07/17/2016 Bishop Clarice Fluit

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did your hand toward me I want you to know I'm healed I'm delivered I'm rich I'm everything God says about me but I'm having the opportunity to overcome just I'm taking your prayers right now a couple years ago I had an injection of cortisone and it went crazy on me and it at this particular I'm as far as the doctor's report is it's not good as far as a hip is concerned but I'm believing for a new hip so it could happen here tonight we're gonna be hipsters here praise God and thanks be to God he always causes us to triumph in every situation and sometimes we get the opportunity it's in our weakness that God's strength is certainly shown so I choose to walk praise God gracious God and father we thank you that the steps of the righteous have been ordained of God Nakota because little bits of ramming guns Sabra has summoned The Fountains of the deep I create with God with the fruit of my lips could ability our cvd our Torah in this place Lord we rally those who dream of becoming someone who accomplishes significant things great things mighty thing those who have a passion and a purpose for greatness where are the great ones where are the ones that says here am I send me where are the ones that say oh god McCoy I'm aspiring to learn the true meanings of life I want to know who I am where I'm going how I'm gonna get there father I thank you this night that the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart is gonna make you so happy father I thank you right now that I am convinced according to your word that it is your will for every born-again spirit filled believer to be successful in everything they put their hand to I bind the spirit of false religion in Jesus name anything that would hinder you from walking in the Liberty and the freedom of God I break it off of you and that you have ears to hear you have eyes to see father in the mighty and wonderful name I think you that we've never been created to be oppress suppress repress depressed or possessed to be subjugated subordinated are let down in any way we are the head and not the tail we are above and not beneath we are the Blessed empowered on fire ignited excited and delighted people and everybody put your hand on you and say that's me amen please be seated in heavenly places glory to God it's been too long since I've been here I am amazed at how beautiful everything is isn't this amazing give yourself a clap offering praise God it is always my honor to have the opportunity to come here and to be with you and to share my heart with you and it's very very important you are very important to me I keep in touch of course with your pastors and I see the growth and I see the beauty and I see the honor in the integrity there's a little statement that goes like this I read individuals residing in crystalize domicile should not permissibly hurled geological formations now break that down for you people that live in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks and that we are a people that are becoming a glass house I mean what I mean by that you have to be totally transparent the things that we have hidden and thinking nobody's gonna see this I'm trying to hide this or hide it because somebody looks at you and makes a judgement and it's we used to say I'm rubber and you're glue and what you think about me is gonna stick on you what you sow you reap or weep it depends on how you look at it so tonight what we want to do is to get our opinion to a line with the Word of God that we can simply say I choose to agree with God I choose to agree with God can you say it that way they say I choose to agree with God that is so important insignificant I ask the Lord one time I said I read in your word where it says for your pleasure I was created I said what what is your pleasure what makes you happy he says I'm glad you asked I make me happy and I thought okay and he says if you want to get along with me just agree with me if I say you're healed if I say you're delivered if I say you're prosperous if I say you're the apple of my eye I see you delivered if I say you're whole' if I see you're complete if I say you're a son of God can you just say yes sir instead of saying well I don't feel this way I don't feel that way you know I'm lonely and I'm pressed and we begin to tell what we feel and we disagree with God now I know that you know this the kingdom of God is a kingdom of words that's voice-activated life and death is in our mouth and that we have the ability at any given moment because you carry resurrection life one day you can take the Adamic nature esteem him smitten and dead reckon the old man dead and yourself alive unto God but you can turn around and resurrect that spirit of the Adamic nature by the things you choose to agree with if you choose to agree with symptoms if I choose to agree with the symptom that is in my body then I would have to say I'm sick what I'm saying is I'm overcoming what I'm saying that this situation you will see me back hopping and jumping and leaping and running up and down and doing that to you praise God but it's up that woke something y'all up didn't hear praise God I'm just liable to go off at any given moment no quarter because summon him because your buddy be out to it I stir the prophetic gift of God that is in me to serve you laboux semitic Arabic esata let me tell you what what the prophetic voice does the prophetic voice of God has the ability to inform you of things that God has already told you it is to confirm to you what God has already said to use not necessarily to tell you something you didn't know but you even thing is this me or is this guy is this me as that should I do this should I do that and then the Lord will speak a word and it will confirm to you while we were at greater works during this time there were several people and I out that I would give prophetic words to I love to go into places where I don't know anybody because the Lord nails people I mean just absolutely nails people and I have to relate this you don't know who it is so I can relate it to you there was this lovely lady that was in the front and the Lord said this woman is foot at a hand convention think about that this is a foot at a hand convention that means she don't fit you know and that that there'd been a lot of judgments had been made against her you know that people would look at her and make a judgement the people that were living in glass houses were throwing stones you know and that this terrible spirit of rejection had come upon this lady and made her a bit resentful and she was a lovely looking woman and she was a very wealthy woman but she did not have the understanding is you don't flaunt that are you hearing what I'm saying to you you don't flaunt the gifts and abilities that you walk in humility humility is an incredible thing but meek it's not weak its strength under control and the word of the Lord came and it just healed her of what he had to say to her although he brought correction he didn't bring rejection and then the congregation felt different about her because she expressed her love for God in a different way than what other people do how many of you know that diversity of God is pleasing to God God made us all different amen and so we're not just gonna roll around like a bunch of clones everybody saying hallelujah what's it to you there is diversity in Zion and we need to be happy about it can you say amen to that praise God well since the last time I was here I have we've written five new books and I'm gonna have a few of them back there in the back I want to tell you a little bit about each one of them this is developing your limitless potential development these are not big books because people don't like big books did you know that they want to be able to read it in an hour hour and a half and be able to have life application so if you are desiring for your potential to be activated ratified and satisfied in God get something that will help to trigger your passion see without passion there's no power to perform anything so we need to get excited about things can you say Amen all right right here just to stop for me once you shut your eyes everybody tried think of something you really love you really I don't mean apple pie I mean something that really oh let's do this let's go waterskiing let's go snow skiing let's go boat riding let's go motorcycle riding let's let's what what is it that really thrills you and you think of that in the natural and then if you can project your thoughts into the spirit realm why is it that you want to go fast you know that you find out I'd like to do this or I'd like to do that we have to develop and find out what our passion is about because once your passion is found then you can begin to understand Who am I where am I going and how am I going to get there you'll begin to get in touch with that so many people don't understand what it is that they've been created for and that when I go back to the same question that I asked the Lord what is it that makes you happy what is it that pleases you that produces pleasure and he said you know he says I took counsel with myself God took counsel with God and God said to God what could be better than God and God said back to God more of God so God made you and he made me and he said these are little elohim's little gods that will grow up and they will understand that every seed reproduces its own kind and so he has made a way for you and I to be born out of a natural Adamic nature that we can take on a god nature and that seed that is in you you don't want it to still remain to be a seed you want it to become a living viable landscaped architectural incredible fruit bearing farm can I say men to that that you see those things so you start with thinking of things what really is significant to me what do I love to do what what makes me happy when you begin to find that because God said I would above all all things that you be in health and that you be wealthy and that you be healed God wants you healed he won't you saved he wants you delivered he want you happy and it's hard to be happy when you're poor it's hard to be happy when you're not successful happy is the man a woman whose God is the Lord and when you begin to understand that the Lord wants you to succeed and everything you put your hand to then you'll realize you and God are majority you are a child of God and he desires the best for you how many of you would like to examine that and say what what is it that God wants for me this is developing your limitless potential and then this is a great little workbook on living living the unhindered life and it has to do with understanding righteousness when you understand righteousness it brings you to a point in your life where you begin to comprehend you know the Bible says those who don't understand righteousness they can't receive the solid meat the doctrine they can't receive any solid food they little babies and they have milk anemia we want to get beyond having milk all the time and start having some meat can you say Amen so if you desire the benefit understand that when God looks at you and God looks at me all he sees is Jesus he doesn't he doesn't see you when you God I did this and I did that and he says I don't remember that because I've removed your sin as far as the East is from the West now you're fighting a memory it's not even a demon you're just fighting a memory and you have the ability to renew your mind by pulling down strongholds and vain imaginations reading God's Word which has the ability not only to inform but to transform when you understand that you are as righteous as God there's a new boldness that comes upon you a holy boldness and then you begin to hear God you begin to see the the gifts of God working in your life it's an amazing wonderful thing to understand so if you need to say let me find out a little more about this righteousness thing it just blessed me so much when I began to do research on that I was already a candidate for righteousness but I still felt like I you know the scripture that says study to show yourself approved to workman that needeth not to be made a shame right you're dividing the word of God you're familiar with that scripture say I thought that meant study to show that I'm a prude you know that I'm a person that I've got God's knowledge in me and I've got this wizard and I've studied the Word of God that's not what it means that's study to prove to yourself that God has already made you righteous it's a gift and you study that when you find out it's not about me it's all about God yippee-kay-yay you know whatever was lacking in me he's got my back and he's got my slack and the things that I do is a byproduct of knowing him so understanding that it's very important for you want to go to another dimension I do believe that tomorrow night I'm going to lay a foundation here tonight and then tomorrow night when you come in we are going to go to another place in God and in that place of understanding that it is the will of God that you succeed in everything you put your hand to that you have had enough of black gloomy days the winter has passed we are in the summertime and we are about to be incredibly fruitful can you say amen to that and we're gonna heal the sick raise the dead cast out devils preach good news preached glad and not mad and go around here happy clappy all the time can you say amen to that we want to understand that we are preparing not something to fall on us but something to flow through it this flood is coming out of you there are rivers of life in you rivers of life in joy and peace and healing and deliverance and finances you are successful because you you are your DNA your divine nature attitude comes from God can you say amen to that that is important for you to understand then I've got this book this is thoughts that will make you think and I've got a little place where I'll give you a thought these are easy reads because I want you to get it quick I feel 8 it I took the fat in the bone the gristle out of it and just put a nice pregnant thought here have you considered and then you say well I never knew that kind of what pastor was talking about I put here immature does not mean impure and weak is not necessarily wicked what do you think about that and then I put in here every act of gratitude brings refinement to your soul did you know that your soul was your intellectual reason and your emotion what do you think about your soul and that if you will begin to take seed thoughts and then let it where you can fill in the blanks you'll be an amazing thing so this is a great little book to hear and then we have this one that says inspirational insights and in here this is this is one of my favorite secrets to building friendships there's a sensitivity truth discretion always throwing your visions and dreams so that they can begin to flow this is a wonderful little book you will enjoy this so take me home with you there's not much of me back there but when you come into a place where Kings reside you always bring a gift that's befitting their office so this goes to your pastor praise God enjoy my love and praise God all right we're gonna talk about being successful amen we're gonna talk about that it is the will of God for you to succeed I do believe with everything in me we're standing at a most amazing time when there is a flood the Lord told me there is a flood coming a tsunami of blessings where the lame leap the blind see the Deaf hear the dumb sing and then unusual miracles unusual miracles and one of the most unusual miracles that we had is that dr. Tandy and I were preparing to go to a meeting and she was helping me get my things together and she said your grace what do you do with all this money in your wallet I said Tandy I don't have what $100 that's not a lot of money to go out of town for a week I mean you know that and she says no you have $700 I said no I don't I don't I don't have $700 anyway to make a long story short within less than 35 minutes there was 27,000 dollars that just appeared just to pay this say kingdom money now I'm messing with you I'm not telling you something that didn't happen I'm telling you it came out of books it came out of envelopes it came it just if we'd counted and it would increase and dr. Tandon said we don't need to go anywhere we found a portal just hang around you know this isn't a time to leave you know and that the Lord says this is the beginning of unusual miracles this is the beginning of paying your house off and paying your mortgages off and paying your cars often and getting you where you are debt-free most of you have heard me tell you that you know that I have a dog named money and I got one name debt-free and they run around the house and we'll say come here money roll over money multiply money deposit money you know stay money you know fetch money we learned to talk to our money and if you begin to take your dollar bills out and your hundred dollar bills out and you'll say listen I'm about to send you on a mission and I'm talking to you I'm gonna let you go out there and join up with TD jakes is money and you're gonna multiply and marry rich and bring the babies home to me you're going to begin to talk to your money and expect a return on it God wants you to be rich I would above all things that you prosper how many you would prefer to be rich instead of poor okay some of y'all won't still be poor huh okay Tandy and I would like your portion that the if you're not understanding why you have to be rich is because how will you know a wise man is in your midst he will be crowned with riches and honor wisdom is the ability to use knowledge skillfully and where the church is going in this day and this time we're going into the revelation of a glorious church not an out-of-court church that's looma dated by the Moon and Sun and stars natural illumination in one day a year at the devil and one day you're Adam and one day you're Christ you just double man one day you're healed one day you sick one day you're up one day you're down then we go into a second dimension where we learn about the mighty empowering of the baptism of the Holy Spirit we get the earnest the down payment you know when you buy a house and you put an earnest payment that's not the full payment that means you will have a mortgage are you following me but this that we have had the earnest deposit the down payment of the Holy Ghost but we're moving into a dimension where we'll have the fullness of that spirit are you understanding what I'm saying to you it's very very important that as we begin to understand that God has created us to be a nation of kings if you're a poor King your kingdom is very limited you need to say I am rich and not poor I am above and up beneath I am blessed and empowered to come in and go out why is that necessary because he who has the gold rules you need to be in charge of the hospitals you need to be in charge of social services you need to be in charge of the schools you need to be in charge of the arts you need to be in charge of everything you need to administrate the estate of God from a position of not just praying and being in a corner someplace you need to be in charge anybody here and what I'm saying see we've got to change our mind that church has been taught so long you know we will keep you humble and we'll keep you poor you know so that riches won't be a temptation to you but we're moving into a place where our heart has been so circumcised that we are it's not about having money for us it's having money so we can be like Solomon when Solomon Kingdom did you know the scripture says that in Solomon's kingdom that silver was of no value and when you study and you understand that it's a symbolic language silver always speaks of redemption or being saved and in a glorious church the emphasis is not on being saved the emphasis is becoming godlike because gold everything in Solomon's Temple was gold and gold always speaks to us of deity I'm gonna take a breath because you can absorb just a little bit right there so when remember when the Queen of Sheba came in to check Solomon out now that is a type sheba is a type of the world and Solomon is a type of the glorious church the victorious church the church that's in charged the church that knows they're saved and that they're standing in the stead of Christ and when she came in with her barge the scripture says when she saw the way he worshiped she passed out I mean when the world comes in and sees how you give honor to God when there are no restrictions when you're totally healed and totally delivered and totally rich and you are in charge you're not competing with anything you're completing the calling of God you're not fighting with your fellow man you are standing in a place that's exalted to don't high and when the world sees your peace when the when the world sees your glory when the world sees Christ as use then I am Telling they're gonna say what must we do the thing that they're going to hear and the things that they'll see sir we would see Jesus and you just gonna be sitting there over it greeting to eat or wherever it is that you are and you'll be eating a hamburger and the next thing your face starts shining and fires coming out of your hands you won't have to pass out or track people gonna run over there and say what must we do I mean I just see your faces beaming hmm like this and suddenly you think well that's ridiculous now talk to Moses and most put a veil over his face because he said this glory is not going to remain it'd be too sad to see it and did not have it all the time but then you can also talk to Jesus because if the Mount of Transfiguration not only did his face shine his clothes shined his covering shine you could talk to Stephen while he's being stoned he says his face began to shine like an angel and then he turned around and said I forgive him he doesn't know what he's doing that was saul of tarsus at murder and killing beaten up isis man now messing with you and Stephen said forgive him he doesn't know what he's doing and the forgiveness went and they came and they laid the mantle of a man that was full of grace a man that God had raised up and that anointing that was on his mantle something happened because the next thing you read is is Saul of Tarsus the persecutor of the killer is on his way to a place called Damascus when he struck to the ground and he's left blind and he hears a voice so so why are you persecuting me and he didn't know he said but he's real smart he said Lord if something knocks you to the ground and blind you you need to say Lord and Lord who are you and he says I am Jesus and of course what happens when he opens his eyes you know the story everything that was on Stephen is imparted and activated into Saul and Saul becomes Paul and Paul becomes the one that teaches the church about the grace of God God's riches at Christ's expense you've got the gospel of salvation with Matthew Mark Luke and John within you got the gospel of grace through through Paul who comes and he says we're gonna take the sweat out of this thing and we're going to move and understand it is the will of God that you become that which you adore I'm going to slow that down for you the ultimate of anything is to become it we you say well I can't become God you must become God every seed reproduces its own kind if you plant tomatoes you're not going to get potatoes so you've you understand what have you got you've got the seed of righteousness behold Jesus says to his disciples he says look guys it I'm fixing to leave no you can't go we haven't got this message down he said it's good for you for me to go because when I go I'm going to send you another comforter I'm gonna send you apparently and where I have been with you he will be in you and where there was one Jesus now there will be billions of Jesus's they'll come black Jesus's white Jesus red yellow brown they'll be fat and tall and skinny and they'll be smart and they'll be challenged they're gonna come in all kind of forms he says because this is my earth suit I'm gonna hide myself in and I'm gonna take the earth in the fullness and it belongs to the redeemed now if that I'd make you happy you hadn't heard what I said so you have to come to the place where where Paul said I see no man except in Christ and so every time we look at another person rather than seeing their flaws and inconsistency and he drinks and she gossips and he does this and she does that you know sin is not a problem for God you know he killed him on Calvary's tree we become sin conscious but you can't go into the next dimension of God if you've got sin on your mind Oh Lord I did this no Lord I did that he says I knew you did it and I saved you before you did it he said so I've already paid the price for sin he says wash in the water of the word so you will lose sin consciousness and that you will become conscious of righteousness then you can begin to say when you do something or say something that's not consistent with the word of God god forbid that any of us do it but when we do you can look at that and say you know what that's my wicked twin that died that's Adam that did that because I don't have any desire to do these things or to say these things am I making sense to you you're understanding what I'm saying so God says I have paid the price to make you incredibly successful in everything you put your hand to so we have to be able forgetting those things which are behind we press on toward the prize of the high calling what is the high call of God a ransom redeemed family standing in the stead of Christ executing the judgments of God there are already written people that are not sin conscious people that are filled with an understanding of the goodness of God wouldn't you rather be walking in that than to be walking in well I did two of these and three of those and you're always confessing something's wrong with you there's and then unbelief comes in and the enemy says you know good you've never been any good your mama wasn't any good your daddy wasn't any good you dogs you just no good you hear me no no no no no and those voices that come and everybody has heard them you know it's like old-time movie you shouldn't have done this you shouldn't have done that well should I go into business well I don't know and we wave her back and forth because we can't get clarity because we don't really believe we hear the voice of God and then God says who will agree with me God says my sheep know my voice and a voice of another they're not gonna hear well I'm not sure that was God God would you speak to me I preached for three hours last night I mean three long hours and then the night before I preached three long hours in the night before I speak three long hours I explained to people how to believe how to receive how to activate how to ratify how to receive impartation how to activate it demonstrated it showed it and then this girl runs something she says would you just lay hands and pray for me and I said have you attended the last eighteen meetings that we've had here did you hear anything that the speaker's would say yeah but see our habit we've become habitual and we're trained that the big folks have something that the little folks don't have first of all there's no big folks are no little folks these are the folks of God amen and if it works for me it's gonna work for you you've got hands if you say well I need somebody lay hands on take your hands lay them on yourself and tell all of the sickness and oppression and loneliness and frustration and fear and if you need something extra the Spirit of God will bring you in contact with somebody that's carrying it and they will impart it to you do you hear what I'm saying to you it's an amazing thing and but we still want to run up and get somebody to fix me you already fixed you already think the unbelief is what causes us not to succeed so did you know that your alignment what you align yourself with is going to determine the power of your assignment in life you have an assignment you have purpose you have all of these wonderful things you were never created to be anything except us head to be in charge each and every one of it you may be in charge of just two or three little things but you may be in charge of ten million things but you were created to be the boss nobody shouting me down nobody wants to be in charge don't you lie to me I'm telling you I know that you do want all right your your your alignment empowers your assignment say that with me my alignment empowers my assignment all right and your summit determines your area of success your assignment determines your Erica success each of us has we are a spirit we have a soul we live in a body and each of us have a dream to be successful I think every person in here that you have dreamed when I grow up I'm gonna do this when I was a kid I just said I'm gonna be an Olympic swimmer I'd attended uh went to a movie when I was six years old saw a woman named Esther Williams and I fell in love with her I was six years old watched the movie three times and Esther would come down and she would swim and she was an Olympic swimmer and and she'd swim with Tom and Jerry they had a cartoon and I thought I gotta go I gotta go to Hollywood I mean Esther's looking for me I was so passionate about it I just loved it and she was so beautiful she wore beautiful clothes and I just said this is so wonderful you could spend your whole life doing the swimming around and and having a good time like this and I got home and I told my mother I said I have a vision I have a vision it's just incredible and she said well good she says what are you gonna do it I said I'm gonna be a swimmer I'm gonna be like Esther Williams that I'm gonna swim and I'm gonna go to the movies and Miss Esther not gonna work together because she worked with Tom and Jerry and I'm explained like this to my mother and she says well honey you have a problem don't you just hate it when somebody tells you that you get a dream in some cold water just comes floating over there and I said especially if it's your mother and and I said no mom I can do this it's easy I said Miss Esther can swim and shouldn't get her hair wet I'm telling you this is easy to do it's wonderful when you come around people that make things look like they're so easy that is a product of a lot of procedure if you want the benefit there is a procedure you want to look easy at doing what you're doing it's because you've done it so many times and that that that causes people to see what you're doing and to understand that you are in control you are a successful person if you want the benefit of anything in this life there is a procedure well I didn't understand that I was immature immature it's not impure and my mother explained to me she says honey you don't know how to swim and I said well that's not a problem you can get me a coach you can get me somebody that's gonna teach you and she said no you're too young to swim see it's just an amazing thing you get this vision inside of your heart and then opposition comes immediately it's gonna happen you say I've got a vision I'm going to start a business I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do that you walk up to somebody and they say oh you can't do that you know you don't have the money you don't have the support you don't have anything well surely I may not have it but then you've called it to my attention now I know what to do to get some now I know what I need and so what I needed I needed a coach and then mother says no you're you're too young to learn to swim well mother found in her study that children under six under six that were taught how to swim had reduced the death of children in swimming pools by eighty percent now once those facts were brought to my mother she changed her mind I was so heartbroken I just had to go swim I just had to I could see myself oh yes and those cute little bathing suits and those cute little little hat that she wore and I had to go to Hollywood I mean it was just in me have you ever had a vision have you ever had a dream have you ever had something that just just was on you and I came home from school on Friday and my mother's in the first grade and my mother said I hired your swimming coach I thought I'd died and go to heaven she said he's gonna teach you how to swim in five days and I thought yeah and in six days I'll be in Hollywood I mean I am own it you hear me it was just like ugly on an date but I am Telling You I had a hold of this thing I am going and so I said their mom I gotta have but certainly I gotta have a esta William hat little swim act and and I need a snorkel and I need some water wings and any real cute bathing suit because you got a dress for success now in our city we have a municipal swimming pool big big swimming pool I had never been there because it has a big sign that says swimmers only in this life do you ever run across something that says swimmers only only this person can go or only that person go you've got so many doors that say you can't go through that you don't qualify well rather than get mad about it go get qualified and and outside the big pool was a little wading pool that was about two feet deep I hated that poo it made me aware as I could hear the laughter and the the people in the big pool they were having such fun while I just walked around in two feet of water feeling like an idiot there's no way you could you couldn't even get wet just walking around just walking around and mother says don't you enjoy being in the pool I said I hate this pool I hate this pool I want to go in the big pool so mother told me she says all right Monday morning you start you start your swimming lessons and in five days you'll know how to swim that was my vision that was my desire to be successful I really believed that if I could just get qualified real quick like it couldn't be hard it couldn't be hard because it looks so easy for Miss Esther she fell out of the sky into the water and she would do all these wonderful things some of you are too young to know who has to Williams was but she wasn't in crime talking about she was an incredibly beautiful swimmer and they made these beautiful movies that took kids like me and said that's it that's my vision that's where I'm going God will let you believe what you need to believe to get you where he's taking you amen and it's a progressive revelation it's a progressive vision if you'll be faithful with the little he'll give you dominion over the great so showed up if my cute little bathing suit and my cute little swimming cap in my water wings and my snorkel I was dressed and ready to go and when was six or seven other little kids all waiting and suddenly this man appears he's about six foot four and he weighed about 145 pounds he turned sideways he didn't even cast a shadow he was a skinniest man I think I've ever seen and he had he was as brown as a piece of leather they'd been out in the Sun much too long and he had glasses on and he didn't smile it looks like if he smiled his face would break right off and he was round and he blew this whistle and he said I'm coach Jack get in the water there was nothing they said well little children I'm coach Jack and I'm gonna help you learn how to swim and in five short days you're going to know I'm not mr. Jack see in this life you'll have coaches and these coaches that are taking you to a place of success there will be some that will stroke you and some that will choke you Pastor Jack was a a choker he didn't have any time what I didn't know about mr. Jack is that mr. Jack had been it had been attributed to him that he had saved over a thousand children from drowning he understood the power of water he understood that he had five days to take us and teach us how to survive and so when he said get in the water the water was three feet deep and I was three foot four in order to breathe I was bobbing up and down and the water would come right to here and I made my way to the side of the pool as fast as I could and I'm hanging onto the ridge and he said this is what I want you to do he says I want you to stretch out hold on to the red turn your head to the left and the right kick your left foot kick your right foot put your head under the water miss Esther didn't do it that way I mean you if you don't have a teachable spirit and mine was not teachable I you know when we talk about amenable I mean able if you spell it say Amen able and I wasn't quite ready for that I was ready to look good and this guy took my snorkel he took my wings he told me to take that silly hat off you know and I'm just looking at his Ordinaries everybody else oh man this is this is my success story is going down it's just a sad sad situation mr. Jack says everybody get in the water and he looked at me and he said put your head under the water I said mr. Jack I can't do that I said I miss Esther I watched her and she put her head underwater right away and I said I don't wanna do this can burn my eyes and I said I mean see when we think we want to be successful and God sends us a teacher then we know more than the teacher knows the fact that I didn't know anything I wanted to fight what the man had saved over a thousand children because I didn't honor the one that was speaking to me if you don't honor it's what you honor you draw to yourself what you dishonor will come to you yeah whatever you put your faith in it's gonna draw to you well I didn't know that I was just kind of immature but I wasn't impure I still had the vision I still wanted to go to Hollywood I still wanted swing with Miss Esther and I really wanted to be with Tom and Jerry they should had a little cartoon where she was swimming with him and that did it for me they weren't my favorite people my little character cartoon characters and he says put your head under I said I can't I just can't do it it burns my eyes I can't do it he said yes you can I said no I can't and he walked over he had a foot this long looked like a blade and he put it on top of my head I found out I can put my head under the water it's in him it's an amazing thing I went I went down and he this is what he did one two three and when I came up on counter three thank God he didn't count to four I would have died I mean he held me under and he looked at me and says you can't put your head under the water and he says now let me explain something to you you cannot be fearful of following instructions and I didn't like mr. Jack at all I went home that day and mothers had had the lessons go and I said mother mr. Jack's a mean man I said I don't know if he's the coach that I really do need because he he's not pleasant he wasn't nice to the little children he didn't say hello he just he didn't welcome us and she said honey you're there not to be at a party you're there to learn how to swim and she says now remember this people that begin things have to finish things she says now you've started this what you want you can't get out of it so I had to go back the next day and I thought well maybe today we'll swim see I'm just waiting you know this is where you do it and then I jump into it and then we could be through with it and he says today we're gonna learn how to do the dead man's float why would a dead man want a float I mean I came here to learn how to swim I'm ready to get out of here I don't know what you're talking about see we want the benefit but we don't want the process we want to be successful but we don't want to be taught is anybody hearing anything I'm saying praise God oh it's so important so I I get it I get in to get in the water and he's saying all right he says now just lay in the water trust the water I don't trust you I don't trust the water don't trust anything you know I mean you're not giving me enough of information you're not satisfying my soul my intellect my reason in my emotion because I'm not submitted to the plan I want the benefit but I don't like the procedure is anybody hearing what I'm saying how many of them want to be successful see your assignment determines the area of success that you're going to do you're a Sun and your alignment what you align yourself with the people that you align yourself with that you allowed to speak into your life will determine the power of your assignment it's so important for you to understand be with people that you love and that you trust and that you believe they've got your best interest at heart I didn't believe it I thought mr. Jack hated me because he was always trying to drown me the the he said this is what we're going to learn today we're gonna do the dead man's float we learn how to tread water have ever traded water before I mean it is the hardest thing in the world to do it'll it just wears you out you're not going anywhere and I thought what has this got to do with swimming and every day I would go back and mother would say how did it go and I said I'm not going back I'm not going back I said mom I'm tasting about mr. Jack mr. Jack don't know how to swim I mean he he's telling me all these crazy things that I don't have any need to learn when you were taking math and in school did you believe how you'd ever need it did you say I never I'm never gonna need this I don't need geography I don't need math I hate these teachers and is anybody beside me y'all look so innocent and that you realize that they're the Holy Spirit is the teacher and he comes and he says if you don't have a teachable spirit regardless of how much you desire at the benefit you're not going to get there if you don't go through the steps if you want to be successful there are some steps that you're gonna have to embrace so I go back and it's the fifth day and and they've taught me how to do well he says you're gonna do the dead man's float you're gonna kick you're gonna pull you're gonna turn you head to left the right and then you're going to you know he went through the whole thing so the fifth day I'm ready for him to blow his cotton-picking whistle again and he just walks in he's taking my all of my apparatuses to make me happy he took all of the things that were familiar away from me and I did not feel the least bit successful and he lined us up he says follow me and he started marching we went to the 4 foot 5 foot 6 foot 7 foot 8 foot 9 foot and with my lightning-fast mind I knew he was going to the deep end of the pool he said all of you know how to swim now just kneel down like you're praying and fall in the water I said whoa mr. Jack mr. Jack mr. Jack let me let me explain to you I didn't pay attention I did not I don't know how to swim and I'm not going in the deep water he said you do know how to swim and I said mr. Jack what what if you push me in this water and what if I can't swim and he said you're gonna die he motivated me and I'm kneeling down and I miss Jack I can't do it I just can't do it he says I'll help you and once again with his little foot blade he launched me into my swimming career and I'm telling you I found out push/pull turn your hair to turn to left you do some things in a time of crisis that you did not know that you could do you're being taught the holy ghost is teaching you and this is what do you say and I want you to heal the sick raise the dead cast out Devils I want you to preach the truth I want you to walk like talk like think like act like Jesus I want you to have the full armor of God upon you I want you to walk his sons of God I don't want you fussing with me about every step that I take I'm expecting you to let the Holy Ghost the Lord and giver of life be the instructor that takes you to the deep end of the pool I said Lord this is something that when I shared this story that I found out there were things that I learned in the shallows that I had to use in the deep sea well as long as I was in the shallow if I didn't want to do something I could stand up even though the water was up to my nose as long as I was in that 3-foot water I still had the edge of the ledge that I could hang on to as long as you're hanging on to the familiar as long as you're saying I want to be able to be an Olympic swimmer I want to go to Hollywood I want to do great things I want to I want to be successful in the kingdom of God I want to be financially successful I want to be intellectually successful I want to make contributions I want to see things in this life that I don't want to be ordinary and you've got that passion that is inside of you and the Lord says if you won't let the Holy Ghost teach you and you keep hearing and hearing and hearing but nobody ever kicks you into the deep and you just keep learning and learning and learning and learning it's like we just keep eating and eating we're eating and it's all we do is burp that you've got to you've just got to come to the place that these things that God is saying where is that helmet of salvation where is that breastplate of righteousness where did those loins that have been Girt with truth where the feet that are shod with the preparation of the gospel that you could preach glad and not man where it's a sword of the Spirit and the shield of faith and you can say Here I am you can find little children catch this quicker than the older people I'm glad I learned to swim when I was six I didn't go to Hollywood but I did become a lifeguard and it did become a life coach and I did become a contractor and I did become a mother and I did become a pastor and did become a bishop and it did become I became a lot of things that mr. Jack put inside me when I was six years old because I found out early on if you want to be successful you have to be teachable and then there has to take that knowledge that you have information without revelation produces invitation and leads to stagnation as long as we just feed me more knowledge give me more thrill me chill me feel me at some point you're gonna have to take what somebody tells you and you're gonna make it yours by the reason of use are we saying they men too that say I can't wait til tomorrow night she's gonna activate me she got agitate me we didn't think she's mr. Jack before we leave here praise God say she's gonna kick me into the deep end of the pool right now and you're gonna say well I don't know how to do that I can't prophesy and the next thing she's gonna do is just push me into a prophetic flow she's gonna lay hints and impart to me and then she's gonna activate it and I'm gonna believe it I'm gonna believe it because it's time that somebody takes my water wings it's time I take all of this stuff that makes me look like I'm a champion that I'm not doing anything with it it is time to move to another dimension the world is waiting for saviours to mount up out of Zion how many of you hearing what I'm saying it's an important and significant thing that we're doing every person in here at some point your life you've been a victim of an unfulfilled dream or vision can you say I thought it was gonna be this way whether it was a marriage whether it was a job whether whatever it is I thought life was going to be this way and you the opportunity to be disappointed well the Word of God says there's no disappointment in Jesus mr. Jack was the biggest disappointment I went home and told my mother I said mama mr. Jack doesn't know how to swim my mother looked at me and she said honey let me explain something to you you wanted this I paid for it he's not gonna give my money back you gonna learn to swim said you need a coach like that between mother and mr. Jack they got me I mean you know she said winners never quit and quitters never win so what school is hard wasn't supposed to be easy he said well I'm just not as smart as other people it doesn't matter you want the benefit embrace the procedure you may have to study more than somebody else but I'm telling what whoever told you God was fair God's not fair he's just and he's in charge and as soon as we learned that mr. Jack was not fair to me he was meeting as a junkyard dog I mean as cute as I was it didn't impress him a bit my little personality didn't do a thing in the world for mr. Jack mr. Jack was committed to teach me not to die in deep water you know we need coaches you need to be coaching you need to be talking you need to be mentoring you need to be it's coming and saying all of those people that are victims of unfulfilled vision people that started and stopped we have to realize this in the depths of your being you have to realize no one can live beyond the limits of their own belief what you believe about you is the only determining factor that's gonna work you cannot live beyond the limits of your own belief we are what we believe can you say Amen do you believe you are a son of God do you believe you're redeemed from the curse of the law of sin and death do you believe that your name has been written in the Lamb's Book of Life do you believe that an incredible tsunami of the power of God is about to inundate the face of the earth and it's not gonna be about Isis it's not gonna be about terrorists it's not gonna be all of this stuff that we're here these are symptoms but the reality is that the earth is yearning for people like you and me to get up and walk like Jesus talk like Jesus think like Jesus act like Jesus what the world has to see is Jesus and Jesus is not scared he's not afraid he wants you to walk in success can you say hallelujah now I want you to consider this our beliefs are a product of your thoughts most important thing you're gonna have in this life is a thought an idea we have a fault we have a word we have an action we have our thoughts is what creates our belief what you think about so you've got to be careful what you meditate on what you chew on you begin to bring bring things into your mind and there you know whatsoever things are lovely pure and true they'd be virtual praise these are the things that you're to be thinking on and when some little crazy alien thing comes into your mind recognize it as a trespasser and so you can't get in my brain I recognize you you are a counterfeit then you think well I wonder if anybody else has these kind of thoughts to everybody on the face the earth has stupid thoughts you know they come from Hell and they'll say I was I'm not a horticulturist I'm not a yard person I pass a green plant and they turn brown I mean it's a even if it's plastic but it's a my mother it could make anything grow I mean she was just incredible at gardening and I I was getting ready to move from one place to the next and this thought come to say I said you need to dig up those azalea bushes and take away when you go and I thought the lower realms of Hell would freeze over before I dig up an azalea bush it ain't gonna happen and then I was just about asleep and this thought came again dig up just two or three of them and I thought where are these thoughts coming from see I'd sold the house and the landscaping belonged to the next owner and then here's the enemy trying to get me to steal and I say you're Bush in the middle and I don't do bushes you know when things get to the point in hell that they gotta tempt me with an azalea bush we it's a cold day in hell that's all I can tell you it's just a terrible terrible thing and I would these thoughts are so very crazy our beliefs are a product of our thoughts you're gonna believe what you think of does that make sense to you so you've got to clean your thought life up whatsoever things are lovely true if there be any virtue there be any praise these are the things to think of your belief system your thoughts are gonna create your belief your belief is gonna create your conviction what you believe even though you may believe it erroneously it may it may be a fact but it may not be true how many of you know there's a difference between facts and truth you know the facts may say I'm sick and I'm down and I'm out I don't have any money and I'm lonely and I'm hurt and I'm wounded and I'm scared and everything but the truth is I'm healed I'm delivered and I'm rich so whose report will you believe who will agree with God you said well my facts are you know I'm just telling you the truth this is no you're not telling me the truth you're telling me the facts the truth is the Word of God it drops it trumps everything else and Lord I lift up mr. Trump please keep him alive when he goes to this convention the Jesus name praise God our convictions create your attitude what you're convicted of creates your attitude are you following me I hope you're going to get the tape because I don't see one person taking a note I see oh there you are okay praise God rest of y'all go bar the notes from the people that are paying attention okay your convictions your conviction create your attitude your attitude controls your perception how you perceive a thing and your perception will always control your behavior you want me to do that again you want me to do that again all right your belief our product of your thought life what you believe is a product of your thought life your thoughts create your beliefs your beliefs create conviction your convictions create your attitude our attitude controls our perception our perception controls our behavior what you do is based on your perception it starts with your thought life and if your thought life is not in alignment with the Word of God you're gonna be sincere you're just gonna be sincerely wrong correction is never rejection so flexible I'm so healed come here make that mountain come to me here praise God alright now in the in the word of the Lord the power of thought let's talk just a little bit about the power of thought our lives are the result of what we think some of the unique attributes and the qualities of a successful person you can say well that's me say I'm successful person I have a goal I have a vision I have a plan I Know Who I am I am a child of God I came from God I'm going back to God as God because the ultimate of anything is to become it one of those things that he said I was gonna say that was going to confuse you amen the ultimate of anything is to become it the ultimate the scripture says and as we behold him we are metamorphose we are changed from glory to glory into what you're looking at if that'll make you shout i'm just think of it as we behold Jesus not healing not deliverance not prosperity not joy not peace but as we behold him we're not looking at circumstances the winds are blowing and what everything tornadoes are flowing and typhoons are coming and everything is going we're hearing reports this one is killed and this one shot we just got a report there three policemen were killed in Louisiana and we here at this one was killed and that was killed this happened in these this happened to that and if our thought life gets into well what if it's coming this way what if the streets are gonna be filled with it what if martial law what if what if what if you shut up what if you choose to believe the Word of God what if you choose to be the antidote to the Antichrist what if you choose to understand the power of your thought the most powerful thing you've got is a thought our lives are the results of what we think and some of the like I said the unique attributes that that that you're going to find the qualities of successful people how many successful people let me tell you what you're gonna have you're gonna have some passion you're never gonna be around a person that has absolutely no passion and they're gonna be successful you said well what does that mean it's just like talking to a door and I'd say how are you today fine how're things going good what's what's the Lord shown you nothing where you going on vacation nowhere and you just think there is absolutely nothing coming from that person they'll give you anything to work with do you understand and then if you are a person that is not given to making conversation possibly you can study a book that how to make polite conversation because out of your mouth out of your mouth life in death comes you use your words to exhort to edify to build up you said well I'm not comfortable talking it doesn't matter whether you're comfortable or not you have been created to be a voice in the land that if you read the Word of God and somebody asked you a question you just say well what sort of things a lovely pure true good report that's a good thing if you can't talk anything but the Word of God you're gonna be okay but you need to be able to say something can you say amen to that you need to be there has to be a response ago so you that you have to have initiative you have to have passion you have to have innovation persistence persistence she said well I've tried that and I did that once well that's not gonna get it I had to UM I was taking a typing class in college and we had a red headed teacher and she would come she would say the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog anybody ever take a typing class know that aspartate too quick and she had a little stick the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog you know we were supposed to type it while she's talking you know she did today and then she would come and I was Clarice Brown and she would walk and if there was a one mistake it was he's a zero or a and she was like and she say zero Ms Brown zero misprint zero mr. Johnson see she just loved to zero us and then she would start again tick tick tick you know it's a and mr. mr. Sonny Turner who was in the class we on third floor in the college and he picked up his typewriter went to the window and he looked at her and he said the quick brown fox just fell out the window and just got up that was the end of his typing career there there are there are teachers that motivate you to learn in and there are teachers that motivate to kill so you want to be one that is going to be patient and being able to get all of these qualities for you you need discipline you need focus what you focus on where your focus goes your energy flows say that with me where my focus goes my energy flows if you think you're gonna focus on three things at one time you're going to be more than cross-eyed you're gonna you're not going to be able to be successful what you focus on where you focus goes your energy flows and you will see incredible things happen you need to be patient you need to have great peace you need to understand what a positive disposition it's a choice people say well I'm just not a friendly person I'm just not outgoing I'm not go ahead and stay mean you just you but you're never life draws life and so you need to be interested in other people you need to learn how to make conversation that's just part of your responsibility in line if you're going to be successful you've got to make other people feel comfortable around you if you want the benefit of friends you're gonna have to be friendly anybody anybody hear what I'm saying right there you have to be incredibly compassionate these are things some of the unique attributes are qualities of a sixth of a successful person a successful attitude can be cultivated a successful attitude can become full of convulsed can be cultivated do you know how to cultivate a successful attitude you choose not to condemn yourself not to find fault with yourself but to be able to say how can I be more effective how can I be a more positive person we have to be ready to succeed if I'm going to say it again if you want the benefit of life coming to you you have to put life out life draws life death draws death whatever you honor it comes to you whatever you dishonor it will come to you choose today life or death you have to see yourself successful you have to look in the mirror not just the mirror of the word but you begin to look at yourself and I see people now please hear what I'm saying because I'm here to encourage to exhort and to edify but I see people that they don't get their hair cut they don't shave they don't brush their teeth they don't they don't comb their hair they don't understand that their body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and they're immodest in their dress and their conduct their countenance their conversation it's like you look at a car that says in case of rapture this car will be unmanned and it has not been washed or cleansed since it was bought its beat-up is what I thought my god don't advertise I wouldn't want anybody to think that a Christian was driving in something like this we have a responsibility to present our body as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God that that you need to do the best you can I told some people the other night I said you need to smile more and if you if you don't have any teeth buy some you know just do the best that you can with what you've got can you say amen to that God says to whom much has been given much is required he didn't say requested your you're living in a place where you're not being persecuted in and chased down you have food you have water you have protection you're living how long is that gonna be I can't tell you this but I can tell you one thing too-hoo much God has given God says I require you to show forth the excellence of God can you say Amen lasting change occurs when we embrace a positive image of yourself when you feel good about you it's just so important and I travel with dr. Tandon she's a perfectionist and she will say oh you have lint on the back of your jacket and she runs behind me with a little thing and she rakes me off and she says you know I've explained to you if you put your clothes on that white chenille bedspread it's gonna have lint all over this and I said nobody's gonna see that but you and she says you represent God oh man she calls me your grace but yet she's fussing at me I'm trying to trying to figure this out but see there are people that have high expectations of you and that when you begin to have high expectations of yourself you are not ordinary you are extraordinary can you say Amen that lasting change occurs in your life you get ready to walk in a successful way when you embrace a positive image of yourself when you say well I'm too big I'm too this are on today well do something about it do something about you're not helpless you're not hopeless praise God you if you gain weight you can lose weight it's called the D word and it's not doggone it's called discipline and so you you can present your body as a living sacrifice holy and set aside for the expressed purpose of God can you say amen to that praise God now the change for your attitude towards yourself being successful it occurs in your mind no amount of training study or education can actually transform a negative mindset one has to embrace a positive mindset you're not going to learn how to do it you just have to choose to embrace it can you say amen to that the positive emotion associated with happiness when you feel happy clappy like this then it equips you to handle adversity in a very positive way so let's do an exercise stand up please everybody smile everybody go haha ho-ho hee-hee ha ha wahoo I'm so happy you can tell I'm happy I have a smile on my face I have a good attitude every act of gratitude affects my attitude I am a life-giving spirit this positive emotion is associated with happiness look how happy I am I love you you're wonderful y'all are not smiling you're not smiling at me let me say come on in you said this is the silliest thing I've ever seen something happens when you begin to laugh does anybody just hear a baby laugh when a baby yeah you can't help but laugh you can't help but laugh it's so pure it's so wonderful a merry heart doeth good it's better than a medicine a merry heart so you have to practice happiness happy is the man and woman whose God is the Lord this is what this is a prerequisite for walking as a successful person now turn around and just shake somebody's hand hug their neck and say I just love you I just love you you're so wonderful find something nice to say about somebody oh you're looking good you're looking good free hugs free hugs who needs a free hug oh my goodness free hugs amen hey did you know that a setback was a setup for a comeback so you just forget don't waste your sorrows negative emotion is more psychological and than a powerful positive attitude you've got to understand that this psychological thing that comes upon you with a negative emotion do not allow that to stay you get you get somebody says I just love you you're so wonderful I just always so good to see you and they got a smile on their face and their body language is saying what their words are saying but if somebody comes up says oh it's you again I sure love you they're your words are not saying your word and your body's not seeing the same thing Jesus has got a problem he's got a body and his word is positive in our body language is not seeing I'm healed I'm delivered I'm I'm a head not to tell I'm above and not beneath you're the body of Christ and you to absorb and reflect his glory can you say amen to that and you say well I just don't feel like doing it's your reasonable service if something is your reasonable service to do it then it's unreasonable not to do it we cannot say Jesus is Lord without understanding he's boss he did not come to give you another plan he says if you want the benefit of walking in success let me tell you something put a smile on your face for the whole human race because that that incredible success you draw it to yourself and when you're gonna find out that opportunity and success run around with some bad characters doubt fear unbelief and you've got every time you get an opportunity you've got these other things to do so don't you lift your hands right now father I think you right now that every negative emotion that causes psychological changes in our body and in our mind your spirit of negativity you do not have any power except what we give you and each and every one of us choose not to give you any Lord I thank you right now I've just found out that it takes at least three positive experience to balance the effect of one negative word father we thank you right now that our words are powerful and we shall speak life over one another we should speak life over our nation we should speak life over presidential candidates will speak life over every circumstance in the situation we choose not to murmur not to complain not to back mic not to find fault with ourselves or anybody else we will touch not God's anointed and it begins with our doings prophet any harm Lord God we thank you right now that how we think and what we think predicts how we feel and what we say and what we do Lord when we intentionally think differently you react differently toward us and all the people said Amen you may be seated in heavenly places glory to God if you desire are you learning anything okay good I'll give you a test on this tomorrow success God want you successful God wants you rich God want you powerful your sons of God sons and daughters of the Living God you're extraordinary you are the house of god you're the tabernacle of God you're the dwelling place wherever you go you take God so be careful where you go I was I was in South Africa we're doing a series of meetings and it's about eleven o'clock at night and we do what Christians do we're going to eat and and it was a windy evening and there was a man a blind man that was sitting on the corner and he had a you know had a hat out for you to put money and he was begging and you could tell that he was obviously very challenged in many ways and when we passed by there was a group of us and I dropped I ran into his hat and he said somebody famous just went by you know I know what I carry and it was not me I was not famous but because you carry God and even a blind man could tell what had happened I'm telling you the infallible witness of the Spirit of God well bear witness with your spirit as you begin to walk in the positive ways of saying I am successful you see success is is the harmony of purpose it's it's a resilience and it's joyful when you begin to say I am successful I started something and I finished it does that make you happy to do that you got your homework assignment you say oh this is gonna be tough to do it but I'm gonna stay with it till I'm through and to get on the other side beginning of work is one thing finishing it is another so right now in the authority of the name of Jesus those of you who are starters that do not finish lift you up before God and I thank you that you will be able to focus in a more clear distinct way because what you focus on where your focus goes your energy flows and you will be able to complete what you begin father in Jesus name we just no condemnation at all we just ask for miraculous impartation and activation of being finishes of what God told us to start and all the people say that's me praise God the key you know we have many keys the purpose of a key is to unlock a door is that right is to secure are to unlock to secure Jesus I've given to you the keys to the kingdom of God and the key to all of our success is in developing a critical skill that every truly successful person possesses in abundance it's called resilience you've got to be resilient in this life you're gonna be oppressed suppress repress depressed poses there all kinds of things that are going on when you think tonight how many people that their loved ones aren't coming home tonight you know that they they went to went on vacation they got run over they got mutilated think of how many people are in the hospital and thinking how many people you get this in this life you're gonna have some hard days and you've got to have the power in your life to be a successful person you have to be a resilient person you have to be a person that it's not going to let bitterness and why me why not you you've been picked out to be picked on to conform you into the image of the dear son of God can you understand what we're saying there sir in the blue shirt would you stand up yes sir what is your name Theo McCrory because of Rebecca Sheen kdd under makasar Ibaka to Rebecca for the hand of success is upon you saith the Lord no comma ha seek EDD on Twitter I'm taking you into an accelerated season no mikuma hacia ddr2 Rebecca for there is healing in your hands there's healing and deliverance in your hands saith God Shubert ability under a minge cell Rebecca to by she come on them accounts of the vaquita Torah for your in a season of grace in which you put your hand to will prosper lamoco Maha secret et al Twitter and the Lord says indeed those things that look back and say what if and coulda shoulda woulda the Lord says this night he says I absolutely take the eyes that are in the back of your head and take it out you will not look back in light of things that are eternal and the things that will last you don't have a past the Lord says could have a super avocation if you didn't order it is not you that chose me but I the sovereign Almighty God that has put my hand upon you you are a mentor and a teacher saith God Nicole bahasa Canadian daughter by Cassata I have chosen to show you mysteries of the finished work lamu CBD ki te taura because seeing Aditya - Rebecca secretly Deltora macaw Maha succeeded here as you behold me saith God as you behold me not the things of God but the God of thing you would be changed into that which you adore for this is what is on the agenda of the Most High God hallelujah hallelujah the wonderful thing about the prophetic word I want to remind you if it starts raining outside and we all go outside guess what we're gonna all get wet if we just stand out there and because the rain falls on the just and the unjust the prophetic voice of God that has the power to heal the wounded body of Christ to inform to transform to activate to implement the the will of God into our life when you hear a prophetic word you that oh that was wonderful for him but you can take it yourself you can put it on is that the Lord says anybody that well because see when God looks at it he sees a corporate body a mini membered body and but you've got to take it you can't say oh yeah well that was good you would write it down or you would say I take that I believe this this is for me as well it is for him does that do you understand how that worked a successful person when you you're in a meeting and you realize that blessings are being poured out and a lot of people just that they don't know how to receive they don't know how to believe they want everything done to them instead of through them you know do it to me God follow me sweetheart he's not falling he's flowing he's coming up and out of you not down upon you so you've got to understand the location when you're buying property the only thing about it that cannot be changed is its location if you were walking in success with God then your location has to be in Christ you have to be located in Christ before your real estate becomes really really a valuable and if you are located in Christ you are already potentially successful and the reality of that success is realized as you begin to take the wisdom that ability to use knowledge skillfully and begin to say I am going to see myself successful I'm gonna be the best that I can be I'm gonna be continuously learning I'm going to be challenged I'm going to be changed I'm full of passionate I'm full of resilience and when I get knocked down I get up can anybody say amen to that and I come up stronger then I went down praise God when I went from my exile God brings me in from this miraculous healing that I'm about to experience by faith it's a finished thing but it did not make me stop doing what God called me to do if you think it's fun to walk in here on a cane limping around looking at you champions and telling you that with God all things are possible and we're seeing thing you've got to stand in the day of your adversity with great resilience you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you amen don't excuse yourself from your calling because of circumstances and situations you don't excuse yourself from your calling because of your circumstances your covenant with God is a covenant that is all-powerful and that we say well this happened to that happen but God never changes can you say amen to that nothing is more important to actually achieving success than the ability to be resilient in the face of the challenges that come to you nothing is more you've got to be able to look when that wind comes against you and it's saying you can't go on you can't do another day you lost you no good nothing happened you did this it was wrong you missed God you need to stand up grab us solve our shin-kiba - you just met your worst nightmare just put hang my picture down in he'll let you let them all know we'll call Baja 7 let's see if all my teeth fall out I'm gonna gum you to death anyway I mean it's just you've got to stay there with resilience you've got to stay focused where you focus goes your energy is gonna flow you're gonna say I've been created to stand in the stead of Christ I'm not just activated I am now participating in my destiny who can say Amen this is what we're talking resilience is where great successful people excel they don't quit they learn from their tragedies they take a deep breath and they get up and they start again when we hear well this person is gone bankrupt insist yeah well they may have gone bankrupt three times but they got up they got up they got up and surely they must have learned something you don't quit just because you you you strike out that happens every now and then and then you begin to if you study the lives of true successful people I believe it was Abraham Lincoln that ran for office 16 times before he was ever elected to anything and then we say it's the greatest president ever lived but let me tell you some how many those 16 times that nobody wanted to vote for him he was feeling resilient and he wasn't pretty to begin with I mean you know he just he just had to stay in there do you understand what I'm saying you would get to looking at our said well because I'm not handsome or I'm not cute or I'm not this I'm not that God's not looking at the outside he's looking at the inside can you say Amen thanks be to God who always causes us to triumph in every situation so we begin to find successful people process information differently they think differently in the face of fear failure setbacks and challenges they think differently they think differently put your hand on your head right there say I choose to process negative happenings from the mind of Christ it will not bring fear dread our negative thoughts into my mind because what I think on is what I will become so I'm setting my affections on things which are above and not on things which are below I'm command my brain to obey the voice of God giving glory took a church in the authority of the name of Jesus we loose upon you the revelation of success why why is it that you need to be successful why do you need to be in charge there is an amazing God is so good is he's so good yeah we just look and we find so much fault with the church and so much fault with a Christian and so much fault with this and the Lord is just back in the corners and mm-hmm mmm he's just waiting for the right time and when it gets really dark when it gets real real dark real dark then he's going to set the fireworks in the darkest sky we just celebrated fourth of July and you have to wait until the Sun really went down you don't spend all that money on all that power you want to be able to see the sky illuminated with these brilliant fireworks with all of this power you want to be able to see it and in order to see it good it takes a dark night we're about to see the fireworks of God so you just need you need to get excited we're about to go to a firework display God is about to display these goodness you know he said say he's gonna say devil you so defeated you old and ugly you've never known the love of God you've lost your glorified body and the hole you've dug for my church I'm putting you into it I'm gonna send the angel of the Lord to pursue you own a dark and slippery path you've just made your worst decision because God says he's gonna roll up his sleeves he's gonna bear his mighty arm and we're gonna see a flood it's not just a revival it's a revival for the church but it's a Reformation for the church also and things that we're doing that are not working right God says I'm going to eradicate this and there's a new sheriff in town praise God we're gonna see that praise God incredible thing so you have to you know when change comes it's an amazing thing we we love change when it's our idea of we're not too fond of it when it's somebody else's but God has an idea about what he wants for his church Jesus is not coming for a beat-up Church he's not coming for poor wimpy little thing just hanging on and hiding in the curtain and say just I'll fly away Oh glory you ain't flying honey let me tell you what you are here and you're here for the duration and Jesus is coming after Jesus you understand that and if you keep thinking you're going to a bridal shower and I'm the Bride of Christ you were the Bride of Christ in the second dimension where you got filled with the Holy Ghost you learned about your adolescence you learned about worship but when you go into the third mission you go in with the bridal affections that that I am the beloved of the Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world and you go beyond that between the wings of the cherubim you become that what you adore you go in with that revelation of covenant and you come out as a son of God you come out and you take over the world see there's neither male nor female in Christ and what we're going to see all the earth be filled with the knowledge of the glory the glory the what is glory it's the demonstration in the manifestation of Jesus Christ plainly seen in you in me Jesus is coming after Jesus Jesus is coming after Jesus so something's got to happen somewhere on the face of this earth there'll be a group of people that say here am I here am i Lord whatever you want you want me to jump into the deep water let's just push me on in if I'm reluctant just take me in over my head and let me begin to activate what I've been taught for years and years and years and years and I've clapped and I've said yes and I've done this but I have never really put it on and made it mine in this season God is looking for people who will say I am truly successful Lord whatever you say I say yes I'm not gonna find fault I'm not gonna back my I'm not gonna murmur a complaint I am resilient every time something comes at me to put me down it's just gonna make me stronger and I'm gonna ask longer who can who can agree with me who can agree with me resilience you know if you continue to take steps in the right and direction you're gonna eventually quicker than you think arrived at your destination and consistent actions yields consistent results consistent actions every day you begin your day and you'll say thanks be to God who always causes me to try sing it to you believe it begin to say this is the day this is the day that the Lord hath made and you may not feel like singing everything on you may be hurting you may not be able to pay your bills your toilet overflowed your son went to jail your wife left you your husband fell in love with another man there may be problems this is the day this is the day that's the Lord at me what is the word saying God is bringing to perfection everything that concerns you everything but if you begin to moan and groan all the hell of say that silence of God say they're sick the sons of God say they're sad and they've got all the power so if they say they're sick if they say they're oppressed if they say they're down if they say they're out the power of God is in their mouth that releases us to bring them just what they said did anybody get that life and death is in your mouth you keep putting yourself down then you are releasing judgment on you because you has God all power in heaven and earth has been invested in the name of Jesus and Jesus said as the father sent me I send you so consequently every time you say this is bad this is sad I'm wounded I'm mad that it you're releasing judgment to come back on yourself you are activating hell to come and knock at your door when the fear of God comes upon you the fear of God wisdom the beginning of which is the fear of God now if we fear God and we choose to agree with him how can I be resilient in the face of all of these terrible things that are going on you make a choice you got a millisecond to make it I mean it you there's all the way through life if you want to be success you've got just a moment to make that choice in life the curtain goes up and the curtain comes down it's like you come out and you've got your play and you're ready for your big scene and you miss the curtain call well that that part is over with that you don't ever get to do that again there'll be another opportunity but you missed that opportunity because you stood back and you were moaning and groaning you will find and thought you were complaining and you were busy knocking out demons that you summoned to yourself any questions until the truth make the devil ashamed of himself here all power how much power all power in heaven and in earth has been is that a past-tense word given the giving of a gift is an option the receiving is imperative when a greater gives to a lesser that makes sense God gives you something you have the ability to respond you have the ability to take the gifts that God has given you I've got three wonderful gifts of the renewed bond I have the word of knowledge the discerning of spirit I have the word of wisdom and out of my mouth comes tongues interpretation tongues and prophecy and out of my inner spirit then I carry healing I carry miracles I carry the faith of God not the faith in God but the faith of God what's the difference was it the faith in in the faith of one one hopes and one knows the faith of God knows you've been given the faith of God you've got that but you if you don't activate it you said well I've tried that well you try soap you serve God and that you will learn correction is not rejection you say what if I tried and it doesn't work what if you try and it does work what if you begin to find out that greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world what if you choose to be positive what if you choose to be successful what if you choose to say you know what I'm going to another level of understanding I'm not gonna say this is my just my day I've had it it's over with I think I'm just gonna sit back and get my rocking chair and then when it's time for me to go I'm gonna flow you know next week well I think it's not next week week after next I'm going to Phoenix Arizona and I'm doing a conference and it's called seniors on the front line those 55 and older that are looking for a nursing home we're gonna do what we can to encourage to exhort to edify to let you know that you are an absolute Golden Age individual and we talk about the the seniors in the bank you know the senior bank teller or the senior this what really triggered me is that I got a phone call and this deep rich voice said hello senior have you made your final plans we have a program for you digger old Dale I mean you know my god it scare you you just thought you were gonna kick back but when they begin to say everybody that's you know over 55 we're gonna make arrangements for your nursing home we're gonna make arrangements for you to die and we're gonna sell you a plot and I thought I better get up and shake these bones and move in another direction so we're doing something that that's gonna help to inform and transform people that are moving in and say we're gonna mobilize the seniors and they really aren't gonna be seniors because the Bible says when a white-haired individual enters the room everybody's supposed to stand up did you know that if you're gonna give honor to God we should give honor to those that 55 and older yes ma'am no ma'am thank you and when we do that that wisdom that is on that individual is transferred back to you did you understand how that works I'm telling you when you begin to just honor the people that the fact that somebody's lived 75 80 90 years this is that's a big deal first of all it's the favor of God and the life is hard they learned some resilience and there's not time for us to make all the mistakes that need to be made you might as well get as much through impartation as you possibly can does that say Amen praise God remember if you continuously consistently make steps in the right direction you are going to arrive at your destination you're going to be victorious you're gonna be successful you're gonna be rich somebody needs to be happy about being rich that means you can pay you can pay other people's bills that means you can buy Aunt Mary a car you can help put somebody through school you can begin to do things that are philanthropic and you can do it in the name of Jesus loves me yes he does and that we become magnanimous we found out I prayed with a man last night in the Lord in my leg handsome youth the Lord said about him he says honey this is a money magnet he says money loves him it just runs for him and he's looking at me and he says I don't know what to do with all this money millions and millions and millions of dollars I don't know what to do money doesn't make you happy I said what do you want to do well I want to help people but I don't know where to go and I said well what you need is a mentor and not a tormentor you know that we come to the place and I said begin to teach these young men and women how to be successful you you are a money magnet can you imagine that your calling in life was to be a supplier to everybody you don't know where to put your money I mean my goodness gracious I said I can help you I promise you I can help you praise God without a vision we perish and without a progressive vision we live carelessly so this is this is when we begin to talk about being resilient and taking the right steps you know when something really negative comes you just kind of take a deep breath and just say you know what thanks be to God thanks be to God God is bringing to perfection that's maturity everything that concerns me do you believe that about yourself do you believe that about you so you've been taught the good Word of God now if you have say so you've got where possibly you've had a failure in your life and if you haven't keep breathing you will but it's part of it it's part of our walk we have failures in relationship we have failures in all kinds of different things we all have them so don't make yours you know monumental and think it's the only one that's going around now to answer this question there are people that Park on failure Boulevard you know all they want to talk about nobody knows the trouble as I say they're ever around me there's death doom and misery and I said well you're calling it to yourself you know you're just continuously calling well you don't know what what I've suffered I said you know what I don't know what you've suffered but I really don't take my words apart my spirit but I really don't care what you've suffered because you can't get up right this minute and get out of there you're just sitting in an ant pile and telling me oh there ants are biting me could you just move over a little bit and get out of this pile and then you can begin to experience what it means not to be ant bit but think we just wants to even beat their head against the wall and say oh my head hurts it just hurts all the time and I say would you just quit beating your head against the wall I like head banging well keep hurting you know there are things that we're doing that's drawing death to us instead of drawing life can you say amen to that and we need the Lord to show us them I know I have just a little short bullet list of things that I want to suggest to you it's a simple little exercise and that that I want you to think about noticing how you think about failure what do you think about failure can tell you a great deal about how high you're going to ascend on the successful ladder how many's ready to ascend the edge of the successful person has over the average is in their thought process remember that as a man thinketh in his heart so is he if you don't fall in love with you you're gonna continuously battle low self esteem self hate unworthiness frustration all of these negative little things will come in your life you must choose - thank good about you you've just you said well that sounds prideful a boastful no until you love you you will not be free to love anybody else because it it's that ascending descending mentality you know that we think about there's God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit there's Jesus there's man there's woman there's children there's dogs who's cats there's birds there's bugs there's and it keeps ascending and descending anything that ascends indecent says by implication one is better than the other God's better than Jesus Jesus better the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit's better than man man's better than woman woman's better than children children better dog dog better than cat cats better than a bird and that always births competition I said what we're fighting with right now as far as races are concerned and you know there's not but one race we are a race of kings and priests you mean do you understand that so well anything that makes you feel less than it's something you have allowed the spirit of unbelief coming to your heart because you are not better than or less than anybody you're a different thing and yeh different can you say Amen we walk a little bit differently so this is when you just get home and you just begin to write down how you feel about failure you know with things that you've seen then go back to that very recent failure that you've been and identify the moment you took a look at the reason you gave for the failure then reread what you wrote then answer one of more questions are all of these reasons personal faults and character traits hmm are your reasons things that you can't do anything about are the some of the reasons that you did not do well is are things that you can change the things that you can change you need to make yourself a list and say I'm gonna lose 15 pounds I'm gonna exercise I'm gonna eat the right food I'm gonna get more sleep I'm gonna drink more water these are things you can do this hidden brain surgery you know and then you begin to find out establishing positive patterns about your own life do something good for you can you say amen to that those things are very important people who are the most successful explained their failure in terms of things that they can take control of people that are most successful can explain their failures in terms I can change this I see this is a problem but I will change it unsuccessful people say nobody knows the troubles I see you know I've been down and I've been out I never get a break and if I didn't have bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all and you just try to bring a person to say hey how about I had had this person talked to me and she it she's a mother and her son has had an on-and-off relationship with heroin and meth and he's 38 years old he still lives at home and he took her credit card and got 3040 thousand dollars on the credit card and she said you know would you pray for my son to be delivered I said no I'm gonna pray for you you need to be delivered you don't have a baby you you got a grown man that's a parasite that's living in your house and I said if you love him give him $100 and say see you sometime but until he chooses to change his lifestyle I said you're killing him by enabling him to continue to have a lifestyle it's anybody hearing what I'm saying and she says but he's my baby I said he's nobody's baby's 38 years old I said you have crippled him by letting him stay in this situation and so God in His infinite mercy looks at you and me and he says I am NOT gonna empower you to stay where you are I want you to come to another place I want you to walk as as heads and not tails above and not beneath I want you to understand that when I look at you all I see is Jesus and the high calling of God and how do you get to the high calling forgetting those things which are behind we press on toward the prize of the high calling to you forget the things that caused you to need to be resilient until you forget the bad marriages till you forget the bad decisions till you forget the bad business deals till you just say you know what that was fertilizer and I'm not gonna spread it all over the place but it's gonna make me grow faster I'm not gonna waste my sorrow can you say amen to that these things are very important to you internalizing failure is a death sentence to all your dreams in listen to what I'm saying internalizing failure where you just I did this I did that you're thinking aren't you're meditating it is a death sentence to your vision to your dreams to your goals to your potential because you defeat yourself before you even get up and start this night in the authority of the name of Jesus every little dream stealing devil that would come in here every I speak a death sentence to those dream stealers lord I thank you right now we just speak the word into the very atmosphere that the sooner we start paying attention to what God is saying to us as soon as we agree with God and what we say about ourselves and about our lives and about our children about our circumstances and about our covenant and those things that we would call failures the sooner we look at these things with the eyes of God the sooner we'll break through to the next level who wants to go to another level who wants to go to another dimension who wants to walk in success who wants to walk healthy who wants to walk wealthy who wants to say whatever you say Lord I simply say yes the most successful thing that you can do to get yourself in a position to accelerate is to come to the place where you decide you do not have a future or a past you have a now this is the day that the Lord has made this is the night that we will decide I tell people you need a map and immediately we think of a piece of paper our global positioning a map is a massive action plan and until we activate what we have heard until you make it yours by the reason of use till you take the things that I'm speaking to you and begin to apply it to your own self and say I have made a decision a decision is never a conversion but until you decide until you begin to look at this and say these are some words of wisdom that was spoken by a prophet that says that an incredible outpouring of the Spirit of God is about to take the earth and God is in need of men and women who stand in the stead of Christ walk like God talk like God think like God act like God that they're not beggars and leaders and they understand that interceding is not acting like you've lost your mind but it's letting the seed the Word of God enter into the ever present now and that we tread the heavens with the Word of God we send up the vapor and God sends down the rain that we are the activators of angelic beings that we cannot do that while I'm looking and contemplating my navel and talking about you know nobody knows the trouble as I see get up from where you are and begin to make your declaration I am successful can you say Amen praise God father I thank you right now the words that we speak in the meditations of our heart as we speak Lamaze ooba-dooba cartodb Keshav EDD under images of Arabic Arabic are seeing Gideon - Irma Cassata pamoja Sava Rebecca Torah when the Prophet speaks to you and the word is released it's not only to inform but it is to empower you understand when a prophet speaks to you that God in His mercy he not only gives you information but he downloads the necessary power to activate what was imparted in that moment you become a different person then you begin to act like you believe God you know the Lord always told me he says act like act like you believe me I was in a situation where the Lord told me to raise a man from the dead and he says just go over there and lay hands on him I said you go lay hands on him and he says I can't get over there and I realized nothing manifest without her body and I said Lord this is if I get over there and I pray for that man and you don't raise him from the dead I'm a fall on top of you and we're gonna both die so because I can't stand the humiliation of this and he says act like you know what you're doing like you've raised somebody from the dead every day this is what God says to you act like you're the sons of God act like you are infallible act like you are successful act like you're beautiful and handsome and strong act like you are who God said agree with God don't agree with the voice of the accuser says you didn't do this you didn't do that you did what difference does it make what I did if the difference is made by what God did Jesus has paid the price for everything in my life so thanks be to God I choose to believe and to receive His amazing grace can you say amen to that praise the Lord I'd like to speak a word over the man in the gray shirt if you would stand up that's you you got a gray shirt on what's your name sir your Blake hey Blake goodness gracious you you're getting older and I'm getting younger had that happened yeah well the power of the Lord God Almighty the Lord says it's your time to sing unto the Lord a new song the spontaneous unrehearsed prophetic voice of God and the Lord says you will decree you will declare you will proclaim and the there are special angels I saw seven angels that the Lord has given to take the words the vibrations and the frequency of your voice and the Lord says the these sounds that will come out of you it's not just a matter of singing a song but I heard sounds like weapons that have been formed to stultified demonic forces he says it's almost like a code and he says when you come to the place that you're totally liberated to release those words say if God those sounds say of God McComb AHA secretly the Eternity four sounds have the ability to kill Makaha CD on Twitter because there is a frequency saith God there is a sound there's a renowned as it's a healer there are those things saith God that I have given unto those that have comprehension of it and the Lord says you are things that you understand things that you comprehend and the Lord says now begin to sling your it's like David had a sling and in it he put the smooth stone took the head of glide and the Lord said your voice is your sling and he says as you begin to direct to the north to the south to the east of the West as you begin to say mukesh iike TTI Torah and you begin to sing of the power of resurrection life as you talk about the blood as you chant bhai say I can hear you chanting don't go to them that they doom that it in got it in ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum bum bum bum bum ba ba ba ba ba ba bum bum bum I hear these things happening and the Lord says it will be more powerful than nuclear warheads for I'm raising singing profits in this day and even as Elijah said sin from me a minstrel and I will tell you the mysteries of God be blessed amen praise God praise God look oh but the lady with the unique haircut that's you praise God I love your boldness I just love it let me see how that looks in the back turn out okay there she goes praise God you have been created to scare hell you are a tormentor of evil spirits nakooma has it because your love for God is so great because your passion you are passionate about when you believe something you believe it down to your toenails and the Lord says you are among the Warriors that have been chosen and he says that Makabe invest in a tambourine he says every time you shake it I will lay a hammer upon the head of the enemy macomb AHA stick it for in this season I'm going to show my people weapons of warfare that they have not comprehend and understood what takes place Luke Omaha seek EDD on Twitter by Cassie kitty di Torah nakami ha CKD TR Twitter I didn't create you to please everybody else I created you to please make will call my haseen kitty D on Twitter by consecutive there is a strength there's a resilience you have known oppression you have known macaque rejection you have known all of these things but there's a resilience in you it did not make you bitter it made you better and the Lord says the days that are before you the things that are passionately you're passionate about the things you desire he says in the next 90 days you're going to see your whole life turn Makaha CKD dieta because the Lord says I am locating you in Zion I'm giving you your location for you said Lord where do you want me where do I fit and Makaha CKD the untoward about Cassie Kennedy our Twitter but case together you fit right in the heart of God you fit right in the heart of God and the Lord says if I'm pleased with you what difference does it make what other people think look about for you to like me saith God when you sing to me you delight me when you dance for me you delight me saith God nakooma hah say no need to look back no need to look back the things that have happened in the past the Lord says I don't even see that will call my house again all I see is your ever present now get ready to plow get ready to plow saith God for Judah is the plow God and Judah is the praise to God as you praise me saith God you will plough the soil of the souls of men and women throughout the face of the earth and they will be ready to receive the incorruptible seed of life praise God good word precious Jesus how many of you say I'll take that I'll take that praise God I'll take it all over the place praise God mokuba has CP today I say tomorrow evening I'm going to come here prepared to go to another level in God I've made the decision tonight if I want the benefit there's a procedure and the number one benefit is that I will stand in the stead of Christ I will execute the judgments of God that have already been written I am NOT a mere human being I am a new creation I'm a heavenly species I am a son of God I am created for signs and wonders I will receive my impartation tomorrow evening I'm preparing my heart my mind my body to be activated not just with knowledge but an experience a life experience with God thank you so much for your kind attention I love you with the love of the Lord did you learn something tonight how many successful people do we have in here glory to God well you successful people go buy my books and take me home with you praise the Lord
Channel: Divine Destiny Ministries Church
Views: 6,163
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Length: 109min 17sec (6557 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2018
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