2008 ALCS, Game 7: Red Sox @ Rays

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Also, immediately after this game, I shaved my roommates head into a mohawk on our porch. Amazing moment...and so was the baseball game.

Thanks David.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ArnoldChase πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2014 πŸ—«︎ replies

Peace out David. Thanks for everything.

Personally, my second favorite moment of this game, of all of them, was Willy Aybar's blast two innings prior.


I miss Willy. I wish he would've kept his shit together, we could use his bat.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2014 πŸ—«︎ replies

You know what makes me more sad that astro isn't a ray anymore..

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/twoscoop πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2014 πŸ—«︎ replies

Good way to start your morning.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2014 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't know if I'll ever go to a game where I was more emotionally connected than this one. The sinking feeling when Pedroia hit a bomb in the first inning, the elation when Aybar hit his home run, the stress when the Sox loaded the bases in the 8th.

But my favorite moment of that game was Price coming in with two outs, T8, against J.D. Drew, and just blowing him away. Threw him a high-90s fastball on 1-2 that Drew couldn't check his swing for. I'll never forget that. That's when it all became real that we were going to the World Series.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lawandbaseball πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2014 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is my favorite Price moment, definitely.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 02 2014 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm glad they don't play that stupid song anymore.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2014 πŸ—«︎ replies

I fucking loved that season. It was the first season I had extra innings. My brother and I watched every game that year and I can't think of a better summer. I am really going to miss Price

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/harryhotdog πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 02 2014 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is really depressing...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Snowconeman πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 02 2014 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Applause] it all comes down this American League Championship Series coverage on TBS it's when the Boston Red Sox and the Tampa Bay you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in symmetry the second basement with exact David Ortiz appears to be back he's the Dean Big Bird Kevin here police making a bid to the MVP of this series former Red Sox is the cleanup man JD batfish Jason Bay is in left him in 6 Mark Kotsay will bat seventh over at first base one of last night's hitting heroes for the Red Sox Jason Varitek matches and hit save and Alex Laura gets the start tonight at shortstop and he will hit the number 9 spot one of the heroes for the Tampa Bay Rays in Fenway Park in the third game put Matt Garza who beats with Jon Lester on give full run and six it in for five strikeouts for the Kings to Gaza though when he is on this year to shut off three complete games go shut up a run dip shut up and a two hit shutout shut down games and apps those games where he still completely vanishes emotion see sometimes we get hot out there in the mouth and careful early the Red Sox like to win this game seven bury you early he's got to be better than that Chris Patrol and Big Papi are coming up in the very first game tonight and the Boston Red Sox continuing their unbelievable history 9 and hole in their last 9 ALCS elimination games let's check in with the fourth member of our broadcast for tonight our colleague Craig Sager just prior to taking the field Carlos Pena addresses of a teammate he said don't worry about feeding Boston let's play our game go out and have fun we're better than they were in the regular season they're the best home record of baseball no matter what happen tonight it's been an amazing year let's enjoy it Joe Maddon sensing got the message to be best delivered through the [Applause] all right Craig what sealed saying speak softly carry a big stick it's all about playing baseball tonight don't get worried about the - whoa game seven go out throw the ball over catch it and have good at-bats and that's what Coco Crisp has been having in this series for Boston he's five for his last date has supplanted Jacoby Ellsbury in the leadoff spot and he's set to face Garza with tonight's first pitch in st. Pete and a ball taken high one ball no strikes one thing Boston knows about Matt Garza is he does not feel his position well he doesn't throw well to the bases and that's why Chris was showing bunt he's committed five airs this season Terry Francona is well aware of that they want to try to put the pressure on Garza to field his position hands off the camera even sit down both watching glasses before gangnet is I thought it listened to his tune well now he's trying to tune out the crowd and get really into that strike zone as he has those earplugs in to try to tune out this real loud Tampa Bay crowd he tried that in Chicago against the White Sox and it didn't work he gave up a free spot in the game puts out men in it there's the bunt termination in that row I'll show you I can feel my position first opportunity he throws his strike Coco Crisp bunt for a base hit last night in his first at-bat this time right towards the mound and watch out deliberate Garth is and he throws a bullet to pain to first out of the game the keys for Garza is that the only way he could throw the bases as he almost winds up like he's throwing to home then he has to make that pro op and the little side slinger throw no shot so the leadoff man retired for the Red Sox here's Pedroia we mentioned Pedroia and Youkilis last year in Game seven the ALCS they went 6 for 10 drove in 7 runs hit 2 home runs and scored 5 runs they were a two-man Wrecking Crew we're talk so confidently before Game one in Boston with things looking so bleak for the Red Sox saying I've got 12 or 13 at-bats left against these guys before this series is over his wish will come true tonight as one for his last 9 series and drives that went deep into left field Claire [Music] when the Red Sox lead pretty interesting when your game plan is to shut down the littlest guy on the field but that's what they have to do if they're going to win this game and Dustin Pedroia gets the Red Sox off and running with a bullet into the seats his third home run of this ALCS and Boston leads by a run in the first there's big poppy David Ortiz down a strike biggest an early one well chuja chuja fear a starting pitcher john lester you can go out there have a little room to work with but it also sends a message to this Tampa Bay team that hey the Red Sox were here this is 17 Leone 7th games to me it looked like he was trying to come inside but either was a changeup or he did not get a lot on that fastball inside as petroi was able to hook that down the line there's that dynamic duo Pedroia and Youkilis celebrating a first inning lead in game 7 Ortiz in Game six a double an RBI single and an intentional walk in five plate appearances but what got him going perhaps was a triple in Game four of the seventh inning Ortiz up to that at-bat had been over for 12 in his series since then he's tripled he's homered and he's driven trails cool running seventh inning game to fuel the comeback [Music] [Applause] but you know it's starting could you just tell yourself what you know Kay deal shake it off here we go we'll start anew and let that [Music] [Applause] boy he is throwing so hard that it makes it that's defense very vulnerable and he took on the outside part of the plate part community but all fully [Music] that's oh hi back-to-back sets it up for Kevin your voice and speaking of that defense here it is for Tampa Bay Rays mother is got off to a great start that played seven straight errorless games in the postseason great speed in here via her up to netball Demming Ron Corian partner on the left side he will more the concern Dioner Navarro behind the plate is around he is really the plate for this ballclub and he feels a responsibility of getting Matt Garza through his game so guys who will go to stretch for the first time with Kevin Youkilis Youkilis has 10 hits it is LCS [Applause] the comfort level have been talked about as far as the Rays hitters being comfortable the entire series and right now you CLA's isn't sure where gars is coming from with this pitch but it certainly makes him a little uncomfortable at the plate that went into it out of the Boston dugout you don't think there's a little adrenaline in these dugouts right now Youkilis hit that 96 mile an hour fastball into the Red Sox dugout you close just one 415 against Garza to throw that out the window think about how poorly he worked against James Shields Nicklaus homered against him in the second inning of Game six last night another golf hold time one ball two strikes [Applause] [Music] to fonts pretty dynamic in the postseason this is but joy 360 uses 370 they've hit five home runs together and driven flyball right-field line ball Delia pitch forty's has to choke back to first [Music] playing right football deli with that ball is slicing toward the line you've got three center fielders in the outfield here with Tampa Bay they can cover a lot of ground this ball was slicing away from Baldelli all the way off the bat of Youkilis watch the slice as Baldelli has to make the kids just inside the foul line on the warning track Brits drive lots of coverage eats up a lot of ground with those long strides so to hunt for JD drew 3 6 for 21 in the series 3 singled walked and doubled in Game six and two four eight against Garza with a home run in his career one-nothing Red Sox on approval one out homer the interesting watch cars at work early almost all primarily fast balls he's trying to make sure that he rushes these Boston Red Sox hitters in to get them off the plate definitely game plan by Joe Maddon and Jim Hickey as a power pitcher you figure he's going to have a high pitch count in this game that is that something about which the Rays have to be concerned in this game seven tonight not an issue at all all bets are off right here you go with him as long as he's effective and you don't really concern yourself until you see signs of fatigue in that's going to be a while before you see that requires one ball one strike Ortiz not held at first with two out we got 150 [Music] first one of the night here for Garza Navaro will make the paper first John Wester to the bomb the Red Sox strike first now the race around in there first and the Tampa Bay Atlanta brought to you by Kia colors popular a.m. early chompy's their second baseman BJ Upton has had a huge series at the plate so as Carlos Pena so has Evan Longoria so as call profits nearly i behind gets the start at the designated hitter spot with Dioner Navarro Rocco Baldelli hitting eighth and Jason Bartlett Knights against Boston left-hander Jon Lester Leicester pumps over a quick strike call alone both lead on for each team faking the bunt Jon Lester well the season they had this year 16 and 6 struggled to the start in the postseason against he's raised given with 5 runs youngest Sox hurler third youngest Sox hurler to appear to suppost season game 7 big breaking ball oh and 2 when I was driving the cord on Jon Lester extra days rest should help him pitch 230 ends this year cut fastball as the key for him it's got to get that inside and game 7 remember he pitched the game 7 against the Colorado Rockies last year when the Boston Red Sox won the World Championship that's tipped into and out of the glove objects and Berra check I'm sorry at the gusset same 7 the deciding game came for force [Applause] defeated by these rays in Fenway Park in Game three and what gives Boston such great hope he has never lost consecutive starts in his major-league career and he leads tight by a run and just missed Hyde to humor again found at the plate it's gonna be interesting to watch Jason Varitek because he tries to really figure out this Ray's lineup last time he faced them in Fenway Park they hit him and hit him hard because he didn't get the ball inside to right-handers early on to end this it back to evil more he's gotten the curveball in the mix and that should help Leicester get through his delivery early on not just standing out there firing fast balls for effect ground ball hit toward where gives ground as to the tires the arrows when you talk about defense making big things in postseason how about bastards defenseless straight errorless games very risky druidia a scorer gets to start tonight at certain joy and pounce on the right side and the goal book captive behind the plate Jason Spezza that nine straight or skip heirless Games's one shy of the Cardinals record of ten straight that came in 2004 so here's BJ Upton one of the offensive stars for Tampa Bay in this postseason seven home runs in his last 30 events to put that in perspective he hit nine home runs in the regular season in over 500 at-bats he has gotten hot at a most opportune time looks to me like they've changed your approach on up then they're going to try to get him out away and not even mess with the inside part of the plate tonight save it for a pivotal pitch and I'll put away for ball two two balls on the strength and two curveballs in a row so maybe going a little soft and avoiding that fastball inside while what you're trying to do is lull him to sleep with that breaking ball and pop the fastball inside still go to the breaking ball IGN file to even account that was a good one there if you watch the two curveballs before then the kind of slow breaking to get them over that one's a little harder almost looked like a fastball coming out of his hand but now he's seen three in a row and certainly Upton has to be wary of that breaking pitch and that might make him just slow enough to beat him inside you feel lucky enough to take a shot he's been hot in there Upton's been a very patient hitter team and e7x in a regular season any works of faith council well that was pretty interesting they were trying to go inside and he missed out over the plate again BJ Upton chasing some history in this game seven tonight Barry Bonds in 2002 with eight five by Carlos Beltran at no.4 for the Astros and then updated Troy Glaus birth to seven swinging in a rocket hit to right to retreat strap Upton hit hard but he's the second out [Music] interesting the flood stuff instead of coming in he got the ball down in a way where Beckett was trying to go last night keep in to the big part of the park make him go to right field yes he has great power just not enough as Drew's able to catch up to that flat wall that has been so good on the inner half and I think they've changed your approach and we're going to keep an eye on that as this game devotes that brings up Carlos Pena in a home run cut man Lester's a man that he has liked faces six career hits two home runs in 19 at-bats [Applause] this postseason razor dunks really scoring themselves in this series they have scored eight first-inning runs against Boston down to their last out in this opening frame now they have hit homers in the first inning of the last three games that's a fast start no matter who you are Pena and Longoria hit first hitting home runs in Game four little tougher any store Sean left to the Senate you see the race for second ruts eight first thing runs the Yankees 98 1011 Lu more difficult time in the first start remember only four pitches in that first start in Fenway Park here up to 14 [Applause] two strikes not about you but with his stuff is much crisper than it was in Fenway Park because yeah early in the game there's a little finish to it by that that means you just got late moving into the strike so and even the breaking ball you commented on was a much sharper to Upton there's the computer working again one ball two strikes companion rolls it out of play to stay alive [Applause] MLB postseason in espanol live MLB postseason spanish-language feed is available bas mr. the brake you bought even the challenge one thing I like about the razors in this first-inning even though they're down by a run their patient pretty good look at Jon Lester crawl from behind the skipper didn't even who tied the rock Red Sox left hand or just to get a sense for what he's featuring here in his first inning this the ballpark two for Leicester where things have not gone particularly well to career games Niner runs 12 innings he's a different pitcher this year and it really started in May when he started pitching to the outside part of the plate to right-handed hitters he's been a pitcher throughout his career that owns the inside part of the plate to right-handers the outside corner to left-handers he control a strike to that corner in his sleep and it takes care of penny with a slip in breaking ball for the up three down Red Sox by one after one in Game seven [Applause] [Music] their store won nothing as we head to the top half the second inning a look at tonight's umpiring crew big switch which we'll explain in a moment Brian Gorman calling the balls and strikes Sam Holbrook Brian o'nora Tim McClelland is the umpire at third Alfonzo Marquez down the left-field line angel Hernandez this drew he will work the right-field line for Game seven Darrell Cozens was hit in the chest with a foul ball off the bat of Jason Varitek had to leave last night's game before the fourth inning Tim McClelland came in umpired behind the plate the final six innings last night and Darrell Cozens unable to continue in this game seven so Hernandez a replacement umpire for this particular game and we understand Darrell is resting comfortably at home he should be okay you can see how expose the umpire is from asking hits indirectly took over the height to play [Music] who Scott one ball and two strikes well the thing that causes the battle against that a young pitcher in postseason the second inning you come gentleman is gone your legs feel like they weigh because we're trying to get these hitters out to to to Jason Bay where he has been a big RBI man this postseason for the Red Sox and as this game progresses should he come up in two out situations that's where he's been very very effective for Boston down a while run tonight to start to explore [Applause] [Music] [Applause] retire to strike out for guys up in the strike zone this ball has lots of life ball on the outside part of the plate that ball takes off beats bait to the spot and not many pitches in the American League that can pitch with their fastball but gars is one of them he's got two fastballs that high four seamer that rides well above the strike zone and a very good moving fastball a two seamed moving fastball it'll be 94 miles an hour [Applause] eh-eh-eh-eh defensively and he's hit the ball hard numerous times seven hits and he's trying to wear out that left-center field gap in this series and Upton is robbed in a couple of times [Applause] since a great start in this course season they had seven straight errorless games played sixteen five innings without committing an error and made five in the last twenty five and two thirds Bartlett made an error in game six but this time ranging behind second base makes an outstanding play to take a hit away from Mark Kotsay yeah he was shading Kotsay up that medal game a good jump on the ball and able to throw that ball off-balance one term that Terry Francona used after Game five in Boston was that Fenway Park came unglued think it's safe to say guys the Red Sox dugout came unglued after Varitek homered here in Game six last night that last the first hit for the Boston captain in this ALCS his 11th postseason home run but to a man when he mentioned Varitek's hit in the clubhouse every teammate lit up and a high pop fly foul is out of play coach insults with the two old pitch challenges varitek who hadn't ahead this big homerun to right centerfield to put the Boston Red Sox an empire one run go on one struggle she was going through they knew he wasn't hitting but they know how much he gives to the team defensively how much it pains him not to be an offensive threat one ball one strike but Varitek also said I can go over 2,000 he had impact the game with every pitch that's thrown when I there are two positions on the fear that you can have a positive impact without hitting catcher and shortstop [Applause] [Applause] the one thing that Varitek does so effectively is he separates his it back from his Kenji and that's a hard thing to do a lot of catchers will take their old for his back behind the plate and really their decision-making ability thinking about that bad swing [Music] at the creek [Applause] and a positive contribution as he piles up the pitches with Garza full count now at 3 & 2 [Applause] for the shortstop we'll hit next there are two outs one up in Red Sox you don't see many captains in baseball in this day and age and very rarely do you see a see on the jersey of a ballplayer because of the transient nature of baseball nowadays so many guys moving around you don't have that kind of longevity to establish that kind of leadership position Varitek has earned a TENS been later this team since he got me with the Red Sox [Music] to know that he started in Seattle organization but he's considered of course a Red Sox [Applause] well if you want to cut off an interview cut off the interview with Jason Varitek all you have to do is asking about his impending free agency he will end the conversation right there he won't even acknowledge the deal walk away he's not concerned about what happens after the postseason he wants another ring on his finger so his creative scene has nothing to do what they're trying to do here [Music] - fouled and into the seats a terrific at-bat continues for Jason Varitek now so much about hitting and playing baseball is about your mental state and certainly one hit can get things turned around we saw that with Everlong - we saw it with David Ortiz for the seventh inning of game [Music] his first hit that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that is it breaking ball and it and the rains are coming up in the second down to stop it [Music] it's one up in Boston on half of the second inning and you can get exclusive camera angles behind the scenes in full or online with TBS hot corner check it out now at mlb.com slash TBS hot corner evan longoria leads things off for the Tampa Bay Rays he's 6 for 24 in this ALCS and has done most of his damage earlier on as you pointed out last night yeah in his first couple at-bats you really have to bear down a good 7 but I can see a distinctive change in the approach they're pitching to Upton and Longoria trying to get strikes to the outside corner with off-speed pitches Varitek you can bet has had a conversation with the pitcher the pitching coach and the kitchen coach Gary Tucker so when you make a game change everybody has to come together but they've got to do something with up to the Hmong boy they hit eight home runs in six games and you might recall it's been a roller coaster postseason for Longoria had an old 413 stretch at one point and Joe Maddon encouraged him to take his loss and he takes a high strike for a 3-1 count that ball was something in not a strike Joe Maddon not very happy with that call gets Lester back into the air back ground ball to short or against ground gets longer fenestra proffer Wofford's into 26 in the series before RBI's Byford one of the stars of Game four with a 5 for 5 performance that was in the game started by Tim Wakefield of the Red Sox gone for a drove in to scored three in stole a base he's 1 for 8 since that five hit outburst [Applause] in our previous conversations with John Lester he talked about the third and fourth inning being the most privileged really gets you to the floor the he's tested all of his pitches and now he has a feel for where he can go with each of those pitches he literally works like that a lot a lot of times you will go through where you know if you have a curveball you can use to get over for strike but you can use it to get a strikeout and it has been effective guys in limiting damage early in intimacy's the taiga leadoff man 18 of the 22 innings he has pitched so far in this postseason the winning games such an important part of the Reyes attack the home runs of this series not the standard it's prefer to chase second strikeout usual tag 500 to start the game [Applause] - ball the way clever the way what's he come back with pumping in will up in a way that ended up being no chance for pop to catch up with that before the lowball hitter Jason Varitek loves to use the high pass ball to finish at-bats with his starters and especially with Jonathan Papelbon Willie Aybar the battery monsters already done something tonight that no Red Sox starter his David's do in this series he's retired the first five rays in the game and if he's a man that set us in in three and four in these innings tonight it might be a very good night for Leicester and Boston Lodi by ladies account off his thumbs had hit to u-kiss affair six up six down seven bye Roz [Music] now it's real early but he's got that kind of you know what third eating already in game seven that Alex Cora starts things off against Matt Garza jeonhwa has gotten the bulk of the playing time for Boston at shortstop in this postseason but Terry Francona likes Cora and his ability to handle fast balls yeah he will start him against guys that have the bigger fast balls and feels like he's got a better chance she's experienced he's not going to get rattled in the game like this and he is a manager on the field if you will very alert very heads-up really gets into the full of the game and help out best of Pedroia [Applause] not that he needs much help and he's not in this game he scored the only Rama and Cora shoots a ball to left Crawford retreats [Applause] [Music] have been retired by Matt Garza now back to top the bossed motor and Coco Crisp [Applause] our oil is getting a rude reception here because of the fight he had at Fenway Park when he charged James the shields they had a little bit of a bean ball war born and cuckoo Chris got hit by shields in the first inning in a game in June and charged the mouth raise pinch at the close thinking about a pump and crisp down a quick strike inch Kobe Ellsbury began the postseason as the Red Sox started in centerfielder and swung the bat exceptionally well against the Angels but since then has pulled considerably no hits in his last 20 events and Fisk has gotten hot at a most opportune times 8 469 in this series scattered reports this breaks and weaknesses are but if you're going to throw in something buddy you better check into his background Coco Crisp father was a professional boxer of Los Angeles and he handled himself pretty well though boy he got piled on once he got to the mound and the rest of the race came to the defense of James Shields [Applause] and that's five straight back here is center field comparison together that's [Applause] quite a dramatic turnaround this year to last year KOCO Chris was the starter last year at the beginning of the BOCES now is Barry got half a flip-flop and the opposite has happened this year KOCO Chris having a great postseason this season very very strong and crisp stays alive here in the Boston third [Applause] [Applause] like so many of his Boston offensive mates they really worked the pitched in fine he's really swinging the bat well right now you can see how confident he is and how quiet he is at the plate he had a great at-bat against Dan wheeler in Game five fouled off several pitches before he drove into time but he's very quiet very confident right [Music] took so much time tendency of tents up a little bit last for time we seen that though from that cars in seven five six time in between pitches four strikeouts for Garza [Applause] this is his good curveball straight over the top hard down and into Coco Crisp so the base is clean for Caballito the little horse Dustin Pedroia who galloped around the bases with the solo home run in his first at-bat of the night strike one another high fastball up the crow can hit anybody's fastball okay aware how hard it is his nap in Egypt with the m2 here in Game two [Applause] you can't tell him otherwise five nine a hundred eighty pounds here's a guy give you an idea how beautiful baseball is Dustin Pedroia will here to play MVP award this year 213 hits and score 118 times 4 very unique in style doesn't he kind of just that body just kind of Springs towards the ball but one who keeps his head pretty level keeps the bat very level and I tell you one thing he's got a billion coaches tell him he can't hit like that cut your swing down [Music] ten pitchers in baseball top tenant wins he's at 3:33 top ten and ER a310 top ten and strikeouts 316 harder they fall and he got hot and with two strikes he won't even rub the spot he stands at first with David Ortiz coming up he won't give the pitch of the satisfaction of acknowledging that it hurts we've definitely seen this has been a game plan by gods is so far he is gonna pitch inside hit some right on the outside of the elbow and step ball starts running and it starts to track he have no chance [Applause] there's a ground ball and play the heart slide into second base old-fashioned baseball Silvia let's ask then seemed to buzz witness in the first inning now Ortega not too good of a mood couple hits last night that big three-run home run two games ago sometimes it can take just one at-bat to get it clipped in for David America in short right with the shift on wine raised eight days tee's Lakai as we've reached the nine o'clock hour here in the East its Game seven of the American League Championship Series buck Martinez Ron darling Craig Sager chip Caray with you from st. Petersburg Florida where a Dustin Pedroia first inning homer as the Red Sox leading this game recognized [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh geez he was caught [Music] I want to go slow and prepares slides in hard and safely at second days Honda bar is a very good thrower but he couldn't come up with the baseball and take a look at the defense here Longoria is going to third base the shortstop will cover the bag on that unusual beverage because they playing the shift so when you have a base dealer running with Ortiz at the plate you send the shortstop from that right side a second over the bag who's behind ii has been had second report David Ortiz on a breaking ball down in handbook million strike two hours she did some soup try to foil [Applause] we head to the bottom of the third inning Ray's looking for their first base runner here tonight's game seven [Music] bah-bah-bah Bartlett coming up against Jon Lester and gentlemen this is usually where the if Buster's going to settle in he does so but he sat down six consecutive men's death game first time that's happened in this series where a pitcher has retired the first six batters of the game for for 2030 on the series an array is wondering where their options has grown since blowing rad7 nothing collective yes 41 events subset seventh inning of game and outscored 12 to 2 and Lester one of the game's elite left-handers nationally two balls and a strike [Music] want to teach a young person it's John Lester nice out but it stands on top of the mound very easy not a lot of movement he approaches throwing to the plate for pizzas wind-up almost every single time and the throws the ball out in front of his body just picture-perfect Anthony's turn to he's beating him inside so far today something he could not do at Fenway Park well I think it's because he put the outside corner in their mind early and then they've kind of shifted gears on him but now if he goes in there occasionally it can be affected again and pops up [Applause] [Music] Jason Varitek is the one that encouraged Jon Lester to throw to the outer half of the plate to the arm side of the white where he could command the ball to the outer four-seamer but Varitek said if you're going to take it to the next level you have to put both sides of the plate in the hitters mind that's when you become the most difficult to hit his back to a curveball stay with it for me pharmacies that is just outside kind of bending around the plate seven up seven down third strikeout for Lester [Music] [Applause] if that max American to disband [Applause] this game for the [Music] almost like they're trying to do a little too much put the ball in play and try to get some consecutive hits although very difficult against himself Lester we've only hit one ball out of the infield so far in this game that was buy up the new chase JD drew to the warning track Rocco Baldelli is the hitter trying to reach then represents the game-tying run and that's called a strike one of the more inspirational stories in baseball you can talk about Josh Hamilton certainly with the Texas Rangers same could be said of Rocco Baldelli sidelined with that night Oakland real disorder one that nearly cost him his career it's a disorder that took them a long time tried and a long time for Baldelli and the Rays to figure out a playing resident that allows them to be successful in short bursts with each name the team that that disorder causes yeah he just can't work out over an extended period of time I didn't play with his team to August 26 this year and Lester strikes him out now he's a pitching machine four strikeouts in the game if the Rays are going to hit it they're gonna have to hit good pitches because he's not throwing any bad ones right now and this is a great fastball by two fastball in curveball away fastball away go sit down tell you what when you're fetching a guy like this right now you feel like a touching genius oh I can do anything I want I'm gonna try this one over here a couple of these in there a little curveball on the outside [Applause] now Bartlett theater Jason's been a tough man for Lester to solve but not this time first pitch popped to Pedroia and over nine up nine down at Jon Lester with a one-nothing lead through three middle of the order for the Red Sox in the fourth inning Kevin Youkilis JD drew Jason Bay are coming up Matt Garza retired that trio first time around for the race just one hit in this game time yeah that hit a Pedroia Homer Lucas flied out his first time up although he made a long-running catch nearby for the second out of the game's opening inning Yoko's carries a 3-game hit streak in this series into tonight's game 7 his success continues in the American League Championship Series [Applause] Garza navara bringing the breaking ball into the [Applause] very interesting Garza pitches on a lot of emotion and I think that his last start against Lester Lester got all the attention little chip on his shoulder I think he's carrying one tonight everyone here for the Pitt piece if you read them were assuming that the Red Sox would have to win this game I think he's carrying that chip to try to stop that from happening he's carrying more than a chip on his shoulder his whole team's on his shoulders tonight and that emotion for guys at times as we alluded earlier has been a double-edged sword for [Applause] early in the season it was misdirected ii have received he's been tremendous [Applause] if this battles not even the count of two into and stick this key play but Pena made it one man down as Joe Maddon B Tampa Bay skipper knows these Red Sox well knows tonight's game should be a battle it is we feel enough of these guys between spring training regular season the setter now at this time with you although I'll take it this time of the year it's both guys with throwing the ball extremely well Joe what are your hitters reactions as they come back from phases Jon Lester obviously you got two of in Game three at Fenway Park how different is he tonight in your mind I don't know I just looks a little bit sharper overall he's mixing his pitches maybe a little bit more often I don't know if these Graceland's everyone is favored at this point I started to tell him over here but overall I just say that primarily what I'm seeing it was more of a mix as opposed to just fastball furthermore I think he's starting breaking ball for strike today I'm working system your guy Matt Garza is off to a great start to himself how does he look in your mind real good for where we're at right here if the balls really finishing well it's very crispy at the ends there's not that a really good life basketball made no mistake when it came to keep the throw to this time so JD drew the hitter and talking to Garza at the start of a series while he mentioned that after that confrontation with the Dioner Navarro on June 8th it taught him not to throw angry pitches as a pitcher what is you need buy them well I think that you can't misdirect all that emotion that you have out there punch up the right side mad at himself which made some of his teammates felt like he was getting mad at them and once that happens you lose your team so once he directed it in a better way and he's got by really concentrating on each and every pitch and I think that's why he's had a lot better season after that brush up in Texas zra through June 8th was four point three eight one one last Sun well over that one one bless three point three seven since then base is clear two outs now for Jason Bay who tried to check the swing would strike out leading off the second inning is out of play the impact of Navarro helped Garza Detroit Percival played a very big role on his staff to Percival is hurt not on this ALCS roster more in that Tampa Bay bullpen but Percival was expected to come back through tonight's game seven here in st. Pete now he's a veteran influence not only for the relievers before the entire pitching staff when he's had a positive impact on just about everybody here on this roster ball one strike one [Applause] Perceval save 28 games in 50 appearances for the raise this year the handsome the pitch in this series buddy the World Series if the lanes can organize [Applause] they account though now they need some ice [Music] [Applause] you can catch all the action of the 2008 dirt series starting October 22nd at 8 o'clock Eastern on Fox [Music] typical friends at Fox could be good about the Phillies [Applause] Red Sox will meet bill Wednesday night top of the order now is buzzed inside and takes ball one nine up nine down for John Auster with four strikeouts so far in the game for the last seven innings now the Thunder is coming up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] or trying to keep the ball away from fix it very well too much of the place [Applause] Upton hit the wall hard his first time and took it the other way too JD Drew who caught him on the track just to show inside I don't think they're gonna try to get him out inside I just they want to quit there in his mind he saw early in this game breaking balls to the back door sinking fastball now she is very yeah he takes strike one money how about the affected having to go to the stretch for the first time after last year the giving of this game well I think that even though he's had such a young age he's so polished at this point that he knows how to make that adjustment probably miss that fastball inside because it was the first pitch the me also has going to show he keeps his eye on you [Applause] - such a threat now to play 1 & 2 now Joe Maddon told us before the game his team is not a very good hidden front ball fight because the hitters change their style too much at the plate he would rather having them free swinging if he chooses to he would start the runner but he won't ask three hitters to hit is the way he described it he said it is a subtle difference Annette's the ball was thrown up in game 6 try to steal last night surveyed it first and up didn't hits one foul that out of play down the first base iron that pitch was in but it was down the pitches that up to his hit out of the ballpark have been in and above the belt why time his ability to fall off those really tough pitchers after the second overall pick in the 2002 draft and he goes down on strikes down and [Applause] watch it inside starts in the middle to play love us like a little slider down and then just buzzes of bat of Upton and the cutter is thrown like a football basic places the plaintiff the basket that's where barricade only is my name that moves about six to eight inches and it's a late movement that really could be effective still making one still with a lot of tiles Pena was one of the American league's best go-ahead RV this year seven of them raise this season they drove in 102 men one swing could turn this game around he takes a called strike [Applause] spoke to the plot before the game to tell them to enjoy this game had a amazing season as you just don't worry about beating Boston Red Sox just play the way they can play Tampa Bay Rays baseball and he's done it all season long 18 of his 31 home runs this year tied the game or put them ahead I think the park one here we'd have bent lemon st. beef one-nothing Red Sox on a Pedroia Homer the roamer is still at first but with one hour good stop by Varitek as the count evens [Applause] that's the defensive options here you curses at shortstop playing the ship Alex Cora the shortstop straightaway at second base on the right hand side of the and he's going to look at the pitches and he's kind of wondering what kind of pitch that is number hit to the right side until estamos plays the second and got his man for the second time well you can't teach that play that's pure instincts right there because he had enough time in his mind to get [Applause] for the heads up plane you can see the basement psychosis good job by Euclid outside partner good job later more trying to be in the middle of that throw [Applause] that's all about your preparation before the pitch is thrown thinking if I get a ball in the base path I can get even more because I can tell where he is he's right in front of me zero errors for the Red Sox in nearly 96 innings of late in his postseason here's Longoria runner at first now pain yet but with two outs Longoria has been in many ways the bellwether for this Tampa Bay ballclub when he drives in a run there 41 and 13 including the postseason and he takes a strike it's nothing more [Applause] [Music] it's different John Lester tonight than the one that we Andales saw in Game three in Boston oh yeah it's Lester he had walked in the second inning so pretty good feel what Lester was featuring in that particular night Jon Lester couldn't get the ball inside it appears he's had a little trouble doing that in Game seven this evening that went too far in there two balls in the strength [Applause] little different tension level in a game seven not a lot of smiles right especially with a slim one nothing lead to balls in a strike short lead Pena first well he's got that curveball working when he does get behind the hitter especially Upton or Longoria he's chose to go with the two one per ball I think that was very thick plan to get it into the mix early on and used it in the first inning so he knew that he might have to do something different with less tonight after the Rays hit him so hard and game free deuces wild 2 & 2 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] threats on a fastball off the defense to the corner watch the relay here took a look at quickly Pedroia unloads but it's up the line a bit and paints it's in scoring all the way from first [Applause] [Music] but the ice game tied at one here's piΓ±as slide it meant it had to go up the line ever so slightly you can't catch up to a base runner this sliding past you it's impossible you just don't have enough well to catch up to that sliding basement took a chance but he's down there those two stones [Applause] in the area on one left [Music] [Applause] sliding try he could see it he thinks he can catch it [Applause] let's go [Music] unless there's a tough opponent for called Rockford given his command we've done a great job in this postseason at scoring position sixty-two who gets better as the situation gets more intense fastball chased hi the Tampa Bay Rays restores the game [Applause] lower third of the order for the Red Sox in what is now a tie game at one that geyser gave up a hit to the second man he faced in this game and has not given up any hits since that hit however a home run from Pedroia he's due up fifth in this fifth inning apply he needs to take note of where he is in the Red Sox lining after your team ties up the game take a look around see where you're at you're in the bottom third of the order you need to have a quick getting right now and get you guys back up to the plate Jon Lester's surrendered the lead now he hopes the lower third can give it right back pass all right two balls and a strike whenever the Rays have been able to elevate fastballs to Kotsay have handled him very effectively anything down in his own he's been right on they didn't get the corner three balls in a strength good ball in aspect ratio 45 ball strikes 25 balls and as we mentioned a power pitcher lots of strikeouts lots of pitches 3-1 count at second [Applause] [Music] here's Jason Varitek and that was needed to retire him looking on strikes in the second inning with a big slow curveball after he fought off several good fastballs talk about pitch count who drives an outgoing 71 in game seven pitches that's about 40 spoken to three minutes by 3 116 in 6 innings in Fenway Park Varitek grounds the first pitch to Pena Valparaiso [Applause] was jim fregosi's pitching coach in philadelphia he had a great answer went for ghosts you would say how many pitches does he have Padres would say not enough one that is one of the questions for the Rays in his game a who will close and be who can get the ball to whomever will close tonight and so there there will be an interesting pitch total for Garza tallied in Game seven of this ALCS not Chad Bradford and Trevor Miller down in that bullpen and Miller hasn't been used much but every time Bradford goes out there all he does is get people out here's Cora he flied the left [Applause] you are watching your pitcher and the pitch count does mean something but if Garza still throng eats good stuff you don't want to leave them out there there's not a manager in baseball will tell you that hitters will tell you exactly how tired the pitcher is [Applause] [Music] Eastern Division then Matt guys but they match up [Applause] on CBS and the bar takes a called strike mentioned gentlemen me inspirational stories of Rocco Baldelli Josh Hamilton now to put Jon Lester in that category too for this Boston Red Sox team diagnosed with lymphoma [Applause] the Red Sox were very very careful in making sure he wasn't over exerting himself and he told Perry Franco hey I'm fine don't worry about me and Franco called up Lester's parents who said your son's not going to be too happy with us but we're going to put a ring on it and in retrospect when Lester really got through where he was ready to compete again in a major league level he banked the way that Derry Franco to John Farrell utilized him so carefully and made sure that they didn't know where it coming from when he came back they really his body has changed if you look at John two or three years ago and a Red Sox uniform is very thin but they'd let him mature his body physically and that's why he's throwing the ball probably four or five miles an hour more that's trouble that ball is up the face of the wall high ball hustling for Terry just mr. Homer [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when they're behind water the ball out in front of the plate shortest part of the park it's amazing he was a man [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to push apart well you can see checking back this time Joe Maddon is thinking about this match appear with Navarro he's been a clutch hitter for them [Applause] against Jeff Lester so you give Navarro the creative the smooth away here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one position that's why he's allowed about 214 last year 314 this year and no sacrifices for the Rays in this ALCS while Delhi awaits next one one game - okay [Applause] leave oz at a strength [Applause] the age of 13 [Applause] they count but now with two strikes he really has to focus on a productive picking to the right side against Lester stuff to do when Lester pitches you inside so hard but when the defense relatively straight away on the infield right now you want to make sure at a minimum you advance Aybar from second to third [Applause] the setback the middle put it in the back pocket no chance to [Music] today's question second opening [Applause] strike one in a pregame meeting with Joe Matt they talk about ball daily release gets Jeff Lester pretty awesome he's got a chance to catch up with one as he did and today the tree ride home but the Western has [Applause] when it's allowed strike two [Applause] [Music] so bad even said that start to have selected olestra [Music] get to the bank later [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] deep [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hit the fourth inning tie the game now partnered up with two on still and no sign of the gun now you don't button this situation because Bartlet's so good his left-handed pitching [Music] [Applause] Jason I got very quick insight and hatred good to face master in this situation today's game [Applause] [Music] and that's not the face of the quickly momentum has shifted Lester retired the first nine men in this game [Applause] when school school and the 80th pitch of the night strikes on partner for the first time this to put it [Applause] Michael cards on interview make a good enough pitch this one down out of the strike zone the ball throw it down a little because that's where he's looking that's where he wants to hit if you entice him to start chasing that cutter he'll swing over the top of it because he picks except basketball [Music] raised in this game he's jam and Oscar will the first one has moved off the second and third [Music] very very good [Applause] [Music] chill back perfectly situated there's a lot of balance here with the base open you wonder if that part of the foot he's been so good against Boston you got a face open 20 mark but then again painting has good numbers against Leicester it's really a rough place let's do stuff confidence in Lester back to the windup with two hours [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Game three [Music] the ball down there throwing him a steady diet of breaking pitches that was a free run [Applause] and that's fist it too short cause done man Lester gives up hits to the first weekend he faces an epiphany and nothing else but the Ray pivotal Game Center is your story with buck Martinez Ron Donna Craig Sager chip Caray a one run lead for the race now - one year school the bass motor is coming up Garza has had a terrific run he has two stretches of seven in a row and he's lighting the second of those two as he moves along into the sixth inning one hit still in all things supposed to do using all of his pitches throwing them from strikes and getting ahead of the Red Sox hitters on Boston's offense Dragon Ball rather than remember Chris took up with a steadily [Applause] that prize was settled in very nicely here in Tampa Bay it was very disappointed when he was dealt from Minnesota who drafted him number one out of Fresno State he and Jason Bartlett came Delmon Young he went to Minnesota and she's kind of hurt by one [Applause] for the Texas Rangers traded within three or four months and and you do you feel like you have to justify the trade wait a minute just not me number one you don't like me anymore all right exactly it hurts when your first team includes you two balls two strikes to Coco Crisp Jason Bartlett went through the same thing he was actually signed originally by the Padres went to Minnesota in a trade and when he was traded from Minnesota to Tampa Bay [Applause] like he was going to prove the twins walk tried to hit a home run every swing in there details of last year blow into the free into now of nobody out [Applause] Chris looked out of the attack early in the count little tapper underhand flip just in time [Applause] kaylynn concerns for Matt Garza this is a tough play Coco Crisp runs very well Garza's gotta come over to the foul line their hand shovel inside the base path to Pena not an easy play funny hop there to stayed with it kept that ball on the outside part of the bag and crisp up said as Garces retired him twice in his first three at-bats here's Pedroia a homer and a hit by pitch six leadoff batters in a row retired that's the Jon Lester Foreman in his policies until that served Gaza well here in Game seven opt in the strike zone deposit left field [Applause] especially in the postseason well it's interesting to you see the first three batters the last 16 he's only hit the batter struck out seven [Applause] the restaurant [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for a while working toothpicks as if he was right we haven't seen any of to attain the pitch here just facing Amanda baseball two strikes Dustin Pedroia and just found see most hitters try to stay back on the ball he more lunges at us and he almost goes to meet it halfway he can't wait long enough that's why it's such a good fastball here [Applause] [Applause] 88 pitches now for Garza tonight one and two and three and Terry Francona's lineup not in this sixth wait I'm down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] toward us [Applause] Garza and Navarro really seem to be on the very same page on every pitch and that really setting up for here [Music] [Applause] pitch after pitch after pitch spoiled by Pedroia Ronny how much does it empower pitcher when you're thinking of a pitch and the catcher hauls that kick oh it's just it honestly does it frees your mind and you almost get in the telepathic moment don't you did you catch it but you know he Hey [Applause] last at-bat Garza pitched the joy inside hit him has not gone back inside in this at-bat everything no clutter I think that's where the kitchen really learns how to call a game you go into a game with a particular game plan and then you get into the course of the ballgame second third it back you recognize that you've got to change them they pitched Pedroia inside early on hit the high change of violence bark been hitting with the next pitch in his next at-bat the inside so Farzin has to trust the Varro that he's making decision to change the pattern midstream [Music] a pitch selection [Applause] the brakes on that Garza [Music] for Pretoria talk about collateral damage by an offense in a game in which they have just one hit the advance by Varitek give me a bat pine Pedroia 20 pitches by those two men in a one-run game and it's almost like Garza and Navarro lost their patience because at 3-2 with a one-run lead you might want a really challenged Pedroia therefore fast will keep it away because you have this threat if you do throw the curveball he does not swing at it and walks the elbow at ease isn't it amazing how they [Applause] Huli intimidated by Pedroia as they are by Ortiz throwing him a 3-2 breaking ball tortillas again the shift is on Ortiz has walked and struck out oh boy buck you usually don't see this from David Ortiz right now very vulnerable on that pitch away anything he's got the middle plate and in is really what he's covering right now that's what a pitcher really has the upper hand because oak team is committing his swing before [Applause] teas have that 61 at-bat postseason home run streak come to an end in the seventh inning of game and made it a seven for Boston one at 8/7 the Simula series back to st. Pete there's only one spot the fastball [Music] you see garden have hit in his right hip best history might are not to jump into pitch just throw it he tried to get too much movement until well off the play that's ineffective [Applause] [Applause] tee's stays alive that's fisted over near the Red Sox dugout well with the fastball away basketball up those with good pitches thinking what's given to chase purple on the dirt that's a would be the most dangerous absolutely because it becomes a mediocre fastball Haiti if you don't have enough let's watch the driver [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in this game I wouldn't go in on this 3-2 pitch take a look at this basketball moving away forties now can cheat to a fastball inner half I would stay with that sinking fastball don't give it anything [Applause] there's some indecision as to where they want to go right now [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 100 pitches for Matt Garza in this game a strike about 4 mount double play sends this to the bottom of the 6th inning down and the Rays looking to extend their in Game seven Pina pops it up on my beauties an irritation to plan 20 fastball upstairs he swings lantern that's ball four and then the viral girls will strike to Jason Bartlett position perfect you serious that's a good play cuz we pop [Applause] you plus the come up with a runner on base well Evan Longoria with an RBI double in the floor remember that early step we told you that the bellwether nature of Longoria and this Tampa Bay Club this year when he drives in alone including postseason the Tampa Bay Rays aren't amazing 4113 [Music] headed towards chasing bad for out number two very quick work for tea arts for Leicester here love to hand those short pitch innings in the middle of the game to stretch out your parents even deeper [Applause] [Music] carl crawford the longest-tenured array is Olfa to set the mine pit back in 1999 50 second picking at draft enjoying his first post-season three sports start out in Houston and he got recruited by UCLA and play basketball by the University of Nebraska to play football pretty impressive athlete who missed over a month with surgery unattended in his right hand at zero at-bats in September driven silver Kol struck piss drifting back on an excellent jump and luster seventh inning of Game seven will lead it off for the Red Sox raise needed to long Boston has been held to one hit tonight five at Garza and with pitch down now over a hundred or the lathe starter the Tampa Bay bullpen starts to work [Applause] laptop Iwamura gives way to point [Applause] [Music] one out seventh inning after ball one to Youkilis Garza turned and looked down to the right-field bullpen and saw two guys floor then it got it a little bit more focused this is my game voice Millersville ft grant Balfour buh-bye JD flew over for two looks of all oh you could just tell though by the way he was taking those first pitches this is gonna be a tough matchup for Garza creel swinging the bat as well as he had all season long picture in a situation like this trying to protect a one-run lead with JD drew if I'm going to challenge him it's going to be away big part of the diamond don't try to get cute brush something inside that's where it drew is most dangerous keep him to the big part of the field we went out there but missed ball three three no the count Upton really shallow in center field if you're trying to keep him to the big part of the park he's gonna have to use those great athletic skills to run it down that's a lot of shallows I've seen any center fielder well that's where Joe Maddon Watson he said you know what if a ball is going to be hitting hard enough to get into the gap chances are it's going to be an extra-base hit I want to take away those singles and start rattles Paul Blair lights for us old guys very much so and four straight books drew aboard in the seventh inning for Boston and now the Rays dugout starts to pace and Jason Bay the hitter it's been Bay who has been fooled most by Garza in tonight's game and that will be keep Garza in the games the way he is pitched tube a basement in between he hasn't really he's a good fastball hitter is a good fastball up hitter but it's almost like he's been sitting on the breaking ball they with to check swing strikeouts in tonight's game the box for Pedroia the only hit tonight no Basel strength well that's a good first pitch that get me over breaking ball hitters are geared up for first pitch basketball but now you've really got Bey back on his heels just set get the over breaking ball right down the middle even though it was a hanger hitters aren't ready to hit that pitch but they also struck out on two concise balls that were by him so he's trying to turn it up a notch too Division Series turned out the Angels long home run and he hits a logo to left field so the Red Sox out to none armed with one man so now to Homer for Bay but it sets up beginning nicely for Boston and Joe Maddon comes out for a chat here in the seventh inning now jogging managers generally is more strategy trip than a pitching change trip unless he's really made up his mind already but looks like he's questioning guards on how he feels here but correct he said you've been awesome man you still got something left for me we'll be better try to come in with a fastball bay ready for it drove that ball to left field that ball was on the inside corner it was down but you start to get into the seventh and eighth inning not as much as as Crispus was earlier in the game now Mark Kotsay the hitter he wanted to do short popped out to second left side strike one the bars have been doing a good job against Kotsay crowding him keep the ball up in the strike zone his two seamer has been outstanding all game long but it's the only pitch really that will give him the problem against Kotsay likes that ball down not say first then Varitek if Mark doesn't hit into a double play and that duo has stranded on boston-based mothers in this American League Championship Series the problem you have even though it's the postseason even though you know it might be your last game so you know don't go this far you know they're not used to going this deep into again [Applause] [Music] Paul - hi the question I always used to ask myself managing in these situations is the guy in the bullpen better than the guy on the mound and right now Garza is still better [Applause] [Music] pistons shallow right that's playable for there's the cash drew will tag and move up 90 feet first and third the two out while a pitch here from those again up in the strike Sanh a pitch that usually market handle you can see frustration breaking the bat and that's what he did broke that battle not high fastball it's been a series of near misses for Kotsay while a Boston to tie this game in the seventh for a study died a break Varitek [Music] [Applause] then attack this year with two outs and runners in scoring position 51 events eight hits [Applause] alfalfa strength but all of that was forgiven in the sixth inning here last night with two outs Varitek [Applause] they'll appeal to McClellan's has no strength [Applause] their tech offering it breaking ball down in the dirt checks his swing and keeps it back [Applause] situation like this first tooth there you just never know on defense try to steal right here [Applause] two strikes [Applause] [Applause] Hey [Applause] Garza has illegally [Applause] the Red Sox just stranded two men and with fully to one seventh inning with coming up and Joe Maddon and Jim Hickey buck burning up the phone lines to that raised bullpen they have looked at the Red Sox lineup see where they are six outs away from the World Series Ramos said Garza's going back out dan wheeler who went around stirring around Joe Mack injected with his bench coach Dave Martinez their comp things over with the pitching coach lots of conversations going on how are you going to finish this game and a product of the different nature of these two bullpens of the Rays and the Red Sox you know who finishes the game for Boston that's Jonathan Papelbon you don't know who finishes the game for the Rays Scott Kazmir is down in the bullpen sitting next to JP Howell what's interesting Cora's gonna lead off for the Red Sox does Ellsbury hit in that place Ellsbury we could not lose against Garza [Applause] two balls two strikes two Aybar who doubled in 5th inning that led off that for him and Aybar came home on the Rocco Baldelli hit to put the Rays in front despite that DM septum [Applause] and he cut back to Gillette sir urban outdated for to run and you can't blame the Red Sox defense for playing deep they've had their backs against the walls no matter where they employ because of the hole runs from Tampa Bay their patience by Aybar who's been an unsung hero in this series they're interesting when you watch Jon Lester and Garza both having great games have ball right off the corner missing the strike zone Lester gets a lot of called strikes bars a lot of swinging tres swag [Applause] [Applause] [Music] and this extension for takes less turn again [Applause] big advance enough [Applause] when our song hero forefront perhaps Willie Aybar will be that man he is still two of the Rays runs tonight he has hit the 16th home run for this Rays attack in this series and a little more breathing room and his bullpen three one year score well this is a pitch that plagued Lester and his first start at Fenway it's a cutter that's supposed to be in it spins right in the middle of the plate nice job though covering that ball by Aybar [Applause] [Music] four hits and five RBI game courgettes Boston stripes the right-center field JT will has it now there's out number one Jon Lester has never lost consecutive starts in history we charge back to us in the seventh inning [Applause] there are 15 ball players on this field tonight and not a one this game's over yet Boston can come back from seven runs down and eleiza cooperative there's so many cut this year year I thought long way to go a cue shot by wall deli strike one to him while Delhi out of Woonsocket Rhode Island first round pick in the 2000 draft five Tampa Bay a young man who in the early stages of his major-league career was compared to Joe DiMaggio what to do is look at his number [Applause] and put to raise again to the Lord at that point big smile from Baldelli certainly a Red Sox fan wrecking the hearts of many Red Sox fans and Lester strikes him out Varitek the first two outs after the so it's Rapids the rest of the game Mac wants has struck out that it is scary with a strikeout that sounds fraud he is finished as in [Music] pens busy with the base is clear and Bartlett uploads for two strike one to the Rays shortstop Jason Bartlett with a team that has so many to young stars so many yummy fireball in pictures it's this man the Joe Maddon has said is his indispensable player I love what he's done at the bucket line 273 words that I buy this whether you build winning teams around pitching and defense and that's exactly what they had on their mind and they picked up Matt Garza and Jason Bartlett short staff and then a big board for them when they needed somebody to pick up the ball then you can get a starting pitcher that gathereth back Garza to fill out the rotation and those address two major concerns of this ballclub in one trade pop fly to center field Coco Crisp has a little trouble now picks up the ball makes the play homer by Willy [Music] six hours six apps left for the Red Sox as they tried to complete the impossible come back here at st. Petersburg defensive change gave gross now into play right field with Cora crisp and Pedroia coming up Matt Garza back out after a hundred sixteen pitches and nine strikeouts his career-high is 11 there's high for this year is 10 [Applause] is fouled back by your Matt Garza right now all you want to do is check off outs their lips relate one matter to tongue this focus on core right here keep him from getting on base groundball in between defense must them daily lane the door is open in the anything [Applause] defense was so good at the start of this postseason seven straight errorless games and now the sixth err in 32 and 2/3 innings class of kids letting the ball play him a little bit FieldTurf for then as soon as it hits the turn speed up and a beetle and so Garza figured he had it out you know Joe Maddon is going to take him out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Boston's still very much alive they bring the yes Matt Garza Ryan Garza was curveballs in reserve [Music] about all of this pitches working [Applause] [Music] so guys that departs leader Game two of this ALCS created covering 48 pitches that was the night and up the series at a game apiece hopefully we headed to Fenway Park they're gonna have the Dan wheel [Applause] Coco Crisp stars a man takes a ball low crisp against wheeler who's 2 to 3 but over for 3 tonight what is that feeling like as a starter who takes the game deep in a close undecisive game and the bullpen is long and it feel horrible you want to stay out there because the ground ball should have been an out believe on an error it's a it's a horrible feeling sitting there you don't have any control anymore you left a baserunner out there this is what you work so hard to have home-field advantage 3 1 raise to I count 1 on now be very patient no windows the kind of value people try to pitch the coracle of the strike zone not always for slicing foul no play two balls in a strike he's not overpowering he doesn't have one particular pitch that's most effective form he has to use a combination of pitches location changing speeds throwing breaking balls and splitters so he is never going to be one that has found the middle of the plate can't do that he has to make quality pitches and he also needs his defense now [Applause] these are the scenarios pitching coaches and managers pour over during the course of the day Terry Francona talked about his choices and Joe Maddon and Jim Hickey have met over these situations all day long a penny too late risk with the plate the patient by the tenant - and - but crisp adequate pitch - bot - he was upset got a little bit wait for the ball to get the home watch ours Bobby has gone before at four [Applause] to park [Applause] ground ball base hit stop at second - or on with nobody out you give the Red Sox life they take the life away from you or sometimes what happens is that as a pitcher a pitcher of your repertoire is taken away that was just wonderful wheeler and split finger to a left-hand hitter down and in where it's going to hit the ball right between the hole that's where the out is going to be well that's what they're going to attack the pain is off the base baby makes that play within holding for Oh on that becomes a base that sisters had a good series and for 19 and here's Pedroia the only man to touch the plate tonight but has not yet picked up a hit again career [Applause] [Applause] to slap [Music] one pitch to hit in this scenario and he has already gained that much confidence just his second full season in the big leagues remember he is the best t strike hitter in baseball so he is confident he can take pitches and still have a chance to put it in play that if he falls back hit against a guy he's been [Applause] hi Wally [Music] there's the first big v8 [Applause] at the first step of david ortiz incident fastball awaiting that's middle plate Layla got away with one there the joy just swinging up popping up it just missed that [Applause] so John Madden makes his way to the math Pedroia it's a towering flyball to left and that'll do so lefty/lefty matchup coming up with a fitting game on the bases for Boston [Applause] three one Tampa Bay in front two on one out JP Howell is on to face David Ortiz but remember guys game five that seven run deficit for Boston they overcame it the final three and fell a two strike hit by Pedroia got it started three run home run by Ortiz GED true with the game winner after children Cobra [Music] right Gupta scores the winning run Pedroia just missed that last pitch he got it was a pitch that he's hit out of the ballpark throughout this postseason and remember to hit was a Gentile who summons again and or teens had a big RBI hit yesterday's ballgame arc je ha bullpen has been such a strength for the Rays all season can they cash in one more time in their first eight postseason games the Rays bullpen allowed just four [Music] Game five a disaster a Tehran [Applause] without giving up and Artoo's has in the postseason he has the first all-time normal depth in the field but I might step back a bit because the time first baseman Coco Crisp runs very well remember it's Gabe grossing right not Baldelli with Ortiz up he's walked one struck out swinging twice [Applause] the team's lifetime against how to but one of those hits [Applause] - [Music] that's his best passport I'll put away 88 and that pitch right there really not to be great if he swings and misses but really to elevate change where he's throwing the ball in 2000 things work the worst [Music] and the cap now to return [Applause] have an earpiece rates are down [Applause] picked off Kevin Youkilis just got a piece of that breaking ball way is Ortiz extended at the top and down now Navarro outs talk to now give him a pitch [Applause] bartlett leads to know for his positioning and he will return to second base [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he stays alive keeping that curve just far enough away from Ortiz all I can do is spoil it he has to take his top hand out to put the ball just barely gets a piece of it for now you would think that up and away basketball would be a good pitch board and you might get a lazy flyball Ortiz Drive anything to the opposite field [Applause] ground ball right side they'll go to second close play it in time [Applause] - out where that's a big play because that represents the tying run we go to second base and you wipe out Coco Crisp you're not going to get to on this bouncing ball but he will or understands the situation pivots of Joseph's strike to barking or that was close when Coco could have went straight in instead of that slide that really is taken out the shortstop straight in the clothes Howell gets Ortiz to all please sir for the bag he might beat the throw but he never went for the bag he went for the infielder instead of trying to get to the base before the TRO so Boston down to its final eight thinning out Hal gets the high five and protection through [Music] how close was this play at second base that forest Coco Crisp watched his slider brisk as he goes to the feet of Barton instead of point for the bag he is past the bag right give Bartlett clearly has him out the umpire and he got straight to the baggie [Music] wasn't a moment either going to turn to even though authorities running and now David stands at first war Bradford is on trying to retire Youkilis and send this to the bottom of the eighth minute people rappers pronounced these Boston Red Sox for grabs keep the ball in the ballpark only gave up three home runs all season long do a ballpark [Music] the one he gave up with Baltimore was the manager beerus banished sent a bat over to get Bradford to autograph but he reluctant and then later on ramires was retired by Bradford in Bradford's 500th appearance in the big leagues he got an autograph as well fair is fair so here's your list for for 10 against Bradford [Applause] as we've seen this postseason gross a step shy of the track right the bonus ranks joe maddon is concerned about this matchup because Youkilis Bay and Pedroia have all had great approaches against Bradford he expects them to put it in play he just hopes it's at an infield inside ball 2 problem this is your DHS on first base camp pinch run for him so if you've this it's a double wheel more difficult for David Ortiz to score not a lot of people would question why wouldn't you pinch run for me represent some time run well if you go into extra innings you wanted that [Applause] ball three three balls no strikes from the fourth pitcher of this hitting for Joe Maddon and the Rays the left-hander is David Price the number one pick in last Jews Draft 2007 he is getting ready for JP drew he comes to the plate here [Applause] so you course [Applause] they get him started with an error contraband and Alex Cora [Applause] then a single [Applause] [Music] extra tire you go we're up here the first known order [Applause] so Bradford walks Youkilis to load the bases my interest taking that fastball way in off the plate [Music] wheeler Howell Brantford have all followed Garza [Applause] the stage is set for JD drew bases-loaded for Boston in the eighth inning but there are two outs so JD Jules comes up big gets the Grand Slam hit a Game six against the Indians last season and then Frankie Rodriguez this year the tumor on pitch shot pitch it all around the top at night any other two-month-old wider than the eventual walk-off single off JP Holland the bottom the knives versus to raise both of his home runs during the 2008 postseason and five of his six RBIs and in the eighth or ninth inning he's a guy that get too excited about anything just trying to figure out young David Bryce he has faced him price was the winner in Game two the irony of one a postseason game before he was a regular season game at the big leagues [Music] a spot they made his debut in the major leagues on September 14th at none other than Yankee Stadium in relief of Edwin Jackson came in and pitched five and a third allowed just three hits in two runs and struck out four one start this year [Applause] fastball slider [Applause] University to the ALCS and plan to send it to the Bible and that's a very good strong first pitch slider [Applause] pretty good cheese at 96 with two strikes number one pick in the first round in the 2007 gym rats [Applause] [Applause] what a job by David Price he strikes out JD the basis and it says send it to the bottom of the eighth-inning and protects [Applause] on Orion are adjacent to and I'll throw a good fastball from price down and away see JD Drew went a little too far with that swing Gasol playing on fireman's Brian Glover made the call a rumor picked up the first hit of this game Jon Lester started retired the first nine gave up a two-out double to Evan mah boya in fourth in that time began the off double to Willie Aybar the fifth he came home on a bog belly hit and then the Aybar seventh-inning that friend as kept the Tampa Bay storm and a lower hit up the middle to glance down quickly and he does good play one out about that raised bullpen wheeler Howell Bradford and price all pitch do not allowed and Cochino he's been part of a at monster lake for Terry the epitome of a bit by committeeman tip obey all hands on deck but okajima Masterson and Papelbon have been nearly perfect for Terry Francona perfect night back push them to the World Series there's Upton these strokes a close pitch into shallow center field long run Chris coming on and makes a sliding catch [Applause] you can stand about the Javadoc Pacino has done Tosi's that they weren't really [Music] but inconsistent before has he stepped it up another any Boston had a great shot Vanya's up oh-for-three but he has school dorama and I think we know who's going to come out for the ninth-inning just by looking down the canopy there might be a peony of anybody but David Price went out for the start of the night got a chance to get a win and a save in the postseason before he picks up either in the regular season I strike evens makes it oh and - I beg your pardon - Pena [Applause] [Music] seventy they won 97 in the regular season they'd be polite sucks here the first round of this 2008 postseason they need three outs to to throw in the Red Sox [Applause] all that stands between the a championship the Tampa Bay Rays are three outs from their first World Series appearance and the improbable game indeed [Music] David Price will face Bay Kotsay and Varitek [Applause] with doubtful first pitch time that girl [Applause] to marry [Music] [Applause] well ball one strike in postseason history the biggest deficit overcoming the bank thing to win a game seven is two runs in the nineteen Championship Series the Braves trailed two games tonight they won three to two [Applause] [Music] they stays alive he in tonight's game one thing II could count on in that race dugout [Applause] that's a sweat break through the restaurant [Applause] joke at as their new toy join the team mid-september postseason you can't replace [Applause] [Music] all four and Bay coaxes along and the tying run potentially to the plate with nobody out now Kotsay the hitter Kotsay all four three his last time and broke his bat in frustration man that's a big hole at cetera [Applause] this should be the [Applause] he against left about 1/10 Boston a place where strike [Applause] put your players in the best possible position to succeed [Music] the price [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's 1 & 2 [Applause] Nasus started when seven struck out nine Raisa father it's two and two Maddie lay off this pitch 95 just off the corner i behold by Mark Thompson [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the struggle the Rays two hours away in the world's years energetic [Applause] a brawl no strikes Varitek grounded into 13 double plays in the regular season a step to slow from the lights light if price can get the ball on the ground [Applause] sort of [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] to growl bought a second [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Joe Maddon in the world says David Price gets the fire I see picks up his hers every they're contributing [Music] graduation good job [Music] to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] into the Fall Classic [Applause]
Channel: MLB Vault
Views: 216,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Major League Baseball, パジャー, γƒœγ‚Ήγƒˆγƒ³, Baseball's Best Classic Games, レッドソックス, タンパベむ, パジャーγƒͺγƒΌγ‚°, ι‡Žηƒ, 倧γƒͺγƒΌγ‚°, ι‡Žηƒι€Ÿε ±, Boston Red Sox, タンパベむ・レむズ, Tampa Bay Rays, レむズ, γƒœγ‚Ήγƒˆγƒ³γƒ»γƒ¬γƒƒγƒ‰γ‚½γƒƒγ‚―γ‚Ή
Id: 6hvDMQx8fVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 8sec (10208 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2010
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