World's Strongest Man 2002 (UK version)

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[Music] no pain and no game there's a title and stake now on bbc1 as the quest begins to find the World's Strongest Man 2002 for centuries men have sailed the Malacca Straits of Malaysia seeking to become the most powerful in Southeast Asia but now there's a whole new battle for supremacy [Applause] [Music] the metrics trophy for the World's Strongest Man will be contested this year in Kuala Lumpur the capital of Malaysia and these are the petronas towers the tallest buildings on earth 88 stories high 452 meters reaching into the sky the ultimate symbol of Malaysia surge to economic prosperity in Southeast Asia in this city right here right now size is everything one of the annual highlights of the Malay sporting calendar is a race up the KL tower 421 meters from bottom to top 1,850 steps and the winner usually does it in around 10 minutes but down amongst the urban sprawling mass of Kuala Lumpur are 30 men for whom strength and not speed is the key from Austria to Australia they've come from Hawaii to Iceland in search of the biggest prize in strongman sport as ever five heats of six athletes the top two in each to go through to the final and let's now meet the first six contestants from heat one Magnus Amazon in Sweden 32 years old two meters portable 50 cables Derek we are from Australia 33 years old 192 centimeters tall 140 kilos kilos my name if it's 10 March 30 2008 us 140 to 200 students module must in South Africa 34 years old one point nine one meters 123 kilo speaker Pennsylvania USA 29 years old 6 foot 2 inches tall tired 43 kilos 25 years of age of 1 94 7 years till 120 kilo joules [Music] well this is my Decker square and it was here 45 years ago that Malaysia ended its links with its colonial past and declared independence and it's here that we start heat three with the carry and drag carry those two anvils 120 kilograms each that's 265 pounds half way put them down drag this huge anchor 265 kilograms that's 660 pounds all the way to the end of the course now for Gregor Edmunds it's his first World's Strongest Man as a competitor but your dad's been running this event for years so what sort of inside information have you got on what it takes to be a strong man Oh as you see I've seen a lot of it done over the last few years and as you see there's no walls not Britain's so it's a lot harder so I'm hoping I can do as good as I did at the British it's as good as I can do well you were runner-up there realistically what are your hopes here do you think realistically that's the world it's my firstborn who knows what can happen I think break this is not quite certain sir those are going no but whether it's the wall strongest or Scotland's strongest or even smaller competitions the feelings of seeing just get on with it and do your best so it all starts here describing the action as ever Paul Dickenson it's early in the morning here but the temperatures zooming up towards the 40s and the first competitor now representing Australia Derek Boyer unbeaten for four years in his native Australia the newcomer now Nigel Moss from South Africa the giant policeman from Pretoria good moment for him as well and gregor Edmonds his father standing behind Daley Edmonds the referee the Dragons represent now the giant Magnus Samuelson the former champion but nursing a big big tear in his bicep no but psyched up as always gonna be tough to beat renaming fest a former finalist in world Strongest Man representing Denver and finally another newcomer from the United States the US Champion this year Steve caret didn't win an event in the US Championships but he was so so consistent well just wonder how they're gonna get on these giant and Bill's almost the equivalent of a small motorcycle carried in each other down the course so here we go very first event in this year's wall Strongest Man and Samuelsson is off to a flyer what a start by the giant Swedes looking for great Redmon's he's the moment fourth place next to Samuelsson and it's Samuelsson who's away almost down a half there the Swede and coming up fast is running slow and steady for Gregory demons on this side Steve caret the newcomer from the United States being overtaken finding fits and on the far side boyars hang well but Samuelson all eyes on the former champion he's got a couple of metres to go that has to cross the line the apron same wagon Lexie 285 years and Samuelson wins the opening event [Applause] he's a seventy-five second time limit on this the clock ticking away Samuelson just walks away so dominant in this opening event can Edmonds come through on this side Ming fits on the far side Boyer American kirik still big boys to be won and lost and there's the whistle I think Gregor Edmunds in about third or fourth place but no doubt about the winner Samuelson who's absolutely down and out phenomenal performance but the heat taking its toll not just on Edmonds but on everybody else when a mink fest absolutely flat out funny and difficult to even stand I think he finished in second place what a start to this year's competition no doubt about the winner but what about the rest Haidee yeah I think with just how hard was that that's a big shock for the system huh always this first event you're going you don't realize how heavy things are until suddenly you're got to do it but third happy with that yeah well the fourth in the British so that should be good I'm happy is what my wicked ever answer those can't be bye like we really feel it now my lakes are totally gone couldn't breathe though it's just looking hello Magnus was was winning but I was looking for a second place I'm happy that's the worst one well boy was it hard Magnus may have won it but he wasn't too forthcoming in the immediate aftermath his confirmation that it was six points for the Swede mate bit second and a good start for Gregor Edmunds it took 10 minutes or so for Samuelsson to come up with his post race thoughts surprise me not the dragon was so so difficult and so hard but the end of day I wanted some place and you know you're like a fixture in this competition every year you are year-on-year on you how would you assess your form this year compared to last because you've had a lot of injuries I mean here yeah I've been lucky through my period I always stayed in one piece five months ago I pulled my bicep off and had to reattach it and everybody said I was over and out for for for a long time so I just have to prove them wrong so for the first time I haven't really thought as much about how the how this contest will devalue I'm just here to prove everybody that I'm not dead yet and I think this will get them the message 44 degrees and rising close your eyes you could almost be in Scotland and this next event will be more at home and Coco Dior Kilmarnock than it would in Kuala Lumpur because it's taken straight out of the Highland Games making its debut in world Strongest Man the weight throw now gregor you've been brought up with this kind of event so tell us what's the secret to this it's going from the biggest muscles which is in your your bottom and legs and you pool with them the way it comes up up up you put all their power clean but you keep pulling keep pulling until it's fingertips smallest muscles the fast ones you let it go [Music] well this should be a demonstration at the opening height for Gregor Eggman certainly in terms of experience he could do very very well here 4 meters 10 just a shade over 13 feet if you can imagine that was a superb demonstration good start find the Scot terrific technique this was the opening height and clearly they don't do this sort of thing too often Fiji or Australia because the derrick fire a real veteran of world Strongest Man for many years it was a height too far maybe they don't do too often on the high veldt either at 4 meters 50 it was the end for the South African I see the guys who have done it before another technique is a secret to everything we do and they know the secret I don't but I'll find it out and where the tough and I've come back in giving riding Magnus Samuelsson may have won the first event and he was optimistic about this one until at 4 meters 70 it was the end for the Swede Gregor Edmunds perhaps surprisingly got to 4 meters 80 and then called it quits but on dark nights in Pennsylvania they love nothing more than throwing huge weights over bars Steve Kiryat tremendously impressive there and Rennie memfix at 4 meters 90 just too easy for him so the main points in event 2 still up for grabs so just two competitors left now this is Kiryat of the United States of America 16 feet four you'll understand that better than five meters this is a big height for boats then left in and that's a first failure for the American two attempts allowed he's got to go straight back in a long steady swing then the giant left by the legs on the back and finally by the arms and shoulders oh that's even worse today has to wait for ready Memphis the only competitor left in who can take maximum points so here is mink mitts of Denmark so former final nobody has managed to negotiate this height of 5 meters it's a prodigious height 25 kilograms the way it looked small but believe me it's and another third place for Gregor Edmonds although I think Gregor will be a little bit disappointed with his height he's done better than that but look at this the victory dance now and maximum points for mink bits so a good win for the Great Dane the American in second Gregor Edmonds third place once again but the derek boy and no points at all he failed to clear a single - and he and Nigel Moss finding themselves tailed off a bit with four in contention though this could be a very interesting [Music] the pulse of 1 upon whimpers busiest streets beating a little bit slower at the moment because they've closed the main road to allow the Fingal's fingers to take place five huge rods of iron weighing between 200 and 300 kilograms to be lifted up and pushed over as quickly as possible now this looks different this year from previous times because the two guys are going to go alongside each other so it's a race from start to finish there's the new course layout at Binh Thanh Wharf in downtown Cairo and there is Reni Ming fits alongside Steve caret the United States of America so let's have a look at the technique up to the chest and then straight arms a straight body and you've got to try and keep the leg straight as well as link this just goes into the lead of course is fatigue sets in the technique he's gonna fall well that's for sure to overreach and going well but it still Ming fits just in the lead by about half a second on that last one and with number three this next one 275 kilos that's over 500 pounds there we go its neck and neck all the way but both men struggling just a wee bit we've seen when your competitors in the polls go five and complete the course but not this time and I think these two guys will be disappointed but both got their three fingers up in under 30 seconds which was more than Derek Boyer could manage and Nigel Moss of South Africa was even slower with history well what a head to head now for Gregor Edmunds up against the former champion and when Magnus Samuelson hasn't won the final he's been so so close he's one of the most experienced competitors in the world but the Scot has got into the lead what a good start by Gregor well it's often said that in this event if your tour it's an advantage Samuelsson a shade taller than Gregor Edmunds is over 6 feet 40 and now Samuelson's coming back they both turn 3 they're certainly faster than either carrot or Memphis this is a fantastic head-to-head but the Scot just blowing and puffing at the moment can he do five Samuelson looks as I could be heading for victory once again it looked so easy performance by Gregor Edmonds as well he's gonna pick up a second place tremendous point you would determine not to get beaten by him weren't you why is that yeah once I get going and then I felt that I had no problem with it I gave it my all and luckily I cashed him in the end but your angle is very good on this um I'm pleased with my performance and are you pleased with yours of course to be making Megan actually in front at one stage well this might squeeze something injury or not so Samuelson with the aid of a cold sponge at the end looking like the champion he once was and Greg Redman showing why he is Scotland's Strongest Man and Gregor now just two points behind the joint leaders now contrary to what you might think this is not just all about brawn there's some brain in there too there's a lot of talking and talking each other though and hyping each other up they know it's there's a lot there's a lot of main games going as well but I think I'm quite good at them [Music] the presidential palace inputs a dryer the centerpiece of what will be the most modern city in the world when it's completed in 2010 housing 350,000 people the international airports over there before with one racetrack over there but eat your heart out Schumacher and Barack hello anybody can drive a car appeal but how many people do you know who can pull one up one [Music] well Derek Oya could he got to the end of the course in 28.0 1 seconds but it was too much for nigel mosque we only made it as far as 22.5 5 meters he's in third place behind magnus Samuelson and Renee Ming fits but he's up against Steve Kerr it in this heat well 1,500 kilograms the car weighs it looks pretty easy when they get started but then it gets so so hard after about 10 meters when they have to start going uphill and this is a real sprint by Gregor now the slope kicks in you've got to stay low you've got to keep pulling with the riding with the legs and the American is gaining on the spot just a little bit can he keep it going can he keep the time going yes he can that is a good time by Greg Redman twenty two point eight seconds from Steve Garrett stops at twenty six point five well done to both of them we put the pressure on him they're so cool buzz good enough last ten meters how hard was that it was actually a lot easy and I thought it would be used to going trucks and I'm used to pushing my father's trucks at the is all dairy because they weren't the best for your jokester I find it claiming Fitz and Samuelson and Ming fits locked together on 15 points and look at this the sprinting away now that car start to go uphill but this is still fantastic stuff the giant arms of Samuelson but can he beat the babe it's gonna be so so close just gets it oh that was fantastic and they're both under 20 seconds and that means Edmunds finishes third that was very important for you because Gregor was getting a little bit close doesn't he it's real close but no I think I have four boys or something it's nice contented smile for the day in a second victory for him Samuelson in second place Edmonds in third and what that means is the three of them pulling clear of the rest Gregor is snapping at the Swedes heels here's the old stage and to sum up the state of play with two events to go three points is a lot of point if everything goes well but then again if you do a bad mistake three points is nothing [Music] [Applause] [Music] the British motorcycle legend Carl Fogarty launches his petronas team this year so fittingly beneath the petronas towers in a country obsessed by motorsports two motorbikes could well determine who gets to the final of this year's world Strongest Man it's the Basques circle the bikes weigh 300 kilograms that's 660 pounds and they have to be carried on the forearms as often as possible around this circle and for Gregor Edmonds this really is a must-win event isn't it yep first any chance to the final I've got to do win this one so all guns blazing I need to do it though well even in the stifling heat all the contestants manage to take those bikes a pretty reasonable distance first of all Boyer then Moss and Steve carat look at the pain on his face the best today eighty-three point nine meters well they do say one of the things that's required to get through to the finalists consistency and when you look at Gregor's performances so far three third places and a second he still there but he could do the victory so six feet four and a half knocking on the door of sway stones in body weight it's just follow that dougie Edmund G says get ready and lift and away we go 30 metres around it's a great target that's been set by the Americans Steve here--it there's two mopeds weighing in at 300 kilograms 30 metres gone good speed it's to be steady not fast that's the secret Jamie leaves standing in the background their former wall strongest man keeping a watchful eye on Gregor Edmunds who's trained so so hard as he goes past the 60 meter mark this is coming up towards the lead the Scott has done it he's in the lead now 90 meters gone he's gotta put as much distance between himself and that mark as possible we've still got Samuelsson um eight bits to go this is fantastic over a hundred meters brilliant stuff by Gregor Edmonds a hundred new ten meters but he's gotta wait now oh what a crucial wait it might be some lessons very good at this so I hope us blocked him up a little for you hope there's something disco for this well it certainly might have seen that performance by Gregor Edmonds but what about this bicep tear that Magnus Sam Wilson reported all four months ago how will that affect his performance here the Swedish newspapers almost rode off his chances before he even got here so he's determined to show them he's still in shape and he's still one of the best looking a little bit unsteady as Samuelson but it's good speed a little bit faster than Edmonds but speed is not important he's got that plastic strip across his nose it's supposed to help the breathing and he's coming up two or three revolutions now so still looking pretty good oh he's struggling a bit at the moment he's down so he's in second place just ahead of Steve carrot but Edwin still a long long way in the lead one competitor to go on safe today forget it if we can get one third and one second place and this is very dangerous from my bicep so I can fight on maybe for another lap or so but then I have to do all this stuff and then you over rotate the bicep and make the risk we need a sky-high at least I saw another time another place on the Dane but can he be the Great Dane Reni Ming fits the only guy who can separate Greg Redmon's from this maximum points in the penultimate event woof and go lift and go says referee dougie Edmonds I wonder if secretly he's hoping mink will not be able to go three and a bit times round he's looking good for 30 meters though that's no problem at all thirty minutes gone one revolution needs two and a half more to go into the lead Gregory Edmonds pacing around in the background watching this intently but means Vince I think is he beginning to struggle there's certainly stress in those eyes and in the face he's slowing dramatically surely this is victory for Scotland oh this is dramatic meet Vince is gonna finish in last place I can't believe it victory for Scotland a dramatic turnaround in form in this second-to-last event Greg Redmond said he had to win that and he did just that emphatically 225 metres clear of the rest but mink bits coming last means suddenly Edmonds is in with a great chance of making it to the final mink bits from appearing home and dry now under pressure but no excuse she was the best is the one that's okay but you still have one more one more entry goes maybe if I'm lucky how do you do the stones now again it's back again I don't know how he is but sometimes I'm really good sometimes I'm not so good so I hope I'm really good today can you get five up I will do everything it's win or die [Music] win or die in the mother or should that be the daddy of all strongman events the five stones to be placed on the wall the last 160 kilograms will be crucial you'd expect nothing less of Magnus Samuelsson the former world Strongest Man he got all five stones up onto the wall in a time just over 30 seconds a real show of strength he's into the final but the big question loop join in that well the arithmetic is very simple here Greg Redmon's on the lam if he beats Rene Ming fits the Scott is through to the final it's as simple as that I tell you what the atmosphere here is unbelievable mink got a chance in his first-ever wall Strongest Man competition has got a choice though which one has got the bottle which one has got the technique Gregor a shade behind that gets it up first this is good for the Scot Ming Fitch not as tall as Edmonds that could be a disadvantage but such tremendous power but it still happens in the lead he's got it on his shoulder and just has to plug it on top of that wall Midlands carrying it on his chest come on number four for Scotland yes Joely on his way to the final if he can do number five ahead of ming fist he's got it big miles behind in the final that is very first of ten absolutely super big knows he's beaten his gregor Edmonds for Britain and Scotland in the final first time in it and into the final what does that mean to you generally well that's not settled in yet but it's blue I can say matter I'm in the top ten in the world that's something that they all see that I've done my best but that's what's been buy a better man a truly immense performance by Gregor Edmunds second place there means that he and Magnus Samuelson a former champion will go through to the final of the metrics trophy to find the World's Strongest Man okay I got many congratulations on getting to the final and given your family's history this event he must be immensely proud tell you what though as a Scot you'll appreciate this down in Chinatown the most amazing bargains I picked up three Rolexes but in Quidditch but I'll let you have a parade for your sake Joe now you can get aids BBC channels including world cinema and exclusive drama you can already get these new BBC [Music] and so the World's Strongest Man circus moves to Malaysia one of the enduring images of Southeast Asia is mile upon mile of palm tree and paddy field Malaysia used to be self-sufficient in rice now they have to import 30 percent of their total national consumption but in the same way that you'll always find there's an awful lot of coffee in Brazil there's still a heck of a lot of rice in Malaysia much of it might his way here to Chinatown in Kuala Lumpur a frantic kaleidoscopic helter-skelter mixture of restaurants and shops in the heart of the oldest part of the capital hi Kuala Lumpur is very much a symbol of the new Malaysia with its about aim of a place amongst the world's elite proud and strong unstoppable [Music] as ever in the metrics trophy there are five heats six strong men in each six events in each the top two go through to the final already there a Swede and a Scot Gregor Edmunds let's meet the next six would be finalists Brian Speer mocha from Indiana USA age 28 height six foot three weight 150 three and a half kilos toilet from Germany age 35 night 192 weight 150 two pillars dry mountain managed from last year age 36 take take 1 meters 90 to 130 1928 height one weight without the edge 132 kilos Yano arms from the numbers 1827 hide one metre 89/100 35 kilos age thirteen point six foot weight in kilos now last year in Zambia you were one of the British competitors you come here as Britain's strongest man does that weigh heavily on your shoulders but it does last year so gotten by through the back door finishing sticks and the Britons and this year though the experience I had from Welsh internal actually it helped me in good stead for the Britons and obviously you know helped me to win it and come in here this year just I think it just makes it feel more comfortably coming with the toil we start in the Decker square the heart of colonial Kuala Lumpur where Malaysia declared independence 45 years ago and the history of strongman events tells you that a good start is essential and make no mistake it's a real tough e to start with picking up these two giant anvils a hundred and twenty kilograms each that's two hundred and sixty-five pounds and going just about this speed actually halfway down the course before putting them down here and then being confronted by this huge tire to flip now this weighs 400 kilograms wait for it that is 880 pounds [Music] / now to Paul Dickinson well John's gone to have a little lie-down after that it's unbelievably hot and humid here for this competitions so difficult for all the competitors including Heinz LS 35 years old weighing in at a massive hundred and fifty-two kilograms mark our leaf britain strongest man from Wellingborough in Northamptonshire one of the whitest men here I wonder if that's going to be a disadvantage y'all know hams from the Netherlands he came into this competition for the seven-time champion but envenom Berg looking quiet I wonder if he's confident the Latvian Olympic weightlifting champion Raymond's burg - at 36 the oldest man in this heat the giant you have a sedan from Finland nearly six feet six inches tall very very athletic indeed and finally from the United States of America he's won the American Championship twice in his career Brian Scoon fell the Americans always confident in their own ability but this is hard 120 kilos each and Ville way away we go the first chance to see Britten strongest man in action on the far side that mark I lives struggling he's in last place in the moment into yarn I am followed by the fin lesson but - is going well - unfortunately mark either falling way way behind at this stage grind skill belt on just ahead of mark on it but big bonus goes into the lead this is a phenomenal competition McManus just at the moment wrestling in hands either side of the Latvian and on the far side hands Alex as well one more crucial do it the IANA Hamzah's come through he spritz over the line I think that that's been just nipped Ramon's big bonus for second place kun fell just finishing mark island is gonna finish in what a performance by Yaya McManus ii and i think you are raffinate in third place water start and what a disappointment for britain Strongest Man grasan and almost but yonder hams just finishing ahead of the Latvian I saw close it was just tough just give it all it's it's almost there just give it one final push in I think it was enough that underlined the depth of competition didn't it yeah didn't believe New Orleans didn't me feel myself off the line I wasn't sure what I was gonna be like but that farmers Walker just felt like no explosive power lots of tire when we do the most toys in the Britons never flip and easy but I just felt like dead weight have you flip you know this is when they start there it is very disappointing really yeah flippin disappointing for mark I'll if you could say Britain's Strongest Man only picking up one point there but it was 40 degrees Plus that must have been a factor while the action continues now in Medeco square but we change venue to the cricket pitch next up it's a true test of a strong man this is powerlifting by any other name lift this giant log weighing a hundred and twenty kilograms that's two hundred and sixty-five pounds onto your shoulders then above your head and lock out put it down and when you've done with this one there's a whole lot more to contend with and they are a whole lot bigger [Music] well the weather got hotter and things got worse for Britain Strongest Man Mark I live at the opening weight of a hundred twenty kilograms a man from Northampton and he was forced to put it down you are Matt irrational Finland did better than that for a hundred and fifty kilograms was too much for him and here's another failure this time it's Yano hams from Holland 116 too much for him more successful though Heinz LS from Germany a hundred and sixty five kilograms for the pain and the power but that was as far as he could go my do Brian's spoon felt of America made a hundred and sixty-five kilogram to the child's play but perhaps surprisingly he couldn't go any further either they all had to give second best - Raymond Berg - of Latvia he was in a class of his own three times an Olympic power lifter he was absolutely thrilled by this victory and ready to celebrate as he had done in the world final in America six years earlier remember after the first place soon s Las Vegas I jump in a pool with dress I sing it maybe for the same just over there don't go and do that now yeah : so six points to the man from Latvia the happy hippo happy to win and happy to cool off Oh leche and scoot felt sharing second spot and this looks like being a really competitive heat although for mark I lift things looking pretty bleak already well KL is nothing if not a thoroughly modern city and in the midst of its most busy shopping area five huge rods of iron the Fingal's fingers to be lifted up and pushed over as quickly as possible they weigh between 200 and 300 kilograms that's 440 and 660 pounds of talking of pushing it's time that you heart made a push with some points that he's going to keep Finland's amazing record going in world's strongest man this is a very important event for you isn't it yes I need a lot of points on Dawg I hope I can beat this event how aware are you that Finland every year does very well in this and now it is up to you I don't want to be a worse than yoga and your net we let's meet the new champion you are resident in the white mcmanus from Latvia Road the time is important but more importantly in a way is the technique and the ability to get every part of the body moving that is white at 200 kilos this a little heavier at 225 still neck and neck in the lead at the moment right down from the toes to the fingertips you've got to be so strong rhythm is important as well this is an unbelievable test the fortitude of strength of power and of technique going well both men that is number four for wrastlin now can he do five not many people have managed that so far in fatal fingers whether it's been in Britain Strongest Man all Wall Strongest Man wrestling's got a problem he's even trying to use his head my goodness but Mardis is catching this is bomb believable The Tortoise and the hare kill the latvian win this one wrestling is finished the time limit is 75 seconds so he's got a time if he just keeps on 300 kilos can he do it one - he's running a truck it's gonna be a brotherly the whistle has gone before he hit the deck I think big - thinks he's got it but I don't think the referees gonna give it to him that seems so so unfair after an enormous effort by this giant Latvian very good its first get it who's this event and I learn before but I do this all five fingers and probably by their sinks not taking me five and mrs. diam limit that but by five mark I'll if was fighting a losing battle three fingers for him in 3509 Heights Oh leash of Germany though took the lead an immense performance all five up and over in just over 70 seconds it was the first time that I did it had some problems to lift them up they were really slippery but then I continued my Richmond I got it by the more self and please do it I did everything I could and that's the most important American Bryant skin felt wearing the black and Jana hams in the orange get ready the last pairing now can anybody beat that phenomenal performance by the German Heinz olace seven two point zero three four or five these two guys off to a very quick start well we've always talked about quite being important here if you're six feet five six six it really helps these guys an ear in the 6-foot mark and it's the American just in the lead school ball going whether he's wearing gloves that is going to help with the grip Brian Scoon fell twice America's strongest man not this year but previously in his career is going well Jana hams is stuck that can he do number five this is a great performance Brian school bells he's got about another 145 degrees to go Jana hands is struggling you've got a former wall strongest man behind with us tires for safety this is tremendous by Scoon Bell he's gonna be just outside 60 seconds but that is victory for the American and that has made this heat wide wide open to see who goes through to the final mountain give everything I got you know this is a tall man's event and like like Magnus Anderson you hi Yonny all them guys you know they took the fingers up in their arty half we helped we got to work at it so victory for the pocket battleship from the US of A Oh lessions second place the Finn in third but at the halfway stage this really has to be one of the most open heats in the history of world Strongest Man perm - from five just four points between them [Applause] [Music] this is what a city looks like before anybody moves in six years ago this was a massive rubber plantation now it's about to be the most state-of-the-art city on the planet this is put your gyre just half an hour from Kuala Lumpur which in eight years time will house no fewer than 350,000 people no traffic problems at the moment in fact there's just one thing on the road [Music] an amazing backdrop for this event one of the all-time favorites in while strongest man the lorry port I just wonder after this event how favorite it will be with the competitors you have wrastlin I think this guy could have an advantage here being so so tall there the 30 meters the distance 13 tons the lorry the start always important he won he wants to get lower than that if he's gonna have some real impact on this lorry but he's away now heading towards the first market 10 meters wearing climbing boots remember the first time I saw an athlete wearing climbing boots about 10 years ago it made a great difference and all the guys do it now the wrastlin those arms working overtime still not going too low but certainly setting a marker here for everybody else 13 tons of worry rolling down now wrestling's gotta keep it going the front of that lorry has to go over the white line I reckon this is a good target for everybody else is a good time for acelin forty five point three two and as always he's absolutely out on his feet the heat and humidity is going to take its toll in this event it's awful because as we have read like almost every day is that when II decrease me - after now is the ethical almost forty degrees it's very hard at the end you feel terrible yeah yeah all of them I read that they're very definitely well mark Iliff continued to battle heroically despite having a trapped nerve which meant he could only push off one foot properly he knew his challenge was faltering but he was brave to the end please 18 stone so yeah I'll just got to finish it really not like you for that finish things well yah no hands did finish things 51 point eight one for the Dutchman and bad luck for Heights Oh - 4584 just outside wrastlin Stein [Applause] spoon belt absolutely psyched up he wants the crowd to get involved as well after that last victory it really has put himself in as a contender so if we can get this lorry away and rolling it could be good news for the American he's never made the final of world Strongest Man he's certainly one of the most competitive animals I've ever seen in strongman competition and he would love to make it through to the final and he's going well it's still the forty five point three two seconds by Uehara sanan that's the target over way that lorry beginning to accelerate just a little bit that shows you just have fit these guys are as well as being incredibly strong he's looking relaxed he's staying low he's getting faster this is going to be so so close if you can go under 44 minute and he has done it fantastic one man to go but Brian's in the lead does your body feel that you're gonna explode at some point oh yeah they read you know this is one of the hardest events I think you know its whole body legs arms you're down the last 10 meters you know your legs are burning your arms your biceps your backs are burning just kept put everything got into it and pull like mad you know leading time right now see what Raymond Burke nanus can do I think I can hold them off but what Raymond Bergman is could do was 52 0 9 seconds not good enough to overtake the American which meant it was a second victory in a row for school felt wrastlin second oh lash third vogue - back in fifth for five of them though still everything to play for with two events to go for mark I'll if it was the end of his challenge his injury too serious and he was advised to return event five finds us in the shadow of the Petronas Towers it originated in northern Spain with farm workers carrying fruit round in a wooden box and it was called the Basque Circle then it was the stone circle the boulder holder and in a way it's come full circle now riding around in circles you can almost say with two bikes weighing 300 kilograms that 660 pounds to be carried on the forearms like this and taken around the podium as many times as possible [Music] you have wrastlin right now there's giant forearms are gonna be so so effective but the grip is equally as important tries to keep it high on the chest once round is thirty meters so the calculation should be easy let's not forget the gregor Edmonds in the last program set a phenomenal performance of a hundred and ten meters that's 30 for the fin and of course Scandinavia they've got a brilliant tradition in strongman competition so wrastlin would love to make it through to the final and in this heat it's so so close between the top five heading towards 70 meters now 80 beginning to hurt three times round this is great stuff by wrastlin it's getting lower those arms are beginning to ache down the lactic acid beginning to burn the forearms and the legs he's over a hundred meters around about a hundred and eight another superb performance by wrastlin and that is going to be tough to beat it was too much for Jarno Hamed despite a highly credible performance by the Dutchman of 90.2 meters for the giant German OLS 49.7 and he almost hit the deck as well but after two victories on the trot for Brian's Scoon felt his challenge suddenly hit the buffers 60 points 700 meters and down went the bikes Ramon's big varnas has competed all Latvia at three Olympic Games in weightlifting he loves and relishes this sort of competition but what a target the wrastlin has set and another competitor here who's got a chance of making it through to the final coming up to 30 meters looking skywards for divine inspiration somehow he's looking good short sharp steps solid as a rock coming up towards 60 a little quiet look there down towards the ground now it's beginning just slip a little bit but I'll tell you what he's setting a cracking pace here Jana hands has got 90 meters and the Latvian goes ahead of the Dutchman they're in second place but he wants maximum points he's got about another 10 meters to go to be resonant but that bar is getting so so low this is going to be close he's down but I think he's done it by about a meter maximum points for the Raymond's Berg - for the second time in this heat how much pain were you in there huh it's a tough the third circle and 1/4 shaking back I I think and do this and so inspired by the folks back home in Latvia Ramon's Berg - takes victory in the Basque Circle by less than a meter and what it means with one event to go is there's just four points separating the top five everything fascinatingly poised and so beneath the tallest building in the world we come to the most famous strongman event in the world the atlas stones five great rocks to be picked up and placed on this wall but the key one is this the fifth 165 kilograms that's 360 pounds get that up and you're in with a real chance of making it through to the final five rocks and amazingly we have five men in contention going into this final event so can you get that fits that up planning on it Heights yes you are oh right always I don't listen to the questions [Laughter] [Music] while following mark eyelets withdrawal Yano hands had to go in his own for stones in 3772 was the target for the rest apology that was a pretty Swift time by jana hams for four stones with one of the biggest tests in the world it's over sixty inches around you have lancelin now he's got a real job but he's gotta go fast wrastlin hasn't got the bulk of OS but his long arms may be an advantage here now upon the shoulder perhaps yes four LS a little bit of a different technique for a sternum but it's quick one stone up and the second oh that was almost a calamity for wrestling but he's still ahead of heinz always finds out less would have to do five if he's got any chance to make it through to the file 37 seconds by hams for four stones that is the target bar asana and he's destroyed it so residents got a real chance of making it through we still got grind skinfold and book manners to go the neither of these two men do five if OS can do five he could be resonant and make it through to the final if wrastlin gets five surely he is in the final or no behinds always give me everything but don't think it's going to be able to do this that sticky stuff on his arms is dripping off in this heat I think he's had enough wrestling as well but the Finn is in the lead for the time being do you think your four stones is quick enough I hope to me you going to watch are you going to listen well here we go Scoon felt has got a chance of making it through to the final as does McManus 3307 for four stones the crucial target I'd love to make the final he's never done it before bug - has been there before so anybody who gets five stones is definitely in the file that is for sure but Morris is going like a train that these guys are not just strong they're very fast as well if you can see them sprint over 30 meters you'd be amazed for the birth bonus in the fastest time is in the final scoot valve he's missed that time so he has to do five and that despite two victories earlier on by the American the goddess on the far side going for the fifth stone at well done by Brian spoon verbally must be disappointed come on - one of the most popular men on it's gonna be close come on Raymond get it up 160 kilos suddenly wonderful Latvia will be in the file and can the United States join in Bryans goon well if he gets this fifth corner he's got a fighting chance all credit to Raymond for sticking around and helping but time has run out what a huge disappointment for the American but in the end the Raymond's burg Barneses number one Scoon fell down and out great stuff that meant an awful lot to you didn't it ah unbelievable I never lifted milestones in my life never back my last final five years ago and I had it then I'm absolutely happy and oh that's a happy Latvian and a happy Finn Thank You Man thank you and God is my best friend well well the joy of victory there for all to see in the face of Raymond's burg - and relief for you heart Matty grassman he thought maybe he was going to miss the boat he meant disappointment for Brian scream felt so near and yet so far what it means is that Raymond's burg - and you are Matty rasslin are through to the final of the metrics trophy well Raymond's Mary congratulations for getting to the final because it's one of the most experienced men in a strongman it's a great moment for you I know I'll tell you something though I know you're a big football fan as well you get some amazing bargains down in Chinatown I picked up this replica Man United chef for just five quid I've got one for you too - to unite this is rubbish I'm a gula founder Braun [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome to the world's strongest man in Malaysia and to Malacca for more than a thousand years one of the most strategically important ports in all of Southeast Asia and everywhere you look Chinese Portuguese Dutch and British colonial influences there for all to see and it remains delightfully old-fashioned the heart of old Malaysia beating strong planned plan as they say here chill take it easy [Music] chill do me a favor it's 35 degrees and this is Kuala Lumpur busy noisy vibrant the biggest war in Asia's Tiger economy and somewhere in its midst the kings of the human jungle the format for the metrics trophy remains the same five heats six strong men and each six events in each and the top to go through to the final already there these four among them Gregor Edmunds from Scotland which two from these six will join them there money from his 441 was all sold 170 feet or or 125 polite from Canada age when am i 1 meter 92 135 adults 31 years old one meter 80 to 120 kilos from Austria 37 years 1 meter night ec145 kilos 3 years old 1 meter 97 35 kilos 10,000 from Norway I'm 35 years old waiting 141 kilo and what a reactor and I am the word strong as a madman what's it meant to you to be able to say that you are the strongest man in the world for the past 12 months oh it's been really really good and I've been so close to it so many times so it finally and it's been an unbelievable year why do at least I have won it once now and what I really really want to do it again and I think have a fair chance at it have you had a tattoo done saying you are the world Strongest Man for 2001 no but I made my own subtitles now I have the waiking power and so the battle to find this year's World's Strongest Man starts here in Medeco square in the heart of old colonial kuala lumper with the carry and drag carry those two anvils 120 kilograms each that's 265 pounds halfway down the course drop them here and then drag this mighty anchor 265 kilograms that's 660 pounds all the way to the end of the course now the Stuart Murray this is a second world Strongest Man after Morocco four years ago what lessons do think you've learned from then for now to try and cope with the heat up I guess I can join aim it's gonna be very very hot for everyone or the heat I'm just off to try our best and see you later now you've got the world Strongest Man yes and daunting is that really the one thing is looking very fairly strong they're definitely the minor two something a lot about your chances that one's gonna pour dirty like an old dog like usually don't give up till you let it last event it's quite a relate to him describe any action as ever Paul Dickens Stuart Murray representing Scotland and Great Britain a veteran of so many strong men comedy a very very long career and you come into us bound cash bomber from Austria a very good shape indeed a massive man another first-timer in war Strongest Man American Jesse mirandy the former tight end for Montana State in American football Garrick domecq of Poland is not big but he's tremendously muscular and now gaining an experience in this sort of competition all the time the reigning champion the defending champions spend Carson of Norway won it brilliantly last year and hopefully demonstrating biking power once again Jesse Palmer of Canada finished second in the Canadian Championships to the very experienced Hugo Suraj this year the world for this heat and won a competition to started 120 kilos in away they go down the course at the moment lead Carson's got a bit of work to do good stop by the Austrian and now Carlson is getting to gain a little bit of Greensboro Stewart Mary on the far side is in place and Carson [Applause] American to keep it going in the is gasps Bama in second place and I thought for a moment the Austria was catching Carlson Carson's got a couple of metres to go did make is coming through into third then actually Murray on the far side making slow progress but he is gaining this is so hard in terms of competition and nearly forty degrees the temperature absolutely blistering conditions for this first event and taking its toll everybody is just waiting and watching the time limit gone and Sven Karlsen the champion starts with victory in this very first event we'll have to sort out the minor places but the Norwegian has done it good points as well for Austrian calf power what's bad really bad that was what I call Saved by the Bell and I always started and I got the perfect sit score so now I think I can make it did you think you might win maybe but it's very heavy to catch Mankato is about Strongest Man but I think I will catch him I just get it away anymore enough so I could do well how tough was that for starters nobody completing the course not even the world Strongest Man although he did pick up the six points [Music] while the action continues now in Medicare but you change venue to the cricket pitch and this is the second event the weight throw this weighs 56 pounds that's the same way as a bag of potatoes and it's where the humble bag of spuds that our next event finds its origins because in days of old and Highland Games in Scotland they used to get a bag of potatoes and hurl them as high as they could over a bar like that so Jarek is this a popular sport in Poland no do you think it's very easy to do yes I think this is it for me [Music] well Jarek Dimmick said he thought this was easy here he is at four metres 10 and he was right very straightforward very simple and he was looking a supremely confident to that stage the Jason Paulin of Canada four metres ten the opening height was too high Jesse maroon day of the USA at 4:30 he called it quits Jarek the confidence replaced by disappointment he couldn't get it over 450 and the same fate befell Stuart Murray from Scotland a big effort but not good enough being a Scot that would have been right up your street that well as a high only game event but I don't do hailing games I've always done that twice before I came out here so I'm quite pleased were getting 14 feet and at least something I grew up 14 feet eight how hard was it I don't think I do it it's hard it's just a lot of power needed by what I take because we already but longer learn a technique maybe I could ago but we do but burnt Kersh bomber from austria had the strength and the technique and the luck in off the bar with a very happy austrian but he was going head to head by this stage with the world Strongest Man Sven Karlsen a bit of luck for him as well and you can see how much it meant to these two huge men has moved up to 4 meters 80 15 feet 8 inches and I'm trying to throw a suitcase over a double-decker bus that's the task in hand at the moment for the Austrian cash bomber I think he's got a slight advantage over Carlson the only other man left in in terms of height is a couple of inches taller than the defending champion we do a lot of good to get this at the first attempt here goes [Applause] that was much better than the previous right so all the pressure now goes on to spend Carlton's good effort by the Austrian fantastic effort they're clear by an inch or two and Carlson has to follow that for me to say T in the olden days the pole vaulters would go up this without any trouble at all with bamboo poles if you can believe it and this a very very long tradition in Highland Games the way PI fan Carson's failed it so just one more attempt for the Norwegian to stay in the competition otherwise its maximum points for Austria slow and steady the core has to be right up on tiptoes stretch out of the fingertips caramel watching he could get a victory here and it all depends Ben Carson but the Norwegian ends up in second place - bomber gets the maximum six points so he does very much running as part of his training but a world is a lap of victory forecast bomber of Austria in the white throat terrific effort a great heavyweight clash there between Kirsch bomber and Carlson four metres eighty enough to give the Austrians six points but it does mean after two events but a gap is opening up between those two and the rest Stuart Murray back in the fifth place [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the Golden Triangle is the showpiece of Cales economic development high-rise blocks and shopping malls fighting for trade but it's all come to a grinding halt today for the third event the Fingal's fingers five huge rods of iron weighing between 200 and 300 kilograms that's 440 to 660 pounds to be lifted up and flipped over as quickly as possible and there's a new layout to the event this year so as you can see it's clearly a race to the end [Music] downtown KL with the new layout for Fingal's fingers and there is yannick Dimmick lying in third place overall and the big tall American Jessie Miranda now mirandy the first time he's ever tried this about much much taller and for the first one 200 kilos now on to 225 leaning into it the mismatching just a little bit and the mech is absolutely sprinting between each of these fingers Nick and neck America : just wonder if we're only being about 5 inches tall and we'll have the advantage in the end must keep his arm straight and his legs give me keys there [Applause] fantastic pushing it down well here goes the American on number five but what has happened to demand he thinks he's gone ahead in the American and number four so he's just biding his time hoping the American is that a big technical error by domecq I don't know but one thing is for sure monday has done superbly and as far as Domecq is concerned if that was tactics well it was wrong fantastic performance Thanks were you expecting to do that yeah I did poorly the first time I did this in contest trained it really hard paid off today so I'm happy what's the secret of success speed period everything's strongman is speed you got to be strong you gotta have good wind but it's a time to bethe fastest go Stuart Murray found it all too much just one finger up in thirty two point three seconds Jason Powell app for in sixty eight dead who gave the two leaders something to think about there's cash bomber of Austria is superb in the last event came away with maximum points and next to him the defending champion what a start it's been four spend Carlson first in the first event then second and a cracking time by Miranda why fingers in 49.5 a sprint to the first one only those over 440 pounds the next one closer to 500 carlson pissed in the lead but more experienced than curse Bama that's the sherbert curse Bama I think is getting better and better as the events go on [Applause] it's still Norway in first place Austria in seconds 49.5 remember is the time that's when Carson and care spanner is gonna be and he's on the last one already can he keep it going 61 inches tall as ghost bomber finishes the Carson 21 he's destroyed the time set climber run day and that is victory number two out of three events biking Power has done it again Kersh bomber absolutely gutted but a decisive victory for Carlson when he saw the American guy go that quickly how much of an incentive for you was that huh as you know is the world eight seconds behind my best anyway so I wasn't really scared and you only am I always like get to the final spending as little energy as possible and there the walking will roar again promise and that's why Sven Karlsen is the world's strongest man supremely confident almost with the handbrake on and winning the Fingal's fingers and if Carlson's going to get to the final who's going to join him there will it be Kirsch bomber Dimmick or Monday the presidential palace at Putrajaya the centerpiece of what will be the most modern city in the world when it's completed in 2010 housing 350,000 people and it's here we find the next event the car pool each of these vehicles weighs 1500 kilograms and it has to be dragged up the hill 25 meters to the end of the course two cars on the front row of the grid and one of them's a pole [Music] one here is your academic is in third place overall but on the same points as is competitor in the carpool Jesse Miranda from the United States the leader at the moment is Paula of Canada who's already been 36 seconds Stuart Murray unfortunately did not complete the course packed full of muscle Burundi a little bit taller and this is becoming a real sprinters event and can you believe the speed at which these guys are going with 1,500 kilograms of car they've got a drag now going up the hill or under just slowing a little bit do you make is going staying low using those powerful arms to pull yourself up the hill and he's finished now a fantastic time for Dimmick 20 point three three absolutely incredible Myranda finishes on 29:57 so he goes into second place but what about Domecq that was phenomenal I guess we're hard at the end it's a good fair event though I think there will be some faster times in that dog the last five meters how much harder are they than the rest ten times that sounds awesome in second place at the moment in this heat four points behind Carlson and Carlson has got away to a cracking stones two first places and one second in free event so far for twenty point three three by Domecq that's an incredible time yes very slightly the heavier of the two slightly the taller as well they the last pairing and Carlson head down arms pumping is driving up the hill now just barbaric couple of metres behind him Carlson slowing just a little bit but stay ahead Carlson could he be going for victory number three just bombers got about four liters to go Carlson just that side victory goes to Poland but only by a fraction and can't Bella still trying to stop that clock under 28 seconds which he does he didn't quite realize he'd finished but another great performance by Carlson and Norwegian looking every inch of champion that was my straw I tried to save energy here so pulling into the final that's every time how much energy is that man got to save second place for the world Strongest Man victory though for Jarek Dimmick and that was important for him because it meant that he and Kirsch bomber are now level on 17 points with just two events to go it may only have been a small acorn but it produced one heck of a tree this is the giant log lift 380 kilograms that's more than eight hundred and forty pounds four of me and a bit to be lifted above the head as often as possible and this heat now is fascinatingly poise with parent and Jarek level on points behind svenne at the top and there's only one place in the final for either of these two so the key question is how many of these can you manage I don't know I hope that I can be Dimmick and that is my foundations and how many can you do I think that two three more like burnt because I want that the other guys come between me and burn to give you a cushion Christian [Music] Sven Karlsen well what a start it's been to the defense of his title but this is a tough week for all of them we've got some very strong guys they've got shoulders like granite these guys the effective way around about a hundred and twenty five kilos that's just sort of 20 stone so they've got a load out their arms Douglas said no more after he counts them through each repertoire and this slightly heavier than the log we saw it written Strongest Man earlier on this year but this is goodbye castle what do you expect from a man who's an accomplished weightlifter a former world champion in powerlifting two endurance a factor here as well and the lactic acid beginning to fill those giant muscles up and that is it sixteen repetitions and boy did that hurt the slight twinge in the back there but no problems for Sven Karlsen and a very very good total loss to Harry couldn't get anywhere near that just five repetitions for the Scott better for the American 12 repetitions for Monday and a good performance from The Canadian LAN getting 15 now it was time to get serious so here goes Jarek de mis equal on points with care spammer so heading towards the total he hopes by Owen Carlson of 16 little bit so easy only a little twitch of the leg sport look at the size is biceps and triceps there are about 23 inches around if you get the chance to get a tape measure and measure around your leg I can guarantee most of you won't be as big as these cuts arms he's more like a bodybuilder now let's watch the clip down to try and take the lead can he go ahead of the world Strongest Man from last year he's equaled the Norwegian one more to go and he's got the lead fantastic what a powerhouse this poll is can he go crazy no 17 a little tweak of the elbow there but another great performance by Jamaica you could the world record there fantastic this is what I got 17 Gerrard 17 for you oh well I do know maybe I'll be do it one more but you must be happy with that don't get after burn well this is the man that domecq is talking about cash cow map it's set equal on points before this event with the poll but what a performance de mecca set and that could spell trouble for the Austrian looking all that comfortable but looks can be deceptive dougie Edmund st. take it lower that's only six and already looking a little bit wondrous a little I just wonder if this is going to be a huge turn about in the chances of cash bail but trying to get to the final Dougie Edmonds disallowing that one but cash Palmerston so well to this point in the competition but that is it oh now then what has happened to the Austrians chances of making it through the final and he may have picked up an injury as well bad news for the Austrians but good news for GMAC happy now no no I can have I can say I'm really really happy you think you're in the final yet I think so because I a lot of trying the stones now know like in last year now I have stone in my dream I can train that I not afraid this event the big win for the man from Poland and equalling the world record of 17 repetitions bitterly disappointing for Kersh bomber and it means that ena has a four point gap to make up on Dimmick for Carlsen he's in the final and feeling good in his understated kind of way can't you see it coming now Taurus mere all Denis Nair will come they are here in the shadow of the petronas towers for the last event and while the second place in the final is all but decided funny things can happen in the most famous strongman event of all the Atlas stones the muscle man dameng up against the wall Strongest Man Carlson of Norway now BAM - BAM of Austria has achieved three stones already so that means domecq must get four in order to join Carlson in the final so this could be a bit of a show but nevertheless it's going to be competitive Carlson will want to go out with a bang gimmick rippling with muscle Carlson far more experienced you know precisely what he's going to do wearing gloves and those armbands which protect the arms but more importantly help with extra grip on those massive stones look at the size of that stone compared with to make himself this is stone number four for spent castle 140 in turn eight pounds that is up easily now this is the stone that could take the pole into the final if he gets it he's going to join Carson and he's made it he realizes it Carson gives up on number 5 it doesn't matter what a pair of beyond evil the strength avionic Dimmick it's gonna be a great final for these two this is very good for this sport in my country because when we go to final and next there will be the more sponsors more interesting I can't do the sports while Jarek was thinking about getting to the final and sponsorship opportunities Jason Paul that was actually winning the at the stones getting all five up and he may be a name for the future for the moment though it's Carlton and Dimmick who make it through to the final of the metrics trophy for the world Strongest Man six places filled four to go spent many congratulations looking in fantastic shape to defend their title tell you one thing I know you're a big music man I've been at the China tap it has a fantastic CD bar consistent quit you know Iron Maiden Metallica ac/dc sorry John but I only listen to please please in the metrics trophy as ever there are five heats six strong men in each six events in each and two will go through to the final already there a Swede a Briton a Latvian a Finn a Norwegian a pole which of these six will join them in the final I'm people girag from Canada 30 years old 1 meter 83 150 kilos 29 years old 1 meter 94 centimeters under 35 kilos 35 years yes one mitten 19 150 kilogram over going ham in a sari United States 37 years old six foot three 230 five kilograms originally from Poland 25 years old the one me 1086 113 Victorian programs in England age 36 45 between 25 kilograms if you've seen previous programs you know we start each heat here in Medeco square which really is an architectural goldmine contrasting the colonial with the modern with the moorish and this is going to be a first test in world Strongest Man formic Gosling's so impressive and the British competition in Wales but this is a step up isn't it yeah it's like Manchester City playing Manchester United isn't it it's a good experience and what I've seen just hates him to play a lot a big part so you know I don't know I'm confident than it was this morning so watching so see what I can do that's your first time abroad as well isn't it just the whole experience getting to you yeah it's biggest be the flight was 12 hours that was big enough coming over here and seen all your heroes as well you know returning is what Bill Kazmaier like three times bigger than me yeah I am a very you know it can be a daunting experience but it's a good experience as well it quite excited as well I am yeah I'm not nervous probably enough I mean the British that was very nervous because there's a lot of expected of me but come on I'm not because there's nothing expected of me so if we do well you know so we're well the first challenge is the carry and drag carry these two giant anvils that weigh a hundred and twenty kilograms each to the halfway point on the course and then drag this massive anchor 285 kilograms to the end [Applause] [Music] commentary has ever from Paul Dickinson what a lineup it is for Mick Gosling and his very first world Strongest Man competition from Princeville in Wolverhampton he's no one meter 96 127 kilos and he did so well to be run up in Britain Strongest Man Tibor Meszaros of Hungary a world record holder in powerlifting the pair of Norma's at least sort of events but tremendously strong Toby on Samuelsson of course his brother is a former wall strongest man himself you can never count this Swede out next to him a former finalist Canada's champion Hugo Girard he weighs in at a massive hundred and sixty kilos and the guy next if you go malleus Twitter now ski of Poland well he missed last year totally he had a few problems back in his home country of Poland but he's here and boy is he muscular and doesn't he look strong and finally Carl Gillingham of the United States his family is steeped in strength father brother they're all very very strong men as well a good grip both of those anvils weigh a hundred milligrams each it's a size on a small motorbike and away we go pushing a ski and Iran in the lead Mick Gosling on the far side going well look at pushing a ski he's absolutely flying he's me ahead of the rest now big Gosling's still in about fourth place look at the muscles under the poll pudzianowski is accelerating away nobody's done at this class before can he keep going right to the finish yes he can oh my goodness that is 27 seconds unbelievable Gerard is miles behind but still in second place Gillingham and Gosling there as well Toby on Samuelsson miles behind at the moment that was a phenomenal performance by Mariusz Pudzianowski Gerard flat on his back everybody else has gone to a grinding halt and push and a ski finished what about 40 seconds ago she rod looks as though he's headed for decent points here but what a performance by the pole I keep repeating myself but I've never seen anything like that Gillingham is flat-out girondists stop moving everybody else including Gosling on the far side absolutely dead on their feet jerrod looks as though he will finish second but in the end there was only one competitor in it jerrod he can't believe what he's just witnessed there huija now ski was like Superman but very good start yes yes good good events okay because they get to you out there or not of course it does it's very you mean we sweat a lot and didn't help for the grip on the chain then seem dry effect Mario's door how impressive was that performance by him we see at the end of the qualifier I got third so it's not a disaster I was hoping for as high as second I came very close to getting Hugo at the end but I couldn't quite get him so I'm still not out of it a place with that yeah he's a good event so he said to them I night from the boys really now that I've been a little bit off an arrest if MIT Gosling is a man what does that make push an auskey a Superman an amazing time and six points for the pole next up it's a true test of a strong man this is powerlifting by any other name lift this giant log weighing 120 kilograms that's 265 pounds onto your shoulders then above your head and knock out put it down and when you've done with this one there's a whole lot more to contend with and they are a whole lot bigger [Music] well these days the rules of the competition have changed if you don't manage a single lift you don't get a single point so it was crucial for Gosling to at least get a success at the opening weight and this he managed to do at a hundred and twenty kilograms but that was as far as he was going to go at a hundred and fifty kilograms taught beyond Samuelsson the suite was successful but that was the most that he could manage the American Gillingham had a hundred and fifty kilograms and success for him - he was pleased about that as the weight got heavier the big boys came into their own met Saros a power lifter by trade at a hundred and fifty five kilograms might not appeared initially to have locked out but the judges gave it to him much to his relief next up for Janoski if at first you don't succeed have another go here was his first attempt at 1:55 look at those veins look at those biceps look at those forearms look at that face and at 155 our success but he could match hugo gerard of canada the world record for this event 180 kilograms at 155 it was child's play a 160 it was almost absurdly easy but sherrod was more concerned about conserving energy for the battles to come exhibition performance ready he didn't have the stretch too hard editor you know very hard for me not going to attempt the world record you know i could be the only chance you got to do it right here at the world so what you gotta aim for the big one so safe energy i think i'm gonna need it that was fairly straightforward that what to win that that's that's a good event for me I knew what I could get and you know they pushed me on but not hard enough confirmation that a victory for the Canadian ahead of the pole Mick Gosling at least picking up one point for that one successful lift at 120 kilograms but after only two events it seems as though the top two are pulling clear of the rest already [Music] from the colonial splendor of Medeco square to KL 2002 and the shopper's paradise that's known as the Golden Triangle you can get anything here even some Fingal's Fingers five huge rods of iron weighing between 200 and 300 kilograms that's 440 and 660 pounds to be lifted up and pushed over as quickly as possible now if anything's been found during the course of this year's event is that the strengthen depth of world Strongest Man gets more and more apparent year-on-year and talking on Samuelsson part of the great Samuelsson dynasty of strongmen from Sweden you must be aware of how it must get tougher every 12 months every year is much tougher nothing like before the strength is about the same as it has been over the years but back the days I think it was like maybe two or three guys that were good on everything now we have like eight of ten guys it's good in everything so it's you can't have a bad side so does that mean that from a training point of view you have to focus on every every possible discipline yeah you have to focus on too much now well you have to train really hard on each event otherwise you have no chance a chance permit gosling now to make some recompense refer performance in the overhead lift but I think he'll be more suited to this and up against Toby on Samuelson much bigger in the arm much bigger in the chest and golfing but they're both very very good athletes indeed now let's hear it for Mick gosling six feet five inches tall knocking on the door at 20 pounds in blue way just behind Samuelson and Sam hersel he's always lived in the shadow of Magnus his more distinguished strongman brother but Gosling is not gonna give up without a fight a Fisher the a becuase to get the fifth 300 kilogram fingers finger flipped over to stop the clock at the fastest possible time and Samuelson still in the lead but because they may be catching invalidity Samuelson goes on to number five net come on Nick if you can get four you could be in with good points here yes the time is good as well just around 40 seconds Samuelson going for number five this is a good performance he's brilliant by the Swede now what about Nick Gosling he's looking tired he's travelling just a little bit that is a finish for big Gosling it's still a good performance by the Wolverhampton man even better of course by Sweden Samuelsson yam please shoot the hard to know how fast you should go but I'm pleased with that as I said the hadith quite bad yesterday so now it's motivation why he is good to add on something well for the parents to come and it's a target for everybody else to chase yeah it's good to go out first if you do something quite well cuz then the other guys have to really put off speed wouldn't do that and other things may go wrong so that's that give you the challenge thrown down to the Hungarian and he wasn't up to it just three fingers in sixty four point three call getting a manage three as well in a much quicker time and then it was the big two there's quittin our ski King very rugged and very determined because this competition goes on he's going to get more and more confident you guys Arad has been there and done it for many many years now so he knows exactly what's required here MIT Gosling is still lying in second place overall to the target for these guys to go ahead of Gosling for of fingers fingers in forty point six two and both Sharad have Pudzianowski off to a flying start this is brilliant by the Canadian now on to 250 kilos who's announced me down on number three Gerard is going so so well if he gets this over in the next couple of seconds he's got a heading Gosling and the Canadian will certainly do that under 30 seconds Jerrod is on number five quiz in ASCII a long way behind still on number four only Samuelson has done five so far forty eight point eight one and that is going to be beaten by Sharad we have a winner a bridge and a ski behind him is still on number four and can't manage to shifted at the moment my goodness the officials behind him chasing him all over the place he still wants to flip number four Gerrard looking a bit cocky and confident and so he might he's won that one pleasure now ski well there is a weakness in his armory and that means that Mick Gosling has done brilliantly technique may mean a few mistake but they were feeling quite the light so when you I just have to keep same pace and the meter i-25 and you're now it's halfway stage but you're in a very commanding position in the group now you know like I said before it's not over until the fat lady sings so she more than to go I really like the way I am down when I'm standing three more events one at a time then try to save yourself make sure we get in the final and then we open we open the the engine there voice of experience another win for the Canadian an excellent result for Gosling and with pushing off ski back in a fourth place it means that while Gerrard is out on his own at the top Gillingham and Samuelson have closed the gap on the pole [Music] [Applause] imagine building a city the size of Nottingham half an hour outside London from scratch that's what they've done here at Putrajaya outside Kuala Lumpur which by 2010 will house 350,000 people not for that next event you know it well 16-ton truck 30 meter course pull it [Music] another chance for Britain's Mik Gosling to impress he won this event but that was back in North Wales in May this year this is in Kuala lumper and it's around about 40 degrees it's absolutely blisteringly hot he's gonna stay low here we go Mik Gosling going for big points once again as always the most difficult thing is getting this giant truck started but once it's on a bit of a roll if you can just keep it going for 30 40 50 seconds we're endurance plays a huge factor you've got a real chance of big points by Gosling first time in Britain Strongest Man this year and almost amazed himself and his family by making it into the world Strongest Man competition but so far so good for big Mick it's got a very strong brother back at home as well who by all accounts he's even stronger than his brother but Mick Gosling wants to stop that clock as fast as possible it's looking pretty good at the moment and it's yellow side fifty second fifty point four three but that is another good effort by the Wolverhampton man Gosling has done it again it's 30 meters instead of 25 now makes a difference need to tell me the time 15 that's good for me please yeah before they're heavier guys who's doing 45 seconds sir I poured you a ago bet third place where hopefully well he finished which is more than tee ball could manage 24 meters with a Hungarian after him Karl Gillingham of the USA 5103 just a bit slower than me and then it was taught beyond Samuelsson from Sweden 52-43 things looking good for the Englishman only 2 mins ago and it's still Mick Gosling for Great Britain in the lead but err ghost pusher now ski his muscles fit to blasting point here the definition is absolutely unbelievable just like his teammate domecq and the two athletes well they were sent away to a health farm before they came here to KL - very well conditioned and superbly prepared for this year's Wall Strongest Man competition and at the moment despite the fact there are still two events to go he's got a real chance of making it through to the final and looking good here you get your rod the only competitor you go after pushing our ski Mick Gosling's time fifty point four three and I hate to say this but quitting our ski is going faster this is good from the poll he's hardly letter at all than this 30 meter course push it at least on the clock 46 84 and that is a big lead with only Hugo's yard to go in this competition another great performance hey hot yes a very haughty condition is no good but you are leading maybe well it's not maybe it's absolutely definitely but Girard a second place in two first places in bold position this guy is absolutely massive there was a report that Hugo Sharon's chest earlier on this year had been pumped up to 70 inches that is absolutely unbelievable but Gerrard head down legs pumping arms pulling on that robe is looking awesome have you ever seen a pair of shoulders broader than that I very much doubt it and she arrived could be heading for victory number three creature now skis time forty six point eight four and I hate to say it once again but I think Mick Gosling's going to be relegated to third place still good points for the Brit but it's all between jurado Pudzianowski now can he beat 46 seconds yes he can by a mile it is victory number three for the Canadian and this is looking an awesome display by Hugo Sarada of Canada 3 first places in a row superb performance is that pretty straightforward for you you know what weatr was is very hot today no not a weenie I was a bit tired but I did what I do best went out there give my best and we wait for the result you've won that you're in the final what do you do for the next to take a foot off the pedal yeah now try to relax spin as this energy is possible and start get ready mentally for the final push your odds been there so many times before he desperately wants to improve on previous performances another victory for him there and he's into the final once more would it be push an auskey or would it be Gosling who joins him Mick has a lot of ground to make up with just two events together event five finds us in the shadow of the Petronas Towers the world's tallest buildings and this is the Basques circle well just about every form of transports been either pulled or lifted by our strongmen over the years but perhaps appropriately in a city that many would say is plagued by scooters we have for the first time mopeds the guys have to carry these bikes that weigh 300 kilograms that's 660 pounds on their forearms around the circle as many times as possible get your motors running this is going to be really hard [Music] indescribable heat which took its toll on the Hungarian just fifty three point five meters for him Samuelsson seventy six point nine that was better but look at the effort Carl Gillingham 94.3 coast to breaking point and disappointing for Mick Gosling eighty four point three crucial now to see how the poll here goes mr. muscles once again mariusz pudzianowski absolutely incredible definition in his upper body you can't see much of his legs at the moment he's got those knees straps on so 300 kilograms just resting on two giant and very muscular forearms he's got to pick up at least a third place in this event to make sure of a place in the final we've still of course got the atlas tones to go but that would seal it for the pole and Hyuga Gerrard is looking good for a plate in the fire as well he's absolutely tearing round the course that 60 meters already who Janowski is heading towards the mark set by MIT Gosling at 84 that he's gone past so surely he's got that third place he wanted that is 90 meters the nobody has managed to four times round campers and a ski the crowd urging him on this is another phenomenal performance four times round that is incredible just over a hundred and twenty meters he's hardly out of breath and even more than that he's not even sweating and that in a temperature of 45 degrees well follow that we've just seen one of the most incredible performances in strongman competition that's the overall of Canada up high on that massive chest I just wonder if he's got a tactic of his sleeve here he's got to try and conserve energy for that foil and for the final event in this heat of course says you rod following quiz Janowski and he's gonna stop on 30 meters he still gets a point that is using tactics a very wise head on a massive pair of shoulders this is the voice of maturity isn't it there you know it's very hard for me not to go all the way but the experience taught me than anything you can save gonna be useful in the final and when you see Marius do for you know push himself limit are you watching that thinking silly boy exactly you know what makes me happy so we saw that hard for me to do only one lap then you know you want him to go out there spend as much energy as he can and on the long run that's gonna pay off 120 meters how much longer could the poll have gone on six points for him and that guaranteed his place in the final alongside Hugo Girard MIT Gosling doing incredibly well in fourth place at the moment but this had to be an immensely tough heat for him and so he come to the Atlas stones to round things off an exhibition event in orbit name now but when it comes to the stones it's a matter of pride [Music] representing you guys Arad and America's prison escape in this last event another head-to-head which could be explosive and I think it could be very very fast as well he's enjoying himself here both men heading towards the final and the final building up very nicely indeed so here we go can either of them get fiber it's neck-and-neck at the moment Iran just Sprint's into the lead those massive stones this third 130 Ches 286 pounds almost the second one for Marius is pressed to the ground you'll have to go back and put that one up you're right now on number five 160 kilos wonder what the judges will say about this one they are supposed to be put up on the wall in order I'll have to bring you up to date with that after as bad he conserved energy in the last event but he went flat out and got five and push and ask he's done it as well well there's no doubt about who the two strongest men are in this heat you go see rod and Matias push and a skier put on a real show here tremendous performance by both men well car killing and actually won the Atlas stones ahead of Hugo - rod push an auskey only given two stones because he put them up in the wrong order but it had no effect on the outcome he and Gerard were already safely through to the final which means that when it comes to the lineup for the final of the metrics trophy we now have seven men from Europe and one from North America marius made congratulations on getting to the final you made it two years ago i think you're in better shape this time in a serious a contender and tell you something though get some fantastic bargains in chinatown I picked up a whole load of t-shirts there's 20 P H if I got this one for you one size fits all anyway collar you [Music] [Applause] [Music] this year's World's Strongest Man comes from Malaysia it's 45 years now since the Sun set on the British Empire in this part of the world but even as recently as then if you wanted to get around the busy bustling back streets of any town or city there were only two ways to do it you either walked or you went like this but nowadays and the capital Kuala Lumpur this is the only way to get about the only way to avoid the stifling traffic jams but you really are taking your life into your own hands only the very strongest survive the metrics trophy for the world Strongest Man 5 heat this is the last one now six strong men in each six events in each two to go through to the final eight men are there already seven from Europe and one from North America two of these six will complete the lineup Jennifer business from Australia twenty-seven-year-old one we tonight is 145 kilogram Cherokee North Carolina USA 29 years old six foot six hundred seventy five kilos your market Iceland 28 one metre 96 centimeters 162 kilos I'm not holding from Hawaii I'm 52 years old one meter 9335 he knows one meter 96 centimeters Inara 30 kilos their Foreman 33 years old one meter 85:12 Medeco square is where old Malaya meets new Malaysia the remains of the colonial era contrasting with the huge high-rises that dominate the KL skyline these days and huge as the task facing these guys in the first event having to carry those anvils the way a hundred and twenty kilograms that's 265 pounds each all the way down the course to this point where they drop them and they're then confronted by this mammoth tyre 400 kilograms that's 880 pounds to be flipped to the end of the course now for Dave Warner it's his first attempt at World's Strongest Man are you bit daunted by tall yeah stood next to these guys here it's it's a experience in itself and the next step starts to compete against them so fingers crossed to get to the end of this one with a decent scar [Applause] [Music] your commentator who else Paul Dickinson John valga leads out the six competitors for this first event and Val gear continuing the great tradition of Icelandic strongmen he's two metres tall the former basketball player and [Applause] next to him Great Britain's David Warner from knaresborough near Harrogate in Yorkshire finished fourth in Britain Strongest Man this is very first world edition next to him the giant Johnny Perry by far and away the biggest man six feet six weighs about 24 stairs in better shape than he was last year that is for sure next to him form a wall Strongest Man Jonnie Belton in a Finland he won the title two years ago but last year of course he and everybody else lost that to spend Carlson next is the strongest man in Lithuania silver medallist in World Championship powerlifting cedrus Savi Kass overcoming a severe injury last year where he taught both patellar tendons badly and finally the 52 year old von hagen from Norway unbelievably 30 years ago he won the mr. Norway bodybuilding title as always these anvils weighing in at a hundred and twenty kilos at seven stones and the former world's strongest man Yanni builtin and away to a flop david warner story too badly sir V Castle Lithuanian dicks to bill today and look at that five times in a row but now Bill Turner goes into the lead Johnny Perry of the USA's got a lot of catching up to do so because leading at the moment on Hogan the veteran game well just outside Servetus so because looks as though he's coming away to win this one he's got one more flip to do he thought he'd won it he does win it and second place is Johnny Perry Bethan in his third Dave Warren has fallen behind quite a lot there but what a start for savvy cos Dave Warner will finish in fifth place and not a happy baptism in this year's wall Strongest Man for Charlotte valve year of Iceland that was very tough indeed but what a performance by Sid Lunas semi cos of Lithuania I'm happy I read in the air both before first event but now I want it and I have chance you have chance to win the whole thing you think I have chance to go to final maybe it would be first maybe second I hope to be in final I was trying to focus much of myself but I was looking at everybody so tough so close it's good heat the game so well on the farmers walk yeah lifted the tire up and just didn't have much power left in my legs it's normally good event mounted very well with the tire in the britons but in this eight it's very hard to get any air in and all the guys were over 80 now covered in ice packs and towels and keeping out the Sun but I'll just have to begin there I hope that have been a better event for me never mind it's 44 degrees it's never like that in Iceland is it I don't think I've ever been in 44 degrees in my whole life this is crazy but you have to wonder would it be any more sensible doing it in Reykjavik in the depths of winter anyway just the one point for the Icelander but six for the man from the few a nyan [Music] we move across Medeco square to the cricket pitch for the second event the weight throw throwing a four stone child over a double-decker bus may not be the most politically correct sporting activity but that's how the strongmen described this next event because they have to throw this 56 pound weight as high as possible over that bar now the world record stands at 18 feet eight and a half inches but get it over 15 and you're doing well [Music] so here goes his opening height only two attempts allowed for each competitor otherwise you're eliminated for me just ten thirteen feet four inches it has been practicing this event a little bit but he hasn't got very much experience at Highland Games which is where this all started many many years ago so here we go good rhythm then you must reach as high as you can whoa that's not a good start for David let's hope he doesn't get eliminated at this early stage he needs the points he's a good friend and training partner of Mel caveman in Britain if you're watching mouth come on let's hear it now for Damon Warren and let's get it over all that was so close so he's fallen at the first hurdle he'll only get a single point from this competition that's very disappointing for David Warner I can see a bitly upset by that yeah to put it mildly I have practice that I want the trouble having one of those things made and felt like how the height I just didn't get it going backwards fair enough but it's a difficult thing to do is more technical than strength but back to the drawing board for that one I think well John Val gear of iceland's had to go back to the drawing board he's got this last attempt from two to clean four meters 50 otherwise he's gone he's only six feet six inches tall he certainly got the reach but has he got the technique big Paul required always blows he's absolutely furious with him sir and he's only the second man to be eliminated in this competition so far [Applause] well next up it was odd Hagen who with a bit of help from the bar made it at 4 meters 50 Johnny Perry needed no such assistance look at that it just flew over cause the Vickers not perhaps quite so impressive but clear and on the mess but here was a former world Strongest Man really suffering Jonnie Viet Minh eliminated at 450 and fourth place was his bad mood at the moment and one throw later it was the end of odd Howsam he couldn't make it at 417 just two men left in the competition Sophie Castle Lithuania this guy he really is a man mountain he looks a lot fitter than he did last year that's for sure [Applause] 175 kilos in body weight that is absolutely phenomenal body weight to beer but is it going to help him in this event he's gonna be explosive long ball and he's got it by a mile that was superb for the American so savita's has to follow that he reaches as high as he can possibly go you can't do better than that is it Jonas Savickas now of Lithuania to see if we can match Johnny Perry's performance which really was superb so he casts a little bit shorter than Johnny Perry by a couple of inches so that might be a disadvantage but being a silver medalist in World Championship standard powerlifting just make him a real contender that's for sure we only missed out there by about an inch now he has to take his second effort very quickly let's see Queen spot anything wrong with the technique not really not a lot wrong with that it almost had the height but not the depth to go over the bar so this to match the American and then the bar will go up once more the crowd getting behind the Lithuania and unfortunately Savickas will finish in second place victory goes to Johnny Perry wry smile from the man from Lithuania second spot for him utter dismay though for David Warner who failed to record a single throw and so got no points it means that Savickas and a philosophical Perry are now clear this it's just fun I mean I love this just if I was the last place I still be having a ball it wouldn't matter at all this is just I mean I can't blame nobody else I can just if I don't win this it's my phone in this is great it's great for the world to me are you in much better shape this year than you were last how about how about 15 15 kilos heavier but um a lot less body fat so I feel good I'm strong and just not so nervous I'm more relaxed and uh hopefully it's going to well for me [Music] [Applause] this is the part of KL where you can shop drink and eat till you drop restaurants from every part of the world in all the streets around here I'm sure you can get fish fingers somewhere but you'll struggle to get any Fingal's fingers five massive rods of iron from 200 to 300 kilograms that's 442 660 pounds to be lifted up and pushed over as quickly as possible everybody is going to get three up and over most will get four but it's this guy the huge fifth one that's going to sort the men from the boys the giant Jan Valliere of Iceland we think he's going to be well suited to this event he hasn't done it before but at six feet six inches tall that will be an advantage over David Warner the David Warner enjoying himself here in KL and he'll have a lot of support as well needs her point is in sixth position at the moment so here we go Warner and Val get up on the chest it's the Icelander who's just a fraction ahead the next one weighs 225 kilos that's near 500 pounds well the grips so important the Icelander even further ahead now David as John was saying earlier everybody we accept will get free then it's a real tech gear moves on to 275 kilos Warner still on number three the baptism of fire in his first event that is coming on strong hey Anna come on David he could do this done before he does it yeah I don't think he's going to go any further than that one so free David one of the beginner games pulling the poi it'll be a great performance at the Icelandic and do it especially for you get under it's gonna be close three six and I tell you what that is going to be hard to be that is his best performance so far that makes you feel better doesn't it yeah a little bit I wasn't sure about this event but I got my craziness up but a little bit crazy that's what got me along I was going to be first three months bad for me and then I had to prove myself worthy to be here so I'm happy is a former champions got a lot to prove now he's alongside on Hagan this amazing 52 year old and what a performance by John Valliere of Iceland five fingers in 59 point three six so here we go as always we've been saying that height is important Jana Belton and six feet six inches tall but on Hagan just a little way behind him Belton and is absolutely tearing through the course at the moment on to number three as well this one weighs 250 kilograms way over 550 pounds this one another 25 kilos heavier Yanni Melton and at last coming to life here in this competition all Haugen going well 40 seconds now invented ins got a problem he's got a real problem here and he really has got a problem I think with his knee or his hip what algún gives up at that point he's only got to score a free but the story here is about the former world Strongest Man a young evil Canada Finland that is severe and I just wonder if it's as bad as it looks whether he's going to take any further part in this competition we could have seen the last of Yanni belton and all the other competitors including David Warner will be watching this very very closely indeed we'll keep you updated and as soon as we can there is internet savvy alongside Johnny Perry who's raring to go semi cast in the gray Johnny Perry the multicolored headband and the sage as well and Harry in the lead but only just it's still John bel gear of Iceland five bindles fifty nine point three six but both men here are on to number three and it's under twenty seconds this is phenomenal Johnny Perry just ahead of zemeckis both men driving that polar it's about five meters in length and now on to the joy three hundred kilogram one and sallykaus is catching this is phenomenal Kenny kept the American it's all the way this is brilliant stuff Savickas may have just got it by a whisker that is fantastic head-to-head competition and that's just what well Strongest Man needed but I wonder who won I don't know fantastic race guys who who won him heard you I see is that one centimeter but it's maybe not you up were you watching him or were you just watching your own I don't know maybe a little bit watching you just 1/10 of a second in it at the end Perry taking the six points ahead of Snickers for David Warner just one point at the bottom vietnam finishing fourth but a torn thigh muscle forced him to retire for us the Englishman's concerned though it's a tough old learning curve what lessons you learning about the difference in overall quality between domestic competition and world competition the stand is amazing and the difference between some of these guys and a lot of advice we've got back home I said phenomenal sorry lads but it does definitely suit the taller guy and I'm just a shared remember six feet and every night hope they get this far again I'll be drawing drawn some shorter man [Music] [Applause] [Music] George Orwell was writing a futuristic novel today he'd call it not 1984 but 2010 because that's when the most modern city in the world Putrajaya will be completed here just outside kuala lumper a city built from scratch to almost the size of Leeds in less than 15 years and it's here that we find the next event the car pool two vehicles each weighing 1,500 kilograms to be pulled up the hill in a race as quickly as possible towards the brand-new spanking presidential palace [Music] and because Virtanen is out david warner has to go on his own this is gonna be tough that's anyone if the organizers could have made something more difficult yes I'd be surprised the first time we've ever had a carpool uphill but david warner is going well this is much much better from the york sherman he's slowing just a little bit he's got about five and a half meters to go now come on baby keep pulling with the arms keep driving with the legs lean into it use your twenty stone of body weight three meters to go he's come to a bit of a grinding halt here david warner needs good point he's just about there just over 33 seconds he hasn't heard the whistle thirty 3.15 he's gonna have to wait and see but that was a little better from Damon Warner quite enjoyed that had started off really really easily and all of a sudden gravity takes over and boom I feel like the hills good like that it is steeper and steeper but I was good event and I hope the people at home appreciate how steep that's a little please well odd Hagen certainly did just eleven point six five meters for the veteran after which appalled calf muscle ruled him out of the competition and John Ball gear from Iceland thirty two point three five am pretty good I'm getting there one day I'll be here in the final well you know out of it yeah well they're not you're you're leading this at the moment really no sir that's a pleasant surprise I'm flabbergasted it certainly looks as though we're looking at the two favourites to go through the final despite the fact there are still three events so Vegas on our side and Johnny Perry here we go flat out sprinting dragging fifteen hundred kilos over three thousand pounds and look at Johnny Perry go down on their marks just like American football is in the position and this is neck-and-neck once again just as it was in Fingal's fingers so because has just got the edge is gonna win it and look at the time 21:01 that is phenomenal once again and Johnny Perry and close contention two great performers well the monopolies Commission will have to investigate this heat because Savickas and Perry have taken a complete stranglehold on it first and second place again for the two of them they're miles clear of the rest and with Hagen and Viet Minh retiring they're both now into the final did you dream of getting to the final yeah yeah it's my dream but now my dream too good start and final and to win see I can't wait that's all it's great to be here definitely great to be on the top tier the world so looking forward to it for our next event we stay in Putrajaya it's the giant log lift that actually weighs three hundred and eighty kilograms but the weight they have to push up is a hundred and twenty-five [Music] Damon Warner as a former bodybuilder could do well here he's got fantastic development that's massive shoulders and arms well really well in this competition in Britain Strongest Man very effective weight bearing down on the shoulders around nineteen stone just to give you some idea this is not easy none of these events are easy the sisal locked behind his head as well he's going well on six now seven a lot to prove in his very first wall Strongest Man competition and what a setting for the giant log lifts now he's got ten this is a good effort by warner drive it up they won't be given that one he's going to have to go again come on David you can still do it ah that's it but a good effort by the knaresborough man david warner applauding himself and enjoying himself in this heat of kuala lumper lob I know well the same one we did at the Britons I did one more rep so hot least I've got Barrett something this year that water was still leading after the Iceland the wind John Val gear managing eight repetitions he goes Savi casts Lithuania's pride and joy in this wall Strongest Man competition one that was one very easy he had been so he hasn't given him that so he lost a repetition that could be crucial and remember of course that Johnny parry is yet to go thick I must admit when I saw the lineup of all the events I was wondering whether Savickas would be any good at this he's a good power lifter but that doesn't involve any lifting overhead but now he's drawn level with David Warner and ahead of him so the Britain in second place at the moment savvy Cass going for number 13 and he's got it to me cus now 14 repetitions that will put the pressure on the American a little smile from the Lithuanian the giant log lift lifted 14 times for him man with arms like tree trunks as well terrific effort well if you wanted further proof that these two in this heat were inseparable Johnny Perry also managed 14 repetitions which meant the two of them had to share the points 5.5 apiece a good performance by David Warner there but he was with the also-rans as Perry and Savickas continued their relentless march to the final and so beneath the petronas towers the world's tallest buildings the world's most famous strongman event the atlas stones could they separate these two men of steel this final pairing is so intriguing carried with the headband and savita's each of them has to signal victories and a first equal in this heat so the psychological edge for both of them going through to the final if they can win this one well who knows it could be decisive but let's just sit back and enjoy it Perry the giant American simply cast the rock-hard Lithuanian Johnny Perry six feet six inches tall hoist that Stern onto his shoulder so easily so be gas about a second up to behind the American at the moment a Johnny Perry is holding nothing back he's safely through to the final but he wants this one as well just to put mr. Saavik ass in his place high on the chest rolling over that is number four now for the hundred and sixty kilogram stone savvy Kass has got number so he's going for the big one as well Johnny Perry can he get his arms round it that is tremendous and now we know that this fella is a real contender for the final he's going to be joined by the Lithuania's powerlifting champion Sammy Kass the two of them have been fantastic competitors during this heat way better than anybody else well Johnny Perry five stones in 41.8 for putting down a marker for the final there's confirmation of his and services complete domination of this heat and there is the lineup for the final of the metrics trophy for the world Strongest Man eight men from Europe two from North American Johnny many congratulations on getting to the final you'll be immensely proud to fly the Stars and Stripes there I know and a lot of people think the might be a serious contender I've another China tab [Music] the place and in the shadow of the world's tallest building for the final act in our annual quest for you know what [Applause] [Music] the metrics trophy for the world Strongest Man to be won this year in Kuala Lumpur the capital of Malaysia a city enjoying a huge economic boom the ultimate symbols of which are the petronas towers eighty eight stories high reaching 452 meters into the sky a triumph of vision and engineering but we're concerned about something far more basic war power for years this event has been a Scandinavian monopoly but for the first time in a decade that stranglehold could be broken after qualifying events around the globe and here in Kuala Lumpur were left with just ten men from Finland uhaah Matti wrastlin from Lithuania the Drona's Savickas from Poland mariusz pudzianowski also from Poland Jarek Dimmick from Latvia Raymond's burg - from the USA Johnny Perry from Great Britain Gregor Edmonds from Canada Hugo Girard from Sweden Magnus Samuelson and the defending champion from Norway spent Carlton this will be the most competitive final in memory five kilogram Magnus Emerson Sweden 32 years old who made the school learn 50 kilos 25 years of age one name for 70 kilos from age 36 eight eight one meters ninety to one hundred thirty nine kilo one mighty lot eh 132 kilos 31 years old one may tell 80 to 120 kilos under couch you are from Canada 30 years old one meter 83 are you not be from Poland 25 years old the one meters 86 kilograms Charlotte North Carolina USA 29 years old six 2675 kilos 10,000 from Norway I'm 35 years old weighing 140 one kilo and 188 oh and I am the world's strongest man white power I am worse enormous man has to say for now and they have to prove me wrong but as it goes for today with the first year event I just hope if I get more than 14 points today it's ok and that's according to schedule who do you think are your main rivals this year if you look at the events by itself it would be who go on Mario's I guess and of course you can never leave out the sweet we had so many fights during the last years he still haven't been able to read me in this competition [Music] [Applause] and we begin in Medeco square the spiritual home of Malaysia's colonial past and there's no question here of bowling the guys a couple of looseness to let them get their eyes in we're hitting them with a big one from the word go that flipped and dragged this huge tire 385 kilograms 860 pounds to be flipped to the halfway point where it's then left and this mighty anchor which could have come off the ark royal 300 kilograms 660 pounds then has to be dragged to the end of the course this really is a leg arm and lung busting start commentary on the final of the world Strongest Man from Paul Dickinson [Applause] [Music] in his own right a world champion in the sport of powerlifting next to him the very tall Uehara Saanen of Finland a lot of nerves out here this morning the temperature rising all the time over 20 stones in body weight a massive man Uehara Sherman continuing the great tradition of finished strong there in this file next to him a former champion Magnus Samuelsson two metres tall looking bigger and bigger every year he competes and another big man they're all big let's face it who gives you rod with the biggest chest I've ever seen close to 70 inches one is heat easily and finally the lightest man in this year's final Jarek gimmick of Poland second in Europe Strongest Man competition this year first five in the flippin drag and that giant tire I'm bout to be a huge obstacle to all of them they have to put it then race on for the huge this year's final underway Damac away well she ride away well Samuelsson not away too well on the far side Servetus is going pretty well - there he is gaining experience all the time this is neck-and-neck zemeckis came through strongly to make as well and now this joint anchor and chain 300 kilograms in weight Jamaica's blowing this is amazing so because in second place but living ahead Samuelson coming through strongly Jamaicans come to a grinding halt tamika's blunting across at the tall's read in the yellow now who's gonna get it this is going to be so so close Oh Samuelson's gone down and that is fantastic so business is finished Savio said about half a meter to go he finishes second what a start for the Lithuanian what a start to this final the still 15 seconds left on the clock Jim it has only got about half a meter left Cuba Jerrod try to finish ahead of Nicole but he one resident has walked off the course already said veikkaus though we'll be watching the clock to see what his time was another five great athletes to go yet Hugo Girard absolutely down-and-out what a star do you think in the next race they can beat you I hope you can't but see what are the the anchor the pool was very hard very hard after fire flip it's very hard work Latvian Raymond Berg - in lane 1 3 times he's competed in Olympic weightlifting [Music] looking very very confident during the heat next to him the giant figure of Johnny Perry one of the heaviest man in this year's final wily confident on suspects Matias quiz and a ski of Poland he's not big but boy is he muscular superhuman efforts in the heat this the defending champion spend Carlson he won the title in Zambia Kelly do it all over again here in Kuala lumper a water moment for young Gregor Edmonds representing Scotland and Great Britain second in Britain Strongest Man but now in his very first final hands on tire Douglas Edmonds the referee gets everybody ready to meet forty six point five five five Ziggler in a semi Cass we go Sven Karlsen in pursuit of a second title gregor Edmond flipping it over one more to go for this man what if start in the defense of his title by the Norwegian prison our ski is there so is Johnny berry and so is Gregor Edmonds but look at prison off ski coming through Sven Carson is fading Gregor Edmonds is going like a train fantastic for the Scot but the pole he's gonna win this surely oh that is brilliant just a little slip there but that is the fastest time that come on Gregor keep going forty six point five five buys amigas he's blown that but if we can just keep going I want to turn around in form for Sven Karlsen so fast after the fire but come on dre gotta finish time is ticking away towards a minute it's still a good start for the Scott he's finished now well done Gregor Edmonds pudzianowski was absolutely incredible only five seconds left before they blow the whistle spend Carlson fading badly in this event that is it well done to Gregor Edmonds and pushing off ski has won that by a mile Oh Gregor what a start for you sir but the poles have certainly found a new star in Mariusz Pudzianowski he grimaces he's breathing hard but is such a superb effort and maximum points to Poland happy yes only first events may be next very good maybe but you were very quick there the the drag of the ankle isn't easy I don't know only training very good training key ribbon like no problem nope a story you know you beat the world Strongest Man I'm not there now you feed now you beat the world's dumbest man yeah is it many goods to come on the running races are good for me did you see static events you see Sven come toy spend that looked like it hurt a bit oh yeah really bad we're poor so easy but the chain will just stuck to the round play but it's just one event 60 roll not so much Viking power at the moment they know not the hour I'll be back later soon to come near event near you for the free competition favorites Gerard and Carlsen back in sixth and seventh a good start for Gregor Edmunds all eyes on the pole push an auskey [Applause] [Music] event to the farmers walk carry these two giant anvils 120 kilograms each that's 265 pounds down the course back and again 75 meters in total that's longer than any previous event in world Strongest Man and the winner obviously is the guy who gets there first Magnus Samuelsson you're one of the favorites for this event what are the key elements here in being successful first you make sure you have a perfect grip and what I do I put my mother it's much of my finger should prepare around the grapes I can then I squeeze my thumb around my fingers to make sure that he stays in this position you pick up the ambulance and try to hold them as much as you can of course you start off with the small strides then with a pretty high speed then just make the strides longer and longer and just try to keep your head up the whole time take your art nearest the camera there's Jarek really wearing the green shirt and it sounds simple when Magnus Samuelson describes the grit but when your shoulders are being torn out of their sockets by the weight which equates to a small motorcycle in each arm that is unbelievable Sharada Canada Canada's strongest man for many years now just in the lead there's only a couple of metres between them Geron is going well one more turn then 25 metres and this is a real sprint Oh Gerard's down so he's Domecq though so she rod let off the hook there just a little bit look at the screen on Jerrod space and the drips gone again this could be a case of the tortoise on their head to mechs coming on stronger being stretched to the brow look at his arms and his shoulders looking for he's only about forty over in the end Jean Lance come down again [Applause] believe it fantastic performance by both men yelling to make 54.3 for he's in the lead little bit that was a good race yes I think so my strategy strategy was not too fast but 20 ok Raymond's bigger house on the far side the Latvian up again Sven Karlsen the champion from last year and these early stages of the final so crucial to make sure you've got solid performances and both men are going well spend Carlson turning just ahead of Berg varnas and remember that time by domecq 54-34 that's what they everybody has to try and be the grip is crucial here no man has dropped it so far he's just wobbling a bit so he's got as well shades of the previous pairing it's hurting like hell out there McManus almost toppled over Carson coming through now can they beat the tide but - it's gonna finish no he's not there's a meter to gaussians done it he goes into the lead tremendous performance by berg - he's actually beaten the time of the mech by four seconds and parcel is all over the place he's still got three meters left way outside the time set and that is it as far as the defending champ is concerned oh he's just broken the world record for throwing his butt into the crowd as well a lot of passion out there but at the moment Burke - is the man Greg Redmon's found the going tough he couldn't complete the course managing just 33 meters Jonny Perry of the USA did go the distance 53.6 - for him but an immense performance by the huge fin completing the course in 40 point zero seven seconds it was after that the disaster struck for the former world Strongest Man Magnus Samuelsson obviously in considerable pain he couldn't lift the anvils for a second time and couldn't complete our course was it a recurrence of that previous injury it's a bicep con is my good one just one pair to go on the far side every yes and push an auskey of poland in the orange mist great time by you harassin and just over 40 seconds and push it off skis got off like a train look at the muscles in that guy's neck and his arms and everywhere else if it comes to that Sammy Cass is going well - this guy is actually running this is unbelievable it's more like a sprint a little touchdown the clock is only just over 22 seconds breathe a little touch down there but straight up 30 seconds is simply unbelievable he wants to know what the time is Savita still out on the course he's gonna charge her Penenberg which he does but what about the leader pushing off ski I've never seen anything like it yes again he is so so fit he hardly breaks sweat congratulations good race yes thanks I'm heavy a second difference first he's very good he's very strong he wins and you are first and now third so you happy - yeah it's my favorite event I'm so happy but party but what of Samuelsson perhaps the most recognizable face in the world of strongman had the former champions challenge ended for another year as I turned a lost time my leg kicking through one of the cylinders and they've over stretched my my left bicep and then as when I picked him up again like the pain just get worse and worse by the second I was holding on to them saying in the end they I just walked away from it he walked away with just two points at the bottom there as you can see another victory for Bush an auskey had a wrastlin and Savickas and is this the changing of the guard Hugo Sherrod in seventh place and amazingly spent Carlson in 90 I learned something you know strange thing happens in this competition John at least I'm going to come back tomorrow 200% and fight for my right to get interviewer honest man because nothing is over before the fat lady sings and I haven't seen her yet so so who is Mariusz Pudzianowski a 24 year old former top amateur boxer who recently has had more than his fair share of problems when I was 15 after seven years I was quite and in 2000 I was training for the Olympic squad I like boxing but I didn't like being punched so I took up strongman I had a car accident and someone was bad it was my fault I went to prison inside there were good people and some bad people they wanted to humiliate me now I have the chance to show them I am very determined and when I was released I had four months to prepare no disco no play just training and more training after two months I became European champion and now everything is possible that is time [Music] so to the third event the squat lift last year in Africa it was a safari truck this year in Kuala Lumpur it's six huge tires that weigh 275 kilograms that's 600 pounds that have to be squatted all the way down and then all the way up again as often as possible normally after first two events mariusz pudzianowski of poland's won both so question for Jamie Reeves former world Strongest Man himself how do you assess this extraordinary man well he's got off to a very good start but these first two events have been ones been dragging heavy weights ones been moving with weights so they've both been mobility events the squats a classic weightlifting powerlifting event and it's just basically about being static and seeing how much strength you've go in your legs and bike and all those that a fabulous start is doing well I think this will be the acid test this will see what it's really made of and I think it'll make or break is attempting when in a world Strongest Man [Music] Doni buried from the United States amazingly he said he slimmed down this year so his arms only measure 24 inches around but it's legs that count here legs and back 275 kilos over 600 pounds squatted as many times as possible the judges paying careful attention to how far down they go as well away we go that's his first breathing so important breathe in big squat and breathe out that's three well certainly Johnny Perry weighed in at about 26 27 stone last year he's a little bit lighter now and he says a little fitter - you heard what Jamie Reeves had to say this could sort the men out from the boys this is solid strength to be actually getting a little easier for Perry he's getting into his rhythm but taking a long time in between each squad he's been going for well out of 40 seconds now so a bit of endurance kicking in as well deep breaths somebody is shining in the crowd you've got to get oxygen to those muscles as fast as you can in between each lift that's eight this is a good effort by the American former professional wrestler super strong man 9 and I think he's had enough but that is a good target for the rest to go for Johnny Perry scores 9 squats now he can get away into the shade and have a rest but there's still some good guys to come but it looked like every ounce of power you had left was going into that last one yeah if he able to power hey lil I probably bought something to you a little bit everybody here so let's head to get off armies I had to come up who's killing me so I I'm pleased with it so far I was famous 6 house open 6 now is good so I'm pleased but Jarek Dimmick found it impossible to lift the tires once no repetitions no points Magnus Samuelsson did continue because this wasn't an arm event but he managed just one repetition as did Gregor Edmonds he just didn't have enough leg power to get it up for a second time rattling from Finland he managed 3 repetitions after him Raymond's burg - 3 times an Olympic weightlifter he managed six this really was hard Hugo Girard though made it look easy 12 repetitions for the Canadian after him it was time for some Viking power when Carson amazingly in ninth place after the first two events but this I feel is a banker for him he's always performed well in the squat lifts in previous competitions and so he should he's a former European powerlifting champion look 12 lifts by Hugo Gerrard is the target notice how far down his back that bar is that's good powerlifting technique and this is a good rhythmical start he's got near exon he's got a very tight super suit on underneath that t-shirt 5 looking good for the Norwegian very wide stance so so strong spend Carson and topi under control at the moment now can he go past 9 reps which is Johnny Perry yes he can now chasing the leader one more to go he's equaled him and that is the lead just what the Norwegian wanted just what the crowd wanted as well 14 lives anymore now that is it but Sven Karlsen has set a prodigious total pleases out and that Bob digging in across the shoulders spend car sat down knows he's got a good total up there they say it's a little bit heavier than last year and need for more so hope it's enough I just have to pray because I really need it not what he needed was for Savickas and prison oski to fall well short of that total and the Lithuanian really struggled he managed just six repetitions we heard what Jamie Reeves said right at the beginning of this event this would test matías push enough speed to the limits he's a tremendous all-round strength athlete but nobody is sure about his squating ability and what a total has been set by spend Carlson the overall leader goes to two but he's looking a little bit unsure a little bit unsteady the suggesting is footwork there this is a tricky event Janowski that's for this is not looking good for the power and when you consider that Gerrard has done 12 Johnny Perry's online and a couple of other guys on six reps this could be poor points for personal ski the third event in the final that is it and at last we've seen a weakness in Persia no skis armory he's not unbeatable after all the return of the old guard Carlson and Gerrard taking first in the second place although this was the point when Magnus Emerson did call it quits because of that injury who Janoskians Wikus still out ahead but the hugo Gerrard so close on so many occasions he's still right in there you gotta go all the way it's tree heaven now fire four more to go so I just got to look forward and that's their way to look at it it's not a sprint that's a marathon and it's not over until the last event is done so right now I'm happy with it and I'm looking forward for the next one if I can grab some more point there then back on track [Music] when we stay in downtown KL for our next event one of the most familiar and traditional of all strongman competitions the lorry pulled suspend how much is pulling a lorry technique and how much is its strength I'll put it that way if you don't do it the right way you're gonna have a hell of a time trying to get it to the finish line so what's the right way I try to use a lot of arm power with the rope stay low as possible and get as much speed in the feet as possible as soon as you get it rolling it's going to becoming easier and easier as long as you can keep the momentum oh it's a power event but if you do it the wrong way you're gonna have a hard time [Music] Ben tang walk in central Kuala Lumpur about to witness something that I don't think anybody's seen here before this giant lorries got to be pulled over the 30 meter course and the first guy up Gregor Edmunds of Scotland and Great Britain I just wonder how much longer Gregor is going to continue his strongman competition he said he wants to go back to track and field and Highland Games but he's absolutely delighted to be in this final and so his dad referee Douglas Edmonds is send him on his way there's a slight incline as we get towards the end that is when everybody is gonna feel the pain the anguish and everything else that goes along with this type of event fitness so important it's not a sprint it's not an 800 meter race it's somewhere in between and the agony of the lactic acid kicking into the legs and arms around about here has got to be overcome by sheer willpower and guts and determination Gregor's over the line but the lorry has to be over the line as well another meter should do it come on Greg he's come to a grinding halt now this is anguish at its worst he just can't shift it he's only got about six or seven inches to go he's outside 60 seconds now and there's hey Nico Vienna me his girlfriend she finished second in wall strongest woman last year we'll see her in this year's competition and I don't think Gregor can believe the pain he suffered in the last meter of that competition unbelievable you're reasonably happy with that I don't know what I am but we'll think about it I don't know that was they it was actually easier I thought it would be but it was a long long pill normally don't pool 25 years normally very sore I wasn't expecting that last a little bit it was just a bit too far for rasslin as well twenty-seven point four meters for the fin Ramon's Berg - did complete the course though sixty four point five six for the man from Latvia next up it was yarek Dimmick and fifty two point zero three for the pole and they kept getting quicker and quicker Johnny Perry biceps bulging tattoos pumping made it in forty six point two one what's the hardest part about that the highway pull the truck the last issue fee was to well everybody agrees the last part of this contest is the word now Sven Karlsen made a quantum leap up the scoreboard in the last event from nine to four can he do it again he's gotta do it again if he's going to retain his title here we go that lorry is not exactly thundering down the course but it is moving smoothly and this guy's dumped this competition so many times boats planes you name it he's done it and this is quick 46.2 won the leading time at the moment by Johnny Perry right at the beginning of this competition you heard him say you've got a poor with the arms you've got to drive with the legs you've got to stay low and so far so good for the Norwegian short sharp steps coming up to 40 seconds not very far to go just a couple of metres this is quick and always got it yes he has just by 0.2 1 of a second Sven Karlsen goes into the lead but there are three competitors to go for the time being so far so good for Carlson into the lead happy with that well certainly need yes I'm literally bleeding yes first yeah yes [Applause] there's still life in you yet oh yeah why do you Paul well that certainly was a great performance by Sven Karlsen amazed to find himself in the lead next up Hugo's your honor Canada just a little bit up right in comparison to the Norwegian 46 seconds is the target now look how wide this guy's shoulders are they almost blanks out the truck when you look at him from the front massive arms bigger than most people's legs the short sharp steps are worthy again all the competitors have got this technique tape now Hyuga gerard solid as a rock the last bit of the course though the last 10 meters is definitely the hardest coming up to five minutes to go he's got about 10 seconds in the bag can he keep it going oh I think it might be this is good from Gerard he's going to go into the lead surely yes he is 44 point 8 4 in actual fact Carlson's time has been utterly destroyed that is going to be hard to be as his wife delight for the Canadian camp and Hugo's your art is in the lead two more to go or fill it up your window I went out there didn't bother about time this then just pour until it stopped you're pretty proud of that I hear oh yes a big smile on the face of you guys you're odd as did thoroughness savvy casts the penultimate competitor gets ready leans into it now this guy is a power lifter is used to shifting huge weights in the gym and in wall strongest man but a buddy's never encountered anything like this before in terms of body weights slightly lighter than the Canadian but we've already seen what a good competitor he is he's lying in second place overall behind pigeon off ski and that truck is moving I can tell you so me Cass is going well the legs pumping the arms pulling like crazy now he's got a grin his teeth three meters to go two meters to go this is going to be so so close forty four point eight four to beat and he's done it this is just getting better and better faster and faster being held up there by Jaime Ruiz forty three point nine seven seconds we have a new leader fantastic congratulations you're the leader Thanks very happy I like this around do you think Marius can beat your time you can be it but after two minutes this year we certainly well well around too many people in the world who can boast it being twenty stone in body weight with hardly an ounce of fat on there but this guy can a little slip there Marius is away chasing the time of forty three point nine seven by semi Cass look at the arms working the legs driving taking slightly longer steps than everybody else and the size of his biceps have got to be seen to be believed absolutely massive upper-body strength and he's going like a train the last three competitors well we've seen a new leader virtually every time out now can he do it he's wobbling a bit at the moment he's got to stay in a straight line three meters to go it's gonna be so close again and that because he's still in the lead because enough he goes into second he's about half a second down forty four point three eight but he's still up there he's just realized he's got second place multiple he needs to dive what I know is that I give everything I have I did my best and I'm coming second this is good I'm very happy for my time so just how crucial with the Lori Poole proved to be in determining the final outcome Savickas and pooja Natsuki re-establishing their superiority Gerrard and Carlson now eight and ten points respectively behind the leader after what had been one of their favourite events [Music] [Applause] something old something new the new is the venue Putrajaya the new administrative capital of Malaysia which when it's completed in 2010 will have cost ten billion dollars to build housing half a million people and the old is our old friend here in previous incarnations the Africa Stone and the dragon stone of Wales but now reincarnated as the aysia stone a hundred and seventy five kilograms that's two of me to be picked up and carried as far as possible up and down a 50 meter course now the world record for this is a hundred and 7.5 meters can anybody in the field today eclipse that well we'll soon find out because Greg Redmon's is the first to go the shield weighing in as John was saying 175 kilos close to 400 pounds right about the size of a 500cc motorbike but I've got a sneaking suspicion he's going to do pretty well at this one it's got long long arms and providing the grip is solid and that's so important and he keeps the shield high on the chest who knows what he could do 50 meters the first target Jaime Reeves former wall strongest man from Sheffield just keeping an eye on Gregor for safety sake just one line to go over a little touch and away we go again looking solid over 50 meters now for Gregor no pressure going first that may help him with just managing to peer over the top of that shield in comes Jamie Reeves again and now once fatigue starts that's what it could get tricky but that grip is utterly rock-solid now it's coming up 200 meters the world-record John was talking about the best we've ever seen around about 107 meters and Gregory's still going his father in the background watching anxiously downing goes at around 107 meters that is a good performance by Gregor Walden he went into that a very positive mood in here oh he was hating it well then lazily jelly from thought pool yesterday I think you could have been a lot photo from a special but you do nothing the official measurement gives us a hundred and 7.5 for Gregor that equals the best we've ever seen with this piece of equipment so now to harassin and being helped there by Yuka Avila both great Finns a holocaust twice Wall Strongest Man and away wrastlin goes taller than Gregor Edmund slightly bigger in the chest as well and like Edmunds the grip absolutely rock-solid my goodness he's really trotting down the course the first 50 meters well it's just catching his breath now just getting warmed up I wonder if this could be another 100 meter run the shield walk a great favorite and Wall Strongest Man for many many years going back to the Husa milestone that we saw in Iceland over a decade ago the wrastlin is going well if he turns and goes ten metres he's going to beat gregor Edmonds so here he goes oh this is great stuff from the Finnegan he's closing in on Gregor Edmonds marker and he's gone past it he's got another couple of meters before it crashes to the ground a hundred and twelve point three five well well well this is getting better and better this event when he got to the second turn how much further do you think you could go a bit then windows tomorrow we raise the almost not a waitress but then it's a little bit slower that's long no no I'm happy I hope nobody can beat me to superhuman efforts followed by a third burg - just getting ahead of Gregor Edmunds total Jarek Dimmick human in comparisons seventy point three five meters he was followed by Johnny Perry eighty one point nine for the Giants America spend Carlson now the Scandinavians strong men have got a great tradition in any event involving lifting and walking long distances and he's gone off at a pretty fast pace the Carson needs big points he's been disappointing so far in this final he really is striding out it's still very hot in kuala lumper it's a bit misty today but the searing heat is going to take its toll eventually being cheered on by the crowd everybody knows what a great competitor spend Carson is but with three guys over a hundred meters already this competition is of such a high standard and Carson is faltering he's taking a breather and this has never been good tactics in the past we've seen that it's so hard to get the momentum going once you stop and he's struggling he's down around the 79 meter mark and once again the defending champion has got a real problem that is not good points for the Norwegian and worse still for his great rival the Canadian Gerard's challenge all but ending at the 68th meter mark and when's the biggest let the stone go after 81 meters the door was well and truly open for push and Oskie well this guy has been a revelation we didn't know too much about him it didn't appear in well Strongest Man last year but obviously his trade has been going incredibly well the hands clasped in front of him wrapped across his chest that giant stone weighing in at almost 400 pounds and one can only imagine just what it feels like when it's digging in the arms especially after about a hundred meters or so so the leader at the moment still uehara Saanen of Finland a hundred and twelve point three five but Gregor Edmonds he's in third place at 107 and a half but prison Oski has been a revelation in the crowd there but he wants more cheers that's for sure these guys are not just strong they love the crowd to support them as well it really does help he's got the stage all to himself and now he's going for victory again this is so so easy he's gone into the lead and he's almost halfway up the course I'm not sure he's smiling it's half of a smile half a grimace is it thank you very much another victory maximum points and Poland are very very definitely in the lead another superb performance by Marius there's no stopping this guy superb and he looked so cool calm and collected thank you very much and goodbye one hundred and twenty seven point four meters and he made it look easy now cool that they if they confident they did true that in this event I am very strong and they stone is not a problem to me it is easy for me to carry such a weight and so I am smiling it was not feeling heavy and he was smiling even more when he saw the scoreboard ten points again for the poll and when you see that spent Carlson finished seventh there and that version of ski now has a five and a half point lead at the top you realize there's going to be no repeat success for the huge Norwegian is at the end that's the end of this battle yeah I was still come back next day I've tried to do better [Music] it doesn't mind to in this era that's for sure at least I'm gonna try to finish off like a walking warrior and maybe even finish in the top three but listened over it [Music] [Applause] beneath the Petronas Towers the world's tallest building the outcome for the Battle of the World's Strongest Man will be decided two events to go the first is the deadlift how many times can you lift the car off the ground you are a Sun and the first we're gonna see in the deadlift and this another great favorite in war Strongest Man finals I just wonder whether his height of almost two meters is gonna be a disadvantage but the Finns are renowned for having incredibly strong backs always got straight legs there 320 kilos over 700 pounds through the bulging biceps keeping his own straight so that all the strain is taken on the shoulders the back and the legs walk out with the legs but six reps is a good start for a sermon the tradition of Scandinavian competitors over the years has been unmatched by any other group of Nations resonant needs good points here there to get in amongst them 10 seconds to go on the clock that is nine repetitions no he couldn't do it anyway but nine repetitions for you ha Macedon tremendous performance by the Finn and that is going to be hard to be it's very close for third place at the mirror that's why are you happy I'm not happy when if I win this happened well because bananas is an Olympic weightlifter of great renown I think his technique will probably be the best of anybody and that looked easy this is a guy who's competed in three Olympic Games in the clean-and-jerk and the snatch woman so this is his bread and butter lifting heavy weights off the ground goes up to five looking very comfortable indeed and if anybody is watching who's a weightlifter or an aspiring champion this is perfect technique straight back head up arm straight now can he match wrastlin yes he can he's got time to do a couple more and this is a fabulous performance by Belk - he's been in the final before but I'm not sure he's ever beat as high at the table as this and this will do his chances of taking big points the power of good one more for big bonus now that is it but he scores 11 fabulous stuff by the Latvian that was his event he needed the points and I think he's gonna get them his next event his stone is much better for other guys if I step four in these events for Huzur good I have a shot if I he beat means this event by this stage Hugo Girard was a shadow of his former self six repetitions for the Canadian but everybody was still trying Johnny Perry look at the effort there eight from him and even Carlson he'd given up his crown but he was fighting every inch of the way Savickas now in the deadly we're talking before about big - being a banker for him this event this guy's a silver medalist in World Championship powerlifting and this is an exercise in powerlifting competition the deadlift this is the only man that can catch Mariusz Pudzianowski the pole is leading over all he's got to get a cracking score here he's got to go in excess of 11 surely this is rock steady from semi Cass 7 for more required to match birth darkness and this competition has been hot all the way through the final but now it's really building up to be a classic finish in wall Strongest Man and he just juggling that bar up his knees and that is it he's happy with nine with only Pudzianowski to go and that makes him equal second with wrastlin nine is second place yeah that's good do you think Marius can be that I think no he not needed was he better and thought that maybe see well before this event Mariusz Pudzianowski of poland is five and a half points ahead of Savi casts in second place we have to be a terrible performance here to go into the last they need him to win look at this guy's muscles he's absolutely exploding with muscle oh I've never seen a strongman so define in all my days he's not looking too comfortable but this is solid stuff from pushing on me that is sick version of ski is not giving up it's not fast it's not pretty but it is effective there's no smiling this time from the pole but he wants at least another couple more reps to keep the pressure on everybody else and go to the Atlas stones the final event with a bit of a cushion this is fantastic determination by Mariusz Pudzianowski he's not exactly the new kid on the block but what a sensation he's been here in this point that is it eight repetitions will have to be enough but is it enough to bring him the title of World's Strongest Man we'll know very very soon Kochanowski on the brink of glory for Raymond's burg - a crucial victory in the deadlift because there are two battles going on now as we have just one event to go who will be champion who Janoski or Savickas and who will be third for men still in with a chance if you're going to win the title of World's Strongest Man this is how you want to do it in the very last event in the archetypal strongman event of the Atlas stones that dates back hundreds of years you know all about the stones the five going up to 165 kilograms to be placed on the wall but as if that wasn't a big enough of a challenge the heat at the moment is almost unbearable I am pouring sweat at the moment and I'm just telling you about it one of those men fighting for third place Johnny Perry staked his claim early on a fantastic effort five stones in forty three point eight six well if either wrastlin or Bergman is want to get on the rostrum they know precisely what it is they have to do five stones as fast as possible there's no other way to do it and big - maybe heading for his best-ever finish in wall Strongest Man alas Anand has competed so well over the last few days but Berg - setting the pace he wants this and he wants it badly there's money there's a trophy and there's a tremendous amount of pride and a big reputation at stake here the resident very definitely behind the Latvian but Manas on number four now the big hundred and sixty kilogram ball this is for a place on the rostrum albeit in third place surely behind severe casts of bushido ski but Raven burg bonus has done it his best ever finish in a while Strongest Man final I'm absolutely delighted for the Latvian he's 36 years old wrastlin is disgusted with himself but look at the smile on Bergman is his face superb finish that means a lot for you I fly in this guy no unbelievable another sound believe oh you see lifter its bream another wrong I see I bought my family I bought my kids a mouth my parents and I did it the big to the last two competitors in this final is Audrina savvy Cass he's only three points behind the man next to him he's got a chance of lifting the title but if Mariusz Pudzianowski can lift five stones the title will go to Poland for the first time in wall Strongest Man history he's got the physique he's got the strength has he got the determination and the will to go all the way it's all come down to this well it's been neck and neck between these two throughout is final and first blood goes to the poll who's enough skis on his way to me casts a little bit behind but what a performance by both men over the last few days three victories already to Marius in this final and that is some effort to make us number two already the poll on number three the Scandinavian stronghold of winners and well Strongest Man is going to be beaten but will it be this fella from Lithuania or will it be Poland it looks as though it's Poland at the moment if he gets this up 160 kilos it must feel about two tongues at the moment if he gets it up he will be the champion slowly slowly can he do it can he become lost on this bag pecan fantastic stuff there is a new champion of the world malleus fishing offski brings home poland's first ever title what a performer what a man Servetus a bit of an anti-climax for him but in the end there was only one champion right from the start his name malleus pigeon off ski the other words dongseong yes I'm very happy it feels very good in your heart yes forum ours is very strong their energies yes first place I'm very good happy I'm happy second place is good for me only one year after injury and second place in the world happy Raymond's McManus was happy too he won the last two events to earn himself a podium finish and Johnny Perry becoming second in the at the stones came forth it's a long time since in Americans done that well but it's the pole who's taken the strongman world by storm and your mum put you in charge of M Scherzer I don't know what not expect this although I worked hard for it I am the world's strongest man I cannot believe this I have won I am so happy and happy also for my family so in third place in this year's competition Raymond's burg - from Latvia three times and Olympian but this the proudest moment of his sporting career and second place from Lithuania a young man is add Runa Savickas who surely has many years of the top ahead of him but standing in his way and everybody else's for who knows how long mariusz pudzianowski an extraordinary prodigious talent lifting the metrics trophy for the world Strongest Man most remarkably of all not a single Scandinavian on the podium who Janoski is the first pole to win the title the first man from outside the strongman stronghold to be champion in 10 years and he's a man who fought back from the depths of despair to stand like a colossus at the pinnacle of his chosen sport we'll see you next year [Music] taking you in a prehistoric Safari a walking with dinosaurs special gets you closer than ever before next on BBC one [Music] sadly since the recording of that program Johnny Perry has died at the age of 29 all those involved with world Strongest Man send their condolences to his family and friends
Channel: StrongmanVHS
Views: 189,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world's strongest man, 2002, strongman, mariusz pudzianowski, deadlift, log press, final, heats
Id: jsxPvr_hqM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 203min 11sec (12191 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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