2020 Loretta Lynn's Remastered Moto 2 - 125cc (12-17) B/C

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[Music] uh goes straight to the front he has that speed he has that ability and as long as he gets a clean jump right here and we're going to find out kevin kelly max volon with a fantastic i don't know if he'll be credited with a whole what was that hole your whole shot winner did a one-hander as he's wrapped up the sweeper right oh yeah he pulled his left hand over here dude and then where where was that the big deal a few years ago uh everybody was doing the the fist pumps uh somewhere i can't remember the jump board but it was on the starts every all the kids were doing it so it's that that's yeah well he's quickly displaced by the number 17 of bowling the number 42 i believe that may be myers or gage linville that's gonna be gage lindell really a great challenger he is just a tick off let's take a look at this watch this it's gonna be on the outside maybe sage lewis watch his left hand somebody oh you didn't get it oh no bummer there's a kid to the far left and he absolutely pulled his hand off now sounds like something crazy a little early to celebrate though all i wanted a little early to celebrate on this 20 more minutes ago there's max bowling right now on the number 17 machine the number 42 trying to throw a rope around him easier said than done there's the number 33 the number 97 the 33 is talon hawkins he's in third so that's a good start for talent hawkins y'all much better than uh much better than the previous start and uh you get him up front you give him some room to work and allow him a little room to breathe yeah this is his first uh chance to kind of dance up yeah there is your top three my goodness how did number four keep it up the front end just about dug in on that gas gas here we go one lap in the books number 17 max vollen followed by gage linville talon hawkins some heavy hitters in the 125. whoa coming out of nowhere 125 bc class up and running max vollen trying to dip out linville hawking states lewis noah stevens aiden shive matty organs in seventh crockett meyers eight jesse jacobson knight larry reyes rounds out your top 10. 125 12 17 bc class let's see if maxwell can absolutely just run and hide megawatts yeah leader back in through the trees right now and uh max having all the room he needs to operate so let's see how he decides to dictate the pace right here uh i'll tell you how because i believe lewis just made the pass or linville has just gotten around max vollen the unthinkable as they entered the ten commandments he had a great run around the outside of that left-hander put him on the inside of the right-hander taking him into the ten commandments so a little bit of a shock there i'm gonna say but probably not to linville yeah that's exactly what we're doing i came here for this oh you want to talk about a shock ryder harris uh uh put a move on a wheel tap around caught him sleeping in our 65 class absolutely amazing if your name's ryder you're going to be great on the dirt bike exactly that's just exactly let's see what max mullen has yellow flags are out that's a writer down the lap before though that is our leaders here yeah that's glenville there's volan ah there we go still got some lap traffic now let's see what bowling can do when he's behind the eight ball just a bit and can linville cover those lines he trains at mtf that's all they teach you is how to face and how to stay out front how to attack how to protect and bowl and just now on the absolute attack of gage linville mmi top 10 bits linville bowling hawkins lewis stevens shy jorgensen meyers jacobson and reyes so how about this gage linville is going to take a shot at leading this thing he's little absolutely a little out limbo sending that thing through the trees out there using that breaking bump for landing and i tell you max fullen uncorks it right there tries to bust past him here at the finish line not able to seal the deal kevin kelly but right now gage linville got that number one ride and doesn't plan on giving it up and this is good for tylan hawkins he's a couple of ticks slower than the guys in front of him they battle that a little bit slow each other down tylan hawkins gets in there and kind of plays around with him through the mechanics area we're going to pick it up 42 gauge linville the 17 of max bolin frantically trying to get around here yeah and bola just sends it off those ant hills i mean and check it out linville finished second the first time out so if you flip the floors they would be tied going into that third photo that's exactly what gage linville wants to do here we go down the ten commandments a slingshot move and involved his way around linville he did exactly what linville did to him he went to school and that's the end bill can go right back at him lesson learned that's like going to andrea leaves on track school right there no doubt so let's see what linville he is a gritty little dude and you know we get back here kevin this is one of the rougher portions already you can see many lines back there many lines leading in and i gotta tell you we've seen so many passes coming out of water works back into the beach well linville was much slower there you got to take that inside line he gave up a lot of track there probably two bike lanes now he's got some work to do you can't give a guy like max folen a little gift like that straight up a little slower at the split kevin there you go let's see what he can do with the rest of the racetrack coming around now back in the view the center part of the racetrack this is where the riders pretty much get every bit of that motorcycle that it's got and they just jump and drop out of the trees on this jump right here it's just one hundred percent effort good news kevin those trees will not exist next saturday night like you keep saying that i hope that's good news they will not exist next saturday arborist than you is coming out this is gonna be lap number three now we'll take a ride linville has closed in about a bike length bowling out front trying to run away i don't think this is the dog fight that's going to end he's going to have to sprint try to rob gage linville i got to agree with you kevin i don't i don't think gage is going to go away by any means and i believe max used a lot early uh he was trying to gap the field actually got passed again then re-passing that's hitting the reset button twice early on only three laps yeah 154 for max volunte 155.9 so a little bit of a quicker lap obviously puts him in front of the number 42 of linville out of georgia trains down at mtf max mullen pretty much trains anywhere there's a motorcycle track in america not really associated with one particular uh facility or training complex because your dad has pretty much done it all so he is the primary trainer along with his uncle his grandfather the whole bowling family quite the lineage exactly when you don't know his dad raised gps right a few guys that beat ricky carmichael back in the day on the uh honda toy ride so this guy has a strong family tree there and there is a bit of euro style too uh come and throw me that would you take a look at the body position of max volume when you look at how he corners uh in particular [Music] all right there's the 42 of linville you're picking him up on the screen starting to see that race win kind of slowly dissolve as volan starts to open it up just a bit this is where bowling in this race he should hammer down and just pull himself away where you can't check him out anymore there he is it were good ways from lappers too uh i believe i believe you might have a straggler back there that fell over something but good good ways before we start running into any real lap traffic so if you're max volt or if you're gage limbo you just want to see what max is doing and follow the lines they're working obviously if you can pair them up with something nice yeah you make up a little time put the track together like that wow just incredible how lindville brings it across that jump and bowling does not he just scrubs stays low exactly that's a risk reward it's just not something he wants to deal with or maybe he just thinks it's faster here he comes number 17 red bull tld orange brigade rider there's max fullen head right across the starting line we saw lap after lap yesterday quadding out of the commandments couldn't get it done side by side squatting out of the commandments just i didn't get it done you know it just didn't work a 154 for bowling 155 for linville 156 for hawkins noah stevens in fourth with the 159 159 for larry reyes jr rounding out your top five as we hit the meat and potatoes of this race here the next three laps will determine if gage linville has something in store if he can reel him in because he's got to go now it's going to take him two laps just to make up the time he's lost the bullet yeah if it's going to happen yeah noah stevens unfortunately having some problems in that bermuda triangle down there i think he ran into like you said jimmy hoff amelia earhart maybe whitey bulger was down in there hanging out too i'm not even sure yeah exactly lucky so off we go with volun as he continues to try to stretch it out over gage linville [Music] on the 125 linville is quite the 125 specialist i thought he was going to take that thing all the way to the pro class ranks and just try to ride a 125 because he just did not ride a 250th this is the first year we've seen him ride both fights at the big amateur races so linville showing a lot of upside i think that might be close to our fast lap of the day too to be quite honest here we are uh late in that i don't want to say late in today but still uh 10 after 10 this morning and the track was definitely a bit faster this morning but i believe that 154 might be fast lap of the day here we go middle part of the racetrack directly in front of the announcer's tower train your eyes to the number 17 of max volen as he is starting to stretch things out just a bit the gears clean the bike's looking good max is feeling the flow now he has settled into a nice race face we'll know what he's doing here when he throws down another 154 maybe a 153 just how hard he is pushing 154.2 is what he carted the last time through five halfway home have fun relax feel the flow happy 155.1 156 for linville [Applause] [Music] and there's hawkins coming across the stripe in the number three spot 10 seconds now separate first and third anyway there's that rough beach turn you kind of take a look at the rest of the field as they come across all these guys are bad dudes when they go back home they are the fastest guy probably in their state you know what i mean he's got every guy out here on the racetrack and maybe your neighboring state maybe sure absolutely sure you made it you're one of the top 42 fastest riders in america that's tough for a lot of c-class parents that's tough for a lot of novice class uh guys you know we won by so much at home we won by so much and man when you come down here the guy you're racing he won by that much in his area absolutely and then the other guy won by that much it is there these guys are no stranger to the bc kids here right yeah bowling yes secret you're talking about the c-class hawkins reds they race each other and all the big majors so they kind of know where they are in the pecking order right sure bowling knows he is tip of the spear when he shows up at a racetrack it's like oh great right i got to beat that guy tough to beat in fact i i haven't seen too many guys straight up past him in a couple of years and linville was able to do it couldn't make it stick he didn't leave for a laugh though there is the number four of larry reyes jr on the yamaha larry been solid just goes out does work puts in the last uh very few mistakes out of larry uh you keep an eye on him and you'll just see he just hits these parks puts in consistent laps and he's always there at the end he's always up there in that top five you know top ten always went with the uh handguards following max mullen and that a little style point there here they come right in front of us again finish line turn you'll find him that is maximus bowland sounds like a world's transition contest guy here here we go maximus volume will lift the biggest boulder how many stones can maximus lift all of them all of them i loved him there's linville cross in front of the billboards he wonders if this photo will ever be up there you better go win some supercross and national championships big time those are some studs there on the loretta lens wall of fame are you on there anywhere uh if you look down at the uh very bottom on the inside somebody drew a character of me i'm gonna get a fat head just that's about it yeah that's about it that you're gonna find for me here we go that's lap number six so we're going 10. [Applause] you seeing that border route lap number nine maybe yeah one uh 155 again so max not really letting up that fast flap of 154 one-fifth uh 154-2 155-4 this time so it's just about half a lap so maximus keeping that intensity level up and uh even i got that five-second buffer i'm going to go a few more laps a lot of times lose that concentration by slowing down too much kevin kelly these guys want to be cautious but you get out of that rhythm you stop charging and all of a sudden mistakes start happening the slower you go i completely agree now the left riders are definitely in full force there is cage linville led for a full lap tommy linville over there jumping up and down got a ham sandwich in his hand gonna throw it at his kid if he doesn't pick the pace up old man johnson is probably not even gonna feed the kid back in the mtf that's how strict they take it over there speaking of feeding the kids we grew up last night didn't we you did he have did it right uh a little surf and turf that was a nice little evening and that was playing the shopping was done earlier in the week you know we planned that out and got to do it right down here had the acoustic guitar going there little candlelight surf and turf for the boys i think i have the candle i think it was a lighter oh to be honest with you [Music] let's get closer probably going 10 with these guys they've been hovering around the 156 lap time there's lindell in front of the billboards mechanics areas where you'll find poland he's already cleared that spot all right so this last moto linville's gonna need a lot of help yeah i need two people at least two beat max mullen if he's gonna have a shot and he's gonna have to win he's gonna have to win stranger things have happened though stranger things had happened [Music] there's the rock star husky 33 ride up tallinn hawkins his best moto finish today for sure he finished seventh in the first moto [Music] kid yeah he is he's grown a ton yeah they're a cool family they uh they'll come to mammoth and he'll race all the vintage stuff and him and his dad will race each other man with all the old i'm talking about old 50 year old motorcycles am i throwing that thing around it's like he rides it and scrubs like he's doing right now nice yeah yeah they take stuff seriously obviously but they also they're one of those families like the kid does everything cool bmx whatever old school motocross that's how you do it right it's fun there is hawkins picking up that ride from rockstar husky this year doing him right running in that number three spot should find himself he gets another podium spot he'll be flirting with an overall podium finish for the uh weekend or for the week excuse me jumping his way through that sand section uses a lot of body english i mean waiting that outside peg using the upper body a bit but not the arms uh controlling that thing with the weight but i can't use a lot of body english really works that bike i like it jersey untucked that's the way you got to ride the bike there that's the jason jason anderson look yeah you got to do that when you sign on with rockstar husqvarna marty traips did that in the 70s but that's only because he went 275. his jersey would not tuck in they did not make moose gear omar the tent maker start getting out those are as he's fighting his way through them looks over the mechanics area spots the old man's message board there put that sandwich down keep on eating son [Laughter] [Music] just a rough rough racetrack right now especially getting this part in the day we're about 10 o'clock in the morning 10 15. so they've been riding for about three hours no two lap boards just yet where is the number 17 kevin just lost him uh they should be coming out of storyline areas i can pick him up right from the monster bottle up and over the table top but we're having a look now of larry reyes jr on the number four yamaha bouncing his way through the ten commandments if larry looks to his left he would see max mullen way over on the other side of the racetrack and now max has a bevy of riders in front of him he's got about five left riders that he's gonna have to contend with make his way through he's got a six second lead so no need to make any rash decisions everybody at red bull thinks very highly of him they sign him at age 13 i believe when you can walk in with red bull he got the helmet man anybody that's in one of those if it stacks bennett if it's thrasher if it's bowling you're one of the guys yeah you can't buy that one you can't have it painted unless you did it yourself a little krylon in the basement this and that unless you know a shady helmet painter that looks more like a red bull instead of red bull riff roll hey number 33 red fool there's the 42 of gage linville cutting his way through traffic as well it's a busy morning here on the 405 at loretta they're in the hov lane they got somewhere to be and they're in a hurry a 156.4 for volume and he's still clocking them off linville 159 hawkins 159 reyes a two-minute flat jorgensen rounds out your top five we're going back down to the top ten crockett meyers is six miles gilmore seven eighty shy of eight caden barry switzer's ninth and avery long rounds out your top ten no real surprises here and you mentioned uh paul is still around that 56 hey kevin you know that's that's just the programming today that's the condition and they get they get the uh they get the pace they get and they can run that consistent for 30 minutes you know race is 20 minutes uh that type of thing i've said before jeannie carmichael said megan if you can't do 30 i don't care what class you're in if you can't do 30 at race pace don't even show up you ever show up oh no no no no no no absolutely not never even considered it i wish you were honest with yourself yeah hey honey no we figured that out at 13. yeah we knew that i i was a little more like you kevin yeah i can talk i can't walk yeah yeah picking out bowling working his way through lap traffic again he'll come back on the main straightaway that leads to the big palace sports sweeper he's on the number 17 ktm as we watch some of the other riders doing some battling back there in the back of the pack moms and dads want to see their kids like i know we want to follow what max boland's doing or if there's a great battle but hey man tell me what kate britt's doing back in 19 right what is exactly doing what's his race going like cause there's some fast guys like josh clark turned to 208 he's back in 30th place michael corcoran come on man that guy he you know he he doesn't belong back here and most these kids don't it's just uh you know the role of the dice the speed and uh what we can't say this week is we really can't blame it on starts because we've seen so many guys like luca marcelisi uh hannah just came from way back and got up into the top five i just so many so many times this week uh these guys have earned it they've charged through the pack and uh a lot of our good starters have faded over the course of the week that's a lot of our hole shot guys even outside the top ten so lap number 10 this has got to be the white flag at this point that's what happens when you have fast guys that keep making you race like normally yeah you don't let you run 205. maybe a last quarter and these guys right still times i get it but yeah you're going to get more laps when you have a fast guy out there absolutely like just comes in before the clock gets that number you got to go another lap yeah we were right 11 white flag is out now and uh you know uh the offering guys have the advantage of in the trees they can pull over and let that leader come by and say man i was honest man he just got me championship now kind of coming into view in the focus there's the 17. max you kind of take a sigh of relief 12-second lead no he'll hammer down he'll do that on the podium yeah he'll take a big breath right there he's not going to be tired and say oh no i gotta talk to jason yeah that's not that's the thing that'll be the big breath i'll be like ah yeah i'll be stoked to win but not because i guess like i get to go to the podium sorry about your luck give and take here around the sweeper one last time max bullet am i correct you had potentially you guys were thinking about sending him over to europe during the summer is that msgb3s what is the class name mx2 class decided not to i guess with corona kind of put the brakes on that interesting fight or a journey for him but hey he's two for two right now he's going to go have a word with jason white again and look at those arms jeremy can press it and never and i never tired of seeing those guns never tire checker flight continues to fall there's gage linville we're gonna have a look at your top ten as they continue to come through hawkins gonna finish up third out of connecticut california reyes junior out of houston texas pompano florida's and matty jorgensen will finish fifth myers gilmore stevens and switzer and you can hear the guys talking in our little headset when they come up they're talking to white get off the camera off record so like that's do that they're like can we get kevin down here please sorry guys you're stuck with jason weigan so no they're happy about it all right i'm very happy that's what they say they're extremely happy that's what it sounds like up here yeah five star i got i'm looking for leave your reviews i would appreciate a five star rating on your maybe leave a tip yeah tip your there's a jar up there if you like what you hear i'll i'll give you i'll give you a tip in the afternoon let kevin do the podiums take it away i said take it away that's the exact that's why you know man all right we're gonna sign off here from the announcer tower there's a look at some of the guys pulling it in there's crockett meyers on his 41 machine hey man top 10 is also a gas gas look at that wow the number 44 of mattie jorgensen that's the impound tent there if you made it there dude you wanted to all right i'm just getting in the way of there everywhere you walk down here it's just camera guys and you're just ruining all their shots um and there is a big crowd around maximus bowling but i'm gonna pull him out of that crowd and we're gonna go podium time let's bring max up here you're the agent make him go to the podium do your job here we go we got him see i i tapped his agent on the shoulder and then the agent tapped the rider on the shoulder so we're doing it just like we would at the very highest professional level here it is on the number 17 another moto win for maximus voland well you're rolling how to do a little work in uh that moto tell me about it uh yeah i knew the star was gonna be pretty critical so i was really focused trying to get the start and i i ended up getting about second in the end of the lead fast and uh yeah just was putting my head down right and uh just a small mistake i tipped over about two inch the rut's so deep i barely felt like this picked it back up fast and then uh had to keep charging had to regroup go out make a pass and then uh yeah just ride it home okay well it made it exciting right yeah we'll take that uh who do you want to thank maximus been a great week so far yeah i'd like to thank red bull ktm truly design scott gargles dunlap my dad my my agent lucas hope nathan ramsey mechanic tj and everyone else watching back home thank you all right maximus voland another win on the 17. so he's racking him up had a great uh week last year and doing it again here on the 125 now and a good run by gage linville we'll talk to our second place finisher come on up thank you gage talon hawkins a good ride for a third and we'll also talk to sage lewis who had your stasic hole shot award good run here getting some time up front and on the podium let's hear it for gage linville you're in the mix four at that time tell me about your moto there gage yeah i got off to maybe like a fourth or fifth place star and i saw max was ahead of me so i uh i tried to put a little pressure on him and uh he made a bob move in the back turn i was able to get around him and uh yeah he was behind me i mean he's gotten really good uh he was able to get around me and he i was trying to stay with him he pulled me a little bit but we'll be ready for the next one all right who do you want to thank gage uh jesus for keeping me safe my mom and dad chantelle david walls jms monster army forus factory connection mtf with big b all them gating me and everything um micah medals and everybody else thank you all right there it is gage linville second place and there's the silver for him talent hawkins will put his husqvarna to the podium in third so we'll bring him up there he is always fun to watch the 125 classes here at the ranch and uh these are three fairly well established names in the uh amateur ranks cool to see them all on the 125s let's talk to a third one bronze medal for talent hawkins all right how'd that moto go talent uh it went pretty good uh i just need to kind of calm down again like as i said yesterday i just i'm overriding the bike once i'm like up there i'm like oh crap dude i can go i gotta go yeah i just get tired quick and then i don't know we'll give you a second here yeah we're getting watched out 250 c uh sounds of thunder uh i thought riding a 125 going nutso would be the way to go it doesn't work that way what'd you say getting super aggressive on a 125 not necessarily the way to do it yeah i'm just kind of riding too aggressive like i'm riding over my head yeah but uh i'm trying my hardest to pull my focus back i'm still learning bro that's good it's good hey who do you want to thank helen all right i gotta thank my mom my dad for getting me out here they support me and i love them so much so thank you i gotta thank the good lord jesus christ i gotta thank murph and uh scuba who just left this morning but uh gotta thank all those guys i've never had this kind of help that i have now and i'm so appreciative and i couldn't do without him i gotta thank the whole rockstar energy husqvarna factory racing team uh scott goggles garnet shoot fly racing pro taper uh garnet boots and everybody else thank you so much all right this is cool now part of the rockstar husky team let's hear it for telling hawkins that's fun when you see these kids getting their breakthroughs and performing well i got sage lewis i have to find he grabbed the whole shot in this 125 division and we'll give him a stasic whole shot award
Channel: RacerTV
Views: 2,546
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: RacerTV, LLMX
Id: Xf7SI9vIkZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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