auction Oliver Allis chalmer tractors John Deere equipment Krause and so much more

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[Music] [Music] hey folks welcome back to another episode of crazyd's equipment so again today we're on our way to an auction um i did go down and look at this auction before and there is an oliver which we kind of checked out and stuff and i'm kind of curious about but we'll have to see what what it goes for and stuff today it looks like a really good tractor when it was sitting in the barn it definitely had been a while since the tractor was running stuff but that's what caught my eye for this sale um also there's like a 185 alice and stuff i'm thinking i'm gonna try to try to nab up for the lot uh several pieces of equipment and stuff so but anyways guys um on our way there when we get there i'll have the doc show you around the auction and we'll just see how the day lays out [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] so [Music] clean up everything else one monty buys it all two and a half three dollars two for two three three four to the voter boulder border morning in bournemouth three daughter jackie 37 37 when uh when our ticket guy comes you can send that dot go in there and if we can if you can remember okay okay cool beans all right choice one two or three run again give about five dollars choice stack five of them one time run again guys take a good look right there pretty nice give uh three dollars next choice three four i got three and a [Music] tank right here is it empty do you think uh i'm sure it is 50 bucks for it 25 25 25 39 30 25 30 5 35 35 49 48 48 35 48 48 two and a half great honors two and a half great okay the guys will sell the other one and the tanks down there in the barn so sell that tank with this and they're already taking it off for you see that's the hardest part don't tell the other man with the tank in the barn 25 30. all right now 30 and 31. sell this three points prayer boom i don't know when it was youth class ken do you have any idea i know i'm fine you can't know i don't know i don't know no no all right so i can see it there your own judge give me 200 on it two hundred dollars real quick so i made arrangements with the neighbor i don't know if he's in here or not uh but anyway he there he is hold your hand up there so he's the neighbor he's two miles away and he's going to be over here tomorrow i've got him hired uh with the tractor all right you got that guys now now he's not going to stay the night so make arrangements and all tips are accepted right exactly and somebody is tomorrow afternoon all right well i want to make sure that whatever i usually make out at four in the morning he does he doesn't know thank you appreciate it and 5 500 and a quarter five and a quarter five and a quarter five to four five and four five quarters he she said no he said yes five and four five and half a pound again nine four five and four five and quarter five quarter five a quarter 500 134 134 all right that's gone hey guys look around here that looks like a pretty good outfit there a little six foot or that six what is it more right there somebody getting about 500 on it five hundred dollars here 505 675 675 700 700 easy the second quarter he's the weakened in second quarter second quarter second quarter second quarter second quarter 700 number two 113 i think i think it was 900. they're open 60 70 70 70.79 96. 550 500 number what was it 205 205. hey little back leg right there guys pretty good outfit so i'm going to give 200 on it heavy duty 200 on or two 200 bucks [Music] [Music] four five i got four and a half four nine five come on five and a half five and a half six hundred half took an ass seven and seven hundred seven eight eight eight eight half eight nine nine nine nine nine and a half thousand down the middle i got a thousand years down down the thousand thousand thousand you on a thousand four at nine fifty here thousand dollars anybody a thousand nine fifteen number one thirty one thirty all righty got a good old failure right there and fire tighten it that way tired 500 get you all in three four five hundred seven hundred seven hundred eight eight eight eight nine nine getting it in eleven a little bit twelve hundred eleven and a half about eleven good eleven fifty you can't see eleven and a half seven and a half eleven fifty number one seventy-five did you have your hot dog sandwich and all that we appreciate the rain we appreciate the sunshine we appreciate you and we're going to get together and solve this equipment machinery and so forth one o'clock shark will come back in this area and we'll sell the real estate and then we'll decide whether we're going to double ring or single ring but we still got a ways to go so you stay with us and we'll stay with you ricky bob yes [Laughter] alan you're going to start the tractor yep i will so we're we're thinking around around 58 on on this a gas uh in it we had wade metz come out guys you know wait a local mechanic and he come out and got this thing running like a heart starter right there anyway been sitting in that dead guys from spin out of the range um we're going to sell the tractor and we'll sell the chisel separate so if you want to keep it like a tractor what you can and if you don't get together with whoever buys a sizzle you know pull the three pins and get on your way we did find a drawbar a gentleman did over there against the deal and we're going to fill that with the tractor okay it needs to go with it so we put it with it any questions about the tractor how much waffle i want a whole lot you want to be the first bitter or the last bitter i'll be at first all right how about fifteen hundred five thank you six hundred i get five six seven seven hundred now seven eight eight eight eight nine that's gonna get in eleven twelve and twelve and thirteen hundred fourteen fourteen fourteen fifty now sixteen hundred sixteen seventeen seventeen and eighteen ninety two thousand i'm twenty one now tears get three and a four and a five goodbye twenty five divided by six here now seven twenty seven hundred twenty seven now the public open twenty seven hundred twenty six hundred now seven and seven and seven and twenty six hundred seven and seven and seven twenty six and seven twenty seven hundred now seven and seven and seven good things you said first one twenty seven hundred twenty seven hundred seven and seven and twenty six seven last call twenty seven [Music] twenty four and five now six here twenty six seven twenty seven eight eight nine forty nine three now thirty one one two two three thirty three four and five thirty five six hundred thirty seven thirty eight thirty nine nine and that four and that's four in that four to one forty one forty one two two forty two forty 42 3 43 and 4 44 and 44 44 4. get your second breath 44 43 and 4 4 well guys that was quite the auction to be honest with you i might spit more at that sale than i have in a long time we dropped about 6 500 bucks um we bought the alice uh the 185 i think i gave a little over 45 i gave i think 4 500 for it i could not touch the oliver to save my life i ran it all the way up to 3 000 and it just kept singing so i just i let it go i don't think there was much resale value left in that thing anymore we bought about every other piece of equipment there's some that we didn't get a few pieces but i would say 99 of it we bought all the equipment on there um so but yeah that was one heck of a day so uh real quick guys if you haven't subscribed to the channel please do and also if you go to our teespring um the crazy 20 thing is still running i'm actually extended it to the end of may so if you guys want to go in and still get a shirt and stuff please do i'm going to work on either tonight or tomorrow night on putting up some new shirts in the shop so if you've been there and you didn't see anything i'm here very soon there will be some more stuff so check it out but otherwise guys thanks for coming in thanks for watching and i'll catch you later on
Channel: Crazy D Equipment
Views: 14,400
Rating: 4.9572954 out of 5
Keywords: Oliver tractor, Allis chalmer tractors, farm auction, John Deere, vintage tractors, antique tractors
Id: 91c2EwSCRiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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