2018 Adelaide Race #1 - Stadium SUPER Trucks

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from the Blackwood's flycam this is the tenth ever race here on the streets of Adelaide and traditionally the front I was well there has been a bad race here no there has it in it's always action-packed here and this is normally the opening round Stadium super trucks here we started to Lake Elsinore California a few weeks ago we're bill the frill Hines he comes on top the podium won his first race we see him start on the pole today called Munsell join he missed an inversion from qualifying so Toby price and Matt Brabham will start towards the final rode the grid are aligned Ike junior is in the field it's his first appearance on the streets of aunt Lela story in town Phil a couple of years ago he's jetting off back to United States as soon as this finishes on Sunday so he's a busy boy coming up Paul Morris will start towards the back as well now competition caution if you need a speed energy Stadium super trucks at the halfway mark lap for the yellow will come out pretty much down the end of the back straight towards turn number eight to reset the field absolutely this is scheduled for April laps it is a timed event as well but it's code for eight laps mandatory competition as Matt just mentioned in the middle here the way this works is the better you qualify the further the pack that you start it's a complete inversion so we've got our faster guys the fact the guys have struggled a little bit more they're up towards the front which makes for undoubtedly great action right off the bat here so a great field of talented drivers here this is race number 103 and Adelaide so it's going to be a wild one it's the 40th time for Bill Hines on the front row at 22nd time position from the man from Pennsylvania his close friend michael andretti is here this weekend watching him on and could he go back-to-back victories you've got a young guy chocolates alongside him it was impressive at Lake Elsinore in California as we get said from the Greek flag to drop down in these twelve angry speed energy Stadium super trucks get set to blast off around this Adelaide Street circuit for the fourth year the butterflies are out of the stomach now their concentrate J batteries truck 14 Millburn looking to make the move on the half begins the tough taking a different library at the bay point out to the 47 he died to the inside trucks on lap one over the years everyone gets through cleanly right there now farmer to bumper action Robby Gordon he files into place there so now everyone's playing cool and calm you don't see that too often at lap one here in the circle the dogs number seven get a little bit silencer he stepped out of the trap makes a big difference tonight at Heinz it's been watching the glimpse from these previous races are now he's gonna do all the good ones go by very well right now it is pots Gardner has moved in a second bill heights from first back the third having a little bit of stronger coming out of that last turn going to the toil centaur Texan jump here see they file a nice need we see some wild action here with bat Benguet a few years ago as he barreled in through that section just atop those jobs straight on every cold state such an angry battle tank what we go down son it's on three in the moment we absolutely knew you saw that man he's already made a couple passes he came through that Esther [Music] the end of the race majority of those guys pushy what they don't pay it was not okay all of them drag it at least two tires and bringing some of those pebbles off the track out of turn seven down Bob's Hills right across the toilet I'm scrambling going left number two psycho parks with a slight advantage who once he played Hildebrand and Jeff Hoffman Travis Melbourne is back in the TRG transport number 77 massive regular number he usually is off-road buggy just being passed down by Robby Gordon into turn eight but gets laid he'll the grant and that VP racing fuels and lubricants truck he is boot into p3 great news for him the bad news in Robby Gordon smiley great gone during second isolate this far up in a long long time he'd meet folks tyrant a battery sentry I thought we've seen a replica of the Ming gains than there and now he will challenge the lead as called pots in these second they were started float in the background with a whole big carnage in the back there was in the mixture 3/4 wide you can see all the dust to smoke everything 5 in the background 3/4 wide across a little bit there he touches the inside that turn to the development of her a b3 talked performance brakes there he gets up on two wheels tags the wall that luxury with a firewall not a tawdry law able to keep his momentum moving forward in the proper direction right now in between do you see these guys get the Toyo tires here's the power to the ground with big torque wheelies and suddenly gone missin to mix the bang of Gardner makes it sharper approach return seven side by side with the form of a classic the second I get the feeling Shawn by the time we get to turn nine we might have a new race leader parks is on the defensive here two-time champion and Baja agent is applied the boy coached the back of the number 16 I can't be more impressed right now with his first place out here at a street circuit like this and a stadium supertruck the number 60 looking really good out there take it all the pastors from smiley from Babylon it's precious Robby Gordon and doing well so our pots look at very really much concentrate of what his job is here this weekend what is it with breakdown right now it doesn't do this on a regular basis daughter charges to the inside it's a foreshortening shot almost makes contact with the green number 60 they exit out the Adelaide hairpin and disappear we're looking at multiple on board here but rod this is like four ball pots out the late Robby Gordon and p2 right now Robby triplet pushing up not doing anything too aggressive with him as he tries to go to the inside a little bit fouls back in the outside is in but I got to it yes what he said happen to be a little bit nice here to the young man here we've got several drivers out here superstars already at singing super trucks in off-road racing here entertaining the crowd at a street circuit in Adelaide start to check out a little bit garner has a big gap over p4 pots real sideways that is not good for Toby priced at McDonald's truck hopefully you get a shot at that you can see just got out of his super you now it was super truck not gonna be happy with that the rear end broken I don't know if he got into the wall or exactly what had gone on but it looked like whatever it was is white violence and now Ponce locks it off at the bottom of turn number nine [Music] going through mr. Kane let's stop that Wakefield straight it now the competition caution comes out we don't do a full lamp in Concord State more tends to come out in the final sector so we produced it some Petersburg Grand Prix last year just to give the fans more racing absolutely and where this works out we have to go to a caution anyways due to toby price now undoubtedly being out of the race so it worked out it happened to be right on the comp caution lap so hopefully they'll be able to get the 87 mcdonald's entry taken care of and off the track here we get the rear end is broken Gavin Holland Toby placed his hood was already pushed up at that point [Applause] bored with re lion-like 4:25 he sees all this unfold javis Belford the majority of that chaos right there a couple drivers there Hoffman had to go off the track Gavin Harlow to the road it as well so they're both bright Yogi's very been lucky not to roll the McDonald's Preston hard rock in the back for the couch and actually that was a good part of Taylor and Rock right there for him that truck was freaky she was coming through that suction oh so locking the trunk didn't get over on its lid right there you see the McDonald's truck flying behind very aggressively so he I don't know if something had gotten weakened earlier in a crash but if you watch the rear end it's already broke yeah before he even got into that section and now just a wild ride there if you can get a shot looking at the steering wheel I bet you he's very very busy in that cab right now right drive you can see bits and pieces breaking underneath drag they come they're breaking away as well and just incident lucky not to turn upside down made time we've gone back to green flag racing here a flat five of the speed energy steady receiver touch the 10th race here in this Razorback lane with 97 in the history and the guide 2nd place has done all but three of them since 2013 you see how thin front the Homer just out calm battery of cold leading the majority orchestrates if you take into the second half behind mp2 is Ravi great gardener to hearty batteries under 410 who has now moved at the fourth place the de Ville must talk driver right there number 83 huh patty pravo we saw him earlier say he was getting recipe it's not Betty rap style to be that aggressive usually just very smooth very fluent around the track I think he was quite angry about where he was he's not moved himself up in a great position to strike he's the big winner of that Melbourne confidence observe the top of Terry line he's gonna put the moves on smiley Great God out of the turn nine hand pin and he might get to baby they told me pull it up and grab so now [Music] 25 are aligned i cuted brennidon haka was a good idea it almost worked out for oh right robbie bourdon so now he problem is he gonna get coal pops a little breathing room off of Gordon you don't think so I think that now Brad will be bored they're gonna work together and push each other they're two of the fastest drivers we've not received a stadium super trucks I think they're gonna work fall together push up on foot really he's put into what's going on the way he's been talking in the paddock about a little bit deeper he's got to be screwed you gotta be easy out on the pedals and it's showing right now one of the farmers with young men a lot of drivers skinny talked about the pebbles of a punch that of the Sinister cane all lion type a big he touched the wall in the background in the boost mobile number 25 12 is now at the second place he lost the series by one point Raj get a Llewyn five race wins into the build number 83 in Toronto based company for jumped on board with a 24 year old Thursday last week is gonna spend a lot more time in Australia this year is eat Gizeh for under the to second-chair a top alongside lee holdsworth look at Greg Gardner and the orange a batteries jump it looks like Bobby Gordon may be having some problems maybe that's why that past looks so easy but Gardiner running really round here one of the best performances we've seen in his SST Australia challenge here over the last four years so Carter very good but he is getting some pressure from already lion-like junior as well in a nice smooth easy simple pass for the lead thereby Maddy Brabham once she knew he's like hey I should wreck the truck right now let him go by and there's shot of Robby Gordon and he's having some type of issue hard to say what not like yes here all that smoke coming out with a positive finish for him as fatty Bradley's number 83 in the lead Paul Potts is not letting off him at all staying on gravel the best he can in that Homer trust calm vehicle grab him just pop the truck down there and turn nine to make short putts couldn't get the run at the turn nine hairpin so two to go here on the streets of Adelaide and we've got the fastest lap in qualifying the white flag waves in the background so brad says 3.2 kilometres to go you just got the feeling for the body language yesterday in qualifying he's seeking redemption here in 2018 well that's they everywhere not true to rewatch qualifier yes a look at gravel oh my goodness what number say you don't normally see from a deep rattle ball by [Music] trucks all over he gets horse to spin out almost collects Gavin Harlan in a row upon struck Paula - of course he's like what is going on there's people all over the place he comes around the corner he's trying to get to the pack make it happen so now Pol Pot's [Music] so slightingly hood the only a few turns left to go Matt Brava with a big mistake there are you lying like jr. he trying to move into Pichu that Jeff the pop he's in the mix as well I'll take full responsibility for that much and it still hasn't turned red spy get a couple positions because Hoffman is pushing I relied on jr. long voice to the bill based on 483 will he pop up in this the number 25 Bruce Palmer racing vehicle dynamics rap for second place we go out in front full pots of the number City looks like eBay very well very first speed energy Stadium super truck victory in his first entry on a street circuit is still up a second flashlight Harry jr. who's never been late before is going to hold that second judgment call puffs wins any second ever speed energy studied super trucks race the 23 year old from Arizona takes up early get a drama-filled final lap here brace number one here tonight hurry hopes that second apat Brabham who let us ride up sets off a Wakefield stretch in the back third again again walk rod right there for a Potts very impressive action-packed right down to the end we're gonna have some very happy drivers here at a couple that are quite upset with their fitness in that one oh man hot slow gets the winless take nothing away from him mine died June yes second in truck 25 revin was further than Hoffman bill burn in v Holland was Sexton Blake Hildebrand Paul Morris Brett Gardner and Bill Hines sadly for Robby Gordon and Toby price they went out of this race hopefully gandi McDonald's fresman higher truck ready for race number two here tomorrow [Music]
Channel: Stadium SUPER Trucks
Views: 259,203
Rating: 4.845304 out of 5
Keywords: cole potts, racing, sst, stadium super trucks, adelaide, australia, adelaide 500, robby gordon, blade hildebrand, matt brabham, paul morris, bill hynes, gavin harlien, jeff hoffman, travis milburn, toby price, greg gartner, arie luyendyk jr, #stadiumsupertrucks
Id: Yz77pQcIfFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 02 2018
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