2015 Thor Axis 24.1. Stock# 12940A

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[Music] welcome to our used 2015 for axis 24.1 starting right on the side here got this one storage compartment if you open that up it's got the little clips on either end hold it open for you and you can see the storage compartment see straight through on this end as well as the other end to get the little service light there so you can see what you're doing pulling that down lock it back into place down from there you're gonna find your generator so your control for turning this guy on is actually just inside of the unit this right here just be for service lock that back down a step forward we're gonna find your gas fill ahead of that you've got a cable and satellite inlet it's just a coix cable plug into there fire up your tv location beside that is your power pin lift so you're just gonna pop that cap open in the bottom corner you'll notice that little tab there it's gonna line up this notch here you're gonna press it in give it a little eighth turn then you've got the threaded collar in the back there to really lock it down following the cord back you're gonna find a standard 30 amp end there most campsites are gonna have that you can just plug straight on in and you're good to go we do also provide you with a 15 amp adapter so if you're looking to plug in at home to charge your batteries around your fridge you've got the power to do so step forward we've got your city water connections there so just your water hose is going to plug into there turn on the water and that'll pressurize the lines throughout the units another step forward we've got your exterior shower so you're going to get a key just like this guy here stick it on into there and open her up then you get the standard head and hose hot and cold water so if the dog's out getting muddy you can spray him off where he gets inside just tucking that back away wrap it around lock her down down from there basically this this compartment here basically is just access to your tank so really nothing down there for you to worry about ahead of that we've got your sewer system so the same key is going to open this guy up and you can see we've got your sewer hose tucked in here so this compartment is sealed off from the unit so you're not going to get any stent from there basically your sewer hose here you got the two ears in the adapter there cops right here you're gonna kind of press that in pull that off and then you can see it's got the same ears on it as well so you just be attaching the hose onto there and then right down through the bottom you actually have a little kind of access port there so you can kind of run that hose through attach it to your sewer outlet and there you go on the right you've got a black valve so that black belt is controlling your black tank black tank is filled in your toilet so that's of course going to be our dirtiest water we'll be dumping that first once that's done you can come to the gray gray valves controlling your gray tank that is going to be filled with your sinks as well as your shower so typically cleaner water will do that last just to help keep that hose as clean as possible clothes are all backed off tuck it back away closer up again ahead from there you'll notice that this compartment does not have locks that is because this is your propane compartment so of course you cannot walk that it's just kind of a safety thing so really the only valve down here that you're concerning yourself with would be of course first your filling gauge just check where you're at and then we've got the valve there you're just going to turn that to open it up make sure it's opened up all the way and there you go head from there it's a little storage compartment here so you just get the little light in the back all of those fuses there really just for service this little computer right there is for your slide out so if you ever have an issue with your slide out you're basically going to come here you get a little check light in there if you ever have an issue and then your diagnostic port's just right there around the front of the units basically you got your little hood right here so this guy's just got little latches on either end as you unlock those you can pull it forward you get access to your washer fluid down in the bottom there and then really beyond that is uh is what it is you're gonna notice that cable right there so we just got your battery charging right now we're on the other side under the storage bin here same sort of light up in the wall there another step back you've got your exterior tv here so this guy opens up you got your television in there remotes are just inside of the units above that we've got a range vent here so you just got a little flap in there so of course propane stove inside is putting off fumes whenever you're using it so you just make sure that is opened up with your fan inside turned on evacuating all of those fumes down from there you got another storage compartments previous owner didn't install a inverter there's also a little light up in the top there this av cable there or sorry that coax cable is run straight inside next to the tv as well we'll show you that in a couple minutes here [Music] this right here is just a service port for your fridge nothing back there for you to worry about down from there we're going to find the exhaust for your furnace so if you're ever running a furnace you just want to make sure that's not blocked off it does get hot found tonight it's another storage bin same light on the side there up above that we've got a gfi protected outlet here resets just inside of the unit first tank fill so you just got that cap there you're gonna pop that off take your water hose and stick it into there turn on the water that'll fill up that fresh water tank you know that tank is full once it starts spitting water out of that vent there from there you've got your hot water heater so you just got that keyword you're going to line that up and you can pull it on open so all of your controls for turning this guy on are just inside of the unit before we ever turn it on though we just want to hit that relief valve right there make sure that shot of water comes out a bit of water coming out it's just letting us know that we're full it's safe to fire it up and we're not going to burn anything out by doing so closing it back down you're just locking down that keyway and the other end of your storage compartments here so inside here is where we're going to find your water hose as well as that park adapter i was telling you about so your 30 ohm according to their 15 ounces standard outlet another little light right up top here as well then in the back of the unit you get a lighter here so you can get up top and check your seals and then also in the center there you'll see your backup camera the unit is also prepared with a hitch so we'll just make our way inside of the unit the door is on a gas strut but that gas strut has definitely seen better days because the door opens up just past 90. and will contact your awning arm so you just want to be weary of that this step right here you get this little latch you're going to lift it up and you can turn it that undoes it you get access to your batteries those batteries are good and charged close your back down and then right inside up on the right we've got your fire extinguisher so that's standard pull the pin point and shoot down in the corner here we've got your battery disconnect switch so down is going to store the batteries of course just disconnect them use up top reconnects them awning switch beside that so we press and hold out that awning will make its way out again we're watching our door making sure it's holding 90 degrees not hitting the arm so once that awning is fully extended you're going to see a little black flap come down as well as the gray of the metal tube once you see that you're going to want to stop if you're to continue extending it can actually wind itself up backwards in which case the fabric will be underneath our tube allowing it to then hold water accelerating the growth of mold and mildew there's our flap there's a tube so we'll stop right there now if we're gonna start raining it's of course gonna be holding some water anyway so what you can do is grab either arm front or rear you're basically going to depress that pin right there and then you can kind of pull that in just keep going click for click and you can see that changes the pitch of the awning out of the head allowing water to then run off if you like that angle better because it does get nice you can do the same thing with the arm up front before you bring it back in there you just make sure these guys are back out straight and fully extended just that we're not running the risk of bending them and then we'll press and hold the track that are going to make its way back in the door there now one more thing to keep in mind with your awning is once you get up about 15 20 kilometers an hour wind it does catch that wind so you want to bring it back in just so you're not running the risk of bending your arms straight up from there you're going to see this little black port here so that's just an outlet for your furnace you will see them kind of throughout the unit all these switches here so the one on the right there does your porch light outside one in the center does your interior lights and the one on the left i believe is just blank it may have been for an awning light once upon a time that has been disconnected this guy here just flip it on out you lock those arms in you get the kind of the extended counter space for putting it back away just going to pick it up flip those arms in and then it'll fold back over straight up from there just really quickly i'll go over the [Music] mobile switch here for your inverter so you're just gonna tear it around turns on your inverter which basically just draws on your batteries to turn that 12 volt power into 120 volt power i believe just specifically for your fridge as well this guy right here is going to be for your front bed here right behind our camera here press hold lower that'll make its way down now with the new mattresses that we put in for this customer it does not go up all the way to secure the travel latches so just keep that in mind stops automatically we've yet to find the ladder so we believe that the previous owner still has it and basically you just pop it up and you get your bed area once you're done you press and hold raise and the sky will make its way back up [Music] there you have it you can also turn that off so your set of keys will have the key that you can turn that off with up top from there you've got your whole kind of monitor panel so in the bottom right here you've got your water heater controls the switch on the right there turns it on with electricity turn the switch on fires up with electricity one on the left there does your lp gas that fires it up on propane hit that switch there you get that little light light you know the ignition sequence will start and then once it fires up that light should go out if it ever doesn't fire up you'll get that light and it'll come on and it'll stay on at that point just off and back on to reset it water pumps switch beside it so we turn that on turns on your water pump drying out of your fresh tank to pressurize your lines the tanks are also equipped with heaters you can just turn those heaters on just keep the tanks a little warmer so if you start getting down to about five degrees or so overnight you're going to want to turn those on just so you don't risk any freezing for your slide out we got that in the far left here so press and hold extend and that slide will make its way out once that slides fully extended we'll just hear some lines from the motors letting us know they breached their stall [Music] all right up from there we've got your generator control so we got your start and stop here you typically just want to hold that stop for a couple of seconds that'll prime it up and when you get that red light you can press start and you can hear it fire right up hour meter on the side there just tells you how long it has run for it in total and once you're done just press and hold stop and then once it's idled down you can let go of it monitor system in the right here so we got your lpg so that's your liquid propane gas you can see we're currently full as that goes down and go to a third two thirds in full or sorry backwards two-thirds one-third then empty for your battery you can see we're currently c for charging g would be good f is fair l is low refresh tank as you fill that up you go to a third two thirds and full same idea for your black and your gray around the corner there you've got kind of your storage compartment up top here above the sink you do get a little light there so they're all just on their own slides hot and cold water of course mobile head a little bit of storage down below just being mindful of our drains and our water lines a bit more drawer space besides that then your microwave top here is pretty standard just like home not much i'm going to teach you there down below that we get your range vent so you get a light as well as the fan this is that family you want turned on with that vent outside opened up so we evacuate our hands five-fold cover just up and then falls into place in the back there turn this knob over to light hit it with a sparker and she fires right up i will just say the first time you go to use your propane system especially if you've been away from the unit for a while it will take a minute just to fire everything up because he's got to clear all the air to the propane lines it's perfectly normal i recommend you start with the center burner here as you can see that is a high output burner it'll clear out the quickest on the right here you've got your oven so we're just going to turn that over to pilot press and hold grab a lighter open up the stove and then right in the very back and get that pilot light going so once you get that pilot light going you just want to hold the knob in for another couple of seconds then you can release the knob and the flame will hold itself then you can just turn up to your desired temperature and she fires right up once we're done we can turn it back down to just pile it will hold just a pile there for us but if we're traveling or leaving the unit for a while we just make sure it's right off pop it up fold it over sits into place a little bit of storage down below that another outlet for the furnace down there your fridge here super simple control so auto is first going to look for ac power if ac power is taken away it'll automatically flip over to gas if you're out boondocking and you want it running solely on gas just have that come to the side and she'll fire up just on gas temp selection on the side there freezer up top fridge down below down below there you're going to find a solar charge controller so pretty straightforward just kind of tells you what the system is currently doing so you can see in the top left there we do currently have solar power and we are currently charging not quite full but we're on our way there down below that we've got your converter press the top and center she pops on open you get all of your breakers down the middle here whenever a breaker breaks it's going to sit in the center so just turn it off and then back on and on the right side we got all the refuses whenever a fuse pops you'll get a little red led right beside it letting you know exactly which one went some storage lots of space back here as well the drawers down below it so this grille right here is actually access to your hot water tank so if you're looking to winterize the unit yourself once it comes time you're going to pop those four screws out of there right through there you'll find your bypasses beside that we've got your lp detectors the propanes everything there it sits on the floor the sky will detect and start going off just like a smoke detector would around the corner in the back here you got a little light switch down there and we also got your thermostat right up above it so for we'll start with heat actually so just slide that slider over the way all the way over to the right for heat select your temperature fan speed especially if you're using cool or heat you're going to just leave that in auto just selects what's most appropriate so once that furnace fires up it'll be moving its air through all the little parts and registers that we've shown you already once we're done with the heat slide that to off center left is going to be fan so at that point you can actually select your low or high fans based on of course whatever your needs are if you're looking to actually cool the unit you'll have that slider all the way over the left select your temperature and at that point it'll actually start kicking in the compressor and cooling the unit off and of course just the auto fan there with the air conditioner going you basically got two different options you can have these three louvers here closed in which case we're using all the ducting to move our hair or you can open them up and it just dumps all of its air into the living room here so when you first get out to your campsite you want these open cool off this area as quickly as possible and then you can close them off to start moving the air through center right there is off just turns everything off this tv here is all hooked up the remote for it's in the back corner there we got some storage all across the top here all around the back of the units in the back here you got a couple of lights so the switches are just in the back and then in the center you also have a gfi or sorry just a regular outlet this red handle here signifies an emergency exit so you're just taking this handle here throwing it outside pulling on screen to get rid of it hopping on out that will open wide as you saw the blinds throughout the unit kind of just sit where you leave them just on a tension system underneath this bed if you pick it up right here you do have this filler piece that goes right where my legs are actually and then you have these two big cushions right here they'll fill in the middle to create kind of i guess like a short queen we could call it and then this table right right here that goes up front we'll show you that spot in a couple minutes here i just came to get out of there ah there's the table all right i'll deal with that in a minute here so right behind that you guys got another little storage bin there so that is an air mattress and i'll deal with that couple minutes on this side here so this is going to be storage down the middle here that little bit there then underneath this mattress we flip this up that is your water tank there so you got this panel right here that pulls right out and right back here you're going to find these two valves this one on the left there that is up that is going to be your cold low point drain the one on the right here is a hot low point drain underneath this purple thing here so that valve right there is your fresh tank drain all right so if you have that opened up the drink just draining out your fresh tank and then right here if you can see it that is one that allows the flow from your tank to your water pump and then this outlet right here is where you would bring your anti-freeze to and you just draw off of that for winterizing the units okay so into the bathroom i'm gonna need you to come over here because that will lock you up basically you got your slider right here and push that down and then you can see you get the channel right there opens up the door and locks it to create the bathroom right so in the bathroom you get your light switch right behind the sink there get a little medicine cabinet here as well hot and cold water that's at the sink of course and a little bit more storage down below it again just mindful of our drains and water lines the shower is just standard head and hose hot and cold water super simple skylight up above it a little bit more storage over here the roof vent above you get that knob there turn it open it up you can see previous owner did do max serve covers the corner there you get a switch turns on the fan and then your toilet the flusher is really hard to get to with work boots but it is on the right side there and then we're opening it up we've got a little sliders again it's just in the back corner there's gonna slide that down and you can close her off i will get out first though the latches are just up top there they sit into a groove simple as that around the corner we get kind of lounge area so you get your storage across the top here so on the right side here's where going to find all of your owner's manuals any remotes anything like that for the units right in there [Music] more storage there and then just this couch which i believe folds over take those cushions and throw them out of the way take this handle here and flip it over and then your air mattress would come down over all of this and then you can see in the back there is your dinette so we'll pull these out of the way too the two dinette legs there you can see they are kind of coned off at the tips it's basically what they'll be doing is sitting right into these two spots there and then you'd be taking the tabletop put it on top of those legs and there's your dinette as you can see you do have seat belts back there so the seat can be occupied while traveling flipping everything back over putting it back into place bring the cushions back in and there you have it we got stuff on the ceiling so we got your smoke detector here and then your antenna so for raising that guy you're just taking this knob here turning it to open it up and that'll bring it up once you have it up all the way it just stops in place just like that then you can pull down on the whole rotary knob you turn it looking for your best signal wherever you find it you can leave it there once you're done though and getting ready to travel again you're just going to line up those two arrows bring it back down just ensures that it is sitting inside of its channel and doesn't go flying around on you while you're traveling and then just a couple of things up front that are unique in being you know a motor home not just a regular truck um that is pretty well all the same so you got your mirror heat your mirror adjustment your wipers your dash illumination your lights standard dash there in the center you get your stereo fog lights and your night shades so this guy is going to be that front shade so you just press down and that shade will come down all the way of course not driving with that down in the center there you've got your generator starts it works just like the one that that panel that we've shown you emergency start here is actually a really rather nice feature especially considering this unit does have solar panels if your coach sorry if the truck battery were to die and you were to turn the key and you're getting no power there if you turn that on and have your coach batteries turned on you can actually start the vehicle with the coach batteries let me get your cab light there so just turns on the light up here and really beyond that it's pretty straightforward so if you've got any other questions on the unit please feel free to give us a call 204-237-7272
Channel: Transcona Trailer Sales
Views: 180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TamLryN56SI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2022
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