2012 Kids' State Dinner

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The First Lady: I have a minor interruption. We have a special guest who wanted to stop by and say hello because this is a very special event. So it is my honor to introduce the President of the United States, Barack Obama. (cheers and applause) The First Lady: Look at the room! The President: It looks spectacular! Hello, everybody. Audience: Hello! The President: Have a seat. Everybody have a seat. Now, I heard that there was a state dinner going on here -- and usually I get invited to the state dinners. (laughter) So this time I just had to crash -- (laughter) -- I had to crash the party because I did not want to miss out on all the fun. I'm not going to speak long because I know that there's some entertainment coming that is more entertaining than me. (laughter) But I do want to say I couldn't be prouder of my wife, Michelle -- (applause) -- because she took up this cause of healthy eating because she's a mom, and like the other moms in the room -- The First Lady: And dads and grandparents. The President: And dads, and grandparents in the room, sometimes we have to get on the younger people about eating healthy. And that personal experience then translated into all the great work she's been doing. And she's helped to mobilize a movement around the country to give parents more choices and more information so that they can work with their kids to make sure their kids are healthy. But in addition to being proud of her, I could not be prouder of you, the young people, because it's hard enough to follow a recipe and make something good to eat. I'm not a great cook. I'm an okay cook. I can make a good omelet and -- (laughter) Toast. (laughter) The First Lady: Chili. The President: I make a very good chili, it's true. But, look, let's face it, I don't cook that often these days. But I remember cooking and it's not always easy to make something that people like to eat. Then for you guys to actually come up with recipes that are healthy and tasty, and to do it in a way that helps to contribute to spreading the word about healthy eating among your peers -- that's a really big deal. So we're very proud of you. We're very impressed with everything that you've done. I hope you guys are having a good time while you're here. Everybody, by the way, looks very sharp, looks very good. I only have one request for you, and that is try not to drop any scraps on the floor because Bo -- (laughter) Bo is on a diet right now and he will eat anything that he sees, especially some of the tasty meals that you guys have prepared. So thank you very much, everybody. Good luck. (applause)
Channel: The Obama White House
Views: 1,549,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: President Obama, Live, healthy eating, Barack Obama, House, Let's Move, Kids' state dinner, healthy kids, Michelle Obama, White
Id: ZxpWVGCfGfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 36sec (216 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2012
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