200IQ vs 10IQ Minecraft Plays

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i was like i promise he had gapples what is this leave a like and subscribe in the next five seconds and you'll have 200 iq if you don't you'll have 10 iq enjoy the video i'm ready we got to see this it's time ready to clip it we're about to put the live stream fails right 700 views ready [Music] [Applause] chad have you ever seen an f5 mlg wanna book it jump i don't think you ever have seen one of those huh a bunch i'm pretty good [Music] now i might have been bluffing but it seems that i'm actually good at those well there goes 40 levels that's not good [Music] how am i so low jesus i'm good at minecraft parkour [Music] is it it's just like your typical did i oh did you see that [ __ ] don't hit golem don't do it yes you'll kill you know the [ __ ] you won't all smoke his ass [ __ ] you he's putting a tnt on me wait that might assist me actually do it do it do it yup hold on you made a mistake you made a mistake [Music] that was stupid that was stupid looks like a whole lot of nada oh what a clutch oh my god that was insane closer to go hey double chest hold on i'm gonna search that nope i meant to just place it and i double right clicked it now that's what i call pretty epic it was at this moment that he knew [Music] [Music] this big brain time [Music] you buy one one set of wood and then however much more you want you put the wood in this then uh it's cheap as well so like doing that for example that's the second time i tried to speed bridge and i just felt fall off oh my god we saved it but we can't save that one oh i swatted it is he gonna try to kill me [Music] oh my god [Music] help i help pressing right click i don't even know how to use oh i see him watch this chat watch this you ready [Music] oh sh and i'm lagging back in every block i hit [Music] oh my god i actually moonwalked your bed i'm not let's go nice brain cells i just literally found the void myself i just made fun of that guy so hard he just beat his personal best let's get him go dude first shift to go faster on the strike is a ship [Music] no i actually did it you're serious dude oh my god i actually did it there they don't look that good watch out i hit him i hit him oh two shot nice shot but yeah i guess that's i guess it's that's sort of the case for me i die from that i literally didn't even hit the ground hard [Music] i am so good did you see that dinner bridging what how did i do that like like i was straight up moonwalking you threw it off the map and i [Music] he just got the new world record speed run okay we'll get it hold on [Music] oh my gosh yo that's that's crazy no i forgot the jump [ __ ] you're gonna have to kill them dude oh he's gonna boat it i tried oh they're like inside you you can't do anything you have to hit them high iq high iq put those in those 1 000 iq montage moments i can make it i think this point [Music] oh no don't forget to comment your favorite part of the video and leave a like and [Music] subscribe [Music] you
Channel: Gamers React
Views: 4,435,743
Rating: 4.903789 out of 5
Keywords: gamers react 200 iq minecraft, 200iq vs 10iq, gamers react 10 iq minecraft, 10 iq minecraft, minecraft 200 iq plays comp, most insane 200iq minecraft, gamers react 200 iq, craziest minecraft clips, funniest minecraft clips, dream 200iq smartest plays, worst 10 iq minecraft plays, 10iq minecraft cringe plays, 10iq minecraft clips, 200iq minecraft clips, gamers react minecraft fails, minecraft 10iq compilation, minecraft tommyinnit 10 iq, best minecraft clips, gamers react comp
Id: GiLxn9WJeL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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