2017 Bassmaster High School National Championship

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very important day for some accomplished high schoolers this is it the coast of Bassmaster High School national championship hard to believe this is the fourth year for this fairly new event right here which has grown significantly through those four years lots of parents in attendance as you would imagine lots of very anxious high school anglers getting ready to go those teams ready to take to a prestige place for sure Kentucky Lake hey welcome to the show here Tommy Sanders here with Ronnie Moore and yeah yeah the growth has been fantastic like when college started that decade of a fantastic growth we're seeing it happen once again with high school over 5,500 participants across the country the youngsters are getting involved and the parents are the driving force behind that Tommy we've seen there are so many avenues to qualify for this championship but there are so many people trying to get there it's very competitive and the best rides at the top and make it to Kentucky late yeah you talk about the best if you're new to this this particular event you've never seen these kids in action before I think it's safe to say Ronnie everyone's gonna be impressed with their fishing skills it's a great farm system for the college series just like College funnels to the opens opens to the pros high school is that farm system for the college series as we say some big days ahead some big days of fishing let's get it started but we mentioned a prestige Lake it certainly is that legendary Kentucky Lake and for the fourth year in a row Paris Tennessee on Kentucky Lake is going to be our host city and Ronnie this is a a place that everyone dreams of fishing anyone who's into bass angling dreams of a trip here to come here for competition is very very sweet Tommy it's such a dynamic fishery you can catch them shallow you can catch them deep you can fish bridges you can fish current whatever you want to fish here and we've seen in the past it's been won multiple different ways so plenty of options on this 150 thousand acre fishery for these high school teams well let's take a look at last year's championship and Kentucky Lake did not disappoint us then Ryan wood and Turner Mason from Colorado did their own thing they went into a back of a creek used a jerkbait when they voted a lot of largemouth and actually smallmouth aswell smallmouth factored in their bag something we hadn't seen but that's what's cool when you get so many high school teams from across the country they bring different techniques here and they find their own water throughout the first four years this event has traditionally taken place right at the very start of summertime so all those options those deep main river ledges and these back waters all sort of come into play and actually I think we've seen more impressive stuff from the back waters run we've seen the Kentucky Lakes had a lot of higher water the last few years - the shallow fish have played factor big-time but when that plays a factor more teams go shallow so those fish get pressured more than they normally would well again that was 2016 in the front range bass club played big time 7 pounds 2 ounces in front range it's got to be taken at home the 2016 Costa Bassmaster High School national champion from the Front Range high school team over and the Colorado mr. Rhyne would at Turner Mason let's hear for those guys right there the team that took it all last year the Costa Bassmaster high school championships presented by Dick's Sporting Goods and we've got another whale of a tournament getting started here on Kentucky lake three days of fishing scheduled for these teams on Kentucky Lake which has been subject to some rough weather but after day one here's the weigh-in results right there Luke by early Bryce and Mills going some expertise on Kentucky Lake knocking out a fifth place standing after the first day then we go to the Arkansas youth anglers fourth place Reese Jones and Dalton Johnson 22 pounds in one ounce has him sitting in fourth after day one from Alabama moody Alabama moody fishing team Jackson is belt and Trent Robinson a great day one 22 and a half pounds just under that good enough for third place well-positioned the local hometown team from Henry County High School Shawn Burkhart Gavin Gordon to pounds 11 ounces has them in second place going into day two of competition also from Alabama from Springville Alabama already a win an open competition on the Tennessee River Logan Henderson and Steven Swan you guys definitely know how to guess fish on this tennessee river yeah sort of Cana I kind of feel like I'm seasick out there with all the ways but I'll be on good job thing you do it again tomorrow we can drop the weather is gonna let us that's great job picking up right where you left off earlier this April we told you before you would be impressed with these high school anglers I think everyone was on day number one of this tournament 14 teams over 20 pounds Springville anglers with just under their record-setting weight the biggest single-day limit ever set in high school from the opens this year backing up the top-5 at Douglass High School Warren County hot springs lakeside and all the rest as we head into day number two or do we head into day number two tropical storm Cindy moving through southern Tennessee playing havoc with the ski tropical storm Cindy caused us to postpone day two that's the key there we it's normally a three-day tournament where we would fish fulfil for two days after that second day we would cut it down to the top 12 and fish on that final third day but a storm system had us concerned things we're looking to get rough on our normally scheduled day two and and that's what happened we after our day one weigh-in we consulted the National Weather Service yet again we probably have talked to them no no less than five times this week and and their models are showing all the same stuff heavy torrential downpours up to five inches locally flood warnings were issued and then but we also had other threats we had the threats of tornadoes hail straight-line winds and all sorts of things and with Kentucky Lake the playing field of over 150 miles that was really essentially a no-brainer to go ahead and postpone day two and cancel day three so the new plan is the full field will fish on Saturday which was typically scheduled a day number three full field will go out they'll come back in and the team with the largest weight after two days will be crowned the national champions from a three-day event to a two-day event thanks to tropical storm Cindy and what this means is this usually the field is cut down for the final day you can't do that in this situation the full field over 230 boats will fish on the final day to have that when we return the coast of Bassmaster High School National Championship presented by Dick's Sporting Goods is brought to you by car heart Dick's Sporting Goods Bass Pro Shops and by Costa welcome back to our coverage of the coast of Bassmaster High School national championships 2017 presented by Dick's Sporting Goods should have been three days of fishing but day number two you see what happened here the tropical storm is the next worst thing to a hurricane and by the time it gets from the Gulf to Tennessee it can still pack a punch day to his wiped out so those standings from day number one with the Springville anglers and their impressive 23 into 3/4 pounds are on top the full field will fish on the final day in that day finally dawns and a lot of teams obviously thrilled to be fishing a final day the downside of that Ronnie Moore is you might not have had a game plan for the final day the goal is to catch bass no matter how many people are fishing Tommy but normally there's 12 teams going out on day three for the final day competition everybody from 1st to 50th had a shot to win this thing so everyone's still in it you got to refocus know that there are 20 plus pounds of fish swimming around on any spot on Kentucky Lake and you got to try to catch them 150 thousand acres but still 230 plus boats out there today well we liked today because we have a lot of fish and a lot of size but all of those turning around Italy doesn't help but it's not even do about that you've got to go out there and catch what you can I didn't mean the world to the school and just to get our name out there and show that that Alabama can bring the trophy home finally we are underway here all of these boats it takes a while to launch that many boats and the team consists of course of two high school anglers and their captain who does the boat driving can't help with a little bit of the decision-making but the responsibility is that of the anglers to catch the fish and hopefully win the tournament you see Tommy these guys head out of Kentucky Lake a hundred and fifty thousand acres they can fish they can go left towards the dam and towards the Kentucky State Line they can go right and go south to Tennessee as far as they want to go these guys made a pretty short run right around the corner to Big Sandy went back to find some shallow fish some fish that they knew were there but it would be difficult to maybe back up there 23 pounds and 12 ounces from day one because of the weather that rolled through it was like this the first day we didn't catch fish for the first 30 45 minutes and then I don't know they're just starting about yeah we caught one that was about 15 and a quarter 15 and a half caught one those four and three quarters into almost five if not five all in different times of the day aren't getting as many bites is Thursday fishings a little bit tougher had to change up our strategy we're flipping a jig instead of that would a frog guess we were just gonna see how it goes from here keep your andhe good Springville anglers the leader on the board right now representing the state of Alabama and Springville of course they represent a big time in the open qualifier the biggest event ever in Bassmaster history almost 350 boats that tournament the Southern Open on Chickamauga and this team won there as well so a very impressive year already for them and they're off to their start on this final day of competition in the national championship let's take a look at Henry high school and from Paris Tennessee Ronny but this is their first outing they've just now formed a bass club here in Paris Tennessee and boy they have done well right up there near the top in the national championship it's pretty cool right there [Music] I will never forget this line this is something we'll remember for the rest of our lives yeah we mostly been offshore but the weather is really but played a big role in this but practice practice was really good we had a bite on pretty much everything we threw in there so it was pretty good that's a big that's a big oh yeah forget me get out of me that's a good fish right there keep it down but oh that's a big dose in love in the front you in the front I got you you need to come on the side oh geez Coco come over he's pulling drag I got you oh it's a good one he's a good one he's a good he's you're here right here right now down down right there you see him pull him up so I can't there you go baby I'm talking about son sorry Bella yes that's a toad baby look at you that oh girl look at that girl sign know that oh look at that girl Oh looking ahead girl yeah I thought it was a carpet first I was like no I didn't catch that thing heck yes it's the way to start at all when it doubt bout her out about right there where I did that dude I told you yesterday man when in doubt drag her out I thought I was hung for a second cuz if your house saw you once that duck it started finding her that drag was pulling on that old girl not a bacon it's a way to start her off well as the local mojo strong yeah its strong for Sean Burkhardt and Gavin Gordon in REE County high school right here in Paris Tennessee as we move on down the Lake Kentucky Lake here and pick up a team from Alabama Jackson is belt and Trent Robinson moody fishing only summertime bias big mature I'm just a bunny we would have got bit here Torme up over here Thursday never stop bunch of this year there's a budget Fisher you sure and I know I can catch all Jesse cambree taught my drink I don't know if it'll keep hope 1915 he touches the one but barely moody fishing on the board definitely for these top teams here on the final day the second day of fishing here a lot of picking up right where they left off on a fantastic day number one and plenty of fishing ahead and a lot to decide on this day we'll be back to continue after this Costa Bassmaster High School national championships presented by Dick's Sporting Goods final day competition going on right here and also this week in the area here well the Junior Championship for anglers would want to start their scholastic fishing before high school and the champions Miller Dowling Chandler Hollingsworth from Alabama the American Christian Academy there in a big big win for them we back out on the water and starting the day in eighth place team from hot springs Lakeside High School in Arkansas beau browning and McCoy Vereen Tommy these two anglers were in the same position last year just in the junior national level they won the national championship on the junior side and now they're here in contention final day of the high school national championship in their first year it was awesome I mean it was something that you dream about as a junior in high school fishermen just walking and winning the national championship I mean it's pretty much the Bassmaster Classic of junior in high school fishing so be able to win it was an unforgettable moment and something I'll never forget I mean it was just awesome I still have goosebumps when I think about about it it was awesome you know a lot of people don't get to do that and you had to thank the Lord for that and I'll always treasure that and keep that in the back of my head and just awesome you know getting to feel that and being there with the people you love he was just as great and loved well esteem from Hot Springs lakeside one interesting note the captain is someone you may be familiar with if you're a bass fishing fan it is Steven Browning boat Browning's dad remember in good standing of the Bassmaster Elite Series one of the most accomplished guys in the sport right now McCoy Vereen hooked up fishing definitely runs in this family Tom on the water is probably the biggest thing for young high school English to learn and grow these two guys have spent time together in the Junior's fishing the other and now spend time fishing the high school championship together their teamwork is obviously paying off for them big time on this final day of competition at the coast of Bassmaster High School national championship I'm gonna borrow a word from McCoy that is an awesome shot that bass catch right there looks like a five pounder if not over five pounds and from this team starting the day in eighth place that is a huge plus which is right there in the picture maybe securing a national championship you're on Kentucky Lake things start to heat up out here let's take a look at another team from Arkansas from Rogers Arkansas the Arkansas youth anglers rease-jones and Dalton Johnson their day getting off to a good start as well the team from Rogers Arkansas also picking up where they left off yesterday and already today early hours they've got three keepers in the boat you know with being out there on the ledges with all the other guys and you see them catch a fish it kind of builds you up if you're not catching any fish what it tears you down but being here and not seeing anybody it uh it really helps a lot just because we can do our own thing and not worry about what the person 10 feet down from us is doing fishing the same with the same fish um plus they're just back on ledges like people I counted nine on one spot this morning we just don't like doing that stuff let's start that's fish number four for the Arkansas youth anglers Rhys Jones and Dalton Johnson Tommy we've seen it year after year shallow fish play even in the heart of the summer at Kentucky Lake but watch out for those offshore fish as well yeah and watch out for this team it may be a new team but as far as time on the water these guys have got a lot of big stuffs about to happen with it with the Henry County high school team I mean we're right next to Kentucky Lake so I mean there's no reason that we shouldn't be on the water all the time well it's been here for the past four years and it's it's really good that our high schools finally started efficient team and just we fished only two tournaments so far this year and the qualifier being on Chickamauga but it's really for us to build a fish in this and to be placing pretty pretty hot right now to show that Henry County can fish Sam stay down stay there this is a big fish man I assume he came up a little bit he's right over here he's your honor they're running with it son oh my god this is a toad keep him down calm down oh yeah I am pull him up there we go right here right here there we go that's a good one that's a good oh yeah he's spitting Shawn he's getting smaller oh no he ain't hang on Nedim netting that in that net good finish oh she's a toad if she took my worm on that one good I thought that was a deck calendar she was cool they're fighting hard there's no playing around with these games I gotta get that Kentucky Lake experts at a young age the local team Henry County High School Sean Burkhardt and Gavin Gordon with the lead early on final day the Costa Bassmaster High School national championship coming to you from Kentucky Lake only two days of fishing I'm here on this iconic fishery on the Tennessee River I don't know much of the history now this old structure right here that's on the lake but my colleague running more can tell you there are more catfish swimming around this thing then you can possibly imagine so much history here on Kentucky Lake when it comes to big-time bass tournament fishing let's get out to the history being made today this is moody fishing Jackson his Bell and Trent Robinson moody Alabama ready they are on the board they've caught a good one today as they buy their trade out on the main Lake this is one of the teams tommy fishing offshore one of those famous kentucky lake ledges those offshore schools they've been catching quality all week but as you know weather wind fishing pressure it all changes the size of the fish and how they behave we're on this big fast summertime pattern they're everywhere [Music] he may have to measure him too I felt like you were smaller how'd they get all skinny they swallow scepter what happened boy first found and never decent second day they were bigger first bite I had felt like he was just tapping like a small fish third day they were pretty okay not today they're the smallest ever soon ask me some of the smallest fish we caught oh we never had a measure to keepers in the boat Moody fishing from Moody Alabama not mining being out there in the wind and main lake situation this team said they'd rather avoid all that from Rogers Arkansas this is Arkansas youth anglers we got five right now and what it really does it just puts you up that confidence low as in I need start hunting for some bigger ones I like big ones along the way we'll help but you're really looking for four pounders and hoping you can get home and you can start targeting these spots where you know there's big ones we can really slow down now now that we have five is kind of like a safety net in a way so you know we can slow down we can go throw you know big jigs for the rest of day big worms going after that big bite and then hopefully you know we come across five four pounders to get rid of the probably 10 12 pounds that we got and then I'll be a huge help so having a limit is always good so real not over already with a limit and there's a small upgrade for the Arkansas youth anglers rease-jones and Dalton Johnson that team from Rogers Arkansas we're gonna go and visit quickly another Arkansas team we've seen them already in action from hot springs Lakeside High School in Hot Springs Arkansas well this is going to be beau browning and McCoy Vereen themselves having a good day today see that name browning right there we mentioned earlier well it's dad's boat and dad being one of the members in good standing of the Bassmaster Elite Series Stephan browning one of the most versatile anglers in the world a pro bass fishing got his start way back when early in the old all-american tournament one that won a huge tournament on the Arkansas River career that includes 10 classic qualifications and 3 victories with the Bassmaster Steve we're cutting one of the most impressive guys and you would think Ronnie Moore very good hand to have in the boat today as your captain and sometime advisor up here in Kentucky like I know that you don't have an opportunity to win national championships very often I know these boys right now are they've got a shot that's all you can ask for me to be sitting here with my hands tied my mouth shut and just it's killing me right now but to be honest with you I couldn't tell them anything to do that I think would help them I mean they're doing exactly they're in their comfort zone of their own and I mean they're rocking so I mean the best thing for a dad to do right now if you shut up and watch him that's what I'm gonna do the Tommy that's probably the hardest thing for an avid angler like Steven browning to do is to sit back and watch his son and his partner McCoy Vereen just fish but he knows they're in a great position and in contention on this final day seen to Arkansas teams faring well in this national championship but will it belong when it's all said and done too locals and here they are having a good day Sean Burkhardt and Gavin Gordon and recount their rabbi that baby are there to the right of it or to the left of it to us howdy Paul with 15 yeah 15 - oh me might be a bigot he might he might my lady down he's close right on this are Murat right here oh he's fine something actually he kind of getting smaller well if he goes in a lot way he'll going alive whoa he's a good way off get him on the net he's a good one he's a good start you had him on the jig yeah all right it's about to get nasty with here 18 20 it's about to get though towards that red marker more than we were we fished together for probably five or six years now we started out just fishing ponds and stuff and we finally just started getting into tournaments but he helps me by you know about pushing me and like just saying Oh throw there throw there you know just makes me more determined to you know catch catch more fish get back in there but you know he pretty much said it all wait he's good he's all great all-around fisherman I mean if we can keep him off the ground hung on the bottom I mean he's awesome I don't have any complaints yes I get that hug in there net-net hang on this is sick did you run it no he ain't that big can you flip him oh well here just running toward these are oh yeah he's a decide it they spit it know my right um well I'm it's been all right we've had a oh we've had a good start I mean I caught that that first what is this fish first fish really did it it got us pumped up I guess we've noticed that uh they've really started to like it and you know slow-moving baits and things like that so we'll throw something big in there first and then if they don't start hitting that we'll just drag it out and as you can see hey they like it first day we had a limit way earlier than this but we have a few bigger ones in there which that's really good is this number five right here is that five right there Shawn yes it is let me put them in the right one hey pull one of those fish out of there a smaller one while you're back there and put it in that other blah blah so we know when to Cole they are louder yeah we're probably gonna do a lot of running we need to hit a lot of schools and get as much as we can I mean we're not catching a lot I mean we're catching a couple big uns how to each school but I mean to get all the weight we need we're gonna have to run around a lot yeah fine these schools are just starting to get right later on in the day they'll they'll set up way better than these are and we'll go to hit some of our spots that we trolled over this morning back up a day for Henry County the local Shawn Burkhart and Gavin Gordon knowledge of how to fish these these ledges with drop-offs these sandbars mean lake on Kentucky Lake and they pull it off we'll be back there we go host of a smashing highschool National Championship presented by Dick's Sporting Goods bass fishing is huge in this particular tournament trailed her over 5,000 participants representing 45 of the 50 states right now we're looking at teams from Arkansas Tennessee doing very well in this one especially this team right here Henry County the locals mom my main thing that I'm probably throwing is the Niko rig and he's going to be well you humanely throw in the jig and I scrounged you you know I'll throw that swim bait in there that spoon and first get the big ones out first like you said Tommy the locals are prosperous on this final day they're putting all the tools of the trade on Kentucky Lake out on the offshore ledges those humps those bars where the schools of fish will gather for their summertime places we've seen him throw the Magnum spoon we've seen him rigging right there a jig and we also heard them mention the Nico REE like Shawn Burkhart said when he got tougher they'd go with the smaller more finesse approach and that was where the Nico caught a lot of fish for them on day one they said they went down to a bunch of fish and on day two they're expecting to do the same week old a lot of bass yesterday I'd say we're getting close about 15 16 probably not a good figure than that get the net here actually it's kind of getting smaller but he's a good he might be running toward success with that one to it he might pray yeah now get down get down he's too little he won't call but dad what are you doing jig yeah he's barely hooked meirin likes these moving baits today what's our smallest fish right now dad two and a half three we've been using a magnum spoon by Ben Parker outdoors Nichols lures there's the maker of that and we've been throwing it on I've got a Kistler rod and it's extra heavy it's just we can catch them on that right there that's why I kind of want some sunshine to hit oh yeah oh yeah on the spoon yes oh yeah Oh big one no he's bidding to spa for too far for this is the one I just called three three three so yeah he'll cool I ripped it up real fast and when it fluttered back down he hit it and I missed him on that first cast but that first bite II had on and he just let it fall back down he came back and he slammed it I think they're hitting him I'm sworn in it he's got to get some of the smaller ones out of there the sun shining brightly on kentucky lake and you heard the team there that son helps light up that basically full-length mirror that is the oversized moon right there part of their arsenal with which they are having great success now back to our Arkansas theme Hot Springs Lake sign we see browning and Vereen fishing the way they like to fishing up shallow known as River Rats over in Arkansas and they're making it work good Doc's coming up they should hold some fish definitely should we want a permanent Hut there's a juiciest looking ones on this whole stretch at least after the fish's stopping to run over and hit that what kind of let's hit the blurry roof golly Johnny yeah yeah yeah we'll see here baby yeah yeah baby that's a sloshy donkey right there baby ace launch e donkey [Music] was that Green was a little before me on this one or this one big sob you saw no sub this huh that's the smallest sauce finished finished that's a coal right there that's what I'm talking about you got 2,500 yes sir sir your sir the only ChatterBait yeah Oh chatter chicken hey hidden first time he missed it and I burned it a little bit more and he ain't got it the second time wow what a moment for this team right here what did beau Browning call that fish a sloshy donkey right and like you say that's a tribute to our colleague mark zona and also Dave Mercer all in one one nickname for a big bass and that is a big one this team has a limit and two of them are in that size class right there so things are going just perfect for this team from hot springs lakeside and Arkansas that started the day in eighth place let's get back out to Moody fishing moody Alabama Jackson is Bell Trent Robinson and I tell you what they looks for all the world with 150,000 acres here this team appears not to have booth three feet during the course of this day how are you guys hi sir yeah but the fish was close to the boat you need to put the boat farther out oh good they'll have an it thank you that's 50 close to the boat Jackson is Bell and Trent Robinson of Moody fishing finding the fishing a little bit slower today after day number one when they knocked out 22 and a half pound time left we've got to make the most of it if you want to grab the national championship we'll be back the coast of Bassmaster High School National Championship presented by Dick's Sporting Goods is brought to you by Carhartt Dick's Sporting Goods Bass Pro Shops and by Costa Costa Bassmaster high school national championship over 230 boats here on the final day on Kentucky Lake and moody fishing moody Alabama steamed not the pace they were on day number one still looking for a limit need to pick up that pace and put some big ones in the boat they want a shot at the title you go you know you know I got it you like good why don't we always have to wait two minutes left for we catch any pigs it's my happen Thursday that was the fifth fish bit more where's your wife took a good while to get that fifth limit fish in the boat for moody fishing the moody Alabama but that was a good one they'll need some more good ones as we say if they wanted to have a shot at the title to win the national championship lakeside high school Arkansas they've improved their lot but not enough so far dog hey I'm coming out i watch the company and golf the whole thing you see that he hated about time I pulled her out of the water you said I'm just like said to hook us all a slide in my face and don't now [Music] I thought the big one you know how sometimes big ones get real aggressive when you roll it out of there and then come up and eat it they want immediate death he hit when I was rolling out of there too and I killed it I guess he missed it the first time I killed it in Tamil on Titan I felt good going Oh Browning finally coaxes that one into the boat that will be a bit of an upgrade but not much of one for this team which started the day in eighth place and still languishing outside the top five the Henry County High School team Shawn Burkhart and Gavin Gordon have been waiting for their fish to position and set up the perfect way on these offshore spots and in the closing moments of the day they're setting up perfect oh yeah here he goes get them no hang on there yet he's holding it though oh yes double grab that net Mont big bud no that's yours that's mom's back hang on give me that net and put it put my legs don't let slack on it late month big bud that's action right there son it's one way to do it ah no thanks I can't get this thing out she won't do it he's swallowing it you're a goon I didn't get back out there that's not : Nets flying baits fly and two fish that unfortunately will not make the cut but that speaks to the quality of the five fish limit in the boat right now for Shawn Burkhart Gavin Gordon the locals from here on Kentucky Lake from Henry County High School time is running out and they need at least another big one I love it get around your back right now say no this might be a big one day it's my yeah you know I think they'll call that little fish though yeah he's calling that little one he'll couple ounces big old isn't bad we don't have no - no more figuring that oven that's all we need yeah that - you were glad I'm glad I wish I had about a four and a half instead though gonna be an upgrade but a small one for the Henry County High School team Sean Burkhardt and Gavin Gordon as we take you back to Paris landing state park right here on the banks of Kentucky Lake and boy what a shot fired by the South Florence high school team is being bringing in 23 pounds and two ounces on day number two that great limit right there it will take the lead and watch what happens we are down to two teams and you're like why is he walking back over here again I'm ready for one way it in are you trying to peek in those tubs and see what's in the bag yeah all right two to go let's bring up the next team they are your local team from Henry County Tennessee they had 22 pounds 11 ounces coming into today's welcome to the safe Sean Burkhardt and Gavin Gordon then got a bag of fish 20 pounds and nine ounces we'll put Henry County in the lead looking for 20 pounds and 9 ounces 20 pounds and 4 ounces you guys are gonna hold all reach in there those second place for Henry County first year for this school to form a fishing team and they are going to take home no worse than a third place finish for Henry County High School great job second place Henry Gally let's hear for them this team behind you is already won one of these tournaments they've won the largest build-it Bassmaster event ever in the history of the organization they know how to beat some fields but you guys aren't gonna make it easy no sir we know what the good news is you're done sitting in the hot seat stand up we're gonna bring you right here all right the question is are you guys ready to crown a 2017 national champion all right well let's do it we're bringing them up they're the champions of the Southern Open and they were leading coming in to today from Springville Alabama the Springville anglers Logan Henderson is Steven Swan they 19,000 8 ounces to take home this trophy if it's anything lighter than that South Florence is going to be taking that trophy back to South Carolina looking for 1984 pounds and eight ounces in South Florence Costa Bassmaster High School national champions from South Florence high school Tai Floyd junior and James Gibbons and that is presented by Dick's Sporting Goods congratulations guys that's going home to Florence South Carolina I ain't wanna cry on camera but this or not - you got it going now what does this mean to you this means a lot work for this for a long time that's worked hard tell me about that yes sir this is my last year and you know he has one more year hopefully it takes it home next year any any other emotions you need potty you didn't say thank you to who got you here bass I mean for putting this on I don't think I said thank you all but I mean you got to thank God I mean he's the one who put us in I think I wanna make a big thanks to coach trust me has made a wonderful fishing team coach you earned it just as much step up over there let's hear for all the coaches again oh that's the team right there Tommy Floyd James Gibbons and their coach each basking in this day which they will never forget a national championship for these guys and Ronnie I'm saying there's a lot of Pro anglers top level Pro English we've never fished a final day against a field that big hats off to them huh hats off they came back from back in the pack a lot of 20-pound bags on Kentucky late this week they were down in 13th place but they rose to the top on that final day and got it done all right this year once again a testament to the incredible growth of high school bass fishing this this event right here now representing 45 of the 50 states out there huge huge deal and again congratulations to all the participants who got out there and gave it their best on the final day we'll see you next time you you
Channel: Bassmaster
Views: 137,642
Rating: 4.884058 out of 5
Keywords: BASS, B.A.S.S., Fishing, bass fishing, Bassmaster, high school fishing, high school tournament fishing, Kentucky Lake
Id: 4UOmPms3pHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 43sec (2863 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2017
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