When FAKER Streams on Twitch - Faker Funny Moments! | OP Highlight
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Channel: 1v9 Highlights
Views: 5,414,268
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Keywords: faker, League God, Faker zed, SKT T1 Faker, challenger, best of faker, faker funny, faker yasuo, Faker montage, skt t1, Faker outplay, Insane Outplays, Funny Moments, Faker is rich, Faker if you play good its good, Faker Senpai Tips, Faker twitch, Faker streams, Faker League god, Funny Faker Moments, faker laugh, faker smile, faker trolls, Faker is trolling, League of Legends, LoL, faker plays without screen, imaqtpie, livestreaming, playstation
Id: g1vUIo5SVhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2017
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