2020 tohatsu 6hp kicker part 4 final

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hey followers here's a final update I guess I missed ohatsu six-horse good review I've got close to 40 hours on there right now like I told you before I've modified the idols so it comes down to about 900 rpms another modification I did you look on the bottom there's a banjo right there in the blush board at the m8 by 1.25 bands I picked up an eBay what it is is I've got a clear tube coming back out here just a tube and I've got a little spring can develop here turn off but I do with that is I keep bacon in the boat and I keep fresh water flowing into when I'm catching the fish out of washing their hands I want to lean over the boat I can rinse it off with this the water is cool when it's at idle but if you're running at about 2,500 rpms or not it actually warms up so it becomes a hot tank I thought that is a putting meat second modification I did so far you can't tell but it's actually the motive broken and nicely vibrations have gone down it is idling you can see the straight that's not gonna go away i inflated the interior Cao Lu and I installed some high-altitude Jets so I'll show you what that is off so I have 40 hours there almost and this is strictly to help with the sound I went on eBay we picked up some 10 millimeter adhesive-backed aluminized foil and you can see what I did over there I just line the interior of the cowling made not a significant difference but enough where at idle it's it's a lot lower carburetor bought the high out to do jets so the prior 20 18 20 20:19 carburetor same jets when you ordered the Jets they do not come with instructions if you're not familiar how to do this take it someone otherwise it's not that hard pulling the carb off you got two Phillips head or ten millimeter bolts or that popped right off you start over here you get the breather you got cut these mini vacuum lines pull the throttle there's actually two gaskets here I once you pull that off you drop the bowl you've got a jet in there Anders there you go you get a low speed right there noticeable improvement in idle how much easier it starts repaired elevation the Jets are supposed to be for I would say eight thousand feeding up but at 5,000 feet I should call two hot sue on this and they told me yes I should be using the high-altitude Jets even at 5,000 feet anything above five so huh yeah it it actually starts and runs really pretty nice with those Jets motors broken in first oil change I changed gearbox oil and the motor oil had some metal filings Kumada I was told that'll happen in the first three or four real changes not to worry about that did you do plug plug was carbon DUP it was running too it's another reason why I did the jet swap the Jets are $20 I can look part number in I got them from East Marine but you can get from outboard online out boards as well again this should be a final follow-up I'm really happy the motor I've been trolling for hours and hours and I still haven't burned a gallon of gas on this thing yet that sail Pro prop down there it's a must-have if you're trolling with this you don't even waste your money with a six inch pitch six inch pitch prop the regular prop just get the sail prop anyway let me know if you have any questions again that's what the interior looks like it's nothing more than some aluminum back we've got the adhesive on one side aluminum on the other side this is ten millimeters this is the thickest you want to go anymore and you don't have it you know it's gonna be tight in there if you I don't wouldn't go any thinner either because you lose the whole point of a killing the sound anyway thanks for following
Channel: Omie
Views: 8,548
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Id: C0sy3_H0FtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 47sec (287 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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