20 Killer DAVINCI RESOLVE Features!

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Hi guys, in this video I'm gonna show you 20 features and reasons why DaVinci Resolve is my main video editing software. Let's jump into number one. Now this is super helpful when you have a person in your shot that let's say maybe the lighting wasn't all the way there or maybe they have skin complexion problems things like that and you want to be able to just make them look better. So here I have a shot of me talking to the camera. This is actually from one of my previous videos where I was talking about how or why I made my shark film and actually I'll be using a lot of the shots from my shark film as examples in this video. But anyways, this one is just sort of talking head in a typical shot me looking at the camera. Now I did try to set up sort of the lighting as an I was trying to hide in and partially in this kind of shadow of this tree but by the time I set up everything the sun had moved and it basically created this really ugly looking lighting on my face. So one way to fix that is by applying the face refinement tool. I have one node that I created which is basically just applying the LUT and like some minor color corrections. So now I can go in here and go to effects and actually before I do that, I'm gonna first create a new node and I'm gonna apply the face refinement. Let me just look for it. And I'm just gonna drag and drop it on top of the new node. And then here and first thing you want to do is basically analyze the shot. And this is just basically the AI and within DaVinci Resolve that's trying to figure out where exactly is the person's face with all the facial features and also tracking it throughout the shot. And that's actually one of the key things that I like about DaVinci Resolve is that the artificial intelligence that's built into the software is really smart at figuring out a lot of these tasks that before we would have to do manually and it's basically boring and repetitive. Well now AI can figure out a lot of these things for you. So it's just a matter of literally clicking one button like you see in this case. And it's already tracked the whole shot, figured out where my face is, the eyes, eyebrows, all those details. And once you have that, then you can start going in there and actually instead of tweaking the effect. So I'm gonna turn off this thing. You can also click here and turn off the show overlay. And now I can start applying the for example the beauty. So I can just click that automatic beauty amount. Now with a lot of the stuff you don't want to go all the way because we'll basically overdo it. Although in this case I look quite handsome. Again you can turn it off. You can see how it looked before and how it looks now. So it kind of makes you know fixes up a lot of these wrinkles that are there. The big thing though I don't like is like these sort of shadows I have under my eyes. And again it's because this harsh sunlight that I had there. So I can go in here into what is it eye retouching. And we have eye bag removal. And so I can see just pull the slider and look what a difference it makes. Again this is before, this is after. And there's a lot of different things here that you can do. So again if somebody has skin complexion problems you know acne things like that. Again you can remove all of that using all of these settings. So I'll let you guys sort of play around with it. If you do want me to do sort of go in depth into any of these tools that I'll be showing you guys in an upcoming video then let me know in the comment section below. And as I scroll through the shot you'll notice that it already applies the effect even though I'm moving throughout the whole shot. Because again the artificial intelligence has figured out where all the facial features are in each frame of the shot. Anyways let's jump into feature number two. Now this one's pretty self-explanatory. I have a shot up here from my shark film that was shot really really late into the day. It was basically very dark or is definitely underexposed. So once I apply my LUT and I kind of try to brighten up the shot you'll notice there's a lot of grain in here. And a lot of times you know when you're sort of running and gunning with these indie projects that's sort of what's just gonna happen. Unexpected situations always come up and then you end up with a less than perfect shot. But again in DaVinci Resolve it's a very quick and easy fix. So here again in the color page I'm just gonna quickly create a new node where I'm gonna apply the noise removal effect. And you basically go here to the motion effects tab. And in here you have the temporal and then you know settings and then you have the spatial. And so you can basically play around again with these settings. I'm not gonna go into depth again because there's so many things I have to go over in this video. But in general a lot of these things you really can't go wrong. You just kind of play around with the settings and see where you're getting the best results. So in here I'm just gonna go in here choose the better option. And I'm gonna choose the you know the motion range. I'll just leave it at medium. And then the same thing here for spatial. I'm gonna go for better. And then as far as the threshold. Here I'm just gonna increase it here. And the same thing here on the spatial. I'm gonna increase that the threshold so that you can actually see the effect. And again this is how it looked before. Definitely grainy. And this is now how it's looking once the noise removal is applied. And you know this again zoomed in. So once I zoom out the shot now looks you know much much cleaner. Now I know that there's a lot of software out there that does have noise removal tools built into it. But from everything I've tried so far the ones that come included with DaVinci Resolve Studio are I think the best ones. Again this one is self-explanatory. You can remove an object in your shot. Now because of again the AI features built into DaVinci Resolve it just happens that much faster. And I'll I'm not gonna show you exactly how to do it because I already went over in detail of how to use this tool in my previous video. Where I talk about the 10 AI features that are built into DaVinci Resolve. So definitely I'm gonna encourage you guys to check out my previous video by following the link in the description. Now this tool is very similar to object removal but it just basically removes objects in your shot in a slightly different way without using AI. Here I have another shot from my shark film. And as you can notice here on the top the microphone got into the shot. Now in this case it's actually not an issue because I can just easily punch into the shot. And basically just crop this outside of the frame. But let's say you don't want to do that and you want to get this whole full frame but you want to get rid of the microphone. Well here I have already one node. I always have usually one node and this is just applying my basic color correction to convert it from log to Rec.709 image. But now I'm gonna just create a new node up here. I'm gonna go here to effects and I'm gonna look for patch. And I'm gonna drag and drop the patch replacement. And now I'm just gonna basically point this here. Point it there and you notice now we have two microphones. That's definitely not what we want to do. Basically the way it works is that this window you want to drag it to where you want to copy a part of your shot. In this case I'll just move it here to the left. And then this part, this window you want to put where you want to replace or basically cover up that portion of the shot. So I only need to do this small section there. And you know this part of the sky kind of matches perfectly with this. Now if your shot was actually moving and you wanted to make sure that that patch effect is basically following with your shot as the camera is basically moving around. Then the easy way to do that is to go here to the tracker and you have to actually track something within your shot. So that you can apply that movement to the patch effect. But otherwise as you can see it's very straightforward and quick effect. Now this one I also talked about in my previous video But I'm gonna show you guys a different example here of how it basically can be applied So here I have a shot with this surfer guy and then another character in my film as he comes up And he's talking to him now one thing that I notice is that this surfboard just basically stands out too much to me like the You know you're seeing the logo up there. I think it's a little bit too bright Definitely, I do not want the audience to be focusing on that surfboard So I just want to be able to like separate it, darken it a little bit Maybe even blur it just so that it doesn't draw so much attention to it So that you know the audience is actually looking at the characters in the shot So you know normally you would have to create a power window track it all that stuff Well in this case I can use a magic mask to very quickly find out basically and separate this area So I'm gonna again create a new node here and on this node. I'm gonna go here to magic mask And there's different ways you can select it You can do for example person or feature within a person like let's say there's just a clothing and again You guys can see sort of how I use these features in my previous video But in this case I'm gonna go here to the object track And then you know you just pick your little color picker, and you just select the object that you want to track Then you want to turn on here this option so you can see the overlay And you're going to see basically if it's selected your you know your object completely in this case It did not select the whole object So I'm gonna pick a few more spots here and there it goes as you can see it picked the whole surfboard You can also track it now So I'll just track it both ways and as you notice again Thanks to the wonderful AI you built into Davinci Resolve. It's just recognizes exactly the edges of the surfboard It as it basically moves throughout the shot again If you don't appreciate this then you've never spent Hours and hours previously having to rotoscope or basically separate elements in the shot just so you can you know control them separately So anyways that's it It's done and now the great thing about it is that I can create for example another node And I'm gonna connect here the alpha channel so the blue to the blue of this new node And I'm basically gonna be able to now go and actually adjust individually the colors of that surfboard so in this case I'm gonna turn off the overlay and in this note. I'm gonna go here to my color settings And first of all just darken it darken the surfboard Maybe I'll go lower it Something like that and then now you'll notice that it's applying it nicely and but the magic mask actually did such a good job It actually perfectly cut out the surfboard and the edges are very sort of strong So I can now go back into here into these features, and I can actually for example blur Just so it kind of softens those edges a little bit better and right there as you can see I was able to now go from this shot where the surfboard is definitely too bright. I think And kind of here It's a bit darker and a little out of focus and now I just think it's not drawing as much attention to itself as it did before Now this tool is really great if you have to digitally simulate What happens in the real world when your shot or part of a shot goes out of focus? There's a lot of subtle things that happen that you cannot replicate with just a standard blur So here in Davinci Resolve I have two shots actually I have one shot here of the beach here Is it again for my shark film and then? Here's another version of it where the shot is slightly out of focus You'll notice here that as the shot goes out of focus yes Everything's kind of blurry, but you'll see those little highlights all those little light sources there in the distance They are not washed out. They're actually still very bright and You know they're kind of shimmering you could say, but they're definitely you know noticeable now Here's the same shot, but basically in focus so if I were to go here to the color page And let me just create it again another node And if I go and I apply a simple basically Gaussian blur effect to it See what happens as I increase for example the thing the strength it blurs the whole shot But it also blurs the light sources, and they just basically don't regain their Intensity and they basically no longer look like light sources And this is usually what happens when you have an amateur just apply you know just any typical blur effect to a shot Because they're trying to simulate that the shot is out of focus in camera well again You can see right away that it's just basically blurs the whole shot and previously to be able to simulate that digitally There was a whole basically complicated process well not anymore because now in Davinci Resolve You can simply apply the lens blur effect so here I'm going to delete this to Gaussian blur and here we have the lens blur effect I'm going to drag and drop it and you'll notice right away as I increase for example the blur effect Look at those highlights. They're still regained in there, and you can see the shape of it I can actually even make it brighter here by dragging the highlight button here And I can even change the shape of my bokeh you could say so I can click here to the previous shape You can see this is basically the shape that we have right now, and that's because it's set to a hexagon So for example I can select Octagon I can adjust for example the blade curvature as I do that you see Bokeh becomes basically rounder, and I'm going to turn off the preview and basically just you can see how it Affects the shot here so here. I'm going to round it off so now you see that bokeh is nice and round But it's still retained in the shot. It's not the intensity of those lights are not diminished So they're actually visible there like it would be in this shot was for real out of focus I can also adjust for example here There's another cool thing is that you could actually simulate and make this look like it was actually shot with an anamorphic lens by Adjusting the anamorphism of it so I can make it kind of you know give it those really oval bokeh effect in it Or if you wanted to you can just go actually the other way you can stretch it You know horizontally so it's really up to you and you right away as you can notice It looks a lot more realistic and the cool thing is that now as the shot is moving you'll get that sort of a shimmering effect That you get in real life when you actually have a shot. That's out of focus If you need to create subtitles for your videos Films whatever it is that you're working on then again Davinci Resolve is gonna make this process super easy Thanks to artificial intelligence so here I have a shot of me talking and I can again very quickly go here to timeline and Select create subtitles from audio, and you know you can play around with the settings I'm just gonna go click create and You're just gonna have to wait for the venture resolve to analyze all the audio in this Timeline and actually create the subtitles for you, and it happens pretty quickly so as you can see up here It's telling me it's going around 13 times faster than the actual you know length of the video and There it's done already. I can zoom in here and Right there you can see the subtitles here showing up on the bottom my experience This works basically 99% of the time very rarely do I actually have to go in there to tweak or kind of adjust Basically the text and you can also go up here and click for example on one of these if you wanted to and you can Change the text so you can very easily edit it like I said if you did find some mistakes And you can also go here to the track settings, and you can actually now Kind of play around with the look of your subtitles So if you actually wanted to burn those subtitles into the video Because you could just export them as a separate subtitle track like an SRT file But if you wanted to actually burn it into the video Then you can do that too, and then you can basically customize the look of these so like let's say in this case They're not very noticeable because they're kind of blending in with the background so maybe I'll change the color make them a little bit Maybe kind of yellowish Maybe I'll add and maybe a kind of a line outside of it. Maybe make that line black Make it very thin It's also maybe increase the font size increase it and Make it bold Or for example I could you know put a shadow or do like let's say this kind of a background around it And now as you notice as I scroll all my subtitles there are showing up So as you can see now adding subtitles to your videos is so easy anybody can do it This tool I already showed in my previous video But I'm going to show you guys another example because I think it's just works so well And it's so fast and easy to use so again I have another shot up here for my film and all of the audio that we captured for my film is really good quality because We use the professional boom microphone with a blimp on it and all that stuff, but just as an example in this video I'm going to show you what the original audio sounded like in this shot with that was actually recorded within the camera So there was obviously a lot of wind noise because we're moving on the boat here, and we're out on open water So this is how the original audio sounds So definitely not great audio But let's say somebody hands you this and they want you to edit this video and they want you to make it sound good Well now it's super easy go here in the edit page You go to audio tab and you have here a tool called voice isolation And you just turn it on and that's it now. Let's listen to how the shot sounds now As you can hear Literally gets rid of all the background noise all the wind noise and you can actually hear what the actor is saying so Again, if you ever do get you know this really horrible quality audio, and you have to fix it up again voice isolation makes this super easy Now this tool again uses artificial intelligence to analyze your shot and actually figure out Basically different objects or layers within your shot so we can actually figure out what's in the foreground your subject Let's say background you know and all the objects in between and this is really powerful because you can then use that information To for example separate parts of your image like in my previous video I actually showed you guys how I used this tool to be able to actually Blur the background in my shot without affecting the two girls that are in the foreground of the shot You can of course use the depth map to apply for example like atmosphere in effects in your shot again A very powerful tool and I would almost call this like a really detailed and very powerful way of masking Different objects in your shot based on the depth within your shot now if you guys want me to really go in depth and show you pretty much all the capabilities and Possibilities of using depth map in your projects then again. Let me know in the comment section below Now one of the main reasons why I originally started using Davinci Resolve was actually because of color grading way way back in the day Before I actually completely switched to Davinci Resolve for all of my editing and even special effects and compositing needs Back when I was still using after effects for effects or I was using Adobe Premiere for video editing I would still always export my final project to Davinci Resolve to do my color grading and I gotta say that over the years The older color grading tools have just I mean you've gotten you know a thousand times better Definitely thanks to a lot of the AI features like I was already showing you guys that just makes the color grading process that much faster and more powerful but also like simple things like having the ability to use the lightbox to preview all of your shots quickly and see just the overall sort of grade in your Project or just the whole idea of using nodes when you color grading as I mean once you start using nodes Whether it's for color grading or compositing Trust me you will never ever want to go back to doing things Basically using the layers like Adobe Premiere or after effects still uses in short If you really want to color grade your projects like a professional Then stop you know playing around with all these other software You've got to switch to the venture resolve because that's really where all the most powerful color grading tools are now Obviously I cannot go in depth about my whole color grading process just in this video because that will take hours on it on its own but if you guys want me to show you some more examples that I haven't already shown in my channel of Me color grading in the venture resolve then again, let me know in the comment section below This tool again uses AI to analyze your shot so that it can actually recognize objects and sort of turn Your flat video into almost like a 3d Model so that you can then use this Artificial light to be able to further enhance the lighting within your shot again If you guys want to see me use the real light effect and then check out my previous video because there I go and more in-depth into all the features If you ever have to convert a standard widescreen video into a vertical video for platforms like tiktok or Instagram Then you know how painful it is then having to go in there manually basically reframe the shots that you always Basically pointing at the most important part of the shot since the sides are now being cut out Well again, this tool is gonna make that super easy so here I have a shot of the two actors my film and they're both moving quite a bit and the cameras moving a lot and Now I'm gonna show you guys what happens when I reframe this shot to a vertical frame as you can see his face is now Going in and out of frame So to fix that again, it's very simple here in the edit page for the video tab You go to smart reframe and you can choose automatic But in this case, I'm actually gonna choose a reference point because I want to make sure that Basically Davinci Resolve is following his face and not the face of the other Actor in the shot now just gonna click reframe And there is done it already. This is how it looks as you can see it reframed it nice and smooth so we can always see the actors face and That's it. It's that simple Now what if you're color grading a project that was edited in another software Somebody just sends you a fully rendered file. So meaning you have all the different shots They're all together in one video file well, and normally you would have to kind of go in there and Basically find the cut points yourself and so that you're able now to separately color grade each shot Here in the media page and browsing and I have is on for the opening scene of my shark film And let's say I want to import that and I want DaVinci to automatically recognize all the cuts since in it So I'll right click on it select scene cut detection and then up here I'll just click out of scene detect and you'll see it basically go through the whole clip and actually find all the different cut points And it's gonna mark it here for you. So you see these green Lines that means that is very confident that this is where the actual cuts are And then if you want to you can click here add cuts to media pool And now you'll notice it imported all of these different shots from this whole rendered clip as separate basically clips right here into my project If you've ever shot a project with a lot of footage and more importantly with a lot of people in it Then you know how painful it can be later on trying to find specific shots of a certain person So this is really gonna be handy Like let's say if you're doing like a documentary or maybe like a wedding video And you want to be able to sort of categorize your shots based on who's in it Well, Davinci Resolve again makes this super easy You basically select all of the clips you want to analyze right click and click analyze clips for people and After that DaVinci is gonna actually recognize all of the different faces in your shots You'll be able to now go in and actually add the particular names for each person and then within the smart bin section of Davinci Resolve you'll be able to very quickly find all the different shots with a particular person Whenever you're working on a video of somebody talking and you want to be able to find a specific word or sentence that they're Mentioned then editing with text is gonna really speed that process up Here I have a shot of me just talking doing a desktop review of something and I'm gonna right click on it and select audio transcription and then transcribe and Once DaVinci Resolve is done analyzing all the audio in this clip It's gonna essentially show you the screen with all of the text transcribed for you And now you can very easily Select a particular word or sentence and then you can create a sub clip you can play this section or if example You can insert it right into your edit and then very quickly you can look for another section that you want to drop into your final Edit as you can see it's another great tool that uses artificial intelligence to speed up our work Now this tool will very quickly analyze all of the audio and video clips in your project Based on the audio and then categorize it using the smart bins so that again You can very quickly find a particular clip or sound effect that you're looking for in fact It's so powerful that it will even categorize it based on Different sound effects or types of music that are all recognized within your clips again If you guys want to see me use this tool in more detail then head on over to my previous video Sometimes you're working with video that was just shot in regular speed But then when you're editing it it actually turns out that you know you wish you could slow it down and get that nice slow motion effect Well now thanks to optical flow and speed warp that's built into damage resolve You can do that and you can actually get a very realistic looking effect So here I have another shot from my shark film where a character falls overboard into the water and let's say I want to slow this down, so I'm gonna right click on it Go here to change clip speed, and I'm gonna put it at 25% So it's basically four times slower, and I'm gonna extend it here So totally actually lens in the water now of course the issue is that when you play this back It looks very choppy and that's because it's essentially duplicating each frame four times So now you can actually use those tools that are built into the venture resolve to create the in-between frames Optical flow is available on some of the other editing software out there But speed warp is something that's very unique to Davinci Resolve, and I'll show you why so here inside inspector I'm just gonna scroll down to Retime and scaling and then for the retime process. I'm gonna choose optical flow and You'll notice now. It's gonna start creating those frames in between But like for example here when you look at the arm You know it is that optical flow on its own It's just you know the effect is basically not not that good because it's basically duplicates And kind of fades between the different frames Let me kind of go forward like for example here this leg definitely doesn't look You know like an actual solid leg well I can go here to motion estimation. I'm gonna choose speed warp and Now look what happens and actually recreates that leg in that particular frame or how it would actually look if we were to actually to shoot this shot at a higher frame rate And so now when you play back this shot You'll notice it looks a lot smoother and actually looks again like it's shot in slow motion as you guys can see It's a very easy and a very effective way of converting regular speed shots into super slow motion This tool is gonna be helpful in a few different situations Let's say you have video that was shot Let's say 1080p, but then you want to use that shot in a in another edit That's actually 4k So you want to be able to up-scale that shot and make it look a little bit better as if it was almost shot in 4k Well, that's where this tool is gonna come in handy. I'm actually gonna use it in a slightly different scenario So here I have a shot that was actually shot in 4k But when you look at the shot You'll notice that here on the left side of the screen a boat sort of creeps in there and on the right side We start seeing the land and this is actually supposed to be a scene in my film where the characters are stranded out in The middle of the ocean so, you know, those things are not supposed to be there in the shot So I ended up actually zooming in two times into this shot as so that you know I'm effectively cutting out the edges of it But the issue now is that we're seeing that the quality of the shot is just not all the way there But not to worry because here in inspector. We have another little option on the bottom called super scale I'm gonna enable that and you can play around with the settings I usually just leave it at two times in hands Especially in this case because I've zoomed in two times and you can of course adjust here the amount of sharpness that you want In the final effect and then for example the noise reduction So I'm actually gonna crank up the noise reduction almost all the way up Because this is how the again the original shot looks once I zoom in two times and now this is how it looks after I apply the super scale and Here is a side-by-side comparison of the two different versions As you guys can see it definitely provides a nice improvement to my shot This feature in DaVinci Resolve is gonna be very helpful to anybody who's ever worked for hours editing a project only to realize that Let's say at the beginning of the day They screwed up and by accident maybe changed something or deleted something within their timeline And now they want to be able to go back to the beginning of the day and bring just that one section of the timeline Without obviously losing all the work that they've done so far So let's see here in DaVinci I by accident deleted this shot and I go on and I keep on editing the whole project And then later on I'm like oh man, you know, I want to bring this section back Well now the latest version of DaVinci Resolve actually secretly stores all of your timelines for you So you can always go back and restore them and then basically be able to copy just that one section of it and bring it Into your latest edit. So for example here. I have a timeline I can right click on it and go restore timeline backup and I can choose which restore I want to bring back once I click it you can see it basically brings it in there as a copy And that's it problem solved now The final feature that I want to mention in this video is the fact that DaVinci Resolve has no subscriptions Yes This is actually a really big deal because if you were to go and actually add up all of the monthly payments you made For let's say Adobe Creative Cloud You'll see just what a big amount of money that actually all adds up to whereas with DaVinci Resolve you make one payment And that's it you're done You're gonna get all the lifetime updates for free and as you guys can see Blackmagic is always adding great new features to DaVinci Resolve By the way, this video is not sponsored by Blackmagic or DaVinci Resolve. This video is actually Sponsored thanks to all of you guys who go and buy my filmmaking tutorials and LUTs on my website at TomAntosFilms.com Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this video. If you did make sure you smash that like button Let me know in the comment section below what else you want guys want to see and otherwise I'll see you guys in the next video. Bye!
Channel: Tom Antos
Views: 33,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI, artificial intelligence, davinci resolve studio, davinci tutorial, best video editing software, resolve color grading, color grading davinci resolve, color grading, davinci resolve color grading, davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve 17 tutorial, color correction davinci resolve, davinci resolve 18, davinci resolve 18 color grading, davinci 18, Speed Warp, super scale, magic mask, voice isolation, face refinement, object removal, patch replacer, special effects, shark
Id: wgUEqV-9428
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 54sec (1854 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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