2007 Honda Accord Wideband O2 (Air Fuel Ratio Sensor) Testing

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what is this another one i thought you were saying no to these cars oh it's your beach connection yeah i guess you got to say yes to this guy what's he want done with it the turn signal switch is all wonky inside uh shuts all the lights off gotcha so we're doing some wideband o2 stuff today i believe so as long as it's still acting up i don't know if it's not oh i forgot about it you already got a sensor for it and i have one what what our community doesn't know is well but i don't know either is what are we working on um so honda accord my brother here's what we're doing some wide band o2 testing and what my brother had done before today is he confirmed the upstream o2 which is a wideband it was indicating a lean condition and what he noticed was the downstream o2 was pegged rich and we had 10 tail pipe co emissions now a lot of you guys don't have emission analyzers my brother still does have one here one of the few garages in the entire area that has a working one he confirmed a sensor that was lying so you guys have heard me use that term a lot a lying o2 and so what we're going to try to do is recreate this situation show you guys what he saw and then talk a little bit about some of the testing methods we can use for wideband sensors using my my safety glasses with readers i'm so happy to have these my family's been making fun of me because i've been wearing them in the house i'm watching tv and i'm working on the computer i got my safety glasses on never be too careful yeah man i'm always gonna have safety glasses on now i'm really not worried about a full code scan for this i'm just going right to the engine computer pcm is my guy for what we're doing here and the computer's fine we don't need to do a full system scan and this this thing's taking forever as it is i i would imagine we'd be here for a long time for a full system scan all right so we'll go trouble codes see what we have i think my brother had mentioned yeah p0171 and i was gonna say 174 but this is a single bank system i think we also have a 420 code a catalyst efficiency code one of the things that you don't want to ever do is be too worried about a catalyst code when you have other fuel related codes or really any drivability type conditions you want to fix those first before you would ever attack a 420 code i'm not going to worry about that we'll make sure danner knows the 171 code says fuel metering too lean and i'd like to see my freeze frame data on that all right so this is the freeze frame data of the 171 code what i'm interested in is my fuel trim and then also the upstream and downstream oxygen sensors upstream is a is a wideband downstream is a regular zirconia narrow band so that's showing us 0.55 and our af sensor they're indicating that as zero milliamps so one of the things we're going to be talking about with this wideband sensor is its operating range which if i remember correctly is somewhere between 2 and 4 milliamps so we're talking a a tiny tiny number which is really why people have so much trouble trying to measure these they don't operate the same way as narrow bands and you're talking about a swing of two to four milliamps just not going to see that with conventional equipment i mean we had a hard time doing a parasitic drain the other day just reading 150 milliamps imagine trying to decipher between two and four milliamps of current just not going to happen without some specialized equipment or some adapters and some things you can do like with wrapping a wire around multiple times with your amp clamp and stuff like that but i think we'll have a chance to talk about that this isn't really helping me this happened at idle 165 degrees i'm just gonna go to my live data so 1.6 amps on the heater i wonder why that's red let's watch our downstream sensor which is this guy right here h02 s2 and then our af sensor milliamps is top value up [Applause] here [Applause] now one of the things that we can do when we see data that's unfamiliar to us especially when it comes to wideband sensors is we can use global data which i may switch to because these trim numbers are different range than what i'm [Applause] what i'm used to and i don't know if that's a min max scale or that's the spec like the range for this i believe that you can interpret these numbers the short term and long term as 1.0 being zero then you see the range is 1.5 and then 0.5 i'm pretty sure that that's how you use that number and i think lambda is the same way as 1.0 is is zero and numbers above is lean numbers below is rich the fuel trim would be similar to what we're used to so one being zero numbers above one is adding fuel numbers below one is taking fuel away right now this looks clean it looks like it's working like it's supposed to you see the range on the af sensor up top it showed minus 1.4 to positive 1.4 so you're talking about 2.8 milliamps is the operating range of of this sensor so it shows the range of 0.8 to 1.2 the reason that's red is that's outside of the range that they're giving you on a normal operating sensor that's not a problem i know that for sure on oxygen sensors but that's why that number's red just familiarizing myself with the tool it stinks now you smell it yeah i do it just changed on us notice the downstream sensor is full rich right now and notice our short term and long term are both adding fuel numbers above 1.0 so at 1.47 and 1.25 my lambda is 1.54 so that's indicating lean so it's opposite that's what danner's calling the battle too so this this upstream sensor right now yeah it had to be hot to uh act up but this upstream sensor and then the downstream 0.94 downstream's full rich upstream i believe i'm reading the lambda correctly 1.54 is very lean and then we're reading a minus 0.8382 value let's see if we can make this move [Music] um i'd like to drive it to get into a decel fuel cut mode and and see how the sensor reacts i'd also like to add fuel to this [Music] [Applause] see i can get it to react there was a positive two or no that's even more lean isn't it [Applause] see i can't drive it rich it's staying in the minus range so i should be looking sorry i was looking here i was looking at the lambda that's pretty much telling you a full lean condition upstream um now let's focus on the af sensor now minus numbers should be lean so if this is a wideband sensor i'm doing the same thing i'm trying to force the sensor rich and lean to see its reaction i can clearly see my downstream down here is full rich 0.92 in my upstream right now i'm assuming uh that number that minus 0.83 milliamps is full lean and i should be able to rapidly snap the throttle i can't drive that rich and uh honestly that's that's enough information for me and for my brother too along with the the heater current for the uh oh that's the downstream heater current that's why that number seemed low to me i was going to say along with the heater current value being on the scan tool there's really no other checks that i feel like need to be done we're going to do a couple anyway this thinks real bad real bad this is an absolute full rich condition let's go up and get a tailpipe reading i want to show you guys another method to identify oxygen sensors that are lying is that and and basically what's happening here is the upstream sensor is telling the computer we're lean and the computer's adding a bunch of fuel it is fuel that is not needed and so we have an extreme rich condition right now this is the kind of car you got to be careful if you're in a shop and it's winter time and you're not putting an exhaust hose on the car you literally have 10 15 minutes of runtime can put enough carbon monoxide in the shop to kill you so pay attention to what you're doing i had a friend that had this exact scenario and i'm talking to him on the phone telling him how to identify a lying o2 and um by the time he was finished talking to me and doing some tests he had a technician that almost passed out in the back of his shop he was taken to the hospital in an ambulance and my friend uh was also very sick so you don't want to fool around with stuff like this very very high cos going on right now that's what caleb and i are smelling whoo stinky it's so bad really bad it's real bad i'm gonna leave this outside gas calibration manual gas testing mode nice watch my co2 when i breathe out ready i don't know why i showed you that this will be the number we're really going to be focused on for this is the co watch when i put this in the tailpipe it's going to be a little bit of a delay look at that that's death right there brother 10 co there is no way there is no way that that 02 sensor uh that we have a lean condition so the code was what 171 right it's a lean exhaust it's telling you well a lot of people are going to want to change an oxygen sensor for this in this case you would be right but in a lot of circumstances vacuum leak low fuel pressure restricted injectors mass airflow problems all would give you lean conditions what we have is a false lean condition that is what this 10 co number is i want to point you guys to a lecture that i've done on tailpipe gases for using tailpipe gas as a guide to whether or not that o2 is lying if an o2 sensor's lean is indicating lean and your tailpipe cos are 10 percent like we have here sensors definitely lying wide band narrow band doesn't matter you got an o2 that's reading full lean what do you do add fuel see if it reacts how do you add fuel flutter the pedal like we were in the parking lot grab propane put it in the intake manually make the mixture rich in our case we don't need to do that 10 co we already know it's full rich we also know the downstream o2 indicating full rich while the upstream's full lean is an indication we're in the same area of a faulty o2 adding fuel is not what we need to do with this car all right i just merged these two graphs the upstream sensor and the downstream you see the downstream is uh 0.98 or one one volt full rich and the upstream is minus 0.5 milliamps again snap the throttle i should be able to drive the downstream lean as you can see lean and rich during deceleration so when i snap the throttle let off during the decel there's fuel cut so fuel cut is when we shut the injectors off and that's what drives the o2 lean and you see that downstream react like that now it shouldn't be if the cat is efficient you know we shouldn't really have that kind of response on the green trace but because the cap is potentially also damaged here we have a 420 code that's why the downstream's so reactive but what that shows you regardless of the cat is the sensor is able to produce in the full range of rich and lean in other words it reacts to rich and lean and then we we watch the blue trace now too [Music] we we really it has some reaction to it but i'm never going over like minus 0.3 and when i snap the throttle and make this go full rich i should at least get up to like the 1.4 milliamp range let's go for a quick test drive and i'll show you this test drive just want to get a longer period of time where i'm at wide open throttle than i can hold in park just want to watch this really the the upstream again the af the milliamps [Music] that stayed lean i stayed lean the whole time this sensor's just not reacting we just need to make sure that wiring wise we're okay first gear wide open throttle and then let off [Music] best which we should have right now still wide open and then i let off there's your d cell and how do i pause this i'm sure that in the in the video you're gonna see this caleb that when i was test driving of course we were rich on the downstream already so seeing a difference from what we were you know it didn't change um but we did see when i let off we saw the downstream drop we actually saw the upstream do the same but i couldn't drive the upstream ridge use that method guys it's still valid doesn't matter that it's a wideband sensor and they operate off milliamps instead of millivolts it doesn't matter doesn't matter same stuff this this sensor is just dead here and i think rather than did jander want us to go in the shop did he say he wanted us inside he said that as a joke because of the carpenter oh he wanted he wanted me to run it in there so he falls over let's go hear from him for a second um there's one other thing i can show you guys if there was some confusion on the data let's go global i mentioned that let's look at some global data real quick start this back up i do have a hose on it i was just looking to see if there was a heater indication for the upstream sensor and i don't see one yeah the air fuel ratio is like indicating that this one right here is indicating like 18 to 1 which is super lean it's definitely not these are calculated based off that front sensor we're adding a whole crap ton of fuel our short term is pretty much buried so the point i was trying to make with you guys is you're not familiar with the data i'm not either i mean a little bit maybe more than some but 1.47 what's that mean on the short term 1.25 what's that mean on the long term and then also for the front sensor that milliamp reading what's that mean well let's get out of here and we're just going to go global and then what i'm looking for is my live data and yeah nice so our short-term long-term trim are now numbers were you more used to looking at and bank one sensor two bank one sensor one they're still giving me current here as far as the sensor goes the milliamp number still being shown the same we had in the factory mode but it's nice to see the fuel trim numbers the 46.9 and 25 positive so right now we're at like 40 50 60 71 overall adding fuel so 46.9 remember that 46.9 and 25. now let's go back i know how to use the decimal point numbers now remember we're at 1.25 long term and 1.46 short term well what's the point four six forty six percent what's one point zero exactly what i told you guys 1.0 for the honda data is 0 fuel trim 1.46 is positive 46 1.25 is positive 25 and how do i know that now because i use global data to help me help guide me remember that get unfamiliar data especially when it comes to wide bands jump over to global see what you have now we could make the argument here that the heater circuits malfunction so we want to check that these wideband sensors need to be very very hot to work like twice the amount of a narrow band narrow bands are like 600 degrees a wide band's like 13 to 1400 degrees so exhaust may not be enough to heat a wide band sensor so we want to make sure the heater is functional and then a couple of quick circuit integrity tests before we change the o2 that's my goal wiring and how getting to it is gonna dictate what we're gonna do i i really feel like i have enough info to put an o2 in this but we should cover our bases anyway let's look at those two guys right there and right there so 1.47 what did global mode say for the short term 46 point something right so i'm at 1.47 what's that mean 1.47 is 47 positive trim 1.25 on the long term is positive 25 so that's where we're at computers adding a whole bunch of fuel now why would it be doing that because the upstream sensors indicating lean minus 0.44 of an amp it's lean and how do i know that well look at the downstream downstream is choking full rich and our gas analyzer confirmed we are indeed full rich downstream is accurate you can use your downstream to gauge the upstream this is a faulty upstream o2 wideband faulty do a couple final checks to be sure it's not wiring or heater but yeah this is real basic a lot of people are afraid of wideband sensors there's no reason to be um you want to get a shot from here on this side straight down caleb that's where our sensor be it's nice and hot way to go danner we'll do all of our checks on the uh harness side of the o2 connector because i'm going to be poking holes then we won't have to worry about sealing them up i'm like why is everything so blurry because i'm using readers and i'm trying to see a distance dumbass all right can you see those colors two blacks a white and a blue the two blacks are the heater circuit when you have two of the same colors that's the heater and then you're gonna have a signal and then a signal ground for the other two i'm not sure if it's white or blue uh we'll go after the heater circuit first i'm using my phil's electrical probe and this engine's super hot i'm gonna get burned so which way are you going on one of the blacks just confirming heater circuit operation you can use an amp clamp on that i don't have one with me we're just doing voltage measurements the autel will communicate with the scope module remotely like you don't need it to be plugged in to the data link connector to be to talk to the scope part it has built-in wi-fi so if i if i couldn't reach i can take the data link connector off this stays powered up it has a battery in it and i can still use this scope and communicate with my scan tool when i first started using this that was one of the complaints i had was the fact that i had to stay tethered and you don't let's go back and we want to go to measurements we'll use the oscilloscope there's a four channel scope just using channel a all right so i set this up to uh 500 millisecond per division no particular reason i picked that one just we're doing quick heater circuit check and i may adjust it from there i am connected to battery positive so you can see we're at 12.4 volts take it off right we're at zero so i know my scope reads going right to this lead and with the key on on that terminal that black wire i'm reading 12 volts i'm going to start the car see what it does because this could be a ground side switch circuit i don't want to say right off the bat that that's the battery feed for the heater i need to see what this does we got some spikes in here let's lower this time base to make sure yeah those are just electrical noise i can see some square waves kind of in here that's showing me some pulsing going on probably on the other wire ignore the spikes we're reading battery voltage on that one with some indication of current flow those smaller little square waves that are on top of that i'm going to switch this to the other black wire and the one we are currently on will cut that we just measured we'll call that heater positive switching over to the other black wire this should be heater negative yeah pulse width modulated ground is what that is and those little square waves that i was talking about we could see on the positive line that was current flow as the ground was being energized so that's a pulse width modulated ground computer is controlling this heater like it should be i am not worried about electrical wiring for the heater again you could do current measurements on this if you wanted to i do not have an amp clamp for this ultra kit so i'm not gonna do that i'm comfortable with those readings final two two checks see what we got see if they're using some kind of a bias voltage on this remember it's gonna look different than the scan tool scan tool has given us a milliamp reading we're actually going to be measuring voltage now do the white wire first and i'm reading a voltage of around two and a half volts i can throw in a min max number there uh it's picking up those spikes that's not good let's turn that off we'll go dc average so about 1.7 volts on that wire that's the white one and then last one will be the blue wire this is sensor side so if you guys are looking at wiring diagrams figure out which wire i'm on it's not going to help you sensor side colors change and this one's reading 2.2 volts and so the difference in potential between those is really you know what the computer is using for amperage measurements 1.701 and 2.2 on the other i'm i'm comfortable with these numbers the fact that i'm reading voltage all the way down there computer's reading amperage on the scan tool there's not a wiring problem here at all this is a faulty o2 some unplug it tests would be nice for the signal and the signal ground the white and the blue i'm gonna do that real quick we'll just do key on for this yeah because key on yeah 2.2 i'm going to unplug this okay unplug that i want to get a couple readings on this side it was the top two wires this is going to be unplugged i have done these before i'm going to reference some other videos i've done on widebands and what i expect to see is a reference voltage on both the signal positive and signal negative okay this this one's 2.2 volts on that which is the top left which would have been the blue wire where's that coming from guys it's coming from the computer okay there's no way that this wire is touching ground basically a reference voltage this is the other wire read 1.7 on that one 1.76 and 2.2 something but what that means to me right now is wiring from computer down to this sensor is fine and nothing's touching ground and we're going to put an o2 sensor in this [Music] it's running like on me on me it's running like poo because i have the sensor unplugged it's running worse with the sensor unplugged there we go i guess it had to go into a default mode first all right let's change the sensor ah yeah we got some oil on this thing man i want to get a shot of the sensors right there there's there's your thumbnail yes sir now absolutely this car should have this oil leak taken care of danner's going to need to let his customer know and we're not doing anything with that catalyst code right now nothing at all hey two things oil leak probably should be addressed and the other thing is it's had a catalyst code too i know okay so yeah but it was running so rich that cat couldn't keep it oh no absolutely she knows she knows about it i told her i said i don't know yeah no that's you know the the answer is certainly going to be let's get this mixture right the other thing you might want to do too dan there's an oil change how long has she been driving it like this yeah she bought a new car because this one's been nickel and diamond her so i think when she brought it in she just parked it but she still wanted to fix it i don't know why but you definitely want to sell her an oil change and then maybe look into this oil leak a little bit too bud all right so our fuel trim numbers might not be ideal when we're done because of fuel contaminated oil when you have a car that's running real rich like this one that can happen we'll see what our trim numbers look like but absolutely i'd suggest an oil change all right that's it let's go back up top and plug it in and see what she looks like all right we're plugged back in so first thing i want to do you see these heater malfunction codes too that's pretty cool that means there's you know circuitry involved or computer recognizes an open i'm going to erase these codes first i mentioned that by the way because that in itself can show you circuit integrity on different circuits like we didn't have heater circuit codes before unplug the sensor now we do that's pretty good integrity test for the heater circuit but we're going to have some data that is still there some memory that's still there the long term trim is still going to be there and so we see we'll see some counter fuel trim numbers some things that i teach you guys about here on this channel definitely spend some time in chapters four and five for this type of stuff i also covered it in chapter one oh it's telling me to turn the ignition switch off and i was ignoring it any time you clear codes you want to re-read them all right good no codes are there so we go back to live data i guess it's technically data i've always said data all right af sensor af lambda short term long term o2 sensor 2 don't need the heater current but all right so let's focus oh we'll kind of look at all of it right now we're at 15 0.15 on the short term that guy right there is 15 long term is it one so it did reset it's chugging a little bit momentarily short term just went positive 47 that's not good downstream is full lean right now totally different than what we had i mean we did just started i haven't given it any fuel yet raising the rpm right now i don't like that the short term is positive 47 downstream's full lean it is possible that we have maybe a vacuum leak here let me raise the rpm more it's also possible that sensor is not fully warmed up yet we are dropping we're down to 30 28 27 26 it is dropping a little bit different reaction than i expected with the long term i like a lambda of one i don't like that percentage though let's watch it it just stalled on me [Music] so there's a memory in here that's a little bit different than what i'm used to looking at you know we're back at 47 again on the short term i really feel like i need to wipe this memory um it's coming down we fixed this car just the the memory is just a little bit different than than what i'm used to seeing you see the downstream's like showing point zero two right now um upstream is is showing me a minus three point five milliamps oh what just happened where's my short term why did i deselect that yes i don't like that why are we so why are we so high i feel like we have like an actual lean condition let's grab this upstream sensor [Music] see if we can drive it rich and lean so our full lean went down to minus 2.15 milliamps let's see what i can drive it to oh yeah i drove it all the way up to 1.69 milliamps [Music] okay i drove it up to 2.2 and then minus 2.9 that upstream sensor is absolutely working like it should be i don't like my trim numbers well that range is definitely not accurate the minus 1.4 that we talked about before up here and positive 1.4 because i was able to drive it as you can see 2.26 rich and minus 2.19 as far as the signal goes being lean so that's about a four milliamp range exactly what i was [Music] talking about the exhaust smells clean i mean me revving it like that's gonna stink a little bit does not smell like it did but i still have a short-term fuel trim that's 35 which i'm not liking let's see what it does hold my rpms up it's like it had a memory of the short term i'm seeing a little bit of the min max up and down of that signal it doesn't move much still at 23 22 it's coming down 35 at idle let's see if i can clear the fuel trim memory nope special functions pcm reset yes now is that going to reset the trim i like that it maintains that with the data watch our trims yeah man it was immediately up to one uh to 47 percent we have another we have another problem with this car o2 is the fix we fixed the o2 downstream is no longer full rich there's your downstream but it's showing it's showing lean upstream we can merge the graph merge is cool and thank to sensor or sensor 2 downstream i don't like it caleb definitely still have our rich lean rich lean activity going on even though it's a wide band it's just in the really milli amp range micro amp range almost you could call it you see really the activity on that downstream is not good i mean that that cat is definitely it's going to be a problem see what other data i can look at down to 18 it's 1.18 18 on short term i'm just going to go look real quick and see if we have any vacuum hoses off dumbass check this out yeah it was my fault too because i probably leaned on that mass airflows right here it didn't look like a vacuum leak either because it didn't really get much better yeah when when i raised the rpm so this makes sense that i don't know you know i don't no this was not me this was left off i don't think i did that i mean it definitely could have been all right nice i was like ah come on is it the cat is it look i just it's climbing again but i'm at like 16 not 30 percent let's raise the rpm now look at it yeah we're we're still more positive than i would like to be at this higher rpm where do you want to be at plus or minus percent total trim right now we're at three percent long term 20 short term at this higher rpm like 2500 and then at idle see where we're at it's much better at idle so that's suggesting potentially a dirty mass airflow sensor i mean it's got a hundred and freaking seventy seven thousand miles on it yeah or no there we're back at twenty percent i mean that could certainly be a math issue i should probably look again and make sure that there isn't something else unplugged it's better i believe this is going to end up with a cat code again too by the way just there's so much activity in this downstream sensor as you guys are looking at this the blue traces are are wide band upstream i'm at like 19 20 percent at around 2500 they're still climbing yeah about the same at idle two let's have a look see if we don't have something else that was left off or knocked off by me you can do an unplug it test to the mass airflow installed it just want to see when it runs with default with the maf unplugged see what our trim numbers do yeah it's like full rich on the af sensor 2.3 milliamps that's like full rich right now or is that full lean yeah it's it was full rich oh yeah we're like .69 that's minus that's minus 69 fuel trim with that unplugged that wasn't really helpful at all i'm not saying that that's not contaminated we have something else still in my opinion i mean this could be maybe need to be driven and the cat kind of cleaned out uh let's clear codes because i know i set some trouble codes not detected we made the right call i'm just really addressing another issue well that's what i was going to ask so like i don't know charging-wise like if they only came in for that problem would you just stop no it's a great question so uh what caleb said is what do you do charging a customer like this well this is something that you couldn't know with a completely dead upstream o2 you wouldn't know what other problems there are the only problem that you'll you would encounter in something like this is the same thing we're looking at right now can can reset the p0171 code so you're kind of in this scenario you're kind of you need to have some other idea of what's going on before you just say i need more money from you mr mrs customer sometimes you know you get the bear and sometimes the bear gets you look that's much better now i mean i um some run time was probably necessary i'm showing five percent on the short term right now let's go take this for a ride one of the things you definitely don't want to do with a case like this is get too involved without going to take going and taking it for a ride especially when you have relearning of adaptives going on and some cars will not relearn properly unless you test drive it the other thing too is when you clear the memory uh there's a relearn process too it didn't look like i was able to clear the trim numbers but these are things you want to think about yeah i see this changing around a little bit i'm at like 15 14 13. i'm not too concerned about the 171 code coming back anymore that looks a lot better let's see what it looks like at 2500 oh yeah 15 16 17 that's at 3 000. definitely don't like the activity still of this downstream o2 so you know some questions you guys may have wideband sense or do you still have a rich lean rich lean factor going on yes you do you can clearly see it on the downstream sensor it's just a much much smaller number when you're talking about the af sensor itself you know people would look at that and be like look it's not moving i myself included in the past but it really is let's let's zoom in on that axis a little bit or the scale and um you can see the the up down of that sensor and you see the downstream mirroring it i think it's possible that our positive numbers short term could be related to the cat this is going to set a 420 code so what we warned the customer about is exactly that all right yeah i don't think a test drive is needed we're sitting about five percent right now on the um short term seven percent eight percent there's twelve thirteen fourteen sixteen fifteen twelve 9 8. yeah we'll let this go that's a fix finally we have a little bit of straight line cat data that's good let's raise the rpm one more time watch it a little more activity on the cat than i want to see nothing we're going to worry about for this this is danner warning his customer about that 420 code potentially coming back it does look like it's improving i'm seeing longer periods of time where where that line is flat my trims i'm happy with 10 on the short term minus 3 on the long term so 0.97 would be minus 3 is how you'd read that and balance those out it puts you around 9 total trim at that rpm i'm good with that don't like the cat and i just want to watch the idol again for a minute we're minus three still in the long term on the idol and we're we're bouncing around there's nine percent 10 percent 12 but take away the minus three for the long term that puts you right there too this is good oh we have been running this in the shop by the way and it's nice and nice and clear nice and clear yeah oh and some of you might be thinking well danner you mentioned fuel contaminated oil well that's right fuel contaminated oil because it was running so rich but what's that going to do to your fuel trim numbers it's going to give you negative trim numbers not positive so i'm not too worried about fuel contaminated oil that is not what we're looking at here on these slightly elevated trim numbers i'm not going to worry about this that looks a lot better on the cat at idle for sure nice little flat line there i think a test drive for this and these numbers will improve even more calling this a fix i don't think there's anything else we need to do guys thanks so much for joining us i hope you learned something spend some time in my chapter four and five playlist i know that i don't have wide band sensor tests specifically listed in my book but i do talk about uh this stuff that we went over here and how to use the same test that we've been doing for for narrow bands on checking to see if the sensor sensor's lying and forcing rich and forcing lean and looking at fuel trim data and uh looking at your tailpipe emissions too is what we did on this car so all relevant info final comment here at idle .94 on the long term i'm showing that's gonna be a minus six percent and then short term is point one two positive or twelve percent balance those out where we at six percent total trim perfectly fine with that we're going to warn this customer about the cat and oil leak and all that stuff and we appreciate you guys so much caleb thanks for being here and i will see you guys next time do we want to mic him while we're here okay but grumpy dander could make for good footage get away from me though no that's not street it does smell like butt it is not a pleasant smell in here it has a water leak smell to it you're a butt leak
Channel: ScannerDanner
Views: 18,092
Rating: 4.9387517 out of 5
Keywords: engine performance diagnostics, technician training, auto technician training, rosedale tech, auto repair, ASE L1, how-to, DIY auto repair, ScannerDanner Premium, automotive electrical systems, check engine light, diagnostic training, troubleshooting electrical faults, auto mechanics, auto mechanic training, online auto mechanics
Id: CPsvgbCOdvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 23sec (2543 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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