Marked for Death or Sealed for Life | John Lomacang | 3ABN Virtual Fall Camp Meeting 2020 -16

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arise shine for the light has come and the glory of the lord is risen upon you it's time to ignite the flames of revival with 3abn's first interactive homecoming camp meeting [Music] in a world that's not the only hope we have is jesus christ so turn up the light let it shine bright turn up turn on the light hello and welcome to 3bn's interactive fall homecoming i'm jill moriconi and we're so glad that you have tuned in this evening our very last presentation on this entire camp meeting theme has been turn up the light our featured speaker for this camp meeting is our very own pastor john loma kane who happens to be my pastor the pastor of the thompsonville seventh adventist church as well as three being director of world evangelism pastor john is a student of the word he loves the word and the lord and i know that you will be blessed by his anointed message this evening entitled marked for death or sealed for life i don't know about you but i know the category the camp i want to be in and i know tonight's message is a call to you at home and to all of us that we would make a choice to follow the lord jesus christ before we hear from pastor john ryan day and tim parton will be bringing us a wonderful message in song to prepare our hearts for the message in the word and that song is entitled in christ alone [Music] in christ alone will i glory though i could pride myself in battles of wine [Music] for i've been blessed beyond measure and by his strength alone i overcome oh i could stop and count successes like diamonds in my hand but those trophies could not equal to the grace by which i stand in christ alone i place my trust and find my glory in the power of the cross in everything let it be said of me my source of strength my source of hope is christ alone i place my trust and find my glory in the power of the cross in every victory my source of strength my source of hope is my source of strength my source of heart [Music] amen amen thank you so much ryan thank you tim what a powerful song in christ alone what a way to begin this final message this sobering message marked for death or sealed for life even though our theme has been turn up the light which we have asked the lord by his holy spirit to intensify in a loving way this challenging message this challenging topic we have been standing in every sermon on christ alone so bow your heads with me as i ask for the lord to guide in the proclamation of this vilely important third angel's message gracious father in heaven give wisdom and understanding lord to your servant i ask may your spirit come and fill my mind in my life that what is communicated would find fertile soil willing hearts people looking for something lasting eternal something righteous people looking for answers in this dark and dismal society people looking for open doors where the unemployment rate is increasing exponentially people looking for something that lasts that they can trust in this politically divisive society we do pray now that you will bring your word to life and speak to the hearts of your people that your kingdom may be furnished with souls for eternity we pray in jesus name amen mark for death or sealed for life i always like to begin with the story a particular story i heard a number of years ago about something that happened in dundee scotland pertaining to the tay bridge the tay bridge was designed by engineer and builder by the name of sir thomas bauch i i visited the story many times but i was re-educated about some of the details that fit perfectly into the foundation of this message sir thomas bauch was a person that was economic he tried to stretch the dollar and in the attempt to build a bridge that was not too expensive he sought the advice of experts and the particular area was he wanted to make sure that the bridge that was spanning the bay the tay bay was a bridge that had wind loading and what that means is if a storm would have come up they wanted to make sure that the bridge could handle any kind of storm well even after getting advice from experts he made no allowance for bridge loading in the design of the tay bridge they looked at it as time went on and they said the piers are narrow the cross bracing was less extensive and less robust than other bridges that sir thomas had built before and they wondered why and he said i was just trying to save money because the bridge was so long sadly enough on december 28 1879 at 7 16 p.m a violent windstorm packed with driving rains claimed the lives of 60 to 75 passengers on a train that was traveling from burns island to dundee it plunged off of the tay bridge into the tay harbor sadly enough taking lives into eternity when you read the record they said the official count really wasn't arrived at but one thing was for sure when they looked at what had happened they discovered on the records that many warnings were issued to to sir thomas bausch maintenance crews had warned him they said the design of the bridge had flaws in the quality of the bridge there was issues that they complained about but the sad reality they said that each warning sir thomas bausch explained away every time they told him of some kind of improvements sir thomas bausch dismissed it but less than a year after the bridge fell it is said that sir thomas bauch died with a destroyed reputation he died from the sadness of the great loss of life that fateful day on the tay bridge you know friends that bridge collapsed but there is another collapse the bible talked about another collapse not only the message give god glory in the hour of judgment and babylon is fallen but an even more sinister collapse is coming because as we sit here today as you listen for this message there are those building their hopes on a faulty system that has been camouflaged to not allow them to see the danger under the structure on which they base their finances their livelihoods their worship their religion their practice something that's affecting every one of us economically financially socially and ultimately religiously there is a major collapse coming as we walk on the balcony of time we're going to take a peek and in this message we're going to see a number of things we are going to see the angels hurrying to and fro letting god know that their appointed work on earth is winding up we are going to trace the path of death and life and lastly we are going to examine with diligence the savior's tear-filled appeal to a complacent world intoxicated by sinful pleasure what a time we're living in marked for death or sealed for life you know friends when jesus comes there will only be two groups when the last appeal is done somebody will be mocked for death and somebody will be sealed for life it might as well be you seal for life why should you be marked for death when right now is a perfect opportunity to say lord things are not going the way i hoped this world doesn't give me any more hope than i had hoped to see in it it's not the kind of world that i imagined it to be but if you give me another opportunity father i will give my life to you why be marked for death when you can be sealed for life everyone when the gospel is done will be categorized in one group or the other on that fateful day there will be no middle ground there will be no neutral places the third angels contains god's concluding appeal to all of earth's humanity for six thousand years god has been patient waiting and now he is saying this is my final appeal god sent jesus to make a way of escape from the approaching judgment jesus paid the price with his life that our forgiveness and redemption can be made possible and the holy spirit has been knocking on our hearts door every provision has been made by heaven to get our attention but so many have refused so many have turned away but this message a sobering one is another appeal from heaven another call from god another tear from christ saying why die before your time when the message is done every case of every person that has ever lived will be decided revelation chapter 22 verse 11 gives us a glimpse into what this society is going to look like and how these two categories are going to shape up the bible says in revelation 22 and verse 11 these following words he who is unjust let him be unjust still he who is filthy let him be filthy still he who is righteous let him be righteous still he who is holy let him be holy still notice friends there's no third category there's holiness and righteousness there's filthiness and unjustness there is no third category this is not where you can sit in the stands and watch the game of salvation being played on the field everyone is a participant on one side or the other that's why the third angel's messages is such a powerful group of messages that's why this final message is one that we cannot afford to turn our attention away from because when this message is done the only thing that's going to be left is a harvest a harvest on one side of those that have accepted jesus christ those that said father i want to be out of this world i want something better something eternal that's going to be on one side but on the other side are going to be those filled with regret those begging for another opportunity and i say once again why wait for that day as i saw a sign on a baptist church one day repent now and avoid the rush this is the hour to make your calling and election sure young man young lady this is the time to say internet is not enough facebook instagram no the only book that you're going to face one day is the living word of god this is the time to get ready for that faithful day john in revelation chapter 14 verse 15 talks about this harvest he talks about this future time when the world and all of its inhabitants will be gathered into the kingdom of god or thrust out into everlasting darkness the bible says in revelation 14 15 these words and another angel came out of the temple crying with a loud voice to him who sat on the cloud and this is what the angel said thrust in your sickle and reap for the time has come for you to reap for the harvest of the earth is ripe can you imagine picture with me the end of the harvesting field picture with me the cotton machines and the the farming machines going to to root out the corn to gather the barley to gather the wheat and then look with me stand at the field looking that the fields are bare there's nothing left to gather that's the picture that john gives us in revelation one day there will be no one to gather in because everyone will be in one group or the other i've made up my mind and i'm praying that you also make up your mind to be in the harvest that is about to begin that eternal journey with jesus christ because this harvest is coming but jeremiah the prophet jeremiah the prophet looking down to this time when there will be no more opportunities when every case will be decided for life or for death when all the movie theaters all the racing stadiums all the gambling casinos when all the basketball and football arenas will be forever closed when there will be no more lights in the shopping malls when nobody wants to hear the music no one wants to watch television any longer and everyone would be drained from their thirst for the world looking for something that they have ignored jeremiah the prophet what a sobering picture he gives in this very short verse in jeremiah 8 and verse 20. listen to what he says he says sad words the harvest is past the summer is ended and we are not saved what a picture when i read these passages i say this is what's coming this is what a loving god is saying this is coming like the meteorologist saying there's a category 5 brewing in the gulf like the seismologists saying this hurricane is about to blow its top like those who are working in the forestry that are saying the forest fire is out of control god is saying with a loving voice it's coming and you cannot stop it the only thing that you can do is get ready for it there's no reason for you to be a part of those who say the harvest has passed the summer is ended and we are not saved but the sad reality is there were those who listened to noah preach in his day for a hundred and twenty years and they belittled his message they made light of it as he appealed and he said there's a flood coming but because it never rained in their day they said it's not possible well friends that never rained fire on the entire earth either but the bible said that's also coming and i believe god's word why because we have confirmation that what happened in noah's day is confirmed in scripture and archaeologists that have done discoveries have seen that there are evidences of a worldwide deluge evidence enough but even if they didn't find any evidence i still believe the word of god god can be trusted amos the prophet also adds his portion to the sad developing picture of a world that right now was eating and drinking marrying and giving a marriage buying and selling working in the stock market trading shares buying mansions storing up goods for many many years of which they have no guarantee that tomorrow would come amos the prophet takes us down to the precipitate of time and he says look over that's how it's going to be listen to his words in amos chapter 8 verse 11 and 12 sobering sobering words but he says behold the days are coming the prophet says says the lord god that i will send a famine on the land not a famine of bread nor a thirst for water but of hearing the words of the lord but look at this crowd finally paying attention verse 12 says they shall wander from sea to sea and from north to east they shall run to and fro seeking the word of the lord but shall not find it a sad picture harvest is coming people are going to turn their backs like they did in noah's day it really doesn't make sense there are some individuals that say well who is god that i should obey his voice i saw a commercial one day of a man who said he was happy to be an atheist i'm an atheist and i'm proud of it i don't believe that he will say that again if he lives to see this day of coming i don't believe that when the earth is rocking and fires being rained down from god's judgment bar i don't believe that there are going to be people on earth saying bring it on the bible says they're going to be running to the rocks in the mountains crying hide us from the face of him that sits on the throne and from the wrath of the lamb for the great day of his wrath has come and who shall be able to stand that's why this message brings into focus a candid description of a coalition with your destruction and my destruction in mind and friends whether you know it or not this coalition is farther along than anyone would imagine it's designed to limit your freedom of worship it is designed to limit your ability one day to buy or sell it is designed to remove and reverse every basic human right this coalition is economic it's religious religious it's political and it is social and revelation says to us it's coming the day is coming that no matter how much you have no matter your credit rating or your credit limit if you don't stand with this coalition revelation chapter 13 verse 17 tells us what is going to happen listen to these words from the prophet the bible says the day is coming that no one may buy or sell except one has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name an elusive topic many people wonder what is the mark of the beast what is his name what is his image what is the number of his name many people thought it was the barcode years ago or or the tattoo on gorbachev's forehead years ago many people thought it was president reagan because he had three names with six letters in each name and somebody foolishly thought it was the picture of stars on the side of a proctor and gamble soapbox none of those things are true but revelation issues a startling warning in revelation chapter 14 verse 9 to 11 about this beast and its sad impact on the world and society the third angel's message issues a solemn warning listen as god speaks in this final message to those who inhabit earth he says through john the revelator revelation chapter 14 verse 9 to 11 the bible says then a third angel followed them saying with a loud voice urgent if anyone worships the beast in his image and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of god which is poured out full strength into the cup of his indignation he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lamb and the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever and they have no rest day or night who worship the beast and his image and whoever receives the mark of his name if i've ever read a sobering passage that is a sobering passage john the revelator picks up a picture that was first introduced to daniel the prophet in the book of daniel in daniel chapter 2 and daniel chapter 7 daniel the prophet was given a faithful overview of the world the four great kingdoms of the world these great kingdoms that would inhabit the landscape of humanity but john was given a picture of how the united states would come into being in that picture we'll talk about that in just a moment but this beast that john introduces has been around for some time this is the fourth beast of daniel chapter 7. let me give you some overview see daniel looks forward when daniel is given the prophecy daniel is looking forward to the kingdoms the lion the bear the leopard the beast with seven heads and ten horns but when john is speaking john is looking backward the beasts with seven heads and ten horns the leopard the bear the lion in other words john is looking back from rome going back daniel is looking forward from babylon going for babylon me to persia greece and rome look at this slide that illustrates that these are the four world empires as they appeared on the landscape of humanity these four great empires babylon 605 bc to 538 bc then medo persia from 538 bc to 331 bc then greece 331 bc to 168 bc then rome 168 bc to 476 a.d four major empires and the last one had seven heads and ten horns now why ten horns when you trace the pages of history you find that there's a saying that you may have heard before but let me put it in context during history and i loved studying world history there was a phrase that went this way all roads lead to rome when rome overthrew the grecian empire when greece overthrew the medo-persian empire when the medo-persians overthrew the babylonian empire when you look at daniel 2 you find the gold gave way to silver the silver gave way to bronze the bronze gave way to iron notice something the metals got less valuable but a lot stronger gold is softer than softer than silver silver is softer than bronze and bronze is definitely softer than iron rome became that iron kingdom and then we find the lion babylon the bear medal persia the leopard with four heads and four wings the grecian empire but then you find a beast with seven heads and ten horns and i could tell you you've never seen a beast with seven heads and ten horns you've never seen a beast that has that kind of description because there is none which means this beast has no earthly origin is a demonic beast and when you study the pages of history you begin to discover that this beast describes the kingdom of rome when it rose into prominence rose when rome rose it dominated ten nations let me share with you those nations the ten nations were alemany later became germany the visigoths that later became spain the franks that later became france the sueva that became portugal the burgundians that became switzerland the anglo-saxons that became england the lombards that became italy but there are three powers that did not survive the power of rome these three powers were known as aryan nations they resisted the rise of rome and from 476 a.d to 538 a.d rome fought valiantly to eliminate one nation after the other and they finally succeeded in the year 538 a.d to bring down the last power that opposed its rise the reason why you don't hear about these three powers is because the bible tells us exactly what happened look at daniel chapter 7 verse 24 the bible says the ten horns are ten kings who shall arise from this kingdom and another shall arise after them he shall be different from the first ones and he shall subdue three kings wow ten horns that were narrowed down to seven and when you study the bible when those three nations fell one little horn came up in the midst of those other horns that were remaining a little horn that had eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies what was that little horn that was the transition from papal rome to pagan from pagan rome to papal rome pagan rome was passing off the scene the powers were being passed from the caesars to the popes and in 538 the popes established an ever-growing authority over the people of the earth those three nations that they brought down were the vandals the harry a lie and the ostrogoths i know you never heard about them and my point is clear because they don't exist any longer they came down when rome came up the power that replaced those three nations was papal rome and what a power it was when you study when you study the dark ages you begin to see the ruthless power of rome no power that stood against it was successful rome caused kingdoms to fall rome caused leaders to come to the steps of rome you read some of the stories there king henry viii to seek the approval and the forgiveness of rome walked in the snow the cold snow and when he got to the city of rome he was made to stand in the snow for three days before he was being allowed to come in rome punished those who stood against them when you read the records more than 50 million christians lost their lives under the brutal persecuting ruthless hand of rome what a power it was and the bible said it would be a non-descript beast seven heads and ten horns and daniel further says it had great iron teeth and it trampled with its feet the residue and it trampled the entire earth and this beast even more particularly was said in the bible it was going to last until the end of time that's why in this next picture you see there is no other nation that fits that description other than the power of papal rome that's why when i was in washington dc in 2015 this picture shows that i was there when pope francis outlined a message to america but if you think about it somebody might say well what's strange about that well what what government do you know that gives that kind of platform to the leader of the baptist church or the pentecostal church or the methodist church or the presbyterian church no other earthly power shares the kind of power that rome had and the bible said that that would take place the bible also reveals that rome would dominate the world for 1260 years listen to daniel 7 and verse 25 and then we're going to walk through three slides that outlines how these powers rule to the world listen to daniel 7 verse 25 and the bible says speaking of rome he shall speak pompous words against the most high shall persecute the saints of the most high and shall intend to change times and laws then the saints shall be given into his hands for a time and times and half a time i'm going to walk you through three slides that shows you the rise of rome you'll see number one number two and number three i'll walk you through that look at this first graphic when rome rose as a papal power in 538 to 1798 rome dominated the dark ages no power was able to resist it no power successfully stood against it let's go to the next slide but you find something happen during the dark ages america came into existence in the year 1776 just a few years about 22 years short short of the reign of papal rome god had a plan god was bringing a new power into existence because the bible made it clear that this nation this power of rome would only be able to reign for 1260 years as a ruthless power and something would happen to it we'll read that in just a moment but while god was dealing with rome's issue god was creating a place called america where the church can come and find freedom where people can come and find a place to worship that's why we establish what's called a declaration of independence the constitution where we can worship god according to our own dictates and according to our own conscience but look at the third slide it's a very powerful you find when america rose into prominence in 1776 the pope was taken captive in 1798 and from 1798 to 1929 there was no political or religious influence from rome the lord shut it down to give the church time to come to fruition and grow in america if you notice that but something happened in 1929 i'll read revelation chapter 13 verse 1 and we'll begin to see what happened in 1929 and the bible says this beast now comes back into play in the book of revelation read the words john the revelator says then i stood on the sand of the sea revelation 13 verse 1. and i saw a beast rising up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and on his horns ten crowns and on his heads a blasphemous name but now let's look to verse three because something happened that power of rome is what's pictured there in verse one but what would happen to that power let's look at it the bible says and i saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded and his deadly wound was healed and all the world wandered and followed or marveled and followed the beast now we saw the picture of the pope standing there in washington how do you think that was possible because all the world after rome rose to prominence i'll tell you in just a moment how they rose to prominence the bible says rome would receive a deadly wound but that deadly wound would be healed well you saw the date what happened in 1929 in 1929 the leader of italy benito mussolini signed a pact with rome called the lateran treaty at which time they gifted the vatican city to the powers of rome here's a picture looking at that commemoration you see there benito mussolini and you see to his right the papacy the the representative of the papacy looking at that signature and that's why today the vatican city that you see today is the vatican city that was gifted to rome in the year 1929. what a powerful exchange and from that date to this the bible made it very clear that rome it says when that wound was healed all the world would wonder after the beast all the world would wander after the beast now you might ask yourself the question how is it possible that the world could be so enamored by a political power that is under the auspices of rome how could the world be so swayed by a single individual but when you think about it more than 1.5 billion adherents to this monolith called the church of rome it's not just religious it's also political so where did the power come from how could such a system wield and sway the political leaders of nations how could such single power make economic decisions and financial decisions and social decisions how could such a power speak in everybody listen the bible tells us in revelation chapter 13 verse 2 how and where rome received its power listen to the inspired words of john the revelator the bible says now the beast which i saw was like a leopard his feet were like the feet of a bear and his mouth like the mouth of a lion but this is significant the dragon gave him his power his throne and great authority did you get that the dragon gave rome its power its throne and great authority now i must say at this point this is an abridged version of what will be covered in detail in the booklet the three angels messages in summary and you hear about that but rome was given a power that caused kings and prime ministers and leaders of all the nations of the earth to look at that singular power right there in vatican city and say that's the man that we listen when he speaks and i will tell you today all you've got to do is look at the pages of not only ancient history but modern history to see that when rome speaks everyone turns an ear and the question you might ask yourself is why is rome so silent at a time when the world is fighting this tragic disease who is this dragon that gave rome its power its seat and great authority let the bible answer the question revelation 12 and verse 9 we read these words from john once again in the book of the revelation of jesus christ john says in revelation 12 9 so the great dragon was cast out that serpent of old called the devil and satan who deceives the whole world he was cast to the earth and his angels were cast out with him how did they get cast out let me tell you why satan challenged god's government in the beginning and he lost the battle against god and his government to god be the glory god won in the beginning the devil lost he tried to overthrow the government of god and he failed but he was cast to the earth he did not lose his desire he just enforced his desire on humanity he led adam and eve into sin eve was deceived adam opened the door and from the day that sin entered the world satan has been working his arts behind his curtain of deception behind his curtain of lies using humanity to perpetrate the most hideous evils unimaginable to the person whose heart is touched by god that's the power of rome but the devil said something that he was not able to accomplish but listen to his words this is a picture of satan's desire and since he was not able to enforce that desire in god's kingdom he's now perpetrating that desire on earth through the system of rome that he has established to trample the world to break it down to deceive it and to lead it away from worshiping the true god listen to satan's desires and isaiah chapter 14 verse 13 and 14 hear the words of the prophet for satan said for you have said in your heart these are the words of the devil this is what he said i will ascend into heaven i will exalt my throne above the stars of god i will sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north i will ascend above the heights of the clouds i will be like the most high those were the words of a boastful rebellious angel cut loose boasting to the face of god but god said not not on my territory not on my time not my kingdom when god took his stand satan had to bow to the authority and power of god and the angels that took his side revelation tells us that one third of the angels of heaven that took his side were cast to the earth as we just read and as angels were cast out with him and satan has been perpetrating for 6 000 years his plan that he put in place when he boasted in the face of god but the apostle paul tells us what kind of power this system would have and how it would sway those on this earth in these last days listen to the words of the apostle paul in 2nd thessalonians chapter 2 verse 3 and 4 he says to us today listen to these sobering words he said let no one deceive you by any means for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first and the man of sin is revealed the son of perdition who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called god or that is worshiped so that he sits as god in the temple of god showing himself that he is god the apostle paul paints a vivid picture a power that would appear after the falling away comes the falling away from what from truth the falling away from god's word the falling away from a thus saith the lord let me explain if you lived one for one thousand two hundred and sixty years during the dark ages and you were living in the dark during the dark ages and your house had no light for one thousand sixty years and someone came by and moved your furniture around and they moved it again and you never saw it but as as the lights came back on 1260 years later you would think to yourself the furniture has always been there but the reality was the devil has been moving that furniture around for 1260 years but you didn't even know it because it was the dark ages satan established a system to do what he could not do and that system was a ruthless system this religious and political power of rome did some damage to the earth that many of you may be completely unaware of this beast described in the second angels message this beast now described in the third angels message did damage to the political and religious world read the records but since you haven't read it let me give you an understanding what did rome do that has caused so much confusion in christianity today about 30 000 denominations so many teaching different conflicting views yet it's hard for any minister to say that i'm not getting it from god's word how could such confusion exist today how could there be such a diabolical approach to the word of god people believing that somehow what they believe is in god's word what did rome do here are some examples rome altered the commandments of god the bible said that romans seek to change times and laws and it did that it altered the commandments of god what did rome do rome deleted the second commandment that forbids image worship why because they venerate images you've seen bowing before statues that have no life statues made of plastic and concrete and metal they have eyes but they cannot see hands but they cannot touch ears but they cannot hear they venerate these idols they sell you idols and say bow to it and you bow before mary and do the sign of the cross this is what rome has done rather than bound before the true god rome says let's delete that commandment so people won't know about it and they'll therefore willingly bow before the idols that we erect but rome also move the fourth commandment to the third when they got rid of the second the fourth commandment is about the sabbath but when you read the commandments as it is in the douay version of the bible the roman translation of the bible you'll find that the third commandment says remember the sabbath to keep it holy but it doesn't tell you what day it is you know why because rome leads us to believe that sunday is the day to worship what else did rome do rome split the tenth commandment into two to take up all the slack the tenth commandment was simply the tenth commandment but rome split that commandment so they can take up the slack and make it at the ninth and the tenth and they move all the commandments up to take the space of all the changes that they made but that's just the tip of the iceberg can i keep going rome also substituted sunday worship for the bible sabbath the details are in that booklet the three angels messages in summary rome also formulated the false doctrine of eternally burning hell during the dark ages that's how they raised money to build their cathedrals they taught that people will die and burn forever and ever and ever in hell if they were not baptized before they died and that's why infant baptism came from that's where purgatory and limbo came from these deceptive lies came from the mouth of that little horn that spoke great things and blasphemies against the government of god today millions believe that there's an eternally burning hell but it cannot be found in scripture when you read the bible the bible says they will be burned up there will be ashes under the soles of our feet but let me keep going rome also formulated in the 1500s something that millions of christians believe today the secret rapture they believe that somehow when you're driving your car one day you're going to disappear but when you study history francisco rivera and luis de alcazar were two commissioned jesuits by rome to turn the eyes of the reformers away from the bible they knew that rome fit the description of the beast of daniel chapter 7. they knew that rome fit the antichrist system so they formulated the secret rapture and today millions of those books are being sold the left behind theory well the only thing left behind is the truth as it is in jesus rome also taught that humans possess an immortal soul that the soul never dies but goes to heaven when they die what does the bible say about the soul there is no immortal soul hiding in my body listen to god's word ezekiel 18 verse 4 the bible says behold all souls are mine the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is mine the soul who sins shall die the bible also makes it clear about what happens when we die listen to the wise man ecclesiastes 9 verse 5 and 6 listen to god's word the bible says for the living know that they will die but the dead know nothing and they have no more reward for the memory of them is forgotten also their love their hatred and their envy have now perished nevermore will they have a share in anything done under the sun that's what the bible says but it doesn't stop there what else did rome do rome teaches to this very day rome teaches to this very day that mary the mother of jesus is alive in heaven and is one of the intercessors this delusion was created by placing tradition above the bible mary who gave birth to the earthly jesus is not alive in heaven she is not our intercessor can we allow the bible to speak for us you see the bible makes it very very clear that mary is not the intercessor mir is not mary is not a part of the godhead so when people that know no better say hail mary full of grace oh friends this is a diabolical lie from rome from satan who wants to take the glory that belongs to christ and give it to someone else let the bible speak in first timothy 2 verse 5 the bible makes it clear the bible says for there is one god and one mediator between god and men the man christ jesus there's only one mediator and his name is jesus john 14 verse 6 also says listen to the bible jesus said to him i am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me i can't go to the father through any earthly person i can't go to god through any earthly priest i've got to go through god through jesus he's the only mediator he's the only one that died for my sin he is that man christ jesus and that god christ jesus he is linking heaven to earth the divine side linking man to divinity the human side leaking divinity to humanity he is the only one standing between me and heaven when i pray i pray in jesus name not in the name of anybody else that's what the bible says in hebrews 7 and verse 25 therefore he is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to god through him since he always lives to make intercession for us as i'm preaching as you're listening jesus is our high priest not some earthly priesthood not some priesthood where i go into a booth and and i begin to confess to a man who has to confess of his own sins not someone who puts on his pants one leg at a time like you and i do not someone whose life is temporary and one day ends up in the grave the only one that can forgive sin is christ jesus the only one that can save me and remove the stain of sin upon my life is the man christ jesus but what satan claimed to want to do he has established a system on earth to deceive millions and millions and billions into believing that somehow this system of rome is the answer for humanity why is this message so vitally important why am i preaching with such passion because god has christians in every walk of life god has sincere christians in every denomination littering this planet from north to south east to west god is saying to those christians it is time to worship the lord in spirit and in truth it is time to turn away from false doctrines turn away from false teachings about death and hell in heaven and into intercessory work it's time to say christ is the only way but satan knowing that if he can direct our attention away from christ how could we find salvation when we're looking to somebody other than christ there's only salvation found in the person of christ but now why is this message important the third angel is warning against worshiping the beast his image and receiving his mark now let me make something very very clear the beast system is presently alive and well as i'm preaching right now that monolithic system of rome with daughters that have embraced what she teaches the bible says babylon is not by itself it has daughters how can you recognize the daughters of that system when they believe the same thing the bible says these have one mind if you wear you believe that you die and go to heaven that came out of rome's teachings that's the daughter of rome if you believe in the eternally burning hell that's a gift that's the daughter of rome god is saying don't look away to the false woman look to the true woman that woman in revelation chapter 12 and verse 17. the bible makes it clear the beast system is alive and well today the image of the beast is alive and well today the image of the beast is the exaltation of sunday worship but let me make a third vitally important point right now let me see that word again as i stand here no one has the mark of the beast yet no one somebody just took a breath after all that i'm glad to know no one has it but i ended with the word yet why because until sunday is made a day of legal legislation you might say well that'll never happen well you never thought there'd be legislation for homosexual marriage either but that happened the bible says as it was in the days of lot it's just like the days of lot it's just like the days of noah things that are being legalized that threaten the marriage institution we will never think that that would ever happen who would ever think that we would live in a nation where it's now legal that a man can marry a man and a woman can marry a woman and it's legalized regardless of what god's word says we never thought it would happen but let me tell you why it happened god only blessed two things in the garden of eden before sin he blessed the marriage and he blessed the sabbath satan has already removed the sanctity of the sabbath for centuries for millennia people have been worshipping on sunday so satan just finished the second part of his attack and he's going to take it to the next level in the not too distant future that's why there is same sex marriage he has removed an institution that people and christians never thought would ever be altered is there something wrong with the marriage no is there something wrong with the sabbath no the problem is not on what god blessed the problem is in the human vessel but the bible says that the next move informing an alliance and embracing the institution of sunday is going to happen here in the united states i add the last component to mark for death or sealed for life you see when rome was going down i showed you the graphic the united states was coming up but now there was a time when rome could never come to the united states there was a time that the vatican was never welcomed here but that's no longer the case we have an ambassador to vatican city since our former president ronald reagan ambassadorship and open dialogue with rome has been kept open ever since then and rome has influenced so many things in our politics here in america the bible says in revelation 13 verse 11 look at the not too distant future speaking about america the bible says then i saw another beast coming up out of the earth he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke like a dragon those two horns represented the united states when the united states came into existence they offered two things to us a protestant form of religion protesting rome and a republic form of government simply meaning not republican versus democrat it's a democracy based on the system of a republic by the people for the people it was not that way in europe they did what the people at the top said in america we vote we are a ground-up grassroots movement thank the lord for that your vote and my vote does still count but that's not how it was in europe that's why when we established the constitution it was for a more perfect union because it was not a perfect union in europe but listen to revelation 13 verse 12 because this country america who has opened dialogue with with rome will one day follow in the footsteps of rome and build an alliance bringing sunday to the forefront listen carefully verse 12 and he exercised all the authority of the first species in his presence and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed and now i end with a very solemn quotation from the book testimonies for the church volume 5 page 451 listen when protestantism shall stretch your hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the roman power when she shall stretch over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism when under the influence of this threefold union our country shall repudiate every principle of its constitution as a protestant and republican government and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of satan and that the end is near what a sobering message don't worship the beast or his image or receive his mark in your right hand or in your forehead don't support it don't accept his teachings friends sunday legislation is not yet enforced but today you can make a decision to follow christ because when sunday becomes a law in america it'll quickly become a law around the entire world and an image to rome will be formed and the mark will be imposed upon humanity everyone will be legislatively compelled to honor sunday or honor the bible sabbath but here's my closing question mark for death or seal for life that's the question that you must answer for yourself when that day comes when the final call to humanity is over where will you stand will you be on christ's side or on the devil's side and the question is simple will you be marked for death or sealed for life may god bless you as you make that eternal decision [Music] you
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 21,277
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Keywords: End-times, Mark of the beast, the seal of God, the final test, Marked for Death or Sealed for Life, John Lomacang, 3ABN Virtual Fall Camp Meeting 2020, 3ABN, Revelation
Id: BKixDA0Z1J0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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