Why Does Everybody Hate Alex Rodriguez?

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Lol that Jay Buhner Taco Bell story is great. Wish that would have made it to the final cut of the History of the Seattle Mariners.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KingIsMe123 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I hadn’t heard of 3/4ths of these things and I already knew more than enough to really dislike him. Whew.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pjokinen πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I like that this sub has sort of become a place for sports video essays. This is one of the better ones, because it doesn't try to use Google Earth in transparently the same style.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ELOGURL πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was surprised by the way they portrayed him in the History of the Mariners, I thought for sure he’d be a villain.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cvg596 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Such an underrated channel watched thag yesterday really gave me jon bois vibes

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MikeHunt6661 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
there is not a single baseball player alive today that was more hated than alex rodriguez he played 22 seasons made 14 all-star games when three mvps 10 silver sluggers got paid over 420 million dollars and dated every hot female celebrity alive so maybe that's why everybody hates alex rodriguez or maybe it's because he got caught doing steroids multiple times a lot about doing steroids multiple times allegedly threatened people who told on him for doing steroids told on three other players for doing steroids was ridiculed by dozens of teammates including these two signed the biggest contract in sports history twice served the longest suspension in baseball history cheated on the field cheated off the field cheated on his wife was reportedly brainwashed with the form of ancient jewish mysticism by madonna was called the slumlord was involved in a sign stealing scandal sued the mlb sued the players association and even sued the team doctor yeah maybe that's why everybody hates alex rodriguez [Applause] [Music] a record suspension tonight for baseball star alex rodriguez over his use of performance-enhancing drugs he could have been the michael jordan of baseball what an embarrassment a phony to the end the reason we didn't sign a rod is because there was no possible way that anyone could be worse for your team than a-rock he's like the guy you pay to mow your lawn and instead of mowing your only comes over and takes a dump on your lawn word describe alex rodriguez insecure greedy a-rod is so uncomfortable in his own skin that when you watch him talk it makes you uncomfortable in yours there are a few players in the history of baseball that have put up better numbers than alex rodriguez but there is probably zero players who have been involved in more controversies a-rod individually outperformed expectations everywhere he went but left every team he played for as the villain he is seen as greedy selfish and according to other major leaguers the phoniest player in baseball although a-rod did not enter the league with this reputation his actions that earned him this reputation started all the way back in high school a-rod didn't make the varsity team his freshman year and his sophomore season he was considered a purely defensive player but in between a sophomore and junior year something strange happened a-rod gained 28 pounds that offseason and increased his bench press by 200 pounds although he may not look like it a-rod could bench well over 300 pounds by his senior season rodriguez would go on to be linked to steroids multiple times throughout his professional career but it seems pretty clear that his steroid use started in high school two of his high school teammates have since come out to say that they were aware of his steroid use at the time and if that's not enough proof for you he began working out with jose canseco at the age of 18. canseco is doing so much hgh at the time a-rod probably got a contact high from standing within 10 feet of him so it seems pretty clear a-rod was doing steroids whether he liked it or not a-rod was the clear number one pick in the 1993 draft and attracted the superstar agent scott boris he is known to do almost anything to drive up the price for his clients and he is usually successful when it comes to agents boris is known for being the greediest of the greedy and since a-rod has the exact same reputation they were the perfect fit a-rod called the seattle mariners who had the number one pick that season and asked them not to draft him saying that he would rather go to college than seattle this was completely false but it was all part of boris's plan to either get a-rod to a bigger market or force the mariners to offer him a bigger contract the mariners called a-rod's bluff and drafted him anyway a-rod went on to make public statements saying that he had no intention on signing with the mariners calling them quote-unquote low-class and claiming they had disrespected his mother by contacting her after they agreed to only communicate with a-rod's agent boris wanted to hold out as long as possible and get the biggest deal he could the negotiations lasted months and came all the way down to the wire in august a week before he was scheduled to start college classes abroad signed a three-year 3 million dollar deal at the last minute holding out for money and calling your own team low class usually isn't a great way to win over fans but a-rod quickly made up for it within a year he made the major leagues at 18 years old he played in a few games that year and the year after he played in a few more but never really put up any great numbers but in a rod's first full season at 20 years old he met life coach and spiritual guru jim fannin with his help a-rod practiced the power of positive thinking he read daily affirmations and practice visualization techniques he visualized a batting title an all-star appearance and a greeting from his hero cal ripken jr and all three of these came true a-rod quickly became a believer and began getting more in touch with his spiritual side which got a little weirder later on in life but at age 20 a-rod was one of the best players in the league and had a squeaky clean reputation as a humble young superstar which led to milk and nike endorsements his reputation inside the clubhouse may have been a little different during his rookie year a-rod showed up late to batting practice with taco bell his teammate jay buener didn't like his attitude or his lightness so he took his tacos threw them in the air smashing them with his bat and made a-rod clean it up at the time a-rod was looking up to jose canseco as a mentor and apparently spent hours talking to him on the phone after games which makes sense according to a friend a-rod quote-unquote can't stand fat people and really can't stand being around them and canseco is a really good person to learn about fitness and more importantly steroids canseco has since deemed a-rod his number one enemy saying that he is the fakest person he's ever met and that everything he says sounds like it's been filtered through a focus group and this reputation is what caused friction between a-rod and his teammate kangaroo junior aeron was having an mvp season in 1996 but during interviews said that he can't be mvp of the league if he isn't even mvp of his own team saying that ken griffey jr who had overall worst stats but 49 home runs and gave him protection in the lineup deserved it this is a nice thing to say however he totally reversed this act of humbleness later when he eventually lost the mvp award by one vote and complained about it he told the media that it really hurt him that writers in his own town didn't vote him for mvp griffey has always been positive about a-rock publicly but is reported that he called a-rod a calculating and manipulative at the time and is part of the reason griffey eventually requested a trade from seattle the mariners general manager at the time later said he regretted trading griffey instead of a-rod after seven years in seattle a-rod was a free agent and he wanted to get paid and honestly he deserved it in five full seasons he had won four silver sluggers made four all-star teams he hit over 40 home runs in his last three seasons and was only 24 years old a-rod was the future of baseball and wanted to get paid like it he made it clear that he would not take less money to stay in seattle which he had every reason and right to do however this made every mariners fan extremely angry and when a-rod's free agency demands became public fans of every team became extremely angry abroad requested that if the mets wanted to sign him he would need them to give him use of private jets his own hotel suites on the road his own personal marketing staff luxury boxes for friends his own office inside shea stadium a promise that the team's ad campaign would center around him and a guarantee that he would have more billboards in new york than derek jeter the mets publicly stated that they were no longer interested in signing a-rod not because of the amount of money he was asking for but because his demands made them believe he would be bad for the fabric of the team but tom hicks owner of the texas rangers had the complete opposite reaction to a-rod's list of demands he offered a 10-year 252 million dollar contract this was the largest contract in sports history and more than twice as much money as any baseball team had ever guaranteed a player the rangers are still paying a-rod to this day and he hasn't played for them in 17 years this was so much money alex didn't even care about the prior demands he made for the mets however a-rod reportedly was given a personal handler who would put toothpaste on his toothbrush during his time in texas not as good as a private jet but also not bad the mariners offered a-rod a 5-year 92 million deal which let's be honest anyone in their right mind would turn down considering what a-rod was being offered in texas but don't tell seattle this because they absolutely hated him they deemed him a spoiled money-hungry villain and that year when he returned to seattle they booed him relentlessly and threw monopoly money at him however the mariners that year were way better without a-rod they set an american league record and wins going 116 and 46. the texas rangers on the other hand were awful rodriguez played three seasons in texas and despite high expectations they finished last every single year during his three seasons in texas he had three all-star appearances hit 305 had 156 home runs 395 rbis won the mvp award and only missed one game in three years so you really can't blame a-rod for the team being awful except pretty much everybody in texas did at the time baseball writer ken rosenthal called a-rod the cooler because no matter how good he was everywhere he went he cooled the team down a-rod didn't get along great with his manager buck showalter a-rod apparently stopped returning his calls by the time he left texas a-rod also had issues with pitching coach oral herscheiser who was upset with alex for trying to tell pitchers what pitches to throw and infielders were to play during games using signs in a way that made it obvious to the other team what was coming this could have been a part of the sign sealing system rodriguez had with other middle infielders around the league an anonymous teammate told reporter selena roberts that a-rod would tip pitches to the other team during blowouts in order to get the same treatment when he came to the plate when another shortstop or second baseman came to the plate a-rod apparently would use subtle motions like touching his glove or leaning left to right to tell the opposing team's batter what pitch was coming and where it would be located when a-rod got to the plate and is next at-bat they would do the same thing for him if what a-rod's teammate is saying is true this would have helped a-rod a ton because the rangers were in a bunch of blowouts they were awful and after three miserable seasons in texas abroad was upset the team wasn't doing enough to get winning players he would later go on to say that the raiders were a team made of alex rodriguez and quote unquote 24 kids since then a-rod has said that he wished he would have signed with the mets and rangers owner tom hicks says he regrets ever signing a rudd in the first place and since all parties agree that they didn't want to be in the same place the rangers traded a-rod in 2004. first to the red sox in exchange for man ramirez but that deal was rejected by the players union because the deal would cut a-rod's contract by 28 million dollars that's right a-rod hated texas so much he was willing to give up 28 million dollars to leave instead a-rod went to the new york yankees in exchange for alfonso soriano a-rod would end up playing in new york for 13 years these 13 years might very well be the most controversial and scandal-filled years any athlete has had with any team in history i mean seriously a-rod basically kept the new york post from going out of business during his time in new york he was on the cover every single week the first and most apparent a-rod scandal in new york was between him and his new teammate derek jeter which started before he had even gotten there the two were actually great friends back in the day one of a-rod's teammates once asked him if he was going over to his boyfriend's house because the two were so talkative during mariners and yankees games one of jeter's teammates once gave jeter grief because the two were goofing off while they were in a brawl and the two shared the cover of a famous sports illustrated edition focused on mlb's new young shortstops but when a-rod was signed to the rangers he publicly said jeter didn't deserve the money that he had gotten and that the media loved jitter no matter what while they labeled him as a [ __ ] these public comments were enough vegeta to unfriend a-rod who told the media he had to go to jeter's house to try to apologize afterwards by the time a-rod signed with the yankees the tension between the two was public and everybody was asking about it although the two would initially deny all problems with each other as time went on the conflict became more and more obvious on this play the two drop a routine pop fly and jeter stares down a-rod like he just murdered his newborn son this led yankees gm brian cashman and ex-yankee dale strawberry to ask jeter to tone down his hay for a-rod on the surface these two should be great friends they're both extremely rich baseball players date famous women do huge business deals and they played for the same team the only difference is jeter never liked talking about anything off the field a-rod wouldn't shut up about it a-rod admitted to the media that the two weren't close anymore saying that they no longer had sleepovers and that they just grew apart judy's response was to say why doesn't he just shut up the tension between these two still lives on today during a charity event in 2017 the two were asked to do interviews they agreed but had no idea they'd be doing it together jeter was reportedly extremely pissed this ever happened obviously because it was with a-rod and also because it was one of the most awkward encounters ever here are some highlights this is a treat to see youtubes together now since you both hung up the jerseys you guys are friends now is that what's going on sure stop their base that's exactly how we were back in the day yeah just together right the both of you yeah yeah but you greeted each other's warmly the press made a little thing about the back and forth between you two was that real or serious ever you bring up stories from about 20 years ago kelly you sort of stole the whole show this interview's going all type of places but i haven't seen them in a while but yeah almost for a long time it's a legitimate question they asked the met gala last night i was not there no you were not there but did you eat channel i thought you were going to try to make it there did you enjoy the game the met gala i did i did and katy perry put on a great show a-rod knew that the public tension between him and jeter would add challenges to his move to new york but being one of the league's most hated players on the league's most hated team and the biggest media market in the world gave a-rod challenges way bigger than derek jeter one of these challenges was the boston red sox at this point in a-rod's career he had a fraction of the enemies he would eventually make but one team that definitely hated a-rod was the red sox and this became pretty obvious when the two played each other in july 2004 bronson arroyo hits a-rod a-rod tells him to throw the ball over the plate arroyo tells him he wouldn't hit a 240 batter on purpose a-rod curses at him jason veritek famously smushes his face with his glove and the rest is history the red sox will come back and win this game 11-10 some say that this is the game that changed the momentum of the red sox season which eventually ended with them winning the world series but this other play between a-rod and arroyo was probably a lot more impactful in the infamous 2004 alcs a-rod hit a dribbler down the first base line bronson arroyo the same guy who hit a-rod in july picked the ball and tries to tag him out a-rod karate chops the ball out of his glove jeter scores the tying run is on second base except no a-rod is called out because this is very illegal a-rod would later say he doesn't regret doing this because why not try he would have been out either way which is true a-rod really didn't have much to lose by trying to swap the baseball but what he had to gain was a bunch of hate from fans and players across the league who labeled this play as bush league red sox players have not been shy to publicly criticize a-rod since this incident kurt chilling said derek jeter would have never done that because he is a class act unlike a-rod trod nixon said a-rod was a clown and couldn't stand up to jeter bernie williams jorge posada or other long-time yankees and kevin millar said derek jeter is a yankee a-rod isn't as everyone remembers the yankees would go on to lose that game and game seven choking their 3-0 lead a-rod would go 2 for 17 and games four through seven this was probably the most damaging series in a-rod's career from that point on he was seen as a player who choked in the playoffs cheated in the playoffs and basically the face of the yankees infamous 2004 collapse the next season a-rod redeemed himself and won the al-mvp award for the second time he absolutely dominated the league putting up insane offensive numbers however he went 2 for 15 and committed a crucial error in the alds in which the yankees lost to the angels and since a-rod is the most hated player in baseball people obviously focus more on his playoff woes than his mvp season unlike jeter a-rod was building up a reputation as a choker and this reputation would only increase as time went on a fan poll in 2006 found that 47 of fans didn't want their team to trade for a-rod remember he had just won the mvp award was on pace to beat hank aaron's home run record hadn't even been cop doing steroids yet and 47 percent of fans didn't want him on their team that is how much people hated alex rodriguez at this time and it gets a lot worse in 2006 he went through possibly the worst slump of his career that summer he batted 257 had 81 strikeouts and committed 13 errors according to him he could barely hit a home run in batting practice the truth is this slump was relatively normal but since so many people hated a-rod he was constantly attacked by everyone including his own coaches and teammates he was getting booed every night even at home his teammate jason jiami said that he doesn't know who he is and told manager joe torre to stop coddling him former yankee reggie jackson blamed it on his body language saying that everything he does looks quote-unquote scripted teammates told reporters anonymously that a-rod seriously needed to get his eyes checked and might be afraid of the ball even rival david ortiz felt so bad for a-rod he tried to coach him through an at-bat against the red sox getting a-rod's attention and telling him to breathe because quote-unquote it was too painful to see his face and probably the most embarrassing moment of this slump happened one day when the media took a picture of a-rod sunbathing in central park that night he went 0-4 with three errors the next day this bizarre photo was everywhere a-rod was getting so much ridicule you'd think he was batting under 100 but in reality he finished the season with 35 home runs 121 rbis and was 13th in mvp voting yeah that's how good alex rodriguez was at baseball however those stats made no difference in october the yankees were limited in the first round a-rod batted .071 with zero rbis and was dropped to eighth in the lineup he officially earned himself the title of mlb's biggest playoff choker and although it didn't come out until later a-rod tested positive for stimulants that year and had a charity that raised over 400 thousand dollars and only donated 5 000 of it that's one percent tom verducci wrote an article that offseason and asked why must alex rodriguez defend himself he plays hard is durable and stays out of trouble off the field which means in 2006 a-rod was already the most hated player in baseball and didn't even have a reputation for being an off-the-field distraction but this all changes in 2007 this was a wild year for a-rod in a year where he transitioned from being a recognizable baseball player to a pop culture celebrity and the way it happens wasn't exactly great publicity for alex rodriguez in toronto there was a pop-up on the left side of the infield a-rod ran by the players camped out under the ball yelled ha or i got it depending on who you believe the ball was dropped and everyone was pissed john mcdonald and howie clark were visibly upset by the play and manager john gibbons stormed out and argued with umps about the play and even a-rod's own manager joe torre wouldn't come to his defense saying it was probably something he shouldn't have done this play gave everyone who labelled a rod a dirty player or a bad person more reason to hate him but this play may have not even been the worst thing to happen to a-rod that series that week a-rod was seen walking out of a strip club to his hotel room with the blonde stripper that weekend the picture was everywhere this was especially concerning for a-rod because he had a wife she was so pissed off about all the attention the story was getting that she wore a shirt that said [ __ ] you to yankee stadium which only made the story bigger a-rod and his wife even had to have a meeting with yankees gm about the incident this was just the beginning of around's career in celebrity gossip magazines would go on to report that a-rod was always with prostitutes had multiple paintings of himself as a cenotar in his bedroom and had videos of his highlights playing non-stop throughout his house most yankees fans obviously didn't like this because it made a-rod seem like a self-absorbed weirdo but he hit 54 home runs that year led the league in run slugging percentage ops and won the mvp award so they really couldn't hate a-rod that much right well a lot of them did and they began to hate him even more after that off-season he asked for even more money this upset the entire baseball world for many reasons not only did people not have empathy for the richest player in sports opting out of the biggest contract in history to ask for more money a-rod announced this during the world series in order to overshadow the game and grab as much attention as possible scott boris his agent and a-rod soon apologize for doing this and yankee's gm and owner publicly stated that they would not re-sign a-rod which was a lie because even though a-rod publicly said that this was a huge mistake and fired his agent for it the yankees ended up signing a-rod to a new 10-year 275 million dollar deal he had just signed the biggest contract in sports history for the second time in seven years so if you hated a-rod for being greedy in 2000 you really hated him now that off-season a-rod hired guyo siri to represent him gail siri is an extremely famous and successful talent manager who represented people like madonna u2 and lenny kravitz this hollywood big shot was hired to give a-rod celebrity status bigger than baseball and for better or for worse it worked his first piece of advice for a-rod was to win back public support by doing an interview with 60 minutes unfortunately for a-rod one day before the interview was set to happen the mitchell report was released and baseball was in the middle of dealing with its biggest steroid scandal ever and although around was not in the report katie kurick asked him about steroids and a-rod gave an answer that would later come back to bite him for the record have you ever used steroids human growth hormone or any other performance enhancing substance no have you ever been tempted to use any of those things no at the time most people believed this lie because a-rod didn't have the stereotypical physique of a steroid user and up to that point had no real steroid accusations but that all changed in 2008 which may be the weirdest year of a-rod's career a-rod had fallen into a new celebrity circle madonna started showing up to a lot of yankees games and magazines started reporting that her and a-rod were spending a lot of time together and since madonna was married to film director guy ritchie and a-rod had his own wife and newborn child it was a big deal rumors spread that madonna had left her husband for a-rod and that a-rod's wife was in a romantic relationship with lenny kravitz a-rod his wife and madonna all denied the rumors that any of these friendships were romantic however in july a-rod's wife filed for divorce and madonna and her husband split a-rod's personal trainer publicly blamed the split on a-rod's new faith in the ancient mystical jewish practice of kabbalah the religious practice was huge with celebrities at the time people like madonna britney spears ashton kutcher lindsay lohan were all doing it it has since faded in popularity but for a while a-rod was pretty dedicated to it his personal trainer said that madonna and kabala had a-rod completely brainwashed saying that he would only listen to music if it was by madonna and every time one of her videos came on he would be put in a trance he also said that a-rod was abandoning his family because he was taking the kabbalah teaching of cleaning your vessel way too seriously he said that he had cut off his friend a-rod altogether even though it was the hardest thing he's ever done a-rod's private life was falling apart in front of the entire world but he still managed to make the all-star team win a silver slugger and lead the league in slugging percentage that year jose canseco released a new book titled vindicated where he accused a-rod of doing steroids another book written by a man responsible for dealing steroids to mlb players for years also accused they're out of doing steroids and a-rod's former manager joe torre wrote a book with a whole chapter dedicated to a-rod saying that alex wanted to quote unquote take up all the attention and then in february an article written by selena roberts in sports illustrated accused arod of not only testing positive for steroids in 2003 but also being told when an upcoming random drug test was going to occur in 2004 selena roberts would go on to write a book about a-rod saying that his teammates in new york would regularly refer to a-rod as a-fraud and [ __ ] tits because of the way his chest looked from steroid use a few days after the article was released a-rod went on espn and admitted to doing steroids between 2001 and 2003. eight days later he held a press conference in front of hundreds of reporters and his teammates who looked like they didn't really want to be there he admitted to doing steroids again and also admitted that he lied in his interview eight days earlier about not knowing what steroids he was taking and about reporter selena roberts trying to break into his home a lot of other things around said during this press conference was also a lie and would be proven false by more a-rod scandals in the future up to this point in a-rod's career this was a low point and to make matters worse in march the pictures from the iconic mirror kissing photo were released and just when he thought things couldn't get any worse he discovered a hip injury that required surgery causing him to miss the first part of the 2009 season he returned to the lineup in may and was booed by his own fans that year had an average year for a-rod standards meaning he finished 10th in mvp voting but if he wanted to fix his reputation he would have to perform in the playoffs going into october that year he was over 29 with runners on base in the postseason since being on the yankees but in 2009 something strange happened a-rod had one of the best postseasons in recent history he better 356 had six home runs 18 rbis and led the yankees to a world series victory earning himself his first postseason mvp award this along with the infamous birthday party which included jay-z his girlfriend kate hudson and the entire yankees roster temporarily healed his relationship with his teammates who say that this birthday party was such a legendary bonding experience it may have been responsible for getting the yankees to the world series that year abroad's quick redemption story did not last long that offseason he was once again linked to steroids this time to a doctor who was being indicted for moving human growth hormone from canada to the us to give to professional athletes the doctor admitted to treating rodriguez but said he never gave him steroids so a-rod was basically off the hook in 2010 abroad made another all-star team but had another disappointing postseason and the only notable thing a-rod did in 2011 was get fed popcorn by his girlfriend cameron diaz during the super bowl he also made the all-star team and choked in the playoffs that year but that happens every year except 2012 because he did not make the all-star team that year but he did choke in the playoffs except this time it was a lot worse he was pinch-hit for in game one but was still made national headlines when he began trying to pick up women during the game he gave a model sitting behind the dugout his phone number after being pinched hit for abroad denied it but a yankees official did not have his back and confirmed it to usa today he was pinch hit four in games three and four and eventually benched all together for the decisive game 5. that season mob players voted alex rodriguez the phoniest player in the league that offseason a-rod had hip surgery and learned he would likely have to miss the first half of the year he also learned he was being investigated by the mlb for buying steroids from an illegal lab in florida what followed was a massive conflict between a-rod the mlb the yankees the yankees doctor and the federal government in other words a-rod's downfall a-rod publicly stated he was innocent but rob manfred who was leading the investigation for the mlb said that behind the scenes a-rod's team was trying to pay people off for crucial information and even allegedly threatened the life of the guy are bought peds from if he gave up information to the leak a-rod even reportedly leaked the names of ryan braun melky cabrera and his own teammate francisco cervelli who were also being investigated for ped use in order to keep the attention off a-rod in the meantime a-rod was desperately trying to rehab his injured hip to return to the yankees in june he tweeted that a doctor cleared him to play in games the yankees gm brian cashman told a-rod to quote-unquote shut the [ __ ] up cashman and a-rod were not great friends at this point cashman apparently said he didn't even feel comfortable saying anything more than hello to a-rod during this time and if all of this wasn't bad enough that summer tenants who lived in buildings owned by alex rodriguez came out claiming that he was a slum lord and that the property he owned was in shambles the yankees seemed to want to keep a-rod out of the lineup as long as possible because there were rumors that a-rod would get a lifetime ban from the mlb and if a-rod never played again the yankees would save a ton of money on his contract iran was aware that the yankees were likely trying to keep him out of the lineup so to try to speed things up he had a doctor go on the radio and declare that he had examined a-rod and deemed him able to play the yankees responded by saying that getting a second opinion without asking them was against a-rod's contract however the yankees and a-rod worked out a timetable and a-rod was scheduled to come back to the team on august 5th and coincidentally enough on august 5th the mlb announced that alex rodriguez had been suspended for 211 games for using performance-enhancing drugs the longest suspension in mlb history a-rod immediately appealed the suspension and that knight was in the lineup for the first game all season he was booed relentlessly a few days later he played his first game at yankee stadium and his own fans booed him relentlessly and then about a week later he went to fenway park where he was booed relentlessly when alex rodriguez came to the plate ryan dempser threw at him he missed so he threw at him again and even though this hit by pitch was as obvious as they come umpire brian or nora let dempster stay in the game because yes even the umpires hated alex rodriguez but a-rod's off-the-field issues were a lot more damaging than being hit by a pitch during a meeting with mlb and an independent arbitrator who was to decide how many games a-rod deserved to be suspended for abroad banged the table kicked a briefcase left the meeting went straight to mike francesca's radio show and said this what we saw today is just it was disgusting and the fact that the man from milwaukee that put the suspension on me with with not one bit of evidence something i didn't do and he doesn't have the courage to come look at me in the eye and tell me this is why i did 211 i shouldn't serve one inning a rod suspension was reduced to 162 games he sued the mlb and the players association for the suspension and the yankees team doctor for his diagnosis of his hip in 2012 claiming he shouldn't have been cleared to play with the injury he eventually admitted to the dea that he did buy performance-enhancing drugs from the lab in florida dropped all three lawsuits and sat out the entire 2014 season he came back in 2015 and had a surprisingly good year at the age of 39. he had an ops at 8 42 and passed willie mays for fourth all-time on the home run record board halfway through 2016 a-rod retired four home runs short of 700. during his press conference he cried and a lot of people called it fake but during his last inning at yankee stadium when alex rodriguez was taken out of the game he was given a standing ovation since retirement a-rod has become increasingly less hated yes people always hate a-rod because he's given people a lot of reasons not to like him but a-rod has since said he's deserved every punishment he's ever received although a lot of people will never forgive him yes he's lied he's cheated and he said and done a lot of weird things but since this video is mostly about all the negative things in a-rod's life let's end it with one of a-rod's funniest and finest moments oh that's just not right do you think he should be suspended ryan i'm the wrong guy
Channel: Baseball Doesn't Exist
Views: 1,810,838
Rating: 4.8797874 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 41sec (1901 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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