2020 Loretta Lynn's Remastered Moto 1 - Mini Sr 2 (13-15)

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here we'll see if they're doing the same thing whenever we get these uh riders off and rolling so here we go off and going we go who's going to get the early lead in this one ryder sweeping wide now you know i think the hole shot award winner might actually get it this time was that thomas wood possibly the 43 machine grabbing that early lead the kt with trace holland back in that number two position dylan solomon ronnie orders in fourth jayden mason opening up in the number five position looks like let's see how it's sorting out as we roll into the ten commandments megawatt oh looks like we passed from third to second right there absolutely i'm not sure who it is on the kawasaki but they're not even listed and it made about five passes in the short chute right there not sure who that is but on the gas able to use that outside line rod and you're going to see who exactly that was but look at this for an early start holy cow no doubt about it these riders are uh running and gunning as many senior two 13 to 15 year old class you might tell them that hayden deegan's supposed to be the man with the plan but these guys listen i'm not letting that happen if they can if they can they can help it that's for sure listen as fast as he is is greater he got straight up beat at tomahawk yeah okay and the qualifier and stuff i mean it's racing you know and anything can and will happen but i got to tell you something right now this one's starting off with a bang in our mini senior two 13 to 15. there's some slicing and dyson look at this not lead changing but second and third place have diced about three times made three passes and whoever this is coming up in the fourth position has made about four passes to get there is that wood or holland um actually is that dylan solomon possibly up front that is the third that is deegan i believe the 38 machine we didn't even list him there coming through that whole yeah so that that tells you a whole lot about how quick he was able to make some passes out there onboard the 38 machine as that 43 thomas wood i believe grabbed that early lead the whole shot out front uh glocken best in the number three spot aboard the 73 yamaha christian gennady thor powell in fifth adler cardinal in six ronnie orres now in seven noah bonnie in eighth chase allred in ninth dylan black rounds out your top ten wow all in one lap christian yannick was the one that made all those moves i mean he passed about four or five guys but he brought logan best with him logan best followed him right through and then by the finish line logan makes the pass on yannick and the two of them really brought themselves from i'm going to say maybe around 10th position up into contention within the lap well i'll tell you i would not put my money on anything or anyone in this class until the checkered flag oh no it's too many unknowns going on out there digging out front as we told you wood best now deegan is going to be tough to track down i i have to admit that you know i'm going to go out on a limb and say that too like i said there's a lot of hype coming in on this kid and you can't take anything away not only from the hype but but from the performance that this kid gives not only all you know i mean each and every year he comes out here under pressure under fire he always comes out uh swinging he always he's tough man there's no doubt about win lose or draw hayden deegan certainly lays everything he has on the line and leaves it out there on the racetrack with each drop of the gate oh yeah and i'll tell you one thing about hayden the guy's not afraid to cross the line to hang it out there to make that pass you know a lot of people you know they get up to the line they ride on the edge this and that he will cross the edge man and more than nine times out of ten bring it back you know he's willing to make that take that risk to make a pass believe it logan best who was the rider to win the first ever ama amateur national championship on a yamaha yz65 into the number two position now as he's laying chase to no that's the number 13 or was i did i no that's that's that was okay that was logan logan okay logan 73 okay yeah 73 logan passed in that and look i want you to look at the real estate between first and second place he's one of those riders i don't care what kind of high peyton deegan comes in with i'm logan best i'm supposed to be the best out here that's my name man i am the blue crew there you know that's how he feels about it and he rides with that kind of confidence and i got to tell you rodney uh maturity beyond their years when we're talking about deegan best yannick wood uh black a viney all red you know look at the names up here these kids are mature beyond their years and what you're seeing right here this is adult racing out of 13 and 15 year old kids dude absolutely so deegan best yannick would as you said all the way through that top ten down to adler cottle in the 11th place position ronnie ordaz he was in that top ten austin barinski in the number 12 spot juke smurlik and 13. jordan torres now 14 connor cook in 15. jeremy fabani in 16th and shaw in 17th logan reagan's 18 casey cochran 19th owen koval rounding out the top 20. heck even landed peppered back there in the number 21 spot so there's some big big things going on here as far as this many senior two 13 to 15 year old classes i'm telling you folks each and every one of these writers out here can be considered players through that top 20 of them listen they are players rodney each and every one of them are players this is how the start uh dealt uh the players this time this is how the riders are sitting right now but i can tell you can very easily change and as we saw in the last motor the whole top ten changed in one lap okay and i don't mean everybody moved down one spot i mean there were three and four position changes in that one left shook up the whole top ten i was gonna say i want you to look at our fast lap jude 103 but wait a minute that's that guy's on fire guy's on fire for sure okay he's quite as fast as open pro sport yesterday he got him listed in 13th place position right now i'm sure his uh 103 lap time is a little longer so we'll get a more accurate account if his lap time's coming up here in just a few moments but here it comes i mean not much of a change in this battle for first and second place as deegan and bess continue to go one and two there were two seconds that separated these riders at the end of lap number two at the end of lap number three 2.7 seconds so about seven tenths of a second difference and you can see it right there digging a two minute point nine six seven and uh logan best of 201.60 701 so uh thank you there you have it there you go that's how we got the gap in the number three spot another near six seconds back turning a 204 that time around thomas wood in the number four spot uh with a 208 thor powell in fifth with a 208 black and a 207 and six noah binding at a 208 seven in seventh james khloe a 208 one in eighth adler coddle now up to ninth place at a 208.2 and jace allred drops to a 210.4 and the 10th place position i tell you who's on the move right now casey cochran casey cochran was sitting back in about 19th last lap he's running a 2072 right now ahead of him jordan torres a 210 ahead of him ronnie orza 213 jude smear like a 208 so casey cochran about three seconds to five seconds a lap faster than the next three or four riders in a row so keep an eye on that number 66 suzuki coming out of claremont florida a little further back in the pack logan riggins on that number 12 husqvarna he's got his hands full of owen kovalev about one and a half seconds back zayd and mason on that 44 ktm riding in that 20th spot he's only about 1.3 seconds back so 17 18 19 and 20 locked in a battle as well and again like i said casey cochran on the move he's a 207 ahead of him was a 210 a 213 a 208 so several seconds a lap quicker than the field ahead of him is casey cochran and picked up about six positions or so on the last lap coming out of clermont florida wow i love this class and what we're looking at right now as far as these results i'm telling you this is going to be one of those classes i think that gets kind of shaken up as the week progresses because uh you know bad starts uh early race jitters uh you know the nerves tightening up whatever the case may be uh once they get through this first moto many of these riders that maybe got the bad starts and their heads down and charging right now uh you know we might see different performances out of them in the second third motor so i i i anticipate some changes in it personally whenever we head into the mini senior two second and third motors not that these guys don't deserve where to be where they are i'm just saying that's how crazy this class is and how things can be uh uh changed uh from moto de moto i tell you he looks extremely fast right now james klopp in his ninth position man he was working that bike through there he's in a little bit of traffic but i gotta tell you that guy is is charging right now he's like yeah he's right behind coddle he's right behind viney he is a little slower than those guys but he's got a four-tenth of a second gas so he's working things out right there trying to get around don't be surprised to see him make a double pass out there and move up into the number seven spot cochran up into 12th this time so 13th last time went from about 20th to 14th then 13th picking up another one and that time a 206 he was a 207 last time which was still quicker than the 2-8-209's and this picked up a second as well as a spot cochran moving right now casey cochran like jeremy for pawnee caught up in a bad start and they're just trying to work their way through the packs right now solidly in this top 20 position jordan renfo another rider the 17 from last year running in the 26th place position back there so uh things pretty jumbled up out there and again these starts uh austin ding felt wow back in the number 39 position he does have four laps he's on the lead lap but uh man he's uh certainly got his struggles back there there are no if ends or butts about hey we need tyrion wheeler tyrick wheeler casey berhard bernard casey bernard randy woodring you are alternates that need to go through the mx sports office trailer right now tyrek wheeler casey bernard randy woodring tyrek wheeler casey bernard randy woodring to the mx sports office trailer right now you are alternates that have made your way in and folks that right there is a pretty big deal suit up suit up boys it's time to go racing that going right hayden deegan last time around now uh on lap number five about a four second gap logan best kind of hanging in there a 202-9 to a 202-6 so really keeping that gap about the same and i believe both i'm not going to take a chance uh to be quite honest with you remember the black i remember caudle remember talking about seeing these guys move up through the pack uh well at the expense of thor powell mcconnell and dylan blecca have now taken over the fifth and sixth place positions wow in fifth caudal in six powell now in seventh noah viney in eight jace allred in ninth and james cloth now dropping back to tenth but look at casey cochran gaining two more spots right from 13th into a number 11 position now and again he's a 206. that guy's consistently running a couple seconds quicker than most guys that now chase all right a 206 but look at all these 208 208s if he makes one more pass he's got a couple laps left yeah and there's not much time i mean there's only a second second and a half separating like seventh through fifth place right now absolutely those guys being that tight it's not out of the uh out of the question to think that that might happen so time will tell we are running a little short five laps down on this one that should put us about 10 minutes in and about the halfway point as we look out the cross flags are they out okay cross flags are out so this is the halfway point of this race right now with five laughs down hayden deegan logan best christian yannick thomas wood dylan black of your top five adler connell in six thor powell and seven noah biney in eighth jace allred knight james coffin tenth casey cochran 11 12 jude smirlik aboard the number 90 13th at number 37 ktm landed pepper jordan torres 71 husky and 14 15 the ktm 75 jeremy ponte 16th the number 62 ktm of ronnie juarez the number 17 spot the 12 of logan riggins on his husqvarna 18th spot kawasaki rider owen koval on board the number 24 19th the ktm number 67 carter malcolm and their 20th place position ktm rider number 44 zayden mason that top 20 report brought to you by your good friends at mx versus atv all out not only do we invite you to stop by and pick up a game at your favorite retailer maybe download it online but we also invite you to come out to the mx versus atv all out festival kind of thing it's going to be a tournament coming up this week check your program for details and times and we'll have a whole lot going on as far as mx versus atv all out is concerned and things looking good out here six laps down in this one now as we roll through the second half of the many senior two 13 to 15 year old class deegan best christian yannick one two and three thomas wood about seven seconds back so shouldn't see much of a threat coming from that area we should have our top three dialed in unless mistakes be made by those riders however adler cottle has now moved up into a number five position as we expected that he might be able to to do over the course of a couple of laps he makes it happen on board the number 86 he's looking at an 8.8 second gap between himself and the fourth place right so it's going to be a pretty big bridge to build uh out here between the fifth and fourth place position so he may have to settle up for fifth and try to take this score and work it into something a little more positive [Music] the riders looks like tigers having some struggles out there as he is only perhaps into this race so he must be out connor cook also only four laps down tommy callow uh might be your last rider still moving around there on working on lap number six the 61 machine in 40th place and fastest lap time as we take a look at this one going to belong to hayden deegan at a two minute point nine six seven in this mini senior two 13 to 15 year old class looking down we should be getting close to probably a two lap board next time we check around [Music] looking for a two lap board as we said next time around and uh there goes uh the 43 machine buy we were talking about there just a few moments ago and trying to search him out and find him actually [Music] mercy all right here we go that's uh yeah that was thomas wood that was the fourth place position so eleven point three seconds behind channing channing 11.7 seconds behind logan pass best now nearly 10 seconds behind hayden deegan says deegan pass yannick wood connell blecca in six finale in seventh chase already in eight james cloth in ninth and casey cochran rounding out that top ten the two lap board gonna come out this time around megawatt as these uh riders traverse this track i'm gonna get things ready and head on down there but wow what a day uh the hype uh what's happening hayden deegan the man to beat 10 second lead right now over logan best but my opinion man we've got a big can of worms that's okay this one this is going to be a fun one to watch unfold as the season wears on this week look man jace allred dillon black audio those guys are only going to get so many bad starts okay those guys are only going to have to work their way through the pack so many times and uh let's see how it works out in moto number two but i can tell you right now exactly what uh we were looking for we were looking for logan best christian yannick thomas wooden of course danger boy to be up front and that's exactly what we got right now if uh we want to take a look at our hoosier tire top 20 report that would be hayden deegan out front logan best in second christian yannick in that number three ride with thomas wood in fourth adler collado in that number five spot dylan blecker rides in sixth noah viney in seventh chase allred in eighth james cough in that number nine spot casey cochran now up into that tenth spot great ride by casey crocker on that 66 suzuki thor powell in the 11th position landed peppered in that number 12 spot jeremy from pawnee in 13th jordan torres and 14th jude smyrlick in that number 15 ride with carter malcolm sitting in 16th 17th logan riggins 18th ronnie horse 19th owen povo and 19th is jordan i'm sorry 20th is jordan renfrow and that is your who's your tire top 20 report eight laps in the book for your leaders deegan this time nine seconds ahead of best best just about uh fourteen seven another five seconds or so back to christian janet so deegan best and yannick as we watch this one wind down this one coming to an end rodney's making his rodney making his way down to the podium as the two lap board is still out gonna be seeing the white flag here any minute looking for that number 38 machine to make his way through one more time trying to keep this thing on two wheels hayden deegan logan beth relentless in the early parts of this moto putting that yamaha right up there in condition in contention and all these guys in great position right now one two three four five deegan best yannick wood and caudle all sitting in great shape if we finish in this order as we move our way into the second moto all these guys absolutely have an opportunity for a championship still looking uh still looking at that two lap boards looking for the number 38 machine as he comes back into view i believe right back near the beach is that him right here might be him coming at us right here there we go [Music] white flag is out hayden deegan one to go here and uh let's see what the gap is this time as we see that number 73 machine coming into view the blue crew comes through 10.5 now logan best 10.5 back and uh do i see that 27 is that christian janet coming right there it is there comes team green rider christian yannick on that number 27 kx right now deegan best and yannick has the white flag flies [Music] many senior 2 13 to 15 out on the course right now masters 50 plus coming up next that'll be race number six masters 50 plus coming up next behind them is going to be 250 b limited so on the line is masters 50 plus in staging we have 250 b limited and pre-staging should be our 65 cc 10 to 11 limited again on the final lap here and absolutely blessed with this cloud coverage just a touch of humidity out there but the conditions absolutely amazing to get our first air racing underway [Music] moto number five on the track moto number six on the line if you lose track of that all you have to do is look over there at the tunnel we have our race order board so uh right over the tunnel i love right there is moto number five on the order board moto number six on the line right now [Music] chasing our leader now coming back into that tight tight left hander for the last time back up into view and uh here he comes that number 38 machine hayden deegan going to bring this one across the line going to put this one to bed going to go down there and talk to rodney tomlin on the podium [Music] again coming up next race number six that's our masters 50 plus and behind them 250 b limited looking forward to that one [Music] yeah 250 b limited 10 30. i'm going to see my man luca marcelisi already got one moto win in the hitman yo martha lisi hey all i gotta say is your name's on the list he's coming hey it's just the way it is your name's on the list it's not personal okay nothing personal you're in the way kevin kelly said got some concrete shoes for you all right as we expected uh checkered flag is out and uh hayden deegan able to keep that thing on two wheels so coming out temecula california logan best able to hold down that number two position christian yannick in that number three ride while thomas wood out of k road georgia in that number four spot uh at uh adler cottle in that number five ride dylan blecca from true to colorado in the number six spot casey cochran great story there coming out of clermont florida casey back about 17th or 18th on that start working his way up well inside the top ten into the seventh position james clough out of elko minnesota in the number eight ride noah bainey uh manages to hang on uh to that nice spot out of murietta california and riverton utah sends jace allred into the top ten as well rounding out the top ten sounds like we're getting things ready down there on the podium should have everything wiped down here in just a moment again coming up next our masters 50-plus gonna be a little uh different without that number 70 machine out there and uh going to be interesting to see how our masters class plays out all right guys down here on the podium i think we're going to start out with our whole hole shot award winner here bring him down here he will get somebody over anyway all right get things settled down there rodney tomlin will have things squared away in one second again masters 50 plus coming up taking care of that first turn out there you can see getting the equipment out there for just one second keeping everything squared away and have that number 38 machine up on the podium right now handing out some metals down there and then of course uh gonna use that stationary mic and get our interviews underway all right so uh waiting on somebody to step up to the mic there hated deegan say hey no over here no just step around please all right hayden deegan congratulations to you man uh big big win for you a great start as well man you had to go to work early it looked like yeah um i got like a fifth place start and they all bunched up in the left-hander after like uh go left and then that left hand right there they all bunched up and i just hit the outside wide one around like all four of them and then from there i just kind of went through my head what i've been training and all the models that i've done and just kind of just kept a steady pace and i tried to make no mistakes even though i almost crashed twice but i just had fun out there and i got a pretty big lead so i just uh cruised good start to uh to the championship no doubt about that anybody you need to send shout out to um yeah monster energy uh my dad my mom my trainer caleb uh and twisted developments kate taylor's brigade team dunlop 100 uh 60 and uh i'll punch our boots thor gear and everyone else is helping me thank you so much there you go ladies and gentlemen hayden deegan taking the moto one win here as we move over to our second place position finisher talking about uh logan best logan gonna make his way up to the podium now and uh wow logan look like you had your work cut out for you man that was not the easiest of first photos that's for sure no i had a 40th gate pick so we just had to get on the gas and improve on what we've been improving on i'll tell you a good start to the season you got to be satisfied with that moto take us a little bit through that one um like i said for the 40th gate pick i couldn't really do much so i i got on the gas held it through the first turn and just kind of started picking people off and once i was i was good i kind of settled and it settled in and just got the job done well there you go job is done second place in moto one anybody you want to send a shout out to uh my mom and dad donny over at yamaha rusty over at triangle monster fxr 6d x-brand goggles garnet boots asterix um gosh so many jms factory connection and dunlop and everyone else just thank you all righty put your hands together logan best second place position here in moto one as we move to our third place position finisher christian yannick as he makes his way up to the podium how about it put your hands together for third place and moto bronze here at loretta lynn [Applause] wow man what a ride for you a lot of competition in that class and i don't think anybody had an easy workout but take us through your motto yeah i mean i got off to a great start and i was in uh third and then i got passed by um logan best and then i got around um uh uh number 43 and um then i just tried to play it smart got a pretty good gap and then i just wrote smart so i and got it done congratulations to you on a third place and moto bronze anybody you want to say thanks to i want to thank jesus keeping me safe my mom my dad monster energy team green kawasaki monster pro circuit bell helmet scott goggles atlas 7 maxima renthal dunlop tires arcade chains axle rims and everybody i forgot thanks there you go ladies and gentlemen christian yannick taking third place in moto bronze here at loretta lynch our home shot award winner thomas wood making his way up
Channel: RacerTV
Views: 57,479
Rating: 4.8986487 out of 5
Keywords: RacerTV, LLMX
Id: NzJquI2MyGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 5sec (1625 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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