Star Wars: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Chewbacca

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from Secrets abilities he was forbidden to use in battle so what actually went into the creation of his unmistakable growl and furry look these are all of the things you likely never knew about the eventual pal of the porgs Gareth here from wakulture Star Wars and here are 10 things you didn't know about Chewbacca number 10 he was nearly forced to wear a pair of lederhosen before he eventually debuted in A New Hope back in 1977. Chewbacca went through quite a few different logs in the development stage the great Ralph macquarie's early concept art showed off a version of the eventual Wookie that resembled an unsettling Lima ape hybrid with those sketches eventually evolving into a version of The Mighty alien that looked like the less terrifying version of Chewbacca fans know and love today and it was after a star who eventually scored a cameo in The Last Jedi Joseph Gordon-Levitt posted some of these early draft images on eggs that Mark Hamill delivered a fun fact via retweet that initially sounded too Surrey real to be true according to the Luke Skywalker Superstar 20th Century Fox exe little concerned about Chewie's lack of punts whilst the team were in the early stages of shooting the first Star Wars in fact they were so bothered about a naked Wookie on screen they even suggested throwing him into a pair of lederhosen so a pair of family members being burnt to a crisp was just fine but a furry alien species wandering around in only a Bandelier was oddly a cause for concern for this studio how stranger number nine he has a wife and kid if he was someone that was only really introduced to the galaxy far far away in the time after the original trilogy was first released in theaters around the globe there's a good chance you've never been put through the bizarre experience that is the Star Wars holiday special but if you do ever feel like celebrating life day with Chewie and the rest of the gang on kashyyk in this weird TV special then you'll discover that Chewbacca has an entire Wookiee family that has never really been seen on the big screen at any point and that Chewie's father is a rather horny old man who enjoys VR um experiences The Smuggler Freedom Fighter actually has a wife called maleto book and the pair also have a son known as lumpawaru or lumpy and rather pair wouldn't pop up again on screen in the time post holiday special Chewie did eventually reunite with his lost son and wife during the liberation of kashyyk after the Galactic Civil War with lumpy being forced to work in an imperial labor camp for years when the planet was enslaved by the Empire and after all that number eight he actually retired at one point that's right after years of risking it all to smuggle Goods across the Galaxy and fighting the Empire this Brave Rebel hero finally decided to take a step back from living The Adventurous life not long after helping to liberate his Homeworld alongside old pal Han Solo in the aftermath life debt novel this Wookie chose to remain with his family on kashyyk leaving his Smuggler pal to manage his own shipping company and even oversee a piloting Championship known as the five Sabers at one point but throughout all of that Chewie still kept in contact with his longtime mate and his new Republic Senator wife Leia retirement isn't for everyone though and it wasn't too long before Chewbacca was back smuggling for a living with his pal after Han and Leia split in the wake of Ben Solo's fall to the dark side the two then continued working together right up to the point they bumped into Rey and Finn on the Millennium Falcon during the events of the force awakens number seven he had extendable claws but typically didn't use them in battle more often than not whenever this big ball of passionate fur was found taking down Stormtroopers on the battlefield his weapon of choice was a rather effective Wookie bowcaster what you may not have been aware of however is the fact that Chewie actually possessed another somewhat Savage tool up his hairy sleeve one that he was forbidden from using in combat despite boasting extendable claws on both hands using these sharp parts of his Anatomy for anything other than climbing was against the rules of The Wookie on on a coder and while Chewbacca would largely keep from ever unleashing said claws In the Heat of battle there was actually one moment shortly after Han Solo's tragic death when The Wookie did suddenly decide to use his dangerous claws on a first order Stormtrooper in Chewie's mind the first order had zero honor and kylo ren had broken all the rules after committing patricide so he was only too happy to break the code for these Vermin in the moment number six he once won a Lifetime Achievement Award for decades fans had been demanding Justice for this Valiant Rebel hero in the wake of being snubbed during the medal giving ceremony that followed Han Chewie and Luke successfully working together to blow up the first death star and while The Wookie icon would eventually be handed Solo's medal on screen during the closing stages of the rise of Skywalker by Mas Kanata that wasn't actually the first time Chewie got his Shaggy hands on a piece of gold back in 1997 during the MTV movie awards that Year's lifetime achievements award was presented too according to the host himself one of the reasons Michael Myers became an actor a montage showing for Star Wars Legends finest moments fighting alongside his mates and roaring his way through many a compelling scene soon followed with Chewie then going on to finally be awarded the medal he deserved for two decades by Carrie Fisher herself as the crowd went wild he was a proud and entirely absurd moment for this giant of the industry number five he's a lot older than you think almost 20 years may have passed between the end of Revenge of the Sith and the start of a New Hope but Chewbacca didn't look like he'd aged a damn day and Chewie also didn't appear to possess any new gray hairs when he popped back up in the force awakens 30 years on from the conclusion of Return of the Jedi the reason rookies have a massive average lifespan of 400 years so the entire Skywalker Saga timeline 67 years only really takes up a small chunk of his overall life with Chewie actually already being a whopping 200 years old when fans first met him in episode 4. this also explains why Chewie is able to go so long but without seeing his family back home without feeling massively homesick in Wookie years he wasn't really gone that long at all when he was away kicking Imperial slash first order ass throughout the Galactic Civil and first order resistance Wars and with Chewie still only being in his mid 200s coming out of the rise of Skywalker perhaps he could still show up in the upcoming Daisy Ridley starring Star Wars feature to say hello to his old mate Rey while she's building their Jedi Order too number four his voice is a combination of multiple animal cries while the average person hasn't got even the slightest idea what the sharp shooting tech savvy Wookie is talking about the majority of the time the various growls cries Roars and howls that tumble out of Chewbacca's Gob are actually more familiar than you realize Chewbacca's voice was the first thing world-class sound designer Ben Burt was hired to work on when creating the first Star Wars I need to spend a year recording a number of different animals that he'd used to create the iconic noises Wookies would eventually make when communicating in this galaxy far far away Bears walruses Badgers lions and second domestic animals were all recorded by birds in that time with the designer extracting different moans Grunts and purring sounds that he felt had emotional feelings connected to them but then ended up with a bunch of different categories of emotional sounds and began cutting those together to get a sense of speech out of Chewie whilst also trying to land on a sound that felt believable coming out of her mouth that didn't really have articulated lips so after recording everything from bears to Badgers and a great deal of trial and error The Wookie way of speaking was born number three the iconic costume has evolved over the years Chewie's voice wasn't the only thing that was created With a Little Help from some of our planet's various creatures as revealed by The Towering star Beneath The Wookie fur during the original trilogy Revenge of the Sith and the force awakens Peter Mayhew the suit he would spend a ton of time walking around in on set was actually originally made from a combination of yak hair and mohair hey Fabric or yarn made from Angora goat hair according to the late Mayhew the suit during those first three films was heavy and warm and the trick was to get in and out of it as quickly as possible when he ultimately returned to the legendary role for episode 3 though he was pleased to find their suit had been given a bit of an upgrade this time around the actor was treated to a new costume that was water cooled and relatively easy to wear Juna suatamo who would step into the role full time from episode 8 onwards would also note how the metal inside their costume was replaced with foam after episode 7. with the actor also explaining how his jaw is actually very much pushing down Chewie's lower jaw whenever The Wookie speaks on screen and that process is pretty tiring the costume has certainly gotten more comfortable over the years but it's still often hot and tiring work bringing this furry icon to life you know number two George Lucas's dog inspired him to create this Wookie a long time ago in the time when George Lucas was writing the first ever chapter in the galaxy far far away the Star Wars Creator would often be accompanied by a furry companion of his owner his sweet Alaskan Malamute Indiana the name that would later be used for another iconic Harrison Ford character would always be sat next to him whilst he was scribbling away with the large Pooch even sitting in the front seat of his car whenever he went for a drive and as he'd reveal in an issue of Star Wars Galaxy Magazine having his 130 pound canine with him all the time eventually inspired Lucas to give Han Solo a sidekick who was like a big fairy dogger Lucas would swiftly add that this sidekick would not be quite like a dog but intelligent ever wondered what went into naming Solo's best bud too well that was seemingly a case of Lucas just changing a few words around to make Wookie words unliking the sound of Chewbacca the best with The Wookie species getting their name after the improvised line I think I just ran over a Wookie Terry McGovern uttered in Lucas's thx-1138 film you never know where inspiration's gonna strike so now you know on number one he properly died in the expanded universe ending things on a rather depressing note I am sorry Star Wars expanded universe actually went and did what the rise of Skywalker would only dare tease 13 years before Disney acquired lucasfilm in 2012 a novel by the name of the new Jedi Order Vector Prime was published and it was in this story that Han Solo and Chewbacca ended up on the planet sermpedala with that world in danger due to its Moon being about to collide with it however as the longtime Pals attempt to rescue thousands of folks before the moon smashes into serpidal Chewie is soon left on the planet after having to save Han's son Anakin solo it was a different time during the evacuation and is actually killed when the moon finally comes crashing down what sure this heartbreaking death would ultimately be reversed when Disney decided to spend billions on George Lucas's brainchild but there was definitely a time there when it looked like Chewbacca's days are protecting the Galaxy were very much over over with the Fallen Wookie ultimately becoming a legend on his Homeworld in the years that followed his heroic sacrifice and that's our list of any other things people didn't know about Chewbacca well let us know all about them in the comments section right down below and don't forget to like share and click on that subscribe button while you're down there also if you like this sort of stuff then please head on over to and find some more fantastic Star Wars articles just like the one this video you're watching right now is based on I've been Gareth from what culture Star Wars May the force be with you as always cheers for blasting in to see us today and hopefully we'll see you soon
Channel: WhatCulture Star Wars
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Id: hLNzO4HajGg
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Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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