2019 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Victory Over the Fear of Death (2:00 p.m.)

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thank you lord turn with me please to first John the third chapter it is such a joy to be a part of this great meeting such a joy to minister to you I think you're just great how to Stanley I do I do you just I I've ministered to a lot of different groups in a lot of different places and there's been a few thank the Lord not too many but there's been a few where they listen like this and even if they don't say it you can feel this like we've heard the best who are you wow us in and if they're looking too much at you you can't do anything hmm but thank God for people that know how to listen here by faith and not just critiquing scrutinise and judge you know if you were to get the scripture reference backwards and they're not just sitting there going no no that wasn't John 3:4 it was John 4:3 or even if you get it wrong you can tell the Spirit is life oh we know what you mean go on go on you're gonna get it stay with it and even if you get a little off track you can tell that believer well just watch he's gonna get it he's gonna something's good coming is that right and all the minister said amen and you know one thing to remind ourself of I noticed in the Youngs literal translation in second Corinthians recently we're talked about he said we are not of those who compare themselves among themselves measure themselves by themselves he said they're not wise to do that the Youngs literal says we don't rank and compare and measure and I was reminded of the other passage in 1st Corinthians that says all things are yours whether it's Paul Apollo's Peter you don't have to pick who's your favorite preacher don't don't answer that I'm telling you because you don't have to pay all of them are yours right and we need all of them when I start on my all of you because there's so many different peoples and groups who hear differently and packaging and presentation it makes a huge difference and there are people that will never listen to these guys that listen to these guys is that right it takes all of us it takes you all of you said out loud I never have to pick all of them are Minds there should be no competition no competition all things are yours look with me in first John and you you did you hear that prayer we prayed just a minute ago are you believing with me please do because there's there's several things I need to see exactly how to do it and if to do it so first Corinthians 3:8 our text that we've looked at this is the third time this week he said for this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil somebody say destroy the works of the devil did Jesus do it was he manifested did he go to the cross pay the price resurrected in a sin victoriously did he accomplish this has he destroyed the works of the devil that was a little weak the answer is yes yes he had was he manifested yes this is the purpose why he was manifested listen to the amplified it says the reason the Son of God was made manifest was to undo everybody say undo now the reason we need to look at this is because we don't automatically think undo when we hear destroy in our modern vernacular but there are different words in the New Testament translated destroy and they mean different things and this means undo luo like loosing lucy and you it includes the idea of untying unentangled loosed i when i when i talk about it think about it I think about what the Lord said to the woman with the spirit of infirmity you are loosed hallelujah you are untied from that you are on by you're not bound to it it's not bound to give hmm loosed from your infirmity somebody say Luke Luke Luke and so the Lord came and was manifested to undo destroy loosen dissolve the works of the devil we've talked about this already but I want to repeat it the Lord did not come to start a new religion he did not come to patch us up and give us a coping device with the tragedy and cruelty of the world he came and was manifested to accomplish the end so that the works of the devil were as though they had never been to completely undo everything the devil has done since the temptation in the garden throughout the discourse of Earth there's coming a time have you read in the back of the book there's coming a time when the enemy is going to be permanently removed whoo won't that be a glorious purr and all who have chosen to follow him and be rebellious will be permanently removed from contact with any of us throughout the ages and the Lord is going to do a new heavens and a new earth wherein is no curse and in this will be no sorrow no pain no dying that's as though all this had never been he undid it the Bible said if the enemy and the princes of this world had known they would never have crucified the Lord of glory when they did it it was their undoing it was their undoing when they did it all they thought they were doing something and when he went to the heart of the earth all right they thought they were winning thought they were winning but when the father spoke who from the throne he said this day I've begotten you oh hell shook and we see Jesus in the book of Revelation he said I am he who's alive I was dead and I'm alive forevermore and I got the keys of death hell look I got him that means a devil don't got him Hebrews to go over there please woo the devil does not like this kind of preaching Oh you can't stand it he doesn't want to hear this he knows it's true but you don't want to hear it so let's just keep on it right let's just let's crank it up Hebrews 2:9 Hebrews 2:9 we see Jesus who has made a little lower than the Angels for the suffering of death you see in the book of Romans you'll keep seeing the word death death death death and you see it in numerous places in the New Testament because it was the only way when Jesus said father there's any other way let this cup pass from me you know if there was any other way he would talk to him about it and allowed it there was no other way he had to as a man died and as our substitute died and since Satan had the power of death that looked to him like he was winning can you see this and the Bible said that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man the reason he had to die there was no other way is that we had to die there was no other way the wages of sin is death not just physical death spiritual death which includes physical death and the only way we could be spared from this in and this eternity in this judgment was for the spotless Lamb of God to take our place and to die in our place oh he did it praise God and he tasted death he experienced the full brunt of the judgment of God that's when he cried out my God my God why have you forsaken me he experienced the full power of death he experienced it he took it by faith and he died and he gave up the spirit and the Bible said though verse 14 for as much as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he also likewise took part of the same himself that through death he might destroy hallelujah is that words then for me he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil I like this word a JD huh I like that word you know the devil ain't what he used to be he ain't what he used to be he's not what he cracks himself up to be you know what he is now has been it used to be he's been spoiled he's been stripped he's been brought to naught does anybody know what not is not is zero do you know who the devil is and will for anybody that knows about it know him he is the loser I mean nobody has ever lost on the scale he has lost he is the loser personified he is you look in the dictionary by what she says loser there he is [Laughter] it hurts him bad for us to say this but he is BA not our the loser who he that sits in the heavens last it's okay for us to lay he last when he sees the scheming of the evil one so it's hard for us to lay but the devil starts to talk to you you say loser is that you loser no we're not just mocking making fun have you read the back of the book does he lose he's already lost he's already lost it's just it's a matter of time playing it out who Jesus through death he destroyed him that had the power of death now this is a different word translated destroyed and it means to render entirely without effect to render idle are useless without effect you know you see this terminology in the scripture of none effect made of no effect death has lost its power and has been made of none effect for us do you believe it says now you read the very next phrase and you'll see through death that he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil and deliver them who through fear of death this is this is where the devil had the power and still has the power over those and unsaved ones and those even Christians who don't know and who are not enlightened the fear of death will make you subject to bondage and imprisonment all your life oh your life it will try to come on you as an infant and you're not even old enough to understand something you just feel feelings of fear that's why you can hear it and some babies cry or in some children the enemy tries to put fear in you 24/7 if you're if you'll analyze it so much of what you're seeing and hearing specially on the news and and in all kinds of things if they don't know it they're not doing it on purpose but it's designed to put fear in people it's designed to do it so we should take heed what we hear and when you detect this something's trying to put fear in you you should not keep watching it or keep listening to it it is a fool thing to watch horror movies people watch them to scare themselves to jump when when the guy jumps out of the back with the knife or whatever it is help your neighbor I say stupid stupid you're gonna volunteer to sit down for three hours and say okay devil but fearing me that's what I come here from but some fear in me help your neighbor against stupid stupid it ya know Jesus came to deliver us he destroyed him who had the power of death so that we in order that we might be delivered from the fear of death now we talked about this when people shout about it once in a while but many people have not embraced this they've not received this because when you are no longer afraid to die it makes you a different man it makes you a different woman if you because all you've heard brother brother kids talk about this all fears and phobias are rooted in this one you know the fear of flying it's not a fear of flying it's a fear of crashing and dying right fear of the water it is a fear of the water it's a fear of drowning and dying right or whatever it is it always winds up back there but if you're not afraid to die and I don't mean just talking hype I mean God has done something in you you've gotten a hold of this and received it and heaven is so real to you God is so real to you that you really are no longer afraid of death you're ready to go read some essay ready to go that's one of our biggest jobs our job our big job main job is not to keep people from dying physically our main job is to get people ready to die well you didn't like that granted healing belongs to us deliverance belongs to us but our life is a vapor I said it's a vapor it's like a morning mist now you see it now you don't that's your life this is the briefest thing we will ever do what's happening right now is the the shortest thing the briefest thing we will ever do we're told by those that study the statistics and these are a little bit old so that the numbers are even higher every every two seconds excuse me every one second two people died somewhere on the planet every two more two more two more before this service I'm preaching right now is over some 7,000 people will leave the earth before the days over over a hundred and fifty thousand people will leave the planet some will go up some will go down don't quiet for the years over 55 million 55 million people will leave the planet into the course of 2019 and yet people act shocked when someone dies people get people like shocked and sometimes they get hurt beyond recovery and they sorrow and the Bible said the sorrow of the world works death and you'll see people incapacitated were there they're unable to move on with their life because a loved one died what did you really think that all of us are gonna live down here forever didn't you know help your neighbor said don't you know what but you hear people say yeah but I don't like talking about it cuz you're still scared of it I don't like doing the hospitals because you're still scared of death I don't like going to funerals because you're scared of death you have not received the fullness of what Jesus has done for you that has not been undone you need to be able to look at look death in the eye huh Christian's should be able to span beside the graveside Oh people you know people that when I say people they're not there their bodies need to remind yourself they're not there they're not there they left on the earth there are arrivals and departures to the earth and from the earth by the pins and scores of thousands every day if you could back off from the planet and look in the spirit there's a stream of people coming off the planet spiritually arrivals and deployed in didn't polish at the time of my departure is at hand well just because somebody departed and went to another place you don't grieve like you've lost them forever not if you're aware I don't like this term that people say sorry for your loss so I'm sorry for your loss sorry for you to depart and be with Christ is lost it's not their loss if they're believers is not dead lost right and did you lose them forever I mentioned Monday that the Lord allowed me an experience with my dad this has been back in O 5 2005 in the spring my dad and mom wanted to go with me on a ministry trip now I've been flying and been a pilot since 96 and it was something that really blessed me and I wanted to allow my dad mom to come with us on meetings when it worked out for him and that kind of thing and he went up with me one time and it bothered him bad I mean he he didn't like it he turned pale I said well we don't have to do this again and so years past but he's a man of faith and so he told me he said I want to go with you to that meeting you're gonna preach down there and it was actually in Florida he said I me and your mom want to go I said well I thought she didn't didn't like flying he said that don't move me I could de he's talking faith he he's faith man I said yes sir so he's all excited then they plan and and with this was just a little plane a little piston propeller plane we had at that time and so we loaded up when we're flying down and about halfway there mom yells from the the back something's wrong when you're dead I look back I'm the only pilot in the cockpit single pilot and he slumped up against the side of the window and he doesn't he doesn't look like he's there well I got to fly the plane right I can get up I can't go back and wait so what amounted to it emergency descent I'm on the radio I've got an emergency I want an ambulance to meet me at the ramp and so I'm getting down quick but I knew as quick as I can go it's gonna take 30 minutes Brian whatever to get on the ground and well we got down but he's gone he's gone well that bothered me he wasn't that old wasn't that old of a man and that bothered me and I thought well man did we miss it I mean he didn't have to do this trip you know if it bothered him and it just I cried I hurt for a couple of weeks and until the Lord did something for me and i--i one of the things I said Lord I you know what did you do some things with my dad I'm just now getting to the place where I could do some for him financially and all this and and after a couple of weeks with me crying and hurtin the Lord said to me he spoke to my heart he said you're being unthankful I thought well it's not really you know you you want somebody to back up in the bag and hug him to say you're being uh thankful but the Lord to tell you the truth and the truth will make you free he said he said many boys in the earth never have a dad many boys never have a good dad he said you had a good day for a long time you knew you were gonna live forever did so he see what I'm talking about we act shocked when somebody dies that's ridiculous two more two more two more two more one of these days me and you is that right if the Lord tarries it's coming just just a little while longer it's going to be too long for us and so and I said you was Lord there's some things I wanted to do and it Lord said to me he said who said you won't get to do them he said there's a lot of things that in the future you won't care about doing but there are some things you will still want to do and you will yet get to do them with your father he said your dad Keith is not in opinio past he's in your future hallelujah somebody say thank you lord so I Drive my eyes and I said thank you Lord he he has to act like me he said how many hours did you have with a good dad I didn't know I had to get out a calculator I mean tons of hours good dad I mean as a little as a little kid he worked the night shift he'd wake me wake me up when he came in with eat popsicles he he bring in chili dogs hey taught me how to taught me how to get rubber in second gear in a Mustang important life lessons you want to tell me how to shoot a pistol I mean you know important stuff a good day you know one of the greatest things my dad ever did for me I come from the deep south we have giant oak tree on our property when I say big I mean I don't think eight men could hold hand-to-hand and go around it I'm talking bout a big tree and under this beat that the limbs went all the way to the ground deep south and we had a I don't know nine foot swing with cushions under the big oak tree among my dad's favorite places to go he'd get his coffee in the morning he'd go out and spend when weather was nice sitting that swing they'd get coffee and when I'm a boy 8 9 10 years old 11 years old I'd sit with him in the swing sometimes and he would listen to me for an hour at a time and not interrupt me one of the greatest things ever did funny treat me like I was important like what I thought mattered and I'm sure some of the stuff I was talking about was you know eight years old right 10 and yet he just looked at me and take me serious and listen talk to me well three weeks after he went home one morning early before I woke up well I was kind of waking up all at once I left here I left here and the Lord let me go see him mmm hallelujah I didn't talk about it for years because it was just special to me and and some of the things I didn't want to tell because I thought people would think you're you know you're making that up but and it's holy to me but when we recently I say recently years a few years back we taught a series called victory over death and the Lord prompted me to share that because it's not just for you it'll help other people I came up from where I was in the bedroom and I came I believe it's a part of heaven I didn't see the throne I didn't see the father I wish I had and hidden I didn't see the master I want to don't you want to but now listen to this we walk by faith not by sight which one's more important to you seeing him or pleasing him faith pleases him right and faith you're the greater faith is when you don't see and you go to see them soon enough I mean this life is so short soon as soon and I know we all want to see don't we right now right and we'll see them soon but you could live and die and never have an experience of going to heaven or seeing the master and it doesn't mean your unspiritual doesn't mean things wrong with you these things are special the Lord gives them for different reasons and usually there's responsibility that comes with but I came up in an a Boulevard and there were there was activity I don't know what would be the name you'd call him be like a it reminded me of a mall how that you've got this store for this and this store for that and this store for the it why it wasn't a mall nobody was buying or selling anything that I'm aware of I don't they weren't but it was like an open maybe open air and there was a pavilion a wide path and I knew my dad was here somewhere I just knew it inside I knew he said I didn't see and here's one of the parts that I didn't want to tell I had a vehicle it was like a motorcycle and what wasn't a motorcycle now I've always liked motorcycles from the time I was a little boy even a teenager other guys had pictures of girls or whatever on the wall I had a picture of a motorcycle guy had long hair and it was blowing in the wind I thought oh that's it that's that right right there it was it wasn't as big as a big Harley but it was bigger than a big bicycle very streamlined it looked like liquid chrome the whole thing looked like liquid chrome it moved effortlessly and I had the sense there was a lot more to this thing than what I need it was capable of a lot more than what but I I wrote this and somehow knew where to go and I found my dad it is amazing to see somebody that you put their body in the ground three weeks ago it's amazing I saw him stand up with me brother I saw him and represent my dad for me and when I saw him I just ran and grabbed him I just grabbed him and and we went hugged up like this the whole rest of the time walking down to just hugged up like this and aiya thank you I uh I looked at him and I've never seen him as a young young man he was already a little older when I was old enough to know him his hair was black and shiny you know that blue-black and when I the last time I saw him he had lost most of his hair and and what little was there was white and and he had all these wrinkles than they were gone man I you want to say look like a million bucks but I need enough money I mean he looked so good so good and so uh he and I walked down that pave and all he wanted to talk about was what had been happening in the ministry that's all we talked about we you know afterwards you think of all kind of things but that's all we talked about and the amazing thing is that we talked about future ministry as though it had already happened and that's still a puzzle to me because time was not like this we talked about things that haven't happened yet as though they had already happened I'm not I'm not even saying it quite right but past present and future were like hallelujah and he was excited about it and I was excited about it and we we won there was this area over here where some people there was activity all over the place different things happening and there was some guys over here said hey his brother key brother key I said hi I didn't know him I still do the and they they said they said hi and so dad and I stepped over and one of them looked at the other he said um what's the answer to a thousand in one questions the other guy said be lad that's the quote from something I preach they quoted about four things that I have preached praise God yeah and they sure and they'd laugh when they both of them a newly answer and they'd say it together and they'd laugh and and I thought about it later what you you trying to say that they caught your stuff in heaven I'm I'm just telling you what happened okay you make up your mind but uh but if what I have preached came from the Lord they're quoting him they're quoting God with my accent just what I said because if it came from him what he said is forever it doesn't change and I'm sure it's that way with all his ministers that truly hear from him and I suppose that one reason they knew me and my stuff is where my dad was was probably other people that are associated with us I'm assuming that that's just a guess of mine ha ha hallelujah but anyway I knew we were getting to the end of the way where I couldn't go any further and I hugged him again and one of the things that was a revelation to me that stays with me is that when I first grabbed him and hugged him he hugged me I did not feel the need to try to express to him and describe to him how much I cared about him and loved him nor did he for me you'll hear so many times people talk about and say well I mean yeah I never got to tell him goodbye and and there were some things I needed to make right and I needed to ask him to forgive me and and there was this and I never really told him how much I loved them they're there in your future right they're believers if they're believers there in your future and I did not have any sense of need to try to tell him how much I appreciated what he had done for me as a boy as my debt how much I knew how much he loved me I just knew it he knew how much I loved him and the scripture that came to me is you will know as you are known hallelujah and when I got back I was aware of how much insecurity and angst there is down here in this darkness all this I hope they knew what I meant all this I never told them and all of this fear everybody say fear fear fear fear fear maybe they didn't know maybe they thought I hope so I don't know all of that fear and junk is down here we're going to be done with hallelujah Oh somebody's face thank you lord thank you lord praise be to God praise be to God and I'm sure there's a lot more to could be said about that but the experience but I just knew that's as far as I could go and the next thing you know I'm in my bedroom but the comfort that that ministered to me is with me right now it's never wane I couldn't work up any grief for my dad if I tried to he's been gone for years now you know so 5:00 from here but I saw him I know where it is is that true with your loved ones is that true with your friends then why should you sorrow like those who have no hope huh the Lord through death destroyed him that had the power of death and he delivered us hallelujah from the fear of death somebody said I am not afraid I am I am not afraid I'm not afraid I'm not afraid to die what happens when you die you slip out of your body it's not the end it's not cessation its transition you slip out of your body next thing you know you're looking at it it's laying there and you're ready to go to depart and be with Christ which is almost as good as being here compared to being with him this place is a garbage can as good as it gets down here this whole thing is so tainted and so messed up by sin in the curse that it is not fixable it is not restorable it's all gonna melt with fervent heat and it's going to be replaced the new heavens and new earth go with me if you would to the Psalms Psalm 116 one more thing here I want to share with you about this is this okay today we got it made Saints what do you mean this this life this is as rough as it gets for us this is as bad as it will ever be and you and I can live in the blessing down here till we get out of here it ain't heaven but it's a taste of heaven right to go to heaven in Psalm 116 15 1 16 15 says precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints so much they precious now this is a big thing did you know the Lord keeps track of the numbers of the hairs of your head why would he tell you such a thing it reveals to you his care and his capacity of the hundred and fifty thousand people who leave the planet today every one of them that is his their departure has his attention and he cares about it and he's involved in it and it's precious and valuable to him this word precious is the word used to describe precious stones like a diamond or Ruby what's like a precious diamond or Ruby to him our departure time our time when we leave here is special to him one year ago just a few days back the 19th one year ago in Branson you might have heard about it on the news there storm came down on the lake there in Branson and the Ducks were driving the cross 2 of them were and it was a just a sudden terrible storm and it swamped one of the ducks and it sank and 17 people died and one of them was one of our own that worked in the church he and his wife and brother Bob wonderful man such a blessing and it bothered us you know Hill her quiet you remember our text Jesus has destroyed also in Timothy and Titus he talks about he's abolished death and brought light and immortality to life hearing about death shouldn't impact us the way it does when we hear about somebody dying we shouldn't go oh no he should think are they saved were they saved that's the big question miss well everybody goes to heaven nothing no no they don't people talk about it but it's not true you must be born again it's not optional you must be born again the big question were that were they born again well they say they know the Lord yeah what's out then move into God God we're filming just a few minutes God time but carrying on like that but you know we're human aren't we've got emotions and feelings and I did one of his memorial services and as I'm praying the bana said Lord what what do I say because you know people are thinking I mean they had pictures of that video of it you know the storm coming down and flooding that thing and it's sinking and people are imagining what it must have been like to sinking and the Lord brought me to this he said precious Oh somebody say precious precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints the amplified says precious important and no light matter no light matter in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints Oh somebody say thank you lord and then he took me to this phrase in in Psalm 73 Psalm 73 and many I actually saw it when I read it I saw a glimpse of what happened to him under the water in that lake in that storm the Lord let me see a glimpse of it Psalm 73 23 if something is precious to the Lord is he gonna know about it is he going to be involved with it it's important what's important to him every one of his people their death their departure it's important to him and the Bible said in Psalm 73 23 nevertheless I am continually with you did the Lord say I'll never leave you nor forsake you you have holding me by my right hand you will guide me with your counsel and afterward receive me to glory the devil will try to paint pictures to you of horror and darkness and angst and struggle but when I read this you you'll receive me to glory when I read it I saw under the water in the darkness I saw the Lord take Bob by his right hand oh are you listen to this enough I and I saw him slip out of his body and come into the light into the glory [Applause] not in the darkness not in all his bodies there he ain't there he's not there the Lord took him by the right hand how many understand when the master takes you by the right hand no matter where you are it doesn't matter what's going on now right and I saw him come out of his body into the glory into the light into the glory you know you keep hearing people talk about you know they died and they saw a light they saw a bright light they saw a great light I've heard that so many times and then one day I thought well yeah God is light he is light right yeah so you you're headed to him you gonna see some light oh somebody say thank you lord thank you lord we need to change our terminology what do you mean you'll hear people who don't understand these things talk about I just don't understand why the Lord took them why the Lord took them or why he took them so young or why he took them in that accident or why he took them that is wrong language you need to stop using that language - when you say that brother Keith did you hear this phrase afterward he will receive me somebody say receive me there's a big difference between receiving you and taking you against your will let me read you some other scriptures some 4915 says the Lord will redeem my soul from the power of the grave for he shall receive me so we read in John you know that because Hebrews says that Jesus tasted death for every man jesus said in John when he's talking about chapter five and then chapter eight when he said I'm the resurrection and the life he said if you believe on me you'll never die if you believe in me you'll never taste of death you'll leave here but you won't taste of death as far as your concern death has completely been nullified oh come on did you see that he has abolished death who he has rendered it useless and idle as far as your conceded to nothing so yeah you leave here but you're not gonna go through agony and torment of dying the Lord knows you he loves you you're the apple of his eye when it comes time for you to come out of here it's important to him he'll be right there he'll take you by the hand Oh somebody say glory to God they'll take you by the hand you'll come out of your body into the glory into the glory and you won't want to come back no matter what no matter what you will not want to come back mmm I don't care what's going on then what you had down there I'm telling you you will not want to come back you'll just right now y'all just come over here now I doesn't do not want to come back y'all just come on over here nicer over here better over here Oh somebody say thank you lord thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father hallelujah john 14:3 jesus said if i go and prepare a place for you is he doing it is he doing it he's preparing a place let me say he's preparing a place for me he said I prepare a place for you I will come again is he coming again he's coming again I'm coming again and I will what receive you not take you receive you hmm there are times when people come early they could have lived longer they could have stayed longer there are times when people come early he still receives you hallelujah he receives you and as short as life is I do not think we're gonna be squabbling about a few years here or there when we are ten thousand years hundred thousand years into what comes next he in fact as the ages rolled by it'll be what death what what devil what go to first Corinthians 15 this whole chapter first Corinthians 15 is just it's about resurrection hallelujah did you know you did know the culmination of the Gospel message is that he rose from the dead oh that's that's it that's everything was going and building to that point and as we mentioned yesterday the reason it took the exceeding greatness of God's might and power to raise him from the dead is because when he raised him from the dead he raised you from the dead he raised all of us from the dead in doing that Oh first Corinthians 15 ah thank you Father thank you Father verse 26 says the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death I've heard people say dumb thing I've said dumb things myself but let's stop saying dumb things you know God took them in sweet death ain't nothing sweet about death death is an enemy it's an enemy and it's the last one that's going to be put under foot and if you skip down to the verse 51 he said I show you a mystery we shall not all sleep some of us gonna be alive when he comes right course the reason 10 things keep going on the Bible tells us Peter talks about is because the Lord is long-suffering not wanting any to perish because if it's up today then that means there's no more opportunity so only he knows when is the last day and he said we will not all sleep but we'll all be changed in a moment gonna have him quick in the twinkling of an eye at the last Trump for the trumpet shall sound oh it's going to happen it's going to happen and the dead shall be raised whoo yeah you know think about this there are Christians who died in the desert a thousand years ago nobody ever found their body their bones were bleached and blown to dust to the four corners of the earth or wherever centuries ago yet this was still true at the last Trump the dead shall be raised what's gonna happen that Trump's gonna sound God knows where every atom of that is it's gonna come from wherever it is back together and the glory is going to flow through and somebody's going to be coming back with him and pick it up it's going to be this body no other people's didn't like that that's what no I don't like this buddy I'm getting a new one no listen to me child of God this body put your hand on it this this flesh and blood here was purchased by Jesus this one right here it is an eternal part of the body of Christ this body is an eternal part of the body of Christ this body will be changed don't be concerned you'll be very happy with it very once the Lord has changed it you'll be very happy with it because it'll be like the Lord's own body it'll be like his glorious body notice this corruptible must put on incorruption this mortal will put on immortality so when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption and the mortal shall have put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory Oh somebody say victory victory swallowed up what do you mean there will come a time in the future where you'll have to try to explain death to somebody if you won't do and knowing this should give us this boldness that he mentions next oh come on verse 55 oh man I can I can hear the preach coming on call come on can you hear this I can hear the preach coming on him the Spirit of God is flowing through him this revelation and he gets here and he gets sassy he gets sassy he said death Oh death where is your sting where is your body I don't feel you I don't feel you and I'm not ever gonna feel you because Jesus felt you for me Jesus tasted you in my place Oh grave Hades is the translation and others where is your victory this is how we should talk by the graveside oh you didn't hear me this is how we should talk at the funeral home this is high right what quitting it when your soul feels a little weak about go we're natural and you can miss people in the tear comes to you I understand that's wrong but don't yield to the Sun godly sorrow that works death and don't let yourself become incapacitated you rise up and you say honor Jesus has abolished death death where is your sting come on somebody needs to say death where is your sting where is your bite grave where is your victory hallelujah he went on to say thanks beyond the God which gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ it outloud thanks be to God right come on stand up and lift up your hand say thanks be to God thanks be to God thanks be to God thanks be to God who gives me the victory now that applies to a whole bunch of things but it specifically applies to death he has given us the victory over death hallelujah praise God praise God praise God oh praise God praise God hallelujah what you close your eyes just a moment father we bless you we thank you so much for what you have done for us Lord let this the comfort of your Holy Spirit work in the hearts and minds of everyone under the sound of my voice in this building and outside this building and everybody a little watch and hear this later Lord let your Holy Spirit manifest and comfort them and strengthen them and bless them and help them and let heaven become so real to them and your presence and glory becomes so real to them let it be Lord in Jesus Holy Name thank you lord I want you to say this out loud I receive abundant grace I receive the comfort of the Holy Spirit I receive the strengths of the Lord my god I receive the peace that passes understanding and I rejoice in the hope of the glory of God Oh hallelujah hallelujah Christ in us is the hope of glory do you know where you're headed glory and you got some glory to go to glory in hallelujah somebody say my future my future is glorious its glorious glorious whoo praise be to God thank you you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 7,535
Rating: 4.9496856 out of 5
Keywords: 2019 southwest believers’ convention, death, devil, dissolve, family, fear, future, glory, heaven, keith moore, precious, undo, victory, works
Id: kHW4H3b7lAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 53sec (3893 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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