2015 Week 16 - Bengals @ Broncos

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good evening and welcome to Monday Night Football [Applause] [Music] amazing a man to make sure what concerts look like Tea Party [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] welcome to the Monday night kickoff engineered by GMC a spectacular sunset in the Rockies and the teams atop their divisions 11 and 3 Cincinnati tenant for Denver grandpa season 46 [Music] temperature the teens of the stakes are very high for the Bengals they are in the playoffs as the champions of the north and secured by of the first round with a victory tonight mile-high stinks of the Broncos bake grab a playoff spot with a win if they lose Kansas City is in control good evening everyone Mike Tirico along with Jon Gruden Lisa Salters will join us here in a little bit both these teams started red-hot they could both still be the number one seed and their other similarities to these are great defenses who are asking inexperienced quarterbacks to win the most important regular-season games of the year when we start with Denver John seven and oh they were cruising but they lose their last two games they may fall out of the playoff picture that's a lot for Brock Osweiler to deal with in his sixth and if I'll start tonight yeah Mike and everybody knows about the growing pains of a first-year starting quarterback and he's had those but the Broncos are also using three first-year starters on their offensive line Garcia Paradis and Scofield and they've had their growing pains as well couple weeks ago I saw Scofield and right tackle struggle with commit Khalil Mack of the Oakland Raiders he gave up four cents and if they don't help Schofield tonight he's in trouble because the Bengals are gonna bring Carlos Dunlap and he's got ten and a half SEC's gotta get help for Scofield and right tackle this offensive line has got to play their game of the year must protect better and get this running game going it's been very non Bronco like then on the other side we have the inexperienced quarterback AJ McCarron big game AJ maybe he's got those two national championship rings from Alabama it's his second year in the NFL it's all great it's only his second NFL star he's going to need some help too and this noise in this weather against the number one ranked Bronco defense they have to get their running game going and it starts with Jeremy Hill and Giovanni Bernard last year in week 16 on Monday Night Football I saw Jeremy he'll take it to Denver he had over a hundred yards rushing and he got the party started with a long touchdown run and Giovanni Bernard was explosive between the tackles and his man can catch some football as well very important as Cincinnati gets their running game going because if they're one-dimensional they got a deal with von Miller perhaps the best pass rusher in football and to Pro Bowl corners keep Talib and Chris Harris this is gonna be a good one these teams are dreaming championship what's the old saying defense wins championships we have two really good defenses tonight how good let's show you tonight's chillin flex ball notes let's start with Cincinnati they've allowed the fewest points per game in the NFL then you have timber which is allowed the fewest yards per game a December matchup like that has only happened three times in the last 20 years both involving the Steelers won in 2004 and the monday night are we were there for gets 49ers in 2011 it's a game impacting every team still alive in the AFC tonight [Music] Peyton Manning missing a sixth game tonight with his foot injury more on that in a moment as you undoubtedly heard yesterday the five-time League MVP one of several prominent athletes implicated in al-jazeera documentary which claims Manning and the others received performance-enhancing drugs from an anti-aging clinic the league is reviewing that report Lisa Salters was the first to interview the Broncos quarterback just hours after the news program mike peyton manning was working out yesterday when I spoke to him about the report and seemed just disgusted by it he said he has been to that clinic he has gotten treatment there has gotten medications from there but he was emphatic in his denial about doing anything wrong have you ever used HGH or any performance-enhancing drug absolutely not absolutely not I can't speak for any other athlete I know what I've done I know how hard I've worked there my 18 years of playing the NFL there are no shortcuts in the NFL I've done it the long way I don't have the hard way to insinuate anything otherwise is a complete and total joke it's defamation and it really takes me off this report comes out just as it appears that Manning may be close to getting back on the football field like I said he was working out yesterday when I spoke to him he said it was his fourth day of throwing without any setbacks and that his left foot feels good I need to get back you know I need to take the next step and you know be on the practice field but I have pushed pushed the limits push the envelope this week with my throwing with my drill work I'm a pretty good quarterbacks coach and I know how to put myself you know through trials and so I've had a good week but I hope to get back on the paddock field next week and then hopefully you possibly get on the field I did ask Manny if he thinks he should start when he's ready to get back on the field and he said he'd leave that up to Gary Kubiak to decide he said if they need me to play I'll be ready if they don't feel it's best for the team I will respect that decision Mike Lisa this is a short and long term conversation John as we turn to tonight's subway fresh take if Manning's healthy enough certainly you want to have him ready to at worst be the backup just in case you need him as you go through this I wouldn't be excited about being the backup but he would do it in your mind what's the big picture that we're looking at here with baby well first it's all about him getting healthy Mike if he was healthy he wouldn't be on a practice field throwing balls by himself into a net he's not ready to go yet and secondly it all depends on how Brock Osweiler plays this is John Elway's guy he took him into second round and his contracts up at the end of the season so if I Swire plays well enough tonight for Denver to win you may never see peyton manning play here again but if he struggles and they lose their third straight game you just might see manning if he gets healthy and that has been a lot of the conversation so so much pressure on that man is fourth year from Arizona State making his sixth start on this cold night in Denver time now for the national anthem here's the stadium pa voice Alan Roche ladies and gentlemen the Denver Broncos and the National Football League ask you to please stand and kindly remove your hats as we honor America with the singing of our national anthem as performed tonight by Denver's own Nathaniel Ratliff and the night sweats oh say can you see by the dawn's early light what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight o [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and coverage of tonight's national anthem has been presented by USAA the official Military Appreciation sponsor of the NFL the game of week 16 Bengals and Broncos next on Monday Night Football you've been watching ESPN's Monday night kickoff engineered by GMC and their lineup of denali vehicles [Music] ESPN welcomes you to the following presentation of the National Football League [Music] what is at stake tonight for Cincinnati and Marvin Lewis if they win they guarantee a to deceit up five for the Bengals they're alive to be the number one seed it would also give Houston the AFC South title and eliminate the Colts on the other side for Gary Kubiak and the Broncos even though they leave the West by a half game second place Kansas City has a playoff spot secured and the Broncos do not win tonight and they're in lose and they risk missing the playoffs because all the machinations as the game gets down to crunch time baby it's cold outside the two coldest NFL games of the season the last two that were played the Sunday night are at Minneapolis kick-off temperatures right around 14 degrees kick-off temperature tonight 60 degrees the wind is light but it's still fighting there is no precipitation in the forecast AJ McCarron gets his second start and he and the Bengals will get on the field first a little bit of confusion with the coin toss I think everything was handled properly and Huckle II who is the referee didn't announce correctly what happened but the right thing eventually did happen so the Broncos will receive as Denver will kick off [Applause] Denver won the toss and deferred though it's Brandon McManus to kick Cincinnati has excellent special teams Brandon Tate's back to get it off we go from Colorado return and mckerrod will get the ball at the 20-yard line so the first career start was against San Francisco last week it was a win remember he came in a relief of Andy Dalton with the broken thumb and played the majority in the Pittsburgh game at Alabama he was great this is bold time it's playoff winning time in college he won a bunch including those two pcs national title is he talented enough to make the throws and quick decisions against the number one defense in football when they drive starts from the 20-yard line they need to get their run game going they need to get Batman going at a big hit on Jeremy hill to start again four yards DeMarcus Ware o'clair on the tackle these guys up front are good Andrew Whitworth getting to the Pro Bowl second time in his career first time he was named and voted at the start of this handling the ball Tyler Croft is in because Tyler Eifert is out with a concussion Bernard and he'll run it 88 Greene leads a receiving for AJ five years in the league going to his fifth Pro Bowl after the gain of 4x toss towards Bri brings it in and holds on in front of the key to lead a cliff our Chris Harrison should say at the 33 yard line it's a first down for Cincinnati expect to see a lot of quick passes here's a slant route green against Harris Harris struggled last week with Antonio Brown keep an eye on that matchup good start for the young quarterback get him some completions and success earlier that is Harris to this side we're green and Jones are lined up in the slot and Jones moved tight to the wing held to the left and it was tackling the 37 yard line this first down pickup on the ground against this Denver defense toughest to run against in the league these guys a big part of the reason why wolf williams and jackson the celebrities are the guys coming off the edge von Miller DeMarcus Ware both Honolulu bound but Marshall and travail that will call their names a lot tonight they're very active in the secondary the Pro Bowl corners to leave in Harris Grove ease the nickel but they get their safeties back TJ Ward and Darian Stewart they were missing the last game to have them back very big with his Wade Phillips coordinated in birdie [Applause] got no room to run and it will be third and foul well you see offensive coordinator Hugh Jackson of the Bengals he loves to use exotic ships especially early in the game he wants to see if the defense is prepared form if they're not we'll continue to dial them up but here's McCarran on third down and this is when the crowd gets into it [Applause] Giovanni Bernard is the back he's got it he's got the first great second effort banging through two would be Bronco tackles well then verse shows a blitz you're going to see both linebackers bail out of there and Giovanni Bernard with the unblock the Marcus where gets it done by himself missed tackles by Roby Stewart and a huge first down Giovanni Bernard is gonna be too key a key to this game Mike he can run it catch it and he's also a good let's pick up runner Bernard has more rushing yards and a better per carry average than Hill does this year Hills back in he's got Ryan Hewitt lead him away but it's McCarran who throws a beautiful deep ball incomplete for Jones there was a play against San Francisco in the second quarter very similar to that last week he just missed him by about a step well John they are missing Tyler Eifert I mentioned when we went through the lineups 48 reception's 12 touchdowns great in the red zone with that concussion he's played very little here in the last four games he's been hurt all three years that's the big concern with Eifert but it's going to be tyler croft a rookie number 81 out of Rutgers he's got to step up blocking and receiving for this Bengal offense because tight end blocking is not great they use a lot of extra lineman in centric of way he their first-round pick is in there as an extra blocker to protect McCarran who fires on time and the toes tapped inbounds by Green es of a 38 they say a 17 yard gain and a first down Cincinnati I like the pass protection good sideline work by AJ Green dragging that right foot impressive throw by McCarran but the pass protection Mike held up against that five-man rush that Denver likes in their base defense [Applause] von Miller out the last couple of plays for the Broncos as Cincinnati has a good opening drive going play eight he'll sleep through the blocks and a strong first down game by he'll he said a couple of five yard games John so it was around this time last year where he'll really started to emerge as the back out of the to back system with Hill and Bernard he was a rookie last year now in his second year out of LSU this year it just hasn't been there three and a half yards a carry no 100-yard games his longest rushes 17 they need him this time of year they definitely need him and 17 yards has a long game with 188 attempts not good enough staying out of third and long this is second and five after a five yard rut for Hill and with by Belleek jackson sylvester williams the Denver defense is there for a limited game what's a counter play the Bengals like the pull back side lineman you're going to see Zeidler right guard it's an unbalanced formation Croft number 81 not much happening at the point of attack another third down and four for this Bingle offense AJ Green been the primary target on the first couple throws by McCarran we see Von Miller back in he DeMarcus Ware ready to come off the edge five DBS for the Broncos at a timeout taken by Cincinnati [Applause] it's a 30-second timeout mister before coming up at the 32 yard line for the Broncos John as you watch a young quarterback early on come on the road he did against San Francisco this is even taller grass to deal with one of the things you're watching here as he gets his feet under it obviously he's had all the practice reps now for two weeks he's on the same page as offensive coordinator Hugh Jackson and he's got a contingency plan he has a plan for what to do if Denver shows him the Blitz he has the freedom to audible he's calm and cool Mike he's been in the big arena before and so far so good this has been impressive cycler the guard came off the Benson Lake take bunch formation to the right he's blocking the passage hot Jones tries to get that second foot down and he does at the 21 yard line with a grab by Marvin Jones in front of the Nickelback Roby what a throw by McCarran he puts the ball up there at eyeball level where these big receivers are the Bengals can go get and I say give it to him just isolation one-on-one routes so far Hugh Jackson trusts his receivers against these talented Bronco corners McCarran has opened for five [Applause] safety an end zone shot that abounds for green and incomplete he's a green covered buyers bro be that tough the Cincinnati's not backing down Roby's the first round or keep the lead Harris are going to the Pro Bowl Roethlisberger threw for 380 yards against these Broncos last week and Hugh Jackson being very aggressive with these isolation one-on-one passes to AJ Green and Marvin Jones [Applause] those four defensive backs against the three why though option look the pitch to Hill got around the edge pass where and got a first down inside the ten will be first and goal for Cincinnati at the 8 yard love thick Denver was prepared for the speed option they're gonna not block the Marcus where McCarran is going to take the ball to where and if where takes the quarterback he pitches it very creative play selection gutting call running a speed option with AJ McCarron against the Marcus we're slowed by that lower back injury missed four games earlier this year this is third game back some surprise he made the Pro Bowl by missing those four games in his first and goal for Cincinnati [Applause] Giovanni Bernard picking through the pile gets to the five-yard launch the good running start for Jeremy hill and now Bernard comes in here inside the ten yard line we mentioned Wade Phillips third of a century in the NFL a lot of those years as a head coach or a defensive coordinator he returns to Denver where he was in the early 90s and they're his top defense terms of yards allowed total rushing and passing he had moved on in his opening Cincinnati Gras six offensive linemen caped fishers the left tackle the second round rookie McCarron flag down as he scans throws it away with the flag came down Fischer who has been targeted twice as a receiver and has one catch this year Ted Hockley is the referee tonight we continue the conversation there with Fisher as I mentioned untargeted twice that second round tackle out of Oregon one reception this year I wasn't expecting speed options and play-action passes the tackles on the first possession but Hugh Jackson is listening foul on the play number 74 reported as an eligible receiver it's third down well it's a play-action pass and her looking for Fisher an offensive tackle they're going to run a play-action pass and try to fool the Bronco defense luckily for Denver Brandon Marshall number 54 wasn't buying it third and goal forty play of the drive fatigue perhaps setting in on Denver's defense drivers taking half the quarter hit Cincinnati get in the carry with a hand signal toward green the Karen looks and throws degrees AJ caught it got his feet down spectacular touchdown for the Bengals spectacular to say the least what I want isolation our best against your best on Monday Night Football let's go at it just a hi-point fade at the back pile on an AJ Green gets them both in for the opening score AJ McCarron proved a lot in that opening drive watch it from pylon cam to catch securing against his chest then pull feet down he goes to the ground and keeps the ball pinned to his chest and being confirmed and it is confirmed as a good catch and one heck of an opening drive on the road here against the top-ranked defense in the lead Mike Nugent on to the extra point the holder is the punter Kevin humor knocks it through took half the quarter AJ McCarron leads the Bengals 80 yards down the field and Pro Bowler 83 with another spectacular touchdown Brad [Music] ESPN's Monday Night Football brought to you by Navy Federal Credit Union federally insured by n C butane and Toyota let's go places go places come here spectacular vistas all year special powder species is here but please snow in the Rockies our coverage tonight spidercam brought to you by DIRECTV the Denver wins the toss defers Cincinnati takes it against this tough ranked defense and goes down the field 80 yards 15 plays half the quarter and many poised plays made by McCarran they stayed out of those third and long so you don't want to be in in the noise against this pass for us up 7 nothing Mike to the goal line they don't rate Caldwell will bring it out Caldwell will be hit that 24 yard line tied up by Emanuel Ax Muir special teams for Cincinnati knucklehead the boys how about experience if your second start confident up to bake the hand signal to AJ Green run the route score the touchdown sold out as usual Sports Authority Field at Mile High they waited half the quarter to see Brock Osweiler and their offense take the field drive start from the 25 Osweiler slant is cut Demaryius Thomas we gate a six in front of Adam Jones to the 31 yard line so Osweiler picked to the second round it's fourth year in the league first chance he has got to start after the apprenticeship three and a half years behind Peyton Manning career start number six be good first half and struggles in the second half of late Ronnie Hillman gets the first carry for temper and he takes it first down as Michael Johnson was trying to rip the ball out of the hands of Hillman who runs beyond this offensive line max Garcia starts it again despite Evan Mathis being healthy three first-year players up Hillman and Anderson will carry it Sanders and Thomas 7,000 yard season likely once Sanders gets a couple of catches tonight at board two tight ends and Denver's the season has gone on Vernon Davis with some drop problems over the last two weeks blitz comes perfect couldn't get their house Wyler's pass incomplete intended for Vernon Davis as a flag down right where the pressure was coming Fantas Burfict on a blitz illegal hands to the face defense number 55 it's a five-yard penalty and an automatic first down Burfict goes right after Hillman on e blitz and as he gets to the quarterback at West Ham there it is on the pickup you see it's a good call by the official first down Denver brought both of those active linebackers perfect at ma Eluga took pressure Osweiler so first down at the 41 and this will be just about two yards on that run for Hillman that Denver defense as all the yard ranks at number one this is the toughest defense to score on the lead Dunlap and Adkins outstanding double-digit sack been a Jayhawk plays the base mallalieu game perfect having perfect health he's a big deal for them in the secondary Drake Kirkpatrick and Adam Jones on the corners Shawne Williams starts at safety along with the Pro Bowler Richie Nelson Nelson going to Honolulu for the first time Williams starts for the injured tort Iloka second of a Osweiler digging up and he'll go down there right around the 49-yard line just a couple of yards shy of a first down flag down in the secondary Bengals blitzing early illegal contact defense number 24 five-yard penalty automatic first down Adam Jones the conversation perhaps involves is the quarterback still in the pocket at that point if you're gonna call any illegal contact then they determine that wasn't legal contact and the Broncos responding to the Bengals initial drive already on the Cincinnati side of midfield it's important at Osweiler puts together a complete game Mike he has played well in the first half not so well in the second half keep an eye on that CJ Anderson down the back and the big surge by perfect blew that plate up and limited the game John Thompson's playing fullback he's really a tailback and when you make a tailback play fullback against Vaughn tez perfect you might be sorry sir perfect is a real NFL linebacker outstanding against the run he's healthy now played 65 snaps last week first time I've seen him in their sub defense quick count here on second and ten Osweiler on the food stops and gets thrown down by Carlos sunblocks that's on a quarterback Mike you can't get sacked on bootlegs and keep an eye on Osweiler he has a damaged left shoulder coming in here but when you run a bootleg we either fool them or we don't we are not blocking Dunlap so if he shows quickly in your face throw the ball away right now but do not take a hit and definitely do not take a sec and he gets thrown down there and John mentioned the shoulder Broncos we're talking about the severity of the shoulder injury Jay Glazer reported on Fox yesterday that there was a degree to separation of that shoulder we have confirmed that he's played within separation of his non throwing shoulder and he could see John right now he's being very careful about taking another hit there that one was blown up by the Denver line trying to set the screen but that third down pass is incomplete you got to put your hands on Tino Atkins before you release on a screen Geno Atkins runs right by left guard max Garcia if you don't block Atkins and Dunlap you're finished and that was your concern for Denver's offense coming into this game but they hold up against the Cincinnati front Oh down Britton Colquitt to kick it away try to pin the Bengals deep field the big play to get themselves fired up here he'll ferret Birds the outside linebacker gonna make it a long field for Cincinnati starting inside their own tent [Music] this game 16 games of week 17 and then the playoffs and will be with you for the wild card game on ESPN simulcast on ABC also on espn2 portes our second year to do in that game the opening weekend of the playoffs will happen for you who knows where we'll be looking forward to the postseason it's the final game of calendar year 2015 and the Bengals started with their longest touchdown drive of the year they start this drive their second from the 10 and yellow with a nice jump cut it's to the outside and gets four yards to AJ Green the only receiver in NFL history to go to five straight Pro Bowls Mike the start his career he's never seen this kind of one-on-one coverage I don't care who's covering AJ Green I'd be surprised it Wade Phillips continues to give them these kind of looks they've got to play some zone last week Antonio Brown ripped Denver's one-on-one coverage when you have a great receiver you can't give them a steady diet of one-on-one coverage or it's a matter of time 6oh lineman for the Bengals to get stuck by Danny Trevathan a good linebacker as you see over the years of the Bronco games games a gain of a couple of yards John big injury for Cincinnati Ryan Hewitt he was in there very often as a fullback doubtful to return today with an injury see Trevathan get off a block these two linebackers for the Broncos buried athletic Trevathan had a bad injury last year great to see him healthy again 34 that Hewitt injury by the way knee injury down so Bernard in the slot empty backfield we carried in a tight window Bernard with the catch the first down to the 24 yard line Brandon Marshall the linebacker for Denver their one-on-one coverage you have to play one-on-one against the backs to and this an inside move by bernard against brandon marshall another tight window accurate throw by AJ McGarrett impressive coming off your own Cole line 6 for 9 and he's done an excellent job changing plays at the line of scrimmage and they've run a lot of different kinds of plays and one thing with Hewitt out of there there's a little miscommunication in terms of the running backs who were supposed to be in Cincinnati's had to use it second time out of this opening quarter we talked to Andy Dalton yesterday as we visited with the bangles so disappointing for him he misses his second full game the thumb injury that happened after the interception step on to it right thumb gets hit there as he goes from the tangle of the broken thumb week to week has been the term that their medical team has used on Dalton very frustrating for Andy because he was having his best season had elevated his leadership role on this team they take the cast off and do more x-rays nothing super concrete to say that he's going to be around for the playoffs but a win tonight for Cincinnati means it's going to be about 20 days till their playoff game because they would ensure a bye and that would be huge in their hopes of getting Dalton back let's shift some people moving around first and 10 out of the timeout but Karen will take off and he'll get the first down and slide down at the 40-yard line a very good gain of 16 for AJ is having a great quarter AJ McCarron is not known for his running earlier he ran a speed option here he is speeding out of the pocket on a scramble for a first down very impressive performance so far by young AJ McCarron as has been mentioned often is not shot he's got a cockiness about him with confidence that nick saban had to tamp down when he arrived in Tuscaloosa Hill runs inside that's six yards and John I think it's a big part of this opening quarter story first down they're running the ball and getting three four or five yards to stay out of those long yardage situations they're avoiding the negative yardage runs that have plagued this running game Jeremy hill if you can block it where he can get through the line of scrimmage he's a hard man to tackle he's a big back a punishing runner a very good finisher he's had his problems hanging out of the ball at times but he's running well so far why began towards the end of this first quarter one dominated by the Bengals so far and Denver's defense heats a few more plays like one Vance Walker just made limits the hill game 2-1 third and three we'll start the second quarter Denver's trying to get into the postseason tournament Cincinnati's already there after one advantage Bengals Cincinnati 7 Denver nothing Colorado on Monday Night Football what a great football week on ESPN the national semifinals New Year's Eve the Capital One Orange Bowl Oklahoma Clemson and then the Goodyear Cotton Bowl Michigan State and Alabama gonna line up a place of all the two winners go to Glendale for the college football playoff championship game you'll see it on ESPN through the three more games on New Year's Day including all you folks in Ohio the pukka is taking on the Fighting Irish quarter two in Denver Mike Tirico John Burton Lisa Salters it begins with third and three to the Bengals leading by seven late rotation by that Denver defense mccarran's throat is completed Jones pull the first down and picking up the plot swarming Jones takes it to the 38 yard line it's a 15 yard game quick and accurate by McCarran on this hitch pattern in row B number 29 goes for the interception and Marvin Jones who's had a career year going into his contract season perfect timing another first down credit this offensive line they have been together a while and it shows [Applause] run past Nick's off first down has been seven runs and two passes that line has been clearing some space now McCarran will throw Joyce route to the back it is jeremyhill it's only going to be a gain of two yards so the Broncos John limpet is only 10 yards because they ran seven plays to that quarter controlled by Cincinnati they had the ball for almost the entire quarter save for that one quick drive then Burt has been pushed around they run the ball directly at them they've created some short yardage third down situations and these receivers for the Bengals are up to the challenge in beating one-on-one coverage against 6o lineman oh wait he's 70 is it dropped the tight end on the left side he'll pull back bike for beefin it'll be a gain of three what you see from a Jamie opening quarter oz impressed with the throws that he made maximum protection he threw some beautiful one-on-one isolation cuts AJ Green apply stop the barb and Jonesy hand signals touchdown AJ green and on this possession he took off he showed his mobility he's got some good banks and the line of scrimmage recognizing a lot of different looks normally this is the edge of field goal range but it's more in the field goal range of Nugent here at altitude third and five McCarran everything covered taking off got away from the tackle and his running abilities been big tonight for Cincinnati we do have a flag down on the opposite side of the field McCarran unhappy with the way he was tackled looked at and hawk you Lee and his crew for flag on it's too deep man under the number one weakness against that coverage as the quarterback scrambling and McCarran recognize that holding defense number 54 to five yard penalty added out in the end of the run first down two deep safeties and man-to-man underneath Mike and nobody is responsible for the quarterback everybody is going to turn their back in coverage McCarran sees an open lane he takes off for the first down he's not missing much he must have played for a pretty good college coach you know how great Nick Saban prepares his players to the NFL you see that here with McCarran it was out all of last year the shoulder is a great start tonight pressures out here at the 22 he gets away throws on the run and at the 10-yard line green with another sideline catch and the Bengals receivers are showing their skills on the Chuck tonight laj but Karen feels a little pressure on the back side he takes off at AJ Green tracks the sideline beautifully so fun to watch this young man play the wide receiver position now Wildcat with Mohamed Sanu played some quarterback at Rutgers they ran a snap of wild cat the second quarter last week against San Francisco so do we'll take the staff run a read option with Rex Burkhead and Sidhu keeps it to the 7-yard line that's a gain of about three and a half for the former QB doing a lot of different things the last several times we've seen Denver in the red zone they've given up eight touchdowns in their last red zone possessions Hugh Jackson throwing the kitchen sink at them speed options passes the tackles that time a wildcat with Mohamed Sanu what is coming next [Applause] take their final timeout significance here taking your final timeout with 1056 left at the second quarter Cincinnati cannot challenge any plays for the rest of this half so they've left it in the hands of the officials call on the field for the next 856 till the two-minute warning [Music] ESPN's Monday Night Football is brought to you by GMC we are professional grade nation WAP nationwide is on your side and NFL shop downtown get a free shipping special offer on orders today and the official store of the NFL temperature the team the single digits the last two nights in Denver as the snowed sits Christmas evening here so we have Cincinnati's out of timeouts for the remainder of the half no challenges here go back to the Wildcat setup again as the quarterback McCarron goes to the far side and sinew is there with no running back this time Sinuhe design runs and the left walks into the end zone Mohamed Sanu with a touchdown and the Bengals lead 14 to nothing when Rex Burkhead comes into the game something's up and that time it's a wildcat formation you're going to see Birkhead at the point of attack they're gonna pull Whitworth their Pro Bowl left tackle this one walks when Birkhead comes into the game something bizarre is coming credit these bengals for getting off the bus and taking it to the Denver Broncos number one ranked defense Mohamed Sanu had a 25 yard rushing touchdown earlier this year that is his second rushing touchdown of the season and his career Mike Nugent on for the extra point opening throughout 15 plays 80 yards second drive 30 plays 90 yards the Broncos can't stop him they can't get the ball never down 40 Gino Atkins is a Pro Bowler is one of the best defensive tackles in the league great sack performers 60 are out of Georgia he is playing tonight cleared to play despite being diagnosed with the sickle-cell trait he's one of some two three million Americans who has that trait it's an inherited blood disorder and why is that significant playing here in Denver tonight would if strenuous exercise at high altitude it makes those with the trait pro to dehydration trouble breathing we saw that happen to Ryan Clark 2007 he played out here he also carrying the sickle cell trait lost his spleen and his gallbladder 30 pounds couldn't play that season and then when they came back out here playing for Pittsburgh at the time four years later he couldn't play in the playoff game because of that doctors clearing Atkins to play but they're certainly going to watch how much he plays how many snaps and with the Cincinnati defense only on the fifth for seven plays in the first third of this game that were working at it's favor at the start don't return on this kickoff and Lisa Salters can add to the active story sickle cell expert at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore and she said there's just not enough data to make a definitive standard whether an athlete who is a sickle cell carrier should play at altitude she said she's well aware of what happened to Ryan Clark said players are different is it 100% safe no but you said if you closely monitor the situation like the Bengals seem to be doing getting Atkins oxygen on the bench limiting his snaps you can manage the risk the offenses help limit his snaps we'll keep an eye on his usage tonight now the focus needs to be on Denver an offense that needs to sustain a drive and stay on the field Ronnie Hillman trying to do that big hit from Shaun Williams out of the secondary the gain is 5 but a flag came down in the backfield it's gonna be holding and last week against Pittsburgh they have for holding calls in the second half the illegal use for the hands offense number 68 half the distance to the goal repeat first down Ryan Harris started the season at right tackle he's playing left tackle the great Ryan Clady hurt the offseason and this offensive line struggling and you do not want to be behind on the scoreboard and in a downand distance against this crowd from Cincinnati four out of every five plays run this game run by Cincinnati and the six-foot-seven Osweiler get his - to sustain some offense here that jump got dome atop Petco into the neutral zone and dancing and that'll get five penalty yards back false start offense number eighty-eight five-yard penalty still first down Petco was the one who was in the neutral zone the ball wasn't snap but Demaryius Thomas on the side was the one with emotion now it's first and 25 these receivers are Santa are we going to get a pass through up to us Thomas and Emmanuel Sanders they're used to Peyton Manning throwing a ball repeatedly in an up-tempo offense and frustrating on these two receivers I'm sure quick kept trying to get going here and just a game of shoes for Hillman who gets thrown back very physical Cincinnati defense hard to run on the front solid in the back end well they're just very good tacklers raibh míle luga physical inside linebacker they rotate men up front and a game tackle yeah this is where they want to be second and third down and long situations Owen Daniels the tight end the lone receiver bottom of the screen Osweiler had to move off the spot loose release valve is to the 14 yard line Ronnie Hillman with a gain of about a half-dozen still third and 16 coming up Michael Scofield is getting help from his running back but when you get a help from your outside from your running back you've got to protect that inside better than this Dunlap who had a sack on the previous possession on a bootleg that time very close on an inside move that he has perfected and John on third down we say watching and limiting and monitoring the snaps of Gino Athens 97 where the bank once has lined up at defensive tackle to this pass rush situation Osweiler forced to take a timeout Kansas City chief fans have to be lovin this started this is Denver offense that will shut down its last ten possessions in Pittsburgh trying to pick up third and 15 dude shortened Norwood not close to the first down Michael Johnson roving around that defense forces a three and out with a couple of flags at a time out used by the Broncos they go to a three-man rush they have eight Cincinnati Bengals in zone coverage in in manual Emmure forces this punt Britton Colquitt will kick it to Brandon Ching hi but short forty yards and returned from the 35 by Tate made a man miss it'll be return of three yards and get everybody off the pile and the Bengals will take over their best field position of the night leading 14 nothing the good show for AJ McCarron struggle for us Wyler so far same high school graduating class vote for 25 but caring more time more success in college but Osweiler taking higher they love the size the arm is one year as a starter for thousand plus yards first man to do that at Arizona State but Karen on the other hand got the game-manager tag but managed the best back-to-back bcs national championships and alabama in 2011 and 2012 but this one was on the schedule you need to be a big game we thought it would be Dalton and Manning instead it's McCarran and Osweiler Denver's defense needs to be heard from the carats links it out called in stopping the dime by bernard goetz in nine first down yards just a simple game right now for AJ McCarron they're using a boy he as a tight end to protect it's just maximum protection and it's one on one route running which match up the Y AJ Green versus to leave or do you want to cut loose Giovanni Bernard I like the way this Bengal team has been set up for the last couple years and I am really impressed with this first half coach Orion who had hurt before he's out for the rest of the game now to clear out with a knee injury second in one run bernard finds a little small window to get that first down and get to the 49 yard line they've been really careful John this third year back this five foot nine Bernard don't want to overuse but want him to be effective and he was the more effective running back at the start of last year and has been the start of this year as well well it's that time of year where we're not saving anybody for anything Bernard started last week against the 49ers in these money games you need your money players to step up I think Bernard is one of the top all-purpose backs in football reminds me a lot of LeSean McCoy electrifying what the flaw is ants [Applause] our China midfield McCarron slept perfectly thrown to AJ Green took the big hit from Paris and bush had the bigger hit but it's a 14-yard gain and another first down for the Bengals this one-on-one coverage in AJ Green said it earlier five straight parole balls he has not seen a steady diet of one-on-one coverage ever and his Harris this time very difficult man to stop look at that the Bengals have run 31 plays 15 first downs on those 31 this is a penalty for a false start to back him up false our defense red card five-yard penalty its first out to AJ McCarron obviously playing in the cold weather John against these corners like Harris and Talib for Marvin Lewis's team and I asked AJ about the coldest games he's played and if he thought about wearing a glove he said nope he's been fine since then just a lot of them practicing outdoors so he has gotten used to the cold weather obviously not doing a lot of it during his college days at Alabama but no glove in the cold tonight Kristi Grubb by Bernard dead bird trying to hit him hard and get that fall out of there but Bernard hangs on for the game to fool this has not been close in the first half I credit Marvin Lewis in this Bengal organization Mike they've had a lot of continuity on their staff continuity on the team they work well together they are quick to make adjustments and if you like competing in like football you're going to like playing for the Cincinnati Bengals I said Athiya to pre-season way back in Tampa I think this is the best roster in pro football and what they're doing with a second game player at quarterback against the number one defense is impressive late play clock they don't have a timeout where an art comes in motion to get that pass the jig complete the holder the confucian to start that play with Bernard and Jeremy Hill Bernard was on his way to the bench cuz he got hit hard on the first out run Johnny talked about the depth of the roster these the pro-bowl guys many of them brought in recently with the draft of aj green that came along with the Andy Dalton draft veteran like Whitworth finally being selected outright not in making it as an alternate as it did the other time and Tyler Eifert that tight end at innervate see if this been for pass rush can cut it loose where's Vaughn Miller there he is and these plots the carrot passes pun at a first down and that's Tyler Croft in for Tyler Eifert the rookie out of Rutgers keeps another Cincinnati drive going got a credit Andre Smith to the right tackle of the Bengals working in one-on-one pass protection against von Miller and AJ McCarron on time and accurate Tyler Croft a rookie out of Rutgers secures it on impact huge first down Cincinnati so Marcus we're now bottom of your screen trying to get in there and make a play for Denver he's really part of the tackle here as they'll stop hill and make it second and long while centauri nelson the sake of your man out of oklahoma in there as wade phillips tries to find some package of defense that can slow down cincinnati get the ball back before half-time well cincinnati been running the ball off first down in these two back sets that time Wade Phillips called Oh run blitz and it worked can't Denver get there with their pass Rock [Applause] and 13 they say it often time with that snap at Hill in Saban's Walker Lake Stokes hurting so they don't stop them with forward progress and they'll give him a gain of a couple of yards watch Andrew Whitworth at the end of this play 34 years old the oldest offensive lineman in the NFL going to his first Pro Bowl because of plays like this it's a draw play he sees Jeremy hill he says you know I'll help you I'll help you I'll keep grindin getting another two three four yards I love that kind of effort from an offensive tackle good for him going to his first ball ball well desert lost a bunch of weight the offseason one of those enjoyable players are the league to talk to we would love to make a deep run in a postseason pressure comes McCarran taking the shot to Joe in complete numbers begin with Bradley Roby the nickel from here field goal would be 45 yards when you blitz you ask your corners to play one-on-one coverage in credit Roby with an important coverage down and here's Nugent Mike the altitude is one thing but you still got to be accurate whooping he's a kid I used to see my kickers up here trying to kick it out of the stadium Janikowski liquid when you're the Raiders exactly it's shocking you have a text on your phone from what Claire in two seconds 4:45 Nugent missed it right feel good [Applause] huge with the Broncos with t26 to go [Music] chants for denver down 14 one of the main topics of conversation with Brock Osweiler down 14-nothing now is his size at 6 foot 7 tall quarterbacks at your QB camp right before the draft you guys talked about that size here's an example of what I think might be a disadvantage and being a six foot set okay is the defense can see where you're going to all right so you've heard about eye manipulation my good friend jaws talks about eye manipulation he's exactly right you got to be able to look these defenders off trust me this middle linebacker right here in his own coverage he's able to read your what my eyes so if you Telegraph throws at all you're gonna get busted more than most quarterbacks always talk about Dan McGuire Mark McGwire's brother is one of the few 12 quarterbacks we've seen at this height in the NFL there are several challenges for a quarterback at six foot seven well you know still out of six seven six eight quarterbacks you don't see a lot of shortstops either or point guards they have a longer delivery not sometimes as quick as some of the more conventional size quarterbacks got to get going here from the 35 of Daniels a gain of eight to the 40 I'm gonna jump into no huddle here trying to get another plane before the two-minute warning try to jumpstart this offense as well officially game in nine Osweiler reload goes downfield deep Sanders Sanders ruled down by contact at the 21 he had broken free that was behind the secondary Osweiler finding him late so the best field goal and the two big plays including that 35 yarder contact and that's the two-minute warning ignite the Broncos as I told you were at the two-minute warning Denver down 14 but dropping what happened on that big play John well Cincinnati blitz at the top of the screen and you're going to see the Bengals try to get back to this for cross coverage and at the bottom of the screen Dre Kirkpatrick blew the coverage when both receivers go vertical Kirkpatrick has to go vertical blowing coverage in a critical situation before the half gifts Denver light when there is been hit to the head that allowed the down by contact 49 yards in the last two plays making up for the slow start by Denver from the 21 Osweiler find Ronnie Hillman for the first down inside the 10 to the 8 yard line will be first and goal for the Broncos with Jeff I Osweiler in the pocket he's looking down the field and you see that height come into play he can see down the field perfect vision he slides with the rush and finds his outlet receiver well done you can evaluate quarterbacks any way you want Mike when I evaluate him I like to see him in the fourth quarter when they're tighter behind and I want to see them against top ranked defenses I can't wait to see Osweiler finish [Applause] she plays fouled in the huddle kills the first gets to this one which is Hilda [Applause] turns on the speed pull down by a nose speedy player in Dre Kirkpatrick inbounds the clock wise with a hundred seconds till halftime Tino at kids gotta lock the ball that time number 97 outside shoulder of the guard jets up the field fortunately for Denver Hillman has some stop-and-start quickness second it going there two thousand yard receivers Emmanuel Sanders Demaryius Thomas go to the top of the screen and Jordan Norwood joins them that's why looks back that way everybody's covered his brunt down on the pressure Carlos Dunlap trips him up at the ankles with the Sacketts third down coming got to throw the football away in these situations and Carlos done left we talked about it in the pregame if they don't help Michael Scofield is going to be a long night good coverage zone coverage nowhere to go ice why there's got to throw the ball away but Michael Scofield is gonna need help against Carlos Dunlap Khalil Mac got him four times two weeks ago Mike Gary Kubiak skill with the clock running down they called timeout you see us while they're holding that elbow is that non throwing shoulder and non throwing elbow giving us while there's some pain here as he has taken a lot of sacks for the limited number of passes that he's thrown here this season timeout Deborah 26 seconds till halftime certain gold bangles only NFL team this year has not allowed a touchdown on a drive that has begun in the last four minutes of either half they closed strong trying to do it here as Osweiler third down it's gonna have to be run after the kick for Thomas taking out of bounds five yard line by Dre Kirkpatrick and that's why their heads off flexing that elbow we saw going to break this was the play before as he was sacked by Dunlap Wallace Gilberry falls on him and Osweiler was flexing that elbow all the way over to the sideline and during the conversation with the Denver coaching staff that's why the Bengals are the number one scoring defense Mike they're a hard defense to get touchdowns against only 17 points of games they have given up ready to be banished from 23 against Denver on the board so the Broncos stop the bleeding a bit they get the ball to start the second half 14 seconds still have some Brock Osweiler going over what the Cincinnati defensive defense teams you a lot of looks he's trying to do it was a tough second half against Pittsburgh last week this was that injury to the non throwing shoulder we saw him holding the elbow that same side after the last series the hospital ER has taken the physical punishment John we mentioned it in great he takes a lot of hits for a quarterback who is now thrown scene 222 passes he's been sacked 21 times that's one every ten or so drop backs that's pretty high ratio very high has got to be corrected quickly quickly fielded by Jake Fisher who picked it back pitched it back scented Pearman who gets down to avoid any major faux pas Toyota half times coming up with Chris Berman while Hoover's final drive looking penultimate Sunday in the league and the Jets who got themselves in position and Julio Jones made that catch over Luke Kuechly the signature moment of the first loss of the season for the Panthers Adam Schefter Chris Mortensen had the insider update for you as well Toyota halftime seconds away as we said the Broncos can get the ball to start the second half Cincinnati had three good drives missed field goal keeping them alive Denver gets their three so they are down 11 this a Bengal team that has won their last 29 when leading by eight or more longest streak in the league if they add to it they'll have a buy to start the AFC players 14 3 Cincinnati and here is Chris Berman for the Toyota have that let us be the first to wish you a Happy New Year uber thank you very much Michael and right back at you good to be back in Cincinnati 14 three Denver hard to believe it's the end of season 46 on Monday Night Football 12 games decided by eight or fewer we've never had a Monday night season like this one [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] 51-yard kick [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] We certainly have it's been a lot of fun and the Denver fans hope there's a comeback like that here in the second half is their fare down 14 to 3 and John the significance here Cincinnati still has a chance to be the number one seed if they can find a way to win this game and then when next week and then New England loses to Miami but the Denver story here is the one that's the most interesting to me Denver can't drop all the way down here Kansas City would be the team coming up to the three they being control of their own destiny this has got to be a shock to the system for the Denver folks because they started seven and OH and now John they're looking at ten and five if they don't rally in this second half yeah and what's shocking to me as an alumni of this AFC West is the Chiefs could make one of the most improbable comebacks the winner division in the history of this AFC West but Denver's got to get it together in a hurry they're in trouble we were on the offensive side can they sustain a little bit because it was so imbalanced in that first half that defense couldn't get off the field the offense couldn't build drops Cincinnati took it to this number one Bronco defense on the ground they set up some third down his shorts credit AJ McCarron he converted them and now it's up the Gary Kubiak and his young quarterback Brock Osweiler to show their mettle Osweiler has to win games like this in December at home against the good defense like Cincinnati he's gonna get the ball to start this second half with the kickoff this one deeper than his first before six yards deep it's coming back Andre Caldwell will not get to the 20-yard line Lisa's got put Denver story from the half shoulder at the end of the second half and he said Osweiler's left elbow is sore but he is okay he said he did not receive any treatment in the locker room at halftime I asked who the AK how do you generate some more offense he said we have to have the ball he said they controlled the ball in that first half their often stayed on the field we've got to get the ball keep the bell try to create some kind of tempo like the imbalance time possession for sure Lisa again temperature is around 15 degrees cold night Osweiler to work deep shot downfield double coverage and incomplete coming on from the safety spot and reggie nelson helps to knock that one away it was intended for jordan norwood he got to be real careful if you're Brock Osweiler reggie nelson leads the NFL sorry about my little clicker there Mike he's in the middle of the field watch him read Brock Osweiler all the way break on the football he almost has his night interception Nelson the ex Jacksonville Jaguar has been a great sense in anything Marcus Peters the man he's tied with with eight second down over the middle to Daniel's is complete Owen Daniels with a gain of about six yards well the first half wasn't good tonight it has been good the last few games the problem has been the second half last three games no points first team since the 2011 Jaguars to be in that but now Osweiler is passing ratings been great in the first half but really for in the second half so you put those recent bits of history together on top of not a good first half and denver really needs to flip the script to find a way to win this key game it is 33 and good protection cos a smaller time to find norwood for the first half Jordan or went out of Penn State undrafted receiver who's with Philly and Cleveland and see more of her role of his Denver team as we go through the end of the season and they're pushing the envelope right here Denver at the line of scrimmage in this no huddle offense trying to get Osweiler in a rhythm good move by Gary Kubiak 32 Demaryius Thomas will gain seven before Dre Kirkpatrick tackles over Demaryius Thomas has done it all as a receiver in Denver played with Tim Tebow he was a productive receiver the sheriff Peyton Manning helped him get to his first couple Pro Bowls and once again another big season by Thomas a big contract 70 million dollars 43 million guaranteed row polar again us wire in the middle nice job by normal to avoid the hit from perfect get to the 47 yard line so we're them picked up my visit Denver up it's the last to drop got to protect better though Pat Sims punishes Osweiler just as he releases the football Garcia and left guard struggling in pass protection nice work by Osweiler CJ Anderson is the back it's been on the air this Drive quick shot Sanders and Emmanuel Sanders in this tough tackling Bengal defense game 7 Leon Hall done it a long time as the nickel corner watching come from inside out and make a beautiful one-on-one tackle against Emanuel Sanders for first-round draft choices in the Bengals second Darian Leon Hall is shaken up athletic training staff out he applied the hit and is the one feeling the worst at this moment head-down going from tackle there and glances across the mask of Sanders before Sims comes in to clean him up and Hall walks over to the Cincinnati side keep an eye on Josh Shaw Mike number 26 he's been their backup nickel corner Shaw has played well when asked to another young player that the Bengals are counting on as a part of their future but let so balls okay it's the rookie start his career Florida then went to USC and he was involved in that story of injuring his ankles we said he was trying to save the Drowned nephew but in fact he was making that up to avoid police domestic violence charges that were pending but no Chou's weren't no charges were eventually filed this most of that season at USC and ended up being dragged through the fourth round is out there now good run here by Anderson to the 31 yard line it's a gain of eight great Mount luga on a blitz you're going to see my luga come off the right side of the screen and just good inside running by CJ Anderson Garcia up by his second level and impressive coming out of the locker room by this Bronco offense find a drive they need it from the 31 Osweiler steps up in the pocket and throws complate second Frank Kirkpatrick able to bring down Sanders the chains are moving again for the Broncos first down give this big man past protection and he can throw the football credit the offensive line handling this four-man Russia the Bengals in Brock Osweiler fills a bullet to Emmanuel Sanders I like the shot we saw right before the replay he wants Gary Kubiak to get to play in quicker love when a player feels the tempo is go and he wants a little more accelerator of the 15 us Wiley look at end zone for Thomas coverage Kirkpatrick fans want a flag on Dre Kirkpatrick done his throat no Osweiler was in a no huddle offense at Arizona State under Dennis Erickson here he is looking for Demaryius Thomas I think it's a good no call could be a little armbar there though that part that part was there that armbar that first initial contact we've been able to get by there is John Elway watching there's like so many great moments in Denver football history now is the executive vice president of football operations in his fifth year during the architect of a chin pressure comes on swaddler goes to the other side of Thomas to the 10 so we get half the yards there to be 35 you have to make one-on-one tackles in pro football all these spread formations that Gary Kubiak and some of these great offensive coaches like to use force you to make one-on-one tackles there Shaw the man we just talked about filling in for Leon Hall doing his job 30 for Thomas and Santos against start on the same side bottom of your screen CJ Anderson the backers of top thus while I read that defies the front the bagels bring six for the touchdown and Denver's back in it so much for that second half drought young back Osweiler comes out of a locker room with an aggressive no-huddle attack and puts them the right back in this game it's man-to-man coverage that all-out blitz created to receive her slot combination Springs Emmanuel Sanders for six ice while there did a lot of good things on that drive throwing the football he oughta bolt and executed a no huddle offense well done touchdown number six on the season for Emanuel Sanders extra point from Brandon McManus Denver and kneadable jump start 11 plays 81 yards and Osweiler was eight of ten on the drive including the touchdown pass [Music] ESPN's Monday Night Football is brought to you by NFL playoff challenge thought your fantasy season was over it's nut wait for free at nfl.com slash playoff challenge 17 games left of the season the rest of his 116 next week amongst our coverage tonight from spidercam brought to you by DIRECTV a field goal that was missed by Newton it would have faded 1706 anadi denver comes down instead of 17 nothing now you're looking at 14 10 the small things that mean a lot when you're playing against good defenses in these playoff type games good hang time that kicked by McManus no return for two it was a really really good first half in the second career start of AJ McCarron what will he do in the second half it's a tighter game now his team leads only by pole [Music] Cincinnati only had three full drives in the first half you see they were controlling the game the missed field goal changed it they kneeled down to end the half we didn't include that sellout crowd rock in the Rockies but Karen takes over at his own sweater the Karen first down King Jeremy hill nothing time for this Denver defense to live up to their billing number one against the run number one against the pass that means our number one overall very few teams in NFL history have been number one in all three of those categories they need an impact play a sack a turnover and Von Miller head into the Pro Bowl again as the one that needs to do it and ten macaron first-look covered in trouble flag down got rid of it incomplete got hit as he got rid of it as well in Cincinnati Denver to the ballet offense number 77 we get second down Pro Bowler Whitworth AJ Green on his comeback route I surprised McCarran didn't throw it and there's Whitworth holding Shane ray the rookie out of Missouri it's a good call Shane ray SEC Player of the Year on defense [Applause] gives Denver some versatility and death [Applause] throw pillow nothing again Brandon Marshall Derek will third and long coming I like wolf he's a grinder Derek wolf he could play inside or outside he chews up blocks he hustles and Brandon Marshall is another X Jacksonville Jaguar how many X Jaguars are playing in pro football for other teams third down and long got to be real careful here in this field position if you're AJ McCarron and they will draw it just to be safe the game for Barnard is for it is three and out and the Broncos momentum continues good call I think by Marvin Lewis and youth Jackson you have the number one scoring defense here at Cincinnati keep them in play and here's huber have an American Punjab we haven't seen it tonight is his first punch that he will hit jordan norwood goes back to receive for the Broncos picked up mental rush there fair catch signal after a 47-yard dick taken at the 38 yard line five-door Osweiler's struggled early got some momentum up with it drives in a row I'll try to take Denver down the field get the week [Music] welcome back to Mile High Stadium in Denver I'm Lisa Salters with our ESPN Deportes reporter John cichlid who has some very exciting news for our network about the upcoming Super Bowl sequent good job Lisa it's an honor to announce that for the first time ever in the United States ESPN Deportes will broadcast the Super Bowl Alvaro Martinez leg they will be calling the game I'll be roaming the sidelines so when all differ melius all the families gather around for Super Domingo Super Sunday gotta watch it on ESPN Deportes and what better occasion than Super Bowl cincuenta gracias Johnny Feliz see that is Mike thank you very much we look forward to that for ESPN Deportes of course our friends at CBS lumpy english-language broadcast here in the States Jim Nantz and Phil Simms called Super Bowl 50 in Santa Clara coming up in February birth goes down for trying to come back us while they're in trouble and that pressure gets to him and he is sacked Wallace Gilberry joining Carlos Dunlap are on the sack gonna jump the ball and no huddle but right tackle Schofield once again struggling with no help if they share that it'll be 2 and a half for Dunlap and take in 213 sacks on the season after the loss of six it's a second at sixteen run that will gain Hillman will be three yards font is perfect in on the tackle you see Leon Hall he's back was assessed for a concussion and ruled allowed to return Montes perfect is one of the few men in pro football you don't want to mess with for sure mine he will hit you hardly perfect played with Osweiler at Arizona State and they give him a rest eight covering on Kurt and 13 trying to stop Anderson and they will sort of the first down Johnny talk about all the different defensive packages that Paul gone through the outstanding defensive coordinator for the Bengals bring their you see one on third and 13 well Paul counter knows he has a four-man pass rush they can get there without blitzing and so far Carlos Dunlap looks like the Pro Bowl pass rusher I know DeMarcus Ware and Bob Miller are going but the factored raid of Dunlap tonight has been huge for Cincinnati this fourth and five Britton Colquitt on to kick it's tough to catch one go out of bounds just about 40 yards of debt with no return most special teams coaches take that any day [Music] shut it down Thursday and Friday all football Houston Florida State Oklahoma Clemson to Michigan State Alabama the two semifinals then on New Year's Day the Irish and the Buckeyes Stanford Iowa and the Rose Bowl game Oklahoma State and Ole Miss Ole Miss plain of the Sugar Bowl for the first time since Archie Manning back in 1970 you'll see it all here on ESPN the biggest college football games of the year Thursday and Friday from the 1718 McCarron flush sacked rock down with a loss of a couple of yards he wants a face mask flag on Malik Jackson who brought him down no flag thrown speed rush up the field by Von Miller and Malik Jackson got away with a facemask there and that's one of those if the umpire is back to the old position where the linebackers are he would have seen it clearly nobody is a clean look inside there we have it hunky Lee talking to the head linesman and a flag is thrown very late [Applause] personal foul face mask defense number 97 15-yard penalty Garrity's nuts and understandably so because here's the line judge on the far side throwing that flag after the ball was marked ready for play second down nowhere near the flow of play and at the end of the day the right call is made please reset the clock to 540 to 542 but at the back end you can understand what happened there oh one of your mine judges comes and says hey you missed the face mask trying to get every call right first down Cincinnati and a big first down certainly one that will promote some conversation from the 32 speed ops began they write in the first half success with a flag is down here is Jeremy Hill gets to the 39 yard line today the well officially eight if it stands what's checked with that flag is ran a speed option from an unbalanced line and there's another conference there was no foul on the play number 70 reported eligible it's a second time this crew has missed an unbalanced line they've called the penalty that's an offensive tackle they're in an unbalanced line and it's totally legal speed option down the line and place then suck it down and - we talked about communication of guys who do report eligible it has to be not just with the teams which is so important but also amongst the officiating crew but again the right fall does happen second into eight-man front for Denver trying to stop the run but with jeremyhill mill sledgehammer a first down for the 43 yard line inside of five minutes now third you get a guy like Jeremy Hill Cincinnati could care less if Darian Stewart is unblocked or not they're just running the ball against he's loaded Denver fronts and Jeremy hill as I made a lot of yards tonight but he has made some very impressive three and four yard runs to keep the Bengals in normal bound at distances that one on once a big deal John the last two games they've been in the 60s 64 and 68 rushing yards not good enough at playoff time Hill is out Barnard is the back McCarron hits him out of the backfield in the open field he limits Brandon Marshalls ability to just make it a three or four yard game with a good acceleration all these quick throws high percentage throws and a running game that has really not met at any negative yardage plays has kept this Bingle offense in great downand distances and that's where you love to be as a play caller in second down and four and five especially with a young quarterback like McCarran especially on the road especially against Miller and we're off the edge with all the noise and just pin your ear back pin your ears back pass rushing situations second afford Safety's nosin up there he smelled the rug and Stewart brings down Giovanni Bernard of a quarterback of the secondary Darian Stewart there's Darian Stewart he followed GU be a key from Baltimore to Denver he's the quarterback of the secondary unblocked you must make those one-on-one tackles impressive work third and four it's going to be man-to-man let's see if these Bronco corners are up to the challenge Denver's safety is a lot deeper off the line of scrimmage they're really spell and run so often these early downs now here comes Stewart showing the pressure again McCarran sideline throwing complete groupie with the coverage on Marvin Jones at Bengal sideline wants a flag doesn't get it they say good coverage by Roby and it will be a punch these quarters have no conscience Roby got beat on the same route in the first half by the same receiver [Applause] seasons on the line for Denver potentially nice work by the Bronco defense Shiloh Keo has gone back to catch this punch of Kevin humors stands his feet on the 10 he lets it go and they stop it no Huber who is as good as anyone in the league at kicking teams inside the 10 but all the 20 good dude their touch back in the 31 yard get fun [Music] he said hello to America from Rocky Top and was chosen to top the class at 98 and for 18 years number 18 has made his mark atop the NFL the Sherriff smart indelible all those battles with brady the epic comebacks the unrivaled pitchman they brought basketball country a football trophy bid farewell to them only to return for a memorable hero's welcome now his return here in the Rockies did bring another trip to the Superbowl and more leading lines in that NFL record book we don't know if we've seen the last of Peyton Manning but we do know we won't see many if any like him again was Peyton Manning in the news this week the story we talked about earlier regarding the documentary from al-jazeera and the allegations that he female iam strongly denied Manning was seen on the sidelines and on the field before the game and was on the sidelines last week when the team played on the road in Pittsburgh these home games Manning has spent a good part of them especially the few right after his injury back watching the game taking notes sharing them with Brock Osweiler at halftime and trying to help Osweiler and both have said that their relationship has been really good as ice while their plays and continues to play well you wonder if we'll ever see Peyton Manning add to the NFL totals they hit record Heights out here with this stop in Denver all-time passing yards all-time touchdown passes and tied with far most wins that happen that last game where he was injured and pulled as the Broncos quarterback after the running gain of for us while her inside throw is incomplete in traffic trying to go to Norwood which he's doing a lot because of the coverage on the top receivers thought Eluga there in coverage and here comes Geno Atkins checking back into the game for this third down and long important here that Denver gets help for their right tackle number 79 michael scofield he's been beaten twice by Carlos Dunlap for sacks and in his obvious passing situation he got to keep an eye on ninety-six Dunlap he's running hot right now third and six Osweiler looking again away can not do it its Dunlap again it's gonna be a gain of a yard so he will not be credited with another sack but it will be fourth down he's so quick to recognize the three-step drop and so athletic Dunlap I want to recheck the votes for the pro Paul he'd be there he's had an unbelievable impact season for this defense of the Bengals Colquitt to kick 37 taken on the run by its heat at the 40 tip to the 44 yard line and ko with the special teams tackle he's in the Bengals training camp and playing here for the Broncos so good field position there for Cincinnati in part because this guy over here by your shoulder helped with a big factor great explain what the factor grain is that you look for John well it's not all sex there's a lot of different categories that you can impact the game at when you're a pass rusher been watching Von Miller been watching Dunlap and if you're at home tweet me text me do something me know which of these two defensive ends has the higher factor grade right now my unofficial stats say 17 to 3 Dunlap / Millard it's a point you make because we all look at saks but you put all these things when you're trying to factor the impact of defensive linemen or in Miller's case an outside backer hat on the game from the 45 McCarran road side line Jones goes up these receivers make tremendous catches all the catches John may have made on the chop tonight that one again to be pretty nice when you can tell a young quarterback just throw it up a level or above in green and Jones will do the rest and you said it that's some great footwork on the sideline walking to Chuck some things that Marvin Lewis said about McCarran the way throws to guys like Jones having a career season throws it really well at eye level outside easy for the receivers to catch second and to well read off the eggs by von Miller and no gain Miller's adding to his factor grade coach he deserve a he's down seventeen three says I'll make a play on a backside I'll run this counter play down and stuffing von Miller one of the best and now they need him the most third down at - it's been 100% man-to-man for Denver it in this situation who's it going to be Roby Harris or to leap interesting third and two they go empty Bernard in the slot motioning back takes the pitch can they secure the engine yeah great pursuit by Brandon Mars Lee was upset he didn't go to the Pro Bowl trying to show everyone why is he limps to the sideline he's shaken up but they're gonna run a toss crack to the bunch receiver side and watch number 54 tracked Giovanni Bernard sort through the trash and make a beautiful tackle only point to the quarter for tempo after three anyway battled limine up to it 1410 Cincinnati [Music] Denver's athletic trainer Steve Antonopoulos who's been doing it for over three decades knows Greek to everyone around the league he's taking a look at Brandon Marshall there were you taping that ankle that he tweaked on that third down stop that leads to this fourth down punt to start the fourth quarter it is Kevin Huber here we talked about how excellent he is of pinning teams inside the 10 at the nine by kail who returns at five really four yards to the 14 yard line we have an injury back there for Cincinnati right where the punt happen which Shawn Williams their safety and again Williams is in there starting at the safety position because the injury to George Iloka at a fourth quarter interception in San Francisco last week he got pushed back by Barrett into the punter Huber as well as we think Huber would be the one who got hurt the worst but it is Williams in pain and they are thin in the safety area this is a big injury hike excuse me when you have to get to your third safety in this defense a lot of communication and defensive coordinator Paul Gunther's defense this could be a big problem for Cincinnati they look at Williams and will step out for a moment over the years Clementine saw a lot she saw mark grow up she saw him tempted but she never felt threatened until Taco Bell introduced $1 Crunchwrap sliders and Clementine began to worry for her personal safety but little did she know that under her own body was a weird rubber plug for big full-size flavors that won't break the bank Crunchwrap sliders including new spicy beefy nacho and sriracha chicken for just a buck each only Taco Bell every time you see me you say that don't you say anything else let me think this count double check this code double check just gonna double check this kind of double check and now fair enough it pays to double check say big with State Farm OSS remember in the country we wasn't many things to do get off the bus walk the dirt road to the house we're going to yard and you know cut grass throw rocks or something like that kids game it was tough for two assistants he probably did like hopscotch or something well my younger sister still playing ball she sweat she can beat me at anything my family a little more PSP ends Monday Night Football is brought to you by Crunchwrap sliders for full size flavors only at Taco Bell Capital One watched the Capital One Beach Bash live Wednesday on watch ESPN and ESPN fan shop calm powered by Dick's Sporting Goods Darrell man's barrel the history Colorado center there's a big display of all the things that made Mile High so special Stadium that the Broncos called home for 41 years before movie here in this newly constructed Stadium the very same site 2001 from the 15 off first down Osweiler looking left cut out of the pocket suit Hillman Adam Jones with the tackle it was a gain of seven and John Shawn Williams walked off to the sideline assisted by the training staff he comes back on the field after that first down play and Gary Kubiak once again using the no huddle offense to limit some of the Bengal defense's second and three is right back to Hillman this time as a runner he games to dome atop Petco long with Remo Eluga who will lay their weight on him man ku px played so many big moments of his career in this Stadium he's back up to John Elway core seems the offensive coordinator for the Broncos championships quarterback by his great friend Elway and now brought back after John Fox is four successful years as US Wyler's been tapped as the quarterback of the future but the present provides the pressure for this group right now third and one and they'll throw it and throw it for Thomas who got free from Adam Jones but he overshot him and it's fourth down third down and one they go to an empty backfield set and they get Demaryius Thomas one on one wide open deep Thomas on a little slant and go beats Pacman Jones and a ball is thrown way over his head disappointing chance to take the lead defenses have settled in and have the better of play from the middle of the third quarter on Colquitt gets the heavy rush his best kick 53 yards in the air Tate retreats is brought down tremendously covered by Kayvon Webster [Applause] Cincinnati will start inside of its own 20 different defense against good defense special teams need to be big the backups for the season long starters can they step in and be the guys to take them not just to the playoffs and beyond backup quarterbacks and take the team to the Super Bowls over the years go back to the seventies and branch out took the place of Joe Gilliam Dan Pastorini wasn't the guy was Jim Plunkett who finished the deal after Simms got her to his Hostetler at the green down earlier was Warner our colleague Trent Dilfer replacing Tony banks and then affords the year where Bledsoe gets hurt by beau Lewis and week one Brady takes over and the rest is history and now these quarterbacks McCarron and Osweiler along with Brady Wheaton and Hoyer Alex Smith and Ryan Fitzpatrick those are the quarterback to the teams that are trying to win the Super Bowl in the AFC and these guys take their teams deeper it's a loud crowd McCarran has to deal with starting a thorough 19 Garret unblock coming in Hills mahsa 3 Rho V Bradley Roby the tackle steel Barrett undrafted out of Colorado State comes screaming off the corner unblocked and McCarran has to unload it into the flat and Roby number 29 read it perfectly McCarran has been silenced as has this bingo offense in the second half by the number-one-ranked defense in football they're missing Ryan who at the man who blocks for them so often he's out was injured in that first quarter with a knee injury second at 14 McCarran looks for quick catch and run the tight-end gains five a key to leave the tackle the Pro Bowlers stopped makes it third and non-credit Wade Phillips he's playing zone coverage now balls thrown in the flat of keep the lead says hello Wade Phillips if something's not working he's not afraid to fix it at halftime and you have to credit this Denver Broncos defense third down and nine and this pass rush at 47 sacks coming in here tonight with sting Russia's picked up Patrick Croft is incomplete three and out for the Cincinnati offense and the Broncos should have good field position that's what I do against AJ McCarron you play man-to-man every snap you make things easy on them play zone coverage make them pass protect make them read a defense and make sense an a/d catch the ball and run with it some coverage paying off in the second half for Denver all right here's new Brunel kick 45 yards Jordan normal took it into 35 tennis team pick special teams tackle their big play by Centracare musa terrific core special chamber ruff couldn't get his hands on it four possessions this hamper Cincinnati 3 12 teen tournament nine are already and a tenth will be in tonight we'll see the wild card start the playoffs on ESPN simulcast on ABC the matchup will be determined on Sunday evening NFL postseason back on ESPN for the second year of course the game will be streamed live on WatchESPN great field position for the Broncos from their own 48 with Brock Osweiler Demaryius Thomas game love this play love this play Tom first step Mike they fake a handoff one way and it's a quick screen with an offensive tackle leading it on the perimeter Ryan Harris leads this quick screen they're going to fake the ball to CJ Anderson and they set up a convoy in front of Demaryius Thomas first down Denver at the Cincinnati 39 CJ Anders in the back not much of the run game tonight [Applause] CJ Anderson [Applause] for close to 900 yards he's been fat with an ankle injury missed the Raider game just the simple inside zone he's going to cut it back miss tackles and CJ Anderson's will gets it done like he did to the Patriots to close business that overtime come back that was a comeback that Denver had from down 14 they also came back at Kansas City down 14 they've come back from down 14 here to take the lead now can they hold on CJ Anderson Rocketeer in Denver [Music] both Denver and Cincinnati are alive to be the number one seat they would need to England to lose at Miami and then win tonight and then win next week but that Denver hope seems a long way away just a short time ago when they were down 14 nothing mid second quarter but they've come back to score the last 17 a Denver victory would put them in the playoffs joining New England Cincinnati in Kansas City already in the AFC tournament what a momentum swing town from the end of the first half on through this second half and AJ McCarron's only four of six for 15 yards passing in this second half and his team will start at their own 20-yard line Miss Gary Kubiak well known for his zone running game everywhere he goes they make yards with this zone run e scheme they can press it take what's there or they can trust the eyes of the back and cut it back and if you list the facts that Kubiak has had success with he doesn't care where they come from some of them aren't even drafted like CJ Anderson zone running and gary kubiak go hand in hand let's see what mccarran's made of Mike it's slipping away for the Bengals CJ Zama the rookie out of Auburn is the lead blocker replacing the injured Ryan Hewitt he's hiding up regard to the edge he didn't get there with a job I'm von miller to get the initial contact and limit the rung when Rex Burkhead comes into the game your tip sheet has to go off watch the crack they ran this play on a wildcat touchdown in the first half that time von Miller rejected it with help from Chris Harris keep an eye on Burkett when he comes into the game things get creative on the perimeter denver read it beautiful Inge on that replay see all the orange shirts there I mean they are flying into the football right now second and eleventh now pressure McCarron set brought down by Derek wolf [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a man here in a prose tonight the Karen is seeing the rush now in his second half Mike they're mixing things up it's going to be a blitz on the strong side and wolf number 95 just stays alive and hunts AJ McCarron for the sack third down and long you must be very careful with your play selection I know you want to drop back in heat one but the Marcus we're at the bottom of the screen has made a living in these predictable passing situations just in time McCarran down the middle and is caught fake first down Mohamed Sanu at the 34 yard line he was getting pressured he got rocked but he completed it for a 19 third and 15 down three backed up stand in there strong and make an unbelievable throw that's impressive by McCarran Mohamed Sanu a versatile Cincinnati Bengal but Karen comes over to the bench here for a second as he got hit become wildcat after that Miller hit they've run wildcat a couple of different snaps but they're a little confused here nobody out there knows to take a timeout right now and they get it to lay a game oh they got the timeout for the Sox that's their first the advantages of the coach is being able to call the timeout there Marvin and Lewis getting down to the sidelines because of time I was called McCarran can come back in here's the hit by Von Miller mom Miller on an inside move something he has really worked on to go with that speed rush that he has got home and then Miller was looking at the big screen to see what happened to play behind him Lisa Salters well Mike it looks like his left elbow is bleeding you can see the blood coming through coming through the shirt that he's wearing see that as he came down on that hit and just caught a moment ago we'll catch him when he breaks the huddle here the protection was very good early on and that play because McCarran was coming out for a moment the communication wasn't crisp in terms of the personnel coming in that's why that play clock ran down so they used the timeout to avoid the penalty and its first intent Timber bringing pressure McCarron throwing again on the sidelines it is Sanu this time takes a snap as a quarterback he's run one in as a wildcat now a top level receiver catch for a first down Wade Phillips comes with an all-out blitz it's zero coverage that means you're playing man-to-man with no help and Harris has been in great coverage position two or three times tonight but these Bengal receivers in a location of these throws has been a winning edge for Cincinnati again oh boy he's 70 the extra offensive lineman is lined up bottom of your screen right on the s in first and ten they're the block for Barnard pulled some lineman to try to give them a little lead he only games two yards do you feel John they've had to get a little bit different in what they wanted to do running the ball because that injury to Ryan human who's usually elite blocker for them I think so they want to come in here use a two back set they're using CJ usamma a rookie from Auburn number 87 has a fullback but Hugh Jackson's got a lot of plays on that sheet we've seen it all tonight from Wildcats the speed options you name it Jackson has it [Applause] often time McGarrett looking down the middle for AJ Green great play by Harris to break it up great way against one of the best in all of football a ej3 flying to the post and Chris Harris with his recovery speed gets it done it's a pulse pattern and AJ Green the most feared deep ball receiver in football [Applause] can't bring it home third and long another premiere pass rush opportunity for Denver expect some coverage it's worked well in this second half pressure up the middle by kail it's picked up the crosser is crop Tyler from the rookie tight-end out of Rutgers in for Tyler Eifert tonight with a big catchy run of 14 first out Cincinnati well you play man-to-man everybody's got a cover and you're gonna see Bush a backup safety covering Croft on this shallow cross you play a lot of steady man-to-man AJ McCarron has been able to get rid of the ball on time and his receivers it made some catches and run after Denver's messed up on the offense they need a timeout they only have ten guys sorry Chris Harris was coming off towards the sideline and they were miscommunicated I'm sorry John what a game 1714 Denver cleaning up some things that happen on that last Drive Bush was in coverage because TJ Ward was out he's questionable to return with an ankle injury that's what's forced him to miss the last three games [Applause] to a leg injury he played with a fractured leg now this is interesting to see because Andre Smith the right tackle moved after the movement from Denver he was just trying to catch the Denver defensive end with his hand in the cookie jar the question is was the Broncos guy back on his side it's getting harder and harder to decipher what is a false start what is offsides we're gonna get Denver FAQ neutral zone infraction defense under 94 came into the neutral zone causing your reaction by the offense five-yard penalty its first down first in five with 7/10 left Denver Bronco defense has committed a lot of penalties this year next to the Norlin Saints Denver is second in penalties on defense that's a huge one to set up Cincinnati with first and five fake to burn our row to the sidelines this one could not be brought in Marvin Jones incomplete and remember Mike Mike Nugent missed the field goal in the first half from right around this area and in a 1714 game it might just come down to Newton again a 45-yard field goal distance was five at the top to the right [Applause] scrimmages with 27 for that kick [Applause] seven yards away from where the Broncos are now trying to get a field goal range here comes where knows it in off the edge Whitworth locks him down but Karen's got to know when he opened so he'll just bench it and third down Denver doing an excellent job mixing it up in the second half they've had more success playing zone coverage than man coverage and on third down at five this huge accident four down territory that would impact the kind of play he calls here if Marvin Lewis is given Jackson a green light for four downs an interesting they got the penalty so they have first and five and they've thrown on first and second down field-goal from here would be a 52-yard attempt five in the pattern as McCarron takes the shot toward green but you get their green at the step the safety push sprinting for his life back to get to Ajay and it'll be a field goal attempts coming up he had a AJ Green working against Roby he's going to see his quarterback holding the ball for some reason AJ looked like he stopped running and he turned on the Jets and that ball is just out of reach here is Nugent from 52 [Applause] long enough and we are tied at 17 the Centreville elf comes back to tie the game at 17 it's been our favorite part of the season Monday night light shine the Monday Night Football spotlight on some high school football players about Boulder high school these guys every year adopt seventy elementary school kids and families in need host a Christmas celebration for them they were rewarded meeting Gary Kubiak and some of the rest of the Broncos the Panthers had a five and five season through their coaches Bob Simmons used to be on bill McCartney stamp and Boulder and Oklahoma State head coach quite some time so congratulations to the Boulder Panthers not for what they do on the field but what they do in their community our colleague one of our Monday Night Football great great production team Chris Jarmon very proud Walter Panther and we are proud of Chris and the rest of our team that's done just a great job in this season 46 and another close one Monday night the returns from Andre Caldwell stopped Shila 20 yard line by P J does 640 left game tied at 17 what does a win mean for these teams whole bunch Marvin Lewis and the Bengals they would clinch a by so important and trying to get Andy Dalton healthy guarantee of a playoff game that second playoff weekend if the Broncos win they clinched a playoff berth and have a chance to win the division on their own next Sunday this coming Sunday should say against the Chargers and so many other teams of implications along the way as well first down run by Hillman got through the trash and gets about seven yards on the carry it's a good extra effort run by Ronnie Hillman went on a quick count Michael Johnson needs to wrap up and make that tackle and here's Osweiler in the no-huddle offense he's been in this attack throughout the second half games with this penetration but he could not get to the back and Ronnie Hillman has a first down for Denver the 32 yard line is Gary Kubiak zone running game can wear you down you're gonna see Tino Atkins jet right up the field on the right side of the screen [Applause] was down for a swallow the catch to the run with Hillman to the 41 yard line Bengals tackling here in a fourth-quarter not been good enough that time perfect usually a sure tackler misses on the check down got to wonder about this altitude yep the Bengals are they exhausted do they have enough left in the tank on defense two Mary's Thomas comes to the sidelines for a moment for Denver second and one they blitz they can beat this blitz if he turns the corner across midfield and Anderson gets into cincy territory at the 45 yard line lots of blitz right up the middle you're gonna see 36 right side of your screen Shawne Williams mallalieu go on an inside blitz it's a poor run fit and CJ Anderson catches over running the football with Gary Kubiak hard to stop stopping the game for a moment because a Bengal player has gone down and the fans are suspicious that he's just trying to slow the momentum of the home team there's no boat op petco quickly looked at on the table as helmet back on ready to go this is why the fans were booing Pekka was welcomed back to the huddle and then felt something and set up I needs a good piece stop for the injury walked off now he's ready to go fans were wise to that so he's intentionally trying to stop the momentum of Denver here's the throwing Jordan Norwood trying to get the block from Sanders he does stays inbounds and gets to the 38 yard line three shy of a first down they have a strong running game and if you load the box up Osweiler has the freedom to throw these quick bubble screens makes you defend the entire field sideline to sideline [Applause] little faults count gave him a little idea of what was going to happen from the safety and now which side will be called for the flag loop with a front with Vasquez and action roosters don't infraction defense under 97 came in and crossing reaction about your offense five-yard penalty results in her first down take a look at Gino Adkins 97 card count offsides Bengals not tackling well at crunch time penalties sigh no fatigue John Atkins has played about half the plays here he normally plays 73% of the plays sickle-cell trait they were watching his number of plays in the app altitude here tonight that ball was knocked out on the hit by Johnson three on the ground and the Bengals have it Cincinnati's running the other way but they will rule down by contact the huge hit on Anderson I believe it was Michael Johnson forcing the turnover the first one of this game if it stands up and both athletic training staff sout and anderson is still down this is going to be close as we watch the replay here on the hip the injury timeout to feko seem to have energized the Bengals and the ball is clearly out what a hit by Johnson Reggie Nelson will be the one with the recovery watching if the ball is out before the knee comes down and as it's a turnover it will be looked at upstairs meantime the concern on the Denver side is for Anderson who took that huge hit from Michael Johnson the seventh year man from Georgia Tech the turnover has been confirmed by the replay booth and it is Cincinnati ball with two timeouts 405 left in a tie game at 17 Cincinnati recovered the ball first down [Applause] Eddie played this year 405 to go tied at 17 on the Bengals up a lot of time left they got to somehow get Jeremy hill back in this game one first down at a time we've got a long-range field goal kicker in Nugent you always say watch when Rex Burkhead is in the game he's topped to the screen 33 in white he's the man in motion coming down supply for the run inside with a powerful first down run for six so if they were really good at Mike excuse me in the first half these six and seven and four and five yard runs by Hill on first down use the clock a little bit and keep yourself in second in normal situations where Hugh Jackson has the entire playbook at his disposal [Applause] the parent second and four no but he's open and looking to get away and he gets out of the tackle box and throws it away and him completely Derek Wolfe flushed him had the sack earlier and here numbers down a field holds up very well you're going to see AJ green on a slant route a keep to leave plasters to his man there's nowhere to go third down at for Wade Phillips been playing a lot of man-to-man coverage in this situation AJ Green had a huge first half been very quiet here in the second happened we have some confusion in this Bengal huddle again we'll have to take another timeout all right where all of their timeouts have been on the offense and administrative timeouts if you will nothing to stop the clock to preserve time or anything of the sort so 1717 the game billed as these two top defenses one team leading the NFL in points allowed at Cincinnati and yards allowed on the Denver side and both have lived up to it as we've gone through so the numbers and the math New England knows if they win they're automatically taking care of his the number one seat there's an odd night with both of these teams still alive for the number one seed if they win out and then New England loses that game in Miami but you mentioned Kansas City before the interest at they're watching because this could mean they control their destiny yeah how about Houston they got a lot at stake in Houston - there's a lot riding in these last three minutes and her down at four Mike and since he knew and since he wins Houston is in Indianapolis hopes to stay alive this is one of a 10 team parlay maybe to get to the postseason where unblocked coming up McCarran who rolled it through it Birkhead caught it for the first down Rex Burkhead at the 40 yard line with 3/10 left AJ McCarron has been brilliant tonight on third down for the Bengals this time it's a sprint out to the right where can't get there and it's Rex Burkhead who can do it all he was an outstanding runner at Nebraska became a slot receiver last year with all the injuries now he's a joker jack-of-all-trades he just made the biggest play I think of his young career cincinnati needs to be more efficient getting to play in 3:10 to go the Karen Rose it to sue new Marvin Jones could not get a bluff and Harris makes the tackle so many of these quick screens bubble screens and so many of these defensive backs are getting tired of looking at them Harris to leave Roby get off blocks and reject Sanu second down and 11 this is the number one ranked defense in pro football got to turn up the pass rush it scope to leave at the top of the screen when I want with 88 green 6 offensive linemen including Oak Way he in on this one but Garrett Walker his second on the year Nance Walker a back-up defensive tackle in a rotation number 96 [Applause] beats Clint fowling for huge play in his third and 20 at the two-minute warning gave his time 17 back in Denver to the awarding of the monday night football season [Applause] coming up after the games of GMG postgame report I've been joined by Ray Lewis Steve Young went to break down the entire ass the top 10 plays from overnight here G said dirt and 20 place is going nuts Macario how to get rid of it cross tries to stay inbounds ovals lost the ball but he stepped out of bounds at the 43 yard line so not only does that come up shy of the first down it also stops the clock he gives Dever 151 and two timeouts to use tyler crop with some fancy footwork on the sidelines juggling the ball through himself here's huber he needs a pin denver deep crazy play that would have been if he woulda lost control hubert kickin [Applause] let's see if he's got the spin on it no he does not so the Broncos will take over at the 20 yard line the net is 36 yards and here is Brock Osweiler's chance to timeouts 100 seconds can you get the ball 40 45 yards downfield can you give Brandon McManus a chance to win the game and get your team in the playoffs plenty of time left how about the pressure on this young man in the shadows of Peyton Manning John Elway they're looking for a young quarterback that can win these kinds of games season potentially on the line McManus made 56 and 57 yarders in week one rule colder ball doesn't go as far but he can get it if they can get the ball around the 40-yard line so here we go house Wylie Owen Daniels Stadium down so that runs clock ohto called out of bounds so this a foot came out that's a break on the gain of 16 yards and Gary Kubiak one of the best screen coaches in the league expect the screen at some point in time you see Daniels working on the sideline and that arm coming down on the sideline as he came down is the reason that the clock was stopped for being out of bounds just by inches it saves a timeout or 20 seconds [Music] 1:32 to go for Osweiler Dunlap pressure in his face Oh Daniels follows goobie AK wherever he goes seam route left side of your screen what a beautiful throw by Brock Osweiler standing tall in the pocket gains of 16 and 26 at Daniel's with Kubiak in Houston and in Baltimore and now here final minute pressure coming Kotler passes incomplete Bengals trying to bring some heat from here the field goal attempt would be 56 yards we talked about this before at the 40 no deficit they lead the league with the 214 plus point comebacks trying to make it three and secure their place in the postseason got to heat him up right now if you're Paul Gunn third the defensive coordinator of the Bengals any kind of completion in their field goal range I expect the Blitz from Cincinnati here it's just being John Thomas out Sanders at for the moment at the 38 yard line it is Osweiler with his young crew out there late [Applause] who are some of these young croco receivers but Brock Osweiler with time to seed and get to his second option throws another strike Fowler only has three receptions in his last six games out of Michigan State with a big grab to the 25 final half minute CJ Anderson in the back and Anderson carries in the middle and they just want to manage it here in field goal range now because Cincinnati had to use their timeouts on offense this is their only time to stop the clock Brandon McManus would be looking at something very much in his range from about 42 yards and you see he's been perfect 45 and in this year defining moment tonight for Brock Osweiler down 14 to nothing Mike they come out to start the third quarter they use a no huddle offense he gets that touchdown to get some confidence and he's been excellent at crunch time John Elway looking down you're right the spectrums huge its Elway who hand-picked you yeah your contracts jump in at the landing in your quarterback room exactly I mean it's two of the all all all-time greats every Monday night it's been the same kind of finish Mike thank you the way Cincinnati cannot stop it will they just keep it centered here Osweiler going low to that right hash finable comfortable spot perhaps for the kicker it's a loss of three yards it makes it just a hair longer and Denver will run this down and take the time out and place it all on the foot of Brandon McManus Marcus hunt keep an eye on Marcus hunt number 99 for the Cincinnati Bengals he has a history of blocking kicks while he was a collegiate at SMU he might be the only man on this field taller than Brock Osweiler hey it's 17 blocks number 99 hooked for the Bengals during his SMU days Carlos Dunlap blocked the field goal last week John against San Francisco and Michael Johnson looks like he could be playing for the Lakers these are tall long defenders that are gonna try to block this kick for the Bengals McManus has won a couple of games this year with field goals aaron brewer will snap it Britton Colquitt will hold it and the right foot of Brandon McManus can send the Denver Broncos to the playoffs from 45 for the win Wow I don't even think it was blocked the whole by Colquitt is there I think he just shanked it don't cook totally that's a perfect hole I bet he's never hit a ball that poorly since he's kicked and lice for the Bengals so we'll go to overtime let's just make sure we listen carefully on this coin after what happened last yesterday with New England and Bill Belichick chose to kick off the Jets took the ball touchdown pass Fitzpatrick to Decker and the Jets got a huge win for them a win that really damaged Pittsburgh's chances so all the fans Houston in Indianapolis and Kansas City Jets fans and Steelers fans who've been going up and down with what this means for their team on every play glad you have to go to work tomorrow Ed Hochuli open the microphone and we'll turn the show over there we will now begin an overtime period fourth quarter timing rules all replays will be initiated from the booth each team gets two timeouts each team gets an opportunity to have the football unless the first team where the ball scores a touchdown since daddy it's your choice what's your call tails tails us to call tells us to call it is heads Denver is one when you want to kick to this direction would general receive on this end good luck gentlemen there are also permutations for the playoffs if there's a time we'll talk about those this overtime goes on Brandon McManus is so desperately hoping he gets another shot or as team wins this game after that kick Mike Black is our spotter up here in the booth he kicked at Boise State was a record-setting kicker for Boise State during his four years he pointed out two things over stride his plant foots a bit ahead of where it wants to be and then he Peaks up as he looks it's just like your golf swing when you get nervous maybe put a little too much into it your hips over rotate and Mike who is a terrific kicker in the Arena League with Kurt Warner as his holder at that kicking expertise to that play over time begins with no return for Andre Caldwell you heard that Hawk Y elated the overtime rules just a reminder both teams the opportunity to possess unless a touchdown or safety scored on this possession if we're tied after each team's first possession then its next score wins will go 15 minutes if it's tied then we end in a tie and we'll go through what that mean to the playoffs in a bit do the Bengals have enough left in the tank on defense they seem to wear down late in that fourth quarter Tino Atkins not in the game it'll be 92 Pat Sims from the 20 on first down it is Osweiler on the poop taking a shot downfield towards to Marius Thomas and incomplete it's been a very quiet night Osweiler hit on the end of the play by Dunlap quiet night for Thomas five catches in 42 yards and he's limping on the Denver bench Osweiler needs to come out of these naked bootlegs with the assumption he could get hit Dunlap had a sack earlier on a bootleg that time knocks Osweiler down this one does not end on a first play overtime victory like we had good far from the Packers on a Monday night here in Denver back to 2007 Osweiler nothing open flush fires incomplete intended for Owen Daniels and it will be third down here he comes Gill barrier Tino Atkins this will be the number one nickel pass rushers of the bengals Atkins and Dunlap the only two teammates in football that have over ten sacks no time better and to let it loose right now the berries Thomas back on the field Sochi is Virgil green it's been a limited night in terms of snaps for Vernon Davis and tight end for Denver timeout taken by the Broncos they take one of their two that you get in overtime alright so we mentioned if this game goes to a tie here is the playoff impact of that the Bengals would clinch the by that we've talked about so often if they win the Broncos would also get in the playoffs so everybody leaves happy okay if you have you ever tie and the Texans also get in the playoffs so it would make most of the people who have something on the table here satisfy at the end of the night and a tie game is not one of the many lengthy scenarios that get the Colts in so those the impacts of a tie game on this one nobody's thinking about a tie right now it's third of ten and Denver took a timeout because defensive coordinator Paul Gunther jumped into his infamous double a gap package let's see if he brings it again they try to confuse Osweiler third to ten we get to Mary's Thomas over to the proper side of the formation for this one four-man twisting rush Osweiler looking for something fires complete who's had a great last two drives heats this one alive with a gain of a dozen a play by Osweiler third and 10 you get the number one pass rush in the cincinnati bengals on the field he throws an off-balance awkward completion for the first down right before gino atkins can get there [Applause] you talk about conserving energy for players and the snaps it's been a much more Cincinnati on the field second half defensively compared to that first half and the zone read gives it is Anderson Michael Johnson comes up with a stop it's good to see CJ Anderson back in again he got hit hard by Michael Johnson earlier cincinnati's right where they want to be they had a third and 10 just a moment ago here they are at second and long these are the kind of situations that Denver wanted to avoid and here they are again facing a long yardage second down toss Weiler fertile green sideline green it'll be stopped short of the first down as they were pulling at the bow and a late flag comes in as perfect didn't let go on the sidelines and bunts his perfect got involved with it was fine to penalize the game in Pittsburgh looks like he'll be the one here that's not a good play by Burfict I think 85 Virgil green is out of bounds after the play was over personal foul unnecessary roughness defense number 55 15 yards first down that's a huge penalty will take them into Cincinnati territory it'll be marks at the Bengals 45 perfect gotta control his emotions at times been fined a lot and it's close you got to pull off on the sideline and it sets Denver up again remember McManus he may have to redeem himself shortly Fischer marked off to the 44 yard line touchdown wins the game going in the left trying to get the corner a really good first down run game take it to the 37-yard lot speed to get the edge and Owen Daniels is shaken up he came across the formation to cut off the backside and Daniel's who has come up huge as a receiver in the second half goes to the sideline second down and three you have to expect Paul Gunther to bring some kind of a blitz something he wanted to get to three receivers going downfield back shoulder incomplete for Andre Caldwell and it will be third down and short it's a good audible Osweiler read the Blitz he audible he max the protection blitz came right up the middle he oughta bolt and he's going to try to get the ball down the seam he maxed the protection up he kept it tight in in the back in surprise he picked Caldwell in that situation but third down a three no back set for Denver from here a field goal attempt would be 55 yards Anderson in motion Osweiler slings it one-armed Quran by Demaryius Thomas as he was dealing with Adam Jones it's a Bronco first down you got to be kidding me Demaryius Thomas has been criticized for dropping footballs eats his spade one of the greatest one-handed catches you'll see how about that Adam Jones has his other arm and how Demaryius Thomas caught that bullet I have no idea what a huge first down for Denver he's been fighting through tonight she can come over to the sideline multiple times the 32 yard line first down this opening drive of ot sandurz an incomplete to stay in the air forever perfect trying to get there Sanders limping lucky that ball wasn't intercepted that ball bounced right off his chest Dre Kirkpatrick is injured for the Bengals right off his hands you see Burfict Williams pursuing the play and drape Kirkpatrick starting left corner down for the bengals Sanders went over to the Denver sideline as well so two key players shake it up if you look at this field right now John we've got a bunch of bangles on Annie Petco the big guys trying to suck air and then you look over at the Broncos they're just standing in the huddle you've talked about the bringing your teams out here with the Raiders in the division for four years Tampa came out here once Road teams coming here doesn't matter how often you oxygen everything else it just wears you down as the game goes on no doubt about it I used to think it was a myth until I went outside jogging around a hotel it's the reality that air up here in the Rockies Kirkpatrick looks to be okay second down and long expect a quick throw or another run Denver's in field goal position Leon Hall hurt earlier in at corner for the moment five defensive backs for the Bengals Osweiler got out quick it's caught by Thomas in traffic Thomas trying to pick up my boy she's off a tackle Thomas to the 20 yard line gain at over the first down Oh Hart to various Thomas he got a piece like this get him the ball and let him do the rest how many quick screens have they thrown great block by CJ Anderson and bouncing off tacklers the merriest Thomas what a catch most receiving yards in the league last four years it was Michael Johnson just getting left forearm on it that Thomas saw it come out of there at the 20-yard line his drive started at the 20 Anderson tried to cut it back gain of a yard as Wallace Gilberry was there in this Drive in part helped along by the 15 yard penalty for vantes perfect on the sidelines what are you thinking if you're Gary Kubiak how close do we have to get and do we even want to try another field goal after that last experience well these overtime rules forced you to continue to try to score the touchdown to win the game while you're down here because the field goal just leaves the door open for Cincinnati to come back down tie you and extend this overtime or win the game so a little of that is mitigated by the rules the last couple of years second and nine Osweiler daniels over the middle on the big hit by reggie nelson reggie nelson at real speed i thought he went in there legal with the shoulder nelson shaken up himself but he read Osweiler's eyes all the way punishes Owen Daniels that's a legal hit in a great play by Reggie Nelson who's had eight interceptions this year and they have spoken for the last few years in the NFL about the strike zone and can they teach the safeties to try to make the big hits and make them legal and the strike zone is from the shoulders down to the knees and Nelson was in that strike zone not with his helmet he turned his head so it was his shoulder it does not minimize the physical toll in the contact but fortunately they're looking at Daniel's below the neck and not up by the head area so this brings up third and not on the 13th play of this over time starting drop there come Cincinnati they drop out Osweiler try the shot for the inside Thomas couldn't bring it in as Adam Jones was with him no flag thrown and it will be a 37-yard field goal to put Denver on the board in Oh to Adam Jones one-on-one with the merriest Thomas out of bounds I don't think was going to be catchable anyway Mike this is a big one for McManus we talked about McManus on that replay before his technique you mentioned Marcus hunt 99 he got up there so big trying to block this field goal for the earlier field goal will try this one from 37 yards and he knocks that one through to give Denver the overtime lead 5-minute drive so Cincinnati a field goal to continue over time a touchdown to winning in a bye otherwise the Broncos are in the playoffs [Music] well we've learned one thing these two young quarterbacks can go on the road at the Karen's case or against a good defense in Osweiler's case and give their team a chance to win a playoff game this has been playoff caliber playoff pressure but Karen was terrific early on Osweiler with a lot on his back led this team through adversity early on nearly 300 yards and now Cincinnati will have the chance to answer the field goal drive led by Osweiler when McCarran gets on the field so line drive returnable kick on the bounce at the 20 Brian Atene a good returner picked through the open spots he gives Cincinnati very good field position to start this overtime drive and Todd Davis has checked in at inside linebacker for the Broncos Mike for Brandon Marshall their leading tackler number 54 is on the sidelines let's see if Todd Davis can run the show at home Denver number one defense in yards allowed can they stop Cincinnati and earn the Broncos a playoff berth [Applause] from the 33 macaron pressure coming at blows hit on the way out and it's incomplete now ruled incomplete by Ed Hochuli the referee there was no initial signal von Miller came around the edge von Miller beats Andre Smith with that speed rush his get off this is close this is close might be on it projecting it forward they're almost the empty hand coming through which would have been a fumble with a clear recovery a keep two lead came out after that flow number one defense in pro football all you got to do is put an exclamation point behind it right now if you're Denver stopping the game stopping the game in his plans not going to count I wonder if this is being stopped or a timeout by Denver Talib came over to the sideline timeouts being taped later borrowers by Denver timeout Denver that's their first that's a 30-second timeout it's actually gonna be their last timeout you only get two in OT they used one earlier Kubiak is trying to get the attention he's got the red flag in his hand but you can't throw the challenge flag at overtime cuz all replays are initiated by the replay booth and he saw what we saw as John was talking with a replay he thought the ball came out and he wants it reviewed but you can't force it to be reviewed you can just call timeout and say hey we want to take a few more looks at it and maybe initiated from upstairs [Music] I'll open it but Jerry Austin here are two-time Super Bowl referee Jerry my first thought was Denver second and final timeout in overtime my first thought was that was really close to a fumble after we got this look at it the ball is loose before the arm goes forward before the elbow hinges the ball is loose I think this is a fumble and butt replay did not shut it down how could I not review this Jerry with all this time it would have to be clear because the call area wasn't complete and Kubiak did a brilliant job of calling timeout giving the big board here on the big replay board the chance to look at those if there is a clear recovery by Denver and that's a fumble the game would be over because it would be the turnover and the possession so let's go back over the wording Jerry of what you're going to be looking at and replay here to overturn the call of incomplete pass as we look all the way through to see a clear recovery by Derek wolf of the Broncos has to be clearly that the arm or hand is not going forward but see he is hid and before the handle goes forward before the elbow hinges the ball is loose he pushes it forward therefore that should be ruled a fumble in my opinion that's clearly a fumble and it's going to be recover for Kenyon there's a clear recover you see his fingers come off the ball there which is a little bit of that empty hand that you look for on plays like that pushing the ball forward and controlling it just going forward even a little bit is the difference with a fumble and a forward pass so this is being looked at again it has to be completely convincing evidence to overturn that call that hand was just coming forward a bit and we'll see if they say stands on that instead of overturning it and ending the game the ruling on the field stands as call and now that Hockley will come over with that explanation for gary kubiak again watch the hand and the ball on the hand as it comes forward it just rolls off almost like a George Gervin finger roll off his hands as that hand is starting to move forward whiskers in super slow-mo and High Definition [Applause] better get back to the quick passing game because Von Miller has a beat on McCarran and his snap count got to be real careful here since it helped yes she do Cincinnati gets another life after that in a second and 10th a jade green in motion the caring lost the ball if the Broncos recover they win [Applause] what a way to lose a football game centered quarterback exchange and Brock Osweiler the Denver Broncos come back from a 14 to nothing deficit to shocks Internet [Applause] let's go handle it Michael sometimes you take your eyes off the snap you're looking at the defense reading the coverage and the Pro Bowler where gets the recovery Brock Osweiler rallies the team down 14 nothing and those you guys may see each other in a few weeks in a season ending game one way or the other they may be the playoff game with the Broncos win Denver is in the tournament next week they win the West with a win or a Kansas City loss Chiefs fans got to be crushed right now the Broncos clinched a first-round bye if they went or Kansas City and Cincinnati lose the Broncos could still be the number one seeded they win and that New England loses at Miami now on the Bengal side with this result they can still clinch a bye if they win against Baltimore next week and Denver loses to San Diego or the Chiefs get the victory in their game against Oakland and Denver loses the game to San Diego but Gary goofy acts in the playoffs Brock Osweiler's in the playoffs and he's with Lisa Salters thank you Mike rock it took a little bit longer we had to go to overtime but what did you think about the way that one ended sometimes that's just how the game goes but you know our team has a lot of special guys on it and those guys you know are willing to fight for sometimes 60 plus minutes you know we've had to do that a couple times this year and it's just a heck of a team effort great win in front of the best fans in the world you know they supported us all night and I'm very very happy to get this win you guys couldn't get anything going offense in the first half what changed once she came out of the locker room well we flip-flop things you know last week we started fast finish slow we just thought we would do the opposite game this week but nothing special you know we just we really honed in one play at a time we focus on our job one play at a time and we were able to march down the field what does it mean to you to get this team into the playoffs it means everything you know that's that's why you lace them up that's why you know you show up in April and you go back to work that's why you do training camp you show up so you can make the playoffs and for us to get a berth again it means a lot to this football team thank you congratulations to you thank you so much Mike back to you Chargers on Sunday hear the football game between two terrific teams so Houston does not clinch the South by the way and Indianapolis still alive he'll live nine more of their 10 team bar later pull up to get into the postseason season 46 of Monday Night Football was the best in terms of competitive games 13 of our 17 games decide by eight for fewer points though season London in overtime Denver wins 20 to 17 GMC postgame on sports centers coming up with a final group rider of the year in a moment ESPN thanks you for watching this presentation of the National Football League
Channel: Bart Simpson
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Length: 166min 37sec (9997 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 23 2018
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