2020 Loretta Lynn's Remastered Moto 2 - 250 B

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that's like 12 straight motos of wins i love that start gate comes to life well what a great start for a pair of kawasaki riders it looks like hymas and jet reynolds shocking for position on that inside that's a risky move if you can pull the whole shot from the inside then that's where you need to be if you feel that confident i believe that jet reynolds might be able to block in the number two spot on the yamaha that's nicolas romano though they're gonna credit him with the whole shot on the 41 machine out of bayside new york so we got leblanc we got romano hymas jet reynolds on the kawasaki going into those 10 commandments early early stages here romano with the hole shot but we got kawasaki's out front but for how long thrasher up in the top five as well all the heavy hitters are in the mix here as we go off into storyland trying to disappear everybody's trying to scrub and slide it left and right and there it is the 79 of jet reynolds out front the number 41 in the number two spot that is going to be nicholas romano jaimus back there stalking him in the number three spot well it's the one we wanted to see i think in my opinion at least the most anticipated class of the week this is the schoolboy 2 and 250b basically the same group in both and look they are bringing the heat how about that four riders all battling for the lead yeah jet rails finally busted loose and got a race win yesterday he was feeling it but he has got even more company more competition there's romano right behind him on the 41 jet leading it over a little body english keeping it in the rut jaimus on the attack going after romano i think jaimus was actually quicker than reynolds at multiple stages of their moto yesterday but he couldn't find a way to make a pass and then he bobbled and reynolds got away so jaimus has the pace no doubt leblanc your first moto winner right in it same thing with romano but now leblanc is gonna have to pass those three guys he got around hymas in the first motor to win it now i'll have to do that again also get around romano and also get around reynolds look at this on the inside he's working on hymas there is the block there's only room for the one of you and a little bottle oh he's off the side and he comes back one faster line how does that even work what nick romano shoots off the side of the track stayed in it and made a pass yep he's right back actually where he was so hymas gets squeezed back to fourth the yamaha guys working in formation the monster energy star racing teammates that's bookends for the cali riders one and four reynolds and jaimus and sandwiched in between those yamaha kids leblanc is the rider on the number 30. the 41 is romano and the block wants to make the pass what a great shot in stereo of leblanc and romano both those kids have raced each other and there's the pass good lord that got close right there very close dangerously close there no love lost there well leblanc came from second to first win moto 1 he has already gone from fourth to second here at moto 2 and only one man stands between he and the win and it's jet reynolds this is gonna be good reynolds got that extra shot of confidence winning the moto yesterday he's in contention here he's got a third and a one right here would put him solidly right in the mix here but these kids have battled each other and they have all gotten worked by jet reynolds for so long and finally you see when they get on the big bikes things kind of level out big mistake there for reynolds actually jumped into the face of i don't know what you call that a breaking bump or just a just a random mound that has developed in the sand that is spectacular watching them run down from the heavens there on that single roller nate thrasher going after the number 43 of carter beast these are all the heavy hitters everybody's up there caden america right behind him on a 32 yamaha and that's why we were so stoked on this 250b class i'd like to have seen levi kitchen in here he has dominated his b divisions but he's not racing against these guys so they don't really know how he would stack up he's definitely been fast this week though focus is right now the lap times are 152. that's how fast on a rough rough race right that is super fast this track is so nasty hey jet reynolds found some groups found his pace well you got to talk to him on the podium yesterday you saw the breakthrough mentally for him to get that moto win yeah it looked like a sigh of relief just to say you know he was so scared to even race after the regionals he's been hurt for so long two years in a row he's missed loretta's he just want to get to the ranch kind of get his sea legs underneath him and he's done it he's got a fifth a third and now he's led two motors and looks like he might be leading his second or winning his second so the 79 of reynolds leads leblanc on the number 30 and second had that little breakthrough he got around both this man chance hymas on the 86th and his fellow yamaha teammate nick romano he passed him quick we thought he was going to make a run at reynolds in fact the gap between he and reynolds stayed the same and romano and jaime's have kept him in check this may be the biggest gap he's had it looks like jet might have gotten it close to two seconds but yeah long long way to go here probably eight or nine more laps i'm just getting over the backside of that triple hung the rear wheel a little bit that's oh no it's closing in just as i said that yeah something happened with reynolds because you have a block right there two bike lanes now with uh jet reynolds and matthew leblanc jet switching up the line he got over that mound at this time and he goes inside and he looks over oh he sees leblanc right there and you gotta figure leblanc's gonna be fired up anytime you see the guy in front of you looking back thinking yeah he's worried about me a little here it is that was all the way on the inside look at him just set it in that rut that is all body english to keep that thing pointed in the right direction the rear end actually kicked he was momentarily had a tire off track and still managed to get it gathered back into the rut he wanted by the time he got to the corner but look at this matt leblanc putting the attack reynolds gonna fight it a couple more mistakes from the 79. oh he's looking for the opening he has got a race to the apex there and he barely made that happen so he is putting the pressure and looking for a mistake here it goes again he is going for it sizing him up jet reynolds dancing with the devil comes very close to matthew leblanc thing's heating up jason white that box got an opening on the inside this is that red bull turn style monster turn style down to the inside and there it is the pass has been made leblanc that was impressive he just hung in hung in hung in it took about five turns to find an opening and he made it happen all right now if you're jet reynolds you have to immediately counter or you can see this race completely go away he could fluster up and just go back a couple of spots here if he gets all in his head pops that tear off well i'm a little worried for reynolds here because he made so many mistakes while leading there's another oh yeah if he can clean that up obviously he can run the pace but if he keeps making them it's going to allow yeah he's going to allow leblanc to get away they're going the same speed but leblanc i would just i say that i was saying leblanc was doing it with a little more control and then he makes the big bobble i think he's trying to put together a heater so he can get away from jet reynolds that name jet reynolds for so long was synonymous with just he was an assassin nobody could touch him they weren't even battles he never really battled with anybody no just gone every time that's changed though man well not only two years but really the most critical two years the juncture between mini cycles and big bikes so last time you see him out here is on a mini and now he's out here on a 250 four-stroke and meanwhile these guys have been building riding testing training the entire time leblanc's always been good but he keeps getting even better you got romano and highness jaime's has really stepped up the game the last few years and now we've got nathaniel thrasher in the mix moving up on that tld ktm up to fifth they have disposed of carter bees who have that spot caden amaran is six beads back to seventh tommy rios brad west and wyatt matson that's your top 10. check out thrasher's lap time there on 153.3 fastest one on the racetrack that time around and remember the kids 14. these kids are mostly 16 17. that makes a difference well thrasher should have been in title contention he and romano were third and fourth in the first moto into the last flap they got tangled with a lapper and that put them i think the ninth and twelfth so now they're on the outside looking in but that doesn't mean you look at the thrasher's first motor result that doesn't mean he can't run with these guys not at all and he is catching chance highness he's moving in in fact that's a country 14. so he's really about 27. you do that but the thrasher family's wrong measurements he's got him right in front of him nate thrasher has a shot at picking off two riders james and romano little problem there for jaime's big problem in fact and there is blood in the water there okay so this is thrasher's chance that would be obviously he wants moto metals he wants a podium but that would be big if he could just work his way forward and pass some of these other big names in the class and he's in position to do it with jaime's right in front you've got the monster energy star racing yamaha leblanc out front the monster team green kawasaki reynolds second another star yamaha look at that race though jet reynolds is not going away oh boy block looked at behind him saying man please do not be there he is absolutely glued to his rear fender this could be a good one folks reynolds on the inside different lines he almost snuck it in there way to put the foot down jet reynolds on the attack and reynolds just goes right past matthew the block a shocker of a pass he finally cleaned it out right beside him he's gonna go right back for the pass matthew the block and jet reynolds tries to counter so reynolds passes leblanc leblanc gets them back they're racing to the billboards big wide outside line reynolds down to the inside not gonna be any room there he hit his motorcycle from behind the block he's like what is he tapping here he's going to shoot it around the inside he might have a chance right here jason why again oh this is great stuff reynolds has picked the pace back up wide line coming together to the lead for how long though leblanc has a shot at going right back around him and that second third fourth place group right there there it is down to the inside who's gonna break later oh that breaks by jett reynolds yes into the lead on the 79 fantastic racing in 250b holy cow now you got to be careful here you don't want to hit the deck nate thrasher again coming he's up to the number four spot he got around jaimus battles all over the racetrack jason why again so we kept saying if reynolds could clean up those mistakes he had the pace and now he's got it clean and he not only came back on leblanc he has made the pass and he is checking out what happened now that was a statement right there so but there goes leblanc still hooking that trip on i don't know if it's any faster wow that was a major league move right there i will not expect to see that we this is what we hope for as announcers guy gets past like all right that was a good run that was fun no he came right back said i'm doing it for you jason white again this one's for you well these words hurt me but i got to give you credit here kevin you're the one that kept the radar out we were watching thrasher jaimus romano third fourth fifth and then you noticed that reynolds had caught back up to leblanc now reynolds had a third in the first moto it was a bit of a gift because he was fifth most of the way and then the last lap both thrasher and romano went down either way it's a third in the scorecard if he wins this moto 3-1 he could have a shot at the title looking all around he is looking everywhere thrasher is all over yeah nicholas romano you have company son nate thrasher's kicking the door in nate thrasher has found his groove in the second half of this moto and he's trying to make the move there it is he does it the orange ktm of nate thrasher just blew right past the number 41 of nicolas romano is their time for thrasher to make a run at leblanc that would really change the championship thrasher's pretty much out of it because of the crash late in moto one but if he takes a spot away from his best friend right yeah exactly i don't think we ever figured we'd say those words that the thrasher is now in position to help reynolds but he is if he can catch leblanc suddenly leblanc would be looking at a 1-3 instead of a 1-2 man the racing has been so so good this year there's nate thrasher he made a that was an unbelievable pass now he has a shot there at the number 30 of leblanc the block must be just saying what just happened in those last couple of laps he i thought he had a handle yeah he caught reynolds he passed him he started pulling away i'm sure the last thing he expected is two laps later reynolds would be back on his back bumper and then literally bumping he hit from behind that is some 2018 jet rentals just got channeled right into him man he was an assassin for a laugh there and i don't know that it was cleaned up i think that was just pure um crazy ricky carmichael speed just just do everything i can whatever happens i don't know if it needs to be pretty it just needs to be fast so now we've got the radar out here on thrasher that's raw speed there nate thrasher when you clean that up that's 14 year old rider right there banging bars with these kids who are ready to make the move to the pro class he could be riding the super mini class yeah the the ages are all over the board we saw in b group you got the 14 year old of dax bennett and then uh bowling's actually a bit older but he's still racing on 125's in schoolboy but i can tell you that the teams know the ages and they know exactly where these riders stand even if they're not on the track against each other let's check the lifetimes thrasher close it in on romano he was a little faster lap time around alas where he's ahead of romano yes he made the pass right here in front remember now he's going after leblanc oh that's right the other guy yeah it's very confusing so he's two seconds quicker than leblanc so he's taken it down to only one one and a half seconds now he can see leblanc so there's nate thrasher on the orange ktm he's got the blue yamaha in front of him and nate thrasher probably has more fans this whole fitz just lit up the kids from tennessee this is a hometown race he rides here six days a week and we're not here and getting the key to the show and it's untrue instantly emails being sent to mx sports there's jet reynolds he's got him in sight yeah man he's got the whole deal inside why not go for it nate thrasher again you are jet reynolds best friend because if you get around matthew leblanc you make things dead even going in that third final moto that is fireworks man this is great leblanc right now would have a one two watch out big break you're done got overnight up there in the back portion of the race track you got to settle it just just drag your voice out a little bit there jason anderson himself a dandy of a day on that orange motorcycle that bouncing his way around that curve mama daddy over there just happy as lark you know what i mean buddy that's good that is literally how his dad sounds hey i'll tell you what we had fun out there at the ranch we gonna hang around a couple weeks longer let nate kind of decompress you know what i mean he's a hard worker he needs to decompress coming out of that basically landing off a building a thousand it was ten thousand feet elevation uh dave thrasher has clearly done some of these laps with the seat off the motorcycle because he manages to stay standing all the way through that rough sweeper in there leblanc keeps getting closer and closer leblanc just threw a 155 four and a 154 nine so thrasher chops six tenths of a second off and the battle for second is here it is definitely here he's got him in his sights nate thrasher the crowd willing him into that number two spot the mechanics board is out it's in do good buddy and you smell it however you want to do it that's what that's how you would phonetically say it d-u-e-g-e-d iggy so leblanc can he hold on to second i don't know man jet reynolds has a three-second lead that's actually not huge that's huge in this race though right but he's one oh that reynolds goes down the bike is cartwheeling off the racetrack now unbelievable matthew leblanc goes right through that carnage jason wyatt what happened i i cannot believe it i was gonna say that three seconds is one mistake away from them being there and as i was saying it you see the 79 kawasaki of jet reynolds going end over in a big mistake here comes the replay jason wyckett you're going to see off to the side and he just came up short drills him into that last one the bike crashes down on top of him and these guys are sitting there just trying to clear through all that leblanc must have just about lost his mind well then leblanc made some mistakes in the back probably a little confused as to what is going on for the race win now i i'm completely confused with what has happened there is thrasher there is leblanc somehow thrasher might win this moto and now he moves into a shot at winning this bad boy no he i think the first mother was tough it was that last lap crash yeah that cost him i think he got nine he was aiming for a third or fourth there is jett reynolds hopefully to shake it up but not really injured he had that huge moto win practically in hand and now somehow nate look at the crowd outside the top five two laps to go is in the lead nate thrasher now can he hold on to the bermuda triangle of positions here nobody wants to win this thing i know jet reynolds good to see him back on that golf cart under his own power he did walk over there to it so it's a tough sport well remember in the other class school boy two reynolds has the first moto win he's got to try to recover and get out there still has another championship he could win if he's healthy as for nate thrasher he was good in his first photos but this is a big step looks like we are well and there's a repeat there there that was it can you break that highlight down jason round that monster energy turnbuckle turnbuckle and we're calling it it was a turn style for a hairstyle a half hour and then we turned changed with the turnbuckle around that big monster energy can a couple more mistakes i think leblanc is just in shock yeah he's had a wild moto view yeah his diary is going to be let's show this again there's jet reynolds front wheel endowing into the landing that was unbelievable oh that's lawn dart right there that bike just stuck and again yeah so nate thrasher now the tennessee kid 14 years old leading this 250b class [Music] and it was two years ago here at loretta's that he took the next step all of a sudden started dominating missed the race last year i believe uh with a spleen where is your guys there and we're in sight yeah i don't know everybody else he cannot see he's yeah i don't see him unless he's just gonna back this one on in and count your losses there you're in great position for this championship he's asking the same thing where is this guy levon's still second romano third caiden amaranth fourth chance heim is fifth rios liebeck six seven wyatt matson carter beads and b-ray brandon ray that's your top ten brought to you by monster energy and i'm gonna head down to the tower uh from the tower to the podium and try to sort out one of the wildest races you'll ever see and look at leblanc i mean he is not charging no need to man at all the way that moto's gone that has been a wild moto just finish this thing out go to the checkered flag you're gonna go with in with one two moto scores there is our leader how about that nate thrasher 14 years of age there's the 30 of matthew leblanc one of the wilder 250 v motors the high profile guys everybody having a shot at this win i thought jet reynolds had it done one mistake there and reynolds is down in this moto endo end after end there in that tenth commandment section he did pop right back up under his own power that's great to see as we look at the ten commandments there's our second place right on the number 30 of matthew leblanc and there's the 48 our leader tennessee kid that's it nate brasher of course he's a volunteer fan got the orange motorcycle tld orange brigade red bull case red bull jams rider trains down to mtf and buddy he has weathered that storm unbelievable the different lead changes the drama there with leblanc and jet reynolds middles goes down leblanc and shock gets passed by thrasher thrasher with a great pass on romano as well metals had a fantastic pass on our early race leader leblanc right there in that finish line turned shock to everybody so much drama in that 250b class unbelievable one of the best motors we've seen here at the ranch easily this week as we close in the crowd is going to come to life whenever the number 48 comes by gives them the salute the tennessee kid that's going to be nate thrasher he's going to look to his right look at the crowd they are so nate thrasher you are a winner tyler keith is stoked on that prospect of a rider nate thrasher there's our second place rider in a great spot for this championship the number 30 the blue yamaha matthew leblanc his teammate nicholas romano on the 41 will finish up third cape america with a top five finish on the number 32 yamaha and rounding out your top five it's going to be the 86 of chance jaime's as we'll give you the top 10 right there on your screen so we're down there in our impound area the riders have to come leave the bikes down there they check the pin numbers make sure all the bikes are up to snuff there's nate ramsey there's the number 30 of matt the block we want to get a little bit of water before he has a chat with jason weigant all the media all the team handlers coming down to say hello and check in on their riders best of luck our thoughts are with jet reynolds we hope you're all right my man you still have a championship to try and go win there's the new york rider nicholas romano he finishes up third got his yamaha blue crew handlers looking into him well that was as advertised we thought 250b and the same group racing school boy 2 might lead to the best racing of the week that moto had everything it had highs it had lows it had heartbreak drama and nate thrasher who was outside of the top five early we didn't even see him wins it so let's hear it for the number 48 nate thrasher [Applause] uh dude that's one of the loudest motors i've ever seen and you got to see most of it in front of you uh what do you remember what did you see going on out there yeah i just got a decent start it wasn't the best first game pick i've had good all week i drew 38 and 40. and it's been tough on me i've had to come through the field but i i know i can i've worked really hard at the baker's factory and uh i know i have the endurance i can go 30 plus two with the best so it's um we just got to put it out there and uh we i knew they were to just wrote consistent laps in the beginning and just made a charge to the end and uh seeing them kind of getting a little tired up there and just started making a push and just started clicking them off did you even see the reynolds crash in the ten commandments were you close enough to see that yeah we're coming in the ten commandments and uh we're about we tripled and i saw him eat it right there he was riding good but uh hope he's okay but uh we just gotta give it up to the whole tld race team uh red bull oakley um truly designs my mom my dad the man up above can't thank him enough everybody over at bankers factory uh everybody for helping me out just everybody giving me this place thank you all right nate thrasher that was solid a bummer for him the first or the last lap of the first moto uh crashed kind of out of his control gonna make it tough to win this title but he served notice with that moto win that's for sure yamaha boys are gonna finish up second and third matt leblanc back in control of the championship we'll bring him up for a second let's get leblanc there he is so like i said this photo uh it packed in a week's worth of drama and highs and lows for everybody at one point it looked like uh maybe a tough start for leblanc and then he came all the way back to lead then he got passed and he had the lead again and he holds on for second and for the championship that is absolutely huge let's hear it for the silver medalist in this one matt leblanc so like everything that could happen in emoto happened in that moto just take me through what you saw out there uh yeah i didn't get i mean i got like a top five start and then i kind of got buried a little bit and then uh just me and jack just hammered down kind of pulled away from everyone a little bit and then we're going back and forth and he was pushing and he got around me and i saw he's getting a little sketchy so i kind of just checked up suddenly knew i didn't have to have to win this one but still kind of stayed there pressured him uh he went down and then uh kind of after that i knew i didn't i didn't have to win uh to get the championship so i uh i just settled in and uh yeah now we got a pretty big points lead and uh go out third moto and do our best all right awesome strategy who do you want to think uh lord jesus christ keep me safe my mom my dad the whole star racing yamaha crew monster energy thor alpine stars belle fmf dunlop uh garrett's want to pull my trainer we've been working uh really hard out in california my mental coach sean humphries on track school and everyone else thank you matt leblanc second place on the monster star yamaha and another one of those bikes up in third we will bring up nicolas romano here all right there's romano so this will be good stuff uh another perspective we had i changed him account six or seven riders that had a shot at that moto win this rider ends up in third let's hear it for nick romano all right take me through what you saw out there uh it was uh it was a crazy moto uh had to get off in the first moto but uh got out to a whole another whole shot second one in a row and then uh it's kind of over my laps few few in the beginning were kind of off i didn't have that intensity but then once i got into i think second or third uh we were all just going at it i think like four or five of us and uh yeah sweet battle tracks pretty normally for how for how early it is i guess so so it was a good moto yeah by the way what happened in that last lap of the first photo there yeah i uh me and nate were battling and then the after the left-hand sand sweeper that little wall just lapper was was in the way cut out cut a hard left on me and then he hit me and then they hit me you know it's just uh it's part of racing i guess and uh yeah so bummer but we still got a few more motors all right and you got the stasik hole shot i'll let you thank some people uh monster energy star racing yamaha my mom dad sisters bell helmets thor gear mobius d versus alpine star uh boots uh fmf ryan dunlop will swanny jeremy my mechanic georgian everyone else forgot thank you there it is nick romano third and your stasic hole shot award
Channel: RacerTV
Views: 3,103
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: RacerTV, LLMX
Id: 1b91biIFjIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 7sec (1687 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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