2019 Print on Demand Income Report | Passive Income Online

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so for everybody who wants to know my full print-on-demand earnings from when I started which was pretty much the beginning of the year last year to now lysias you and I know what you're thinking oh my gosh not another earnings video believe me I'm thinking it as well thinking I hope I'm not gonna bore people with this stuff but hear me out this is my first full year 2019 at least was my first full year on prints on demand and it started at nothing and we ended up making OK money for the year so part of me doing these videos is to document my journey and to help you guys do the same so I want to show you how we started how we ended the year on all of my prints on demand platforms it sound good one more thing before I continue I have had a few not very many but a few people saying why do you bother sharing what you earn because it's basically not very much and let me tell you something for someone who is out there that perhaps is on minimum wage and they can potentially earn an extra 50 to $100 a month that can make all the difference to their lives and I'm not here trying to get you guys to be able to sell thousands and thousands and thousands per month I'm here looking after people who are literally just trying to make something I'd appreciate people respecting the value of money more and believe me this is not - the majority of you are you guys are great and you realize what I'm trying to do but there are one or two they're like what's the point of this you know anybody can do this no no it's it takes work and when you can get a little bit of return from that work that you've done it's great and it's all a bonus so boom so let's start with Etsy these are my figures for 2019 and what was really annoying is in January I was just checking up on my Etsy store just to see how things were getting on and I noticed that all of my listings three had expired so over Christmas I think they all probably expired around the same time October November time so yeah Christmas could have been a lot better if I'd actually you know realized my listings had expired and put them back up but whatevs and total earnings for the year of 2019 on SC word 237 pounds 84 I have the dollar amount there as well for you so okay not too bad for something I don't really spend a lot of time with next up are our RedBubble earnings for the year and as you can see around I think it was June time that I released my very first red bubble content which was seven tips to improve your sales which is my most viewed video so far and I based that video on the sharp incline of sales that I'd received from from very very humble beginnings around January February so when things really started picking up March April May so I wanted to share my journey with you guys by documenting that and as you can see from there it's we've just been pretty steady for the rest of the year which has been really really nice I kind of kept thinking that this just must be you know just luck and it's all just going to go back to where it was but we've stayed pretty consistent so I'm happy with with my red bubble journey for 2019 which brings our total for the year for red bubble 1191 pounds 29 P the dollar amount should be up there as well so looking at the total earnings for the year I'm really really happy with with what we did on red bubble and if we go straight into T public now you can see that after I started getting a little bit excessive red bubble in March I pretty much uploaded those designs that were selling straight on to T public and based on that that's when T public sales started slowly really picking up as well so so I thought this is definitely a platform that I want you to give some time to it's come to my attention recently that t public donor she index every single design that's uploaded I don't know how they work it out how they decide which designs are going to be indexed but I think they have a view on kind of reproduction or clip art based designs that they it'll be available in your store you can link people directly to it but they won't index those designs and search now this is something I'm looking into a little bit more detail because a lot of people have been saying that they just can't search their designs their original designs on tee public so it is a thing I don't know how t public curates what gets uploaded whether they have real human eyes looking at the work or whether it's some algorithm that does some clever stuff I don't know but for now I know personally that the sales that I get on RedBubble are most likely to be replicated on t public so I just tend to duplicate them across I don't have a separate plan for my t public sales at all so saying that my total sales for the year on t public were six hundred and twenty eight pounds and forty four pence so it was pretty good as a kind of side thought to RedBubble which was always my main focus I was happy with that so I would suggest if you haven't already any making sales on RedBubble get those same designs up on your tee public account as well you shouldn't be disappointed and hopefully you'll start seeing those sales coming in from T public as well so merge by Amazon here the figures for those I think the green have I remember how I did this correctly the green is UK sales and the pink is sales from the US I kind of have to do things a little bit differently on on merch because my arty type designs just do not translate very well to merch because I can't drill down to two really popular keywords that that Amazon users will use your kind of birthday gifts or Mother's Day or niches that are related to you know professions or occupations or stuff like that that's not really what I do I do a little of that so I've had to kind of rehash some of my stuff for Amazon and it's more heavily text-based designs and stuff like that so but yeah we're still trying to figure mojo if you're wondering about the sudden jump from March emerge into April that was a trending design that was a design I did for red bubble at least a month before and I thought I think this might work on Amazon as well and it did and it got me out it got me out of tier 10 and then got me out of to100 it's been a really really consistent seller on Amazon since then it still sells even though the actual thing isn't trending anymore it's still something that people kind of like to see and buy so I'm happy I'm happy with the growth I had on on Amazon from that from that design and it's nice to see that since then I have other stuff that started to sell but the vast majority of my stuff on Amazon just has not sold at all okay so these amounts are the amalgamation of both my US and my UK sales so total for the year was 1005 pounds 15 pence $1300 and 16 cents total the merch okay guys so my first year on prints on demand you've seen all the individual numbers now let's have a look at the grand total which is here so if you can remember from my last video I have displayed designed by humans and Spreadshirt as well and the total amount that I made from those three over the year was 61 pounds seventy so I'm going to add it to this number here and add it to the dollar number here and that's my total for the year I I just want to say this this money that comes in month to month from these different platforms has sometimes really really helped me out as you guys know it's my it's not just my first year doing printer on-demand it's been my first year being a freelancer and there's been some months where work has been very very slow to come in and it's been such a relief to get these bits of money coming in sometimes it's not much but like I say when you add it all together for the year over 3,000 pounds is is substantial you know that might be what some people are making a month but for me that's that's great for me right now and for others that's that's a fantastic amount of money to have from something that they've done perhaps in their spare time now imagine if your your say you've got a full-time job and each evening you do a little bit of work on your prints on demand and get it to a point where you can make say three thousand a year you don't really need that money your full-time job gets you adequate money for four to live and for extra but imagine that you put every single one of those pennies into a jar for a holiday it's not even beer money at this point it's it's money for a decent holiday its money to get away and it's not coming out of your normal wages that's just money that you've had coming in on the side and if it's going straight into savings you can kind of forget it's there so I'm saying what I'm trying to say in a very roundabout ways it doesn't matter if you're earning twenty dollars a month to a thousand dollars a month different amounts of money didn't mean different things to different people depending on your current circumstance so don't let anyone bring you down by saying oh that's nothing I could make so much more it doesn't matter if that money is making a difference to you and making your life that little bit easier no one can say anything so you just keep doing you guys and that's been my point the whole time you'll see the results of the work that you put in if you only have time to spend say three hours a week on prints on demand there's nothing wrong with that and if you're really good and you market yourself correctly you can you can still see some some decent income from that so don't psych yourself out the thing although they do so much work to get to that point don't worry about that point do it because you enjoy doing it and if you get to get some some cash out of it at the other end then that's just brilliant that's a bonus so I hope anybody who's knew or anybody who's you know trying to find their feet on prints on demand I hope this is inspiring to you and not in a not in am intimidating way in a realistic way so don't worry about what anybody else is doing this is an example of you know what I've done last year but it it might not be relevant to you you might think for it to be worthwhile for me I need to be earning more than that fine you know adjust adjust those goal posts to suit you so don't compare yourself with what others are doing just keep doing your own stuff quality designs know that what you're doing is sustainable that you can keep it going that you can keep growing and see those sales start to rise until you get to a point where it's like I don't have time to invest in this anymore but it's still making me money I'm happy to leave things where they are and check in every so often however you want to do it this is just how I've done it but find something that works for you and there's no reason why you can't save enough money if not for a holiday there maybe for you know a few nights out throughout the year up to you alright guys that's all I have as I said this is gonna be my last earnings income report style video for awhile I'm going to be bringing you more content around the freelancing side of things and how I'm currently building my business how things are going etc I will still bring you lots of print on demand content because it accounts for a lot of my time and a lot of my efforts so of course I'm gonna share what I learned to you guys but for now I hope you guys enjoyed that and I will see you guys next week with some fresh content see ya [Music] you [Music]
Channel: RoguePixel
Views: 104,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: print on demand, pod, make money online, passive income, pogue pixel, roguepixel, print on demand earnings, 2019, how much money can you make print on demand, beginner, 2019 earnings, pod income report, 2019 income report, redbubble, teepublic, merch by amazon, etsy, passive income for designers, spreadshirt, first year on print on demand, how to make money online, freelance designer
Id: Ao6BqNDyl1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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