13 Ways to Be More Self-Disciplined as a Student

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motivation doesn't last forever it's natural  to feel motivated and inspired for days weeks   or even months but eventually you're going to  experience some dips and slumps in that motivation   and that's completely normal and i experienced  the same thing over the last five years or so i've   noticed a pattern where i'm super motivated  usually for about 11 months of the year   and then one month of the year i'll lose that  motivation and honestly it's usually triggered by   some kind of personal problem maybe a death in  the family or something like that and that event   triggers me to be demotivated for a good few weeks  and after a few weeks i'll get back to my normal   level of motivation so what happens when you're  lacking in motivation that's when self-discipline   takes over but you're probably struggling with  self-discipline which is why you've clicked on   this video and it's unsurprising because in a 2011  stress in america survey 27 of people believe a   lack of self-discipline is the biggest barrier  to improving their life and in this video i'm   going to go through 13 ways that you can master  self-discipline specifically if you're a student   most methods in which i've not mentioned on this  channel before and a quick disclaimer i'm always   saying this your mental and physical health come  first so if you're feeling unmotivated because   of depression or ptsd or medical illnesses like  that then this video probably isn't for you but   if you're just feeling a bit uninspired or you're  regularly having problems with procrastination   then hopefully this video will help you out the  five second rule our brains are wired to keep   us alive and that's why we often have a fight or  flight response in dangerous situations we usually   have a small window to react to something that  makes us uncomfortable before our brain registers   what is actually happening and starts to convince  us that we should move away from the danger   and giving us a reason why we shouldn't do it so  for example when you need to study you might find   yourself overthinking it and putting it off and  the more you put your studying off the more your   brain can convince you that you shouldn't study  whereas when you needed to study if you followed   the five second rule and counted to five and  straight away sat down at your desk to study just   that one action of counting to five could save  you hours of procrastination mel robbins talks   quite a lot about the five second rule and how you  implement it if i didn't move within five seconds   my brain would step in and talk me out of it  every human being has a five second window   might even be shorter for you you have about  a five second window in which you can move   from idea to action before your brain kicks into  full gear and sabotages any change in behavior   because remember your brain is wired to stop  you from doing things that are uncomfortable   or uncertain or scary start small when you first  start to work on improving your self-discipline   it's often best to start small with one small  habit at a time trying to do too much at once can   be overwhelming and you're less likely to stick to  a new habit in the long term it's like when people   make their new year's resolutions if you set five  new year's resolutions it's unlikely you'll be   able to stick to all five until the end of the  year but if you only set one then your chance of   keeping it at the end of the year is far greater  so one of the habits that i had in the last year   was when my alarm went off i would lie in bed for  30 minutes usually reading the news going through   social media checking emails that kind of thing so  to make my day that bit more productive i reduced   that time from 30 minutes to 15 minutes therefore  as soon as my alarm went off within 15 minutes of   it going off i will be out of bed and be getting  ready to leave the house it's just a small change   but it's a change that makes every day that  bit more productive and those 15 minutes add up   the power of free rule write down three of the  most important tasks that you need to accomplish   that day they should be the three things that if  you completed them they would have the biggest   positive impact on your life while free tasks may  not seem like a lot they'll be far more attainable   than having a long task list with dozens of tasks  to do and once you've finished your three most   important tasks you'll have built up a momentum  throughout the day and you'll feel more motivated   to keep going it's a really simple idea but it's  so easy to get sidetracked on other things that   need doing that might not be as important we often  assume productivity means getting as much done as   possible in one day but actually productivity  is about getting the important things done on   a consistent basis it's about maintaining a steady  average speed on a few things not maximizing speed   on everything delayed gratification being  patient is one of the most important ways   to build self-discipline especially in a world  where we expect things to happen immediately   for example if i order something online on amazon  i can receive it on the same day the problem with   living like this is that we expect immediate  changes to happen instantly we want our grades   to improve right now we want success right now  and when that doesn't happen we want to abandon it   this is also known as the instant gratification  trap and is extremely destructive when you're   trying to build your self-discipline it's tempting  to log into social media while you're studying and   you'll eventually no doubt end up procrastinating  but it's important to remember the bigger picture   and the reason why you're studying instant  gratification is when you sacrifice your   long-term goals for short-term pleasure and  the more you're aware of this the stronger your   self-discipline will be you've probably heard  of the marshmallow experiment where a group of   children are individually given a marshmallow  and the researcher tells them if they can leave   the marshmallow alone for one minute then after  that one minute they will receive two marshmallows   but if they eat the marshmallow straight away then  they won't receive another theoretical physicist   michio kaku realized that delayed gratification is  one of the biggest determinants of whether or not   someone will be successful in the future you say  to yourself well that's a test for kids but then   you track them decade by decade by decade and then  you find out oh my god these are the ones who go   to college the ones who hold out for that advanced  degree that don't want that simple payoff now but   are going to delay gratification into the future  and so i realized that that's the key to success   in life not just science visualization imagine how  it will feel when it comes to results day and you   open up your grades and you see you've achieved  well over what you're expecting imagine how it   will feel on graduation day or after you graduate  and you land that scholarship or you're accepted   into one of the most prestigious universities in  the country a good way of actively practicing this   is to grab a pen and paper and write down a list  of all the things you gain when you stick to your   goals and the next time you're feeling vulnerable  to procrastination spend a few minutes reading   over the list and if you want to take this one  step further on the other side of the paper   you can write down the results if you continue  to procrastinate failed exams failing the year   and having to retake it or not being accepted into  your chosen university recover from your mistakes   we all give into procrastination every now and  then but it's important that if you do have a   particularly unproductive day then you don't dwell  on it too much move on quickly remember that the   next day is a completely fresh start and create  an action plan so that you don't have another   unproductive day progress doesn't usually come  in a straight line and just because you had an   unproductive day it doesn't mean that you're  a failure making mistakes is all part of the   process to become a better and stronger person  the way you recover from those unproductive days   is what matters the most as american  football coach hermann edwards once said   stay focused your start does not determine how  you're going to finish learn from your mistakes   and do better next time and eventually as you keep  learning from your mistakes and you keep making   incremental improvements over the long run your  self-discipline over the course of the year will   greatly improve schedule relaxation time we often  end up procrastinating because we have more fun   and interesting things to do like scrolling  through youtube or social media or watching   another series on netflix or playing video games  at the same time we also need that relaxation   and downtime instead of taking this down time when  you should be studying schedule it either in the   middle of the day or even better at the end of  the day when all your studying has been done it   will give you something to look forward to once  you have completed all your studying you'll feel   far more motivated to study when you realize that  by the end of it you'll be rewarded manage your   thoughts on a typical day you might have hundreds  of thoughts bouncing around your mind and some of   them might be negative self-critical dismissive  or focus on your insecurities it's important   that you keep these negative and potentially  destructive thoughts in check and that goes   the same for those thoughts that can eventually  lead you down the rabbit hole of procrastination   we tend to function far better and are able to  build self-discipline when we feel that we are   in control when we feel that we are in control of  our thoughts and our actions and if you believe   that things are beyond your control then they  probably will be but if you believe that you can   fend off daydreaming and distractions when you're  studying then you probably can too and if you wake   up in the morning and you have the feeling of  wanting to hit the snooze button firstly it's   important to realize that what you're actually  doing and that hitting the snooze button can be   destructive to your overall productivity that day  and stop that thought before it becomes an action   because once you realize that you are much bigger  than your thoughts it's an incredibly powerful   mindset to have make discipline automatic as many  temptations as possible to make your discipline   automatic if you struggle to wake up and go to  the gym in the morning then lay your gym clothes   out next to your bed the night before the idea  being that there are few barriers as possible   between you waking up and arriving at the gym and  the same goes for studying i often hide my phone   behind my laptop when i'm working so it's less  likely to distract me especially when i get a   notification pop-up out of sight out of mind when  you remove all temptations from your environment   it's far easier to become more disciplined  and more sustainable the key to becoming more   disciplined is to set up your life in a way where  discipline isn't required as much become super   organized by becoming super organized you're  far less likely to give in to decision fatigue   when your desk space around you is organized your  mind becomes more relaxed and you're able to focus   better as a result which as a result makes it much  more likely that you're able to stay disciplined   throughout the day because discipline is a finite  resource it starts off high but slowly decreases   throughout the day at some point during the day  our minds are simply far less likely to make the   right choices as we become more and more tired  and mark zuckerberg is a great example of this he   wears the same t-shirt every day meaning there's  one less decision that is needed to make and one   less problem draining his mental resource enjoy  what you do if you find yourself struggling with   discipline when it comes to studying then make  your studying more fun so that you don't need   discipline to study anymore this could involve  studying with a friend or a small group of people   turning your study notes into a song snacking on  brain food while you're studying or changing your   study environment to a library or coffee shop in  fact i made a video recently on this exact topic   13 ways to make studying more fun you can  click on the pop-up banner above to watch it   daily journal tony robbins has said that he has  journaled for over 40 years and still continues   to write in his journal to this day he's mentioned  a few times where it's during his journal sessions   where he finally found out his vision and made  the changes to become the success he is today   so journaling can help you to stay consistent  by keeping track of what has worked and what   you need to spend more time improving it's a way  of measuring your performance and measuring your   self-discipline and it's really easy for us to  decrease in productivity but not actually realize   it and like peter drucker said what gets measured  gets managed eliminates but from your vocabulary   the one thing that's holding many people back  from having incredibly strong self-discipline   is their buds it's easy to make up excuses and  come up with reasons why we shouldn't do something   if we don't have a strong enough desire within  ourselves to do it author and business consultant   ken blenchard wrote there's a difference between  interest and commitment when you're interested in   doing something you do it when it's convenient  when you're committed to something you accept   no excuses only results so commit yourself to  studying make it a priority in your life because   once you do that your self-discipline will  automatically increase recently i uploaded a video   on 50 powerful study tips in under 15 minutes you  can click on the video on the screen to watch that   because if you are struggling with self-discipline  when it comes to studying those 50 study tips   every single one of them can help you build your  self-discipline and allow you to study harder   for longer if you like this video i think you're  going to love that one so i'll see you over there
Channel: ProjectElon
Views: 37,164
Rating: 4.9804583 out of 5
Keywords: study motivation, motivational speaking, motivation, inspirational speakers videos, self-discipline, discipline, how to stay motivated, how to be disciplined, how to improve self-discipline, Ways to Be More Self-Disciplined as a Student, be more self-disciplined as a student, self-discipline as a student, student, motivation for students, motivation for a student, discipline for students, self-discipline for students, self-discipline for, self-discipline for elementary students, self
Id: JNGgqFvnDBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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