100 Players Simulate War in Modded Medieval Minecraft

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i recently watched this video 100 players simulate civilization in minecraft by magicgum while it was a great video with amazing concept and execution i can't help but wonder if we can depict a more accurate representation of human warfare since the beginning of civilization conflict and warfare have been the integral parts or some may say the definition of humanity that made me wonder what would happen if people actually traveled back in time or if you may into a medieval fantasy setting and participated in one of the most gruesome but realistic part of warfare castle siege so naturally i spent 2 months creating a modded server with a custom map data pack and dozens of command blocks then i invited 100 players to participate in the event along with another awesome content creator switch i would strongly recommend that you guys check out this video for more contacts it will make the whole thing much more exciting if you know what is new in this modern castle sieging social experiment anyhow without further ado i humbly present to you the ultimate custom siege so here we go i spent some time informing the players of the changes that i've made to make the game as realistic as possible i've always thought that vanilla minecraft's combat is a bit dull so i've added the epic fight mods to imitate real-life martial arts and weaponry usage to reward good fighters after the simulation begins both teams started to strategize immediately get prepared for our defenses uh archers who have any archers we need all of our combat units out the front gate right now because we're about to have a siege happening with the wizards stay back i'll stay there we want the wizards at the main gate one of the missions within the main gate and half of them up fronts with the team so we have support and all the royal guards are the world guards make sure our kids don't die does everybody have a general idea what the game plan is yeah the attackers have a slight disadvantage as they don't have as much time to gauge the terrain before the attack begins with switch being the commander of the attackers he quickly takes control and assign rose get your weapons ready the same thing happened in the defending side the defenders were very efficient and effective in the division of labor my hypothesis is that is related to the leadership since i told them to elect their own leader the defenders respected the chain of command and did as they were told when the attackers arrived to the battlefield the defenders quickly sent out their cavalries to scout around and disrupt the attacker's operations the attack is quickly got in panic mode as they are being ambushed by cavalries and shot at by enemy mages at the same time [Music] the most important issue here for the attackers is a lack of supplies which is something that i planned purposefully see one of the biggest issue in medieval cast of siege is supply logistics transporting huge amount of supplies over thousands of miles is nearly impossible while there should be just enough food and equipment for the attackers to last a day some soldiers decided to hold food and weapons for themselves preventing the team from actually moving forward i think someone's taking all the weapons because there's no doubt i see them is everybody ready the commander's coming back everybody ready come on no i'm not ready i'm gonna i'm gonna put a weapon in this just a long sword after time the attackers finally started to move forward but the defenders did a really good job separating the attackers using aoe spells [Music] meanwhile the blacksmiths and the defending team already started setting up the barricades in the main entrance i'm actually surprised to see that there are so many blacksmiths my assumption initially was that players would be neglecting the blacksmith class as they are seen as supporting roles in some of the main ones however it would seem that with a clear line of communication players were able to recognize each row's importance and choose their class accordingly while there is also a shortage of equipment on the defending side most of the combat equipments are rationed to the front line combat units as for the ranged units and blacksmiths they stay behind the protection of the front liners they also made good use of the farm inside the castle to grow sustainable food source as for the attacking team things were not picking up still since this is the first round for most people they couldn't get used to the controls yet especially the commanders see to summon npcs you need to be at a 40 block radius around the npcs the defenders here clearly have the upper hand as they didn't need to call their npcs to the battlefield while the attacking commander switch have to get used to the ridiculously slow movement speed of the pulitzer army why are they following me now like come on we're just dropping like flies right now after getting blasted by magic spells for quite some time switch was finally able to mobilize the army although they managed to catch some lone defenders off guard outside the castle the defenders have already set up heavy barricades and strong defenses around the main gate so all they can do is to loop around to find weak spots [Music] during this time a good number of attackers got picked off by spells and arrows on the way but some made it to the back [Music] okay they've had a way over here hold on the defenders were very organized and moved very quickly to eliminate the intruders the guerrilla tactics that the attackers employed doesn't seem to be working so well in fact all attackers including switch was found and killed very quickly do you guys have any food i'm at half hp and then they were free these three attackers were left behind in the attack and were just learning how to use the spells yeah i was teaching you how to get the magic still because he didn't know how to get anything to work this doesn't do anything oh wait oh oh yeah it's a shield one oh okay i got some work never mind is that what it is to my surprise they thought of a genius move to scale the castle guys the shield launches you we can scale the wall with that okay i'm gonna point a shield upwards and i want you guys to jump into it spawn okay jump into that i can't get in it ready ow oh we're getting hit by spells oh good lurk i got him i got him all right i'll go through the entrance although these three did not accomplish their goals in this siege it taught the rest of the world a way to infiltrate the castle easily and that made the second siege a lot more interesting before the second siege begins if you guys want to set up this event on your own custom server you can download the whole pack and the server pack from the curse watch link in the description i would also recommend you guys check out sharkbite hosting now i hosted the server pack on our sponsored shockbyte hosting server and to be honest there was no lag or crash whatsoever during the recording it was very smooth and the installation is very very simple you simply need to go to the mod pack installer select epic castor siege and it's done it saves you a lot of time setting up the server and if you ever get bored of the event you can switch to many other modpacks in this list with one click installer you can also use the code b stylia 14 to get a 25 discount on your shockbyte hosted server and alright that's it let's go to the second cast of siege attempt the second siege began 15 minutes after the first siege by now the players have gotten used to the controls and the whole situation i'm gonna die i'm dying okay don't use this bro after the attack has arrived i noticed that their supply distribution was much calmer and smoother is there any food anybody can give me i have no food just like the first time the defenders quickly started blasting magic spells at the attackers but this time the attackers thought of fighting back [Music] magic [Music] quickly marched towards the main gate only to find that none of them selected the destructor row which has the ability to break blocks and send off tnt's is there a destructor around here i'm a berserk great a big problem for the attackers although the attackers were doing okay that pillager army on the other hand was getting melted by magic spells just like what we expected the defenders did a really good job modifying the main gates [Music] [Music] oh although there are still some people who decided to run out and die [Music] okay we got one there's a defender get him defender right here defender right here around the corner three of them two of them right around the corner right around the corner [Music] oh no i'm with you [Music] then watch for any breaches and come back in the form uh uh are you having that night the attackers took advantage of how vulnerable the other sides are and they started attacking on all fronts okay i can show you where they break in follow me follow me follow me they're breaking through here they break in through here this doorway right here they go inside the castle walls so make sure you all watch that all right some attackers started using the shield bouncing strategy in the first siege [Music] in one instance one attacker blended in with the defenders in the midst of confusion [Music] [Music] there should be an exit somewhere here if anything we need to go inside the castle oh what the hell they blocked everything guys how are you into the castle we used to shield the bouncer because of this the defenders quickly started to relocate the lord to the upper part of the castle okay stay away from the windows they don't know where we're okay up here if the villagers are gonna don't let at do a good job of defending down there there was chaos everywhere some attackers were outside looking for a way in but many of them are already hiding inside the castle since most of the main forces are still around the castle's main gate some attackers found a way up and assassinated the lord no wait what the hell how hey guys we got him our knives what no there's a guy called but by doing so it cost the lives of many attackers after the assassination the attackers got picked off one by one no not the steel and after time there's only these few left while they were scheming on the next step a brave soul emerged i found them i found them they're here i found them here in this tower the castle knights quickly arrived after finding their location [Music] in this assault the attackers were not able to take over the castle but in a real life scenario since the castle is now left without a ruling lord warlords will quickly arise to fight for the ownership of the land so in that sense the attackers were able to overthrow the rule of lord feudal and thus it was a draw if you'd like to join our next event join our discord server and select the cast of cedar row we are hoping to hold this event regularly but if you'd like to play it among your friends whenever you like then definitely check out shopbite hosting in this social experiment i was able to find some potential leaders and strategists and i really hope that i can find more people like this in later sections so please leave a like subscribe and comment so that more people can see and join the event also check out switch channel he makes some good content alright that's it i'll see you next time goodbye
Channel: bstylia14
Views: 639,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, 100 players simulate, 100 players minecraft
Id: MwF3bthGLAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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