2016 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: The Profile of Faith: Believe It, Say It, Do It (7 p.m.)

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now yeah thank you Lord you you have to be you have to position yourself to obey because particularly when you begin growing in this God is going to direct you and you're going to wind up doing things that look really strange to other people like paying more money for something than the person asked for it why would I want to do that I thought you said you were willing to obey amen I was praying one day and we we had a need for a smaller twin-engine airplane and I opened my mouth to pray the prayer that I always pray over something like this and and the thought I had in my mind to say when I opened my mouth was God you know just exactly where that airplane is and that that's supposed to come into this ministry and and I'm asking you to put us in contact with that that's what was those were the words in my mind and I said Lord there's somebody that has that airplane that's crying out to you and they need to sell it wow really yeah Lord I mean it was just a mustard I said yeah yeah Lord that's right there's someone that has needs to sell the airplane and you put us in contact with it please and you know he did and the way it had it was absolutely totally amazing how that miracle work and then there was a woman her husband had just gone home to be with the Lord just suddenly with with them hard situation or whatever it was just very unexpected he did shock and there she was with that estate and and that airplane and and didn't know what to do with it and and so she and her daughter had got together and prayed and her daughter belonged to Keith and Phyllis Moore's Church in Branson Missouri and they're turning in prayer requests Oh God we hate yourself it's there so I called the man that that hands all of our aviation sales and acquisitions and anything has did anything like that he's been a partner of this ministry for over 30 years and our very close friend I called him I told him what the Lord what came out of my mouth he said kiddo that's wonderful and he's hang on just a sec Bob did that that that woman that had that that that baron and when she a widow woman yeah yeah yeah brother Copeland there there's and that was the woman she had already contacted my partner huh hallelujah but now well now see she's she's under a law stress here and I'm probably pick that airplane up being old but you you hey you want to not put on your head but the Holy Ghost that's a good way to have it happen because the Word of God says she's now she's now the creator's wife go read the 50 full chapters Visine sometimes a man and other scriptures too and so that I just the Lord was just directing me all the way through this thing and we paid her well more than what the market price was on the airplane and prayed about it and prayed with her and and and and the people that were handling her estate were just astounded because we even let her pay for anything we paid for the inspection on the airplane we paid for everything not her she's the owner she spoke to be doing that but we paid for it and paid something like 20 and 40 somewhere around 40 or 45 thousand dollars more than what the market price was for but it was what she needed to get out of it amen and on the day of the closing there were people in in my partner's office there he called me on the phone and and he told everybody what's going on and and when they came over to sign the papers her lawyers crying and Bob and I mean Charles is crying and Bob was crying and she was crying and the daughter was crying and they're all praising God and this one fella said I'll tell you one thing by God that's what a ministry ought to act like you know went all over that Airport praise and witness all over her own town ain't that wonderful all the money over the price of the airplane was very very good seed amen and we wound up selling the airplane later as it the guy that really wanted to buy it by name and of course we sold it at market value and somebody said could you lose oh no but then not too long after that not too long after that not too long after that one of our dear partners and that we've just known for years in fact stand-up Tracy didn't I see you over well ago Tracy Harris most of you know Tracy here and Tracy had an airplane just exactly like what we need he just had a brand-new set of engines put on that airplane he just had brand new props put on it I mean hey the the book showed airplane to be worth more than that other one Tracy called me one day and he said you're gonna be there for a while I said yeah come on over he set up BB then a little bit and he landed out there he said well the Lord talked to me he said I'm supposed to so this airplane into your ministry hahaha and now he's got a dead [Applause] there's a way this thing supposed to work oh it's wonderful hey and glory to God ah there was a young man I had a single engine Beechcraft that it was glory in mind personally we'd had for a while and he called me said brother Copeland he said if it's for sale I'd like to buy that that bonanza from you I said well sure well I know him really well and so I you know I'm thinking not just I'm a fine while he's talking I said Lord let me give that airplane time no no I said I'm gonna in the mind I said okay so I'm figuring that just you know what's the the rock-bottom price of this thing and he asked me what I wanted for it and I told him he said I don't believe I won't pay that and I said well okay what do you want to pay he said I think I ought to pay more than that that was a new one for me I said okay how much more would you like to pay and he told me and it was considerably more and I said we'll just help yourself that was the first business transaction I ever had with Keith Moore amen and keys wound up flying jets huh amen this is the way the kingdom's supposed to do business now there are times when the wealth of the sinners laid up for the just there are time that he threw user and unjust gain has increased his substances be he increase it or stored it up for those that will have pity on the poor and there are times I want you to know I mean God will bring you stuff that's just marvelous but there's other times you need to be listening to him because you're a channel you're AB lesser that's what you do that's who we are we bless in times of famine we bless when the prosperity is good but with a steady source right in the middle of it all we just keep prospering in bad times we prosper in good time and we help everybody else prosper that's our job we're prosperity agents and you need to get you'll prosper only as your soul prospers your souls made up you mind your will and your emotions now you really have to renew your mind to a lot of junk a bad man because you can be believing for prosperity and all these things I'm talking about tonight here yes amen and you're doing these things that you poor minded I mean you come to the end of the toothpaste cubing and then squirt a little water in our open your Canon 275 plastic bowls fall out of the cabinet margarine bows hey and you open another drawer over there as 1600 twisties in that drawer with to come all the into the bread wrapper when are you ever going to use any of those twisters in the birthplace you might have a little problem now come on come on I mean you got sweaters that have been hanging in that closet for 14 years you wouldn't wet on a bit but it's still hanging there oh no that's my good old sweater well what about the other 250 good old sweaters you hadn't worn in 40 well I'll see all of these things have to be renewed and you need to study the word about it because the word said when if you you're harvesting your crop and there's some left in the field don't don't go back and get it don't just ground and gain and gain till there's nothing left no no amen thank you hallelujah these things are real and God will work with you he hasn't a marvelous sense of humor then he's not going to a knows what you can take what you can now I mean you know it but it's one of these days it's going to get down to your favorite doggie old shirt man and that kind of stuff there's a lot of people that need to benefit of your in my faith in our prosperity and believing God being strong in the Lord amen pastors mm-hmm begin to bless people I mean just just have a blessing day and we just bring in the whole neighborhood and build up for in that in the church for months just building up offerings and building stuff up and then one fine grand wonderful day bring in all the neighborhood and just bless kids with toys and bicycles and and food and every other good thing you can think of and I'm not talking about old wore-out junk I'm talking about brand-new stuff man glory to God hallelujah thank you lord open your Bibles with me to go to the to Mark's Gospel once again I'm just thinking about those margarine boat oh brother my mother bless her heart oh you know I was born the middle of the depression and and and mother I mean there would be little small bowls about that big with one or two bites of something left in there I'm not gonna I don't wanna eat that it's got to smarts in it you take the lad little piece of there in the land little piece of that and put it in a little dish and put it in a refrigerator until it got you know kind got a little ahead cobwebs all over it man but man I'm telling you she couldn't throw away anything but all when she got hold of it I want you to know she got mercy and clean house brother is wonderful Ali thank you Lord thank you Jesus father we thank you for your word my what a wonderful life you have provided for us we thank you for it in Jesus name let's look in Mark's Gospel and let's start reading with the eleventh verse Jesus entered into Jerusalem and into the temple when he had looked round about upon all things and now the evening was come he went out unto Bethany with the twelve and on the morrow when they were come from Bethany he was hungry seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves he came if haply he might find anything there on and when he came to it he found nothing but leaves for the fig time of figs was not jesus answered and said unto it no man eat fruit of the hereafter forever and his disciples heard it and they came to Jerusalem so he spoke to that tree turned around and walked off he didn't have anything more to say to it he said nine words to it and left turned his back on it as far as he's concerned that tree is doomed now one thing that I would do want you to notice is he spoke the desired end results he didn't add anything to it he said no man eat fruit of you hereafter forever again hereafter forever now that tree could have stood there for years and years and years and nobody could have ever made anything grow on it whatever Lightning could have hit it any number of things could happen but I'll tell you this one thing and not ever anybody ever gonna get any fruit off that tree forever because he said so now that's extremely important you don't want to be making a bunch of noise about this thing get before the Lord whatever it is and seek his face and find out what the end result is inquire of him of the words and then speak them and turn your back and walk off cross the faith line and don't ever look back amen now they came to Jerusalem Jesus went into the temple began to cast them out and cast out them that sold and bought in the temple and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers and the seats of them that sold does he would not suffer any man should carry any vessel through the temple and he taught saying unto them is it not written my house should be called of All Nations the house of prayer but you have made it a den of fees and the scribes and chief priests heard it and saw how they might destroy him for they feared him because all the people were astonished at his doctrine and when the evening was come he went out of the city now that's approximately twelve hours from the time that he spoke to that tree nobody said a thing in the world about the tree nothing well you know if anything had been visibly wrong with it Peter has said something well of course he would you know it was a little of it now in the morning so now we've had 24 hours go by here in the morning as they pass by they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots and Peter calling to remembrance said unto him master behold the fig tree which you cursed is withered away and Jesus answering said unto them have faith in God or the cross-reference says have the faith of God have the faith of God for barely I say on you whosoever glory in a God who so ever means me whosoever shall say under the mountain be thou removed be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he says to come to pass he shall have whatsoever he says therefore I say unto you what things soever you desire when you pray believe you receive them and you shall have them and when you stand praying for gild if you have aught against any that your father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses now then let's look again at 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 2nd Corinthians 4:13 we having the same spirit of faith according as it is written I believed and therefore have I spoken and then what Jesus has gone through saying whosoever shall say it to this mountain be thou removed be constancy and not doubt in his heart but shall believe well he won't believe that those things which he says shall come to pass then he will have whatsoever he says and whatsoever thing you desire when you pray believe you received all right now and having the same spirit of faith according as it is written I believed and therefore have I spoken we also believe and therefore we speak so faith is released first of all faith is of the spirit of the heart not not the mind faith is a spiritual force not an intellectual force that's extremely important faith doesn't come out of the mind by bless you dear faith can be used to renew the mind but it is a heart issue on mine or soul issue spirit you are a spirit in your spirit you have a soul made up of your mind your will and your emotions and your soul and your spirit live in that physical body spirit soul and body in that order the spirit should be in ascendancy over the mind will and emotions and that should be in higher order than the physical body and you'll hear people say things like well body mind and soul well you really hadn't said anything except this body and soul because your mind is talking so cool amen and have no idea there is even a spirit there some people think the soul in the spirit and the same but they can't be because of their in the Apostle Paul said that you be made whole whole li your whole spirit and soul and body so train yourself get into a habit to referring to him that way you have a soul and you and your soul live in a physical body the Apostle Peter called it the hidden man of the heart and he called his body his tabernacle yes amen and that's that we can see that this is a spirit force faith is a spiritual force it's creative force amen now it is released out of the heart first of all let's settle this faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God and that's all where it come it doesn't come experiencing some traumatic thing it doesn't come by problems and I mean come on folks just a little bit of thinking but tell you better than that because you know if the trials and tribulations and so forth we just read while ago for trials and tribulations and afflictions and so forth come for the words sake income to teach you everything or to give you faith it came to destroy a man and besides that really if trials and tribulations caused faith everybody here everybody everywhere would be faith jobs amen it's what you do in the midst of that trial or a tribulation that depends on what you do in it what happens to your faith amen but it's not gonna bring faith faith cometh by hearing hearing by the Word of God that is the way it comes and it always comes are you hearing well I mean I go to church all the time and don't come um well you ought to have that figured out yourself but now amen either you not paying any attention or well you take it from there now then so it always comes let me say something else to you now we're going to be in healing school in the morning and Jesus will be here in the morning to heal everybody in the house that's always his desire that's the reason he comes that's a reason he shows up in the first place and people walk away say any heal tomorrow what we can have that seems anybody else but healing always comes because the healer is always particularly in places where he is honored and his word is honored he's always there with an outcome you didn't hear me sweetheart he heals you over 2,000 years ago how come you not believe it well I do believe it well I know where you are I know what you're going through and there's a lot of pressure from that but you and I are learning we're learning to receive and in 99 at least 99 percent of the cases we've complicated it and made it too hard Jesus so easy to receive he just read the Matthew Mark Luke and John he never turned out anybody you know Ben well there's been have been some jerk there that now he didn't turn down the ones that didn't receive they did that themselves through their own disobedience and unbelief and so forth I don't know how you could you know you could figure you're going to receive much from a man anyway when you take him out behind the church and try to kill him that that's not conducive to receiving healing or anything except judgment hallelujah all right now then let's turn over again to James chapter 2 and we find the other element of faith the second chapter of James the 14th verse what does it profit my brethren though a man say you have faith and have not works now remember the the word translated works is better translated corresponding action if a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food one of you say unto them depart in peace be he warm filled enough with standing you give them not those things which are needful to the body what does it profit even so faith if it has not corresponding action is dead being alone now he said you remember in the first chapter he said verse 22 being he doors of the word and not hearers only deceiving yourself now remember Jesus said they heard the word and received it with gladness but then the devil came along and talked them out of it well that's exactly what James is talking about here is a person that hears the word and hears the word and hears the word and hears the word and hears the word and hears the word and don't ever act on it now look what he called acting on the word so what would acting on the word be corresponding action what did he call it verse 25 whoso looketh into the perfect law of Liberty and continues therein he being not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work this man shall be blessed say it this man shall be but he will be he will be it will come to pass he will be blessed Amen hallelujah I don't preach myself happy glory to God now let's go then down to verse 17 even so faith if it has not corresponding action is dead being alone hallelujah thank you Lord now then we looked at this already but let's go back to the book of Mark once again we'll look at some incidents here and see if this holds true in these examples mark chapter 5 let's begin reading in verse 21 when Jesus was passed over again by ship unto another side much people gathered unto Him and he was nigh unto the sea and behold there cometh one of the rulers of the synagogue Jairus by name and when he saw him he fell at his feet now he wasn't just you know just kind of walking down by the seashore what Danny sees all this big crowd of people oh well no one who's coming I just wonder and oh look at that oh that's Jesus I think I fall in his feet no it didn't have like that you know it he was hunting a man he was he was looking for him amen now remember believe it in your heart say it with your mouth and do it huh believe it in your heart say it with your mouth and do it okay now that's that's according to Jesus that's the way it works in according James that's the way it works right so let's watch much had it with Giles Jairus fell at his feet and besought him greatly saying my little daughter life at the point of death I pray thee come and lay thy hands on her that she may be healed and she will live well obviously he believed that in his heart because this man is leader of the synagogue which means he is a very very important man in the Jewish religion and everything in that whole area there he threw everything he had he literally risked throwing it completely away so he had he had spent some time on this obviously he had heard Jesus or he wouldn't have been there in the first place faith had come somewhere below and he said it brother he said you put your hands on her and she will live and if you study this whole thing that's the last word he ever said that's the last thing you said never opened his mouth never changed it and he faced some really tough things on the way home 99% of the people would have failed it and the way you make it in faith is say it and shut your mouth Jesus spoke nine words to that fig tree and went to Jerusalem we woke up there and talked all morning long in today pick up the leaves and see if anything's happening you know get up in the middle of the night and shake the thing and see if it's died yet oh ho brother and then walk that's it and don't just don't work for me well it just did you finally said what you actually believe and it don't work for you amen glory to God that what you're enjoying this because I sure AM nowhere to go and and Jesus went with him go to God do you notice Jesus didn't say anything to him he just went with him and much people followed him and thrown him but there was one man named Janice that had control of his ministry with his failing all of those thronging people were not controlling the Ministry of Jesus that day one man Jesus went with him why why cause he believed it in his heart and he said it with his mouth when did Jairus do it actually he did it before he said it he fell at his feet he fell at his feet he risk it all falling at the feet of this very controversial prophet named Jesus amen made his statement and Jesus is headed towards her sound didn't say a word he just headed home with him although people going on doing whatever thing they're doing and he but one man of faith is controlling the ministry of the Son of Man the Son of God and I'm amazing any good but all of a sudden a little woman that's believed it in her heart and set it with her mouth let's take a look at her here see if she fits the profile and a certain woman which had an issue of blood twelve years and suffered many things of many physicians in his fin all she had and was nothing bettered but rather grew worse now she's not only sick now she's broke and when she heard of Jesus came in the press behind and touched His garment for she said if I may touch but his clothes I shall be whole generous she shall live I shall be whole see how it's not just healed it shouldn't if she's gotten healed she still been broke but she said I'll be made whole and Jesus said what she said he said daughter your faith made you whole you go and be whole which repaired her body not only healed that blood issue repaired the butchering she'd gone through and the prosperity angels were on the job glory to God hallelujah woohoo amen so Jesus is being moved by a man's faith and suddenly who touched me now this woman's faith stopped him Jesus is not making decisions here he's just following along after faith amen can you see this one of the most marvelous things about this whole thing he's he is of course he said I only I only say what I hear my father say and I only do what I see my father did amen well it's obvious what is happening here because he said it is the father that dwells within me he does the work and I mean the Holy Ghost has fallen right in after J iris and right in after this little woman amen they have got heavens attention because they believed it in their heart and they said it with her mouth and they did the woman believed it she said it and she crawled out there and got hold of the hem of that garment she believed it said it and did it and now straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up she felt her and her body that she was healed of that plague now she didn't feel in her body she was healed of that plague and then believe it and say it now know the feeling didn't come until after faith had already done its work very important amen Jesus immediately knowing in himself that virtue or denominator had gone out of him turned him about in the presence said who touched my clothes his disciples said to him you see the multitude thronging you and you say who touched me he looked around about to see her that had done this thing the woman fearing and trembling knowing what was done in her came fell down before him and told him all the truth now listen she told him all the truth she told him that she had been in this condition for 12 years she told him that she had suffered many things of many physicians she told him that she'd spent all that she had was nothing bettered but rather grew worse and then she told him and I heard of you and I can't and I said if I touch but and she told him all this amen house to your name we found out about it she told him Jay iris is standing there I know this woman she's in my synagogue at woman talked to horns off a goat she talked about this sickness all day long if you'll stand earn listen don't he know we need to go here does he not remember what I said my little daughters lying at the point of death we go here see what an opportunity he had to lose this thing he just kept his mouth shut he believed in his heart and he said it with his mouth and that is a end and there comes a time in your life when you just need to get right back down on your knees get right back in the Word of God get that DVD going again turn on be vov in and just show up soak up the Word of God for the next 24 hours and pump your faith right back up there again and then out your mouth comes your healing amen hallelujah but he just kept his mouth shut and just kept believing God just standing right there next to Jesus and daughter oh now wait a minute don't you know Jay iris his ears went up when he heard that now I'm not I'm not talking about is his natural daughter no no listen this is this is a man of the word he knew exactly what Jesus was talking about he called her daughter because she's a daughter of Abraham you remember the woman that was bowed over could one no wise lift herself up and Jesus called her over to him said daughter Thou Art Loosed from this infirmity and he laid his hands on her and she lifted herself up and the ruler of the synagogue was indignant saying there six days a week men ought to come and do you and y'all not do it on the Sabbath Jesus said ought not this woman ought she not be delivered from this infirmity with Satan the suppression this infirmity that Satan had bound over these years seeing she's a daughter of Abraham she's Abraham's seed she's both to be well she's Abraham's seed she's not supposed to have an issue of blood she's Abraham's seed she's not supposed to have crippling arthritis when she can straighten herself up or any other sickness or disease amen well then Galatians 3:29 boy out ought to be up on your refrigerator and if you be in Christ then are you Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise I'm Abraham's seed I'm supposed to prosper I'm Abraham see I'm supposed to be healed I'm Abraham see I'm not supposed to be sick I'm supposed to be well less God I'm getting out of this bag amen what have you believe in your heart say it with your mouth what's next off comes that covering out your old cold clammy feeding you hit the floor dancing a mint dancing hallelu Oh God thank you lord that's the way Fae that go in peace and be whole of that plague while he yet spake to come from the rule of the synagogue's house circle which said your daughter's dead why trouble us tell the master any further now Jay iris didn't say anything you know at a time like that huh oh you know I'm in this just swing just hit the first one that's the closest get Pam care if it was Jesus didn't hit him no no he already said what he had to say praise God but notice the the the man that the the death messenger spoke to Jay iris but jesus answered if you get your heart in your mouth full of faith I want you to know Jesus will answer the devil he'll come out of your mouth the he'll answer if you'll just be listening amen amen if you notice yourself getting irritable and offended and this kind of thing wake up Satan's trying to steal the word from you he's trying to steal you here don't you don't just put up with that stuff out of yourself just straighten yourself up go rid of God get back on your knees slam your nose into that Karpin safe Oh Lord forgive me for being offended forgive me for allowing anything outside the commandment of love I'm not gonna let the devil steal my faith out of me and steal the Word of God out of me he's not trying to steal your money he's after the word he can't he didn't come this kill steal and destroy he came to steal kill and destroy if he can steal the word he's got your money if he can steal the work then he can King but he can't until he can get the word out of you hallelujah oh it's dancing time in the household of faith Holly blow reading God joy the lords in this place now notice soon as Jesus heard the word he said to the rule of the synagogue be not afraid only believe he literally said stop the fear read it in in the in the Gospel of Luke fear not or stop the fear and believe only don't you be thinking don't you be worrying don't you do anything but believe don't you do anything believe you shut up everything but your breathing don't you don't you allow one single emotion out of your mouth in your mind you believe only and she will be made whole [Applause] you stopped the fear and believed only and you will be made Oh hallelujah Oh glory to God hey I mean you could just stop and preach here for a couple of hours Wow but now here now look what he did he suffered no man to follow him but Peter James and John the brother James he came to the house of the rule of the synagogue and see the tumult and them that wept and wailed greatly oh they were to molten hmm and when he was come in he said to them why make eat this adieu and weep the damsel is not dead but sleeps and now all of a sudden they're not weeping and waiting anymore they began to laugh they laughed him to scorn but when he put them all out what ain't many [Laughter] uncle knew dead he put them all out do you see did you see what he's doing to me I told you you are not mad that food do you know I'm coming did you see what they're doing to your mama thus far there may be land in there they're not poor little man maybe another Maori religion you're making me leave I don't wanna later I'll get you you weren't sure you were ho I'm coming but we had to get that bunch out of there they're charging the air with unbelieving dad but what do you think Jay iris is thinking no more this better work cuz it does not had it if she don't get up outta woman gonna kill me no he just kept his mouth shut and so did mrs. J iris she's a faith woman Amen man I believe because she obviously was in agreement with him when he said I'm going after Jesus and he's going to heal our baby they obviously had said it and then he did it and Jesus did it glory glory glory glory to glory rule he took the damsel or now you ready for this you ready for this he took the damsel by the hand and said unto her tell either Co me which is being interpreted damsel I say unto you he said it he practiced what he preached and he said it he said it arise and straightway or immediately the damsel arose and walked she was at the age of twelve years they were astonished with great astonishment and he charged them straightly no man should know it and commanded that something should be given her to eat and they were joy in the household of Jairus hallelujah and then mom and him could all come back here [Applause] baby I told you there was something to that Jesus boy I've known his mama I've known that family a long time they're fine people don't have a little faith action changes everything right hallelujah aha we taught him everything he knows you know that kind of thing yeah now then now that was all good but now you get you had time for a couple more look you going anywhere okay good let's go to second kings oh I love it I love it second Kings chapter 4 let's begin reading with the 18th verse now we don't have we don't take time to read all that but this is the woman and her husband that had blessed the prophet of God and they made a place for him to stay they fixed a place for him and and it was his to use any time he's traveling he had a he had a place and obviously then they fed him and so forth they were good to him and then the Prophet's reward went into operation here and the thing that she want worse than anything was a child now then that child was born and let's go now into verse 18 and when the child was grown he fell on a day that he went to went out to his father to the Reapers and he said unto his father my head my head and and he said to aloud carry him to his mother and when he had taken him and brought him to his mother he sat on her knees till noon and then died he obviously had heat stroke and he died now I want you to watch this woman she called to her husband and said send me I pray thee one of the young men and one of the donkeys that I may run to the man of God and come again he said wherefore when you go to him today it's neither new moon or Sabbath and she said it shall be well then she saddled a donkey and said to the servant drive go forward slack not that riding for me except I bid you so she went came into the man of God to Mount Carmel and it came to pass when the man of God saw her afar off he said to Gay's I a servant behold yonder's that Shunammite run now I pray thee to meet her and say to her is it well with thee is it well with our husband is it well with the child and he answer and she answered it is well and when she came to the man of God to the hill she caught him by the feet now you have to remember the Prophet to her represents the Word of God she's a shunammite he's the only word she has access to she grabbed him by the feet oh there's a three she caught him by the feet gaze I came near to thrust her away and the man of God said let her alone for her soul is vexed within her the Lord has hid it from me and not told me then she said did I desire a son of my lord did I not say do not deceive me then he said to go haze' gird up your loins and take your stuff in your hand and go your way now see she still didn't come out and say my boy did no she didn't she just referred to conversation she had with him years ago but she still did not say anything but all is well she refused saying them and the reason she refused to say anything else because she knew she got that child because of God and she knew that she knew that was that it this is what had that happened she was refusing to turn the loose of the fact that all as well praise God hmm gaze I passed on before them laid the staff upon the face of the child but there was neither voice nor hearing wherefore he went again to meet him and told him saying the child is not awake and when Elijah was come into the house behold the child was dead and laid upon his bed he went in therefore and shut the door upon them Twain and prayed unto the Lord and he went up and lay upon the child put his mouth upon his mouth his eyes on his eyes his hands on his hands and stretched himself upon the child and the flesh of the child waxed warm and he returned and walked in in in the house to and fro and went up and stretched himself upon him and the child sneezed seven times and the child opened his eyes he called Gaza and said call this Shunammite so he called her she's come into him he said take up thy son then she went in and fell at his feet bowed herself to the ground took up her son and went out not one time would she utter anything but all is well and she grabbed him by the feet and she told that kid when she got on that donkey she said don't you hold back unless I tell you in other words you kicked this thing and let's go amen she bleed it in her heart and she said it with her mouth and she turned to the Word of God and would not turn it loose she believed it she said it and she did it I mean does this match the criteria it certainly does done it First Samuel Chapter seventeen glory to God First Samuel 1st First Samuel 17 37 blow he to God now let's back up here let's read verse 31 when the words were heard which David spoke they rehearsed them before Saul and he sent for him and David said to Saul that no man's heart failed because of him the servant will go and fight with this Philistine and soul said to David you're not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him your buddy youth and he's a man of war from his youth David said unto Saul now this is where he started he started saying it right here your servant kept his father's sheep and there came a line and a bear and took a lamb out of the flock and I went after him and smote him and delivered it out of his mouth and when he arose against him I called him by his beard smote him and slew him now servant slew both the lion and the bear now are you listening this uncircumcised Philistine this man with no covenant I have a covenant with God and in my mind and in my heart that's uncircumcised for listening had got any more authority over me than that line in that bear I killed the line I killed the bear and I'll kill him now I want you to notice something about David the more he talked this the bigger he got now what you notice is that servant slew the lion and the bear and this uncircumcised for this thing to be is one of them seeing you had defied the armies of the Living God David said moreover now he's on a roll his faith got him stirred up hallelujah the Lord that delivered me out of the pond the line and out of the pole the bear he will deliver for me out of the hand of this Philistine and Saul said to David go the Lord be with you I mean Saul had annointing got on him brother I mean he could hear himself in there in this young man back when he had that anointed man he recognized the medians that go amen they got the King all stirred up and then Saul on armed him with his armor and and all of that and then then David saw no that's not going to work and he took his staff in his hand and chose him five smooth Stones out of the brook and put them in a shepherd's bag which he had even in his script and his sling was in his hand and he drew nearer to the Philistine the Philistine came and drew near to David and the men the man that bear the shield went before him and now I want you to don't you to watch what happened here now verse 43 the Philistine or the devil said it now listen the Philistine said to David am i dog that you come to me with stage and the Philistine cursed David by his God and the Philistine said to David come to me and I'll give your flesh to the fowls of the air and the beasts of the field then David said to the Philistine you come to me with a sword and a spear and with a shield I come to you in the name of the lord of hosts the god of the armies of Israel whom you've defiled and this day will the Lord deliver you into my hand I will smite you I will give your carcass to the hosts of the flesh end and the carcasses of the host of the Philistines this day to the fowls of to the beasts of the earth that all the world will know there's our God in Israel I mean he began to say it and he said it right then is when he won the battle now he said it but he hadn't done anything he believed in his heart and the more he said it the bigger ego I mean he went from killing a bear and a lion to worldwide the whole world don't know that God in Israel hey man I hadn't done anything yet but I want you to watch what he did all this assembly shall know that the Lord saves not with the sword and spear for the battle is the Lord's and He will give you into our hands it came to pass when the Philistine arose and came and drew nigh to meet David David hasten he hurried and then he ran toward the army to meet the Philistine now he's in action that the goofy Hollywood movies a goddamn you know dodging around like he was running towards him with full-bore and he's got that sling around his his head he's charging that man he's charging the devil he said it and now he's doing it phrasing God and boy oh my my he put his hand in his bag and took a stone and slang it and smoke the Philistine in his Ford that stone sunk into his Ford and he fell upon his face to the earth David prevailed over him with a sling and with a stone he smoked the Philistine slew him there was no sword in the hand of David then he ran stood on the Philistine took his sword drew it out of the sheath and Skutt his head off therewith and when the Philistine saw their champion was dead they fled and the men Israel and Judah rose and shouted and pursued the Philistines until they came into the valley until the gates of Ekron and they whoa and the wounded of the Philistines fell down by the way even to God Oh think about that they chased them back to Goliath hometown oh yeah whoa whoa Oh glory to God in it wonderful when Saul's home David go forth against the Bliss Tina said to have nur the captain of the HOS who is this kid and Abner said is so lil King I can't tell how who is verse 57 David returned from the slaughter of the Philistines Abner took him and brought him before Saul with the head of the Philistine in his hand ah hey this thing's bigger than a basketball he's got it by the head you understand what I'm talking about here I'm then you know sweat blood guts and eyeballs I mean blood running down his arm and he walks into the Kings den said I got it I told you I'd get him here's his head and the scripture said he took the last armor and put it in his room well he's a teenager of course that's what he did with him of course that's what he did it with Alleluia does he fit the criteria he believed it in his heart and he said it and said it and said it and said it and said it and did it and he didn't just attack the live by the words of his own mouth he prophesied his own future he attacked the whole Philistine army with a rock no it wasn't just rock it was the power of words in the name of the Lord God of hosts amen that stone did not just have the force and his skill as a Sleeman no no no no I want you to know the angels of God the warring angels of God were just waiting just waiting wine they hearkened to the voice of the word you remember that 103rd Psalm the angels who excel in strength hearkened to the voice of the word amen and when he cut that rock loose I want you to know some big old angel just with like that and it just drove it into his skull and down he came his last words the last words that fell across his lips he was cursing another man that's what happens when you don't have a heart full of the word and a heart full of faith you get under stress and out of the abundance of your heart your mouth speaks and the first thing that comes out of there is is is some something out of the curse then you better do some changing you better start filling your heart up with the word so that then I don't care what happens I don't care who doesn't make any difference just jumps out of your mouth the power of words thank God I live enough dying to clear the works of the law amen hallelujah Oh hallelujah glory glory glory glory glory thank you if you don't put it in there it won't come out but if you will put it in there if you will keep feeding the word into your spirit if you will keep it in your mouth you keep it before your eyes you keep it coming in your ears you keep it going into your heart and on your practicing faith and your practicing the presence of God and you're all the time praying in the spirit and you're believing God and building up your spirit on your most holy faith praying in the Holy Ghost I'll tell you when the devil shows up he'll wish he hadn't come amen cuz you ain't got time to stop and think about it you just lay that sword on him so bad he don't won't no more part of you I got up one more what we've been gone for days and days and days we got home and then I thinking I am so wonderful to be at home and I stayed up later than everybody else on this sit around and we had a large ottoman about that being about that great big thing hit it and I am just so comfortable at home and I flip the light out and I'm headed on back to the bedroom at Brown oh I keep that big old stool oh now here's when you find out [Music] I didn't have time to think oh it hurt haughty and and I know when I did when I had I knew a broken because it popped you know I just it really really proud papa loud a sound like small pistol shot and I knew what I knew instantly what to happen I said I said Jesus glory be to God hallelujah glory to God on the healed in the name of the Lord Jesus Oh glory to God I give thanks unto the Lord for all things in the name of the Lord Jesus I believe I receive my healing it just start rolling out I woke up the next morning and I guarantee you the devil was right there just waiting for me to open my eyes in a minute I don't mind he said why don't you let me see if you he said why don't you want us to feel to see if you see if he and I said I don't have to look see I'm here why don't you look and see I said because I'm healed I don't have to let him see he said and I started get up oh that thing was throbbing I said thank you Jesus for my healing glory to God he said you know I get you here I said Satan Jesus got my healing 2,000 years it's not a matter of me get me and I receded by His stripes I was he if I was I am i scooted up there and and he said well why don't you look at it it's black and blue I said what difference does that make he said it's black and blue toes bro and I said Satan he don't make any difference what color my toe yet I said I have wonderful friends that their toes are black all the time and it ain't nothing wrong with Fe they don't bother me that my foots black today see when you talk like that if you don't know how to handle you you ain't doing what you're supposed to do yes but I had to keep my eyes shut so I wouldn't you know it's a glory to God now walked over there and got my socks out of the sock drawer and I sit down on the bed and put my socks on with my eyes shut so I don't have to look and see and God dressed I had an appointment that morning and I got dressed and I walked into the kitchen now here is vaho man oh man this is when you wanna [Laughter] because you feel like your toes swelled up but your story is gonna start swelling too with you you could call you on some hats you want some that sweet sympathy brother Oh baby I broke my daughter's more you ain't got no how the hell birthdays thank her and she surrounds Oh baby did you really break your goal any two of the owners shall agree as touching anything well now you're in bad trouble no I just walked in our city last night on the way to bed I said Gloria I kicked that little big cream ottoman in there but oh but I want you to know thank God praise God for evermore I believe I receive my healing she said I absolutely agree with you and turned around and laid hands on me Amy I went on to the airport where I had an appointment to look at an airplane out there and I walked in there now I could hardly just hardly put any weight on that thing at all I walked in there and this young woman I told her who I was and I had an apartment with with mr. Spinks and she said what happened I said about two o'clock this morning I said I kicked a big big heavy ottoman and I broke my toe she said oh really I said yeah but you know Jesus said when he was on the earth what's through everything you desire when you pray believe you receive it and you shall have it well I believe I received my healing and in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I want to announce to you and everybody else thank God my toes healed by the time I got that out she was backing out I'll get mr. spanks for you hey well we went through our conversation and I went out as opposed to just just a few hundred yards over there that little airplane and either went away I can walk over so I got nine hobble over there countin the car and I got in the car and said and I said oh hold praise God Lord I just want to thank you praise God and and thank you for your word just sit there and quoted scripture after Scripture and just believe God drove round it was it wasn't oh maybe I don't know maybe 100 yards couldn't be any more than that and I just drove around over there and when I open the door and stood down on it glory to God I didn't feel anything I don't know I didn't feel any difference in in my leg while I was driving over there but when I stepped down on it absolutely pain-free and got home and took my sock off no swelling it was bruised a little bit but go ready go I said glory to glory to God go read glory but it has to be in here in abundance and the only way that's going to happen is you gonna put it in and we're back to where we started you have to spend some quality time with the Word of God take advantage of driving time take advantage of the times when you've been throwing it away on something else just just take those few moments and pray in the spirit of and say lord I just want to thank you and just thank you for that you're in my heart and abundance and and I praise you today in a worship today hallelujah sweetheart just as I walked up here I heard the Lord say this that I'm supposed to lay my hand on you because you've been spending some time worrying about something and you need enough to do it it is alright if I lay my hand on in the name of Jesus peace that passes all understanding regardless of what someone has said to you and regardless of what others have done Jesus and his peace and strength is on you and rising up in you right now that take away that worried mind everything and all is well in the name of Jesus I don't know what all else is going on but it had something other to do with school so everything on be alright okay that all happy you give the Lord praise in hallelujah thank you lord thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus would you stand with me please glory to God glory glory glory glory glory glory I said glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory thank you lord brother Tracy would you come please thank you lord thank you lord I have it in my spirit that the Lord has dropped something in your heart for you to close this service and you take it in whatever direction that the Lord gives you because I have confidence in you and I know your heart and I know you yes sir amen yes sir thank you lord I'll obey the Lord thank you offer praise God thank hallelu thank you juice could you bring me my Bible please sir thank you Jesus glory to God so Cara hey telly Oh a free Devesh would you be seated for just a model poverty oh thank you Jesus gullible oh thank you Jesus Galla blow it Oh blessed be the name of the law Holly blow Eddie yes golly blow it donk lick greyish poonam rapido clean Amano Mayu Navy ac/dc Portugal are avanthika leave it on from mama and she gave me bloody Dookie less tongue stuck it taken British oh she blong Swami Lara clam Bona noncom crabby Stokes ah yes sir yes sir Rhoda McCain and my people must understand that the way I release the authority in their lives to govern the universe is the same way I created the universe by the spoken word that's right there is a greater release of Revelation concerning the authority of the spoken word for when it is spoken in faith my hand is outstretched to create in this hour in the same level it created all things and set them in motion in the beginning of time I see that cause this is the end of time your feet are now planted on the continuance of that spoken word yep and we are living on the precipice of the fulfillment of all words spoken by the mouth of all the holy prophets since the world began in impressing yahoo speculative ofle possible protection and the office of the prophet shall come now into full manifestation not projected and not predictive but creative before you get the words out of your mouth saith the lord i shall begin to release my angels to create body parts for your own the precipice of words that are governing the healing of a nation and the rod of iron stretched out by my spirit through the words of the Prophet to rule of the nations for I'll raise you up to begin to govern in the affairs of men by words you hear from your seat in heaven as you speak them I will plant the heavens in the earth sails the Lord for I have been talking to you about the fullness of my name its Authority and its power over wicked spirits in heavenly places and I've raised you up and you have spoken to them and from the corner to the corner to the four corners of this nation they heard your voice and those that joined with you and bowed their knee and there has been a change but son you and the people that work with you and all of my people that are called by my name shall now rise up and speak words and things will change in a moment they will not stay the same for on releasing faith for change immediate change sudden change on my people and their mind is being renewed and transformed for they stand on the premise premises of the power of God being unleashed in their lives in their families in their businesses and workplace and I'm going to raise them up and I'm going to have them stand before mayors and city councilmen and governors and we're by the spirit going to walk together saith the Lord and I'm going to speak and you're going to repeat it by faith and you're going to begin to take cities and you're going to begin to take counties and you're going to begin to take States and you're going to begin to rule the spiritual atmosphere over nations say the Lord [Music] Oh Deborah Davis FSO and sibelius uh-huh yeah yeah yeah I see that a tristeza Vanessa yeah I see that I see that in Grande renge Doshisha I spoke through my prophet and said tomorrow about this time and in 24 hours I created a new national economy by the words of the prophet oh yeah I hear that and the ear ears to hear the ear of my people now turns from the politician to the prophet whoo and they'll not be waiting with bated breath on the edge of their seat to hear what the newscaster has to say well they have now proven they shall be surprised and I have turned the tables and I'm going to take my profit behind-the-scenes and you'll see saith the Lord in the night season and in times of private I'll take them into the planning rooms of his of the cells of terrorists planning and it will be stopped in this nation saith the spirit of the world hallelujah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this is Border Patrol yeah hallelujah thank you Lord oh thank you lord the office of the Prophet thank you coming into full manifestation yes sir yes sir with your permission sir I believe I saw over into something just a couple of scriptures from the word deal with this to seal it because I believe what's going to happen not to not only tonight in this meeting but I believe we're in now it'll carry in the healing school yes for what's going to take place by the spoken word yeah amen they're the greatest most creative miracles we have ever seen in our life in ministry have come under the anointing while that word was being preached amen and they came to hear him and to be healed and many couldn't be healed because they wouldn't hear him but the Lord's opening hears of the body of Christ you know I want to say this and with your permission I'll give that couple scriptures but I need to say this to you by the Spirit of God because I believe what's happened tonight just while you were preaching as a prophet the Lord spoke to my spirit about the Ministry of Jesus and when that young man was brought to him he said he's dumb he's a dumb spirit he cast himself in the fire and the water tries to destroy him but when Jesus cast it out he said you deaf and dumb spirit that's right now they they saw it was dumb could see that they didn't know it took Jesus to see that there was a deaf spirit deaf and dumb and the Lord spoke to my spirit and he said this generation doesn't know it but by the spirit of the world there are demons that have gotten attached to their senses and then he cast out a blind spirit and then he started talking to me about how that the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them that believe not the believers are the ones he can't blind when you step into the faith realm through faith you will understand it says through faith we understand the worlds were framed it's not just that we understand he did it by faith when we step in by faith we understand if you got to understand it before you believe it your minds in the lead but if you believe it you will understand it amen then your spirits in the lead and those dark forces will lose their hold the word of the Lord is very clear about its authority and its power and the scripture is very clear about the authority that Jesus had when he spoke that word and what I want to show you by the Spirit of God is the scripture says he sent his word and healed them now we've always known that he and his word are the same but I want to show you something from the word of the Lord here and I would like for you if you would just quickly turn to the book of 1st Timothy glory be to God there are some mighty things happening in the earth oh my my my I want you to look at first Timothy chapter 6 verse 12 now this is a verse that we've all known and we have studied it and we've been taught for now what is coming into a jubilee set of years by mom and dad Copeland and dad Hagin and many others that God has used throughout history to stir us up to get Lord ourselves and then the revelation on top of what he's given us on top of what we've been taught that we've made our own revelation so we've seen this in 1st Timothy 6 verse 11 he says but Thou O man of God flee these things and he starts talking about what we should follow and he says fight the good fight of faith lay hold on eternal life whereunto you are also called and have professed a good profession before many witnesses well without getting deep into this obviously life here is Zoe the Zoe life of God life as God has it and experiences is that creative energy that is released that destroys death as and as darkness as light comes in darkness leaves just as fast and here as life comes in it destroys everything that is a curse in fact the scripture says in revelation 22 3 there shall be no more curse and when that River flows out of the throne it is the river of life and wherever that river flows the curse can't exist and though he goes on to say no need for life and no need so need leaves sickness leaves all types of oppression leaves so very quickly here I would like to say to you he said fight the good fight of faith lay hold how do you lay hold by professing a good profession what I want you to see and you can just write this down if you're writing something whatever but job 34 3 says that the ear tries words as the mouth tastes meat what that means is is that your spirit man your this is the house we live in so our spirit man functions but the way you eat and the natural is with your mouth but the way you eat in the spirit is through your ears so your ear does for your spirit what your mouth does for your flesh so it comes in your ears but then it comes out of your mouth so now he's telling us that the tongue is the hand of the spirit man he's telling us the way we lay hold on Zoe is by that profession and out of the mouth of two or three witnesses every words established there's so much of this in the Word of God but let me just show you two scriptures to tell you what I believe God is doing in this meeting and while you're being taught by the prophet of God and he's taking us up to a place so we're going to begin to walk on the level of authority that the seed of Adam was originally intended but now the seed of Abraham through Jesus Christ has restored us to in our seat glory to God I want you to look with me in the book of Acts we're going to look at two openings in the book of Acts very quickly and what we want to do is lay the foundation for for this very issue here Acts chapter 26 and the Apostle Paul and verse 1 acts 26 1 it says then Agrippa said to Paul you are permitted to speak for yourself do you see this so he's allowing him to speak and notice what it says then Paul stretched forth the hand and answered do you see that when he began to speak he stretched forth his hand the tongue is the hand of the spirit man let's read the next verse he said I think it myself happy King Agrippa because I shall answer for myself this day before the touching notice when you answer when you speak you touch something the tongue is the hand of the spirit man so you take hold of it and that's why in Matthew 18 it says when any two of you shall agree is touching the moment your own earth and you begin to speak it you touch it you touch heavenly things and you begin to grasp them and pull them into your life just like your hand is like if I asked pastor Joyce to step up here and and use this tree together with me against this monitor and move it here or there that's why the tongue will both push things away from you removing the mountain and grab it and bring to you whatever you need in it from heaven so look at where we are because the word of the Lord came alive in my spirit in fact uh brother David would you mind on the end of my Bible case there there's my phone would you just know in the very end whether the phone yeah would you bring that to me and with your patience and giving me about three more minutes I want to read a word that came in the month of January there's some major things that are happening right now in the body of Christ and this is going to come turn out to be exactly what the Prophet said the great year this is the greatest year you're going to look back at this as a landmark moment of the greatest breakthroughs you have ever seen some of those begin this afternoon brother George their lives got turned around because of your obedience Almighty God they they came out of generational spirit of poverty generational lack and limits they came out because you obey the Lord and and so the word of the Lord came to me about this time of year ago I write at Thanksgiving of 2015 and he said to me by the Spirit of God he said 2016 the year the greatest breakthroughs you have ever seen and he gave me a scripture in Micah chapter 2 verse 12 and 13 an amplified bible says i most certainly will assemble all of you o Jacob and I will surely gather the remnant of Israel and I will bring them together like sheep in the fold multiplying the nation like a flock in the midst of its pasture the place will swarm with many people and hum loudly with noise and the breaker the Messiah who opens the way shall go up before them liberating them and they will break out and pass through the gate and go out so their king goes on before them the Lord at their head the anointing breaks the yoke Curren awning is in the house and the spoken word of faith is what breaks the back see you take hold but it also breaks the enemy's hold on whatever situation is in your life the same word that causes you to take hold is the same word that says you this fruitless area in my life you're drying up from the root and I'll never be barren in my life again there's an end to barrenness today in my life it gets to the root well because it gets to the root here we see that the Apostle Paul touched it by answering he said you're allowed to speak so he stretched forth the hand when we the tongue is the hand of the Spirit man so let's look at this final scripture here in Acts chapter 4 in Acts chapter 4 we know what happened by the power of God in acts 3 where the man was instantly healed by the authority of the use of the name of Jesus it was that name through faith in that name that made him strong and made him every hood whole and here by the Spirit of God I want you to look what it says and let's start in verse 27 for our truth this is Acts chapter 4 against your Holy Child Jesus whom you've anointed both Herod and Pontius Pilate with the Gentiles and the people of Israel were gathered together to do whatever your hand and counsel determined before to be done and now Lord behold their threatenings and grant unto your servants that with all boldness they may speak your word by stretching forth your hand do you see that when the word is spoken the hand is the the tongue is the hand of the spirit man so when the word is spoken its identically the same exact thing taking place as if believers are laying hands on the sick and they recover I'll hear me do you see the connection here he said he will command the blessing on everything you set your hand to so when you talk to it you're setting your hand on it and you're about to see the offices of the ministry Jesus walked in the fullness of prophet priest and King and you're about to see the full threefold manifestation of his anointing rise and answer both to his promise in this final hour for we're walking on the tears shed by the intercession of many generations before us but we're about to be the 11th hour worker both hands full of the harvest and we're going to have not only the early rain which is everything they had but the early in the latter rain which is everything they had plus our own we are in the days of double like never before and there are some things at this moment that the spirit of faith is going to catch hold of your spirit and you're going to be like a fire is shut up in your bones and they through Jeremiah in that pit he said but I cannot stop talking I cannot shut up the Word of God is like a fire inside my bones and you're going to rise up in your house and you're going to deal with the principalities and the powers and the wicked spirits that have been harassing and tormenting you for 5 10 20 and 25 years and you're gonna say no more and when you do so repeater God when you do you got it for the really first time not mentally a sinned but touch that thing in the spirit realm with the authority of the name of Jesus and when you do it is over and the enemy's power will dissipate like smoke in the wind Colerain are dumb I'll say go really God I said glory to God sister turn around here turn around here sister bring her right back up here run up here real quick throw your hands up real quick alright ugh listen you've got to decide to act and acting is speaking so I want to share with you by the Spirit of God this word that came concerning 2017 this was January the 10th of 2017 and the Lord said so prepare yourself to breakthrough into what faith has only held in the unseen because 2016 will be the year of the greatest breakthroughs you have ever seen from the start of the year even to the finish it shall be a year that you said I started off with victory step-by-step you'll see the breakthrough on every side get ready because the victory train is about to begin his ride he said a train of triumph a train of triumph a train of triumph it shall be great victory in 2016 you shall surely see and then I kept hearing the Lord say the lion has roared who can but prophesy for the other little Lions have nipped at your heels will cower in dismay and they shall back away for the Lion of the tribe of Judah holds the authority of this day and he has risen far above all vanquished foe and his hand the keys of death and hell he has captives in tow so understand that I am I am that I am the great and mighty everlasting God so today it is time for you as my body to rule the nations as with an iron rod and I believe that we have seen and witnessed a great change in our nation and not just because of the political process that that really is going to have oh the visible effect of the news media but the change came when the body of Christ rose up and begin to rule in the name of Jesus tonight by the Spirit of the Living God would you stand on your feet please thank you Jesus oh my friend Davis if he is you brother George run up here you mind do you mind praise God I just heard the Lord say there's another tongue in interpretation that I want to release on this powerful day Oh Tamra make a eerie mist Andorran Cambra meta yada Oscar AMISOM promote a agronomists Attica for the body of Christ now with ears to hear by wisdom will come up here I'll visit them they'll visit me and they'll understand for into the spirit realm now see I am Rhonda are in Gary Brady he so Remos compromise he he brainy Ingrid AC Aurora mask and ready for wisdom shall come on the body of Christ to see what I see the word of wisdom shall come and shall surely be for I know what's going to happen both in the world in your nation you see Jim Bray Achra Donna he saw Rona mattere Habra dacha as she nano-sim Brenda a gray day so the in time wealth transfer will begin for the anointing of Joseph you hold within for that was not just Oh Joseph what must in him to see what was coming so that in the days of Plenty then in those lean years people would have to come to God's people even to him Libre basa ranima honey here any no more show Brava he grande Escalade unpress and precedented prosperity awaits you in the coming years prepare prepare for you'll be poised to hear the wisdom that will carry this transfer out from here for now you stand on the harvest of the ages to come get ready for the pace is about to quicken to Iran Carina Bravo Sabra nanana me show he gradov ah Adina charissa bhavish or so as the enemy and his foolishness crucified the Lord of glory did not know what he did your glory was hidden in wisdom and now I'm taking off the lid so get ready said the Lord for the enemy to be fully exposed and for you to step up and step in because the finances and the miracles and the breakthrough and the blessing will Oh will continue to flow [Applause] sure oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my my God Almighty Oh ha ha ha whoo here we are Oh we're on the edge of the breakout we're in the breakout is hitting this Congress hitting this section right here is hitting you right now glory they got us all over you right now oh there it is right there Tory glory Hey [Music] you know Jesus spoke the word as they were able to hear it and he had enough wisdom to know when our spirits were at capacity and when needed to process and step back into the rest Holy Spirit is always always ready to pour out so much more than many times we're prepared to contain and that's why meetings like this are phenomenal because this isn't the only service we have I want to encourage you Holy Spirit is not doesn't only want to do more as you depart from these grounds oh you see it I see it we could step in and do more but that's not the highest wisdom of God at this moment the highest wisdom of God is to hear what the Spirit of the Lord said and to step into healing school do you feel that when I said it this anointing that's come in you is going to just stay there and incubate and reside and you're going to be prepared that when and whoever is used and however brother/sister Copeland and then brother coping anybody that the Holy Spirit sees fit through them to use the power of God is going to be unleashed on an unprecedented level I'll just go ahead and step out prophetically and say this is going to be the greatest healing school in the 50 years of this ministry and it's because we're at a different place mama Gloria at a different place and so the Bible says that he stretched forth by stretching forth Lord grant your services speak the word by stretching forth your hand that signs and wonders may be done by the name did you feel that by the name the name of Jesus the body of Christ is about to come into a revelation of the authority that they possess in the name of Jesus and these signs and wonders are going to be done by the name shoot so your hands up sister look at me by the name of Jesus here's what I want you to understand we have help we're not here by ourselves so they're angels walking these Isles right now and when that name is used they walk down that back aisle and give somebody a brand new heart in a brand new liver because when the word spoke in the hand is stretched forth it's the final thing I want to leave with you to prepare you what I know is going to begin to happen an unprecedented power and manifestation through the night with you as you go and in the into the morning and that is this brother Copeland turned about to receive the offering and turn sovereignly under the anointing and called call me by name and he actually called brother Alan cried are you still here and he said this also belongs to you any and the Lord had been visiting me with some things about the fullness he had visited me and I talked to you about it later he said I've got to talk to you and for those of you that don't know this this man died and went to heaven he saw Jesus and Jesus says you cannot stay they're calling you back from the other side now I just heard for the first time the last 60 days that you said that you heard brother Copeland's voice and my voice in heaven calling you back and here's what you said when Jesus opened his mouth brother Copeland's voice and my voice came out of Jesus's mouth that is the authority of the spoken word and he's here today brain-dead given up hope brain bleeds and you talk about a woman of faith that woman over there was like that woman like juniors his life women received their dead raised to life again he's raised to life today by the authority of the spoken word so here's what's happening she said the one with issue blood said prize shell I shall behold Jesus then said what she said that's what I heard brother Copeland say tonight when we say it he's saying you have authority beyond your wildest imaginations over every principality power might Dominion and every name that is named not only in this world but in the world which is to come before you leave this meeting through tomorrow and by the time you leave this meeting your spiritual life is going to be on a level that you have never experienced before [Applause] so father Oh glory be to God so heavenly father oh there it is in the name of Jesus by that authority start the healing school miracle signs and wonders tonight in their hotel rooms in their beds in their car may there be testimonies through the night body parts angels appearing supernatural signs and wonders blood transfusions in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth we stretch forth our hand by the authority of that name and we command all mental disorders all torment all harassing spirits bow your knee on the people of God in Jesus and tonight we touch this thing together and we step up together and we by our tongue by faith take hold of the parts that are in that heavenly part's room and we pull them down into this meeting and into this healing school to the glory of God anybody in the house right now that needs to make an adjustment in your life he's never made Jesus the Lord of your life or maybe your backside not living for him supernaturally by the Spirit of the Living God right now is the time for you to make things right right now you're at the greatest moment of breakthrough you have ever experienced right now the anointing removes the burden and destroys the yoke learning disorders are leaving all types of dysfunction or leaving spirited forces coming out of houses relationships are being restored in the name of Jesus Christ in that so with everybody in the house could we lead them that are uncertain to the throne of Almighty God because when Jesus of Nazareth is established as Lord the authority of that name begins to change in your life every place you put you put you put the sole of your foot Oh glory be to God so would you pray with us now in the mighty name of Jesus Lord Jesus we recognize you are king of kings and Lord of lords you said thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven not everything on earth is the will of God are you wouldn't have had to pray that so your kingdom comes now in my life to take what's outside the will of God demanded submit and conform into the will of God for my life right now I receive you as my Lord my Savior King of Kings Lord of lords whose name is above every name I belong to Jesus spirit and soul body and family finances and socially and my destiny belongs to Jesus washed in the blood now right now in Jesus name thank you Father for receiving me whoa glory to God now everybody in the house pray what mama Gloria said so many years ago Lord Jesus take my life and do something with it in Jesus name whoa all right I got [Applause] you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 88,220
Rating: 4.7725859 out of 5
Keywords: 5207449081001, kenneth copeland
Id: J4yTdlX9wHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 50sec (7190 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2017
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