud right now this is the 110 ac you don't have the pro air system my personal preference is i like this one um this one is louder it does consume way more power but it's more it's moving that air though i can feel it yes absolutely okay cool so i could put on low speed if i was that that's going to be necessary in florida yes absolutely i'm gonna leave it on auto for now okay and then i'm gonna turn up my uh set point we can see it go to low like that and then if i want to shut it off i touch cool again and give it a couple seconds and it'll power down the system okay um if you are plugged into shore power and you're running your ac and now hey i'm about to leave and drive down the road i'm going to start my generator up you do have to wait a good 15 minutes before you turn that ac compressor on okay the or the system on the head pressure on the ac could be so high that you can actually overload the generator by turning it on because it was just running it's got high pressure in it right now if you turn that um ac on and you've not given the generator time to idle out and to even out the output of it you can actually shut down the generator okay um now if it has not been running give it about two minutes on the generator let the generator run then you can turn your ac on okay if it has been running probably minimum 15 minutes okay just wait a while yeah but in the meanwhile if you are driving or something like that this the the ac here is going to work right correct so okay and like i said this ac and the ford transits it's going to freeze you out yeah very powerful so now that's only up front right none of that goes back there except so some of it will yeah what shifts back there this window right here is the only one that opens back here okay but you can lift up your bit air fan and actually get some circulation through to get it moving yeah or or put some fans or something if you want to do that okay all right so we'll give it a couple more seconds acl shut off these right here are your tank indicators your tank levels fresh tank we can see is that 45 these are accurate within about five percent okay great tank is empty black tank is empty lp is full a full lp tank is only eighty percent though so mine it does vary by temperature the colder it is the more you can get the warmer it is less you get it's about eighty percent fill so you have a 12 gallon tank so 10 10 and a half gallons yes so if i was going to go camping right now i would need to fill everything up well you just fill up your fresh tank because these are holding tanks oh yeah so those are whole okay so just fill this pressure use your water system as you use a toilet in the back if these are gonna start getting filled okay so i keep an eye on that correct and then when that gets filled i need to figure out where to go dump them out so like i said you can view the five inch screen right here the center screen over there or if you download the app on your phone you can view the app on your i think i downloaded that app already playing with three books yeah because i saw the pin could have been changed oh you did yeah well no i don't think i changed anything yeah it's not the original one it's not mm-hmm as soon as you as soon as you connect with that app it asks you to change the pin code oh okay all right i'll have to check that again okay i'm not going to show that on camera but you can't go in there and yeah we'll do that off camera yeah okay uh water pump button is right here so if i want to pressurize the plumbing inside here turn the water pump on now it was already pressurized before that's why it's not kicking on just give it a couple seconds it pressurizes okay now i'm gonna open this sink up right here we're gonna turn on cold water you can hear the pump running now yeah okay same thing if i went to hot there's a little less pressure on hot because the hot has to go through the truma and there's some pressure loss on it because of that cool again that's awesome man i don't plan on using it unless we're actually traveling but it's cool to have it you know absolutely now again if we are on city connection that pump's got to be turned off because i can't over pressurize the lines all right okay if i'm uh boondocking so i need to make sure let me just zoom in so that's right now grayed out so it's off gray's off blue is on okay all right good all right okay these are battery power indicators right here house is your ch is your coupe side chassis is your engine side we are plugged into shore power right now it is charging both if you run the generator it will charge both and then running the engine will charge both if this disconnect is in the used position okay okay okay um which is right now good battery voltage for house um you're gonna see this climb up to about 14 14 4 14 5-ish if the battery is very weak okay um it's going to spike like that to charge up and then as the battery starts getting full it's going to come back down you can see it's at 13 1 right now okay uh that's probably accurate with about 0.1.2 a volt which is pretty but it says it's full though right so if it's fully green so if it's not it starts edging down from that correct okay correct okay and then chassis again is your engine battery and that one can be upwards of fourteen seven and that's fine twelve six to fourteen seven on your chassis okay house is gonna be anywhere from like 12 5 to 14 4 14 5. okay so it's monitoring the battery that's underneath here and it's monitoring the battery under the seat correct okay yep these are generator controls right here um i'm not gonna do it just yet but these are one button start one button stop again we're on short power right now you do not want to we don't want to do it yeah we want to disconnect that outside yep okay and then you have your total run time on the generator which is 5.3 hours right now all right um consult the owner manual that's in your bag that comes with all the uh service uh records and stuff like that it'll tell you the exact time but after about 50 hours you want to do an oil change on it okay yep all right so that oil change can i bring it in to you guys okay absolutely we'll do it okay this is your automatic generator start right now it is disabled um you can turn this on if you are boondocking and you don't plan on plugging up you can turn this on what this does is it's looking at your house side battery it's looking for a voltage drop over a certain amount of time and it will automatically turn the generator on and charge your battery back up until it sees a voltage for another set amount of time and then it shuts itself off okay if i come over here to the circle with a lightning bolt these are my ags settings right here okay this is a good ballpark to get you going but you can come in here and fine-tune this as need be okay let me make sure i get that okay so that's a good setup right now okay so right now if it sees 12.5 volts for 20 seconds it's going to turn the generator on okay for a minimum run time of 10 minutes maximum run time of 240 minutes okay and it will stop once it sees 14 volts for 15 minutes okay all right this is a quiet time some rv parks say you can't run your generator between between like certain hours of the night people up you can pre-program set that there for that whatever that time exactly okay back home screen so you have ags button right here you touch this disable to enable it it's going to say are you sure you want to do this just hit confirm or you can make sure you're not connected to correct correct yeah to shore power yep so that's it for the home screen right there we've covered the ags i showed you the lining the exterior are the only ones that are not controlled by the light master those you do have to individually come in here and turn those on okay now when you turn on that porch light it also turns on the underglow underneath the step right oh there okay yep oh cool so turn those off thermometer again this is your ac control this is your trimmer controller this is for heat this is for ac okay okay last we have our settings page this is to access the mobile app i'm not going to touch it because it'll bring up your pin number um vega touch mirror i'm sure you've already downloaded it i used to be like 99 cents in the play store i think they're free now uh i think it was three bucks oh they went up in price okay yeah i was gonna ask you man where's the where's the discount code there wasn't there wasn't even an option of that well talk to me about that later network diagnostic right here you're not really going to play around with this this is for us as text to come in here and view what is the computer controlling what is it telling it okay um you can change from fahrenheit to celsius cleaning mode turns the screen off for 15 seconds so you can come over here and clean it same thing for that one over there and that way you're not pushing a bunch of buttons as you're cleaning it okay screen brightness and you can adjust the clock right here okay let this focus okay all right do you feel comfortable with this you have any questions on it uh no well one question i would say so these uh batteries how long can you run off of them before they need to get charged up so that's gonna vary a lot okay um if you are just running off of house battery um you're not going to run the ac off that you can turn your inverter on and invert the battery power to 110 but any time you put a high load on that you're going to drain that battery very fast so the microwave's going to drain it which is over here um ac is going to drain it you can run some of the other stuff inside here uh you can run the tv's 12 volt but you can plug into an outlet run like a coffee maker hair dryer stuff like that um you can do that just off battery voltage um the more stuff you have turned on the faster you're pulling down on that battery voltage so electrical um so i'm trying to figure it out just because i'm going to be using this as an office yep so i'm just trying to figure out like how much you're running so you're plugging in laptops and stuff like that yeah yeah so much running of the generator engine etc will i need to so keep an eye on it turn your ags on have it set up so hey if there is a better drop it's automatically gonna kick that generator on and start charging your battery up okay um as far as how long can you go on that it's it's going to vary a lot you're going to have um like all these lights are led they're low amp draw all together i want to say it's six to seven amps across everything um just the lights alone but the more stuff you have on the faster you're depleting that battery okay so let's say i'm running this in a typical summer day um i would use ac and then i'm using a computer okay so if you're running ac you're either plugged up or you're running the generator yeah you have to okay yep okay um okay the engine battery only controls the front dash in the engine um it's like your standard car battery this one's a agm flat plate battery okay so if i wanted to save some power or gas or whatever i'm better to just open all the windows and everything and maybe run off the battery of my laptop yep until i'm like oh it's too hot let me yep okay you can turn this vent fan on right here pull your screens closed that way you're not sucking bugs into um open this up open this side window up right here and you can circulate air on a day like this it feels really good it's yeah it's very comfortable but you guys have an awning here yep yep absolutely so okay cool um if you are southwest u.s or you're in florida in the middle of summer or something like that you're going to die in here without ac i'm telling you right now you've got to run the ac so either you're plugged up or run that generator yeah um the generator run time it's going to come down to how much gas do you have your tank this thing luckily is very efficient it's going to sit gas um you can run it for a long time okay so that's all stuff we'll do videos on and yep we'll get everything yeah lots of testing because you got to figure out what works best for you yeah in a typical workday yep yep how much power am i consuming um on this one so this is your solar controller i typically tell people do not touch this okay um this is automated it's gonna do its own thing right now it's indicating there is sunlight getting to the panels even though we're under an awning right now and still picking up some uv radiation there's one or two panels up there two panels two okay this is indicating that the panels are charging the battery and this is a voltage indication right here it shows like you're depleting the battery but that's not really what that means that's just voltage but if you come over here to amp volts i can push this i can see total amp draw we're plugged into shore power so that's taking the bulk of the load right now it's only drawing 0.1 of an amp from the battery okay and i can come over to amp hours so amps over time so i can leave this on and view this uh i'd look up give you the exact amber hour capacity of that battery and you can get an idea of how long you can yeah and then i could probably so the the the solar panels can run the ac or no no generator right the the solar panels are only going to trickle charge the battery okay um on a good day where it's bright and sunny out like it is right now if we're out in the middle of the sun um 9 to 13 amps is about what you're going to see multiply that by your voltage that gives you your wattage that gives you an idea of what you can run the fridge is going to draw about 4.2 amps okay um when it's first kicking on and cooling down once it gets cold it's about 2.1 amps it's going to run on okay so you can run your fridge and you can run your lights just on solar but that's pretty much it oh okay all right so that's just for yeah so ac gonna need that generator so we'll find out real fast once it gets right now the weather is nice so yep okay cool so solar panels is everything on here right yep real quick just on this one i do want to cover this is your wi-fi ranger switch okay so you turn that in the on position um you don't really want to show that that's your network name and password so you can access that um again battery just connect switch here and this is the truma controller so this is how you're gonna make heat inside the coach this is gonna make hot water and it's gonna this is your furnace it's gonna make heat inside the coach okay what i want you to pay attention to is that black line right there anything any icons you see above that black line are systems that are on and then below the black line are going to be menu options you can interact with okay right now it's displaying the time 201 pm you have two control buttons right here you have a control knob right here that you can push in or spin clockwise or counter clockwise and then you have a back button okay so let's say i want to turn the furnace on inside here i'm going to push in on this control knob i'm just going to bring up this menu right here i can spin this knob you see i'm highlighting whatever it is so i'm going to spin it to the rv with thermometer which is my furnace let me see if we get in closer here okay all right i'm going to push in right now display's off i'm going to spin it clockwise starts at 40 degrees i can go all the way up to 86. okay so right now ambient is 73. so if i push in to confirm this we now have icons on the screen right here above that black line the flames telling me the furnace is on the gas bottle is telling me i'm set to lp and i'm on fan speed one okay now because we are plugged into shore power right now you're gonna see an icon pop up in the bottom right corner here in a second right there that's going to automatically switch over from lp to electric oh okay so i don't have to use the lp to hear this oh cool so on the generator and on short power it will sense hey i've got 110 coming inside the coach i'm going to shut the lp off and conserve resources okay and use the electricity to make heat okay so if i'm plugged in like at my house i can use this to heat correct or i can use it also to cool or the yeah yeah okay absolutely do that oh cool all right now at any point in time because we have the furnace on the flashing symbol is telling me that the furnace is activated and it's starting to get up to temperature now okay once it reaches temperature it will go solid okay at any point in time i can come over here and spin this knob and adjust that temperature okay but what i want to make sure you understand is once we come in here and we make an adjustment from turning it off you have to confirm it if you do not push that control knob in a second time to make your confirmation okay and that's not a thing you hear or anything like that so you'll just feel the correction warmer correct it doesn't really make any noise yep okay the next one over is the water thermometer that's your hot water so let's say i want to heat the water up i'm going to push in i have four modes i have off eco hot or boost eco is about 104 degrees at the truma hot is about 140 degrees and i'll tell you right now anything past 115 is uncomfortable okay uh boost is 140 but it gets you there quicker boost you do not want to use in florida okay you can actually overheat the truman that way okay yeah in florida or southwest u.s if it's mild uh temperatures you hot your maximum okay okay boost you're going to use in a cold weather climate where it's snowing and heating rainwater okay so i'm gonna leave it on hot i'm gonna push in again to confirm it uh i did have this on earlier so it may stay solid um if the water has cooled off then you'll start seeing that blinking here in a second as it's getting up the temperature okay so right now we have furnace on hot water on it's set to hot the gas bottle uh indicates we're on lp but we have a little plug indicator so it's on 110 and then fan speed one the fan speed is just how fast am i circulating air through that truma okay so if fan speed one is too low i can come over here to the fan icon push in and i can turn it on high so one or two there is a third option for boost once it reaches temperature okay and you can hear the fan now running and that's just forcing air through the trimmer all right now if you are not using a truma if you're not making heat it's very important you come in here and turn this off even if i disconnect from shore power right now or shut the generator off it's going to automatically switch over to gas and it'll run you're starting to consume resources at that point okay yep so turning it off yep so i'm gonna push in on the water icon spin this until it displays off and then confirm it go to the rv push in spin this all the way down until it says off and then confirm it okay now i have no icons above that black line that means the system's off okay and you can leave the screen right there okay okay this little timer down here the reason why you have a clock on this you can set a start and stop point for the furnace the hot water heater to come on a certain time and turn off a certain time yeah so if it was cold and i'm getting up every day and getting in here at eight o'clock in the morning you can set it to come on maybe 30 minutes prior and start making heat okay is now is that controllable by the app or only what's on this box only the firefly is controllable by the way all right cool there is a different uh model of this um with a different version of the firefly where you can do that but this one does not have it okay yeah all right all right fair enough so if we look back over here real quick so again solar controller you're not gonna mess with this too much this is automated it's gonna do its own thing yeah this is your xantrex inverter um right now if i push that button we can see we have alternating current coming into the coach it splits off into two legs one leg goes to bypass and powers up my appliances so my ac my microwave and my wall outlets and stuff like that the other leg goes through the charge portion of the inverter and it's now charging my battery my house battery okay this one also charges the engine battery okay cool it's give me a battery voltage indicator and we are at float charge right now on that battery that battery is fully charged okay all right cool now when i come and i plug this into shore power this green light is going to come on the top see where it's got the uh little power pole indicator right there that's telling me i've got 110 coming in if i'm on shore power or running the generator this will automatically come on i do not need to turn it on okay it will do it on its own okay if i want to turn the inverter on though without running the generator without plugging into short power i can come over here and i can push this button in and that turns it on it's not going to do anything right now because it's in override mode right now so dip pin switch button in is on out is off okay and if i'm just inverting that green light it's going to come down here to the middle portion right here telling me i'm pulling power from the batteries through the inverter to make 110 to go okay to go wherever it's going to yep and then if you have a fault code the red light's going to come on right there okay cool all right and then this there's this solar on off why would i take the solar off you are not going to mess with this too much this is for us if we have to work on it you can work on solar panels with them getting energized you've got to either put a blanket or a towel over them and cover them up before you can disconnect them and then come over here and shut them off okay all right this is a temperature sensor for the truma so this is where it's picking up temperature inside from right here at this door yeah so real quick this is the temperature sensor for the firefly this is how it's picking up temperature inside the coast right by the speaker yep okay cool yeah i noticed some of these lights like like this one here yeah actually when i got close to it oh you can actually mess with it but it's got a usb that's cool all these have usb ports so you can plug in a phone or tablet and charge them up if you touch it just once it turns on the night light hold it down for a second release it it turns on the reading light oh cool okay so you have a light right here you can use at this countertop you do have the microwave right here example microwave yeah two drawers down there you do have the novacool fridge right here right um something i do want to show you is there's a safety catch on this door right here if you're driving down the road especially a lot of stuff inside this uh door make sure that safety catch is engaged on so it doesn't come flying out yep there is kind of a trick to opening it you want to lift up here push down here and then pull towards you okay so yeah so um so lift down pull up there you go so that's like two it's got two safety catches on it basically so this one if that doesn't work this will work correct so if you're keeping a corner or something like that yeah but if i could see it yeah okay but if you want to so you push down and pull okay yep there is temperature control on the left side of here okay all the way in the back um i will tell you um this one's left side yeah left side out here so between four and five on this is a good happy medium okay um if you don't have a lot of stuff inside here and you go past five you're actually gonna start freezing it you're gonna freeze it okay if you have a lot of stuff inside this fridge you will want to crank it up to between like six and seven okay so for my use that i'm going to use the refrigerator for as an office i just need to make sure this is because this is always going to be on then right so long keeping disconnect is on okay this fridge has power okay yep so like if i'm home and i'm shutting everything down if i have this plugged in it'll do it if not it'll just pull off of that right correct so if you're plugged in at home you're on shore power yes your inverter is going to be on you also have to have this disconnect on okay yep all right so if i don't have so for like right now let's say i don't have the right connections and everything at home yep it's just going to run off whatever power the vehicle has so the house battery power it's going to pull from that the solar is going to help trickle charge that if you have your ags turned on and that battery voltage drops out because it will um it will automatically start the generator and you can use it that way okay so it'll be okay i don't have to really worry about it no but if you are walking away from the coach go ahead and shut it down as long as you're not opening this fridge it's going to stay should be fine okay okay until the next day or whatever okay all right yeah that's probably a thing because i'll definitely keep drinks in there um you know like i said if you can't plug up and you're walking away i would definitely go and put that in store mode the solar is going to bypass this disconnect switch still charge the batteries okay yep but it's the only one that will oh okay all right cool that's awesome yep um where are we going next so real quick we do have hot water i was running earlier wait a second there you go there you go yeah i can feel it okay close that up okay have you ever used a magnetic range induction top before yes okay so you're familiar with this definitely peel that sticker off before you do it yeah this does not indicate it's on just that it has power going to it it's not going to work until i actually put a pan or pot on here but i can turn this on um i do have a heat and temperature control right here i can make adjustments with a plus and minus right here and i can set a timer on it so after roughly 10 seconds it's gonna auto shut off because it's not sensing anything on here okay cool yeah probably not going to use that too much but lola will yeah i'm more of a microwave kind of guy but i'm a more of a you know fast food um what do you think yeah you do have manuals inside this compartment right here so this is everything for the coach side manual cabinets yep they do have the soft clothes hinges patches on that if i wanted to i don't know that felt let's see let's see if it sticks oh yeah that's going to be the patch wall you guys will see that here in the future here you go make sure you hold on to this oh i will thank you yeah all right cool nice so this window is the only one that opens because it opens you do have a bug screen okay right there i can pull up the bottom okay all of the windows do have privacy shades on them though so now for the top okay this one has both yep because it opens and all of these only have the privacy shades okay all right okay so these on this side don't open either no these do not you don't want to because that's where that door opens okay so now if the door is closed does the door have a window that opens it does not open on it actually i'm wrong this one does have it okay let's take a look at that let me go back here let me reach out here and grab the door yeah see that's one of the things okay all right there we go this is normally in the up position like that to keep it from accidentally opening we're gonna flip that down and then you pull on that okay cool all right so you can get straight pass through and or you could just put the screen over and then and then get your pass through yep cool okay looks like the tv has the tv kick on i just turned it on there's a button right here on the bottom inside this compartment is your jensen which i'm going to cover here in a second you do have two remotes so tv remote and jensen remote the tv is picking up signal over the air right now there is an antenna booster right here you see the little green light that's on right now with this green light is on it's activating the tv antenna and it's picking up signal if i turn this off we're gonna lose signal on the tv okay cool okay yeah if i'm plugged into coax on the outside of the rv park or something like that i've got to turn this antenna booster off okay if i'm not plugged in boosters got to be on then i have tv signal again okay cool all right let's turn that down so we don't get it on the volume or something we don't get on the video i'm gonna turn it okay yeah all right interesting so that's that could get you even cable or whatever right absolutely yeah if you have like an amazon fire stick or something like that you want to plug into there are hdmi ports in the back of the tv they are okay okay now something i didn't really cover when we were on the outside over there when you open that door up there's a wall there's a mount right there that has a cable output right there yes i saw that you can pull this mount off okay like that and actually set it onto that mount out there okay you gotta disconnect your wiring and stuff like that yeah so that wiring that powers this is one of these i'm assuming yes this one right here your 12 volt 12 volt okay cool okay so you'd want to probably uh unplug all of this and pull that with you right here okay and then there's a there's a 110 there's 210 plugs right there also now there is a catch on this mount so i can push this back in place and let it catch right there that way when i'm driving down the road it's not going to accidentally swing out on me this is your jensen this is your home entertainment system right here this will do am fm it'll play cds it'll play dvds it'll play blu-rays i can bluetooth my phone to it cool and we have auxiliary inputs right here that i can use as well okay if the tv is on and i put a dvd or a blu-ray inside here it will automatically switch over the tv um and start playing that movie oh nice okay i'm gonna turn on briefly just so you can see it by trying to volume down so and if i had a hard drive with movies on it i just put it here plug it into power is there any power in here or not inside here okay so it has to come down and go to that okay is there a pass through right back here on this left side i know it's not hard to see okay so yeah we probably are not gonna see it from the camera but okay there you go yep all right cool and you can fish it out through the bottom over here and plug stuff in okay cool now we're on fm right now um i can go to mode and change my different inputs on this hdmi work is the tv i can actually play from the tv through this into the speakers that are underneath the cabinet oh sweet yep okay something i want to show you real quick so if i turn this volume up see how it says zone a um this has zone a b and c b and c are not used in this coach they use the same radio and like class c or class a we have front rear speakers okay b would be your rear could be your outside this is just zone a but if you accidentally bump the zone button right here i can get to zone b and c so you may come in here you're on zone b or c yeah you're turning the volume up and you're like man i have no output from this what's going on you got to be on zone a click the zone okay somebody's grinding something out there but yes they are yeah there's some serious cutting out there yeah all right cool because that will set up the rest of these are just cabinets yep okay all right you do have the max air vent fan right here right so on this one i can spin this open there's a remote on the wall over there too i can use so right now if i just open it up i'm doing it manually turn that okay close it manually so if the motor fails i can turn this now if i go to the remotes i'm going to push the on button right there make sure you point the remote at the fan awesome this does have a built-in rain sensor if it gets wet it's going to have to close the fan okay and uh we'll shut the fan off and close that car okay so if in case you forget to uh so is it practice to not have this on if you're driving correct okay if you're driving down the road you don't want this open the air pressure going over the vehicle can break that armature right there okay so you want to make sure that's closed if you're driving okay you can adjust fan speed so i can turn it down let me turn it up okay um this is just to open and close the cover if i don't want to turn the fan on um this one only pulls air out there are some models that do both in and out this one only does out that's okay so if i push the button close it up okay and just remember you don't want that open while you're driving correct okay you have another reading light underneath here so touch it to turn on the night light hold it down for a second turn it on and turns on the reading light your seventh screen this does exactly everything that one over there will do and then once you connect your phone it's all the same the the app looks like this on your phone as well so here's the bathroom so you do have a cabinet to your left right drawers beneath that right it's a good size cabinet and uh you can take the shelves out and use that clothes hanger if you want to oh you can't okay and uh this is in the shower area is this somewhat waterproof because i'm sure it's gonna get moisture not really no okay you wanna make sure you have that shower curtain in place okay and then just keep that closed right and this this curtain goes all the way around right yeah okay you have another vent fan right here push that handle up and there's a little black button push that black button it will turn the fan on push this up and where's the button to my left somewhere in here yep okay hold on let me see is it okay i see it there we go okay okay so push it up to open it and then pull it down you have to close it okay that one will not auto shut off if you pull it down you got to make sure you touch that button okay yeah don't drive down the road with that if you look to your right starting at the bottom you do have your toilet right there's a lever on on the side closest to you okay i'm going to open the lid real quick see this all right so if you push that lever down halfway it's going to add water to the bowl okay make sure our water pumps on real quick okay so halfway and all the way down is going to flush it okay oh okay all the way down opens that yep and you see after you flush it how it adds a little bit of water onto it make sure there's water on top of that seal that little ball valve seal at all times okay if you don't have water in there because it it evaporates because you've been storing this for a long time one it's going to dry rot that seal gum brittle it's going to crack and then two you're going to get those fumes back inside the coach okay so that's all part of the seal from keeping the fumes out and that's why before you use it you want to put a little bit of water in there yes okay all right cool okay out of the way and i see there's a um little drain cap for this that goes in here let's see how that goes there you go okay pull up from that is your medicine chest you can open that window right there this goes up okay does it hold itself up it does not okay all right so you can just open it and get what you need to get are these magnets on it these big circles uh no those are for the hinges that's where the hinges oh that's where they're hidden yeah okay cool is this uh thing is this very magnetic or are we talking about aluminum inside here or mostly aluminum mostly aluminum okay so there's not a lot of places you can hit magnets hit with magnets then okay and then this shower comes all around so there's a track for the shower to go all around which you want to make sure you're using correct right okay and then there's a drain down there i see yep that's for the shower okay and then you do have a door so you can close this off you want to pull that door from right to left yep so it works just like the j-hooks on these screens what you're going to do to open that door is push in a little bit and then tilt it away from you and then release it don't just let it slam back carry it okay okay cool all right that's good so and then uh the ac here this the ac is only controlled by the um by the control right yep the firefly controller and it's 110 only okay you do have the control the flaps that you can close and direct the air if you want to this also does have the built-in filters left and right so you can pop those off those are reusable filters take like a wet rack and you can wipe them off and use those down they do break down over time once they break down you can get new filters just replace them i'm guessing you can get that in an rv place yep okay cool from us too we can order it for okay cool and then we've got these uh seats slash beds here so um are there are there um seat belts any of these okay let's see not on this side and now on this side so no no seat belts on this so your your capacity is just the two seats right there oh okay so you can't have people sitting back here when you're driving no okay there's no way to strap them in okay all right cool good to know real quick these are your shades and you have one big one inside here that does your front windscreen you're gonna take your visors flip your visors down like you would in your car and put your windscreen your shade in place you do have one for the driver's side and one for the passenger side right here there's kind of a trick to doing it you want to open your door first put the shade in place and then close your door okay they are magnetic though they'll stick to the uh the frame so say that again you need to open the door open the door stick the shade in place okay and then go closer you want to see it real quick yeah all right let me grab these real quick okay and that's what's on these guys this one is silver sides out that's your driver's side so i'm going to walk outside and go to the driver's side okay yeah i'll be i'll stay here and get capture that so i'm gonna open the door i'm gonna unfold this now there are many magnets inside this it's going to stick to that frame oh i see okay so then you have the magnets and the uh pressure from the lip of it yeah okay got it okay that's your privacy shades this will also help keep some of the sunlight out um again southwest u.s you're in florida something like that middle of summer you may want to put these up just to help keep it cool inside here and so the ac is not working as hard yeah yeah if i've got it parked or something like that i probably would just put it everywhere just keep everything uh keep everything going okay cool driving is just like driving any uh ford vehicle i'm assuming i know there's a apple car play if you connect your if you connect the usb yep and then that button that we were talking about for the camera would be right there correct correct let me grab that real quick you can put the front camera on i'm gonna go and start the vehicle up [Music] yeah so i mean this is pretty self-explanatory if you plug into any of the usb things then you'll you'll get the apple carplay and then if you press this button right here then that shows your front camera so there you go that's pretty cool i don't know if it does anything else but uh so this will also do the rear camera but you cannot access it from there yeah you have to actually put it in here in reverse yeah so i'm gonna put my phone to break put some reverse it's gonna bring up the back camera yeah so that's your rear camera right there now do you see that green line right there again this is the radar sensors that are around the vehicle telling me how close i am to the object so right now it's picking up that back wall right now yeah and if you get too close it'll just start going red probably it'll go uh green yellow red and once you get to about um yellow it's gonna start beeping at you yeah yeah okay cool so that is your funnel that you need for your gas so if you're gonna uh pour gas into it from a gas can you've got to stick this funnel down inside the flapper valve that pushes both flapper valves open then you can add gas to the system if you do not use this you will spill gas everywhere so this is the lagoon table top you can spin this around wherever you need to so if you want to set this up as like a workstation you can put your laptop right here and use it you could also tear this down if you don't need to use this let's say it's in the way you need someone to use this bed over here you can loosen this uh that way now let me show you something too especially with this one right here if i go to tightness or loosen this it's going to hit over here what you can do it's easier to see right here if i do it is pull out it disengages the teeth you can free spin it and then let go of it and it'll latch back into place position and you can move maneuver however you need to so i'm going to loosen this up you can pull this off okay and then this leg down here so i'm going to pull out let go loosen and then it's got a little slot there um the table top itself has a slot as well so if you're storing this you can start a leg with it oh cool okay so you would move this all the stuff can store and then i'm guessing where does that go maybe behind the driver's seat or something the secondary tabletop is behind the driver's seat so there's a pedestal right there between the two seats right those seats do swivel and you can put the table leg in place right there that table leg is in the back driver side corner over here behind that yeah we showed that earlier okay that tabletop that's behind the driver's seat it's going to sit on top of that yeah it goes right there these newer models come with a lagoon table and they've not really designated a spot for this so it's pretty much wherever you have space for it okay so if you're driving probably the best places in there yeah because you want to you probably want to secure that make sure it's not moving around okay um plus if you're using this as an office mobile office you want to make sure it's set up ready to go you can put your equipment on top okay so now under these if we can do that at all what's under here so there's um underneath this one is electronics okay so you do not want to access that same thing for this one there's actually a water tank underneath here so there's nothing you can't there's no storage or anything there's a little cubby right there on that side there's a cubby little cubby just that one just out yeah just there yep and then i see there's like a a panel to go in right there so these are your 110 breakers okay okay and these are fuses these are called ato fuses you will want to carry some around with you ato fusions yeah any auto parts store will sell these walmart um some of the bigger box stores stuff like that you can buy them okay and they're all marked out for what it's for so if you have any issues correct with anything okay and then these are heat vents these are vents for inside here allows us to breathe uh especially for this one this one's for the actual inverter itself okay okay cool all right so and probably like in an office situation and i was talking to nick you can probably remove this and build a platform or something that you can set up here there's the number of custom stuff people have done to these is astronomical yeah i mean the sky's the limit on these okay yeah so we'll be figuring out i think we're going to try to figure out some kind of bed thing so we can make this all into one big bed if we need to do what i've seen people do is they actually build a frame and set the frame right here and then get us another mattress that fits inside here yeah or i want to say this is queen size when it's all said and done i think you can fit a queen size inside here oh cool all right let's see is that it what else okay awesome let's go outside and wrap this up all right guys so there you go that's it that's the uh full walk through here with kyle at uh sun sunshine state rb this is the 2021 coachman beyond that we just went through i think the only thing left is really how the dash works and stuff like that that's all similar to your other ford transit exactly bands like 2019 2020 etc so we're not gonna do that but that was very detailed thanks a lot i really appreciate it not a problem uh if i run into anything i'm gonna be coming back here and getting the rundown so thanks a lot for watching that i know this is a long video i appreciate folks watching it i'm going to use it myself don't forget to subscribe here to stranger palooza thanks a lot okay kyle sunshine state rv we're out peace
Channel: StrangerPalooza
Views: 126,523
Rating: 4.7569866 out of 5
Id: AcL8fidYCJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 52sec (5572 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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