20 UNLUCKIEST Fortnite Moments

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we're back covering the unluckiest moments in fortnite and since this person didn't record the reaction i thought i'd reenact how this probably went down oh wow this bird will help me destroy the ufo wow oh geez wow i'm missing a lot oh my god okay i promise i'll never do that again but if this is only the number 20 spot then how much worse gonna get at number 19. this is plot x1 and he spots a noob right here easy victory out right [Music] really makes you wonder who the real noob is but it gets even worse at number [Music] 18. [Music] wait what play this again this man died so hard that his entire fortnite got nearer but moving over to fresh and laser beam they got up to some weird buzz shenanigans there's people here there's people here i'm just gonna try and run straight into him like a savage oh look i'm trying i'm i'm building up the street at him hit him with the bus oh he's dead and i blew up my ear did you just start to your own bus i'm going to save you i died to my own boss dude this thing is overpowered you just run into them with the bus oh 100 instead oh my god while dying to your own bus and then taking your teammate down with you is pretty funny i don't even think it compares to when swearing was absolutely trolled by a ufo can can i have that back [Music] being crushed by a trunk isn't the only way to absolutely break fortnite either turns out because it looks like striker really wanted to stow away on the mothership [Music] i don't even know what happened there but i don't think anyone expected him to go that high and i'd be even more baffled if this happened to me oh they're sweaties they're sweaties boys oh pain and suffering [Music] oh my gosh lupo i'm so sorry you hate to see that he didn't hit the launch pad too instead he just hit the ground but at least it was an honest accident because bigaboo however needs his ufo driver's license taken away immediately come on man you gotta take some driving lessons or something this clip is so unlucky and when it comes to fireflies all of us know what we're doing but new players like thrash 94 have a harder time understanding how fireworks apparently i'm gonna kill this guy with fireflies yeah yeah die oh my god he actually died oh god i'm on fire [Laughter] okay i mean you got to be honest i think every single one of us have done this don't lie but i don't think we've all experienced a swan dive as bad as this did you ever want to pull over to the water i don't know i don't know how we oh it's right there we land on it i want you ahead of me i don't trust you i'm not sure ranger and melter really thought that one through but uh then again who does expect to take fall damage from their own team's head and it's not the worst thing that could happen to you in season seven because this is oh what's up do i have three ufos on me what's up holy sh what up i mean i knew that ufos needed a cooldown but this is just ridiculous and you can't ignore the fact that fresh literally destroyed everyone in that house though and if we're talking about broken vehicles and squint idp has one of the funniest unlucky moments of the season so far [Applause] all he wanted to do was drive a car that explosion was a little overkill epic and while the glitch can completely screw you over it's not as frustrating as what happened to flu crew this one like boils my blood i need help i need a bunch of help [Music] bro the npc ufos are way more annoying than actual players and this proves my point but at least due to bliss took things in good faith when all came crashing down i think you got a little carried away there with the rpg but you know at least it was over quickly unlike when saltiest gatorade spoke a little too soon i know you brought me to the bathroom do terrible things up never meant to open the door they are about to open that door i bit oh oh sh [Music] well at least he's five [Music] oh my god that is just unfortunate and hey you made for an absolutely hilarious clip so i'd say it was worth it but the unlucky moments get even better when we get to our final five here's cammy trying to use the popular launchpad edit trick fortnite wasn't exactly on a side though [Music] at least he knows it's partially his fault but unfortunately cool can't say the same thing he was so close to getting the win and his entire team just gone like that so unlucky and if you want to talk about being close to a win that i think krastha has us all beat just watch this [Music] oh god that is so annoying to watch never mind being the person it happened to if this was me my controller would definitely be through someone's window by now i don't know how they do it we're back to fresh for something that looks like a win but is secretly a huge [Music] fail yeah if he didn't die it would have been a really smart play but obviously didn't go the way fresh attended and for the unluckiest and probably the funniest clip of the season so far we have to turn to parallel bnz it's short but sweet [Music] there's no way right there's man oh it's such a smart way to get down it looks like epic just did a plan for anyone to come up with this that could have been such a good plan but that's all for our season seven unluckiest moments if you have a lucky moment a fail maybe an epic moment make sure to submit them at top5clips.com this has been tommy and keep it here on top 5 gaming
Channel: Top5Gaming
Views: 946,296
Rating: 4.9408765 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite season 7, 20 UNLUCKIEST Fortnite Moments, fortnite, fortnite moments, fortnite unluckiest moments, fortnite fails, fortnite season 7 moments, fortnite season 7 best moments, fortnite season 7 epic moments, best fortnite season 7 moments, fortnite season 7 unluckiest moments, fortnite unluckiest, unluckiest fortnite moments, fortnite season 7 fails, fort, nite, battle royale, new, update, video
Id: 0f6f7I9lvNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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