20200919 | The Appearing | Pastor John Lomacang (tvsdac)

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the most important event of the ages is the coming of jesus and you would be dismissive if you think that satan wouldn't do his best to try to distract people from being prepared for that event or to try to duplicate it through false doctrines through deception through subterfuge you would be not at the bar not awake and not urgently aware if you thought that the devil would allow the second coming of jesus to happen without trying to hinder the most glorious event of our time that song says it best where we have our minds fixed the people of god must have their minds what's that word fixed when something's fixed it's unmovable fixed it's like a plane descending through clouds and storms it knows where the runway is it knows where the airport is the weather may be bad bob the turbulence may be horrendous it may be raining intensely but that plane knows where it's headed and we've got to be like the people of god our minds fixed getting ready for the appearing of our lord and savior jesus christ this message is a sober message it's a message that the lord told me that i need to handle it delicately but faithfully and so i want you to pray with me now i'm going to pray but in your heart if you can just also whisper a prayer to god that as i communicate this sobering timely message because i do believe that we're not far from the coming of the lord everything is being set doors are being opened for movements that we thought could never occur and we are sitting in that time getting ready for the appearing of our lord i'm going to bow father our gracious father in heaven how humbling it is to know that we are a people who by faith can say our names are written in heaven lord we pray that in making that statement it would not be one seen as a boast but it will be seen as the blessed assurance that comes only on the foundation of knowing that jesus has called us has chosen us and by your indwelling spirit we can be made faithful take this message now i pray and prepare it for the hearts that are listening the minds that are open the the life that is looking for something different reveal yourself by the work of your spirit and may the end result be someone will be saved someone will be in your eternal kingdom in jesus name i pray amen i'm always thankful when my elder read the scripture but can i just read that one more time because it sets the stage so beautifully for what we're talking about today the apostle paul communicated in clear tones to the new testament church because he knew that what the devil had planned by god showing it to him he wanted that new testament church to be aware and awake and cautious not to allow as he says the mystery of iniquity that was already at work he did not want them to allow what the devil had started to catch them off guard and so he says in second thessalonians chapter two verse three and four he says let no one deceive you by what by any means for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first that paul the apostle were alive today what would he say but he goes on and the man of sin is revealed the son of perdition by the way jesus is the man of righteousness the son of righteousness verse 4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called god or all that is worshipped so that he sits as god in the temple of god showing himself that he is god the appearing it was called the people's temple a movement that began under a deranged leader named james warren jones a.k.a jim jones jim jones was an ordained minister ordained in 1957 by the independent assemblies of god and by the way let me make it clear they had nothing to do with what he did with what they gave him he was ordained in 1957 and then again in 1964 by another church the disciples of christ he moved his congregation a growing congregation he reached out to people offering them something in a in a very torn environment an environment that was in some ways like ours a lot of social unrest a lot of political uncertainty a lot of instability he began to feed into what their needs were and said to them i can give you what the world is not able to give you and they bought into it and he moved his congregation into san francisco in the 1970s but something terrible happened as the inertia of deception began to work on his mind and heart and as he as he began to become enamored by his own voice and his own powers seeing how much he was able to manipulate and deceive individuals he knew that the law was becoming aware of him and then he moved his congregation taking them and most of his members to a guyana jungle commune called jonestown what a movement it was when jim jones preached the people were whipped into a frenzy they would at the screaming of his voice do whatever he commanded them to do he performed fake miracles he would have people wear a cast and then remove the cast making the congregation thought that they were healed and people bought into that he played into the minds of those who were poor those in the communities that didn't have much and he fed them he clothed them he became a manipulative friend to them and so when he left he carried them with him to that secluded commune 150 miles from the nearest airport in the jungles of guyana jonestown while you heard the rest of the story the tragic reality was the jonestown massacre on november 18 1978 when more than 900 victims the numbers fluctuate some say 908 some say 914 the point is even if it was one that's too many more than 900 people were led to drink sinai mixed in with different types of medication and also some kind of flavored kool-aid it vary from grape to strawberry so they say but the main ingredients was barbiturates and some types of uh tranquilizers and then sinai and there were those that didn't want to drink it but what can you do when a gun point is the only other option you have they fed the children first in syringes my wife and i were chilled as we looked at this one hour documentary and they showed the faces of these little innocent children who were lined up one by one convincing their parents that this is going to be painless there's going to be no pain involved we put tranquilizers it's just going to they're just going to go to sleep and they watched and this horrible picture when they descended as they were flying around this commune seeing dead bodies strewn in every direction every description more than 900 people what did jim jones do when you follow what jim jones did you begin to see the architecture of deception because what he did is same in every deceptive movement what he did was what satan began to do in the very beginning he deceived his followers by using religion as a cloak he conditioned them to accept him as the only one that they can trust the only one that was telling the truth he manipulated them into rejecting the warnings anybody that dissented or anybody that disagreed with him he warned them and when his deceptions were uncovered he told his followers don't listen he became the barrier between his followers and reality he told them as they were there in the jungles of jonestown he said in california barriers are being set up concentration camps are being built and they they had no idea they had no phones they had no television so their minds were being conditioned that if they left jonestown they would go back to what may be referred to as a pandemonia he said that if you go back and you're a minority you'll be immediately locked up because you're black or because you're a minority he terrified the individuals and so they were held in abject fear and he led them to rely on emotion and hype and ignore the truth and the facts he created in their minds the notion that anyone that disagreed with him was part of a devious force out to destroy them when congressman ryan came to investigate he met with them one by one and said i want you to tell me your story because when the congressman comes i want you to tell them that you are happier than you've ever been before they had to show this fake environmental setting they stood around like families and they laughed and they danced and they talked together they made it look like they were happening having just a gigantic party when in fact many of them were in abject terror from this leader jim jones when you think about it deception is an amazing amazing manipulative art when you study deception throughout the centuries you'll notice that these following parameters are always a part of deception because people that deceive know that generally people have an overwhelming desire to believe something that a cult leader becomes the focal point of that desire by offering them a cause and a new faith or new movement to follow he says i know exactly what you want and i'm able to provide it when cult leaders speak they keep their words vague and full of promise they are very enthusiastic very charismatic and the people get locked into all the things they're promising they use fear as a manipulation when that fear is at its highest point the followers of that cult leader would do anything they could to avoid being victimized by whatever he said is waiting for them cult leaders emphasize enthusiasm over rationality to prevent their followers from thinking clearly they don't allow much time between them and their followers they like to be surrounded by crowds all the time because that's the method if one person disagrees in a crowded setting if one person disagrees while the other person right next to that individual is so enthusiastic that it tends to dismiss their fears that's why cult leaders love large crowds cult leaders also give their followers something or someone to defend them against this way they have less time to see the deception in the cult leader himself that's what jim jones did but when we go back there's one other aspect of it cult leaders always say to you i'm offering you something that the other group is withholding from you that's exactly what satan did in the garden of eden in genesis chapter 3 the deceiver of all time the bible talks about his very approach to eve and he said to her in genesis 3 verse 1 now the serpent was more cunning the king james says more subtle watch out when people are too subtle more subtle than any beast of the field which the lord god had made and he said to the woman has god indeed said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden in other words eve god is withholding from you that which i am offering to you freely if you just simply follow what i'm offering you'll be just fine he laid the foundation bob for the blueprint of all cult leaders to follow and you find today cult leaders deceiving preachers ponzi schemes remember bernie madoff he made off with billions because he had that ability to tell people i can do for you what nobody else can those get rich quick schemes watch out when somebody approaches you and say they could quadriple your money in a month run for your life because the approach is the same the entire foundation of all that they do is for the purpose of deceiving and paul the apostle tells us what's behind that kind of attitude he says in romans 16 and verse 18 for those who are such do not serve the lord jesus christ but what do they do but their own bellies and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple there are some people that believe everybody is honest and because they don't study and because they don't have their minds guided by god's word if somebody says as you know the snake oil salesman's have you heard about that the snake oil salesman the charlatan when you study the charlatan during the 16th and 1700s the charlatan it was a very a terminology used in in europe the charlatan he would he would find out what was missing in society and he would offer it to the people and he would stand himself on this tall tall high podium way above the people's heads and look down on them and he would offer them something enthusiastically mesmerizingly and they would be in awe as they stood up and looked at him the snake oil salesman the charlatan and when the apostle paul looked back at what happened to eve in the garden of eden he said wait a minute what happened in the garden of eden is exactly what satan is seeking to do again and we read in second corinthians 11 and verse 3 how paul the apostle said that in this writing he said look out because satan's master weapon is the is the tool of deception he said to the corinthian church but i fear lest somehow as the serpent deceived eve by his craftiness so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in christ you know when you follow jesus jesus i praise the lord for that jesus is not trying to manipulate us he's trying to save us not trying to twist our minds and steal our money i'm always amazed and i praise the lord i was talking to somebody just last earlier this week about how god has been blessing 3abn for the last 35 36 years now god has been blessing our church do you know and i want to just say praise god do you know that since colbot has happened this church has been making its budget every month we couldn't do that when we were open but somehow god has touched your heart to remain faithful to god be the glory and three abn through the midst of all of this somebody said another station not too far from here is no longer even open doesn't even operate and they said they wonder why he said well we don't do beggathons and telethons because the lord says i will supply all of your need according to my riches and glory so you don't have to try to manipulate people and say well if you send in you know i could give you a prayer cloth or splinters from the old rugged cross which somebody once offering that some some shyster evangelist said if you sent him and he told the amount now i'll give you a splinter from the old rugged cross and one news reporter said he sent out so much wood that he could build yosemite national forest talking about wood from the old rugged cross deception occurs when misleading statements and actions are in the heart of the individual deception hides the truth and promotes a lie every time deception involves camouflage concealment propaganda and distraction the sleight of hand and you'll be you'll be you'll be out of your mind if you don't think that that happens in politics but knowing that deception would be unleashed on the world jesus warned his disciples because he knew that what was coming what was unimaginable of a magnitude that the disciples at their time could not even fathom and jesus said in matthew 24 and verse 4 amazing about the signs of the end the very first thing jesus said is in matthew 24 4 and jesus answered and said to them take he that no one together deceives you the first thing not take he that you don't do this or that but take ye that no one deceives you because he knew he understood the foe he faced in in heaven he understood the foe that that deceived and led adam and eve to make horrible decisions he saw the cadence of satan throughout the old testament in the deception of his people who had turned their hearts against him if the devil can take two perfect individuals perfect individuals and bring them to their knees what could he do with us if we're not safeguarded by the word of god the bible makes it very very clear that satan is seeking to deceive the elect we'll see that in just a moment he's seeking to deceive the elect but the elect will be safeguarded by god's word the elect will be clad in the whole armor of god the elect will be shielded by obedience to the law of god when you have obedience to the law of god and place it makes the devil angry but i've said this before and it fits right here i rather get the devil angry with me and be on god's good side he's angry with those who are obedient in the book selected messages book 3 page 389 and paragraph 1 the servant of the lord says about deception this is there is a work to be done for this time in fitting a people to stand in the day of trouble and all must act their part in this work they must be clothed with the righteousness of christ and be so what's the next word fortified by the truth that the delusions that the delusions of satan shall not be accepted by them as genuine manifestations of the power of god let me tell you something it must the devil is going to pull out stops that unless your mind is kept by the word of god unless you are fortified by truth unless you know the difference between left and right and right and wrong and truth and error in dark and light unless you are ready you'll be deceived there's a there's a story that i like to go to periodically and i haven't been there in a long time it's in st louis it's one of those um one of those stores that sells you know army uniforms and you know uh all that paraphernalia yeah what's it called surplus you could go on there a civilian and come out a a swat officer they sell everything you can get the helmet the badge the everything you could go you could come out you know the chief of police but that doesn't make you the chief of police so as one pastor said because they look the part watch it check out their credentials the devil is involved in deception in every charlatan that's why the bible says when the bible says if possible when when the bible talks about it possible that he'll try to deceive the elect if it were possible mean it is impossible amen somebody the elect are the elect they are shielded safeguarded they have the whole armor they are obedient to the commandments of god if possible implies impossibility in an example of that if it were possible for the blood of animals to save us we would not need the blood of jesus but the writer of hebrews says in hebrews 10 and verse 4 for it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sin it's not possible which means there is no possibility at all if possible it is not possible only the blood of jesus can atone for our sins in the closing movements of earth's history there is a coalition there are coalition forces in place getting ready to marshal the world imperceptibly into the last great conflict and as we sit here today as you watch as you listen they are at work today in political halls let me make it even clearer they're operating in both parties you think one is safer than the other man the only party that's safe is the party of god that that throne that never been occupied by anybody but jesus everybody's gotta everybody's got a game everybody's got the answers but john the revelator pulls back the curtain and says if you think that satan is gonna be sitting on his hands fearful because he knows he has a short time you are mistaken he says in revelation 16 and verse 14 speaking about satan's workers his angels are busy that's why the people of god need to be busy who are they for they are the spirits of demons what are they doing performing signs where are they going which go out to the kings of the earth and how much and the whole world to gather them to the battle of that great day of god almighty they are working behind the scenes can you imagine what kind of car elon musk could come up with if he was designing cars for 6 000 years can you imagine what kind of laptop we could get samuel if if steve jobs was working on laptops for four thousand years who couldn't imagine but satan and his angels have been employed ever since the fall of man in the art of deception but not only are the spirits working satan himself will appear in the final scenes of earth he has long been preparing for his last push and he's getting ready to take the world by storm and one of the reasons why he's going to be effective on a large plane is the last deception will be easy because listen carefully this generation rejects the truth think about it you don't know what network to believe well somebody's convinced that this one is more truthful than that one and that one must be way more truthful than that one if it ain't from god's word you better take it with a grain of salt this is a generation that rejects truth this modern society refuses to believe things that are even factual that's why atheism has such a strain on society people rather believe that they are the products of a biological burp and some cesspool somewhere that all of a sudden got intelligence when i would prefer to believe that i am a design of the almighty god i don't want my intellect to be something you know some some uh amoeba you know spewed out a paramecium and he could get began to multiply and all of a sudden one day a lizard slithered himself out of a green pond somewhere and after 45 billion years he got a tail and that tail pushed him up on his legs that start to stretch for a man what kind of foolishness is that when it's so much easy to say in the beginning god created amen church but this generation scientists today refused to accept the fact that there was not some major explosion somewhere and all of a sudden intelligence came out of chaos you could put metal in an atomic plant and blow it up you're not going to get a 747 when the dust clears doesn't make any sense but we live at a time where the most deceptive religion is being practiced and the sad part about it when it's clothing christianity it gives it a greater ability to deceive the devil knows that he worked on that during the dark ages that was the angels of hell's assignment we've got 1260 years to build every false doctrine we can come up with and find a way to insert that inject intravenously mess up the minds of ministers and leaders today so much junk is in christianity nobody knows where it came from they're wasting all their time trying to find the rapture and going straight to heaven after you die eternally burning hell trying to find it in the bible when in fact the devil behind the curtain is saying it's not there and paul the apostle pulls the curtain back and says when satan is done he is going to sweep millions into a deception they have no clue is coming look at what he says to the corinthians again second corinthians chapter 11 verse 14 to 15. and then paul says well how's he going to do that paul he says and no wonder or no marvel for satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light he loves it when we make him look like a pitchfork demon in a bottle of pepper sauce that's not what he looks like verse 15 there for it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness whose end will be according to their works but the devil has not given anybody vacation in six thousand years because he knows that he has a short time today he's working in a feverish state because he knows he has a short time and all the principles from the very entrance of spiritualism he has infused them into the circles of christianity let me make a point before i read this next quotation when you reject light the only thing that's left is what darkness when you reject truth the only other option is what era there's no third category when you go west the only other option is go east nobody drives on the yellow line there's no third category the devil has been working ever since the entrance of spiritualism in the garden of eden but he's found a clever way to make it more than just about demons and goblins and seances and and fortune tellers and and all these people the mediums he's made it he said wait a minute christians don't go to seances and the christians should not buy ouija boards so let's try to manufacture a new form of spiritualism and the servant of the lord shows us how he did it we read here in the book darkness before dawn page 33 paragraph one she says as spiritualism more closely imitates the nominal christianity of the day it has greater power to deceive and ensnare because it looks like it's christianity a form of godliness satan himself this is powerful is converted after the modern order of things he will appear in the character of an angel of light through the agency of spiritualism miracles will be wrought the sick will be healed and many undeniable wonders will be performed and as the spirits will profess faith in the bible and manifest respect for the institution of the church their work will be accepted as a manifestation of divine power i've met people who say i've read the bible too then why can't you see that the lord says if you love me keep my commandments i can't you know it always blows me away in pastors you know what i'm it always blows me away when they say well that's your interpretation what other interpretation well give me your interpretation well that's what your church says i've asked well give me your interpretation i don't get one let's read that together if let's start more if you do what love me okay that's the first part interpret that for me key my commandments only three words what can you get out of that the sp let me tell you something if you want to find out what spirit really is at work in the hearts of those that say they're sincere christians and that's not a blanket statement there are some sincere christians many of them millions of them but i'm always perturbed by people that say i love the lord then keep his commandments and i want to do that that's a different spirit and i'm not calling judgment i'm just saying you will know them by their fruits that's what the bible says we cannot determine where they're going to end up when somebody looks at the plain word if you love me keep my commandments no and the minister says you don't have to do that remember the sabbath to keep it holy remember what no lord i know what you said but i prefer what my pastor says instead deception they are being set up for the fall that's going to take the world by storm but in order to understand this more fully let's do something let's look at the initial claim that lucifer made and find out how he is going to wrap the world in this over mastering delusion what is he going to do how is he going to pull it off let's look at isaiah chapter 14 verse 13 and 14 and see what initial claim he made so that we can begin to understand how he's going to pull off this overwhelming masterful delusion deception isaiah the prophet writes speaking about satan the lord says for you have said in your heart i will ascend into heaven i will exalt my throne above the stars of god i will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the father's sides of the north i will ascend above the heights of the clouds i will be like the most high can we safely say he had eye trouble when you read the rest of that the lord says good idea but not on my dime not in my kingdom and we know the rest of the story the point i want to make very clearly is when satan said that he would be like the most high he failed in his attempt to accomplish that very aspiration in heaven but he did not abandon his desire his desire continued satan changed location but he did not change or abandon his aspiration he continues to this very day on the same trajectory he says i want to be like the most high and you watch like any determined shyster he will get what he's aiming for but on the other side he's going to get a whole lot more than he's aiming for that's why the scripture reading was so significant let's look at it again let's look at it again you'll begin to see it shaping because on the heels of this aspiration this passage is far deeper than just referring to who he's working through this in specifics is talking about him directly the apostle says to the thessalonians in 2nd thessalonians 2 verse 3 and 4 let no one deceive you by any means for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first and the man of sin is revealed the son of perdition who opposes and exalts himself didn't he say i will exalt my throne of course he said that who exalts himself above all that is called god or all that is worshipped but look at this part and it'll become clear so that he sits as god in the temple of god showing himself that he is god that is far deeper than the pope could ever possibly hope to accomplish you know why many people apply that to the papacy sitting in the vatican but when you study the bible you clearly see italy has never been the place that has been chosen as a place that christ is going to appear the temple of god is not in rome the temple of god is where in jerusalem that's where the focal point has been you want to ask people ask the jews where they're looking for christ to appear ask the evangelicals where they're getting ready for christ to appear other religions the mormons looking for the earthly reign of christ the new ages looking for the age of aquarius everybody's focusing their attention on jesus showing up somewhere in jerusalem they're getting they think that's the place and that's what the devil that's why he led the israelites to reject christ notice how element brings us out in the book spirit of prophecy volume 2 page 14 paragraph one she says the jewish nation had corrupted their religion by useless ceremonies and customs had they with humble minds and spiritual discernment studied the prophecies they would not have been found in so great era as to get this overlook the prophecies which pointed to his first advent in humility and misapply those which spoke of his second coming with power and great glory what is she saying she's saying the reason why they rejected jesus when he first when he came the first time is because they wanted him to come in power and great glory but he came into jerusalem into jerusalem into where riding on a humble donkey and people accepted waving palm branches he came in humility and she says that they applied the second heaven of christ to his first advent and the first heaven of christ to a second advent so what jesus already did they're waiting for him to do and evangelicals have coalesced with them you listen to those evangelical preachers john hagee is one of them preaching that they have to make a pact with the jews and the jews going to be converted one day when the antichrist comes and sets up the tribulation time on earth the seven year tribulation and then the jews going to be converted and convert the world jesus said even if one raised from the dead you wouldn't believe and when jesus rose from the dead they did not believe and they are no more ready today to accept the truth of god's word than they were back in the time when they persecuted christ the apostle paul made it very clear the attitude that they had every attempt that the apostles made to reach the mind of the jewish people look at what they did acts chapter 13 verse 46 the bible made it abundantly clear their attitude and it hasn't changed today then paul and barnabas that was when he was preaching on the sabbath in the city of antioch and the whole city wanted to hear the word and the people came together they got mad that the gentiles came to hear the sabbath message they got mad and paul said it was necessary that the word of god should be spoken to you when first but since you do what reject it and judge ourselves unworthy of everlasting life together behold we turn where to the gentiles that's what we go we don't want to hear it so paul says you don't want to hear it we're turning to the gentiles you don't want to receive the light we are going to the gentiles and after that three and a half year period was completed the latter part of the seven year prophecy of reaching out to the jews when that was done the gospel went to the gentiles and the bible says in acts chapter 13 when the gentiles heard this they were glad and glorified the lord and the word of god grew among the gentiles but recent political developments in jerusalem thrilled the jews you may have heard about that how the embassy was was moved to jerusalem made the capital those developments thrilled the jews i read the article here it is the evangelicals and we're going to read the article the evangelicals gifted the jews through the movements in our present administration and this this event this agenda pushed by the evangelicals through the present administration was an indication that the evangelicals and jews are finally able to accomplish what they wanted because they're getting ready for the coming of the messiah in jerusalem the article the 3rd of august 2020 top rabbi that's the headline look at the signs messiah is coming here's the article in specifics the jews are saying this about the coming of the messiah he's already at the door according to the leading israeli torah scholar rabbi amar the former sephardic chief rabbi of israel told a gathering earlier this month that the list of significant signs over the past year simply cannot be ignored listen to what signs he's talking about israel seems unable to elect a government u.s president trump the most powerful leader in the world like has like king cyrus endorsed jewish sovereignty in the promised land the kings of the world came up to jerusalem last month to honor the jewish people look at the quote he ended with these are things we never dreamed of exclaimed rabbi amar how can these things be if not as preparation for the coming of the messiah they're getting ready to receive the messiah so are we but we're getting way to get out of here we ain't going to jerusalem and in the book of early writings the very beginning chapter illinois says that there will be even among some adventists that get deceived believing they must go to jerusalem to do a work among the jews to get them ready for the coming of christ and she said they will no more accept jesus today than they did back in the times of christ the jewish leaders are elated when all the when you read the full article it's a very extensive article when you read the article they were so excited that leaders from all over the world they said as the planes descended in the airport in the in jerusalem they were so excited to see the article in the newspaper was the gentiles are coming to the brightness of our rising the article continues listen to it all the great rabbis of this generation are saying that the messiah is about to reveal himself satan is getting ready all the signs of the prophets all the signs the prophets gave all the signs predicted in the gemara the mishna the midrash everything is taking place one by one and they end by saying all we need to do all we need is to remain strong for a little bit longer they said jesus the messiah the messiah is about to come the devil is saying got him right where i need him and evangelicals that say the law was done away with in the same breath say they cannot wait for the law to be reinstated so they can the sacrificial system sacrifice the red heifer in preparation for the coming of jesus is that confusing or what you're being saved by works they say the seventh-day adventist but they're waiting for the law of sacrifices to be reinstated somebody give me a lollipop what did jesus say about his second coming what did he say reliable words matthew 24 verse 23 and 20 to 25 look look what jesus said therefore if anyone says to you look here is the christ or there together do not believe it why for false christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders to deceive if possible even the elect see i have told you beforehand you can trust jesus he says if they say to you he's showing up you better watch out because i'm not behind that i'm not behind that at all i have nothing to do with that but look what allen white says look what ellen white says amazing this quotation she says they could not distinguish the spirit of prophecy volume 2 page 14 they could not distinguish between the prophecies which pointed to the first heaven of christ and those that describe his second glorious advent the power and glory described by the prophets as attending his second advent they looked for at his first advent they couldn't tell the difference they couldn't tell the difference but the bible makes it clear the bible can tell the difference amen somebody they can tell that the bible can make it very clear about what's happening the lord made it clear that's what's happening but she goes on further and i'm bringing the next quotation up here very quickly because i fell behind on myself a little bit but here's the one i want to read to you she makes it very clear in sda commentaries volume 5 page 1105 and 1106. this is powerful as the second appearing of our lord jesus christ draws near satanic agencies are moved from beneath satan will not only appear as a human being but he will personate jesus christ and the world that has rejected the truth will receive him as the lord of lords and king of kings i'm praying hard for people that just don't want to accept the truth because they're lining themselves up they think that somehow the second coming of jesus is going to be some kind of ecclesiastical burp and then we're going to be out of here no the devil said you have no idea what's coming revelation makes it even clearer who is going to be involved let's look at revelation chapter 17 verse 8. look at the bible let's see what the scriptures say to us because the bible is clear that when satan comes this is not going to be some substitute this is going to be as it were in the very beginning it was christ versus satan in heaven in the garden there was christ versus satan again and at the very end it's going to be christ versus satan the final showdown the battle of armageddon is not some substitute power but the two greatest powers in human history and i can tell the outcome jesus wins but who is this and where is he coming from revelation 17 verse 8 the bible says speaking about the woman sitting on a scarlet beast the beast that you saw look at the comparison was and is not and will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go to perdition yes the son of perdition will go to perdition what's going to happen when he ascends and those who dwell on the earth will marvel whose names are not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world when they see the beast that was and is not and yet is look at the comparison the beast that was and is not because he is now spiritually held in check praise god for that the beast that was in in heaven when he fought is not he's bound in chains of darkness his activity is limited and yet is but he's still around he's still around jesus is described as who was and is and is to come satan is who was and is not and yet is and when you study i consulted with some of our bri individuals some of our bri theologians on this issue there is an amazing parallel between the beast of revelation 17 and the beast of revelation 13. let me give you a very quick hint both share common elements both have seven heads and ten horns the sea beast of revelation 13 has a mouth speaking great blasphemies but the beast of revelation 17 is full of blasphemies they also have differences the differences are remarkable and revealing the power that each beast represent the sea beast of revelation 13 has crowns on his horns the beast of revelation 17 does not have any crowns on his horns the beast of revelation 13 comes up out of the sea but don't miss this the beast of revelation 17 comes out of the bottomless pit and when you study your bible you'll find that there are only seven references how many did i say only seven references in the book of revelation to the bottomless pit and i praise the lord as i as i look at this i i praise the lord i was i don't want to mention names but i praise the lord that it's becoming clearer and clearer that the most glorious event the coming of jesus is in revelation amen to that do you think that the counterfeit would not also be in revelation because it's the last act in the drama of the ages you think that something so significant that god is going to leave it out absolutely not he wants us to know and revelation makes it clear as to where this beast shows up where this power comes from as it was said in revelation 17 he ascends out of the bottomless pit and when those whose names are not written in the book of life see them they're going to marvel why would they marvel because they're going to think is this jesus the same thing that they do to the power of rome all the world wander after that power but when the one who gave him that power shows up all whose names are not written in the book of life will marvel he comes out of the bottomless pit let's go to revelation chapter nine the bible further gives us information on the beast from the bottomless pit it describes him remarkably we find in revelation chapter nine verse one the bible says then the fifth angel sounded and i saw a star fallen from heaven to the earth to him was given the key to the bottomless pit what star do you know that fell from heaven to the earth there's only one star in the entire scripture that fell from heaven to the earth who was associated with the bottomless pit listen to the words of jesus in luke 10 and verse 18. jesus said i saw satan fall like lightning from heaven how did he see it because he kicked him out i saw satan like lightning fall from heaven i know exactly who that is well if jesus's words are not enough let's look at isaiah the prophet isaiah 14 verse 12 how art thou fallen from heaven o lucifer son of the morning how art thou cut down to the ground which did weaken the nations the bible is clear revelation lines up with isaiah isaiah lines up with revelation and they all line up with jesus but that's not the end of it revelation makes it very clear so the great dragon was cast out that serpent of all called the devil and satan who deceives the whole world he was cast to the earth and his angels were cast out with him that's what happened that's what happened when satan got cast out he was cast to the earth and his angels were cast out with him but the final deception is not just going to include satan it's not just going to be linked to him alone he's not going to be the only one because remember satan does not have the ability to be in more than one place at the same time did you get that he's not omnipresent that's the holy spirit so he and his angels are going to appear in different parts of the earth but the one that brings the world to its knees is the perpetration of the antichrist himself satan clothed in the description that's given of christ in the book of revelation chapter one the very description lmi says that's given of christ in revelation chapter 1 is the very way that satan is going to appear in the earth and we'll see that in just a moment but he's not going to work by himself look at revelation 9 verse 2 and 3. the bible says and he opened the bottomless pit and smoke a rose out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace so the sun and the air were darkened because of the smoke of the pit then out of the smoke locust came upon the earth and to them was given power as the scorpions of the earth have power when you continue reading that when you continue seeing this one of the statements that jesus made and i didn't read the whole thing but when you go to luke 10 verse 18 to 20 when the lord said i saw satan like lightning fall from heaven then the disciples said they rejoiced that the demons was subject to to them in his name and then jesus said to them i give you power follow me carefully i give you power over serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing by any means will hurt you somebody ought to say amen when that time of trouble comes servant of the lord talks about how the people of god will be sealed and they will see around them a thousand fathers by side and ten thousand at thy right hand psalm ninety one and illinois says in great controversy they'll rush upon us with their weapons and will fall like a helpless straw somebody ought to say amen they'll only have access to those who have turned their lives away from christ and they'll be given the power to inflict on those who rejected jesus the severest torment and penalty for a period of time ellen white listen to what she says in impending conflict page 26 and paragraph three why does he have a key this is why the restraint which has been upon the wicked is removed and satan has entire control how much control entire control of the finely and penitent meaning those who are determined not to give their lives to christ god's long suffering has ended the world has rejected his mercy despised his law despised his love and trampled upon his law the wicked had passed the boundary of their probation the spirit of god persistently resisted together has been at last what withdrawn and when that spirit is withdrawn what kind of access what has god given these demons the access to do the restraint that they had is now removed and what were they told to do revelation 9 verse 4 it makes it very clear they were commanded not to harm the grass of the earth or any green thing or any tree but only those men who do not have the seal of god on their foreheads that sobering if the seal of god is there praise god we are shielded come on somebody help me out but if it's not there they were commanded they were commanded those are the ones you have access to satan has given control of the finally impenitent and how do we know it's satan how do we know that these are his angels look at revelation 9 and verse 11 the bible makes it clear they're not operating by themselves they are being commanded revelation 9 verse 11 and they had a king over them the angel of the bottomless pit whose name in hebrew is zabadon but in greek he has the name what apollyon apollyon yes he is finally in his hurrah moment he's deceived men to think that christ is not the one to accept now he shows up and the thing he very he claimed to be able to give them he's now showing them was nothing more than a deception but listen to this lengthy quotation it is powerful it'll pull it all together the book darkness before dawn page 41. listen to this as the crowning act in the great drama of what deception satan will personate christ satan will personate christ satan himself thank you muhammad will personate christ the church has long professed to look to the savior's advent as the consummation of our hopes now the great deceiver will make it appear that christ has come in different parts of the earth satan will manifest himself among men as a majestic being of what dazzling brightness resembling the description of the son of god given by john in the revelation and there's the passage revelation chapter 1 verse 13 13-15 the glory that surrounds him is unsurpassed by anything that mortal eyes have yet be held the shout of triumph rings out upon the air the glory that surrounds him is unsurpassed by anything that mortal eyes have yet be held the shout of triumph rings out upon the ear christ has come christ has come what happened the people prostrate themselves in adoration before him while he lifts up his hands and pronounces a blessing upon them as christ blessed his disciples when he was upon the earth his voice is soft and subdued yet full of melody in gentle compassionate tones he presents some of the same gracious heavenly truths which the savior uttered he's been planning for a long time he heals the diseases of the people and then in his assumed character of christ he claims to have changed the sabbath to sunday and commands all to hollow the day which he has blessed he declares that those who persist in keeping holy the seventh day are blaspheming his name by refusing to listen to his angels sent to them with light and truth this is the strong what almost over mastering delusion god have mercy let me end the sermon with two questions two questions how will we know when the appearing of satan is about to occur how will we know what's going to happen to let us know what's coming and second question what do we do to prepare for it what do we do to get ready for it it's coming his six thousand year agenda is about to unfold how do we know it's going to happen listen maranatha page 190 paragraph two by the decree enforcing the institution of the papacy in violation of the law of god our nation the united states will disconnect herself fully from righteousness how will she disconnect itself fully when protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to clasp the hand of the roman power when she shall reach over the abyss what abyss the word abyss there is the greek word for bottomless pit to clasp hands with spiritualism when under the influence of this threefold union our country shall repudiate every principle of its constitution as a protestant and republican government and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions then we may know let me see that again then we may know when then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of satan and that the end is near and already sunday is exalted as the only day to be honored already sunday in financial circles in political circles in social circles in economic circles sunday is the day rome and evangelicals have united to exalt this day all you need to do is speak against it and you know exactly what i'm saying it's just a matter of time before this exercise every state in our nation has blue laws on the book in favor of sunday exaltation but when this united states when the land like beasts the united states that god brought into existence as a nation guaranteeing us a protestant form of religion and a republic form of government a democracy by the people for the people when we shall repudiate our constitution and make an image to rome then we may know that the end is near and you think that we're not far away you think that we're far away 2015 the pope was standing in the capitol speaking to congress 2015 he was speaking from the white house to multitudes standing on the lawn that would never happen that would have never happened why did that happen because the marvelous working of satan is being prepared and the papacy who is waiting its turn do you find it odd that the papacy seems to be so quiet because he's waiting his turn protestant america protestant america saying being protestant but they've now rejected protestant principles because protestant principles is the bible and the bible only it's on the way what do we do how do we prepare well two things we do we do what jesus did when satan appeared to him three words what are those three words it is written what are those three words it is written if it ain't written don't i don't want to hear about it amen if it ain't in god's word i don't care all your poly syllabic acrobats do whatever you twist the bible however you want but if it's not written i don't want to hear about it and rome has successfully pushed tradition above the bible what do we do jesus said it best john 8 32 let's read it together and you shall know the truth and the truth shall what make you free now i read this quote earlier but i reiterated my last quote as i close this is it this is it the lord has been saying to us get ready this covert environment has been testing our faith i'm so excited to see the many of you that have come out in this covert nineteen environment because you won a fellowship but if we cannot hold on to our faith in these small trying times what are we going to do when political powers economic powers you can't buy or sell what are we going to do when all your livelihood is cut off because you don't pass the test you don't have the mark you don't honor the name or the beast or the number of his name what are we going to do if we cannot keep up with the water while it's knee-high what are we going to do when the jordan rises if we can't keep up with the footmen now what are we going to do when the horses come brethren this is the time the church is going through a shaking and you are personally responsible for the work that god wants to do in your life you are personally responsible for preparation i'm not responsible for your preparation and you're not responsible for mine i can't eat for you you can't eat for me i can't atone for you you cannot atone for me but one thing i must do if i don't tell you like it is your blood will be on my head and i can tell you this i ain't going to have your blood on my head i'm going to tell you like it is because i am i'm not called just to be a pastor but a watchman but there's a work that we must do let's look at that quote again as we close review and herald december 24th 1889 there is a work to be done for this time in fitting the people to stand in the day of trouble and all must act their part in this work they must what is that word they must be clothed with the righteousness of christ and be so fortified by the truth that the delusions of satan shall not be accepted by them as a genuine manifestation of the power of god if your schedule is too busy to get god's word in there you in trouble if you can't defend your faith you shall be brought before kings and the lord has guaranteed us if we stand for him i'll give you words to say but brethren the holy spirit promises to bring back to your remembrance what you have learned you can't be a docile student in college and get a degree at the end you cannot be a docile son and daughter of god and expect to hear well done thou good and faithful servant we have got to hit the book the book not the facebook or the instagram or the twitter all the other distractions but the book the devil is only afraid of the book that's why jesus said it's written it's written are you studying god's word because this manifestation is going to take the world by storm the appearing is coming all the pieces are being put in place chronologically and theo theologically and prophetically they're all being put in place but my appeal to you today is this in my appeal to you is this if you want to buy god's grace be ready for the appearing for that trying hour i want to ask you today to stand in rededication of your life to christ we are living in urgent times and i want to make another point you may say oh it's not going to affect me well let me tell you something if the three angels messages is going to every nation kindred tongue and people it's because satan is preparing for his last great delusions the the evil angels are going to the kings of the earth and the whole world the evil angels are working in all the halls of congress the parliament halls the prime minister halls they're working on the table of politics and religion to pull us all together for that great glorious day but there's no way you're going to stand for christ then if you can't stand for him now the appearing it's coming but i got news for you when satan's appearing is done the period the appearing of jesus will take place amen somebody the appearing of jesus lo this is our god we have waited for him this is the lord we have waited for him we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation you're going to make it through the valley before you see the sun you're going to go through the storm before the skies are clear but if you hold on to the end if you endure to the end you will be saved but the preparation is not when the storm comes the preparation is now i challenge you my brother and sister get serious about your walk with christ now because you do not know when the appearing will happen you can tell it's coming but the final movements are going to be rabbit father in heaven you've told us you have informed us you have called us you have with pathos and love and your heart say i miss my time with you you have waited for us in the morning when we have hurried out of the house and left your word untouched we've come home during the day continuing our trek to get this email answered or this production done or we've spent time on devices that are stealing precious moments from preparation and satan and his angels are busying themselves for this over mastering delusions they're going to our politicians they're going to leaders on every globe on every planet i mean on every on every continent in every state reaching into their halls and their minds they are molding the movie makers the music makers they're molding those who are involved in technology they're getting the phones ready to trace whether or not we have permission to buy or sell it's all coming together what should we do if we know the truth father and we have our lives linked to yours you have guaranteed us that you will come and take us home it's going to be rough but one day we're going to be able to say when somebody tells us when somebody asks how how was it the joy of being in your presence and being saved eternally is going to be so wonderful that the former things will not even be remembered won't even come to mind but until that day may we be faithful may we do our part and may we begin now that we will hear well done thou good and faithful servant in jesus name i pray and all of god's people said amen and amen
Channel: Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church
Views: 26,486
Rating: 4.8762217 out of 5
Keywords: Adventist, 3ABN, Sermon, Church, Last Day Events, Sabbath, Saturday, End Times, Prophecy, SDA, Religion
Id: eKCjsfxFpck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 43sec (4423 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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