2016 Bassmaster Classic Part 3

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one minute till takeoff one minute till we kick off the 46 Geico Bassmaster Classic presented by GoPro [Music] Grove Oklahoma I need you to get allowed when I call these anglers out these are the 55 best bass anglers in the universe dreams are gonna come true here this week 9pc Ashley being a fisherman dreaming of fishing the Bassmaster Classic and muscle s winning the Bassmaster Classic yes every fish in this dream it's a life-changing experience to say at least it's a different beast Grand Lake and this time of year if it doesn't happen now I I've had enough failure in the past eight Birds they can't half it's kind of over and it's kind of back to its season you know it's kind of winner-take-all I guess basically this one I spent a lot of time here last winter product practically every day that would we've not had these conditions you know so it's pretty much an even playing field with the mud just this leg doesn't get that muddy very often anytime you can be contention on championship Sunday in the Bassmaster Classic but you're you're living the dream I mean we're all laying it on the line out there and you know putting over putting our heart and soul in it I just I've fished here enough that I know that it doesn't you know you can you can make it happen in the last hour so you just can't give up I can't try any harder I can't will it any harder I can't pray about it any harder it's when it's gonna happen it's gonna happen and I don't nobody can stop it so whether it's this event or next year ten years from now you know maybe it'll be a few of them between now and then it's the 2016 Geico Bassmaster Classic presented by GoPro that's a scene on the Grand Lake of the Cherokees single most important day in the single most important bass fishing tournament of the year the 2016 Geico Bassmaster Classic presented by GoPro welcome to the Toyota Bassmaster studios I'm Tommy Sanders here with mark zona and this one I mean it's been great but I tell you what this one has been a head-scratcher for a lot of reasons what was supposed to happen is happening the the best local in the field Jason Christie a commanding lead and really if you look at this lake we're gonna take a look at the Yamaha unlock the lake the biggest problem is it's that cold muddy water down by the dam it gets clearer mid lake and it gets warmer and real clear up the Elk River but we have a different day today much different day it's been dead flat calm I want you to look at the winds we're gonna have today 20 to 30 miles per hour not only that for the first time in this event a very warm night last night 48 degrees 10 degrees warmer than the previous two nights that should make a big difference we've been promised win the whole tournament never has appeared today they say not afraid it's gonna be here today look here's the best way to put it for this event right now when you look at your leader Jason Christie for the rest of the field two words come to mind desperation you're gonna need a miracle to catch up with the lead he has right now is it even possible for any of these guys and almost 6 pound lead on a place that's been this tough always say it about Grand Lake and they live here period if I was to win I mean I probably won't even be able to talk because I could remember you know getting up as a kid and watching Bassmasters and race God and you know just that was the deal and those those people on that show were you know what we're like the heroes or you know they were above everybody else and and those are the people that I watched and tried to learn from to hold that trophy up only I can't even words don't even describe it this final day it's a Cherokee in the lead on the ground leg of the chair how are you dealing with the emotions notice I'm all goosebumps I just can't wait to catch that first fish once I catch that first fish getting a little momentum I think that's what I need get started off good you have a decent lead I see pieces because you the big fish in there how concerned are you about the weather change today this tournaments between me and the lake not the guys behind me if I go out and get great Lake in the teeth I win this tournament you coach your daughter in somebody enjoy it our leader Jason Christie spot him a five-pound 11-ounce advantage over the rest of the field and spot him knowledge of this lake that is probably more than anyone yeah not good for our anglers in the top ten and Jason Christie it's been living in the mid Lake area of Grand Lake and really starting in one key cove and every morning he's put a few key fish in his live well these fish have so much to eat they just swim around you know and they move up whenever you know they just want to get on something Rock a log of pipe I mean anything I'm you name it and I've caught them off over this week pea gravel I mean it just hopefully is you know I really don't have like the secret figured out it's just I think I think I'm just grinding away and and fishing till you know the last two days both days in the last half hour I've made some really key goals you know you can you can make it happen in the last hour so you just can't give up the first day I came back here in the second day I didn't I think this time of year a guy has to experiment you know every day because they change so much I mean it's the first of March and we're in a foot of water and it was he was all the way in the back of a pocket not right there he listened with Jason Christie said that's something we have not seen in this tournament early in the morning Christie's caught some key fish late in the back of the pockets but not early in the morning from there we're gonna head all the way up the Elk River in an area that it literally it looks like bath water the Elk River has a lot of clean what it's the cleanest water on brand language Cherokees and Edwin eavers has not fished here the entire event clean water and very warm fifty to sixty degree water temp the other thing is if you look at this water up here incredibly shallow that's what I need right there that wind awesome awesome big I'm begging there no my hand finally thank you Lord God yeah it's a good one in there you know I fished around in here on all these other logs for quite a while before I got up here to where I got bit I was kind of aggravated myself because the wind wasn't really blowing enough you know this is gene Clearwater you can see bottom laying that wind picked up just enough to get a good ripple on the water right before I got to this stretch that's pretty good so oh it makes me feel a lot better makes me feel a lot better cuz I just you know it's a long ways up here and I got all these things in my head telling me I'll run down to the dam run here all these places that I think I can catch him yet there's fish everywhere on Grand Lake everywhere every creeks got them I just got to figure out of the kitchen when the one I'm in right now wow that right there is by far the biggest mass we have seen in the first two hours a competition the entire event Edwin Evers made some giant moves yesterday to put him right in the middle of this thing and a pretty good move on day number one he's got some good feedback on it early on in the game or to come the 2016 Geico Bassmaster Classic presented by GoPro is brought to you by GoPro Nitro Toyota and by Berkeley you're watching the 2016 Geico Bassmaster Classic presented by GoPro today it's all the marbles everything on the line for the chance to grab that trophy right there signifying you are the world champion rain on top of the bass fishing world for the next year the only thing comparable Toyota Bassmaster Angler of the year consistency through a season here's the man who blew him away in 2015 in that department incredible Aaron Martens definitely one of the best seasons we have ever seen but this week has been a grind for Aaron Martens who was vocal vocal throughout practice that he he was on him in a big way fishing in an area of the lake that's been heavily ignored down near the dam in that cold cold dirty water and Aaron well he's not sure that he still has a chance in this event could be my fifth second today I got four second places and I'm only a pound and a half a second and like seven pounds at first so first it's a really first is really out there but second places but then Reece why not put five seconds in there my belt in the closet nobody else has done that in one tournament five seconds as those 13 seconds in elites before I started before I can win I'm good just try to stay where it feels right leave move around a lot no they get smaller they get smaller and smaller in this code no I got that to keep her barely a few is he a good Aaron Martin started today in fifth place seven pounds back of the leader Jason Christie could keep her right there when I move him up the leaderboard all the way into third place a reigning Toyota Bassmaster Angler of the year and you heard him say it I don't want to really think about picking up my fifth second-place finish the Bassmaster Classic it's like it's on his mind right it's it's not probably on his mind a lot probably doesn't want it to be either nor should it be gonna head back up the lake right now with Todd Faircloth and here's one of the this is why this tournament has been so strange coming to this final day Todd Faircloth sitting in second place and really his post weigh-in interview we said Todd you're kind of you're dialing this lake in he said absolutely not I'm not sure get ready I'm not sure I can go out there and catch a keeper it's so tough Todd Faircloth has committed really to one area fishing to different baits I've been catching slim in the morning and I've been having a midday low and then I'll catch them in the last you know hour and a half every day and that's why it's been on first two days I don't know if I'm fishing through unproductive water during the middle of the day or if the fish just aren't biting where I'm fishing I'm I I haven't figured that part out yet you could see early this morning compared today's one in days to when it was so calm definitely colder we're looking at a different different set of conditions and a really a different Lake right now Todd Faircloth says hey I'm fishing familiar places familiar baits from 2013 and finally the lake is lined up and the weather's lined up to where it looks a little bit more familiar to what they had in practice those conditions they fished into practice very different from the first two days of this Bassmaster Classic it's a good start I caught a few out towards the mouth during practice and I was caught one right before I came in yesterday off another little point just like this and I just thought that I was started here this morning and just see you know that's a good sign it's a good sign it's a good call by Todd Faircloth who said look man I've been winging it all week long and if I have a prayer to catch Jason Christie gonna have to do that again on championship Sunday Todd Faircloth a great day number two went from ninth place all the way up in the second place behind Christie carrying that momentum into the final day gonna go to bill low and now spent so much time watching him through the first two days of this tournament so keyed up so ready to win a classic that's right here been my primary deal from here all the way to the back primary DeLand primary springtime fishing really if you look over his shoulder fishing these vertical banks and it's the last deep water before these fish go in these shallow bays to spawn and Loen was very vocal in this tournament his practice he said look I'm catching 20 to 25 pounds a day if there's a threat to Christie it is bill Lowen ah good way to start the morning right there whoa now I'm about to puke I don't like to have those two other ones to go with it let's gotta settle down the whole key this week is one that made up on a rock whether it be my two my jig I'm just kind of shaking it in place oh you know what time it is don't Tommy Sanders pardon me every day this event when he's caught one of those dadgum Oklahoma studs well bill Lowen has shed a few foes and why don't we just sit back get comfortable it's a little bit warmer today than it has been the other two days but yes this has been a sort of a pattern we go way of relax well said my friend but it's time to move on right now Tommy Sanders head when eavers yeah what a narc he has had in this tournament edwin Devers on day number one and I set the scene he comes in here pretty much neck and neck with Jason Christie as a prohibitive favorite on this Lake here the last thing you expect and when Ebers to do is come in with four fish exactly right and really I hate to say it at the end of the day one way in we kind of thought head when eavers was out of the ballgame caught four bass did not catch his five bass limit and he knew he knew right after the weigh-in man I have dug myself a little bit of a hole he was fishing throughout the day in the mouth of the Elk River it's really what happened in this tournament after day number one one of the biggest calls I don't know that we have ever seen in the Bassmaster Classic Edwin eavers at 10 o'clock in the morning on day two has no fish in his live well and 30 miles up the Neosho River plus a solid bag in the boat and here's the best thing smashes his lower unit and still makes it to weigh in on time 17 pounds and 8 ounces on day number 2 we talked to him after that way and he says I don't know what I'm gonna do on day number 3 stay on there fish down there babe stay on there oh look at the size of this fish gotcha yes mm-hmm you think he's a little keyed up right now huh bill Lowen if he caught that fish you would not have a shred of clothing huh good point right there Edwin eavers lining up in a different place every day of this tournament unexpected to most of us but what he has done in the early hours here started six pounds and change back taken over the lead fire to shot than our leader former leader Jason Christie we're gonna have to answer to [Music] you you're watching the 2016 Geico Bassmaster Classic presented by GoPro that piece of iron right there that's the world champions trophy and at loopy awarded today at the way and this is the third day the Geico Bassmaster Classic presented by GoPro Jason Christie the man who's done the groundwork for winter net wire to wire leading days one and two with a lot of distractions including giant galleries following him around and he's got to work through it as best he can you know I'm throwing this big Booya spin rate with the number six and got a pole shot on the back and it's just everything's moving I can put my rod you whenever is just bouncing and I'm jerking when it quits bouncing and that's how a lot of the bikes have been just just there you know you know I'm gonna do the best I can and if it's meant to be then then it's meant to be I mean I can't I'm on control what I can control maybe that by not biting I made three counts through that little deal right there and and third caste got it you know it makes me wonder about the about how that one bit I mean in the first one that that I caught it was just he was just there you know that one that one bit a little bit but three cast through that I mean they're not really aggressive and you know it's warm out you want to think that everything is firing up but the water temps are still 48 I mean that's that's pretty chilly that fish did tell me something I think I've been you know just reeling just a little bit too fast I need to I need to keep her thumping boy that's been the beauty to watch this week little little subtle changes by Jason Christie that have they put him in the position he's in right now Jason Christie started the day with the lead fell back of Edwin eavers now two fish in the boat he's got the lead again another man with a definite diagram of how he's gonna approach this lake has been Alton Jones they number one got off to a fast start 17 pounds plus to wind up in third place Alton Jones on day number two well it would not be quite as rosy couldn't get off to that fast start and it also had a critical miss of a five pounder during that day that was huge in the scheme of things for Alton Jones but trying to make up for it all today [Music] beautiful beautiful stuff here for me they just hadn't been on this stuff though I'm not saying one won't be here today they have been up in these cuts where these docks are though they're doing that pretty pretty steady really like this wind blowing see if they like it here we go big one maybe that's a really good fish right there my damage still seems to be on that that bankrolled jig I'm painting my pincers just a little bit orange that's a nice you know I'm gonna call that a four pounder that's a that's a good fish right there it's a good start I'm gonna put him over here on my side Alton Jonah fish to lift your spirits right there no doubt about that lifts him from sixth place up into fourth place we go from the 2008 Bassmaster Classic champ to the 2014 really Randy Howell right around the corner from Alton Jones the first time this tournament we have not seen him in the Elk River that's a big that's a big one that ain't a little one right now thank God there's the shad on top look at the shade right here look right there I got this Hydra wave turned up really loud in there oh my gosh he got the shad my baits that close to the shed come on I know the difference don't they that wasn't a little one there I don't know got him yeah I don't know it's the same one or not but I gave it anyway right that was awesome I'm sorry that actually was an awesome fish catch right there very nice Randy Hal over to Edwin eavers now Edwin Hebrews who started this date almost seven pounds back and he's done something pretty spectacular so far exactly up the Elk River with two big ones and really throughout this event that's what we see in the morning you catch a couple big ones then it dies off and wood needs to keep that momentum going this many fans and friends everybody here I wanted to be part of that top six and I want to be within striking distance says there's 25 pounds swimming in every Creek on this Lake it's that good of Lake so I just got to get five of them in the boat tomorrow to have a chance to win so you're gonna see me going crazy more trying to catch that big sack big miss that's three you talked about those first two and then rest for a while the pattern we've seen here on Grand Lake so many times during the first two days of fishing and Edwin E Bruce sort of breaking the cycle right there an impressive fish no mistakes yet no lost fish that he broke off a couple of good fish on day number two a monster day it was already in progress but Edwin Evers has certainly got it going on right now maybe everything is coming together for this guy well let's really talk about this spot that he's on it's gonna be our ski tour taste the bait of this final day and this is a popular area there are so many big tournaments one in this area but the conditions need to set up right it's a giant three foot flat with five foot depressions and timber really everywhere on the edge of those depressions and it who's been throwing that little finesse jig up current and kind of letting it wash down but now with the wind he's had to kind of adjust himself and get on the other side of those key lay downs put his power poles down well and then he's dragging his jig up string but when he gets a bite in here in these washed out holes all these depressions it's generally a good one but this is a finesse gig if you notice he's not cracking them old-school jig fishing he's just kind of easing into these fish just seven minutes later and that right there is Edwin ever smallest bass in his live wall with one to go before his limit the weather the wind very different today and perhaps not perhaps it really does look like it's opening up some spot Edwin eavers now with a 6-pound lead on Jason Christie things have changed on the final day of the Bassmaster Classic [Music] you're watching the 2016 Geico Bassmaster Classic presented by GoPro bat trophy on the line today someone's going to win it final day of the 2016 Geico Bassmaster Classic presented by GoPro Bill Lowen one of the guys we've been watching throughout these proceedings been near the top pretty much all the way during this tournament a guy from Ohio who really is so proud to be here and yearned so much to win this one I'm probably not much different than a lot of these guys in that I put my heart and soul into it you know I mean I lost a good friend that is the reason I'm here you know his his dream and my dream was always to fish the Bassmaster Classic he never had that opportunity and you know you guys know the story the world knows the story if it wasn't for them I wouldn't be here they'd give me my shot to pursue my dream and we've done it you know so winning this tournament would be the icing on the cake [Music] bill Lowen fishing with a purpose that's for sure that's his second fish of the day and like day two going a little bit slower today and it seems any kind of a tournament that we get in on the Elite Series or a classic that it's a grinder event tough dirty water Lowen is always at the top and he's always somebody we try to stay completely unbiased but you kind of root for that guy right there from there I'm gonna head back down to the dam with Aaron Martens like Jason Christie has really lived with one bait this entire event great crank bait and more can be it's like six inches deep Paige never know maybe a five or six pounder up there is time of year well as awkward days as awkward days sometimes turn into really good days solid keeper for Aaron Martens right there and continues his climb up the leaderboard making it all the way to third place mark head back over to the Elk River this Ozark stream that pours into Grand Lake exactly right Tommy Sanders and are you ready for some new the new tune it yes sir exactly right when I talk to you about this spot right here Edwin eavers in-laws Terry Butcher and Terry Butcher senior have won many tournaments right here and Edwin has actually kayak this area many times and said they're big ones swimming here all year long he said this time of year the key number one key is wind and if you remember on day two Randy Howell fished this exact spot but couldn't catch him I'm just exploring I'm about to head back the other way a little too clear everyone right now look at that bass right there that's a bass it's a pretty good doggone full pound bass scene I wasn't known right there's a big right there I love the sight fish so much just messing with my head here so footage right there from Randy Howell and well here on day number three Edwin Evers taken a leather strap to their face Randy saw em all and now he's getting to see Edwin Eva's catching them all today but the other side of this though Edwin Eva's practiced here he said he knew he would utilize this area caught two seven pound bass and practice it somewhere to determine I will be there that's five it's the quickest I've caught five all week which is a good thing it's really gonna free me up the rest of the day it's going good this morning my heart's racing now what I'm keying here is just these logs there's little drains and cuts that it's just a little bit deeper across this flat and there's got current coming across this flat so there's a constant source of food being washed by these baths but the problem is why I haven't been here the first two days it's been dead calm and this is crystal crystal clear water you know I needed a day with some wind blowing like this and it's going walk better I really just thought I'd come in here and catch a couple we ended up getting the limit so I'm I'm gonna stay here just a little while longer and just see what happens everyone's right on the money wind or lack of wind has been one of the big stories of this tournament this area in general has gotten wind almost constantly since New Year's Day and it died for the first two days of this tournament and Edwin's either getting bit every caste or every five minutes and he still has a 2 pounder in his live wall that he can upgrade from things happening up the Elk River in the mouth of the Elk River Todd Faircloth you can't be closed-minded about your decisions and I've been doing this long enough to feel like I can trust my instincts and you know I feel like as a as a fisherman if something feels right they go something doesn't feel right they leave you have to do that in this type of tournament because it's so tough you just have to trust your instincts try to put your bait and high-percentage spots and hope for the best this this has been one of my key stretches this week it's a little channel swing kind of 20 point here rocks docks wood most most of the fish that I've caught on the jig have been on the backsides of the docks or if there's a piece of wood sticking out the cable runs underneath the water they try to pull him over I saw it flash I don't know how I mean it was definitely a keeper it was like three pounder to me not something you see every day from Todd Faircloth high-risk high-reward fishing light line in the Elk River at Faircloth hanging in there but the big move today how about a 16 pound swing it when he purrs now at the 10 pound lead over Jason Christie he started more than 6 pounds back things are changing you're watching the 2016 Geico Bassmaster Classic presented by GoPro [Music] welcome back final day of the 2016 Geico Bassmaster Classic this is it the world championship of bass fishing we will find we will identify how a winner today let's take a look at David Walker who one day to climb from 11th to 7th place a clear ad said the lake has changed so fast they went to wintertime really to spring in about three days and he has definitely had to change within a hook I would like to say oh yeah I know exactly where they are I would love to be thinking that honestly I was flying by the seat of my pants I've been doing that yesterday and I did that again today but that being said I wasn't surprised by it yeah bass fishing is my favorite frustration because of this I guess I may never tell you go out there it's like a Rubik's Cube you know you think this one you got it figure it out somebody turns all the dials on you again we caught one and you just said there was no way I was gonna care about that right there David Walker only about a quarter to a half mile away from Edwin Devers just gonna slide back around the Elk River right now and take a look at Randy Hall who I don't know how to put it Tommy Sanders is having a T IME is what they call a time well we spent a lot of day number two watching Randy Howell catch a good number of fish most of them pretty much on the small side what we didn't see was he got hung up all day long with the trailer hook on that spinner bait and he's well he's got the momentum and he's keeping it going on day number three at least so far [Music] another spinnerbait already made up I thought I did but kind of think of everything now I guess you gotta have backup everything for out here something blows off like that or gets what could have happened to it don't make any sense at all well along the line of how weird this tournaments been for us it's really been a throwback event if you look at Jason Christie throwing a big cowbell spinnerbait and and a spinner baits been dominant this week but what I mean by throwback is bill Lowen flipping a tube you got guys like Aaron Martens throwing crank baits that are 25 years old it's just been a different event to cover somehow a spinnerbait really has hung in there at the entire week it's a good one too yeah yes yes baby yes that's how you start coming back yeah yeah yeah thank you lord that's a family mm that's four pounds and auntie that's four pounds in 12 come be well out five of them today and it can be an amazing way in well it could be actually that fish might have been called already by Edwin oh I'm sorry Edwin hasn't gone that far just yet I don't think the rainy al should know how an amazing final day can go in the Bassmaster Classic let's take a look now at the first two catches of the day from Aaron Martens Aaron Martin said coming into this final day the whole key for him was wind throughout practice well he finally got his wish yeah it's not late I feel better but not I don't like your dancing yet that's 45 I think that's actually a little warmer nuts place 48 this one reads a little cool this is peeing right a spawn already you're not the size I'm looking for definitely a keeper the amazing thing is if you really look at our leaders right now it almost looks like they're all fishing a totally different lake a lot of diversity as it has been all week long pretty much and Jason Christie the leader to start this day now one of the pack pursuing edwin eavers who has loaded his boat early on in this final day the Bassmaster Classic this is going to be the third keeper for Jason Christie Jason Christie remember his trend is going down all week long and today seems to be even slower than it was for him on day number two so that was the worst fish landing I've ever seen there's times when you're fishing that something talks to you you know I've been starting on this next dock and there was just something about something told me just to pull over there and I don't know don't know what it is I promise you I've never caught a bass out of that pocket where I caught that one and I don't think I've ever caught a bass out of this one I mean I'm just I'm just fishing I mean I caught a bass in the tournament out of here but before this tournament I'm just I'm just fishing there's no just thump it just there just there baby there you go make it better mo measure not gonna make the grade right there and we're gonna get out in the water right now with Robbie Floyd with our Geico quotes from the boat I've been with Jason Christie all morning there's been 50 60 boats rooting for the Oklahoma boy but the other Oklahoma boy is making up ground in a hurry already this morning over 20 pounds instead of catching fours like Jason he's catching five pluses he's making up ground early I'm leaving honey and I'm heading up the Elk River well you hear Robbie Floyd right there saying he's bailing on Christie and headed up to Edwin eavers way up the Elk River and I got news these guys know when they start losing their gallery they're on water flotilla that means something's happening Jason Christie can read that these are two guys that roomed together and trust me Christie the last person he wants to see catch him is Edwin eavers cuz he knows that is a guy capable of a big bag and a lot of Christie's Flotilla that he had all week long well now they're all moving to Edwin I get hey guys we've got a lot of people coming I need here's the deal I need to fish those Long's behind you now that the winds blowing if we can keep everybody in the middle well got a chance to do good in this tournament you can hear the urgency and his boys he knows the potential of this day how big it can be a lot of potential back in 2013 as well and this time around he wants it to be different years ago we had and I just got in a hurry I got in a big hurry I had every spot the next spot was greener you know if I didn't get a bite on a cast or two I was moving and just I never really settled down I never really got a grasp of what was going on I just had way too much stuff in my head and way too much stuff going on where I thought I should be catching them and any one of the spots I stopped and fish had fish on I just looking back housing way too big a hurry that's a giant come on baby come on baby oh gosh you're not no no you come here oh my goodness boys I'm gonna tell you right now this tournament just got real interest I am sorry but nobody saw this coming coming into this final day not no way on earth did you see this happening almost reminds you of Randy Howell a couple years ago on Guntersville absolutely Edwin Devers behind the eight-ball frankly on day number one day number two he digs himself out of the hole and look what he's done today loading the boat and deep into culling before 10 o'clock in the morning big things popping for Edwin today the 2016 Geico Bassmaster Classic presented by GoPro is brought to you by hook Yamaha and by teeter boats [Music] welcome back and already we are halfway through this day this all-important final day of the Geico Bassmaster Classic presented by GoPro and you said it at the top of the show mark zona today was by all means gonna be different weather-wise everything and we have seen some things that are quite frankly it's hard to process if there's no doubt about it starting with Jason Christie and really started off strong this morning but since this vas things have definitely tapered downward yeah let's take a look at Todd Faircloth fished his way into this thing on the Elk River on day two exactly slow and steady and still grinding away in the Elk River from there really all eyes were on bill Owen this this morning plenty of bites things are happening and this is what we waited for the entire week from Grand Lake of the Cherokees the winds starting to get up but here's something that has happened so fast we really need to sit down and process this out what is happened here with that whenever nobody saw this coming nobody saw this coming and I hate to say it I don't know that Edwin eavers saw this morning coming and here's the best way to put it man with the weather conditions that we have right now living with a jig edwin eavers has basically laid his boat down on the mother lode in Grand Lake of the Cherokees not only that this area is to not stress it enough there have been so many regional events one right here the local knowledge comes into play yet again in a Bassmaster Classic and Edwin eavers loads the vote a limit he's culling in three hours I mean culling big time this was a place that Edwin either said on this final day man I just want to go in here and get one or two big bites and then go from there go somewhere else basically the biggest school in Grand Lake right now is within a cast of Edwin eavers both and best thing Edwin Devers is not even close to done diggin oh yeah stay on it whoa ain't giving to Jason today is all I got to say he better kitchen he better kiss saying it twice for emphasis and absolutely summing up what we're seeing here no way to sugarcoat it or soft-pedal it this is an absolute onslaught and the entire complexion of the 2016 Geico Bassmaster Classic has changed good opportunity for us to maybe retreat here to the Shell Rotella Bassmaster Garage and break down the components of what we're seeing including that lure of his exactly right one bait right now he's throwing him and easy series custom finesse jig in 5/16 ounce with a zoom little critter craw trailer and here's the beauty of this jig very high in detail it's hand tied and it has that old-school living rubber basically it's perfect right out of the package the other side of it this is a finesse deal light line you don't see him railing on these fish really really finessing well we will be back to the Toyota Bassmaster studios but right now it was almost never a thing in the Bassmaster Classic him for the last three years it has certainly been huge the hometown advantage the local advantage and what does this thing shaping up to be absolutely a battle between the two local favorites is that the way it's going to come down we're going to find out when we return you're watching the 2016 Geico Bassmaster Classic presented by GoPro yeah this is it the big one the final day the most important fishing tournament of the year the World Championship Bassmaster Classic and all 1,300 miles of shoreline the Grand Lake of the Cherokees going out now to bill Lowen you know what that stands for in front of us right there right there putting up with Christie that's what that stands for I gotta grow up they got to get bigger I think some five pounders but hey look I'm not complaining day three Bassmaster Classic working I'm working on them early I always fish better when they're in the box I know all of us fish better when they're in the box so one more and all the pressures off and we'll just go fishing try to catch some big ones bill Owen trying to get things ignited the way they were for him on day number one another guy trying to do pretty much the same thing it's Jason Christie sometimes you'll hit a rock and that blade I'll just quit spinning it seems like you got to be throwing around something I can't just catch me going down the bank over I hope gotta be going around something with Cyrus - well there's barely getting the bake before we're seven pounder got a grind away gonna spawn you something you I keep wanting to fish these staging areas you know where catch a couple big I mean you know you that's where they usually get at they're just not there yeah I mean they've been there but it seems like they've backed off or something still trying to figure out the puzzle Jason Chris you heard him say we're about a seven pounder away so you could tell he's got a number he's got a calculator where he thinks he can put this thing away yeah it may not be a realistic figure based on what he probably doesn't know at this point we know it we have seen it's been completely remarkable this area of the Elk River due to the wind has opened up to a man named Edwin Devers and he has gone in and sacked them up on this morning by 10 o'clock full load in the boat full limit and Cullen's strong and as we said earlier Randy Howell was definitely in this area on day number two do you think looking at Edwin's gallery right there that Randy Howell knows they're biting here big one yes put this in perspective right now this is a tournament where 12 to 14 pounds has been a very solid stringer everything and Edwin eavers live well is an absolute giant it's like he's not another Lake Edwin Eva's just absolutely devastating everyone for the moment right now and also in the Elk River Randy Howell with a different result I've been working my way up here I get up here at 10 o'clock waiting for the wind to blow so the fish that are spooky on those trees could buy and I didn't think I was gonna be rushed with anybody else up here nobody else had been up here where I was at and then I pull up and Edwin's already got a big bag incoming right there on that area that was a shot since he's already got a big bag I feel bad to sit there and fish right around him although that's where I caught him a fish the last two days from there down and where we were earlier and yesterday I saw him and I was prepared with different baits today to try to catch the ones that were visible on those logs you know and like he just said he does have a chance he knows is he already got a big bag but it's still early and I've got to start up a good bag you know and I was only a pound behind him so we both got a chance to win since one end deals were you can't just turn I let somebody else have it if when you when I was rightfully fishing here first two days this is where I've caught my fish is all this water up here I just didn't know I didn't never seen him up here and you know I guess cuz his knowledge of the lake he knows maybe he was saving this for the last day or something I don't know that's why I didn't come up here early you know and that's a valid point I mean Howell has every right in the world to be in that exact area they here's here's the deal though Edwin basically sat his boat down on the mother lode Randy could have done the same thing to start the day absolutely gonna move now from Randy Howell all the way down the lake back for another look at Aaron Martin started this day down at six place moving up a little bit up the leaderboard but boy he's sort of been left behind due to the events of the last hour and a half but really if you watch what Aaron Martens has done steadily climbed the entire event yeah when kudos are tough okay throws it back up again that's too hard I don't wanna get my lawyer I don't wanna get my jack play calling that cables yeah imagine that don't a little bigger you're a lot of work fish need a good cheer fish for two and a half as much fun as it is watching Edwin eavers now catching all those Oklahoma stood I can listen to Aaron Martens all day long oh it's fun to hang out with a rating Toyota Bassmaster Angler of the year but today all about crowning the world champion the winner of the Geico Bassmaster Classic written closer and closer to that hour but lots of fishing left to come and whenever so the man in charge for the moment you're watching the 2016 Geico Bassmaster Classic presented by GoPro one of the big attractions at every Geico Bassmaster Classic this right here the classic Expo presented by Dick's Sporting Goods big crowds once again this year Fox Business Center Tulsa Oklahoma Todd Faircloth great day number two worked his way all the way up into second place but still waiting for things to ignite to get going strong get something rolling on day number three I'm on walkie we caught one we finally caught one over 40 it's just a little secondary point we want one deal shoots back that way one deal shoots back this way it's just a textbook little place for them set up on I caught a nice one there in practice the good thing about it it's back in a pocket we hate that girl for swing man it is blowing Todd Faircloth Keepers number three and four short order here God says I'm fishing a little bit deeper than anyone else in the elk river and obviously Todd not a friend of the wind not looking to the wind to help him out today certainly has been the friend to Edwin eavers you go back across over to bill Lowen yeah I would have to say if anything is that I'm a grinder you know I grew up with a fish and stuff so regardless of how tough it is or how bad your day is going I tend to never get frustrated or aggravated or lose confidence in what I'm doing I'm the guy that always listens to my gut blow and blowing out there now you like back here oh it's not blowing it off it's gonna be rough going back [Applause] thank you everybody I don't know what to say third day Bassmaster Classic we got to limit early the rest today we're gonna spend trying to catch a big one hopefully it all works out like I said I've had a tremendous practice here it's been a tremendous week so regardless of what happens from this point on like I said I'm just truly blessed to be here bill when you heard him say it five fish in the boat gonna look for big ones I wonder if he knows how big they truly need to be as we head on over to Aaron Martens yeah bummer is everything is cuts that mean fish no no good I mean I like the kitchen guys I'd like this four and five hundred they're much more fun these fish these don't get me excited at all really here they catch some hogs not dogs all the wins their nose is handprints nothing that's not helping at all they're not biting any better and also we got the brief button everywhere on this this is a really good paint this makes it almost impossible to get bass to it a little bigger [Music] good nice I can't believe how small these are doesn't make sense that may have helped a little bit well it's really said if you if you listen to every local on Grand Lake the quality lived down by the dam and if if this was a tournament a who won the tournament at the dam it really has been Aaron Martens he has stuck to one game plan just like Jason Christie all week long will you talk about what's going on down near the dam Edwin Evers himself told us after the weigh-in on day number two he said I'm gonna look at what kind of lead Jason Christie has and I may just go fish the dirt down there by the dam because that's my only chance to catch big ones boy how things can change exactly right after the day to weigh and Edwin was playing calculator he said what what do I need to catch up man I think the only place I can do that is by the dam but this certain area right here back in 2013 Tommy Biffle thought he was gonna blow that classic away right here and Edwin said man I don't know if it's a community hole but I can tell you there have been a heck of a lot of tournaments won in this exact area and what's amazing right now with Edwin eavers he's at the point today where not even a four pounder will help his bag I don't think it's gonna help you know there are certain images on the bass master television show that you remember for years and decades that aerial shot of what he's fishing how he's fishing it is them you do not need any explanation when you see that from above and you look at that water there is gold under the water there today but the other side with Edwin it's what he did saving this tournament on day number two running up the Neosho River you think it's the most important day of all nobody despite what has happened today well Jason Christie in the middle of a very important day today there are ways he can find out what's going on out there in the water but he'd really prefer not to know who's doing what if I were to look right now and saying so-and-so had 20 pounds I mean I it would just freak me out so I'm not a fan by truck fast track is the online service that the Bassmasters make available that where the fans and on the final day the fishermen could go and check the unofficial weights that they have from the water during any point during that last day exactly right there are certain anglers that like to look at bass track and there's certain anglers that do not want to see it for the simple fact that it can change your game it can make you fish areas that you otherwise would not have and Jason Christie is gonna get some unwanted help from a fan on shore right here Edwin gotta be true cuz we ain't got that many boats I don't talk myself finding nothing if you had 25 he went for down I mean that's not even astronaut lady just blurted it out all right don't look yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] and we really should make note that what that spectator did there's nothing wrong with him more than likely he thought he was helping meant no harm meant no harm by that but the other side of it is you're looking at a guy that has commanded this tournament doing one thing all week long could you imagine the voices in Christy's head right now oh absolutely being the leader at or near the lead anyway in the Bassmaster Classic is a tough job and it's different in this tournament than any other it's just part of the scene here and something you've got to deal with and Jason Christie's got a deal with a little extra information now [Music] you you're watching the 2016 Geico Bassmaster Classic presented by GoPro final day the classic and now we're into the final half day of fishing here and of course Edwin eavers the giant story here having blown this thing wide open in the Elk River also flying his trade in the Elk River is Randy Howell meg having made a slight move since we saw on last really in Randy Howell prayed for this event he wanted a true grinder and that's the one word that we heard all week long and really this as far as the way this tournament has set up it's been perfect for how old this is a just a total blessing from God just to be in contention especially coming into this event with a with a really slow practice and things not looking promising anytime you can be contention on championship Sunday and a Bassmaster Classic but here you're living the dream [Music] there's the bigan that's a big that's a big one nice one yes felt like a really good drawing times your own time felt like a really big one that's a good luck drone right there he feel me catching a four and a half pounder another day felt good at the end of day number two Randy Howell made a move to that little deeper spot right there and caught a good one sort of salvaged his day and got a good result there as he returns to it on day number three back to Alton Jones here who's had a rough go of it today he definitely has and really he started off quicker than any other angler in this Bassmaster Classic and talked about a lake that sets up for for the way that Alton fishes it is Grand Lake it's just like where he won the classic on Lake Hartwell but not happening on this final day I just only got one jig bike today you know it's all there is to it it's making me feel good about our decision to run up there even though it was a small limit at least its limit it's a hard kind of day to run around and find new water everyone jig came out Wow that's last minute cuts right there that's a three pounder anyway hit my little bankroll jig now I need to put my polls down and do some culling real quick was back in the box breathing gets a little heavier everything more tense maybe even speeding up a little bit as these guys see the day slipping away the final day of the Bassmaster Classic Bergeon ready to get something going Edwin eavers kind of in a different boat right now it's figuratively speaking he's got them he's got the limit of a lifetime already and working on making it bigger no doubt that warm night and wind has made this upper end of the Elk River just a different playing field today and this is the best aerial you can see of where Edwin eavers really has caught his fish so far on this final day if you look at where those different shades of green and brown are the light brown is the flat that's very very shallow but all of his bites are in these four to five foot depressions with these key lay downs and really this area has changed throughout the years especially with all the floods and the new timber that comes into it and any whatever said that he really was only looking to get to quality bites here early this morning Oh y'all Lanza Megan it's gonna help and how about fishing 12 pound fluorocarbon line in that stuff right there hog since and not only that just take a look at what he is culling right now you talk about the position to be in talking about being in the catbird seat on the final day of the Bassmaster Classic and when eavers seems like with every tick of the clock getting closer and closer and putting his hands on that trophy the Oklahoma favorite coming in here with a lot of pressure on and a great opportunity he's taking advantage of it today you're watching the 2016 Geico Bassmaster Classic presented by GoPro downtown Tulsa Oklahoma the BOK Center pushing the record with the crowds all week long be a big crowd today we crown the world champion just a little bit later the man who started the day with the lead Jason Christie out there early on he was bypassed by Edwin Evers having a spectacular day he probably didn't want to know about that but he was clued in on it anyway you know you could say he wants to know he doesn't want to know whatever but here's the thing Edwin Ebers has caught him so good on this final day he needs to know this and most of all Jason Christie needs to make a change to catch up he's gotta keep the wheels on man just slow instead then you can definitely see that Jason Christie has definitely picked the pace up right now in the main reason why is what he was catching throughout this tournament that will no longer cut it that will not give him a prayer to win this tournament time to go through the big water I know you're like yay this tournament this guy has been in the driver's seat the entire vent and you could tell it has slipped out of his hands over to Todd Faircloth Christy needs a big turnaround massive turnaround just like everyone else who's out there fishing except for Edwin Evers but as we can see Todd Faircloth sticking steadfastly with the technique and the place where he's been spending his time this week it's a good one there gosh whoa you know there was a lot of pre-tournament talk that the elk river would just get too much attention in practice and during the event and if you look at this final day it's the exact opposite it's almost like the elk river has gotten better throughout this tournament absolutely and they've certainly been the place that's produced on this final day in a big big way gonna go from Todd Faircloth now to Aaron Martens and he said it earlier two and three pounders just not much fun to catch got fish on I got fish on it's now oh that's a good one too said shake there my name is big I need a big dude dude right now don't hook me don't flop yeah I believe it I believe it just happen a Marhaba snatched on oh that was scary when you have on that big on and he know he's big you know he's that big and he's like three feet down dude I'm talking like he just snagged he'd better not descend told you what they're doing they're not that's a five pounder dude I was trying to snag on all sudden started pulling I knew it was big I don't want I was shaking its head I had a good feeling as a big one that was awesome gosh oh gosh I was freaky that was the most extreme I'm the most extreme ones ever had like that I mean I mean Oh like it wasn't steel as a piece of wood haha Wow that was a battle that wasn't battle dude I knew it was I got three plus easy he just feel it yeah I feel like shake it's hit first Wow that was a big one that was that makes me feel a little better definitely good that's the ones I've been catching that's why I don't understand today why they're not biting better than that and now we're ready to get Sun again here in a minute you don't want to lose one I thought I'd be disgusting absolutely awesome fish catcher I think we've said that like 20 times today Tommy Sanders this is the grand lake that we were expecting to see showing up a little bit lake hog snatching time a little bit later on in the day apparently is it going to be too late meanwhile bill Lowen has kept his head down fished his original game plan all day long but something's different about today where he fished cleaned so much on day 1 and day 2 today has been sort of a just one nightmare after another for Bill Lowen really Bill Owens had a fantastic day started out with the limit pretty pretty early today but since then bill Lowen has lost a lot of fish Shoei man it's crazy windy crazy windy well they're supposed to have been wind later in the day every day of this tournament never materialized on day one or day two day three has been a completely different story up 2025 and hire here afternoon thought it was a vegan get in here he'll Hellboy will be some help but bill Lowen is like everyone else in this tournament as I say who's not Edwin eavers they're gonna have to call every upgrade every fish in there live well to even have a sniff of the Bassmaster Classic trophy and it's all because of the efforts of the next man we're going to Edwin eavers today who has put on a show like switch I don't think any of us have ever seen before ever seen since we've covered tournaments together and really I don't know that we've covered an event where your unofficial leader fished three different baits and three different completely different regions of a lake and what you really got to look at this morning oh the supermost unbelievable show that I've ever seen on the Bassmasters but take that away you hear a very loosely used term in bass fishing you and it came from Mike Iaconelli fishing the moment that is exactly what Edwin Ebers has done this entire event and Anna and I'll go back to this and I'll live by this this guy saved his tournament on day number two when he did not have a fish in his live well at 10:30 in the morning and today we said it we heard Jason Christie say it there is a pot of gold in Grand Lake every single day in the month of March and Edwin eavers landed on it today the local knowledge is huge the decisions made were genius nothing short of it an Edward eavers riding back home with our Geico quotes from the boat ed would no doubt a tremendous day on the final day of the Bassmaster Classic I said you could sleep well at night and you immediately thought back to day one do you think that not catching a living on that first day cost you oh yeah you know that really hurt that's the day that I left you know the door wide open I just needed one fish you know when you only have four one two pounder go straight on the bottom line so it's just it is you told me there in practice you thought they'd catch up up on the Elbe River but you didn't think it would be one and the Elk River did you win it to the oak River today I hope I did I had the perfect conditions for them so who knows I Jason's caught a giant every day you know two or three right at the end of the day so you know I don't know what he has you know I I'm gonna go find you here and see how he's feeling well I've already eaten an entire bag of these bad boys those things are good absolutely one of the most stunning endings to any tournament I've ever seen I can't believe what we've just witnessed today on the Elk River Grand Lake of the Cherokees here we're going back to Tulsa Oklahoma we're gonna crank it up and crown our champion the 2016 Geico Bassmaster Classic presented by GoPro is brought to you by hummingbird [Music] mercury [Music] Minn Kota and by Triton boats day three of the Geico Bassmaster Classic is championship day the moment of reckoning is on the way as we head inside the BOK Center in our host city of Tulsa Oklahoma once again a fantastic crowd has assembled and gathered here 46 years of the final day the weigh in with the Bassmaster Classic so many of the images you remember through the years so much of the lore and legend of bass fishing is on this day each and every year we are getting closer and closer and yes the moment has finally arrived we're gonna roll out the final six competitors the top six with a shot at the trophy Don day and Dave Mercer ready to take us inside and get it crackin [Music] ladies and gentlemen it's time to meet your 2016 best master classic super 6 let's bring him out right now from a Waco Texas Alton Jones looking to move into legend status have become a two-time at a classic champion at 29 pounds and 9 ounces 12 pounds of 15 ounces with 42 pounds 8 ounces Alton Jones moves into third place currently he is not one not two but a three-time Toyota Bassmaster Angler of the year vs. 17th classic Aaron Marquis 16 pounds even [Applause] Classic presented by GoPro here he comes ladies and gentlemen looking to get it done get laughs from fulfill Indiana bill Louis fifteen pounds three ounces moves into second place just 11 ounces short of the lead the last two have been won by locals this streak may continue let's roll him through not one but two wins last year he's a ten time Bassmaster champion fishing his 15 Geico Bassmaster Classic from talal Oklahoma East where Edwin Ebert he sweared on championship Sunday [Applause] look at will spend freaks of nature he had 31 pounds and 4 ounces looked at 4:15 to [Music] [Applause] wait 29,000 then it happens for the second year in the damn son get it done it was a magical day and plan I did all I could do I just I wanted to make Jason earn it today and Jason's one of my all-time best friends and you know he's caught him late every day and they turned that bass track off at noon and and I don't know guys I just got to give the credit to God it's just a true blessing from him and as that's the truth it's not me it's him no matter what way this deal works that trophy is staying right here in Oklahoma a local angler is gonna win this event this is truly a boomer sooner beat down are you ready for our tournament leader since a date number one let's get him rolling ladies and gentlemen fourteen professional tournament wins from Park Hill Oklahoma Jason Christie [Applause] two roommates to the best friends in the world battling it out and this trophy is staying in Oklahoma 372 wait what you did today to any other sport you equated to baseball dude you just hit a grand slam in the bottom of the ninth to win the World Series right here in front of your hometown crowd Edwin Ebers Geico Bassmaster Classic champion tell me how that sound [Music] thankful thankful very very thing take it to the front of the podium watching the front of that podium and let's do this so you ready for this [Applause] don't mess that to classics in fear Edwin [Applause] the 2016 Geico Bassmaster Classic champion and McKeever's the trophy stays in the whole state Edward eva's becomes a Levantine Bassmaster champion [Applause] more time down 2016 Geico Bassmaster Classic champion crazy and man they have got a right to do so the hometown favorite has pulled it off after so many years people predict in so many years this would be the year he'd breakthrough win a major title took a little bit longer than some people thought but man he did it in fine style obliterating the competition fair to say that was the most incredible ending that we have ever covered together and really it reminds you of that 1990 classic I believe it wasn't a James River when Rick Clunn came in and just stunned the entire arena that's what happened here and the other side of that is you're looking at an angler that deserves it Oh abscess guy deserves it and Edwin eavers will be a great champion the one thing I'll tell you a lot of times you get a little bit of a letdown a decompression after the classic you're not going to see that with Edwin Ebert he's rushed me the most motivated individual you'll ever know a lot of hard workers out there but nobody out works this guy either fair to point that out trust me that dudes a gamer and will continue to be so much fun and join the classic with you and we'll see you next time on the Bassmaster Elite Series [Music] you
Channel: Bassmaster
Views: 153,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BASS, B.A.S.S., Fishing, bass fishing, Bassmaster, Bassmaster Classic
Id: luWaZyaSb9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 14sec (5474 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2017
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