20 Signs You'll Be Extremely Successful

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this video is a bit different i'm making it more  interactive because that's how we learn by doing   and engaging so i'm going to give you a quiz  in this video i'm going to go through 20 signs   you'll be extraordinarily successful because ultra  successful people they tend to behave in a similar   way they have very similar habits and very similar  personality traits and these are the telltale   signs that if you have already incorporated into  your daily life there's a very good chance that   you'll be ultra successful too so there are 20  telltale signs by the end of the video i want   you to tell me in the comments section how many of  the 20 signs you implement into your own life so   as we go through each sign if you do that habit or  you have that personality trait and you can relate   to it and you implement that particular thing into  your life then you score yourself one point if you   don't then you score yourself zero points so by  the end of the quiz you should have a score out of   20 points and with the score that you get i'll put  you into one of four categories the first category   is you have an extremely high chance of success  the second category is you have a good chance   of success the third category is some personal  development still needed and the fourth and final   category is a personal development transformation  needed i'm going to give you a few seconds here to   grab a pen and paper so you can keep track of your  score and while you're doing that i do have to say   that this is not a scientifically backed quiz if  you score low it doesn't mean you're a failure   it's just a bit of fun and it will hopefully  help you self-reflect on areas of your life   that you might need working on and at the end of  the video i'll take you through what i scored on   the quiz too number one you don't complain  you realize that complaining is a complete   waste of time it's energy draining and it  doesn't bring you any closer to accomplishing   any productive solutions in your situation  instead of focusing your energy on complaining   you use that energy and you direct it towards  solving the problem researcher and author stephen   parton goes one step further and says complaining  fires off synapses of stress consequently   weakening your immune system raising your blood  pressure and increasing your risk of heart disease   number two you are self-motivated you constantly  take action and get things done without having   to be pushed by others or without having  to use deadlines to motivate you to work   successful people are self-motivated to  complete tasks they work hard even when they   don't feel like it and if you're struggling with  self-motivation in particular if you're struggling   with procrastination and you're ready and you're  prepared to take your studying and your grades   to the next level i've created the transform your  grades in 30 days course where i teach you how   to level up your studying how to transform your  grades with the aim of leveling up your grades by   two grade bands so if you're studying at a c  grade right now then the aim of the course is   to get you to an a grade level and i provide you  with personal support and guidance along the way   there's a link in the description explaining more  about what's included and it launches on the 29th   of march and the first 300 students that enroll  get a huge 50 discount but act fast the waiting   list is getting longer and longer every day  number three you don't talk you do there's a   quote by walt disney he says the way to get  started is to quit talking and begin doing   we all know people that keep saying that they're  going to do something but never actually do it   so don't talk about what you're going to do  just do it and let the actions speak for you   4. you are willing to help others brian tracy  explained it well he said successful people are   always looking for opportunities to help others  whereas unsuccessful people are always asking   what's in it for me and people who are successful  understand that everyone needs a bit of help at   some point on their journey number five you can  adapt to change generally humans don't like change   but there will be times when you know you need to  change in order to move forward when things are   not progressing as well as maybe they should be so  maybe you've been stuck getting c grades for the   last year and you're struggling to break into that  b or a grade territory then you need to completely   change your approach to studying if you continue  studying as you are you'll continue getting the   same grades and as albert einstein once said  insanity is doing the same thing over and over   again and expecting different results number six  you understand failure benefits you you realize   that the only people who have never experienced  failure are the ones who have never tried to do   anything worthwhile failure teaches you in ways  that having success just doesn't it shapes you   into a more resilient person encourages a better  way of thinking it forces you to look back and ask   why didn't that work what can i do better for next  time so for example successful students if they   received a lower than expected grade in their exam  they will often spend time with self-reflecting   trying to understand what happened in the build-up  to that exam that caused them to not perform   as well and they'll learn not to repeat those  mistakes for the next exam number seven you spend   your time wisely you manage your time effectively  and you're always on time with deadlines and   appointments you plan your time productively so  that you can utilize it effectively to accomplish   your goals you realize that your time is valuable  it's a finite resource eventually is going to run   out so you don't waste it doing unproductive  things number eight you surround yourself with   successful people successful people are generally  willing to share what it took to get where they   are they are able to help you learn from the  mistakes that they've made along their journey   saving you for making those same mistakes and  yes you will have to work harder and think faster   and learn more about the fundamentals but that's  the cost you're willing to pay for success   number nine you take responsibility you realize  that blaming other people or blaming other things   means you're not in control of the situation  you're in instead you choose to take control by   making yourself accountable for everything  that happens in your life so for example   if you're failing your exams you realize that  your exam grade is a direct reflection of the   effort you put in so you take concrete steps to  study harder and study smarter for your next exam   number 10 you love learning new things the very  fact that you're watching this video is a really   good sign successful people love learning new  things it's one of their top priorities they know   that continually gaining knowledge and experience  is imperative in order to stay successful in   today's rapidly changing society 11. you always  aim to do better you're always pushing yourself   to do better in whatever it is that you're doing  whether it's to achieve higher grades or have a   healthier diet or do more exercise whatever it is  you are excited to improve yourself at any given   opportunity number 12 you realize that your  opinion is not a fact you realize that just   because you have a particular belief our opinion  it doesn't make it a fact it may be true for your   reliancy but it may not be true for others we  are all brought up with different upbringings   and in different environments that shape our  opinions but successful people are not stuck   with one perspective because they know that  in order to resolve certain problems they need   to see things in different ways and from other  people's perspectives 13. you're always asking   questions when you're not sure about something  you ask if you're not sure about a concept that   the lecturer just explained you ask him or her to  clarify it further or you go home and you research   it for yourself so you better understand it  you don't just leave the question unsolved   14 you never give up giving up is just not an  option for you once you start something you see   it through all the way to the end no matter how  challenging it is you know that as long as you   keep fighting you will get to where you want to be  someday 15. you're a team player you love working   with others and are very cooperative there's  a quote that goes there is no such thing as a   self-made man you will reach your goals only with  the help of others you know how important it is to   gain support when you're aiming for bigger goals  16. you take criticism positively criticism is for   you just another way for you to improve yourself  you don't take it personally and i receive   hundreds of comments a week on this channel and a  very small amount of comments i hate comments and   that's okay because i've realized that it's  impossible to please everyone every single   person has a unique perspective of reality that is  influenced by our own experiences and upbringings   and i realize that i'll never be able to please  everyone's idea of what's right 17. you understand   your strengths and weaknesses we all have a set  of strengths and we all have a set of weaknesses   every single one of us and successful people know  what they're good at and work at making their   strengths even stronger but they also acknowledge  their weaknesses and work to improve them   18. you are passionate about what you do you  love what you do whether it's the subject that   you're studying or the job that you're working you  enjoy every moment you're working on your pursuit   i've been in both situations where i didn't  enjoy my job that much when i worked a nine   to five corporate job and the opposite that  i'm doing now making these kind of videos   i know from experience that if you're  passionate about something you're far more   likely to put more effort into it therefore  you're far more likely to make it a success   19 you control your fear you understand that fear  is often a choice and you make conscious effort   to not let it drag you down and stop you from  achieving success it might be a fear of failure   a fear of rejection or even a fear of success  after all success means change and it can bring   an unwelcome spotlight of attention and the more  success you have the more haters it brings 20.   you forgive you do not hold grudges or resent  the people who have hurt you in the past you   know it's just one big learning curve and so you  take those negative experiences as a lesson to be   learned and thank them for making you a stronger  person so how many points did you get out of 20   write your number in the comments i'm curious what  you all got i scored myself 18 points out of 20.   the two signs that i didn't get where you surround  yourself with success and you're always asking   questions i surround yourself with success i  could be networking a lot more i could be actively   seeking out people that are more successful than  me to work alongside where we have the opportunity   to build each other up i could be putting more  effort into that so that's definitely something   that i'm working on and something that i'm aiming  for this year in 2021 and secondly i don't ask   anywhere near as many questions as i need to i  really do need to increase my curiosity just a bit   more again something i'm working on this year as  for what score you got if you got between 90 and   20 that's extremely impressive and you're going  straight to the extremely high chance of success   group and you should give yourself a pat on the  back if you scored yourself between 16 to 18 in my   opinion there's a good chance of success for you  so you guys would go into that group anyone who   scored from 10 to 15 i think for you guys you can  be in some personal development still needed group   it's still a good score depending on where you are  in your life your age etc but there's still some   room for personal development growth and finally  if you scored from zero to nine then you guys are   in the personal development transformation needed  group and i think the takeaway if you're in that   category is to really focus on which points  you didn't score any marks on then make some   concrete actionable steps on improving them so  let me know in the comments what score you got   and which group you were putting i'm in the good  chance of success category i wonder if many of   you reached the extremely high chance of success  group let us know in the comments and once again   this is just a bit of fun it's not science-backed  and i'm of course in no way qualified to tell   someone on the internet that they are never  going to be successful and there are so many   other factors to take into consideration as well  like what stage you are in your life your age   other things you have to prioritize in your  life so do take it all with a pinch of salt   i don't want anyone walking away from this  video feeling down because production told   them that they're never going to be successful  that's absolutely not what this video is about   and if you are a student at school or university  and you're ready to take the next step and level   up your studying and you're ready to take on  the transform your grades in 30 days challenge   check the link in the description to find out more  and enter your email because the waiting list is   getting longer and only the first 300 students  that enroll will receive the 50 promotional launch   discount so if you do join me on that challenge  i look forward to working with you very shortly
Channel: ProjectElon
Views: 57,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: student motivation, study motivation, motivation to study, motivational speaking, motivational speakers videos, motivation, 20 signs you'll be extremely successful, signs you'll be extremely successful, signs you'll be successful, 20 signs you'll be successful, signs you'll be a success, how to be successful, how to be a success, how to achieve success, success, successful, habits, success habits, daily success habits, signs, how to reach success, success traits, successful traits
Id: P5W_ipeJbJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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