$200 Mill DRO 3 axis Digital Readout from banggood [Unboxing Instalation Review]

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hello my name is Tina today I got another great product from bang good to shop it's digital readout I received it in four packages in this video I've removed adult I gag in tiro and install new one and then take a look over it I got a lot of question about my meal so here you can see the model it's basic Chinese mini mini with long coat o matic support table into first box is 3x is digital readout there come also UK power supply cable holder it screws and manual the instructions look okay but they're writing confusing 1 manual for more type of Sderot there are a lot of buttons that isn't exist in my dear oh but the basic can be seen out of it I got UK cable with it but its basic power supply camera so I can use one from a PC also the holder is nicely designed we can mount it the merrier to machine and then set it to almost any position what about the euro it's quite big but surprisingly light it's all more just a plastic housing there come nice protective plastic shield with it but I got clean workshop and almost not using cooling liquid so I don't use that the bottles are okay we got nice feeling when we press on them in dollar boxes is linear scales with mounting accessories and protect your shield now first of all check the dimension of linear scale I see a lot of people order wrong lane yep me too as you can see I got here 300 millimeter length scale that's the number you choose on banget but in reality it's about four hundred and thirty-five millimeter long and got more than thirty three hundred and twenty millimeter measuring range let's plug the dare oh no and check the other length it's standard AC block input voltage ninety to 230 volts so I can use other cable there's also on I'm fuse into the sockets inside we can find a small power supply and big circuit with a lot of seven sec LED displays now I plug the cable in turn on the switch it works but before connecting this case turn it off [Music] when we turn it on it need about three seconds to get to the self checking system and here we can see now the total measuring clinked of each scale each scale got about 21 millimeter longer measuring range than ordered and the total length is about 110 millimeters and measuring range language says the Leech scale is 141 millimeter longer than measuring clint actually it's about 134 millimeter longer than ordered planed and there are few other measures you may need I really don't remember what I was thinking when order this case maybe about women's and stuff but definitely not about linear scale sláinte so I ordered two scales wrong length on my lock it was too long so let's try to cut them and check them a bit closer I needed y-axis scale 340 millimeter long so I will cut it off first remove mounting block on each side of scale which is attached with 4m 2.5 screws [Music] here we can see now how it works Kari she's attached to a sensor with a spring so it's got about three millimeter of dead bent in all sides the sensor is under pendant li fix it - a glass carried five bearings now we can pull the carriage and the sensor out of scale I got some feeling about flying Springs here but it didn't happen there's one single spring attached to a carriage which pulled the sensor behind and although us fails on installation spring is designed it so it always pushed sensor down and from a side to glass on that two sides is also bearing creature on direct or glass scale sensor base got also screw for set the clearance sensor itself got one one side for transmitter and another side for receiver built reading the marks on glass scale wires from a sensor going into the carriage whereas another circuit board to the chip and 2 trimmers here we can also shorten the main wires if you want now go to the scaling prepared for cutting after remove the mounting block on other side pull out the wipers so he got better access to the glass scale here we got now extruded aluminium profile with the glass scale attached on a few points with rubber pieces he's got nowhere to go because sense or always push it down and right into aluminum teeth if you want to pull out the glass scale we must remove all that rubbers which is slightly glued on its place I scratch them out to the spike tweezers but be careful here so you don't scratch the glass scale there's this and glue under the scale which slightly hold it on its position be careful there so don't broke the glass I don't know if it's important how it's turned or not but I mark everything before disassembling and here's the Gauss scale it's the two lines along which run the bearings in the division scale in the middle which is so tiny that almost can be seen I see scale for the first time when produced and come to this photo I need total length of scale about 340 millimeter before cutting I'll check the measuring clint on that length i got about 225 millimeter measuring cringe but i only need a 180 millimeter for the y axis so that's okay after a 100% sure about length we need simply cut aluminum profile then align the rough end and then you'll need to drill in cut new treats my simply mark position of screw through the existing holes and then continue drilling two millimeter hole cut em to 0.5 treat and cut chamfer now clean the profile in prepared to shorten the class scale for same length of profile I got this diamond glass cutting tool but I chose diamond disc this time gloves box pretty soon on my luck just a right spot now I get everything prepared to assemble scale back together first your glass scale with the Lance wipe then install them into profile and lock it with a single piece of rubber just to hold the glass in its place when the scale is aligned to its place we can install other rubber pieces this time you're just a bit of silicon glue but need to be really careful there and applying so it under the scale I glued all the rubber species on same spot like before in sampling and also first rubber security glue later now just install carry to the center back to scale it's pretty easy even if it won't look so but on forgettin wipers like I do otherwise you'll need to disassemble once again and everything on its place screw back the mounting block on boot end the longer x-axis scale weight and same destiny and where the boot scales are cutted make a test before installation boot cut at scales worked perfect so you can start with installation of course I need to remove all died gagging the arrow before install new one I got the sagging zero for exactly trails now and they still works good it's accurate and there is no problem with battery consumption at all but there's still one huge difference new class linear scale is more accurate it's got three decimals but honestly 0.01 or two decimal is enough a crate for me like I can't work like caliper so when you move the table you need to wait to see the actual position glass zero is so fast that you can see actual position all the time maybe you think it's not important but it is working is much faster and easier if you see actual position of the table in real time without any delay okay now I got perfect lens case and it's about time to start with installation x-axis seven mount on the front of table so I need to get rid of this limit switches for automatic support it's about time I removing these switches for a while because they're on the rails for the rotary table handle then I need to remove all the screws for blocking the table and limits which activators so I got clean flat surface mounting the scale here will be really easy job I'm on the scale on tablet to omit screws on both end and use the T nut from a limit switch activators mounting blocks and scales allow us to set height so I can fit it on perfect position I don't want to scratch the scale with every workpiece so I mount it about one millimeter lower than the table I simply use it in parallel to get right distance now I need to mount the sensor it's got a lot of dead bands so you don't need to complicate with mounting car creating I'll just try to mount it parallel with scale and make about one millimeter clearance between scale and sensor a line stands up the center of table and Mark holes yep that marker saved me again [Music] now I move table closer for easier access remove the wheel and protect the bearing from ship then just punch the center of hole drill and cut treat then I can simply mount the sensor with two and four screws this blockers I can just installed back on but there would not be any free space so it can scratch the scale housing I solved it problem on easiest way so I make an adapter from m6 to m4 and glue them into existing m6 treat so I will use them for blockers and I got one millimeter clearance between scale and blocker now I'll mount the z-axis scale I try to turn every scale so that the wipers are away from the chip direction otherwise scale become full of chip in sight and it could easily happen to broke the glass I just mark the position of top hole then drill it and cut treat that make special washer so I can use them for treat instead of m8 set the scale parallel with the z-axis and make treat also the bottom mounting blocks also allow us to set the scale later cast base of the mill isn't perfect strength I'll just use a piece of brush so the scale isn't twisted now I need to connect sensor head to moving mill part so let's make a holder [Music] sensor had your type of option to fix them there am five straight from all the sides so you can mount it with an v 4m four screws and there's also a groove for the nut [Music] [Music] [Music] and now I need to mount the y-axis case it was easy job if I mounted upward but after first use it will be full of chip so I mounted downward to get some problem in the free space but it must go so let's mark the position drill holes and cut treat then I make a spacer for under the scale because that part of mill isn't flat the scale is now fix it now I need to make some holder to connect sensor to that two holes on the moving table I just cut a piece of 3 millimeter aluminum sheet align them from all the sides and make holes for mounting I'm a guru so I can set the position later then make another 90 degree groove so I can bend it otherwise it will broke you see how easy is to bend and it bent in perfect line okay now make another grow in Bend plants again later I make another grow on other side then I make a test and when it's fit perfect it's time to welt weakness spot I use this Ross for soldering aluminium it's hold really well and the best part is that it's not change to position like by welding steel so after soldering kit will fit on its place just like before when the part cool down I make holes for tool to reach the screw head and the groove for mounting sensor [Music] just a bit of final touch and holders very for mounting I think it's come out really nice on all three sensors got now about one millimeter clearance from the rail now it's time for cable management also cable holder I make out of aluminum just try dimension so it grab the cable when tightening till the end [Music] [Music] the hot gay blonde is placed really good and don't worry I live in off cable so it won't stretch in any position of table now I need to mount the digital readout as I said hold the rich come with all of us to set almost in any position but I mount it direct to mid electronic box so it will be more rigid [Music] well on the anti you see okay power cable anyway but I cut them and take power source direct from you [Music] okay dig it a readout is all mounted but I got a few more things to do firstly I will cut off m6 treat from dead blockers and replace them with m4 they still be strong enough and also I don't use them too often and then this limit switches honestly I didn't kill the Matt so I won't just make a bridge instead of switches but then decided to make like it should be so I print the holder to mount me micro switches under the table I also add spring on the holders because if we moving tablet full speed it need more time to stop and meanwhile it can crash the switch if I want to hide cables into the t-slot behind the scale I must remove them before I put it back on I tape double-sided tape on scale so that the chip can go into tiny groove between scale and table then just make the wiring of the switches and that's it oh well I get rid of another cable that switches was really on bad place actually i removing them from the day i buy that mill it works just like it must and I'm very happy with the result everything become much cleaner and easier for cleaning the chip [Music] another video become too long and I still got thought to fill your material but I think it's got no sense to explain another 20 minutes about all the functions so I just show you a few settings and functions that digital readout can do as I saying to manually some other Dero with much more buttons than this one God but after a few hours of playing around you'll know more or less every function when we turned on 0 go to yourself checking system on the display we can see the type of scale so linear resolution 5 micron on all X's on the right side to some number I think it's the code to make factory reset not turn on again and during self-checking press s button to get into the setup menu I was playing around with all the functions so firstly I will clear out for that we need the type password number that shown beginning work for me then I tried to change for a solution X X is set to 1 micron and y-axis to 10 micron but soon figured out that the 5 micron is the right settings here into setup menu we got many more settings honestly I don't know yet for all the functions but there is one important settings under delayed we must choose none if you us on a meal otherwise some of X is to display us in double value as did go on delayed I got no everything set up so I just show you a few function first make some holes in a row let's release if we just go to starting point 0 X's and then set the line length that's mean from center of the first hole to center of the last hole then choose angel if we set 0 we only move x axis and then set also the whole number and that's it then just find 0 for each hole and drill other great function is drilling holes into a circle first we need to set radius I said 20 millimeters so the holes will be drilled into 40 40 millimeter diameter then set starting a drill and aunt angel I said starting to zero degree and ending toes 360 degree but that mean that the last hole will be in the same position as first hole so I must choose 7 hole if I want to get 6 hole otherwise I must do set starting edge with zero and and angel and 300 degree but we must calculate which is not problem because that zero get also calculator it basic functions I will definitely use this function another awesome function is for making the radius we can make it on any two axes we must set the diameter one direction of radius tool diameter inner or outer radius resolution and so on I make our five radius in with 0.5 millimeters solution I got 27 points if your smaller is erosion there will be more points in smoother radius but on X Y axis values become really nice with 0-5 resolution because of the tool is round if I use Y z axis 0-5 resolution is way too big [Music] but one of best function is definitely our hop Center and credit function was never so easy I just found the touch and press zero then go to other site and find touch again and then just press on hot button and then the exes you want to split now go to zero and your imperfect center by x-axis now repeat also on Y ends if you need [Music] I try to make also some amateur measuring of precision I got nothing to tell her it's too precise for me [Music] I think that's it for today I got many more video material and a lot more to tell but I just want to present it great you get to read out here if you buy them you got all the functions really soon because it's easy to use don't worry about it I almost forget to tell most important thing price price of that euro is almost funny this play can get from $75 and scale start at $34 depends on scale and solitaire execute like I got come about two hundred and fifty dollars which is really cheap here in Europe same zero without any brand cost about thousand euros I already use the my baton so far work perfect I'm really happy with the product if you got any question feel free to type comment link to product is below thanks for watching like share subscribe if you like and see you next time [Music]
Channel: TinC33
Views: 59,925
Rating: 4.9108734 out of 5
Keywords: tinc, tinc33, DIY, how, banggood, dro, digital, readout, read, out, glass, scale, measure, measuring, d.r.o., cheap, precise, mounting, unboxing, review, test, mill, lathe, instalation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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